: - f ; , . , I I I t I ' of meustrc&Uon." They are "LIFE SAVUiS" to -girl at womanhood, aiding development of organ and body., No known remedy for womea equals thera. Cannot do harm life i becomes a pleasure... 1.00 I'EJA bOX U MAIL. Sold ' LV . " ' - old in New Bern by 1793 Ideally located near - AahevUla, MILITANT. Highly oantBde4 by Arnyr .Tpmcert u4 Army inspectors, Hafaalas fmpi Instead of tacr n acoom mourns. ll parhagtotia,' . WaV. an'CHM. BVpt, a, ft P. , a, AihCTiUe, H. ft dUfllERrlRAILyAYi " Account above occasion, effective ;Aprll 85, 1904. Southern Railway IH place on tale dally, ticket! at ettramely low rajei, to St . Loqia, Mo and return Following art ratea applying from principal point In State ut Forth Carolina: AaheUro .7.. Aahevllle.. ........ Charlotte,;.... . Durham...,.;.... .-, Gastonlsw--.- , Goldabaro...,T7 Gteensboro!., ...... -Henderson..... , Henderson vllle... , Hickory........... Marion... .,.. Morgtnton. ...... Mf.Alry.,; ... ' Newton. ......... Raleigh Ratherfordton ' Salisbury,,......::... Banford...:.,...... Selma....... . Statesvllle (Tla Knoxvll e) Wllkesboro.,,.....,. Wtnatnn-S.lani..' Southern Railway wlll.effectlve April . m A Bleeping Jar Between ctreeaauuru, a. v, i -- , - qn vllle; Knoxvllle, Lexington and Louisville; leaving Greensboro dally at 7.20 P M v ' For full Information as to rates from all points, Sleeping-Car reservations, schedule, Illustrated literature, etc., address ANY AGENT, or , R. L. VERNON, Traveling Passenger Agent, Charlotte, N. O. - y.J. B,. WOOD, District Passenger Agen. Ashavllla, N. O. S. II. BE ABttWICK, Traffic Manager. W. H; jLyXOE, Gen'l Passenger Agent iiaSHINCTON, D. C. OKttttMMtMMMMittttMttMttUIMp 8 There's Room ... i r in me ureai Have yoa ever considered the great advantage of this fea ture of the Siotnwest plea-y of elbow room where throe, five, even ten aoree may be had at the price of a single acr in jour home section f It's worth considering, especla )' when the great productive worth of the land Is taken In us c uoL It's a wouderfully fertile section. There Is no bet Kgricultnt al section In this couutry, and farms are cheap 6ul there-lo Arkansu, Okl thorn and Texas simply l cubb there are more farms lhn frmf-rs- Can you Bflord to overlook an opportunity of this Hud t 'ur lllmtrated book lts wUl give you the particulars In detail. U noi iateresied yourtelt write for them anyway In behalf cf your less favored relatives and neighbor. (Mention this Paper.) ONE VAUK lfflMHil PLCS 8 DOLLARS For the Round Trip First and Third i Tuesdays of each Uonth A Good Telephone BERYIOK IS A B0B1NK88 NSOKSBITT, A HOME . OOtfYEKISNOX A COM BINKD . . . . Conreniene Luxury I Oidor four Phooai t Oncol To Let. 2 Houses, 7 Rooms Xach. 1 Bonse, 4 rooms, good location, newly pain tad In side and out. One New Store la 4ust ntss part of city. Bee 158 South Front street for Information. Ws keep for Retailing, Lime, Rags, Tar, Oharooal, Slot Wood, one Engine aad BolUr. " j Ws swop New Cook Stores (or old Stoves, so bilng yoar old BtoTM and get a new cook stove la ticbaoge, BI6HILL, Tno Shingle Han. 1 : B1PT1ST UIIIiIRSlHT i", Dlpkanas gliet In ihsr Arts Beleaets , ' and rhtlotophyi I Mosle, In Art aad U -'. BiDrMlo.rCoamt of stndt slaallar 1 ' UithoM la soy's college" Kecltatloo V , pt tod a, on hoar earn. Faculty of sli ,m- ... and Iweaty-fonr woueB School ot filble taoght, if . foil gradnaUi of Waka Fortsl sod . Kewtoi Tkeologkal fsaskisry. Tborougu Builsea Coars. F.teltsit OtUlrniot for teaching Oueaalstry', Bmlory ted rkyaws. School of Hoi la asarpMted ;la lbs roatk. TUeosafort ( stailMiis fooksd after by Ladf Principal, Lady I byaiolaa, two Nations aad S burte. Board, literary UltfotY lost; ,Kbu. Ull- ' ,ot V phyilctae, aurte ami library, $167.00 , f irsltonf la Ibe Club fim 13 " ess, No oUcouot to any; ertryhojy psyi etactly the isaie '. Ci:evd to be tie cUaapett i hr.l f I rr ! la lbs Banta, fat tnn I ' - a'ln !dM - - ' t f rr!.!r-m II. T, V ' 1 I I fcess, lrrt;'u!arity and I I - omission, increase Tiff- or ti i taisli -'pain Davis' Pharmacy Season 60-Day 15iDay $85 65 32 25 8610 8410 8610 87 10 8410 8410 33 35 8410 8410 8410 87 00 8410 8560 35 55 8410 37 60 3710 3410 40 00 129 60 26 90' 40 80 10 31 40 28 40 28 40 27 85 28 40 28 40 28 40. 80 85 28 40 29 90 29 60 28 40 81 90 3140 28 40 S3 40 29 85 $24 30 28 85 94 85 83 30 24 65 29 25 . S3 30 13 80 22 95 23 20 23 30 23 80 2510 23 30 24 80 24 20 23 80 28 2 23 30 2510 24 40 85 85 26,1901, Inaugurate Thorough raimatl at r.nnii Mo. via Hsllabnrv. Asne For Success! - - i rO- ouuniwcbi ff.T, SAUNDKB8f;D P A Richmond. ?a. JOHN SEBASTIAN, Ha.aenfer Tr9)o MiaaC", CHICAGO. ILL. Wireing For Electric Lights Persons wishing their buildings wired will please make application In wrl ting. Any complaints for defective lights, Inattention of employees, Ac. . If mads in writing, to lb Commission, will re ceive prompt attention. Address" all communications to the Secretary. WATER A LIGHT COMMISSION, - , UOrlffllh-flt. Mdrfgage Sale. ";. Parsna'at to tbe-certaln power of ste coatalned la that osruta mortgago deed assented oa tno t flay or jbooii, from the Carolina Canning Company to the National Beak of New Berae,record ed la the Office oi the Register of Deeds of Craven county, jo oooa mo, page mv, The indenlgned will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash; at the Court Bouso Door of Craven coun ty, oa Wednesday, the 10th day of Au. gast. at the hour of U o'clock, 11, all the following Oeacribed real and person A certain plena of tract of lsd,lyfiig aaq btlnr la Uravca county, mate afore said, la No 8 Towaahlp, and described aad dadoed as follows to wltiNear the city of New Bern, tad located In the plan of a town tit for Wllllara Duna, npoa a certain plot or plan, daly veord ed la the OfflcS of the Koilner ot Deeds of Craven ooanty, to which re'ersne It made for the fall metei and bounds of said land, as herein described to wtt; Bet iboIbt at a point oa toe Northern side of Crimih street, 68 feet South tastwardly f mm the North-easter In levaeetlOB of Orfflth street and "A street, said point belnf 6ni feot South. OMtwsrdly from the corner of lot No 119. at said Dolat of Intertooilon. and rnaalol the along ald OrirDih atrret and along the lie of laid lot No 110 ISI4 feet to the corner of itUl lot na Grimih street, ronolnff tbenre North eaMwirdly with the Una of Inta, 121, 121, 121. adUUnre DflM fl nrlln Its nld ''Aw street, thnr iimnlnf Notlh-WMtwardly parali! vrlth (Jrilllili trot, and along lbs Wtra Una of hlH, feet thnnne Wrttwardiy p.r.Hol with -"A' S'rwt, 1M fort to Oriniik triMvt. the pntit cf brjrlnnlng, toff Uicr wllb a'l bnlli1n(i, (jitiir, ancli!nry an J all lbs coo l, wr n, tart i lid:, t't every di-u t'.; '-'-on, tt iiatH snd fK-ni la ar. y -f : I tmtl.- J-. . : -" " . " . FoTka tlots 6 variiic sizes play a strong "part in--the. sciison's fa3hlons and apxieaf 'with- rqiart effect on tlie llnea of palest' lavender. " The -little blouse is cut ' with -a yoke plastron TOIiKA DOTTta) WASH rttOCK. - ' dropping off the shoulder to whteh the extremely 'full sleeve irtucked, the Upftarlng cuff edged with linen em broidery. The. -blouse sags back and frent .into the deep ' and much be wrinkled girdle. The yoke effect iare peated in the skirt, the lower skirt be ing appllqued witlAucks, an67 a flounce is put on in the same manner. The Paraol. " . The tuclted parasols and the para sols trimmed ' with little ruchlngs are much the mode this year for everyday wear. The juald with an economical turn of mind can purchase a plain ehude and deck It with tiny ruchlngs, thereby saving a neat penny. They are fashionable in grass green, onion brown, navy blue and champagne, and many of them are made waterproof, which Is certainly nn achievement Dotted Goods Popnlnr. Dots are becoming more and more a feature of all light summer materials. They aro large nnd small, round and seed shaped, mere flecks or ti?u cent pieces, flat or repousse. All colors nnd tints, ns well as black and white, are employed for them. Everything from the mesh of a sum mer veil to o yard of the Bheerest mull for a warm weather frock shows them Frocks For Little Folk. Fascinating little frocks are made of dainty flowered organdies and lawns, but all wlilto will ever be most popular for the young folkttr-Sllk or lawn slips of delicate shades of pink or blue nre very smart worn under lino white mull, nnd the suhIi should be of the shade of the slip, ns white ribbon la not so ef fective over a color. TtertTal of Lace. The coming style In laces is net top in' white and ecru shades. For years this stylo has been out of vogue, but It is coming in with a whirl, and there really threatens to be a -scarcity in this line, for they won't be able to im port enough to supply such a demand. Another hit this year is the button ef feet. . . , Sanboanat ' For LIMle oTrl. The fashionable sunbounet makes t quaintly picturesque frame for the up to date wee ones. The one here shown IT5K B4tlOBAI 6rjM)K)m. is ruado of pink ehanibray, The bood is cut In scallops and attached -to the front of the bonnet with small White pearl button!. The cape has four small tuck and the rqQlo around the front la wait embroidery. : , 2 j , '- c; . r ' Bcasaable Trlsilaa,' t Fine )aee to ubliuItou, j- : ' ' . s Tiny butlohs are fenturea, fh --ii' - Olpdlc. draping W a one WJ-:?i Deep flotmcwTplny an ImpoMant part ' BlCercs amount to little at th about der. ':,-;'J! i Tucks of all widths tre"botd on now Tlplngs oullln some fetTi smart Blrapplugs. : ... ' ; i ' V .' '; " I fxci , rlhlxm taU'lre s4 Hh gtod MTert Coflrwe laAcs trio' the canvas fabrics to pfrf ccflofi, , - Itowevrr ortiatiT, the lower part of eleevtt is snuir.', . . . . ; s Blimilder trlitimlinrs dronp In paeudo graodmstimin itylu. , .:' Oancl'tirssro rvfcnl!!'J rival" tif ti toiucBj ferord Mbirriiiu. -V ' ' ',"..'. - Thetmthai wtrt.Xwin rui;ihii.m ', ' ; -Wllhoot a grtpn.' . .T't Clean. (In lln-r,' w h ;mX fjulref, Tks nn ut flight. DeWlf.'s LltUn l.'sriy l.l. r sma't, ry to Uie, ry ml c n!!; rfft, yc-t tli'-y r , r rU'rt 1 r "' . I t i - n ho rii I'it 'l i i r ' a r:t' ' A LOGICAL SAVAGE. ' The AVar B liliiewt a liionary ;--r--,- ! Araruraeat. f . "l used to know in Australia ad ln- telent and. luiereistjiig mlsBlwaty.'' gaid an EngllsU nobiemnR.'. "He and I "were talking one day about ilio na lives of New Guinea, and ha lo!d. me bow one of these natives had Btnoipwl lite in. a certain argnmcnt ItVefins thaj he "had, accosted AUe notlve nd urged him to let himself be clvlii-ca.. : 'But what good,' .the native asUuu, will tbla clvilieatlofi of yours do XdrTs jf -' Well, jld" the "missionary "yott will cease, for one: thing, to idle all your time away. Y()u. will .learn the delights ot honest labor' 'What good will the labor dome p.:,. "Through It jou will gradually jid-- cumulate ..monev. and in time,--with- Irngallfyv you wlirpossess muchstore of honestly acqnireoVTicnea. "The native waa still- tinconvinced; Wbafgood will the riches dome?' was his next question. " f ' "They, said the missionary, "Will enable you to cease from -work at last and to spend thereat of your flays. la ell earned restr - . "Thenative' laughed, r .J - "It seems to me,'- he said, 'that It I did hb you say I would, be taking a mighty roundabout course to get to the place I started frdm." ", . INDIA RUBBER. Its Form of Stractore Whica Permits .;. It to Be BlasttC. . Vodern physics, teach us that the molecules of all bodies are in a state of incessant, motion;; that" the ' intimate structure of matter is, in fact, a. repro duction oh an infinitely mlnuto scale of the-revolving suns and planets. "; In gases and liquids this motion Is most extensive in range, but In;solids the movements of the motecules are more restrained, and they merely, os cillate Or rotate about u certain mean position, the -range, of motion being strictly . governed by the attractions producing it, . If by the pull of an outside force the molecules are drawn out .beyond the limit of their mutual attractions the body is broken, but within this limit it will recover itself when the pull ceases. We may regard the particles of rub ber as revolving In circles. ' When it is stretched these orbits b'ecome elliptic, returning to ' the circular form when released. As then this substance pos sesses a very wide range .of variation of molecular distance without rupture it Is eminently elastic. DOCTOR OF DANCING. This Title Was Given to Draocharap by Louis XIV. - In France during the reign of Louis XIV. dancing took a very prominent position among court festivities, nnd many members of the royal family took part In the. complex ballets of the time. Louis himself, no mean perform er, took lessons for twenty .years from lteauchamps, who was culled the fa titer of all dancing masters and upou whom the king cortf erred the title doe- tor as a special mark of favor. Beauchamps had the honor of ap pearing ns partner "With the king In the minuet, a dance which -was Introduced In 1C50 in France,- and no court ball was opened'ln Europe for a century and a half without It. About the year 1001 a royal acad emy of dancing was formed under the auspices of Beauchamps, Lulll, Mollere and others, the object of which was to elevate the art and check all nbusea. Of this academy Beauchamps was chief, with the title ot director. Lon don Telegraph. A Btory of ai Scholar. Theodor Mommsen. the famous his torian, hadnot only"; tho appearance but the manner: of a scholar. Once timing- the half hour'a drive from Ber- lia toCbnriottenburg Jhe car in which the professor rode went JJadly off the track. The rest" of the passengers alighted, the horses were removed and the stranded car was lef until help copld be found- Mommsen remained, reading his book. An hour passed, and the sound of levers and lacks and the plunging of horses', hoofs aroused him from his reverie. With no sign, of dis composure be arose" from hi seat and went to tbMoor. J'Xh," said he "we seem to have come td a. standstill" '" . Bfalaa Coaatlea,vj - Tho three 6rlglnal counties .of Maine bad. good -bid , English county names. Tort, Ctrmberland and Lincoln. - Only two, - Oxford aDd Somerset, hava-been siinllariy named since, all the rent bat lng good America o appellstloim. .For the name oT ADdroscosglnArooAtook Kennebec, "Penobscot,. Piscataquis and Sagadahoc find their origin among the Bborig1nM,wbUel Franklin Hancock, .Knox and Washington tea, the names of t distinguished' j Americana "ti .'the f.r; Feat la Orowta.i-'.'- lost W t In tht waf," nsld tha trimp'. ,"and I'm trying to raise enough monev to Bit out to (jalirerniar j "What do you want to go to Callor- nla forr.Bkrd tue womsn.itthe door. r'Oh. I've hesrd that there aro things which grow a foot In a day out there. " Yonkers BUti-smsn.' .w . kiss YvrJuce-Wbat shame It 1 tiow the jtien diytv tia poor womcnl Mum r.Iiii'hmfcv-Tliey would nr-tfer a-t b womnn to umrry tlx-m oiikus th y did, my denr.- w Yoikn-. . la twrk. ' ." i Flint CltUMi-Arn't you ilrltiklng a llltlr- nidre tlmn liminl? Pi-iiithl fltl7.t Yin. Sty w Iff has a rol l In li"r bend find rnn't mm-ll a lil.n ti.-l l!iiu?-AI- ,nny JioirnnL arc cui'" 1 by lo'!,Ti!on. If you eat linle too mti h, ur If yoii r ml j'- 1 1 u is ' l-'!,::?i, tt.s atomai he j '.--iwr'li, nnd pna p a-alrft t' l !. Tl-'t ;' l'.fl 1 .-!!' la to love chlldreo, ana .rBov ' homo can-be completely1 , .-KjJ -: tappy without ttemi yel. thai -1 - ordeal through whici the ex- y - pectant mother mtist pass usually W - to fall of gufterino;, danger and fear ' . J .U-.that ahe looka forward to the criticftlv lwtrs trisad, by it$ penetrating and soothing propextiea,?7" allays natisea; nervousness, and alTunpleasaat feelinM. and"! eweal that she passes through uq ereat aateiy and witn but little : tnfferisg, as immbers hatre testified and ail it is irorth its -freight ia rcdiL. $iho per ' bottle of drng-i5ta. Book contalnui-r wuvaiue uuormaaon aauea trtt " aS2UE3 CX.Himtu, 6a- The,Afcacas Ia.Japaa. The Japanese- shopkeepers' use the abacus, or soroban, so universally that the stranger qulcklycomea to a realiz ing lens of the absence, of all mental calculation in the empire. In lien of paper and..- pencil any - child or adulH wUJ at once take up the soroban when given a" problem in mathematics and rattle its beads about as though he wre amusing himself. The principle of the little instrument is this: Each, of the five beads Jn the broad lower division of the hoard represents one unit, and each solitary bead In the nar row . upper ' dlvlsiou represents flve units. Each vertical column -la thus worth ten units. .Each vertical column represents units ten times greater than those in the column Immediately to the right of It, exactly as in our own sys tem of notation by meaha of the Ara bic numerals. Any sum in aritnmetic can be done on the soroban, even to the extraction of square and cubic roots. ' Band? With Texts. James Whitcomb Riley told a story of an old fellow who asked for work at the Riley farm in the poet's boyhood. He was set at hoeing potatoes, but did not prove to be especially Industrious. When taken to task for bis lack of ap plication he only replied, "Waal, the good book says, 'Do all things in mod eration.' " "Well, it came on dinner time at last," says the humorist, "and the old codger did his share nobly. In fact, he ate enough to kill two or three ordinary men. Some one gently hinted that the text didn't Beem to apply. He opened a worn Uttle Bible and iwper- turbably pointed to a passage. It read, Whatsoever thy hand findeth .to do, do it with all thy might' " Bow and Arrow Drill In Chlaa. In 1800, a year after the war with Japan, so disastrous for China, a high Chinese official, who had never seen a shot fired, penned a memorial to the throne to prove that China's defeats were due solely to her having ex changed the methods of warfare taught by the sages for newfangled European Ideas and European weapons, The memorial was published with com mendation from the throne, and I my self .saw Chinese recruits practicing outside the walls of Peking with bows nnd arrows. Valentine Chlrol In Na tlonal Review. The Dead Sea. There are no Ashes In the Dead sea no life of any kind. The percentage of solids In the water Is enormous about 20 per cent The principal solid ingredients are the chlorides of sodi um, magneslupi - and calcium. The deepest part of the Dead sea's bed lies 2,000 feet below the level of the Medl terranean. Its depth there Is 1,310 feet Oddly enough. It has a cloud system of Its own, for one may frequently see cloud banks lying over the Dead sea which are 000 or 700 feet below the level of the ocean. ' j . . j He' Was, a Btarer. She (desperately) Dofl't you believe they will worry over your absence If you fall to return home until such late hour?. He (carelessly) There's no body to worry except the landlady, and I make a point to keep .her worrying by always owlno; her a month's board. Some New Bern People ali&liealizevti SeHousnosH.'- ' ThVconitaat aching ot a bad bask,'-;: Tha vaarlaass ' w ' '' . 1 'Tie llred feelliigv 7 -' - " - Tie palBi knd. teles of -, kidney 1Mb 1 T'J'.Z . Art serloui I If neglaolet) V.. , Dangeroui f artoary troablea . ' foi. low. fz e'v.-vv ; -; i r.-1 A.citiua inoajs yoa now i avoia tna "IvC. '-' .'0...-':'v .' I B CortoD, farmer and lumbertat of Deppa N O sayst ; "f "I inllaiaJ fyr.'yeari with my back. it was to bad that I eoald not walk any dituaoa, nor ircn rids In ka Buy buggy I do not boilers I couli lav raised Ma pounds of weight from tha ground the pain vat so severe.. This wat my eon dlllon wbaa 1 begto nalsg LVaa'l Kid fieyrillt. They quickly relieved mt and now I am aevar troubled as 1 was My bark la itrong tnd I caa walk or ride a long dUUnce an4 feel Jmt tt strong ai I did twenty-Ova year ago. 1 think 0 m nil Of Pb' Kidney Fill that I havo glrnn a tnpji'y fit llit renu'yfo om of m j i.i g'.lmr and they Lars al n f.ni ml p'li'I ffinlis. If you ran 'ft ntl-Ii.ir fr-n tl.la rtnib'lng Bi le that ;.i t! c f ,.y tervice to yrni or t) any tn ttrtlng from kidney tin j-'t r Hi :i,nty t i fl ) it." rim.' ri. 1 1 r ! i.; t ! ' ,i e r t. i 'PHa fl"S afx - I lv i , - For boys and girls. Faculty rep resenting Wske Forest College, The University of North Caro lina, Catawba College, Southern Female College.Lltt'eton Female College and Peace Institute. Pre . pares thoroughly for college and for the active duties of life. Non sectarian, Special advantages In Hnstc and Elocution. Magnifi cent scenery. Mineral water. No Malaria. Splendla cominun ty. Not a bar room In the conn ly. Board at actual cost. Lset year the average cost of board was 4.8? per month. Tuition . $1.00 to $8.00. Room rent 35a per month. Session open July 18th and close April 4th. For Illustrated ca'a'ogue, write to W. D. BURNS, A. B LU B., Principal. Lawndalc, N. C. taaaa;aaaaeaaa 1 1NISTEI1L EDUCATION. x 1 A & M COUL7EGE, RALEIGH, N. C, Agriculture, Englneerlngdlvl), Electrical, Mechanical, and Min ing), Industrial ChemUtry, Tei tlle Industry, 520 Students, 33 Io btructors, Tuition $20 a year, Board $8 a month, 120 Scholar ship. Addrees president mmi RALEIGH, N. C. a- Hour liliiarj Sclool, OXFORD, N. C. The fifty-fourth year oeglcs September 7th, 1904. Claaslcal, Solentiflo, and English Conrses, The best Moral, Mental, Social, and Physical Training. Every member of the faculty an exper ienced teacher. Apply for catalogue to J. a HORNER, UNIVERSITY OP NORTH CAROLINA, Academic Department, Law, riadlclne, Pharmacy Free tulttoa to teachers and to ministers son. Scholarships and loans . ' . ' for the needy. , 630 BTupjaTB. " . ;fl7 nrsTaucToHs. Now Dormitories, Gymnaelum, Water . Works, Central Heating System . , -'-' Fall term begins ' - 51 Bept. , 1904, Address ' '' 7 aivoiB P. YaaiBM; raasimNT, J'- i- Chapel HID,' N, 0. . t - trwikste tot College .-Vtrr Yam- WotaaaCai PEACEV- Cooaerva! toryof Miuio.'Es vaiaHrx,ii i FREE AUrna. Sr, Place for .Your JaaDiawtddle Da agister 27 MItldlSt.) rull lino of D-mfrB.aUecl' Ucine3, Toilet Ar-- -ticlos and Boap. ; Fresh :Stptyof:, , . ' Flower) Seeds I'.'jjalclan Prrficrlp onH. A flpoclnlty.' :.: f) i iliii . 1 1 1!7 Wl:r.!rlKlt. Wironil Up- ' r apeakeandOliio L twqBijys!iEAiRci::rio nou. irHORTKSf.DlOltERT and BEbTBOTJfK. Trains with Pnllmsa Hleener; and nininvnanr x laroogti tickets from Csrollna with d!rct ccnnecHonk .SPFflAL- RAT FR88ASON,8lXTTxrFIFTllDAYTl(.KE-&:k- . 'J"-,. 'lteea day tlekats from New Bern, N C; (98 15. virr'r Sleeping ear accommodations engaged npoa aplicat'toli ; - : SPECIAL 4DOACH 3SXCUR!iIQNSf : 5' :,:cv ' on authorUed dates, tickets good for teal flays at rata of tsi)otriapondlng' low rsteafrom oiher siatlons. Special socommodatlons frraogedfoy 'partief Stop overs permitted w itbout limit at OA O. celebrated MoanUl yeort.J . USE THE O & O RPUTE'aBdpurohrBrO fOtufUckotgBrdtoglyy' For coach excursion dates, reservations and other Information j address " -t ? W; F.W.OURD, Pan. Agt. C. A O. Ry'.,' A Ureen, Prei. , E. H. Meadows, Vlce-Prest. v T. A. Onell, Cashier, Citizens' Bank, Do a Qeneral Banking BubIoosb Surplus and Undivi ded Profits, $22,000.00. We wlll-trive prompt and careful atten tion to all business entrusted to na. We Invite your account. Try ns. Board ot Directors. rerdlnand OuioS B. 3. Meadows. i.MedoTra. Obas.-Bcftv.Jr. Bamnel W. I pock James Bedmond, ChM. H.Fowier. Haver Hahn. W . rainier. Tnomas A.raaa. E. W. Small wood, C.K.rov. - Ueo.H.Ivas, w. r. Crockett.: Mark Disoaway anything a Invent orlmm-OTO: also sat CAVE EAT.TR ADF.MARK. COPYRICHT or DESRSM rnu I eu I tun. bena model, sketch, or photo, for free examination and advice. BOOK ON PATENTS fee before patent. Write 4W ja fsBBs' n mm X to mflm3l1JW V BCa s. Washington, D.C I. 1.. Willi), Attorney at Law, 74 Ho. Front St., Opp. Hotel Chattawkn NEW BERN, N. O. Craven Coantj Attorney. Circuit, Craven, Jones, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico, Greene, Lenoir, and the Hnoreme and Federal Cnnrts Notice of Entry. State of NORTH CAROLINA Craven County To George B Water?, Entry Taker for Craven County: The undersigned J W Btewart and O FI Wctheringlon of Craven county North Carolina, enters and lays claim to the following described piece or par cel of lacd In number nine township Craven county, Slate of North Carolina the same being vacant and unappropriat ed land, and snt ject to entry, viz: on tho North side of the A & N 0 BR bounded on the South by O II Wether Ington and Mines Bros Lumber Com pany, by heirs of Augustus McCoy on west, on North by the MoCoy land, Ben Jsmln Loftln and William Wethering ton, on the East by the Smith lands.con talning by estimation One Hun dred (100) acres more or less. Entered this 2Slh day of June, A 1901, O. H. iWETHERINUTON, J. W. STEWART. Russell House. BEAUFORT, N. C, ".Centrally located. All the deli cacies of the season. Well venti lated rooms, Good beds, Phone con venierjcea, Polite and attentive Ser vants. Rates $1.50 per day Special and liberal terms by week a sf or montlt.' Q; A. RUSSELL proprietor. ICE 10 DISCOUNT. ' Books Containing coupon for 800 lbs. of Ice In 10 klb. coupons, value $4.00 will be sold to ohatomers at a discount of 10 per cent. $3.00 will buy $4.00 worth of ICE U book Is procured, either front the driver ol wagon ot from the office 19 Griffith atreeu . New Bern Ice Wood'i Seeds. CrimsoiirCloxer; $owri it (he lasi workioj. of tho Cora oCottoir Crop, caa b plowed nnder tiie following April or May la time to plant aora or other crops tha tama Beaaon, Crimeoo Uovnr preventa winter loaching of UM aoil, hi witmJ In tif tiltslng value to a good appUoation of auCle mabtirw ami will wonder fully locraaae the yield, and final ity of conr or otW Cropa abk-h follow lu t atwt makes splendid winter and tnrlng graalnri flaa early gree !.--i, or a good hay crop. !-.' ) ;in emp Is cut olr, tlie action iJ- t .., -.irid stobbla Improve t, i maikexl de gr ' i ' ,- - whw I, , ' r-i.f . Cat l .".al muiii u. ', T.7.V,rJaScr.s;S!r.c3- grwmt ut t t l a , , a - . t KatrcB V'S Q ' ' '' ' -T !.. . f 1 1 Company -L"'. tJ. WART3IN, Dps, fUohmontt V. Norfolk. Va' ? t . , ' TIKI TABU SO. 8v V? To Takij fiffeot Sunday, Apl, 10, 1904 OoingiTwt I BoHXDTjLBt Going We t Ho. . raiaenger Trains w, . a DAILY. : Lv. pm . - fRAnoHBt Ar, am 8 80., Goldaboro ..n 05 8 69. . , LaOraage. io;8S MAionua. .........lUla 50 Ar. New Bera.Lv,... 9 00 827 8 6fi w ijv. " AT,., 7 15. .. .Ar. Morehead tflty Lv., No. 6. No. a, Passenger -Train. Passenger STATTOHt: lxain DAILTr. Lv. A. M. Ar,p, .... 8 80' 8 00 Ooldaboro 8J8 Beat'B 8W Lavage... 8 08 7 67 7 47 7 87 7 26 ooi railing; Greek 8. KJnston... Oaawell... o Dover 7 17 "2x Core Creek 7 00 i 5? Tusoarora 6 60 D4 Olarka... ma' WW Ar. New Bern, Lv 6 80 No. 7. Passenger -Sundays Only- No. 8. J -Ar. p. m -. .... 614 .... r .7 , .... i. is.; .... S35 .: ... 6 2vrr- Lv. a. m 10 80.... Lv. NewIBern Ar.. 1040 Riverdale 10 43 Croatan 10 68 Havelock 11 16 Newport 11 20 Wildwood U 40 Ar. Morehead Oitv Lv ... 6 15 :. -..4 No. 8,i 2d Class Ar. nra.) .. 2 6f;; ... 818 4 ... i(4; ... lo8ft iq mi FREIGHT. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY No. 1. 2dCIau. Lv. am 612...... .. Ooldsboro. . . . . 6 46 Best's 8 18 LaGrange 7 Falling oreek.... 7 82..i... Kinston 70 oaawell 9 00.... Dover 9 40 core oreek 10 10 Tusoarora 10 88 dark's 1100 Ar. New Bern.Lv. .. 12 01'J -VatttWed,' Electric ... ii vi -,...10 40 ' ,,..10 10 ... 9 64,; .... 9 80 ..I No. 7, No. 8, Tuea, Thurs, Mon. Wed. , & Sat. Sc. Frld. I 18 80...... Lv. New Bern Ar 8 05 1 18 Riverdale 7 80 180.., croatan.' 718 I 1 40 Havelock 7 00 ' 2 09 Newport, Lv 6 20 i 8 20 Wildwood 6 07: 8 88 Atlantio 668J 866 .. Ar. Morehead city, Lv 5 20 ? 8 00 ...Ar. M. city Depot. Lv.. . . 4"-0Y. p. a. Supplement Mo 1 To take effect Samrdity, Miy 14 u ar-:-, it nn m iuiu cut ouudu. ryesi nounu.- 7 MW. ttll, ,111 4U, v DAILY, KXCEIT - FRIDAYS -AND' SUNDAYS. Lv p. m. Stations. Ar p. rav.'J 4 00 Ooldsboro 8 00' 4 20 Beit'i 2 38 i 4 29 :LaGrange 114 4 40 Falling Creek. 1 51 4 68 Kinston.... Oaawell 6 13 ...Dover 6 80 -Core Creek 6 49 Tuscarora 6 56 Olarki 10 Ar. New Bern, Lv. ....1 28, 1483. 132a1 .a. m.ll 5 . " It 4 ..." 118. ..'! 1105 OT No 818 will pass No 8, where over-. takaa and run ahead adsad to Oolds boro aniens otherawlae otherwise or dered. . ; B. i DILL, B. A. HXWL1KD, Gea'l SnpL -' aUiaar Transportation. ' A F. HLLEMAN, - .u - Chief Dlsparoher. 72 .Iloraoliu A, icnnn, ? ""r ATTOEHII Af UW. ,7 - PracttoB la aha oonnMea ol Crareo, Oarteret. Pamlloo, , Jones and Onslow, and la the Btatadpreme and rederal-Ootiftar-- ivf - --. fl- Office; Seatb. Frpnl Streti over Tla frapb, offloa, New Iscb, N. & , , ? . ; Dr. WUlIamV IndUflf Plla 'Otobnenl trill eara Blind, B landing, TJlosraM aal Itching PUaa. n absorb tumor, aliays the Itchltrg at enos, . U U a pa I ttca,gtva taatast.nlief 8oU by DAY 13 ruARdACT r. !'.: " '" r-' a A. P.! V I r V . 4 a 4 - - iTTCiMl.aal tit -'t a an as , Omoa Rarnnved r Story pf ( ( .'" toe) Botitl Fi m "'"- Hot. 1 t 1 Pffcctlne la 1Va r Duplin, Jonea, CO an! W't 1 1 t ersl (JonrU, a t desired, Err AV Ir f I""1 " 1 ' ; in th r,,! fnrrn.l, t, t!l.cr ! i 'l ri,'Jti! i! , fr,m a 1 - j jf