, A..;'J J "'t r ( 7 Vrom, Vuovv c y fur wo & neiisure. iCoW i " . . - cm by (MMhoM near As.icvr.Jikj - -stlUTAKY. utaMy comr- iti by Army ,pc m Attpt lapctoi. lUfaelne Func ti ul ofincrci -onmcKtauSSI jjrswwiK - cot,, B. BUIGUA1I, S.pfc.Tl. F, D. 1 MP .S0!)TlL.r, ' . -St ? asKowstiMjuveeouaBioa. suecuve .4 A. I l ' i 1 ' place oa nl dally, ticket t extremely low rate, to St . Luuls, Mov and return Following are rale applying from principal points lm State of North Carollriar-v? Aheboro.,.,....w.,J..,...... $85 55 " $290,L 1490 l,K -'Ct 'n s.A,..r.-t.i,i.4v....5t ' " Q8 4.......7l..rf.v...l , Gok. "0...,..l.,,,.i.,4,...,,.i.i;H.1 ' On a ire ...,..VJ....1..-..V, ' . HendersoniiU...,; .,.,...., ' , Hickory....,,,..;,.. ,...,...,...;, -J Vv Marlon. a". i -a sI r i Morganjiott, . . . 3 $ . .. . . . . t,..Z Newton inyHlMHlilIH'W; fionthem Rllwv wUL affaetlT lorll Steeping Omt between Oremwboro, KiB., end BU Lonlt, MOi, tU BeUibury, Aihe Title. Knonllle, Uxlngton end LoahrUle; taTimt Greeatboro dtlly ..t 7.20 P.M. -'.' i""- jj. " ' - -., ' 1 'f i .'-'-v "vwtjkar For fall Informitloa u to ntee rom ill poloU, Bleep! ag-0u feiemdow, tohedalce, lllaitrsted llteteture, ets,;d(lreet ANf AGENT. o K -:J s i J B.L. VIKNOff, TrevellBf Pettener AeBt, Cbulotte. N. O. 'r Vv'H,'Hi v 4,.S,YP09. Atllrtot Pingr Agrat, AherUlB N. Oi S. It nAUDWICKTrnmc lIanager. . e..e t t . at iiiui u nuu.ii I ' 1 - Hare yos aver oonstdtred tba great advantage Of Ibis fea-y ' ? 1oroftte8anthwleutyoWboweomheT4 three (jfr ' flT,-rn lea aeres-eaay bs had at the prloe jf slngta acr j r jjt ta year home secMoa t h It's worth, considering,. etpeok Jtv,,-: u V when the creai ttodactlT worth the land laakea la at-r ,fc count. Ifi weaderf oily fertile agrlooltaral section la thts coatrr and farms are cheap ont therela Arkansas, Oklahoma and Tsxm almply be- cans tken ara- mare farsas thaa tamers-- Oa foa afford -to overlook aa opportnaUy oi Wile kind t - tturlllutraled booklets will give yon the particulars la detail. ' . It not .Interested yoaraeltf write for then aayway ta behalf f : joui lees favored relatives and aelghbore, - ' : . . r s (MsntloB this Paper.) r.x ;X vONC JFAJBEl FLTJS.'stJPOLLafS , For the Boaad Trip -First and Third Month.'.. ' X4 TttMttttttttfHf,f a m ' m Telephone; bib vies is A Bpsraws - BUJHSBtHr : A uaua.- t; f f CJc2TeKleao Oiir Tai fltoaw t , tAsJaaiteatmtorsi NoUotv , .HtrJiL.aaallfMdaa admlalatrator. t Bdtttstrtaa fhU U to aotlff all peraoaa feMlnvalaima asa!nt tbe estate at the .MtMuad tn aahlbtl tbesa IO.IM aa- derrftBfd, oa er before the th day'of Aag0tt,1805 or Ibla notloa,wlU be pleaded la tar of their reooverr . All persons la 4fatoVtoaM uta wlllpleMBika ls- aaaiMate payment. - - - r'."-. - This 8th day of Anrss. - ' i, , v Q 2 htcCARTHT i?i .i ; -Admlatilrator W Attarteyi: r; i. V-;1 itxectitor'a'Kotice." The aadersfgsed fcavlag qnallBsd si V tkaXleHtor alEoima H Enaaitds . anasirl. keteby aotlii all peraoMhold lag olalms against the estate of said de aeaeld te preaeat them duly authentlea--aA, Within res yT frm this dts ot 4his notice will be i ' i la Urof Ihslr - lewieir. ' All penoaa Indebted to the . .4UU of said deceased will please asake lausedlaUpayinest. ' ' ' " '? '..fs: 'v . GEO. N. EiTSITT, tucutof 6f tmrna U Xnn'.t deceased. Hew Bern, H. C, Aogait 10, 1904, r n n-(i ft rii!rn.lii,nd the Hunrlor ' J to the n Bn'lwr 1 will a!ll to ., i ho cotirt ;), ( .i ii(nnflT I Intrrwtl of 1 i t'i l trnt In ! r r I seity . prni,. -.- J ! ' - 4he k ..-i I. Jkonas i r i f h. TiMa A v t . Or r-i . arty, f . V ty f ' - ..-; do. ''J-. lb'" ."'t ..S ft 1 t- . 1 o i (Jo 1- ji Ire IaAIaj. 6oi4 DC 1 E: . ; i Cannae. IIAILVAY; April in, jwh.. aogtwi tuuini wui , -jaai n 1 1 . 111 8610 8610 8010 . 84 85 88 80 84 85 ",88 40 - -8010 8710:,140 8410 8840 i&SO 8410 .'. 88 4Q 88 8J, "88 88 t taw 88 80, 88 80' 85 10 , "88 80L 888 8785 84 W 8410. 'V 8840 8840 A 88 40 7"- W ' '-88 40 88 90 " 88 80 - 84 10 1 8410 6 '8580, S4 W 8585 -8410 87 80 .87X0 '8410 v400 88 85 J 84801 1' ' 28 40 . 38 80 80s.U888, 8840 "S880 fc f 88401 (' 2810, 8440'4.l 88. 1901 intumiraU Thronnh PaUmm CSSiE rui ouubuoo ic .... . -.....! " ' Ufc asttloa. There U no bet- :. J j2S 4 .' mm . e -SI .:T. SAUNDtB8,DP i'i ? - ltlcbmAad. Ta. ItZ ; John sebastuw; " ; Peanut TrmflU Mmmm, 1 I t 'i JCUIGAClOlLlc; ;:::::.::::::.:::,.:b .-:Wr?VT:--.i. ticctric ; Persoas wfcklng tkelr buHdlsgs wired will piease aukekpplloatloB, ta wrl daft? . Any eomplalnu for dafecUva light, Inattention of employees, eke, If mads la writing, to tba CommUilan, will ta- oslva prompt- attentloa. Addrsae all aontmanioatloae to the aVoretary. ' v i.; f ATIU X.IQHT OOMlllflalOJt, .19 Griffith BU ! -89 iEumiALiincmraji Agrlpnltnra, JineejIngC-ltll, ' Xleculcal, at eohaalcal, aad Kls- - ln). ladastrtsl Cbastl.try, T4x-! tils Iadultry, 530 1 indent; 85 ttrnotora, ' Taltt'oa 20 'a year. Board itSa'moalh, 10 Bchohvr- mutym J. --. , ."' j 'VAddrwi' -'"'-ff i' , ; ... RALEIGH, U. C. . eettt ? t; - : PUIS Of K . h Carolina. " ' Cistps Connty. To Go B Wsisri, ei.t j tkVerforCis- Vsq conMr. T!.e an-' -';;id L M FuMir of C.a- fun eount,T I.oiL.i C r-" , enlsra 1 lTScU!;a tl ..!;..:, eVrr; 1 f a or f bt- i r ' I l.i ! 1 To- ' 7. f ' f : it it. unnts One of the wor'j'a st-vn irimdri t the si!' r la the Lnnikl; a t . Tu.. Lh Biiiiore tell of Jt In the X.a-k t i, and Plnolsh whttlemea dlBcusa It la U.e Arctic ocean. It la not aa a wonderful (eat of engineering alone that tlier re gard It, bat aa one of toe greatest opti cal Illusions to be met with during a seafaring career. Nor la It less wonder ful In thia respect to a landsman. ; A sblp cornea in through the Narrows, a big four masted ship with lofty rig ging. After aD the harbor regulations have been complied with a tog takes bet In tow. It is annouqead that she is going up the fast river beyond the bridge, Then the old sallora who have been- there before get out their, pipes, lean over the railings and prepare for long comfortable smoke,' Hot so the strangers, especially for eigners.- As they see the big structure before them, -anticipating official com mands,7 they gather up the necessary gear for lowering all the tops. - One matt fltarts aloft on each of the f oar riggings. ". ' t- e.S "Come down there," shoots the mat. "Get for'd, you men. -let alone that The men go for'd. a good deal sur prised.. Meanwhile the .'ship is .fast approaching the bridge. 5; t The speed continues the same and the black arch Is sweeping downvHTbe men anxiously regard the topmasts, 'then cast appre hensive glances toward the apparently low hanging bridge. ..'-- "Whtit ts the blame tool sklppertry- Ttng- to doT growlsTBrr old English malt- Meanwhile the old timers are leaning against the bulwarks; smoking and chuckling, Wha was once keen anx iety tor them in now a huge Joke, . "1 -The otlii tp tllors are getting bewil dered ri nt y the bridge wlll strike i flie. lot 4mut : Just - below the croastreea; 18 alarm Ihey burr, aft'as though to jppeal to the pilot and the offlcerattaf those bea "are camplacent' 17 tranquil ob the poop.' i fXoclf out! -Stirnd frora nndeir yells one,goBor. "le bridgejis appareotly- auoui 10 uwvep uuvugane (ore rig ging, "when suddenly It shoots upward nod wp&tmmWtKiormib ton truck, .fifty feet above. In amlmrte It i all over, The bridge dwpe again. It actually seems if it had been raised especially to kllow- this ship, to pass.- To the foreign sailors tt seems a mlratjleanil they .Hell off It for the rest of their l!yes.-New. Tork Press.; 1 PITH-Nt POINT: tit- Old saying: Those who can, do; those Xon ladles no .doubt baveitrled inan Wiedlea.'? EverAnd oue tnat wea a TOdj!Ta;i&' Sami- .rv- A Vjkeas there is talk of nAbotk,pr tles are very flerce In tbetbopf (hat the other W1U back bnt . " -We have fetteed thatftba weather la either too wet.' top dry, too cold or too warm, -r It la vary seldom jnat right ; Tlitil'i raS aria f il lh If ma imm help it finch a death la Terrnneathv factory to tba-doctora, aa Jt arforda them nothing to cut oat. .V. --. - . When "they were married they bad two umbrellas and aeoded only one. Latsr ohiwuen oue nmbaelbi wM vl thev had tBer needed taror' "We wondertf the author iof that say. ti "It Ib pevcr'too lato tamend," waf a mother hd had to wail 1I berchH dred were In bed- before she could gat hold of their clothe r-tchtsoa Gtobe. rn tfca Dmrt TI rmtr Aa odd llloetratkm once given Emer son, .the philosopher, of the fact that the laws of disease ara as beautifa aa the laws of health Is aeported ta bis lecture on The Comic &-. J- yi was baateolng," ba eaya, ,"to visit ai old and honored mendWho I was Informed- waa, la a dying eoadatloir, When I met his physician, who accost; ad mala great spirits.:. ?. ; "And bow y friend, the rever end doctor r I An quired. ,-.t)h. I saw blathUmornlng. It la the most correct apopatay X have ever aen-face and hands .livid, breathing stertorous, ail tba symptoms perfectj And he rubbed hla hands with delight, tor in tba country wa cannot And every day" a case that agrees wlthths diagno sis of the booa K:"f-if - ' (Vat fteslmlan, .; -. The animals and birds-had bean tak an Into tbe ark, and "Noah ,waa about to nuj ia too gang plant r whan nia wtm bahdl lnterDoaad. , "t-i ' i ' : - "How' about the -flsh,' Joanf' aha said. "Art yea going to leave them ontr - "The nahr.be sxclalmad.- That's Just Ilka woman.' fx yon' think the Oah, win drown J appose foa goand lopK fttr the opdklig..wedam. .Ill at tend to tba Hve atock.?'-ChlcagoTrlb- y "i ' p,t , . Toor He's iimt working hlmeelf t death." ' ' "Wby, I .thought ha had 8 poUtlcal lob." - . "He baa, hot tt seems as If be v tooner r-' rrni i'oinli'd Vim it 18 nacsa sary for biro to got out andiwork again so tfiat sorru-bixly else wont gat tt nett Um," Clikngo Record Herald. .- mTV fp Hilly Mt very mora distfm- ed alxiut sis going oa the Stags, did tlwy notr Tn," anawerwd Mle Oaysnne, "but not until after they had ea bim act' Washington Star. . ' - " filnkletoo I'm In a box. My vrUo's droomnnkar bna a '.-I me. IXulMon Tou'ra In a flria a tlvaland 1' ' r. ;:t raasyoo tiotin. M.T1 , III fit r t ',, - - j - t ti A , f it i.o Li; ai!'!.sca le cotnplete. liow. s--vect tie picture t-f mother and tabe, : ansls siiiile at and commend tba 1 thoughts and aspirations of the methcr il 1 "c 2 ovm t; cradlewt The ordeal througla ; v. tlte expectant mother aaust pass, bow- aver, is so full of danger and suffering that . ' s'.a locks forward to the hour when she shall -V -1 tie ';e tLria ef motherhood with indescribabla .dread an4 v -J. I "l. woman should know thxt tha dantrer. rtain and kormrT" t f cLILX-birth can be entirely avoided a) - "i o Loiment far external use X ail. the parts, and su- t nature in its sublime w i. By itsaidthousanda f wotsen have passed this great Crisis in perfect safoty a t rsd vttkout. pain. Sold at tvtl W ragglsts, t Oar book talv to all woman seqt FOR THE HOUSEWIFE -TOnmg peel Frerri.:-', i Preserved orange peel in good to". eat First cleanse thoroughly with warm water and a brush the outside of -the peel.' ; Scrape from peel the , Inner white! Tlace In kettle the yellow peel, and "with it place one tablespoon salt and enough water to cover,. Boll ten mlnritea and pour off; put over fresh water, boll up and turn off again. - Con tinue changing the water until th peel boa boiled tenders: To drain oil and put aver fresh water three or four times Is esuaUy- sufficient Remove tendet peel and-chop- very flneu j.WIUi-one-.ctip of sugarjaad1:,oiw-hftlf . ittal, -gater to each cup of orange peel boll the chop ped poei,"trrrtng constantly until' mix ture- haaMwlled neurlj1-fli-y, thca -put on plates and, si t in war ing ovea t dry out fit need not b1ierfectlf (dgr when placed In Jjra. J .e preserves give a.floe lisror to pu., llngai caka oarealaand ndarm" dmtat'4.. ff . f V j ' " r"i I - If ' any . one , thinks. bo. has I flat foot'' or. broken arch he can bet sure by. putting the foot Info" water,gettlng the whole bottom wet? then pot the toot on the floor while wet and bland nrv It the arch Is broken tha Dilnt of the wholfe 1toot wlll'lW'dithe rJoqcIf the arch 1a all right there Willi be a dry space en the IdsM of the) foot between the lall of the foot nndfceeU U toe area is proken, r oasts are entirely jenred by wearing a tlitcKpteej Of felt (aucu a narne. i) tinkers nsa ut collars, think) cnt to fit iniundat the irch. It is not as pamfuTas Ihe tarctf esold of steel and la eometlmea, bet ter. It can be made aa thick, of thin I as needed. For a soft corn between the rtoes'itntln a'pinchof baking soda and a tew drops of vinegar every night nil tha -corn' irgone.0 -t.H J-,--'"- --""JI -Vl in, Z , ' j,... A Hmo -veeawe.v f The housewife la' often khnoyed,' while engaged in her kitchen jwprk. by dtscovermr, that her pint or giu measura la missing or mislaid or that the measuring cups bought from, the gMoere asa-aot eawect-;--; . A young inventor haa designed an af fair-, that neceasltatas , , the housewife fi -:.. ir.m arowriMJi cur.-. .; W . . - . ' Ja having tot one meaaura. And that so constructed that a glance telhl Just the amount ef liquid It contains. - A This mulUple cup haa wlthla-' Its walla a spiral ced, to the top of which are afflxed a disk and a movable hand er indicator. As the liquid rises la the cup a rotary motion la Imparted to tha rod, and as It revolves tbe hand Indi cates on the disk the. amount pf the contents, Just aa the hand , on' a cy clometer Indicates the number of yards a bicycle or motor carriage has trav In cases ef tiphtheTia. onions ; in' th form of nooltice and a airup are said to have aa almost magical effect The-) poultice In this caae'ia made ef the raw onion pounded to a pulp and bandaged around the throat well up to the ears, changing as' of tea aa the mass becomes dry. .- A ponJUcavof tha asms pa tba sole of each foot, reduces the' fever. The madlaguwus propertleat of onion Jnlre make it specially aoothiDr to the Inflamed muooua membrane and there fore acceptable la rase of ' whooping cough, croup or diphtheria. Art excel lent way to make the airup Is, to cut tbe onion Into slices, sprinkle pkatlfully with sugar and press between .hot plates and a awry weight net!) all the Juice Is extracted. ; -. : JOiFS SYnPAIHT.; .: Is t'rovcrbial, ' llcvr Vzra Women no- 7 Itow Binrh v,a owe to the rupMfiallo s' j of 1. Whan tithor auf- l r t'.ey eliMirfuHy It rid a h', 'ng 1 1 ' j ti.il job tha srif.ans wh' h in r f to t!)'n ti ynu tit ' . I f r I-!ra v I : ' "! i ni-f. i ? r 1 k- at 1 . !) ll 7 " lo i- -vi 7 ' by the use of Mother's WerjoVl; only, which toughens aad reedara M V- : L--sLi "'.-V-)..f: Id at fXMO pet FT " - rr-Jr y book of priceless i j k ,1 J k free;" Address If3 'ji M k? am, arfeiafsC oe.'- u uu JL,u-: . ' The Skylark. ' - ' Bkrlarks""nre" rather prolific birds. having -twa broods. in the year and often laying as many as" ove eggs; though' four is the usual number.-' The nest (sr' sd difficult to find that it la practically -never discovered except by accident; aa when,, for. Instance, the hay fields are mown, or what is being hoed, The bird very seldom nests near the. margin of . a field, whor it might be put off Its nest by i-aBBeraby. On the shores of the No. sea skylarks will nest In the "bents" and "marram' close -to 'the edge , of the sand hills, though, they, Jutye to (etch food to their young from a considerable distance. There Is always something very pleas ing in the sight of a lark's nest It la usually -sank in a. hollow, and, unlike the;-itests-"'fis tnabyv.ground building Urdst lotnost carefully made, the cup beingMeep- and perfectly circular, and lined jwlth. verjtfine .grasses, though the outer .part la made of rough, dead benta.. and often of a most Irregular shape 'in order toflll 'up tbe hole In which It la made, London Spectator. ' "anyfldwers.Tlutlves most ot them of iloiis t where (the day Js . Intensely hot'. exDand' their, WosboiS at night otoBU'amdi thm' th- Tictoria itegio, wnicn opens ns epienuiu carys near mAmaaerr a; nightfall -and elooea.tt at'dawmi . a Thai queen ot.the hlgbt blooms for ene-. night only.,and has.lh Joome on tb lJaods,.t.,th lrihbean sea.j .The triangular cactus., whose flowers are a foot in. length and width, follows the' From 'Virginia, corfler the biennial Oenotheras or "nrghnighf wlilch was brought to England to 1814 because its twiste Tcd- root uld be - eaten" as ealad, .- 4!a s j-Among. British night flowers are the racket, ?or nlght .Tlolet, the evening rlmtesetandr tba-camplon. .The white yellowHic:fid he fragrance ot mesa nowers oi nocrurnai iow aaract roving stoths; Which carry' the pollen and. so . fertilize the planta.-London Hi 1 M - , -- . ouuiuaiTk - , , - m ,' MB t T'i'j rktWaaai The noted BneUsh -family of. the HolreThas for Its badge a bloody hand, and thia sinister badge commemorate a. .wage: that, ended t a crime. Sir Thomas Holte, one day la 1612, was hunting.'" He Invited T his comrades home with him' to dinner, and aa be rode along be made a heavy, bet on hla cook's punctuality;. But the cook fail ed htm for once; when he got home din ner waa not ready. . The J" ot companions at this failure, together with hie huge loss In tbe matter of the wager, enraged hlmeo that he ran Into the kitchen, seised a cleaver and spUt thcoook'e bead open with- it After- werdhls family, to keep this crime aUve, adopted for its' crest the bloody hand oT th cook killer. ,A,1V-i" 'ii ''i'i -r- .r.i .' ".'.T.'jt, Twe -atlas rt ferns. i When 'the. presidential straggle be tween. Clay and Jackson: was at its heights ia related that a band of emi grants, from ' Kentucky and the then other western states commenced to set tle ea the north side of. the Missouri river and called their county Clay and th county aeat Llbertyr At the aame tlm another lot ef end grant from Virginia and other south ern states pitched their tents on the south sldfl of the Big Muddy and called their county Jackson and the capital Independence. And so It remains, to thia day,. Clay stood for liberty sad Jackson for independence. Oak Grove (Moj Banner. - - p.. . - -.- V la ?tOch the daisy A called la Mar- guerlte. It Wa the drrlce of Margue rite ef Anjou, and also ef Marguerite of Talola, a much -more appropriate emblem' of .'the latter prlnecas, ' who" withdrew from tbe glitter ef courts to beeame rectus, than of the ambitious Lancastrian, qnoeo Of England. The daisy is th national Sower Ot Italy, ctiosp it bono of Queen, Marguerite, Ia thA tanguaaiof fluwers It signifies Innocence, peace, hope.. In the age of chivalry It wa tt emblem of fidelity and wora by kalghieat tournament In honor of their ladylove, Th Acla Jfiuma f ancient the enr)!"t approach to the aewspa f win. u we bare any euUMotlo recoi I The- Acta appeared daily until th downfall ef tbe empire, A. IX 478. .It waa. pubtlf iHL under the auspice cf thQ pi'vpniiuotit and pouted in eon ptlLllo piin e, 1ho cotiti-iita coiialatlng a '- Ht of pulill duckets, a snmi of dally occurroncea and all. news ganaral cliarnctt-r. BCltNCS FREVENTB EALDNLv-, I i ,n 1) b (i ,..,,. baiA NO B,wl vl7. II . I H hair H Ji"t !'n4 at th roola. Med V .f I ', 1 , '" . t, ( it v t v '-, fo' --pi v, - rr, .' ' V V-, a C , , j. ti ' : r t tlii Yiuit , t . , .'.v. ... , , r .i , .1, . t i m'p i ; : Yzxi-nmx ArruovAL . . ; .-in i.-i a i- -wi.y . . t. In tiia , , , i SHrtRTKST, QUIC B E?T an BBbT Trains with PaUmws Weepersnd Dloldg;1 ; : Through tickets fromCarollBs wUhjUr ct eennectlpns. SPECIAIi AATI POR SHA601T, SIXTT Or F1PTKKMDAT TICKETS. . - ' ;' - Fifteen da; tickets from Kew Ber&, Bleeping car aceommodatlons engaged r i- s. SPECIAL tACH en authorlied dates; tickets good for tea" days at tste of 828.70.- Cerrefpoadlngly low rates' from ther..tlona.v Bptolal accommodations arranged for parties Stop overs permitted without limit at C.A O. f ektraled Mountain teorts. . .UoJS THE O ft 0 KOUTB and purohaae your tickets accordingly. . For eoach exonnloa dates, reservations add other information, address jr.A.Via,,. '-. is. O. WABTHBN, Dps, Richmond, Va T. W.OURO, ra Agt. ft ft O. Rr . Norfolk-. Va., --- - i':;": '- kH0nCEI . V'.. vy...! 'iThe Annual - Meeting -- of the stock holders of th AtlanUe ft North Carolina Ran ead Company wm a held at New Bern, N. C Thursday September 28ad 1904 at 18 o'clock noon. The booki for the tranafer of stock will be closed Angus! S3rd, 1004. JAMES A. BRYAN, President. M. manly; Bec'ty ft Treasurer Russell House. . BEAUFORT, N. 0., Centrally located. All the deli- caoies of the eeaaon. Well venti lated rooms, Good beds, Phone con vemencee, Pol'te and attentive Ser vants. Rates $1.50 per day. Special and liberal terms by week or monuL. Q. A. RUSSELL proprietor, T. A. Green, Prest E. H. Meadows, Vlce-Prest T. A. Catstell, Cashier, Citizens' Bank, - par JUMVJf iBTaw', . a. Do General Bamklng Busloess Burplns and Undivi ded Profits, 188,000.00. We will give prompt and careful atten uon to au Dnainees entrusted to a a. We Invite your account. Try us. id ot DlTMtora. rerdbaBd Uuioa J. A.Keedowe. . H. Maadcwa, Ohaa.DrJly,Jr. Jane Badiiund, Haver Haan, raomaa A..6rea. aaaneiw.lpoek Ohaa.at.rowier, J, W. Orainaar, - at. W.BataUwoad. o.a.rov. M.I.Ives. W.r.Oroakett.: . aura jtaoswa T v-? a . . r"i A Departure from old methods of carriage building has enabled as to famish a vehicle that Is at' oaoe very cheap, haadsoma and serviceable. Carriages, bsggita, light wagoas, perfect la construction, detlgn aailflalah. at notably low prices. Best of workmanship and materlfir Up-to- dat la all respects. Can't be beak Guarantee with every eaa. - Wa pnt Rubber Tire oa jour old or aW waeei. we senna your wow iirtia a machine without cutting them. Xvarybody Is Invited lo so the machine at work putt lag new bolti la old p'aces. O. . TTatem A Houjs ' . Successors to G. H. Waters ft Boa, ' . Pbona 185, ' t8 Broad BV Haw Basi. " 10 BISCOTJXT, e -e -m ."Book Coaulnfng oonpoM for 800 lh. of Ice-to, 10 Jbi- oonponj, Tain H00 win be sold to cutomers at a discount of 19 per center X-'.J''.y ,: 13.80 wUI buy 4 OO: worth 6 IC II book la prooared, liher from th ddrar of wag oa or f waa tkeofflc W rlfflth itnat. -.VrT i--itrf"fv;,-i fJev Bcrnv itce 4i ' r apr.'"! Is what itj t n .n d"lrfa, laliailinr he l - , . -! I'.ilj IGB t i4T-"T: I V-, ,'r',"irv j... i '-.A,, Horn ' ' UUkll UU55 ff !,u r -"'-:-,'fc. .Li-.----.v-V To hat a ?r f h"M-t t- Itiif-dt p . II 1 n t or i 1 1 ROTJ tK' " Veetlboled, Xleetrla-I,bihte N.G, (28 15. . . " 1 upon application. -' - EXCURSIONS ' ' A. & N. C. R. R. TIJtB TABLl NO. S3 To Take Effect Sunday, Apl. 10, 1804 at t:01.A.M., B.B.T. doing Kaat Boekdoxb: Going We No. 8 Passenger Trains No. t DAILY. STAUONB: Goldsboro. . LaGrange.. lit. p m Ar.arn ...11 OS ....10.88 880... 8 58... 482... 5 40... 560... 716... , a. ins ton. ,..Ar. New Bern, Lv,...., 908 ,..Lv. " Ar 8 87 At. Morehead city Lv 8 55 ......XV IB No. 6. No. 8, Passenger Train. Passenger STATIOBS: Train DAILY. Lv. A, M, Ar,.p. at 880 808 .... 767 7 47 7 87 8 00 818...., 886,.... 8 87 8 48 08 8 18. , 8 80..... 8 60...., 8 64 Goldsboro... Best LaGrange. . . ...Falling Oreek. ...... Klnston.... Caswell 785 Dover 7 17 .....Core Creak 7 00 . ...Tuscarora 650 .......Clarke 6 48 -At. New Bern, Lv...... 680 ,. r. a, Paaseneer Nn. fi. 1010 k. at. No. 7. Lv. a. m.- 10 80.... 1040 10 43 -Sundays Only Ar. p. m Lv. NewBern Ar..., Bivendale Croatan Havelock , Newport WildwnnH . 10 68 11 15 U W.... 11 40. . . . Ar, Morehead City Lv. FREIGHT. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY No. 1. 8dChvi. Lv. am 511..,. 545.... ..Goldsboro , Beet's , LaGrange , Palling oroek Kins ton oaawell Dover , 618 8 87, 7 82. 7 40 800 8 40 ....core oreek..... ....Tuscarora Clark's Ar. New Bern.Lv. 10 10., 10 83., H 00., No, Tuea, Than, Mon, ft . New Bern Ar..,. . Riverdale .. ctroatan . Havelock ft Sat. 18 80 Lv, 1 18 1 80 1 40 8 00 Newport, Lv..... 8 80 Wildwood, 8 88 Atlantio. 8 65 . . Ar. Morehead City, Lv 8 88 8 00 ...Ar, M. oity Depot, Lv 4 60 '" a.K. Supplement No 1, To take effect Saturday, May 14th at 11,05, a m, 1904. Eaat Bound. West Bound. No. 211. Ho jia. DAILY, EXCEPT FRIDAYS AND SUNDAYS. Lv p. m. 400.... 4 80 4 29 4 40.... 4 62 518.... 6 80 6 49 655 STAT10H8. Ar p. m. ..Goldsboro 8 00 Best's....... .. . LaGrange..... ...Falling Creek. Klnston.... Caawell -.Dover ...Core Creek Tuscarora Clark 8 86 8 14 1 81 1 88 18 88 18 88 .a.m.1168 ... " 118 ..." 1181 ...'! 1105 6 10 Ar. New Bern. Lv.. fy No 813 will pas No 8, when over us ea and rua ahead ad aad to Golds boro anlsss otherswls otherwise or dered. B, u. DILL, B.A.NXWLAND, CraalBapt Hum awuponuion. A. T. Hf LLEICAR, Chief IX patch r. " Ilomnltifl A, Xaiiii, - -i ATTOBSET At UTT, . Practlo i In the counties of Oravsa, Carter, Pamlico, Jones and Onslow, and In to State" Supreme and Federal Courts, . r A t .... c-.. . -CmoM BeatklVrA4aUra,vr Tile graph office, Ner frn,. ?ni& i. puss 1 1 -.mis! it "llfc-'WBllea4 Jtadtair Pil -Otataan wtUeuM BUitoVAleedlag, CleenM aad Itching Puea,- It aborb the-tojaors, aBayj she Itching at enee, ' at as 8 peal ttoa,gffs ahstant lettef Sold by DAYTJf PHAilMACT. ' t-'-iitvi vi ' -. ' - r: X. Slmateaa, ,3 . A. Ward -yv- SIMnONS t WAR0, ' Uu ., moKicir mi coexsxLoii - 'r'- tw , -.--i-t Offlce Removed across Btreet to Bee 3a . Btory of No. (above TcUgrapj U ,f i . fioe) tionUi Front Street, al to , : Uo' Ustuwks,-, , I Practice la th eattatl of Cravea, Duplin, Jones, Onalow, Carteret, PaV ' co and Wake, la tV u'"m aad IeV': eri (Jonru, aad w a 'rKeas as doalred. , I"';-. i tTli"--.' k ; -44. Erncct K.Qrccn, A tlorncj Coaler at law, I no.n tf.,- NH'iT BEUN, N. 0 V.'r n .tit;l) tnamn-h titVa lT r-nw it. - t (. -"e H t a . e ! . 'ill t 1 " i Ht J- i if