St Tvl 11 1 or , y d y la ' tha year, ex- , eptEoa.y. Journal Building, C3C0 Sr. -. a., l mnwa lam mmiiiwm -. - -. tot year, la advance..., .4.e Qaeyear, act la advance,. ....... I M i-j-tr Advertising Betas funlahedea appa rrSatered at the Pott Offlee, Hot Ban, M.Cwteoortela.uattor.';.., CaaUl Taper' et Kew Ban ami " NXW BEEN, N. O, Anew! M, 1901 -RIGHTS OF mZISf CCXMX- ' --P' PoUltoav ft ease ta Buneombt J"5 eounly la this 8uta hw beaa removed ay Judge Pritohard from the Saporlot '-''lUklhlwiUaaMa..-' r T vf ; . The peUtloeer ta this owe b a foreign 4' ejotpotaatoa aadhw become fnrolvod ivrtla e .aJaejnje Company, against . which it brtnga.h (Ma..tMmtar " eAtim being lartUaM by ihA-sUkovme f Thatwatloa ar wdtat af kba aalt bv . , . tohad la taU eaaa la not lamminai. bat JkaixoMdjBl nnofat Iijk aariou est, - ' atpeeUnytha followlsg lapfnaft vbIob , foaadtathaaoiaplaln .. &." yaUtfoaaa iartaar aaya, apca . iafotmatioa aad belief,, that lor tome . K Jhaa jm Ilia qaatiloa t rlgkla of for. viga corpora Uoa att beta (anertlly dlaanitad aad bat. to a tana derae.been i-wada apolltlotl qusetloa la North Oaw 1, Hnaaad tbat oa .4blt aotonat a prela dice bu grown ap 1 dlffereat - aoontlea lata State of Nortk Carolina agalatt . ' xiorejlaefaadtnta."-';' . -- .- ' r-.Uttia troaUutft fortJga eorporattoaj aataeoraaeaattaw flora BUUto a FfdtreJtcoorV )B;fea SompUtntU . the abore, tbere Uaoawtalag , arroai wtotaepoJltta;BicB wUldo anoht , IhJng.and jthera la .artmedy deniaad- ao. .,.?:y It . for taa adrutafa of arery ftfmunj pk IhaBttU to,ftjw ottaldaor " J foMgV eorpoatloaiXolBt batlaati vttklka pwopla,.eeutaly irbara taa baetaeab legltliaata, ' aad IbJa la aa ' laaud. BattfloealpoUtletaratoprora a factor pa a cortrabi power ta i " merelalutora, ta aoy eoaaanltyef aoaity.H la aafale aay tiat aack ao ". ataalty or eoaat fa loltf to ba with at each oalitda taalneai - . .xaoreiaaoNaaaa er oaauMapratv " tfaal aaaaa ta pamlttlag- yollUaatoao role aaaa baa faetar-U local badatu Irolea,1 et eefM a. tabjae: Jal taa . - Mat Car aMdhwMk'' ii.iiCs ' - Wo ataCaraaawat a foralfa eorpoiaUoB there oaght iabeaaaaek " thtaf aaaotiUaa to affaat fiaataadlaf pr aaawaraiil aaallap where It atefct to .aVbwtlaeaa.,Then way heetaerfood arfadataiaat It, . Vrt eartaraly jtetaetMaa, ,r M Trlday 'algUrtta 18th but the aewrtahoaaeot IfrHT.Whtte'lwaa baraed by partial aaxaowa, Itacveeri . ehathereaaaawae aaat oa Ihe aaaoad. eat m that waa (he aaly dry lambar ta thebaHdtaa' The hoaae ww ao qnha vaoaiplatedaadaoM et the auehlaary hap beaa pal ta, ta Ua loot waaaotae haary. Jb White t aot dlteotmged aad will try agate, ThU k the aaooad Varalag aowta laaithaaa aaoathaad - v the party at partite wae aaaai ae detea aataed to lejaie the good, people- at Cove tad rfcUfty, wtS aaoabt aooa . naah thetr daatlay. . Aa a .watefcaaa ywfijaaplaeai aaar thr gta hoeeato , proteotrttraaa daagaa, aad the people I aboat here will aaake every, effort to ." try aad eeaaeh oat the guilty oaea. -, i laraMrtare harlag alee waathar to aire fodder aow aad are. aaaklaggoed Ttet&et'aa i .T;Imoa aw , the priee- are 'eoTiBffKiaa r ... artag la aboatvaa aad to low te eaeoarege i 'v.iaaKh of a erop aert year. '. ' 1 WeMTtBeary Bryaa . aad 0 J White " Vint to Kev Irl today. T-' ' ? Ttry weat to Etaatoa to- C " fnee'eti ltt Wrtltof ikra Dred . soptrted ,thta Ufa. : , bt iy. granat taa .iuoat V -luouta iir loit. Bhawaa aeouUtmt , member of the Baptist eharea, - 'VThlle '. we mf br jrmno htre, tbeaagelf ' are rJ 'k'rr at oat more added to their kdOiUr. " ' Wt tiund oartympe- ... wy to Ibe bereiTed femlly. . : . 5 1 ' Mr B h Hardy of rollockiTtlle wu ta Cora yenterday on a rUlt,. rtturnlng J lap.fTttlBf. i ; , , . . . -r . f --;-. 1 ..- li 1 1' t "' -1 ' - f li, Vi k'-a U. I n , ch It out i f or 'Ur. ' In 1)1 nor J In t.: ' r r r ' 1 r , r. t . . ' .. i i '1 U 1.1 til Ham -I i , r :: s 1 1 ! F.l. wt, Kv ,!s a Sl!;jteata .-.! : la Tha following era tha market quota tions, received by private wire Irom J Waller Labtree A Co.. to Burros & Co. Hew Ben, N. Q. Baw You. Auk. li. Oottos ' I Opea High. Low. OIom Sept..,... -low 10.8I iateo.8o Ocw. e,4 Jea,.. 10.80 io.s iojw 10.M 10.88 10.20 10.63 10.80 10.07 10 M 10.68 Chioago, lag. M. Opea. - T - Oloae -10 ;- -,V?104 Chicago Orals, v Dw Wheat f Dee Cora Pee Oats Oct Bibs Oct .Pork Oct Lard it ess ios f "Hew fork, Aag. Opaa.T-- ' - T:r Qloae BtooaaV". Ajar.Sagar...;..8 - 1 181 - 68 J - 81 - 38 i. Oopper. ... toi AklhltoB BootoeraBy.,., I8 Boathera By pt. Mf u. 8. Bteel-.-M.lH-' UB.Btaal pf.. Mf ; PaaauB B,j.wl8t . UaltTfnaaUtaahUl; 8i PaolrW. 1811 K.TDaatraL....m ,5V.' N. W. i Ta.OObamloal. t r J I!1 Borris k CfsOottoi Letter. 1 r I aw Bara,H.a,Aagtt, la aptta of the poor eablea' and -the gaaaraiwfaTomiewaataar, tae eottoa akst opaaad atroag at jtrieae foar to tlpolnt Qrat the 'eloslng Jaet eight. The aew oropopUonaled the adraaoa aad It waaayideat that - the .ahorte had aot been m la oa the bulge yaaterday Shortly attar tba opening htary reeli iag eonplad with agg renhe bear telling, (tartad Jt reactloa- but oa: Ibt.deollBe pSarlngt beearna , acaree aad .i, aoaxed thorta.iagtla aovared -rlta the reaalt that Jon waa raeorerad oa ihla bulge howaTar.lhaatarkat beoama irregalar had ratllaa throagheat the day, there waa eottoa for aale on- the. hard apeti aad tt looked tor If hoae whe bonght yeeterday ware dlarribntlag eottoa free ly aad ezpeetlat a aharp rtaetioa. Raw Orlaaaa heoght heevByiaf Daeaaaber aad Jaa7. Tala, howerer, waa a eoatlaaa tioaof the aorarlag atarted yeeterday, Utere belac ao.erldeaoe of aay baring rot taa long aooonnt. . Bapawad ' eover- lng of ahorta la the . afternooa trading the atarhet back to the early high prcee, bat oa thli beige the tradlag -wea aer voaa and aeatlmeat badly atlatd . . ilfewcpmentj Durlotte. OhartottoKawailSaVv ' Barkheltaet, . af Hew Btra, who thi yew graduated at the high eeheel of that el ty with- high hoav ore, baa beaa- awarded a echolarahtp at IllMbeth OoUege aad will eater fall. She la alio quite gUted la eloentloa Haaaaother, a deaghter et the foaorablo Dr BeraheUa, hat decided to looau htre fai order to educate her tk rea daaghtara, aad fat at prtaeat located to the Eeakta hoau, oa JClghth atraat, aew Tryoa. Mr Barkhtlaktr wUl jola hh faailly lathe aew fatara, Charlotte'! older tealdeata atn walooaae- thtea, u the . Cually hat leag beaa. aaeoelatod with the edaea tloaalaad auhtlaterlal IntereeU of the eltf. 9 a a 4 . feeraal Aug 88th; 1801 ' Taatarday ww the hottett dayofaB thU hot week, v.' ; . The taa atadad aad aoorohad arery body jrhare ww bat little braaae tUrrtag pot ww there aaythtag trrelieve tit torrtdltyot the aooaatoa. --. Hlaaty-eU wwthareoord ot ae auortty of the tVartnotattert bat aoaae waat w b!;b w aa eaaeeet featare af Ula eeaaoa b that the aljtu are hot aa wen a the daya. It hw loag beta aha kotat of Sew Sara that - ae auttw hev .wenn e dayaiaybe, the eaauaat- lgb eool aad. plaMtaW - Thll 'weak ht beta aa vcetpUoa w auay aaa, tea- tfy.-ri':--.:'- a 'aiw. auaha. la Hlara wlita a uitm! white ele phant diet It la (Iraa a fon.rml graiutor than - tbat tccordd to prlacet ot tl royal blood. Uuddlildt pricwti ocTielntft, nu iiotiMnae -or ueroul Hlnnirae una end women fotlovr tin 0ecwil anliual to the gravt. Jtirelt tirwni(lii uukji weiilib art bTted with tbe eleplitnt. TE3 VALCB OP SULrSUJt. I EfnClfBoy la tlts'lng TTfll iulnl by BsnCAck'a tlqild t'u'f dir. ,U1 oa U't fre ITanck k'i Liyt:n Bmrni'tt T'r' lrrt t!9 .; 1. ii..Q c'arl fjwl, tragi';' d s 1 f'rnr r?. - After tn.hof 1 '. , r --sic 1 wl'.b 1!a' o''s Lt' ml i rm.H. tl tcklo 1 I 't ti i'ow a Kb tft.t-wd k' ''! n f sarrb, . 1' ! .a, ( --'f V.ns ti : l;Ci t la a CcrCjrnlsg Hi At t Editor Kew Bern Journal. ' There wm one cod Slot dartnz the Berolutionary war which ha nerer found ita way into tbe publlo record tad wish to call attentloa to It before area local tradltloni hare beta forotten. I hare during the last twelve mootht ap- plitd for Information about thla battle to eeveraJ parties, who I tbonghl had aeeeta to any rtoordt that niK&t have been preserved, but It seems that nothing aauiiaotory could be toned. I thea ap plied to T 0 Whitaker, Ed.,bf Trenton,; ror tbe local tradltfawa, aad he very kindly gathered them ap for me, - When Major Jaaaea H. Craig, with - a mllltsry force composed of regulate end torlaa, ww ataklng .hla. way troVWU mlngtoa to New Bern, aoma Wh'gt Cwhather local mllltti - or ;aott; it la aot known), undertook todefeatbteparpeee at "Trent Bridge", where the road front KenanivUla to .Trentoa tcrotwaTreat river. Aa the road tana t aoaae dta- tance oa the bank ot tha strem, which tarae; aharply froat eoath to eaat lust below the widga, the whtgt erected a breastwork oa the right tide of the roed,1 which ataada there yet, and ts tbJe woald protest thara from the Ire of the enemy he - WM crpMing the bridge, they ecHiragaonalyawaltod hie arrival; .'Be came, bJ by aoma tura af fortuae. or by the auparlorf akHl -aad. strategy uaf Sordoaw tory aavalry, the whtge Wore defeated! aad 43raIg waM oa aoKew Betav whawaoaw of hie fbttoweai klDad Or Alexander Oattoa, who ww attempt- lag to wt hla fatally treaa '.Aha toader aterelw of the BrIKih and tha torlte. Xa the aortlitattara part of Dttolia aaaatf.1 whtra I ww treeed theiold paoplaaaedlo tell a about a Earfltld thtyhad often tea wbo. hadbeeev aavaiali wotutdad by uoroon-aMvairv. Bach a the atort wlMcelradlt itoav atytathwaMotherev -- sp Mew la) -aa tartr to. lfrirttakr,e aceoaat. He wyk tradltloa hw aot Ittt wtht aanaof the whlgoonuaaadad' at the "Pppat Qaakett Bridga" .-that Cntga feroM were pUotei around Jhta iorBAea,piacatyaoaia.toriea,Md eoa- tag ap if the raw ottha-whtga aarprleeeH and rputad thaaa.oarforee throwing their arm Into the river, which JeheM very deep, and aukfaghetr aaaape -w brat w Ibay oonld," Bach,; w far w I eed -teara ww the Battle af Trent BrldgeT end I give b to your rtadert rwlth theu hope that light may be thro wa oa the aabjeet by oihtra who amy bava old laUera or other, re- eorde. -There ought to be aoasawhara Cralgt report ef the 'eagagamiat, aad we dlgaouaowthaTwlae.jew wewtl leak for e reference to It la the Stoto Veotoav a- -,;: -." rW But Mr? irutaker'e letter doeaaot atop at Ihla woaaat of Ctalg'a,, Seeoa- ttaaaet Oralg f areas, .attar, thtfplaea.-attemptad to Mptare CoL Bryaa athiap.'aatattoBaCypreea Oreek aaddldeaaoaed la otptarlng Waltliff f raaek, laqaad another patriot, who wewfwaeaaewawahet after -the eap- tBreayuiaira reteaa.f "IarataBaOoatha patrtotaaftorwardt eaptared and areraud aoaae I oil w of the neighbourhood, who wet aatptatad of aiding Cralg'i foroat by girlng thaaa fas- loratauoa." I never knew wke ahle Qotioi ww tmireadeov.Baraa'iiettaroapegiUl of the State Baeorde fot 178S-8. Ba ww a aterehaat ta WllnUnttoa whaahe waat with Craig, bat, aooordlag to tottar fntB hla widow (itaai vaaaa, p. 100), he mailt have lot, ate Ufa aa thla eipadltioa ar very -aooa" aTsarwarda. Thefaotthathtaaataeww m waHre avemberad ta my eld aelgkborhood .may aarabeeadwtoetngtaead. atMBiatoBeoordaelraadr nferrti to,pM48l171aadl71,tV appeara that Jdha Oooaell Bryaa (whe but he the ohalaMrThllakara letter), Kathaa Bryaa aad Lew It Bxyea were proaOaent whlga ta Jtrpea eounty, aaa lib pottlhlt tt aot probable, that their - deeoeadaata M the people of their old aelgbborhooda may be able to grre w toret deilalte la fomaUoa .eheei the ,'Be.Ue af Traat Bridge.?-;i vs': v'-1-- h' Clloloa.K.C.A.f ft m Eowa Hi f We offer Ont TLzs&xi Dollar Ctwar foi ay ee of C. -rih a tsaaot b eared by ITaUaC-' r .re. . : ' - We,theeTid,-n - '? ,1 r Cleaey fot t' e I 1 13 j t, t 1 1 him rwrfso'1 hooorsLlt la U tu Irtnitoiiont aad CusncJCly allt to oarryortt-y cl"-" v sUefcyti traw.V.'Ai."ia, 1 " n A J'istiw, ' ' --'t 1 . 7 o. 1 1 ii.-ilO- out t If '( Of tilt JiU 1. 1 scuttrte. EajlillyDrc i Tai. Hall's Tar: f 1 f ir eon', a- toot - , CCMPLTTNT JV Tmny rara rffr e t ! t.'ii r a -t f In I sot always Withfewexcption.tJuyworM,K tuJfZl 1phcaJthe l??ta txtfae to thaw out aad tha akin ia reactinar and malum rrb-a rvH-a .t.- ?v,i811at wuntilated during the winter ntonthe. lt ptlval.le Itlnd tnVe their atw. , .Z f "mnce, ana &moa ana e. a. a. .er the twin terrore of Jou aU- diaeasea Settle Raah,' 'tnVFt? Vtieayte m tone to all the poison , oak and In'- mnA m2aiJJlirF PPead ncrrraad aukea BOCh Other akin tronblea aa an cxctllant blood turlflr. Tor months I wae nanally remaia. ouiet dnrinet Ambled witb, aa itohia- aku. arention en ta tt.. 1 J -Jij BMe. and tried (seolalleta sst suit mudisi ta nir4t;wr 1 : "TT r.- at a ou, auaaa v lormeni ana ai aunMii ta tract ay tneir leanut 00111-' ertasa ina itchlno' and atinrltio- nedtolBe,1eltevlar the beat bleod past, ing, jiooiDg- ana flinging-. t jj, known to th world to-dsr. AcourseofS. 8. 3. now will - ' , . --mraAixioina, purifj and enrich tha blood,; iawa Saa aaveath at. -i - ? - A. ... . a if you desire medical advice- or any yoa aotnrng.;,.v . . JTiX SWIFT ---lunoweaiia n, uartoare. , - 2 "T,, ".-c V.Aafitat' Vrt Jw W Wlggt of New Bera who heehaw oa a abort Hra O W Thomptoa,. hw i ratarnad , to her lfrr Chat .Bogara a Ue Jnsutanoe ageat of Newport - ww la -our leotton latweek doing wrae hustling Work for hlaaoeapaay la again around tale week. He taut fiad tali good material fot bit DrO N.alaaoa went to htotehead City Saturday, raturalng Strnday, hrlng- ing wiyt hi 8(m M1.Maaoa ;whohM twaoaahawwlalt to aforthead aad Baaatorw ; -JlauB IT iWerd who: hat hew . oa a vtaUtoialatlvee WBogue Seuadtetara edaaaday. ;. jua O B Thataptoa of aaar Qoidtbora btpandtnga few ,dayt with bar : tbtar, ftata.W.Maepea.-,A . . -Uraad htre Jothaa Adams attended the meeting at Adsaat Cieek last Bua day. .r"'.?v Vr J O long aame home Baturday apeadlag Sunday: with hU family and frtendt and returned to reaume hla du ttet at-STlU oa htoaday last. & Be? F O Swindell paaaed through our berg yettorday returning from hla quar terly meeting at . Adarar Creek Bwufort. '. - - . bfra Bhepherd Ward and ablldranof Bokve Boaad an oa a visit to her aaole JUBWWard.. . Mr Ooante aaake apant a few daya at ktorehead City aad Beaufort the pas. week, f - Jf r sad Kra Thomss Leoaard who havebteaoaavlstt-toMr SB Taylor left yetterdsy for Bow Bern, from there they wUl go to Norfolk. Jlr .Weeka of Stella was here latt Mra D W Jtnkint aad children return ad wlih tkam to vtalt her "titter, Mn J WfeUeUer. hi 1st Ada Beetoawho hw been on qatteaTblt te hartUterat Bulla re- taraed yeeterday to the great aalbfae- tlobof her frlanda. MrtCW jBall and little gents who kavebeeavbltiegltre iOTaybr aad other frlaada' tatetaed to her heaa la Hew Bern. ' Mr IB Elliott ww In New Bern on baaieew yettsrday. Mr 0 B Mortoa bfryeaterday for New Beta to apead a few daya, from there he will go to Thurmaa relattvw therai--,' , .' MreFrodB FraakUa aad Uttle Martat ta' who have beaa maktag thetr eammw vlsU to her graadstoiher, Mra A r Ball leavaa today fat thalt hpiae fas Norfolk, JwB Bell iMrtb-apeadlag the day ta Mew Bera. r . - . AegaateA. ' Mrt Fwnla Nalaoa aad danghtar Wlaoaa letaraed to Ihelrhoam W More head Batarday aftot vtattlag lalatlvw . KrYlUbaiggtae-af iooe w where Buaday. :;;.' . - r-'-W 3i -. Ur Qaorge DavaH,,l bending a aew eottoa glawhbh to a. great improve ateat .te, the appwraaw : ef , oar plaoa, ' - v'-'-'-''r.'' Mr Ue WiniaatfofKew Bare ta apead lag e while here with . friend, aad ra!a- r: t !s?y Davall ef awr Pollocka T'Mt .t eaadsy with Jtt Qeerge Oe- eaa aai famUy.' 4.-": Til rrrlval at Ftoty Grove added ; aw aaenbera to. the eharoh, we v: ilttill caatore aueceatfal fori! or- ta asve beta with Uf good ear awt pre- td there. :" V tt,s riowe't of Trn toa. Visited !fs L? I "Boe-joa, lfc-4 a -ek. ' . . - VaoleJotb r 3'c?r-,if'-:'ir--!c i e t4tf.arne V. UiO jCat et Enacii tut s ciy, it "re aas on a - 'r'--aa In t. rM t- ! r"f t.imilr. i t J raw i is i m i to a r o;: Wbo b imams' I. r .o I ie at. J (! aot tcfl a tuceiul In k..... r oS Bu.a, rail, wir if-, eta It it eaj lo ei", and it rreeclilf devunred by ral, a.; . r m I.. and 1 varmin.- It n t "a t t r - ornyariul aatia I '., i. er, t ai.d B.lre di r. -d'an. 1 . It y l r t oi l I- .ilmisdlniri. .:-f, it a I i esDt' - t f-o J on r- -.t r.f . i' a ' t '-in I ,.:a Co., j.. , j .. -- ; i J t . 1 1 t I i: 1 t r. a 1 " .-'.v. ;! Bend lor our doojc on aiBeaaea tw wa aain, ana write ( I ) t e 4W Jl Z- Jtiei ?J- il,..Cf El Dadnfnl tTit r .rrowmft iSjk anaampuoaa ot every ctavi u.a ' tb.whu. it n Mn.r I,i.Z bnt a. a. a. ta the enlr atedtelaa tha Miiim. 1 mm onnu.i ermpnom. a tuna a rmt uu or tou .Majorca Tano aone, up xoe- genera aysiem, ana carry ff the bodily impurities through the proper xhannela.. The akin, with good blood to noariah it, remaine smooth and free of all disfitrurinfr eruption a. .. . a . . apecial information. Thla will cost SPCIFtG CO ATLAKTM, CM, FOREHAN. Aag.Sd The farmers of oursiotloa have al most flnitbtd savl.ig fodder and tha weather hat been excellent for thta kind of work. air eammie rnomaa or Beaarort att ta our town Sunday. Miss Janle Lewis of Beaufott lathe guest of Mil a Bertha Longdate thta week. ' Mra Laura Bimpkloa of New Bara apent Trlday and Saturday visiting rsl- ativw aad friends In our neighbor hood. ;- . Mr Cacti Pottman of Not folk, Yaa pending a few daya with her ptreate tola week. - MrJAM Waektof Wlathrop M11U ww tn oar neighborhood 8uadarafteH una, 1 Bev J B Jeeaett will bagla a aertea of protracted mwtlagt at Russell Oreek Saturday. Beasra D W Hummlnga, Ahn Bore- an, Thomw Dudley aad fatally attend ed Quarterly meeting at Adam's Creek Batarday and Buaday. Hisses Bertna aad read Ledgdal wko have been visiting Mbaw Leila aad vera Hardcaty at Harlowe rataraed 80 day. Meters Robert Dudley aad Orifda Dudley ef Wire Qraaa, Jamw Beak, Lea Davla and J W Prldgen of North River waat over to Back Oreek Batarday via Turnpike road, on a dear drive aad Within fifteen mlahtoa after the keaadt were untied aad put en the trail, Mr Robert Dudley ahot down owe of the largest bucks generally awn, ale weight being m pounds. JOB. Pats An End To It AIL A griev oua waB oftimes result of unbearable pata trma ever taxed organs, dlsxtntu, backache, Hrer eomplalBt aad aonatlpation. But tbaakt to Dr King's New Life PUb they put aa end to It all. They are gentle bat thor ough. Try them. Only ate Guar an teed by O D Bradham'a drag store. Aredw to batlteeuoa. Moety-etM at avaty eoa handred people wae have heart trouble aaa letnetnaer wbaa at awarnlrfaettoa, Hbaeotta atfla taot-that ail easea af heatt tlb eaaa, net argaaaa, are aet aaly trace, able to, but are the dtraot raaaM ef tndarastloa. All feed takearote tbe atamaoh wbloh falla af parasol tlgaax aea taraatataaad awaua fte awanaca, parang tt ap agatatt the tMatt, Tala tnterferw with the aefloa ef tha heart, and la the oearaa ot ttma that esBoate bat vital organ beotmw altetaaa. ' .1 Vt . rt..s B.a - . v. aicaia tiiuu. taw aaa Mr Um IMa af Paaa Tat T. Wfttoal A ia aattnf, mr fr4 woait ttatoaaa a r mkm a aaa pktM tmd I aaii laor'na T-r vaah. raar I St S Soa al K'xaitrraBaanatuRMa. AAat aataes taw MHas law aaat, s . KoicA ettrte tnnstleo, diiiisasta and all etasaaoh diaordsra. an4 glvw eta heart a rail, area aad -aasjaat et ooi taftlall tit I a B.C.aWi i tea, j C'.Jfa f - -r" a nwt I . a Jaa'' M. e Eivcrcj ITctlca. ' NonTn.cAr.nuNAieor Joait County. f . Uawrl ; Pmsy Jonw , ' ; , ' S ,' ',:..' . J'sn 'e net. ' , ', " Tb (JfRBflant short 1 I noilra that ar. amine au t - t.S -tor . i ( .r t. w a i,t i t'.st t f ' I - KODOLI Bocks Oose Aanaal r .;eJ-j. , Not!. Is hsteby given that tbe Books ot tbe At)snt!c& N r b Carol! r fiO roadCompaay for the tiantfer v$ Huoh will a; .aloeedApgutt twestj iuiho Tbia Annual Buxt-holdert tetlg ill be, held Uia r .aaTBTday-JaJ rjepttnvwr, being the tweoiy-aeooad car 'e Month. Stockholdera A fc N C Meetliir. A'lajitla eV Nnftk Oaroilna Baltroad tor tba purpote-af rotisfdatttg a jsfapos'tlop to bate sUd Baiirold to hebyjcailed la acCorda tih tbe By Lawt i.f tba Compaay to b held at tiat Bern, M C f bartday tBtetnbe?lat.40$-. 1 ;?Mv K I A.MB3 A B&T&Jt - v .ft.wtojtae Secretarvd: Treaturer. Who is your candidate Roosevelt v -OR- Parker? Tha eomlac camnalan Brcmliet to be cioaa. JNettaer canatoata n censin .01 auceaaa. Kvents may- aeppea waioa wllf change tbe whole wptct of tbe pa- litlcat tltuatloa. no newspaper is doi ter equipped to handle the news -tbaa Washington Post, It hw a perfaot telegraphic aervlea Ita apat lal eomspoadeate raah a rat la the newspaper proiesaiOB, aaa au.tne news b printed wttbout fear m ' favor of tlther party. Tha Poet la thoroughly uafpenoent, aoa eeen aay ww give taa trae attoatioa, noeoloted by partlaaa aaaL, MavnsDai is sBora .mldelv oueatd. At a net cost It obtatna aable ditoetchee from tbe London Times, giving the newe of tba Russian JaDanese war. Butsctttrttoa for three months, tl.80: two mowae,ej.w; one aaontB vu oente 8Mtpk oopleairee. - THE WASHINGTON POST CO, Waablngtoa, D 0. ' Wotice Iand Sale ! The haadmbaxd, O. 3. McOartb) Admlnlatrator of John A. Martin da- otased. oarsnaat to tha lodgment aad order of tba Superior Court ot Craven County, made ia tha apvoial proceeding, wberela,tht aadersigaed b plaiatlff aad William auraa wa outer aeira at uw of Jobn A.Martin deceased, are defend auto. Tbe' undersigned will offer roi a at aabllo auction, to the bianwi blddar, at the Court Boose door la New Bern, on Moaday Sept, 6th 180a, at 18 m. Tba loitowtng aeaorioea inno lying oa tha waters of Mltcbella Creek, fat Ctavet County, bounded by the landa of BVMai tin. Jacob Martin ana at ltoneiia Lreet Tba time being -that poiMoa of laod fmmerlr beknxlna to tbe father bf Joha A. Martin deeaaaed, which detect ded to the asld Joha a. Mania wd ww wi apart aad held by him la levcralty, ooa- taintag aoout tony acrea Terms or fair: one nail rasa aaa Dai. aaaa oa rreolt of six Btonins, title re tained until purrbtM atoney It paid la rutr. O.J. MoOARTHY, Admlolttiator of JOHN A. MARTIN, Dtteaoed, CommlatlontT. New Beta; Militafy Academy. The Largeat and Beat Equipped lina. Specialists at the bead o? every Department, Faculty of 19 mmi bera (including lecture faotilty, rep-eten ting Univer ity of Vortb Caio-lijie,Ur4vwity-f Virginia, A All of Mlaaialppi, Texw Norm si Col lege; Bdhavtf Hopltai,Medloal College, New York; OoUege Phyaicianp and Burgeeae, New. York; Pea body Normal College, New Y rk Cone -Tatorj af Muaic, American Institute of Normal Method, Boston; Con eevatoryd Moaio of Pale, France; Leitslg Otnaervatory of Music Qt-rmaay; Harvard .Unlveiait , Trinity Collrg and o her promine it ii. atati'WaW ,'- 2 8KVBJaU THpUSAJSD; JJ01XAR3 being expended 'or new bnildinga, 1)arraoe a-.d dormltoriee. Lighted tbrju4hont by electric) j end gupplirid With dtj wattr, at pate w the S ate affords. Bath rooms. Lerfe aad krf-1 etcdent body Iaaeeioti. &vfa2&rptLU ' tor brautiiully illustrated Cataloga. r HtW ?: A Sep-ratotUidljiatiBot Ibi (tutioa frith a 8fcong Faoa'ty of Spe olalieta.V':. v; 1:.. ' Thybwtand most eaaily'sttae af Bookkeeping ami 8ytt8 of BhwUiand erst dey eloped ara,aed lB this Oo lege. De atd lot Baokkeeperg and Btenograpbert gtcateT rhan we can euppij Poalt'onl inaranteed id thoea taking -eotubiBHl florae, Ziailroad fsrr paid tor those takig 111 Eborthand aad BrrAkprng acholarahlp. Take one of,tee oonrareaad let aa aelp yem to a good paji g - Apply at oaoe fin , iUulratd St J. II0LIDiyBrLL; P. roi.tgtof b. tUn. Oj t iiUefrona ftva different ttttee, ' oeverlng aa ares of 1 1 r '-e 1 1 1. r, . . ;imme!rnte eorreipoaleow Wttb Bay yoeag lady wbo wlnhta to go o!T to school. A pw'.iJ Card or letter Will wrtog tmaaadlate re r'y s- 1 ! '- i-.frt .a. Bteem-beal and aleotrto lights, baXk aad toUet roon.. ! h br t a : 1 1-' 1 w- '-r, rt s:i Saors. The 83rd aaeaal eeaatoa wBI bagia oa e!na..lsy, i. J, tt. X :Z0VZ Fraaldewt, Ultletoa M O. U m Attorney at Law, : - U Partrt M ,'npp. notal CbaMawka f::: W . tUtaVll,' . 4J,-. fravw County Attoraay ' -- OiroolL Craven, Joaee. Onainw. Cart. eret, iaasliea, Oraeae, Lenoir, aad the puteaod IPedtaalJUoarta Institute fot College Younx Wosnenatt vonrses BtfhSlaasart Conserva tory of CatatOKtie FREE. Alaiata. f im a tm f rr.Ai.r. i i aULXiaHI J Music Tm bast. Puce foe Yom baaghteiM JaaOiawMdlt iaaW"' Adtoinistrator's Notice '-Hsvlrg this day qualified as admlnU liatorbt the estate of F Ulrlch di evaaed all persons indebted to said rt 'ate are requetted to make immedlali paymeat. and all persona holding claims against said es tste are notified to pietent the same dulv verified oa or be - 'oreAucutt llta 1905 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. ThU August Uth 1904. JNO H WED DELL. Administrator. earthing yon invent orfanptove! ales gat CaViATjrfwg-MMK, COPVRieHTo OEtWN aGTECTION. Bead atodd, akatch, or photo, for frae azaottnation and adTioa, . e::k c patehts? Patar wv Washington, d.c. Mortgage Sale ! -Panuant to power of tale contained In that certain mortgage deed extcutei oa tbeeth day of Marah 180),from Dia l Q Smew to W i Lucas, recorded In the ufflw of the Register of Deada of Ursven eoaaty. Book ill page 8T9. The under Igaed will offta (or sale and aell to the hlghtBV bidder tot cash, at tha Court BOOM uoor ox unvea eoantv, on nun day Bepteaeiee 18ih, at ID o'clock M, tba 101 lowing oeaonoea property to-wu: ;AB nndivlded one-fourth of the whole (tt beltg all the remalnlDgtaterest of tba party of taa nrtt part in taa property hereinafter described) of the following da.cribad parcel of lead lying and (King In tbe city of New Bern, N. C, ssd bounded ea follows: . Beg 10010 88 ft, 8 Inches from the Junction of Fast Front and South Fiont atreats, oa tba North tide of South Front tract, and running thence northwardly parallel to East Front street, 88 feet 7t laches, through the centre of cistern, inchre wtatwardly paraiKl to Booth hens atceat, 18 feet 8 inchie to e point Proa 7t from Fast Front street, tbenca 80 ft,wardly, parallel to East Front St. tortbt H tnebe. thence westardly, 85 feeel to tkuih Front street 8 feet 9 parall, thence northwardly, parallel to East Froat 16 feet to Lewis line, thence westwerrtly, parslltl to footh Froat strret to the eastern Hoe of lot Ro. 10, thence Southwardly with said Una, to booth Front t eet, thrnce eatt wardly. with Booth Front street, tb the beginning, It being the Western part nt lot No. 9, according to the plan of the City of Now Bern, being tbe one-fourth tnte' s ia tbe lot of land eon eyed in P. O. Smaw by O. C. Clark ef.snmltiloror by Deed recorded lo Book 109, page 435 Records of Cran Onnty. W J. LCCAH, Mtrlgagee Boarding Sohool in Eastern Caro catalina .vpresident. 1 (. a? - -to. BUI

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