v. ( . . v..' . " : . v . . 0 1 ' ' tre .YCL-XIII-K3. 135' KXW EI-3, It C, tHDCSDAT LIZZZLI AUGUST 15, 1304, , ?'fWINTT.THIBfl TIAR 1 . . l . , 3 10004 I y SEVENTEEN , ECSSES BURKED 1 V I 4.' r 4 ,V'."i Jl7-- .4 r-r ',-.- i : hi ,-.t'-' 1 v-.- 5- :mjW&s4TI0Tm0WWWWrWWW14rWW j, ?.-W Ti, jfc .Sfc. 1 14 T JSF 'Gortons,' Skirts, Wants, Corset i Covers in all the tiflto styles. also , 'A'nefalsupptoi' ft , ik ana, i ouei j; n. UITCHELL & CO., ' 'I V : .... ,Y WONB288. Pollock St, Opposite Post-office 'MEW is : is the very Bet Paint ' other paints as to duality, Durability and Gov erlng Capacity. ;4 : "V Leads, 'Oils And colors. Pmps, Ptmp Pipe and Dfiying Points. Sash, Doors and Winds cA Specialty. ; Ice CfeM Frezers and' Water Coolers. Hot Weather irjna&ea you look- ior lice Cream Freeze in and Water oolers. ; we eep tnem. Alio 8cren Doom and Window Soreea Win. Cm load boon nd Ssh inst received. Prices Low. j Heath 4 KoUigaa Paint ii (h iJUl and Ifsohino Supplies. Gaskill Hdw. & BIROWARB It Mlddk'Si PIlOMltT. JEASTJEllIf lEOLDIA HF1TCH-UH1 iMpotwUy fnm Um rosts oa Jaty 15ik ' for tor Maail Mpirs t-; . v-j; ' - . . ok it MhadaUd to tn fma Vw Bm for BolhTrt,-lartrf ( KltitbMk UatU fmnhw votloo vUor wlU o mo .', itawM MUBg os Taodir, Tksnday : V GKO. flMTDIBSOir; At. JJiotogr4jpK Oojns'ont' W ttTsisldo to the tent sn3 ftt a fino photo-, frsph of jonnelf snd family, ork is of the best oalitr an tjii'Oyji f' i wv efifraiKO. iiiiMoISteansiGo ' - . . B . 'vU fTATZ or gonra carolwa. . v'jTs 9e B VtUit, Zatry Tki lei Ora- ;--'. .waCosatjt v ,.-'.' ' ' i u 1 Tka adanlgiitd A rtttlltp of Ctavta ooaaljr, Kottk CtroHaa, iir aad Ujt , eUhatU tolloviof dtcribd m '"i ' orptrwlof Uoi la K 1 Towniljlp, '. . " Cm ooantr, St! of JTorih C"-M s'tl it ' f t" t rj. ' t,i " t :;-':, Ti ' !, Joal.u.-t.n r-..iCifrk ' ; '. t I;-- ' r.f ( : -i J r Jr, t!. ' i i c f s ; i I ' ii ! i: ' . ,r-n ' ? ckers Perfumes f Mrfioes ''W J? Aft - 1 ' 7 A tt :35S3HL made. It surpasses all best full weight, snd.covers most. Faudlng - insterua tf an kinds. MHI Supply Co., IDIX SUFPUX8 44 Cm M PbOMtll UsMlar Haul Ctrttmrfca,' QENERAI HARDWARE. . .... .i- - ... - it . . Screen Wire. Doors and Wlndow:"it The Ice paTln; Gla zier Eefrleerators. ' - iisat fw UW famar flirt aad Boy Oook ltstss:',V .y't -n) i, ramars will boat , la adad Uut .wa any s faryeoaipitts nas of Aaiarloaa taal Wire 7aoa, . : '. 1 - : new nzszt, rs.c. A Harvest. j;Fcr Dicyclists ii Offer. 75piirs . SI-' VuU at f really toduoad pr!os for fpot Cain dnilng tus month cf lti I bars them in all jr i and i it wm pay yon to inTec. rnie aa 1: -Tr-1 1 I. a... r t r TP' I -TOtJUC:' 'iciB Fi'"' A " i I. fa s 1 - la Livery Subla, Waraaou Deatrojoa Fannari Want Baia, Olaj ; .v.-y- Bakigli, Aug, Si fir waa dliootered this moralng Joat "Mfora day light la the Uverr aad noardtog t'Abla of Geo. B Bardia here. When (be firemen reached thaplaoe all th Interior was la flamaa. SewBteen honei war borael In their atalla'MTa of theaa belonging to Bar din aad.lnaared, the othera belonged to prWate IndiTMnala and bnalnoat Urina, soma, of Uem being Tory haadaonw aai mala. The origin o the Ore w ananown. It la aald; that, the watchmen, a white mau, wuaileep. The building baloagi to Jf, T Leach and B B Barbae and was latard..Bardla, the laaaaa., lain BalU mpre at the drljriag nark, with a ttrlag Of raee bone. Aboat 80 tehiolea of n rloBS klndi ware bumadr s The Are ipraad to a warshonae owned by W A Hyatt, which waa touched on two aldet by the burning . stable. Hyatt hat so lemraaoe In the waiahenae ware MO bagi of ingar belonging to the Haie m7" Bagir.Oon alto oar load lottof oau, coin, nails, lot of nvolataet and tar end reaping and mowing meohioee. Th loat it 18,000 on theee and 91,400 on the angary The chief of the Are depart ment lay exotUent work was dons, bat on the other hand there are erltlolnu of the department which ia Tolonteer Sad 1) It ettd yiere. win be a Moreaent to at cure a paid one. The Are we very iter Ijr In the center of the etty and ereated a greatdeal of excitement It had probably been on fire half an hoar before dltaor ered. The farmer are basoalag rather dit plrlttd orf acooant of the drr weather. There were earaaat kopat rata here lut night, bat aQlaUad sad the dtoeght continue, all the more earere by reason of the long rainy aaasoa. feUte Ohealat Kllgore la bank htie after a Utp tosGanada t or taabeaefltof hit health whleh appear, to be eomplete It restored. AU day today the etoy plgeoa mooter were at work In the Btata match, next Tear the Atsoolatloa atteU st Dsrhaa, ad IU cmoers are all froa that oltj, Qeorge .L Lyoa preeWeni, Jam a. aoathgate, TtoareaUaat aad A Lyoa teoretary. BREATHE HEALING BALSAKS Hyomer Moral Way1 of Coring Ca tarrh. F. 8. Dsff Guarantee A Core. Two or three yeara ago wheaaphy eioian had s patient who was troubled with ottarrh, the preacrlptlon would be, aeoordlng to ala aaai, either to seek a eaengeef ellaate, or to take htonlo or blood partner.. . Today, the sdraso- ed phyalotaa will teU bis catarrhal pa tient to breaths HyoaeL - Thla aerel tresuaeal for satarrk eon ebttofabard rabbet inhaler of a tits ooarenleat to be earned la the test pocket or parse, a medioine dropper sad a bottle of KyesasL By lu ai to poaaible e breathe while -at home or at work, air Whloh Is slaoat ideatloal with that of the paooeUlna cr hei reaortt where the at if Hdea with keal- Ibl Snd healtk alrlr?! balaam. J . no outer aaatoiae 1'ro snoa promp reUafatHroaet bt the treatment of eemrrh. The Int breath eoothaasnd ffaealt the lrrium and taartlngalr peateges,ttd!i-aefMr ate tors few days or weeki wUi fare the aoal ttnb- boraeaa.'f" - :.- ' 1 8 Duffy will eU A Bydael oaUt wlihhla pmoaal gaaraatee to refond the money tf A does not eare. Testae a tltk wkaterer tn baring Eyemtl, for your word decides IM Aueetloa atfo Whether yea pay Jor the remedy or i The complete Biomet oaUt coeU ft aad ooaprte ea tahalsr. a bottle of Byometaads dropper.' The ma alar will last S llfeUmej aad . eddlUoaal botUee of Hreatet ae be -ebtalaed for OototUOsk Harket forth best Oeaaed If fate. ;v nsarance tfJHA i 9 ' y Y-' i: run c:.LL5 in n:a kicmt trlk terror to Hit heart of tbe ma ho I awiy frrm bom, at k don1 tnow bnt t' 1 1 - j Cad L't bom in. And t'.s ru!m ca I: T'l tliot ' t tli at . fonnd kU I j a !.!. :.,r Y, k-i ' is I l.i ' .'I a ori rf I.. tin.. I i t I good f " 1 . ".' e ta ill Ii ' i h t j n la ( 1 1 i j mm 1.3 Atlantic & ft'orth G!:cu:d rat be Leased Concisely Given. km : - ...it -' i i-:. flneniJ of certain ungenerous charac ter who purpose - for .awhile waa neftlx Wlei a sentiment has been In toned among a largo number of honest ana waU-mautlrif people In forth Car olina farortng a was of the A. N, C Railroad) . ,'.. BesoireA That In the face of certain facta, we Tiew with deep concern ana alarm the danger now threatening this road, whose operations so vitallj! af fects a large section of our State in a territory almost solely' dependent- upon the well-guided and jndictou manage ment of-it for It present and future 'development and progress. 'And that In the light of oertain disoloaure that a leas .under no conditions be granted nvw, umimuvB ok wmpany or cor poration, seeking ttsfc ',i,tiHtttb -Htm K thWsses of. th peopl of our Btata thoroughly understood all - the facta relative to the efforts made' to force the Stat to surrender Its rights to this property and place it in other hands, there would-be a -unanimous voloe raised, opposing to emphatlo terms any and every effort to effect ieu. i spean witn a.tnorouKn knowl edge of the aituaUon without bio- I have been. resident In a eity throogrj which this road runs from my earliest boyhood, and have hel stock tn Iti ant have been indlreot'.y and Of ten dirootly HHerasno m us management trom the Beginning or my Business careen,; With this railway as the main avantm- of reaching the outer World by many opts uvmg. in uie counties east . or aldsboro. entirely deoendenf unon It ror oommunicauon ana transportation . - . ... - - witn arterial points Of commerce, tt should be expected of n to Jealously. fuara u 10 me extent or our. anility. oral that In th hanAm nr an nn friendly corporation, the agricultural, vonunercuu ana manuracturlng inter- 9 tcritlH JO X0OJ8 ' , d A . i i lejldeo uo euiou A 2 a a -ui jo nu0 jm 9 - J S 5 6 m o, H S t? 9 C 8 3 tsoio 10 tuer) ia I I f i 9 i a atuiiua n 3 a i g j wSarons o m o ssojo io -uo S 3 3 2 2 Mi ii ero.a g I 3 I I S pexij P . 2 S a 4 tiradza Suiruedo S 8 8 3 Pa snotA 14 4 4 4 4 MM) I i i 1 i i -ui jo mo ld .! g g g g p pwH jo ernr ae J 3 I S 5 S 2 -jiwi jsj I 3 I S e exarojua jsav 2 S 5 2 g ktinarra Suoav ft 5 4 8 S 5 2 i jx d i i 1 1 1 fiim i i. -poiied B a a 9 a d I'll ill I . ,; ilihu 1, eats of any olty or - section through which It .passed might be damaged or destroyed, dependent a It - Would b entirely upon the caprice or .cupidity Of It management. ; A BTEJADT AND BATH INCREASE k . ... OF BOKMhm ' -. In euonort of my soaition. tnxwdni th tea of the road, I wish to call at tention to som foot relative to lta In crease of business, a win appeajr from toe appenaea ; statement wlucn .was earofuuy prepared by a competent ao oountant. Ia tbe first place, I note that th average aarnlngs per mile, which were in th year lUKOt-'Ot, H.rtt, In creased In. th year of UOl-'MJOJ tO Olf'Ot- wUi : tl.tU, almost doubling, and llev that th eastern Motion of North Carotins,-In many essential feature is th best portion of th Stat, it to t daw on Iv haatnnlna1 an ara a Ami. opmant and progress nnpsjralleled in it aiatorr. - , .. ; -. I submit approximate Our whleh I think sar reosonabl and- safe -which are based noon sn increase of actual budnesa, a business which 1 growing with greater rapidity than these figure indicate. -.for, instance, testate -that th avsrags'tusiness each year per mil rrom luvto itot, incluslvs, was 12.800, when in reality It to asoertained that th An tor's report will snow that ths earning per tnuw-ror the rear ending Jans foth, U04. ws SI,400l betas' a gTos earning war. gear or more than tuceoo, th iargtet. in the history of th rosd. W append thb following tamnt showing th earning and expense gnd fixed charts of th road beginning In th year Ul (o UiuL then an approxl- mat estimate of prospective earning to 1", la perlodt ot 4Hre vainri oCiia and. in group Srt tolalir mtl.Msd to OoTsraor Try s bottlt of Carbonated Cooa Colt It pots wotdarfal. tonto crbprtlc mad from the famous Coos plant and tola tut " ' , -"; riKE Oountrj Earns at Oak Meat Kar ksti - --ra -"'-'-- Don't for(it tliat w ar till! clcolng out our aurotnef tloluli g la tQool bora A ellMreui at ot . il BAITXTt CeVTitt b f : r.... Wh' joo go to 1 f 'i Id! k I ir t'..e ." i ' "lit fwre, fiinlyV"?' v ' U ! ,-..ir$ I V. t ' ' 'i H V v - 'If f. . t h r' i r e t IO " Carolina Railroad C. B. Aycock for preventing a lease la December, laOJ, at U per cent, and again In December,. IMS, at I per cent. and tn the spring ot UM, at 2, per cent "It will be seen by the above figures that each time-the lease has been re fused an increased offer ha been made, and now there la. I am informed, an offer of t per cent for the lease. .Ac-1 cording to th records or the road, tn I annual net. earnings ior tn year end ing June 80th, 1903, wo 1 per cent - I am also informed-that the annual net earning for the road for the year end ing; June JOth, lflOi, will be about ? per I oent? There has never been a single I dollar of watered stock Injected In this I property, and it value to-day la prob ably double its original cost There I deems to have been made a systematic I effort by certain interested parties to I deoreolata tnevalue of the road and I etocK by unwarranted and injudicious! statement Hot ustainedyoy the facts, I Witti wnat OBJeot it may o surmisea.' Despite whatever may have been said ... MM.4ii.1lAA . V. A .nlt.i ih.u hs been a constant-advance In th value of the stock. .The Increase, fori the. past 'six year has been more than aouoiea, snowing puono raiin ana pri vate confidence. Th talk of bottling up this, road la idle. and misleading. - It I cannot be done. The fact that it taps at Newbern, the Southern terminus of the inland, waterway, or, the Atlantic i taboard. This Is an advantage not en- iyed r any railway south of New rn. T in addition to which It has promised It through a bill In Congress by Hon. SV-H; email an extension of this waterway to the A. & N. C. road's extreme eastern terminus at Beaufort harbor, giving it two direct Inland water connections for tbe great north eastern cities, making It absolute mus ter of its own destiny, which no other load could eoatypger. Ths roadbad Is laid throuch a level section ot country,' with ionjr stretches repairing np to a high standard, of perfectly straight track. It Is easily 1 . . maintained and cheaply operated. Th yluttever work ia done is i xecnt road ha passed its darkest and most depressing period, it is now safely on ed in a careful painstaking manner thebighwaytoaprosperousoareer.lt . , . . . future, i most promising, and it i this and when the quality is considered which ha excited the cupidity and , .... L hungry desiro of certain capitalist to acquire possession of it availing them selves of a sentiment favoring a lease that they, are largely responsible for oieauug. -It It U th ulUmate delrof the fltate to part; with thl property by a I leas or otherwlss. w beg that It wait 1 htt least until a dnst of doubt and dla - trust now obsowina' eartaln vital fact thall have been dispelled and th truth known.1' AB must confess that th road I sat while la the Band of th Stats, which la friendly to the whose inter ests It serve, and which I amply abl tomswt every condition essentia! for us suoossa . - ... h , ' Ths amen'dmant tn tha Ani4fHilAn 1 Pha effectually eliminated the negro, n a disturbing. political factor, and-thiol section. which bas long felt hi blight ing effect now lift Itself In fh sunlight cf a new hope, Inspired with a teal and thrilled with an energy It never fait bo tor. Ua view of the, facte and the Interests of a people largely dependent upon thla road and Ite friendly -co-operation for whatever material progress insy may mane, 1 oeg mat in govern or or this state, who ha vr been a Mend of th people, that he Interpose nis great power to snieia us from tj hungry greed of those. who r grasp Ing after it and which In th event I they , acquire It, win put n at their I mercy, belplss and Opandent, . , , . . .. KaSDactfullv. ' i0T,- fiawbtra, K. o, Aug. t Trr s bottitof Carboaated Coca Oolal itpoueito wondarfoi tonlo. propertleel mads from the ftaoas Coos ilantaadl .- y., nut. l '-x' (OnthacouatMnear,: . Cola - for Bprlni and Qrowa Chlakeai t to tht Otkt Market ' i . J J Batter hat Juit reqerVl a beautt fnl llLt-of Ik Botintre Roller Try fr :-v. Alio a t' line ot learner tiuukt ult Case kt Ac . Tli Oi.lt 1! tat lTarkt Eandl Only the beat of everything. . a rcrr t ra!-!c:s Tul It V. 9 009 t t w!.l cletiss th ITStem, e ' f i )! - r to r t'.e t" i For Cuim for preserving or ripe or eating leave your orders at- - McDAMEL'S : 71 BltOAD STREET. Complete Fancy At Bight Prices J. L WJI n-s up . jiuuc oi. Ice Cream Now Every Day, De- I liver ed For 35c. a quart at your home. Ice cream soda, phos phates and all other cool and refreshing drinks at McSORLEY'S. Expert Watch Re pairing ! We ho.d our watnh and iewelrr I ' lonr price axe aiwaya toe iowtsi. J. 0. BAXTER. 1 X i Only a few Ham 1 mocks left and the t suit! .Oi. '.. ' I - IT U you,- . i . ) ;a C i s, 2 mi see HrVllri Central ! ' (3iog In tbs well known tone.) Helld Central iTe ma Rojall's 'Tor 1 know hs'rtharf You can find, him With the Ice Oreaml '. I. ' ' 114 ii DO gUW ia IUO WUISMI Broau,e Call him wont yott piesf For I rortly want some Id) Cream, Iti so warm oyer herei .- :V. t ;' A CU3T0MEK. ' All low thot In Kent Ladle tad Children, and all tummef andetwatl whit tnd Sfrnrtd Lawnt, tnd all olbtr tummer f ood mutt be told, a Order to make room for our great fall stock that will toon be coralri( In. " - d Rcr:-..:ri:e,:." I fill girl more satiefaotlo on onr ilirl" i; 'f than tnyon In ill 0 Fine ited - Figs . Stock Of Wholesale eft Itetall Cfrbeer, mra vm m. t jl aaroaa set r J. S. Hudson & Co., LIVERY STABLES. We have opened a Livery, Feed, Sales and Exchange Stable at No. 68 Broad St, Arnold's former stand. Prompt attention given to orders for tnrnontr, and horses carefully looked after. . J S. HUDSON & CO. A Second Carrie Nation As Carrie Nation smtthed th barrooms to did 8, Coplon, 75 Mid dle St., BaaBh the prices on all Bummer goods. 2500 yds of Sheeting, special sale this week 4c. 2000 yds of Sheeting, gpicial sale this week 4 l-2a. 1900 yds of Reinnanta iu Dimity this week 5 l-2o. 39 Summer Corsets 50c, this week 83o. 8500 yds of Hamburg for 4o to 22 l-2o. 1800 yds of Calloo this week 4 l-4o Is dot Ladies Gauze this week 4c 500 yd Daok and Pique, at wholesale price. 18 pair Laoe Curtains, regular price 1 1.00; this week 49o. CLOTHING, One more chanoe in Men's Clothing in broken tiiee only; 30, 37, 38; regular price $10, this week $5.90 tk Bojs, School . Suits, broken sixer, to close out for 69o on the dollar V. 83 pair men's waking pants $L2, this week flOo IsirirS lot ' of liovs'Tnaa P.nia just Received, aitet 0 to 17. S. CO PLON, nlfXDOLl tTBk Ves to OeehUl Bardware.Oew Sew Beta, lfyiawaatriBffr CLABaJokWrk4oa't forget to tend tear et dento,rv!,: v'T' A ?5:' Oweii OeDiinn Leadlaf PrUtat k Itatloaer. Cer. Felletft A.Orirta la, ' Staple Groceries . -1 htnby (hd aottce t VI Vffl aeSbt frion!U for debts I -rresj by ay. sons, 0?l ttinrtet folwS ltd AlsssSW l'erry Foktier, whtek ere biade WmASU rry exntsnt tnd!-E-oraV ' "' ' " : r. -r '., it " ic: j. i-i it '' l. v- : ' ' 'T,

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