, :;.c,Jii 22,11:. r "3 J KO. 1 KKIQHTfl A x Meet tnd and tk r : M la stoat a X PoUook atrejet, at MO s. t Ji B. Bull, President; - J. l:.!:x t ITev jMrertseaeito. ITcUcs. . ', --of '' , Docb your Razor hart. Q S Wtteri & 8o-Whea you get tin e. ' -,:-t .ViT J B mison Tfsvtennelon. f P Avery Fir prttagaUhers. Atlantic HoteJa; ' " J 0 Land Saturday BpeelaL Broad Etreet FrurC Hello Central. J O Filter Doa risk. J M llltchell & Co White kid belts. - Ommons A ' HoHowell Co-White Lawn. 'WJPi- t HAYS secured the agency for the En ieka and Americas Are extinguishers, YtichI Till be pleated to exhibit to all who call at my place No 61 South Front street F P Avery. . 1 it ST Received at J B Wttaon's, Mar ket Dock, a fine lot of Olami, TRIE FINEST Bom Sound Watormel oni In the city can be found at J B Wat son's, Market Pock. BOARDERS 'WANTED Rates $2.75 and $8.00 per week. Apply to No 188 Pollock street.., ,. GO TO THE COAST LINE MARKET for Fine Lamb and Choice Steak this morning. ; Sliced ' Earn and Lire and Dressed Poultry.7 Phone 217. LEMON SPECIAL for Monday, lues day and. (Wednesday; 80 for 25 cents. Broad St. Frait Co. -WANTED A position. Engineer, ex perienced, reliable, sober, married man. Address, B, Box 677, New Bern, If C. BRIDGETON BATS SOVBES I have fitted out two nice bath houses which I will let At moderate prices. Convenient to New Bern people. A B Wallace, near foot of Nettie bridge. . Whites only. HOMfii Grown cantelopes. Broad St Fruit Co,; Mt'a - A FINE Lot of Nunnally's Fresh Can dies Just received by express at Daw aon's.O'Vif-i'' FINE Country Hams at Oaks Meat Mar ket. 4- Natloaal League Games. iBTANDiNQ OF 0LUB8- ' ' ;..;vwpn. New-Yorkfot; Chicago,' 2s 48 :ClnclnnaU,i4B"; Pittsburg, -r 4 St Louis,' Boston, rZ$rJi Brooklyn, 'SU, 80 r Philadelphia, Lost. Per Cent. 22 721 29 628 32 584 83 562 85 526 - 60 867 I M 866 M 258 . ' l -I ... . ll 't-l- 1 TK. n1lnBifir ram wet played today: R H E Boston : 4 1 ClacinnkU :,;. 2 10 .. ,.. . . J..i',v-.rj Batteries Fisher and Needham; Hah a andPIeta.,; Umptree-Moraa and Carpenter. Bt Louis, Jul tl The following was tta game played here today; B H E tl ' 1 .l.Vl.-.: 4 8 9 'fJt Louis 1 4 S r.uU r!e Sparks and Roth; Nichols and Grady -'.v? Umpire Johnston Chicago, Jalj al Game today; i . B H B Tcik - ' 4 6 0 , ...tfiw" - U g "i ftl) r . i MoQlaJty and Bowerman; r i 1 KUng. -, s-O'Dsyandlmalle. V. ll-TM foUowtag .i 1 2yed today, . ... - i rata rain LOCO. i. -t tcomp1aln .pt dry weather 'as almwt every day, i are aboot tkrovgh la now for a eeaeosi.of !aad Bails Hisses -1 week with friends and "seoiatr.V . i 'faJows of osar Mays ! at sister, Mn i' C Bar- V',rcvo of titu fol- est aliterXrsM A f IVjrede" Spent Ian- f folks attended , the fotrtMcth. ; ,:,UeUmA,- are eatidpittrg ; Jq'y", Star -y i 1 1 f t V.'Hlh-n. The weaUier forecast for today Is showers.--::' : Don't fall to ate the New Bern Green. Tills base ball game today.. . . . . . . The trip shoot will be held as usual this afternoon. : It will occur Imne dtately after the baB game. ii The condition of Bishop Watson was reported In the Wilmington papers yes terday as unchanged. ' x . . , Schooner William' T Parker, Cap) Howard of New York arrived yesterday with a cargo of bagging and ' ties con signed to J B Latham St Co .' J J.- ; The visiting delegations who attended the Senatorial Convention, returned to their home yesterday. ; Some of them were warmer than the weather would make them. yf '- i-. j 'Mi!- Messrs M Hahn and Son are prepar ing the north store of the Streets brick building on Middle street for an office where they will be pleased to nave tneir friends and patrons call. The New Bern Military Academy and Carolina Business College offer special inducements to all who will takeout scholarships this month. See their ad on inside psge. Wednesday, July 20th Greenillle played Elnston an eleven inniog game and defeated them by a score oi o to t The Greenvllles play here today and evervthfntr indicates that It will be a very close and Interebting game. Dr J W Duguld who has been in Char lotte for several months has returned to this city to" resume his practice. For the nresent be is located at 11 Pollock street. There has been a little delay in the eonitrnction of the new opera house. It has been hard to find who would carry brick up to the height that's required. The ascent Is very difficult and not with out danger and not mwy colored men are fond enough of work to take a haz- ardnuB lob for what there is In It. A derrick for the purpose of hoisting thu brick Is being constructed and whet) that is finished the work will go on un interruptedly. QThe Journal Is informed that the state ment In the report of the Senatorial Convention in yesterday's issue that there was a tacit understanding that the vote of the Craven county delegates should be cast for E M Koonca vas in correct. There was a distinct under etandlng among the Craven delegates before the Convention that they would vote with the Jones and Onslow dele gates and affect the nomination of Mr Eeonce. Minnie Spencr who is usually before the police court for disorderly conduct was up on the charge of larceny yester day. W S Haiklns, white, accused her of stealing a $20 bill from him and had her arrested. The bill was found in her possession. The msyor bound ber over for trial in the Saperlor Court under $100 bonds.. Hasklns was tried for die- orderly conduct but as there was a mis take made In the wariant the defendant was discharged as not being guilty un der the ordlnance.the violation of which he was arrested for. Tbe Sail Tonight. The moonlight sail which is to be con ducted tonight under the auspices of the New Bern Fire Department will be a most enjoyable affair. The last sail made by thla company was a very pleas ant event and the one tonight will not Buffer in comparison with the first one. i A plealsng feature In connection with the sail will be a phonograph concert conducted by Mr WT Hill. He will have a large selection of fine music and monologue records which will afford a great entertainment. Don't Risk Tour Eyes With Danger ous Drags. With our means by wsy of all the nec essary optical Instruments the danger of using any drug In tbe eye ii done away with, the drags In common use for test ing should they be used In some eyes would produce certain blindness, and th proper eyes not to drop In cannot be told without th Instruments to do It with. We test free of charge, so why pay double toother not having scarcely any Instruments, and on account of It hav to as drugs, and the the result Is un certain, when we have the Instruments with which the chance of any error. Is al moat excluded. - Batlafactloa guarantied, and any glasses not satisfactory ars exchanged fre of cost. ' - - . J O BAXTER, ; Graduate I Optometry : Intormlfounell Joiephns. . -After th first day of January there will not be a saloon oa the Hoe of the A. A N. C. R, th North Carolina Railroad, and tbe Western NortkCafo ilea Railroad from the Atlantic Ocean to th Tennessee line exoept at Bella. nry, Mat to a ana jianeviu, mow long before thes three aalooa strongholds Will vw wmv , :t ,' , . ; This sutament appesutd la the News and Observer Editorial column yesterday which fact abould give some color to It. It fi lovely tblag to think of and It ought to b Irs, but It Is not. , ' ' Thvllla of-LaQraog onlhallne of the Ask H.O, railway bttweta New Bert and Goldsboro has tw or more laioou. '' t Al ther baa bee no effott oa tl part of tb. people there to hav an election oa the prohibition or dlirntar qnatUoft,' the saloons will Is all probe Llllty remal open and will liars boot oa 1s after Jtnunry 1, 1905 nnleti inmoll.lrg etrord!nry happens to f re Tf-t. - It is not t!ist the Joarnal ultliMto ,; ; u f.e S4 0, let r?!.rr to let th I "! t - Ii 'l !' sf-'-.'-K, AHandsooie Structure to fee Erected on the Principal corner of the - :i-,;":- U city- As wss noted in Wednesday's paper the Elks have purchased the Duffy prop erty on the corner of Middle and Pollock aireeta on which 0. 3. McSorley's store I located and will soon make pre parations to build. ' The location Is the best 1b the city and the structure anticipated will be an at tractive pile. It is expected that the building will be 100 feet deepv. extending east and west and 71 feet wide. It will be four stories high. Th first floor will be occupied as a store,' the second for offices, the third for club purpose and the fourth wW be the lodge rovm.r The contract has not bieen mad nor the plan drawn, but the above idea will probably be carried out In the plans. The building win east $40,0. : .This 'bunding will displace la frame structure that has long been aneye sor.. Being located on the most promi nent oorner it will add greatly to the business portlen 6f the city. - , ' DIED. In the city Wednesday July 20th, 1004 at the sge of 70 Hon Henry H. Simmons who was one of oar old and respected colored citizen he having represented this county In the Legislature and was also an ex-member of our Honorable Board of City TJouncll. He was one of the charier members of King Solomon Lodge No 1 A. F, k A. M of tbis city and will be burled with Masonic honor, the funeral service will be held at St Peters A. M. E. Z. Church Friday July 22nd at 4-o'clock P M. B Remember He. 1 will give more aatisfactlon cn your Watch for less money than anyone In the cily. All work guaranteed. . E. D. BANGERT, x Watch maker .and Jeweler. Corner cf Broad and Middle Streets. To Star Route Subscribers. All subscribers to the . Journal who live on Star Routes not Rural Free de livery routes, to send In theli names to the Journal In order that the paper may be mailed directly tcjf them. The name will be published and in that way their mall will reach them without any trou ble Recent rules of the post office depart ment have given star rout carrier the prlvlledge of delivering mall to patrons on their routes who have provided for hemielves suitable buxes or satchels for-deposltlng their mail. In such cases the msil Is carried outside of the regular pouch. This rule will be appreciated by the parties affected and t they will take. the pains to send the Journal their names with the numbr of their route we believe they will receive their mall much earlier than hitherto. NATURE'S OWN CURE ni.o-na No Ordinary Remedy. Guarantee Bond With Ecery Box. The usual way in which FB Duffy, one of New Bern's most reliable drug gists, sell Ml-o-ns, emphasises the fact that thla remedy possesses unusual merits. Read the following guarantee that he gives with every package of Ml-o-na he sells and aee how plain and pos itive it Is, "If Ml-o-na does not euro you of dyipepsia, I will return your mcney." . GUARANTEE I hereby agree to refund the money paid for Ml-o-na on return of the empty box, If the purchaser tells me that It has failed to cur dyspepsia or stomach trouble. This guarantee covers two BO9 boxes, or a month's tra atment (Signed) F 8 Duffy. Ml-o-na contains remedies that soothe and heal the inflamed lining of th stomach. It help direction and thus relieves the digestive . system ofwork and strain. ' It gives put, rich blood and strengthens th arvt a, so that th whole systsm 1 ball! vp and vitalised whll the dyspepsia Is being cured. ' There Is no long (continued treatment when HUo-no Is used. lis actio Is Quick and eomplst. .'. Rarely Is ator than a month' treatment needed to ef fect aware, ma In th most serious and complicated dlsarder of tb diges tive system, i?-,; J Wood - Tnrnlng Torch ' Columns, Balusters, Brack sts. - Scroll Work, ' GrIJs Bulr Work, MaDUls and Screens, Bash Doors and Frame. All don oa abort notice, at' Registers A Exsll's ' shop 0 Church Alley, New Bera MO. i In Bi'loctlng g triilal gift you will End nctli'mmore j 1 - -ing, uolli more Iwtingtb&n a ficco of our Sterling f".lmwar. Vt' .,nV.o all the liPwcwt and 1t Jftt;.- rr. r-" !e 1 J V . 1 . ?- U e:irpr-.;:Ki otAu.'T ica, Ay pi fr;;ravr-l Itj-y r ' rcll:tu':u' i i Saxcested - Readings Complied by - ' New Bern Assocla- . ' Education should lead and guide man to clearness concerning himself and In himself, to peace with nature, and to n nlty with God; hence, It should lift him to a knowledge of himself and tf man kind, to a knowledge of God , and of na ture, and to the; pure and holy life to which ttoh. knowledge Lleds-Froe Ignorance I the greatest wrsfc , la the havoc It play and has plajed there h i nothing with which - to corn par. It. It stands alone. Rev J C Troy."- C"'y- - ' ;' If I were asked to name cne product of vice and crime - that would soonest touch the hearts of all jjood people, I woum tay neglected ichlia. Give me the child and the state shall have the man. ; Every case of vagabondage has It root In some neglected child. W T Harrison, TJ B Commissioner of Educa tion. THEY C0HB AND GO. MrEW Rosenthal returned yester day from a business trip to Greens boro.' Mr Geo N Ives who has been to' Ral eigh on a business visit returned yes terday. Editor Stevens is home after a vk.lt at Raleigh. Rev F A Bkhop and Mrs Bishop passed through here yesterday on their way to Beaufoit. Gen Francis T Nicholla nd Mrs Nlcbolls are visiting their daughter Mrs RANunn. Mrs O E Wetherlngton and children went to Eureka yesterday where they will visit friends and relative. Mrs C J McSorley returned from Washington, D C where she has been visiting her sister Mrs Cliff Waters. Mr G T Farnell of Bayboro waa In the city yesterday. Mr L N Lancaster of Yanceboro was In town yesterday. Messrs W T Caho, Z V Rawlr, and G T Farnell of Bayboro spent yesterday In Nw Bern. Rev W H Rich went to Klnston yes terday. Rev G T Adams left yesterday morn ing for a visit to friends In Pelham, N O. MraFO Roberts and daughter, Miss Mary Roberta left yesterday morning for Chapel Hill to spend several days. Mr G N Ennett 1 visiting friends and relatives in Coder Point. Mr and Mrs E S Hushes and daughter of Abilene, Tex, are guests of Doctor Hughes. Miss Cresslln of NewTork city is here the guest of her friendMlss Mamie Daw son, A party consisting of Mrs Fred Whlt- ty, Mrs Cobb of Norfolk, and Misses Daisy and Mattte Green went to More head last night. Misses E E Blankenahlp and A Mob- ley went to Norfolk laat night. Mrs J B Clark of Atlantio City. Is la th elty th guest of Mrs W 8 West on East Front St. Tbe Lecture Coarse. The solicitor for the lecture court hav met with splendid success In their effort t get Subscribers. . Mr Blomae will leave the city to morrow and the Hat will close tonliht AA those who hav aot already sub scribed should do eo todsy as there will be ao other chance. - Try a bottle of Carbonated Cooa Cola It possesses wonderful tonic properties made from the famous. Coca plant and tola nut, ' . ' .'. Th Oaksiseat Market Haodl only th boat of everything. . ,- . Try bottle of Carbonated Coca Cola (l possesses wonderful tonic pro pert Its mad from th famous Coca ilapt aad Koiaaut - Go to tb Oak Heat: best Canned Meats. , " Market for th ' To cob tract wlUi parties to Lot and to tnanafecliir Into lumber tract of ber. Mill finished fern. Writ , for partlcalara. ' . ' , . .,: - toxm, - Gilt 9r 1 i i Hello Cetral ! (Sung in th well known June.) Hello Central give me Royals, : ' For I know he's rnere, ' . . - . Ton can find him with the' Ice " " cream, . . w , Oa the counter near. ' - J He'll be glad its me whose speaking Call him wont' yon please, - For I surely want some Icj Cream, It eo warm oyer here. - . WBITTEN BY A CUSTOMER. yyeiT;ae4MaiiieStal)te, haye purchased the horse bus iness of M. Hahn and am now oc cupying hia old stand on . 'Middle Street where my customers can find me, and I trust that Mr, Hahn's former customers will favor me witb their patronage. We have a large stock Horses and Hiiles Buo-gies, Wagons, Harness, Robes, etc. which nill be sold at cost for cash, or at a small profit on time. Patrons of the new business will be treated all right as heretofore. J. M, ARNOLD, ) Hahn's Old Stand, Middle Street. AN ri&EFTIC Diarrhoea Cordial Prevents, Relieves, and Cures. DIARRHOEA In fancy or old age. Absolutely Safe. Contains no opiates. For Sale at HARGETS, West Broad St. Hudnut's This Violet Wator is preferred by most people to all others, owing to the special mode of preparation which re- j tains the color as wel 1 As the odor of the violet, this per fume has a delicate viofet color which, however, is guaran- i. 1 .. 1 L . 1. . Tl. 1 - f 11 1 T C 1 ,, 1 , ,. meu nut to stum, wouueriuuy uiuuive powoi may uo shown by adding a bui11 (juantity to a basin of water when a rich but refreshing odor of viorete will be found to per- vade the neighboring atmosphere. On ssle at Davis' Pharmacy, , Sole Agency for Iludnut's Toilet TreparationB and Mail- lard's Candy. ij VCJkTER... ivtoi.ii, ssilsl nn J r zL-sj UU LlJ 1 5 p . . ' - - s - Sustained Interest with Further Lowerings Nothing will satisfy us this season but aH the Spring and These are the Last Days of the GREAT CLEAN SWEEP SALE, we hope to sustain the interest by further lowerings, which are freely and liberally made. We Want to assure you that there is yet ample opportuni ty tor a choice among the most durable Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Shoes, Oxfords, Ties, Millinery, and Motions of all kinds that have been shown this season. r See the big hand bill for the big clean sweep prices Barfoot Brothers. 1 For Sale! V House moving outfit In perfect enn- dltloD, newly new. Two new set f!ia and about thirty jacks. Apply to ' J. M. KEGISTEK, New Bern M C. 'iSa'i dyspepsia Cure ' mm 1 Toilet Water up X inch n 11 eao wee1 I Summer stocks without 50 Three Piece exactly half price: $7 50 Nuits now $S.75 X 10.00 12.50 15.00 A. a This is a chance to $ strictly cash, I J. G. cDunn & Co, A o 57 Pollock Sircs-K 0) 0) o)lJU CAROLINA BRICK CO., The LARGEST SIZE and BEST DUALITY BRICK offered on this market. For prices see M. M Marks, F. R. Hyman, G. A. Nicoll, T. G. Hyman, the New Bern stockholders. J hints ul. Chirks, iljman's Siding, Kinston and Kohersonvil v. Annual Capacity 15,000,000. At The Daffy Drug Co., Ctr. Broad and Fleet Sis. J H fell?, 11 G, Mngr will bo glad trt see yon. Out, if you CHA't come, just phone No. 107 and we will send to your home for prescrip tions and after they have beta carefully and accurately filled, we will promptly deliver tbe medicine with no eitra charge: We are yours to serve and yourn to !esej Vor anything In thr rug Ike pie Me notify os. We nre yours to please. KSIININK'APPKOVAL -of bis wearing 'apparel (a wast every self-reineotlog tnn dulres, whether be admit It or not. To hsve e garment or entire lull mle of bnnitit clnth, cot tnd faahlnned to thu ltnl rnoilo, Is th rt'ity of svrry jnwi, snd n llkoly xo ld him In btutnnM a well soclity. W (UKrantw) mslerlnlsnd Ct of everything n nmfee. v ",.,,..,- Sale J a complete sale of a single exception. friuits will be sold at J J 5.00 7.50 scfte money. Terms i $ The Mexican Hand Made fflEITS POOR STARE s 8 rsven C'onnty 0 pr i enl and 8 Buir urd hy Itorlgag on City Ral Klt. Apply to T. A, QRKBN, or F. W. HUQHE!, N CommHUe. . , Al Onoe, one No IS brseoh-loadlng U,aboet ease, boating boat, re frigerator, alee kttohea ta brass pre. serving kettle, wardrobe, aa extension Ud lr aad patented palnUr's grslner. Oa Sept 1st, 1904, Taloable bouse end lot will siao be so'd. Apply to . , . e. 8. cnAnLonn, nrQl)kE Stationery hi Sale For . Sals!

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