- V i 1 r I l.Uil I lilJ I IlL " . , J of menstruation." They are LIFE 8AVKKS " to girls at womanhood, aiding . development f organs andVJtody. ,. No -S ?- known remedy lor women equals mem. cannot, ao n&rin--ino ) beeoinea pleasure, ; $1.00 J2H BOX KIT MAIJU. Sold . . t mil irT ' iyi mu nKi'M I v mi T1H Din CI I AH GCHOOL !2S STTT..'' i i.i.nlik. " .v MILITARY. -Hifihly' commended by Army Officer, ami Arj iMpccto.. ftefw.tnt - 1 f WORED'SFAIR, v : ."J;-1 ; MAY'NOYEM : 0UtHERN . Account above occasion, effective place on sale daily, tickets at extremely Following are rale applying from prln Ashehoro... Aahevtlle... "Charlotte......... Durham.....:... .... Gaatoula Uold&boro..-. .. Greensboro.-.-.. Henderson . ... Bendersonville.. Hickory,,,..,.,. Marion......... Morf;auion... ...... Mr. Airy... Newton Raleigh- Rutherford ton Salisbury.' Sanford Selma .., Stateavllle (via Kuoxvil'e) Wilkesboro. Winston-Salem. Southern Railway will, effective April 20,1904, Inaugurate Ihr.jagu Pullman Sleeping Car between Greensboro, N. C, and St. Liuts, Mo., Via Sail wry Ashe vllle KnoxvlUe, Lexington fad Louisville; levln Owensboro dally at 7.20 P" "KoriMr Information as to rates from all p-ilnts, Bleepiag-Caf reservations, B:heduln, llluntrated llte'ature, etc., address AN V AG UN 1 , or R L. VEItNONTravellni? Passenger Agent, Charlotte, N. G. J, H. WOOD, DUtrlct Passenger Agon', Asnevliie, M. S. II. IIARBWICK, Traic Manager. W. U. TA.YL.OE, Oen'l Piwsenger Agent W5HINGTON, D. C. jm. A A AaAAAAAM44AAiAAAAAAaaaaaaeaaA ThnrA'c Rnnm rwvwwwwwwww W W W W TWVWTVWWVTVT V 1 I IIVI V V w w in The Great Have you ever coiwlilrred the pro't advantago of tbU fei lure of the Sunthwest pleu'y of tlbow room where three, five, even ten seres may be ua.l at Hie price of i single Hrr. iu your home ucttton ? It's worth considering, cspecln ' wlien tbe great r,roiluctlw worth of the land la taken in ciuut. it's a wf.nderfully fertile set tlon. There Is no bet sgricullural section In this country, aud farms are cheap out there lo Arkansas, OkHhoma and T- xan simply lic cause there are m ro furms lluu farmer. (.Wn oiitloi(l to oveilook an opportunity of Uila lilmiy ' ur Mu-t aie.l bookl. ls will give you the patliciilarn lu ilclall. it i oi interested yonraelt write for them anyuy In b.-hnf i.f your lean favored relatives and nolghborp. (Meullon this Paper.) ONI1 HUE l'LU! 2 DOLLARS For the Round Trip First and Third Tuesdays of each -Month A Good Telephone SERVICE 18 A BUSINESS NECKSSITY, A h OMB OQN VENIENCK A COM BINI5I) Necetwlty,1 ' Convenience Inxnry ! 'tidrr t'onr t'hnna at Oncsl Entry Notice. Htaic of North Carolina. Craven Count. To Geo 11 Wa era, mtry taker for Cra ven county. The nnd irslgot d L M Fulcher of Cia ven count, v North Carolina, enter anil layarUimto the following doicrlbed piece or parcel of land in Sod Township Oiavsn county, StsU of North Carolina, the tame being vacant and unspproprlat ed laid, aud subject t entiy, viz: a pUce of land situated in 2nd township on the north side of Ntnis liver la Forrest povxln on the. But tide of the Forrest road aijoininf lenoa oiutv Pipkin, Wru Ipo t, John UariUy lnlri, T A Supleford and others, ronlalolng by estimation two haadrod acfes. Kotortd Ibis 20th day of July 1904. . L. M. FULOBER. eifiisnuirai ."ForJ; Women. Diploma gltea la (be . Arts, Sciences jutd Pbtlosopbr. ! Maiio,.ls Art sad In Eipf sslonoofKi ol'slodf'slmllst ikon la boy! HlSgesr i, IfsxStstloo 1 pe tod, obv hour each. Faculty cf sit na snd iwty-f)n VomeoV'i Sobtwl o Bib's tgbt.4iy fail grains et Waks FdKit smt Nu.b Thaologlcsl Besalasry, , Thorntigl limit es Coarse, Etesllenl - fXjU-w '' 'or lescblst 0-ilstry, B tiio$t Pbstcr Bcbool 0 MtfilfTiBsurps1 la lbs; f ootb. Tkeeos orltf sl'iileois lo ike! afUrf b Lady Ptloclpal 4Mt ' f byf.)tse, iwo Metre M sad nr. , Uostrl, IllW loiiloB, bit,. Ugh, tut,!, fi fot physlcla4, aorta n4 lu.rarr, $167 )0 pf s sl ', In tbe Ciuh from t1 to M mi, ' Ko cllacu ml M nj; tverjbjxij , p ii)il)r the ism rate. ' Pel1 to bs lb shears't x h.x.l of lis gr4 Is IKS 9o 4b.jf .ir fuit'icr tr f,.f niatloq 1 adJfe. ; ..... .4 t '.v 1 ,." ". ': . .irnii.lD.tU. T.'VAMf,.. :' .' . luw-iiC They overcome Weak- ana I I LUU omissions, increase i or and banibh 'ps .uavia AUinmwiwj ; PuplU !ntl pnnCTc..lngamLKn Wffl UEB, 134,7,. 7 f 7 RAILWAY Aorll 85. 1004 Southern. Hallway will low rates, to St . Lnnl,-" Mo and return, clpal points In Slate of fforth Carolina: - Season $35 65 33 25 30 10 34 10 36 10 37 10 34 10 3410 33 30 3410 34 10 3410 37 00 34 10 35 60 35 55 84 10 87 CO 37 10 34 10 40 00 85 65 60-Day f '20 0 20 UO 3010 . 2840 30 10 1 40 28 40 28 40 27 85 28 40 28 40 28 40 30 85 28 40 29 90 29 CO 28 40 31 00 31 40 28 40 33 40 29 85 15 Bay i;24-2lT 2? 25 24 65 23 30 24 65 26 25 23 80 23 8) 22 93 ' 23 20 23 80 23 30 25 10 23 30 24 80 24 20 2330 26 a'i 26J25 23 80 25 10 24 40 J.A&AAAAAAAAA4 A Fnr SlJCCeSsfl w - " Southwest 3! W.'r, SAUNDERS, D P A Richmond. Vu. JOHN SEI1ASIIAN, I'liMweiifrr 1 nunc iinav:t:r, CHICAGO, ILL. VVireing For Electric Lights Persons wishing their buildings wired will please make application In wrl ting. Any complaints for defective lights, Inattention of employees tc. if mads la writing, 10 the CommlBsl.in, will re ceive projnpt attention. Address all communications to bb Bonretafy. 1 WATER & LIUQT COMM1S8ION,'. . 19QrimthBt. Mortgage Sale. y4 Pursnant to tho certain power of sal contained in that certain mortgage deed executed on tbs 4ih day of June 19)3, from th Usrolln Unnln uompsny to el In tbe 6111c ot tbe Deglater of Pceds of Craven oounty, In book 140, pees 810, The undersigned win oner tor saJeand ell to the highest bidder fot csab, si the Court Uoose Door of UStcd coon tv. on Wednesdsy the tutb dar cf Aa sntt. at the hour of 11 o'clock. M. all tbe following described real sad person sj property lo wit: ' ' A certain piece or irsct of land, lying snd being In Craven ciuniy,Stato store said. In Mo 8 TosrnMiip, and rteacrtnsa and IoQnd ss follow to wit; Near tbsclty of VewOrrs.sml located In th plan in a town rtieror winiam hbob, upon actlr pint or p'an.rlnlv tcsord ed In lb OIIlc of the lteirlt'.er of Deed of Craven cooniy, ti wLleh reflrebcr-1 MiHte for the full tpi and boonds cf said land, as herein described to wit; Ig)nnlnft at s point nnth Norilietn. suit or urtiiun inet, t reel iioutu taitwatdly from the Norts-esstera in larMcik) rf OrQlth street and "A", street, said point, twt-1 CF fcnl Sonlh eastward I y from the corner 6flotN IIS, at td polst of lnt-"flnUn, .rd tunning tbftc ftlonr 'ali frlilUb airret odlonth line if said lot No 113 I33v fret VO the corm-r -rf ld lot on Qilffllb street, rnnhln thfnee ffonb aatwsrifly With fbo Jlnoct I'd a, 121, ta, 12.1. a dt.knra of 1-vi fH- parsllsl with said ! A'1- airvs-r, tlrf rtre rinlng Hotlta.wcuwsnny natal tr i b Urltri'h Stiwt, snd Nlong tho Vt'rwinrii Hn of lut K1, i;j f'e, th.'rirn Wr".lnliy parallel wllq "A" t t. IV) fret to (JrlfUth street, ihff pii.t of tftnlof . Tc thrr with a'l l.uililn?t futmr, msrblneiy an I all Itm r'K1o. wr- ni 4 nwrrhamilac, X fiiy (Wrrtpllon, 't. na'wl and lo. t 1 in my nf ntd 1 U tag lo ie I tj-on Ihn i .tnU nf.irnsl.t, Inmher wtih s'l mi ulr dtif, frnrn ail SOnteM t.rrr. - Jtiiy f'.li, 1''t. J'f C. !! : : f THE AFTERNOON NAP. ftfodera. Coadittaaa KUHbb tbe Slea - v. ta Habit la Mexico ' There are people la Mexico City Who take their- afternoon nap every -day and are greatly benefited thereby, but their number appears, to be growing less year by year.' Whether the siesta Id beneficial or not, or whether in this high altitude It is a necessity for many persons, 7 as is. claimed by; some,' its death knell as a general ctrStom seems to.-have been -sounded .since: the city. adopted its moaern "; enterprise -: bhu push. Many old realdeiftawlll tell yon of the time, when' a person in the '0tjr of Mexico would have been considered almost craxy If he neglected bis after noon rest, but gradually, with the ad vent of the" railways, the street, carp and the electric lights, came the In evitable sleeplessness TWhlch is one of the most noticeable characteristics of modern civiliaatlonJ' 1 - There re several 'supporters of the siesta idea in this city who express re gret that the custom appears to be ssing away n These persons, wno are themselves devotees of the practice, claim that it is a healthful and nerve restoring habit and that If it were in dulged In systematically by, thepeople of the United States and other pro gressive countries there would be few er cases of nervous -wrecks for-the newspapers to report "Early jrising and a short nap after dinner" is' what these Speople advocate, claiming., that the best vrork of most persons Is per formed in the morning. Mexican Her ald. FIRST USE OF TEA. Aa Ancient Lea-end Aaertbea It to - - Kin of Chin. By whom or when the use of tea for drinking purposes was first discovered is lost In antiquity. It is spoken of as a famous herb in Chinese literature as far back as 2,000 years B. C at which time its cultivation and classification were almost as thorough and complete as they are today. One of the ancient legends says that its virtues were ac cidentally learned by King Shen Nung She, the Chinese monarch who is also known as "the divine husbandman," who, the record says, flourished forty centuries ago. He was engaged in boil ing water over a Are made of the branches of the tea plant and careless ly allowed some of the leaves to fall into the pot. The liquid Which he expected to come from the vessel simply as sterilized water was miraculously converted Into an elixir of life by the accidental ad dition of the tea leaves. Soon after It became highly esteemed in all the ori ental cities and was used as a royal gift from the Chinese monarchs to the potentates of southern and western Asia. This same King Shen Nung She not only earned the title of respect .by which he was known through the dis covery of the virtues of tea, but be cause of being the first to teach his people how to make and use plows and many other implements of husbandry. Emeraon on Lincoln. The president impressed me more favorably than I had hoped. A frank, sincere, well meaning man, with a law yer's habit of mind, good, clear state ment of his fact, correct enough, not vulgar, as described, but with a sort of boy l8h-cheerfulness, or that kind of -sincerity and Jolly good meaning that our class meetings on commencement days show in telling our old stories over. When he' has made his remark he looks Up at you with great satisfac tion and shows all hla white teeth and laughs. He argued to Sumner tbe whole case of Gordon, the slave trader, point by point, and added that he was not quite satisfied yet, and meant to refresh his memory by look Ing again at the evidence. All this showed a fidelity and conscientiousness very honorable to him. When I wa Introduced to Mm he said, "Oh, Mr. Emerson, 1 Me beard you say In a lecture that A Kentucklan seems to say by his air and manners, .'Here am I; if yotf dorff like me, the worse for you.' " Diarf of B. W. Emerson in Atlantic. - .- . r ' In OM fasraeoaea Dare. Thore used to be rate wars in the old Jrtngecoach day In England. At one time, early last century, one stage coach company not only cut the price from Lewes to London to a yary low rate, but save also other, inducement. A tbe 'coach: started from Lewe at a dmewhat uncomfortably early, bow in the morning; by wa of tiding aver the difficulty the proprietor allowed the" mora iktthfol of their pawenger to go overnight to Brighton, where they were accommodated with good bods free of expense and could proceed comfortably Jo' London by the com pany's morning coach, ; , "..',. . ' Oi Tw Kvlla Caooaa the Lonat. "' -Doctor If yo aT to fecover, yon most spend th aext thro months In traveling. Pattrt-But I.can't afford lt,-doctor. Doctor Very well, sUy t home If you must, and I will visit you dally, PUebt-Kevr mind, doctor;.! think. I. .Will travel r ail. -t- .'A Bancnalve Woailnsr. ' " ( "Tle brldd nearly ftlnUd during the ceremony and bad to be supported by bet fsther bntll It s over." . ' s.Te. and now t bear her father. Is supporung potb or tbem. ' - yVV-n. . ; X ' ; : - " ' raoltna?. Hla Itmata, ' - Laoillady-Tou did not wear glassy when yoa first cam here. .Why do you wenr tbem now? Boarder 1 wsnt ti make (he food look, as Isrte as po Iblel -. ' 1 - : ': V "' at at -i iriawa-ansaM -i ir 1 . "Rush Hi nonr cried fie man to the waiter, fltnlring the salt snd parr te a hurTy,rhUinieiphl noilefin. --n End cIElttcr rijriL , HTwo phjaleiam bad s long snd at ub born f ?hl wtih sn Tiic?f i.g my rV Ions ' wtli. a J F KiiRlit of Dot' ia ' sul fats mn Up 1 var j "... dy t my 'Unf liJ r Ai a t!"1 Dr KlBjj's I -1 n j !.., T! 1 St-'-klrg a ! I e 1 y. . l's 1 Itn'iS," H , ... rj i t (1 ttl i - 1 Tr f- ' ' . f - v Yoa ShonJd tm Eat Ilaiplr for Jae Sake of Eatlasr-.- A proline cause of chronio indigestion Is eating from habit, and. simply .be cause it Is .mealtime and others lore; eating. -To eat when not hungry is to eat without rellsh 0414 food taken without relish' la worse than- -wasted. Witbout Tellsh the' salivary- glands do not act, the gastric fluids are not t reeljr secreted, and tbe best of foods will not be digested-''ilany perfectiy.harmless dishes are severely; condemned for no other reason than they were eaten per functorily and -without relish end due Insalivatiott, ;.-;" 'rt Hunger make the plainest foods en-. loyable.' rit" causes vigorous secretion and outpouring of 'all the digestive flu: Ida, " the' sources; of ptyattn; pepsin, trypsin; etc., witnout a pientuui Buppiy -ot which- no foods can be perfectly di gested,".' 5 ." -"- - Walt for an, appetite, if it takes . a week. ; Fasting is one of the saving graces. It has a spiritual significance Only through its great, physical and physiologic; importance. 'If breakfast is a bore or lunch a matter of indiffer ence, 'cut one -or both of thorn; out Walt for distance and unmistakable hunger and then eat slowly. If you do this you need ask few questions as to the propriety and digestibility of what you cat, and it need not be pro- digested. Exchange. THE PENGUIN. It la Awlnvard on Land nnd a Grro- naat In the Water., A kind of penguin, the adelie, is a laugh provoking brd. Adelles are most Inquisitive and at times are in such a hurry, to follow up a clew that they will scramble along the ice on the belly, pushing With their legs and using-their flippers alternately like the paddle of a canoe. They get over the ground at an astonishing rate, nnd it is hard work "to overtake a penguin when it takes to this means of locomotion, especially when it doubles. In the water the penguin is perfectly at home, diving and steeplechasing in grand style. It can Jump clean out of the water and pop down on the ice exact ly like some one coming up through a trapdoor on the stage and dropping on his feet. The penguins collect in enormous numbers and are sometimes seen marching about like a regiment of soldiers in Indian file, all acting in unison. A much larger penguin, the emperor. weighs sixty or seventy pounds and Stands well over three feet high. It possesses the most extraordinary mus cular powers In its flippers. When pre sen ted with the end Of the skee stick the emperor gives it such a smack tliftt one's hands tingle. At tbe same time it utters on angry guttural exclaim tlon. SHEEP IN INDIA. Taey Are the Favorite Beaata of Dar in In Monntnlaona Rcarlona. In Tibet and among the mountainous part of India sheep are employed as carriers. The mountain sheep of these districts, true to its nature, is remark ably sure footed and can carry loads of twenty-five pounds, or even more, over steep crags and precipitous paths where hardly any other animal could find a footing. In the inner ranges of the Himalayas the yak cow and tbe hardy mountain sheep are the favorite beasts of bur den. Sheep withstand tbe intense cold of the higher parts of Tibet much more easily than the yak and can better face the stony roads. Sheep carrying from seventeen to twenty-five pounds of baggage and liv ing entirely on tbe scanty grass found growing by the yvny accompanied Nain Sulgb, the famona Indian explorer, on a Journey of more than a thousand miles. It Is very common in the Him alayas to load sheep, high up -In the mountains, . with borax-and then to drive them down to the plains, where they are shorn of their wool nnd .re turn laden with grain or salt. Moaer Thrown. Away. "So. that city doctor helped ye right mart, did he, Silas f asked Mrs. Giles on her husband's return from a wock'e visit to a specialist in a nelghborinp town.'' jJ -""J "'- -' TSVelL I guess be dJdl I'm feeling fine a a fiddle" now, fin' -he ' says I won't likely bive any return of It If I Just keep" ter what be tells me." "What .diol he- say ; .tber.inattcr wltb,yar''Mqulred,tbwtfe eagerly.. 'I VI forgit - now' what he. called Jt, but'-"-.. '-, - . . ;''SlJaa, h, cried, v'a' don't Wnlly mean tot sy 'ye ' paid eut all that, money an didn't git no good of It after lir-Exchango. . ' ;' " '?'.: rr.". a. It Modcat Abb Delllo. It 1 raid thnt the French' AbSe Detlltf once had In bis household a very quick iempered rolative, with whom -be omet time bad animated dispute and who sometimes went- so far as to throw bookiat tbe sbbff. The abbe must bavf been, a person of great. amiabil ity snd self control. Once, when particularly large end heavy -volum was thrown at him, be csnght It grace fully and sold; ';. .S. 7f '.- s t ' "My .dear friend, I most" beg- of.'yotj to remember ; that I prefer tmallcr T .s. i 1 ' 111 " r - .. f. -. Haklac a Bare Tta ef IC ' .: "What In the name of Jnpttor tisve you wed op aU. the pocket of ( my overcoat fort" asked Mr. WllBrm. "My dear,' wild Mrs. Wllaon, "I bv a importanf letter lo my mlllltier thnt I wsnt yon to post." - . An orator or author is nev-r sncoMa ful lilt he hfls Ifarned.trt tnnk hla Words smaller than his Ideas. Brow son. . - '-- - ' ' - SufclJc lrcvcntcd. Th !U',jsf snnon'nfnmeat that pTvrn':!T of m!i.!i!n 1 1 ltn rl'scov te 1 will Intpreat irany, A tun down pd-m. I t flft;..'- !, i,ry vt!ly ji'l1- . If.a t f !! at p l'.t r..i.4It!e :-r. Ate WAIT FOR AN APPETITE. 13 to ljve hndri, ana iwTr i A v- home can be completely!; -' L w . v kamy without tiem, ytt, thai- r, orfeal through which the earr P T , ' pectant mother: must pass tiSttaJly is 4 so full of siif enrtg, fianger and fear ; 1 . k w J Jy : h forward to the critical : t 1 r j V V apprehension and dreads LCf s trrefKl, by its penetrating; and swthmg properties, f allayi nausea, nerrousness, and aU.nnpleasant feelings, and 5 so prepares the .system for the ; ' ? " - , ordeal that she passes through .the erentrsafely and with but- little' sufierifig, as numbers with its weight in 2Lr ? trainable information mailed free. C2APf CL gWAT98 CtX, AtlasrU, g u. PAW'S METHOD. When paw does aomethln' wrong a' .-' hnuwa That maw'll call him down, He don't come home an' brave it out An' throw the tilings aroun', But he will kind & heave a sigh, .. Fer paw Is mighty slick, An' look as though he'd like to cry, An' act as if he's piok. Jt'a then he fnlka o' buslnes.-j careq Till you kin feel the gloom. As aunty says, eome down the stairs An' settle in the room, Till maw begins to feel a. throb O' pity fer him! so. Instead of callln' 0' him down, She cheers him up, by ol Indianapolis Sun. The Ileaaon, Madam Jeanette, bow do you Im agine that Mrs. Jones nlways keeps her hair so wavy? Jeanetto I guess she sends it out and has it fixed every night. Boston Jpgr pal, Talked Ascainat Time. A charming southern girl who was convalescing from typhoid fever re ceived an invitation from a young man who was very much in love with her to take a drive. She obtained her physi cian's permission on the promise of re turning in half an hour. The young man stuttered badly, nnd, overjoyed a seeing the girl again after her long Ill ness and knowing her keen delight in tormenting him, his difficulty was greater than usual. "W-w-w-w-where," he stammered as they started off, "sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shall w-w-w-w-w-we g-g-g-g-g-g-g-go?" "I think," she replied demurely, "it is time now to go home." Llpplncott's Magazine. Believer In Reelaroeltr, Little Harold is famed in his own household for his clever sayings. Tbe other day he approached his mother and asked: "Mamma, haven't I been a good boy since I began going to Sunday school?' "Yes, dear, you have," answered the fond mother. "And you trust me now, don't you, mar "Why, of course, I do." "Then why do you keep the pies locked up In the pantry just the same as ever?" SuO)clen Kmuod. "Why did ruther apank you?" nsket the father of the riiuiII Incorrigible whom be bad Just whipped. "Because you were bigger than 1 am,"- replied the boy .Chicago Trlb une. A a Anto Odor. "ArC ho you've got nn automobile, eb?"- , ; "No, Indeed! My wife's been-cleaning my clothes with gasoline, that' slir-rrNej York Evening Journal ' " ' feor ' laa. "" - T "Mis Neanlte Isn't Ihnf a new.bois tu?t on your motbsr? MUs WbW-WeU, .1 real ry thing it' on papaExchsnge. WITNESS:' There AroMany More A"- In ,Hew Bern'-. Oratliad make tuoastndi ot willing wltaeues. Tbsr are maoy 'gratefol people la New Buio. ; The lastlibony of friend sad neighbors or peopl yon know I flileBc beyond dlspat.' Read this itatemeot m.td b Kw Bern cltl wn:L. -,.7; .'-." 73''- - 0 P BarUlog, proprietor of th Uastl too barber ibop, plsc of address '109 Middle strsrt, iay! , . . : ted Doaa's Sidney PUls. wblcb I procured at Cradham's Itarmaey for if f back snd kidney and I found them to b all thaV Is claimed for : thorn. I bad trouble with mi back forborne tlms, IVh secrttlooa from tb a Idnr'ys wer ery dark nd full Of S'dlmcBt and my tack gave tno any'moast of troab'e. ' It pained tad ached to badly st time lLal 1 eould nl attend to bualneai. Uosa's Klsaey riHa weol b Ibe right spot so nnt.'kiy that I enuld bstdlf bellsra It. 1 lie firt In did m ao mtiflb gmwl that 1 bought s afconil and pe4 four j-M'i a ilsy. My ba-k ha v hull n. nines sn-1 1 cao aifcnl n my f.-.rl a'l day and t!i n.t p' ttirf"! Ilk I eJ Uk YoU rt- v iin-i tr y jii.-i.n an'l welciiir.a I t I 'i of In"i P H y ftP'sVlw , 'lVUULy!y ijaa per M Mnl M Scloo u For boys and girls. Faculty rep resenting Wake Forest College, The University of Notth Caro lina, Catawba College, Southern Female College.Utt'eton Female College and Peace Institute. Pre pares thoroughly for college and for the active duties of life. Non sectarian, Special Sdvantsges In Music and Elocution. Magnifi cent scenery. Mineral water. No Malaria. Splendid comiuuni ty. Not a bar room In the coun ty. Board at actual cost. Labt year the average cost of board was $t.87 per month. Tuition $1.00 to 3-00. Hoom rent 35c per month. Session open July 18th and close April 4th. For Illustrated caia'ogue, write to W. D. BURNS, A. B LL. B., Principal. Lawndale; N- O. I INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION. I ViV U COLlYEGli, I KALEIQJJ, N. C. I ili.ectrlcal. Mechanical, and Mln- X ing), Industrial Cliemlotry, Tex- tile Industry, 520 Students, 0") In- ftructors. Tuition 20 a .ear 2 Board $8 a month, 120 Scholar- a, auipa. AddrcfB i: PRESIDENT WINSTON, n kaleiqij, n. c. !! Homer Military Schoo OXFORU, N. C. The fifty-fourth year oefjlns September 7lb, 1'j04. Classical, Scientific, snd English Courses, Tho best Moral, Mental, Social, and Physical Training. Every member of the faculty an exper ienced teacher. Apply for catalogue to J. C. HORNER, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Academic Department, Law, Hedlclne, Pharmacy Free tuition lo teachers and to ministers ions. Scholarships and loans for the needy. 620 STUDENTS, ,07 IWSTnrjCTOKS. New Dormitories, Gymnasium, Water Works, Central Healing System , - . - Fall term begins Sept. 5, 1904.-'Address Fbaxcis P. Vcnahlr, Pkkbidbnt, -.... 7 Chpel Ml), N.O. tfutitwU for. College Younir - Courses Women (Si i lory f 1 1 . f - I Catalc-rue Mnaic TB 1 RAIEIOH I rlttl betL Place V M, C. M hUn. a wr ' Daughter Jai.Dmwi.Mit . rrtUt J27 Middle Hf. Full line of Drugstied iclnes, - Toilet Ar: tides, and Soap; - , Fresh ; Supply of; ' - Flower : Seeds ; I'lijftlclnuH , I'rcscrlp- is 9 1 A." 1 p 0 c Itlty.V p. TunnniTii Miifa twrrr of - liiif ,7,!, Wafons, f.,r' r- . 1 rr-- !r-,-a , 1 f - llChesifpeak ; wortjd's fair scenic route " . fAlNTlLOUIJS. MO- .SHORTEST, QUICIiEPT nd BEbT ROUTE. Vastlbnled, JEltric-Llht fralna wl.Ut Pallmaii SIeeper'vMd jpfnlat OaA,- . - .Through tickets from Carolina IWltb dlwct connections. SPECIAL RAT ir FOR SEASON, SIXTY or FIFTEEN DAt TICKETS. "A Fifteen day tickets from New Bern, N 0, S2S-15. , Sleeping car accommodations engaged upon application. " ' SPECIAL COACH-EXCURSIONS c on suthoxlzed dates, tickets good for tea -days at rate of $28.70. Correspondlnel low rates from other elation s. Special accommodations arranged for partis t Stop overs permitted withoutllmlt st C.& O. celebrated Mountain resorts 1 USE THE O & O ROUTli and purohssa jonr tickets accordingly. 'K For coach excursion dates, reservations and other Information, address ' i W. O. WARTHEN, Dps, Richmond, L: 1 F.W.OURD, Paa. Agt. C. & O. Ry . Norfolk. Vs., , f f7A. Wreon, Pius I. E. 11. Meadows, Vlce-Prest. ' T. A. Uifell, CaBhier. Citizens' Bank, OJT JSTBTW a3BTRlT, St. O. Do a Qeneral Banking Buslae Surplus and Undivi ded Protfts, 122,000.00. We Will ffiVfa nromnt anil rarofn ntUn tion to all business entrusted to us. We Invite your account. Try us. Board ot Director. Ferdinand TJi.ioh J. A. Meadows, HamtlAl W IrtnV it. H. Meadows, James Hedinond, Mayer Hatin, loom as A.drnan, o.K.rov. Chaa. II . Fowier , J. w. ramprr, K. W.Smallwood, ueo. N. lves. w. if.OrooSeU.: Mark Disosway anything yon invent orimprovo: also get CAVEAT JRADE-MflRK. COPYRIGHT or DESIGN PROTECTION. Send model, ekeloh, or photo, for free examination and advice. BOOK ON PATENTS KKffi Writer JH fm mm n mm i to tMalUVirOtUV i Paler -ra. WASH I NGTON, D.C. - - - 1. ffa. WARD, Attorney at Law, 74 Ho. Front St., Opp. Hotel Chattawka NEW HERN, N. 0. Craven County Attorney. Cirouit, Craven, Jonea, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico, Greene, Lenoir, and tht Snnreme and Federal Onnrts Notice of Entry. State of NORTH CAROLINA, Craven County. Todeorgoli Wfttprp, Knlry Taker for Craven County: Tho undersigned J W Stewart and O H Wethei inton of Craven county, North Carolina, enters and lays claim to the following described piece or par eel of land In number nine township. Craven county, Hlato of North Carolina the same being vacant and unappropriat ed land, and sul icct to entry, viz: on theNoilh side of the A it N C Illi, bounded on the South by () II Wether- Ington and Hlncs Bros Lumber Com pany, by heirs of AuiibIus McCoy on west, on North by tho McCoy land, Jten iamln Loflln aud William Wethnrinir- ton, on tho Kant by the Smith lands,con talnlne by estimation One Hun ilrcd (100) acres more or less. Entered this tMth day of June, AD 1901, O. II, iWETHEHINUTON, J. W. STEWART. Russell House. BEAUFORT, N. C, Centrally locattd. All the deli cacies of the rU'itson. Well venti lated rooms, Good beds, Phone con veniencee, Polite nnd attentive Ser- vauts. Katea f:1.50 per day Sjieciul and liberal terms by week or month. ; Q. A. RUSSELL proprietor, ICE 104 DISCOUNT Books Containing coupors for 800 lbs of Ice in 10 .lb. coupons, value 4.00 will be sold to customers at s discount of 10 per cent.' $3.60 will buy $1 00 worth of ICE If book Is procured, either from the driver of wagon or from the office 19 Griffith treeU New Bern Ice Company. When You OH Time bring lint oarrtage round to bs sad w "WW-. - - - - - - V will on ten you now imi 11 uosti ynn to repair end po 1' N.ro'er again.' W do all kinds, '.- f "ftom a Veblols Is so damaard ',1.4 h'l ' make II rood si new. -A'""'' ' cost ny thing Ilk the - 1", ' Jd 00 Blthsr, W tmt rtnbl.. r " Ia on yon old 01 new wheels. Wel f i.k yor loo tire tn a msrhin without cutting thsm, or wllboiiS taking tire from whel os bur -y while ynn wait, Eerybodyti In v 1 to toa Ui niftcMnsal work puUing 1 . , . 'i In el l 'nca, . " . r. ; !-r t": f , , i. I! ". at.- i p.,:) A. &N. C. R. R. timk Table ko. 33 To Take Effeot Sunday, Apl. 10, 1904 at t2:01jA. M E. S. T. Going East Bohedulk: Going Wes No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 ; 1 DAILY. J Ly. p m stations: A.r, s fk 8 80 Qoldsboro ,n 0t 5 S LaGrange 10;8S ' Krnston jfu '4" Ar. New Bern, Lv , oq 5 60......Lv. " Ar 827 7 15. . . .Ar. Horehead city Lv.. ... 8 65 No. 6, Passenger Train No. 6, -1 Passenger, Trsln. I. STATIONS: DAJL1. Lv. A. it, Ar,p, h 8 00 Qoldsboro 8 18 Best's 8 26 LaGrange 8 87 Falling Greek... 8 48 Klnston 8 03 Caswell 9 18. -, Dover 9 80 Gore Creek.... 9 60 Tuscarora 9 54 OlarkB .... 8 80! .... O UO ! ... 767. .... 747 .... 7 8V .... 785 s .... 717: ....7 00 660 .... 08v P.M. 1010 A. New Br,, T. A.M. No. 7, Passenger Sundays Only- No. -Ar. 8 fV p. m Lv. a. m 10 20.... Lv. New 'Bern A 10 40 Riverdale. ... 0 47 5 43 6 85 r.Si 6 IS . 440 10 43 Croatan.... 10 68 Havelock ... 11 16 Newport... 11 20 Wildwood... 1140 Ar. Morehead Oitv Lv... FREIGHT. No. 1. DAILY EXCEPT No.'9..i 2d Class SUNDAY 2d ClasC Lv. a m 512.... 5 45..., 8 12.... 6 27.... 7 82..., 7 40..., 9 00.... 9 40..., 1010.... 10 88..., Ar, p na . . . Qoldsboro 2 51 1 Best's 815 208 . . . . LaGrange. . , .Falling Greek ... ..Kinston.. caswell.. Dover..., . ... core oreek. . . . . Tuscarora. . 188 -12 18 12 01 1101 .10 40 Clark's t) Ml " u" Ar, New Bern, Lv 9 20 No-7, No. 8, Tues, Thurs, Mon, Wed.rt & Sat. - & prid, 18 80 Lv. New Bern Ar 8 05 112 Riverdale 7 80 1 20.., Oroatan il8 140 Havelock ,. 700 8 09 Newport, Lv 688 2 20 Wildwood 007 8 28 Atlantic 5 58 2 55 . . Ar. Morehead city, Lv. . . . 5 20 8 00 ...Ar. M. city Depot. Lt..... 460 It Hi Supplement No 1, V;7 To take effect Saturday, May Ufljr it 11,05, a m, 1004, East Bound West Bound. No. 211. No 813,.' DAILY, EXCEPT 4vi FRIDAYS AND BUNDAYS. Lv p. m. stations. Ar p, m. 4 00 Qoldsboro 9 00 4 20 Best's S88 4 20 'LaGrange. 814 4 40 Falling Creek 1 61 - 4 52 Kinston ...188 Caswell 18 88' 513 ..Dover 1888 6 80 Core Creek ..a. m.1188 5 49 Tnscsrora It 49 5 55 Olarks ' 118 6 10 Ar. New Bern, Lv 'if t 03 tW No 818 will pass No 3, where over taien and ran . ahead adead to Qolds boro nnless others wise otherwise or dered. B. A. NEWLAND, Gen'l Supt. Mai ter Transportation. . . V t A. F. HCLLBMAN7. l Chief Dlipstcber. . llomulnii A, BTirinn, ATT0ENEI AtXkW. Practice to the eountle of Craven, Oarteret, Pamlloo, J ones and Onslow, and In the State Supreme and Federal Conrta. ' ' i. Offlo: Soath Front Street, over Tela graph offloa, Nr N.O. PILISI PILISIV PILES! til. Dr. WlUlamaMndtao Pile Ointment Will our Blind, Bleeding, Ulcerated and Itching Pile, lt absorbs the tumors, allays th Itching at onoa, cU as a ponl tlOasivea butant valiaf RnlH k. n a wtu rUAitalACT. . "' I". SlaaiM, ; j a. d. ward . CT. AIMflnM A .Unn . ATT0RKI1 '. C0UN8IL0K5 a :" BMW :, ..' J' I,. Offlc lUsmovadacro Street to be ) ) Btorv of Ha. g iiinn t.i.. . , ., ' L. -) ) Booth front Street, nex; to IPractlc la th "counties of Crave t., Duplin, Jones, Onalow, (Jsrterct rami! 60 and Waka. Ih tha Nnnron,. ui 4. 02n?u Wkorwvfr lorvtoa s. Ernest Qrcin, iUortfj'M ConaInrt I, t'; -7 1 , n. t V. ( '! P '; r ft ir ' t ',(.,-,..

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