. "iff JjH.cs o-nrl 'A ; -Tdey have jtutrecrfvett s neir lo in Poiat de.Panet, Tlat j ,yL and Valencienno in match selt'or'otlierviae. -These ' ! goods jtre eitxemely pretty and will be sold at a very close.7 ; ; f Auej auto aiso received new ciicaia' Beatrty Cpi set i ' . for whi yWeloloagehk for. -."I : , I J. U. iilllUnLLu ci UU., .. 'i. v-i-5 ,Jl PHONE 43oaockiSt., OpposHcrPpst-officel l is the very Best Paint made.' -It surpasses ail other paints as to Quality Durability and Cov ering Capacity.- - Leads, Oils" And colors. Ptimps, Patopliped j Dfhring joints Sash; Doors and Stints A Spedalfo. ',, 68 Middle 3t. Hot f inaesjyott.look iorlKelCreamFrceztwand Alao Screen Doon and Window, Boroeavire. Car load Iwors and Sash j nst received. Prices Low. Heath 4 ICnUIgan Faint is the Mill and Machine, Supplies. Building material of all kinds. j Gas!till.Hdw.&r,lill: Supply, Co., For .thb.SQlDlofteam obaccp. 'My Lid r : : l i v.jiiu 1 Clk tmo to rr "5 f t n. - ,41 ?:Coto ont to'RlTvnidstO ? I U tnt and get a fine pbbto ' 1 graph ol jottnelf and family, i I Work la of 'the best' qnalltf' H:- I nd guaranteed. ' .,''' ''.',' 3T. T7.- C IT 11111173. ,7-- y uumuero w uw, 28S. ".T - ,1 '3-... -M ,- W ,1 riloneOO. beet full weight, and QOTerS most. pQXisurruxs most m ; -i . iiif' v - Hello Ceritraf i; (Snog In the wel Irnowa tnne.) Hello Qentral gira m RoyaU's '-' For t Vnrf le's thir, ' ) f Toa can find him with the Ioi" hf:' Cream, - - f . -r On the counter near, '' i Hell he glad iU iu mhm Ipeakic Call him wont yon please. For I iflrelj want soma loi Cream, - lUso warm ovr hori ; , j 1 . C- I Will t'Tt f Tl- Si t I 4 o i i n Jen a I . I" "Weather SClDlEuS KILUD , 1 fr v Struck By Rldjogon Top of Cars Brlflre n5 v- On , . N. C. Seal Miar Qeldsbofe. Hat Befased Te. Ceme Oewa, yi v Blame. Special to Journal ' ' " ' ;. tioldaboro, Atff 19. Is aseond aeo- tlonef' troop trala morlng the State gaatdfroia Morebatd atoppad : at t drang for a few aUnntes . thia aft noon; font soldieri got off and Imbued taeniMlvai with something tddilnluwd ollmbed ap on the top of the coacnt. men two miles from Ooldsboro, at Stoaey frwk btUge, the were stroek by the heavy tlmbeis of the bridge. They wen sitting With their basks to the engine, They were prlratas Baraey Warren, Bunea Johsioa, 8 F Cates and Will MoDade'iJ Wirrea 'and' Johaaoa were killed inataaUy, Their heads be ing eraehedv f Oeic and hteOade ie celved fearful head Woanda. " ; they vtre all ot Company A of Dor km. They were aot found until train reached Goldiboro and ware all found laying on top of the sar. Gates was ablate go on to Durham with IU company, but MeDade Ula Qoldeboro hoapltaL He la not expeeted to lira. No fsnlt attaohed to rail road, ai they Were' toll ; to some down by Oaptata White, iutretuaed. ' ' Memories If The Confederacy One of the moat Interesting ebntrlbm. Moos jet made to the lCeratura of the OWU War eppears la the September Ke Olure's la an at tide entitled "Memories of the Beginning and Bod of the South ern Confederacy,'' being unpnbllihed chapters of history from., the temlata- eenoee of loulae,Wgfall Wright, daogh tec of Louis T ; Wlgfall, senator from Texas to the United States Senate end laeer to the Confederate Senate sad alao aa officer ca the staff of Jeffersoa Darls The article ooaelaai of a series of letters written at the outbreak and cloae of the wa.v which wfleot with remarkable ao- earaoy and : interest the thought and spirit of the times.' They reveal the la aide life of the Southern people aad re sect all the tragedy of Ugh hope and Mttee disappointment la their dear lost The letters are written by eaembers of the Wlgfall family and others Ugh l the councils ef the confederacy, to peak with authority. A umber of ia tereetlng . contemporary portraits aa well as drawings, by WB Leigh, Illus trate the aroele. , , , . . . J I Baxter hu oa aaad a aloe Una of etjlUh straw hats te be eloaad out at your own price; They matt bs sold A few Panamas left.,: . ' V';".'.'' Dont forget last wear a etUl eloaing out our summer eletathg la meat boys a children at eost. - :Cthb valcb OP SULPHUR, v Efflclency In Btaltg Watt Attained by Ban.ceckl UaaldBaiphar.' Used oa the face Hancoca's Liquid Svtrncn renders the complexion clari- fled, beaatlfled aad strong. . After sulphur bathings prepared wiU Hiaoocx't Ltoois Soiraon, the akin It felt to glow with reaewed health aad an- tnmllon. : : -SfTs Acne, ettarrh, dlrtheru. ttcb. heroea. ptmplea, prloklr heat aad rtagworaa, with many mote Ula, are KUaraateed a CMTt bT biHOOCX'l Jul QUID fiDLTBOa Matorer greet ' germicide. Caacker aad tu aoreaeit of eoala erelida. mouth, note aad threat ytald te lie pow- Letdlpc ehanaictfta tell It.' Beaoeat Booklet from li.neocfe Liquid Sulphur udi, naiunor, . J7 'i A (tervant Wilh a "jag", of in oilier wor 'i c! nnk, rnry r .use ir rupafrtljlo L s j Era. 1 he onlj way ' to prov.ie :"unit f oancial 1 i is 1 1 j - " f, y r 1 ' e with HO ii. Will) - U 1 1 ; it a. . i ovi r J I :-! rl v r f I rr lANTERlf PARADE DRILL A Beautiful Brent aire by the Chil dren. Cartons Detlgnsu'Diiplartd. i The annual lantern parade occurred last night and the eight was Tory p ret- About fifty children with variegat ed designs snd lhapei of lanterns made theproceacloa. It presented a gTOtetoue and alaoat a weird sight aa It mored slowly through the streeta. "T ' 1 , j The deaigns were uniqoa; tome, were anything but pretty,- but that wat the object deilred.' One lantern wet made Ha the thape of a houte, another had the form of a three matted thlp pasted on It, a beautiful detlga,v another had tome of the songs of mother Goote 11 luatratod and others had figures' of anlmala. -All were ingenious snd .art!- tic. "- - i - A ftne feature waa the drill which wat giren after the parade by about SO little glrla. - The erolutlone were ell prettily made and the lanterns added much to the appeeranoe of the performanoe. s The Academy green where the drill wsa held and the Ice cream waa tarred was crowded with Interested spectators who were immenaeiy -pleased with tne exhibition. The ladies of the If ethodltt church realised a handsome profit from tht entertainment. , Following are the prises awarded: -lit prise, Pauline Berrington. : ;- . W prixe, Bdwtn Uerfy. v - - " U priae, Emily Bowelk ' 4th priie, Mary Berry. Sth prlae, atari Turner. ' 6th prise, Jno Holland. 7th prise, Zelphla Kesssy. v Sth print, Matli Bynum Better. Pih prise, Ethel OaaMIL 10th price, Bettle HoBowelL - Uth pris Bobt yones. "V " i : , lack O'Lantem, Mr Leon Dawton, special prlaa. DIED Thomat Henry the Infant eonolM' 0 Tend Mary Wiofleld Hancock died at tan o'clock laet night aflat, a sari Umess of eerea weeks duration. He was thirteen montht eld. - The funeral will be held at the residence, If 8 Broad street at 6:15 o'clock this afteraooa.Ths serrlcet will be conducted by Bet OT Adams, ,. . , RUSSIAN UNES NARROW Japaaeie Caplare More Poru at Port Arthur. Skirmishes Frtquant. Chee Foo, Aug 19 According to In formation recclred at Ches Foo today the iapaaese at Port Arthur haTS pene trated end abandoned the Chinese atsa- aal a mile and a quarter eaet of the town. The dock yarde aad the build ings surrounding them are said to hare been sererely damaged by the Japaneaa Exploalons ere frequently beard lathe town.; The Japanese are report ed having eeptured the Inner forts, Met sandi . ' ... : . K ; - MnkdeiL Am lfli-A ' blflr ldflhe neighborhood of Xiao Tang'ls immiaaat The . Japanese farces ihaTe .adraaotd within twenty atOes of Lies Tang, and ektmUhes betweea their oatpoata ,and those Of the Bntslaa army are constant. Ttrrkey Gett Boll WniWanatps - Berlin, August 19 The frankfurter Zeltung aaswtt that the potto -ban In: dulgtd la sharp practlott la lie dealings with the United Btataf fat the matter of the lattefe demaads for , proper , treat ment of Amerlcaa eeheola la Turkey, The Amertoea mlnlatat, the paper etatea, after thaaklag the ports for e sat lafactory settle-neat, received the reply that he had mltanderttood the, Turk lea note, which did not ocnoede the Ameri can demands. ' ' ' ' '' w1 ' - i i ;:' fc Trve bottle of Carbonated Coca Cola It poeiefies wtnderfal toole properties made from the fasaoae Coca ylant sad fComnkkv -; ' "rr-: ?,.ui . "Ail low" shoe la Mens 'Ladles jind Children, , and all summer baderwear whits sad figured Lewsa, and all other tummer goods mutt be Sold, la order to make room for Oar great fall ttook that til tooa tie eomlnv la.'. ii t ' I J BAXTER Perfect PiIdJcm Pill; it the ott. that will eletnte the tyitcia, tet the Uret to actloa, remove the Ilia, clear the complexion, care headache tad leere a ood tute la the mooth. The famnut little I1!U fof dolnf inch wort plcu4n!'y and efTuctuitl'r tre De Wllt'i Little Ksi'y I'Jinrt. Eub Vloore, of La- f. TfU, In. "AlloU,nrplIUI)iTe n. l p.': I :c krii. whi'e ie Win I.i ol fi .! 'f perfiKt, a..J t j r. t. JUt. , mx ;.. rC.'i LS ) A if r- k or r tnn"jpg but 5 1 t 1 .. . "1 he V. 1,1. f ) -i J10RB COimCtS ESCAPE ?4 North CaroUnlant at 8t:! Lonla. . Mors esse Talk, Melon lit gxaml- f 1 v ."aastoav Campatgik Lit . i ; .1 'eratnre 8eni'0ut: ;" i " TtaWgh, : VS.', Oh ; Aogutt 19ib.- It IS laid thtt thnt fir Over 1,000 pet soul front this Stale have vittted the St. Louis exposition. The exposition hat In jored the freaorte In the Btate, nltibly those In the mountaint. " . ' Jtate Chairman Slmmont U now send logout quaatlUea of campaign Ultra ture mainly epetohee made by Demo orats laOongreas, Claud Kitchen and dtheia. In a few days a pamphlet will be tent' 6utv containing the Sttte and national platform! and the speecbea made at Greeniboro State Convention by Qovemor Ajcock" and othert. Two more convicti htve etcaped from the gang at work on the Balelgh and Pamlico Sound Rtitway. A few dayt ago Are escaped, three white end two colored. Theee went to a houte. hiving la some way secured citizens -cintuing snd upon asking for food were given a bucxet fulL- They have been traced to about the Virginia line. The Governor a yet baa before htm only the two. bids for the Atlantlo and North Carolina lease, that from B B Rowland and that from the Atlantic Railway Otnpany the latter composed of H L Flnleyton of Goldaboro and oth era.- It Is said that the latter company hat a ttrong financial bucking. It meett at Goldiboro tomorrow. There It a current rumor that some' persons on the line ef the road will form a company and makes bid -'for the -leate but not much it rest It put upon this. . William A. Orton of the bureau of plant induttry of the U. S. Agricultural department jeeterdsy rUlted the water melon flelde net r Oaraer In tela ceuaty Where the melon wilt baa Injured eropt to much. This wilt prevails In Booth Carolina, Georgia and Florida and hu not bees long la North Carolina, on'y two seasons, haying appearel Is Wake Wilton, Johnson and Currituck counties For ten years it hat been eatabllthtd in the other Stetea. i.The only remtdy Is by rotation ' ol "eropt, and . not to plant melons In the tame land except after Intervals of from 7 to 11 years. There It i wilt on ootton In Pitt and Duplin which la due to a fungm quite like that which ceases the melon wilt, this having corns la from the South, being particu larly bad In the Gulf States. . There U another disease in the cow pea end the cabbage," rotation Is the cure for all these tronblee. 1 .The teste made by the U.S. Agricul tural .'Department at Garner In this county Were with 318 kinds of water melon seed . planted on 81 acres, to tee whlbh had the greatest restating power. One, ef the greet troubles la that the mefod' growers do not believe la the experiments. 8ttte Auditor Dixon mys that next weak the . Btate pension board meett and will begla work on the pension list for this year.. Aa-fet all the return frost the eoantyboardt have not come In ead thle causae some trouble. W He A -Bide Sheep ? The Journal efflce has Motived copy of Dally Raw published at Hous tonrTaxae, eoataulac -a. ttory about one John Tof. flt estate that the wet Apparently oe the hog bat lack of pride seemed to make him store bold and ht fs alleged to be tmposlng ea the ehariubly dlaposed people of Houston by soliciting ntoaey for the purpose of reiliag to hie home la Worth Oaro- ISw tr vo-sv; ', - ' A geatleraaa aamed Holletaaa, . for marly a resident pf thle State la tereated bimaaii in tne maat eenau aaa eorre- spoeded with e " dumber d people to Balelgh to ateartata the IdeaUty of Foy But little light wis thrown oa the aad It appears that he has ao eoaaeo- tloahere. ..-.' U ,.-' i-V. He IS deeeribed as beleg Vt years old, I feet tall and weight 100 pouada. Be U badly affllsted being la the Incipient stagetv of . eoniumpUoa and hat alto other troubles aggravated by Indulgence la drink. Habit taken advantage of hit pitiable eondltloa ee I meant of get. tlag money to return to : North Care Una whert he can pass his last dayt with friends,;" Ee hat, however, ttrned the caih that ' obiatned t ether aiet aad parohaeed liquor, and when seder the lonaenoe sad the faculty of making himself ajeaeral eulsanoev The peo ple ef Houston, If the piper kst not IX ifrttd the case, have - bteo greatly bothf od by tht mis.' - - , '- We ire Infotmrdthit Toy belongs to i Klnsion family ted bat long kids Jltirnnu'.'o cr,r:lcr. ft hie been long lime since be was la this setlone bote the. sme bad repatatlon. thai he hid ia Houston. , . riRE Coontry lisms at Oakt Meat Mar keU v For Pprlnn anil Urowa to the tKie k'.arket. Chlokeai go J jr f .1 1 e Tr'irit t TftCJSTKt B be0li i f l.a I: Ahn a I ''. 1 uUte rllor Tr7 ' o line of it rumor ( tl.'.i .;:e only i A Few j Portsmouth Mi Mullefa 1 3 ' Just Received At g I McANIEL'S I j 71 BROAD STKEET. g 2 Complete Stock Of j Fancy and Staple .taiesi 5g At Bight Prices f J. L. McDANIEL, Hr" 1 S 'Phone 91. 71 Bresvl St g ElUwooi r Under Hotel ChatUwka, GENERAL HARDWARE. Screen Wire Doors and Windows. The Ice Saving Gla zier Befrigerators. Agent for the Farmer Girl and Boy Cook Stoves. Farmers will bear in mind that we carry a very complete line of American Steel Wire Fence. NEW IIEBN, Jf. G. A Harvest For Bicyclists Offer 75 pairs ar at greatly reduced prices for Spot Cash duiing the month of August I have them in all grades and sizes It wiil pay yon to investigate and YH T. HILL, Dealer la Btoroua, Guns, Patron, Oaa- niMH, Lcaoas Saraua, Paonoonrna, BaooBM, a touuar Broatraa i , tioone, Job rnmTKB atm hub- i BrxJcr bUmaevaaaa, rhonrUK II Middle St "vEaliSXinOT CiEOLISA raKI LIB The euamer Neuae wul M withdraws temporarily froea the route oa July ISth- for her eaaual repairs, 'i Darlag hat ebeeaee the stsamer Oora ooke Is sehednled to ssil from Bew Ben for BelhavM, (Instead of BUtabeth City) at I p at oa Moaday, Wednesday and FrlAa : TJetll further notice there wul be ao steamer tailing oa Tuesday, Thunday orBeturdaye. -i," i J . GEO. HENDEBSOir, Agt.,' IcoCream i ' . i IJotT Every Day, livcrccl For ; G5c. a quart" De- at your ' home. , Ice crcra coda, pho3- and all other tford Iirts Nice Vat A Mass Meeting it 75 Middle St., that will last to September 1st, 1904. Mens Suits $15 00, $12 50, $10 00, $8 00, fli 00 this woek 111 50, 10 50, 7 50, $5 50, $1 50 Youths Suits $10 00, 18 00, ,16 00, 14 00 thit week 18 00, 5 50, H 35, Ii 50 Boys Clothes $6 00, 15 00, 11 00. $3 50, $S 00 this week 4 50, $3 50, 18 00, It 80 $1 75 Mens Pants 749 pair 15 00 to 75c thit week $3 50 to 49o Boys Pants Big boya and little boys pants, 800 pair II 50 to 15o 170 jda HAMBURG from 4o to 22 l-2o 900 yda yellow HOMESPUN thit week 4c; 850 ydg yellow Homespun this week 6c 1000 yds CALICO this week 4 l-3c Shoes Our stook of Shoes are complete in men's, women's and children's The T D Barry 8hoes still goes with its guarantee S. COPLON, TO hODDLB STRUT, Next to Gael til Hardware Oo, Hew Been. Job Frii&tif If fM want FiBST CLASS Job Work don't forget to tend your or den to Owen Q. Dunn ,; Leading Printer Stttioeet. ' Car. Palleck a.Oravea Sta. SJctemtetnmmmmBmmsam ToTho Public ! I hereby girt notice that I will act be responsible for debts taearre by my tone, Cats Leluiter Falcher aad Aloaaw Perry Falcher, which are made wttheal my content and approval. . , , V ' lALOVZO. FtTLCHKB, '1 '?. Kow Barai t f 1 ! L 'AageailMi,' MseeeossuMMUMsiiitw Only fcoj'Him mocks Uft:fof1te " ' ' . ... . J . rtt. ii.- prkeSiUj: t --;'i...-'(w..tj..-i.4i p r .10

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