i i 4 -1 Ideally located sear Ashetilla. , - Dttcera and Army luptctaa, : . I gJJO BT kaU Witt . .'.CtrU. , TOM :FlP7i::t :3, r.o; CiSOUTIIEnil Acnt above omsjIob, effective April 15, ; 1904 Southern RaBwsy will plans tin sale dally, tickets at extremely low rates, to St. Lou la, Ko, and return. , Following are rales applying from principal polata la Bute t North Caroline: - Asheboro..., , ..'.,.(.,.,........ AshVllIe.,.,,,,?,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,..', , pnrLam.rt....s.: , , , i . ... w . - Gt",'ia.i.,.:..-...rt.i1...',.,.,i.;-Gold, '.oro.,,,,..,,,,,.,,.,.,. Grenboro..,....,..:.i.M..4.. ti, Henderson. w v. i.,. , ...... ...... ' HeDderonTUl.t.;.......... Hlckoij...,,,...,.,.,,.......;.. "C Rrion" - .oretntoiu-v.-'".-.Mn Bather(ordtoa....T......... . 11 u...t... t--SllebnrT....,'. i tMllM.. "'WUkaborp.M.w SontlMni Batlwrnrwlll, effectlTt April 88, 1904, tntarartte ThtongK Pnllmu BlMpInc Oar btlweea Graeiuboro.N.0., nod 8t LouU, Mo Tt BaUtbaryr Aibo IUr noTUls, LsxlDftoa ud LouUrUle; tatrliui Gfe4iboro dally ,t 7.80 P.M. , , v V '... , ' . -."i. i- f V For fait tDfomatloB at to rata from all wlot,8leplng-Ct warfatlone, obedalet, Ulottraud Utrstnra, ato, addiaw An 1 AfiJCNT. or f ? - 9. L YBfNOir, Tnmlliit; Piawnger Acant, 0aarloUa.1T. 0.' " " ' v ,d i . v J. U WOOxrli(rlot Pataracar Ageat, AabariUa, N. O. ., S. nnAn7ICII, TraCic Jlaneser X t-1- ot:u:t:::::::::::::::::::::::::::t:t:::::::::::n h if U i a'a ilO f ft ' .'" 1 .'." """"j'1.!' . ".'i '"t;1'" " " ' -Sg, Have yoa i eve oonaldcrsd UM grsat a4rsnU of tblafea ' -WfVmt Q(i 8oeaiplen9 of elbow root where three, T ; lre,otMMmaaar.badttth prlootaslngles , f 55 - la yonr hame atctloa I nhfi werUeoajldg,'eepaola'K y,JJ wbea the great jtoflttcUra worth of the land I takea la M- f eonnt Jr a wonderfally fertile sectloa. There la bo bet-- v r ' sgrlooltnral section In this country, end farm are cheap nl tkaBl Arkanaaa- nklahnma anil TaVaa-rflmbl ha i aa to overlook a oppoatnaity of this klndft (tar illustrated . - booklett will giro yoa the partlealara la detail. It not Interested ' yoarselt write for them aaylray m behalf cf yonr lees favored relative and Belabors. V. v . : V n tWePaper,) . . 7 Nil t hUhl S . i:fiix Hr.if rum ..tsotuu; ror soe nonna inp First ana rnira Tuesdays of Telephony stBTics 18 A Busnrxas ' oonvxaixACX 4': ooip ; ; j , ' f'C3onTealcae '''lislxcafylV Otator VaM-PlMM A OjBCfil-: Aimlalatrators HoUo.t: Hsvhu easlifted a adalalsaratOT of Idltk Bryaa this b to aot"T all persoas kavtag eUlma agalaat the .lt ot the said dsesased to eihlbit them to the na dersltMd, on or before the 8ih dr of ABgnt,lWor thUnoiice.wui te pieaa hi bar of thdr recovery. All neisons ln debtsd to said estate will please auke bn- sjedlste paymeat. This 8tb day of Aagnst, 1004. f: ' "- -;; AdaUniitratOf W D'atolVtB, AttoiBer.- ai(lii i'i i. ' 1 1 Execntor'9 XToUcd. :V2s tadsrsteaed harlog qnalUsd 7 r; "the Kteaetot f Cuuma B Ennett, d- , hereby noUflsa all persoas hold- tag claims agaiAst the esute of said c aoweJ U present t'-' -T nil. Wd, within one fx iiom date or thl BOtloe Will be pleaded la bar of their AO person Indebted to .th I of said dcceaawl v!U ple ssakfc lanasdlau paymeat. ' . CK0. if.KKITSTT,' " Eraoetor of mm II Enactt dsceassd. Vew Bs, IT. 0., Aagut 10, 1804. . 13. ;rroant to a writ cf n- ' SO the erHnran ! frora !' 'Oearto(n thehlfh. , ! bona r VKRp(a,(,r r .ThoeiM A ; t)rT cii. ,Tlinha. a rty, tha - !'-' ; te - tO Thou -,.,111.!' " I ha . t v I t 1 to r ml t of t tn i c I t ,t t -1 ' t ? J .1 1. I904-C3 . iiW , !lijiel ol nicr a.pfc, a. P. . omnepded by Army log accoaunodauou. tto. , Aibniltc, St. C- XAILUAY VStwoa " 8S86S , 88 88; t 8S10V . 8410' 8810, o-Dayv .' 2860 . ; 134 80.,,'; 89 90 ' ' 8888 f 010 8465 ;j '8840 t i8880 v,-" 80 10 84 85 t . ;140-' a 8885 ? 8840 'V 8880 8840 , '.48 84; T '8785 ' ' HH-; : .8840 , , ;880 840 '; -i-8880 f -&S 40 -'-i 880 : 8710 8410 8410, 8889 , i 84 10 i 8410 1 8410 87 00. 8410 8500L" 88 68 80M 8810 ,8840 ' 8880 i 1.M80 -. " 8480 ' ' 8880 -8480 ; " 84 10 ' 88 40.; -,88 80,' si w -r k ir ' "8760". - 8710 8410 4000 888 '8140: 4 4- 88J -i- as an, - f - 09 OA ' t - M40-4 8810' eo fit .440 r - Cft ,o i f n " 'e W.rr, UUHDliBS.lD e A n Ll Klchmead. T.' " JOHN SEBASTIAN, " "A 74 CHICAGO. ILL. a a. ' I) 1 I. I do lai . iiAUU (tettrw a esr - for I1 Electric Liflhts 'If Persoas wiabing thetr bnfldlngs wired WtU please: aaako applloatloa 1b wrt Aay eoapltlBt fo-Wectlva lights, iaatttntloa of employee. Jko : If mad m writing, to the Commlaln. win i oahr prompt' attention. Address ; all ecamaaloetloB to tb BeoieUry. , WATIB LIGHT COMkUSUlOn, '. ' ' V ;--'- 8 CWfBtb BW ISIUSISlllv KjUCATEX' i , ; , , ... : j '. ; '' . . ; AgrlenUara, XagtneerlniXClvB, XiectrtcaL Uechanltal. and Via- Ir.), Indastrtal Chml.try, Tea- X tile ladaitry, 820 CtoflenU, 83 la- ' ttrnotors, Tuition t-9 b'Jtar, J poara ga WOBth, 123 Bet up. . "Addreas s f - ' "7 . r- - . lit. ..ti kii.wiwJi " at I RALEIGH, IT. c. i. o too 1 1 : - - t hi -ft'. ( r I :' -a of 5 i I t ) I ' of 1 a for i f 1 1 a 1 r t f r 1 wircinn " ; iCeclaJ Cofrt;voiiucnca.l ; After a trip around tlie world, wl;! !i occupied 119 days, Asslbtuut Secretary Herbert H. D. Felrce of the state de partment and Mr. Felrce hare return ed to Washington. - Mr. Pelrce'a trip was undertaken for the purpose of con ducting an Investigation Intd the af fairs of the United States consulate and- consular agencies In the several coon tries he visited and of the lega tions at Peking and Tokyo. 'The Itin erary Included taly, Egypt, India, the Straits - Bettiementa - and China and Japan. -" la all, be Investigated condl thms la twenty consulates, six contnlar agencies and the legation at Peking and Tokyo, .J ' I " ; -' Oka Ctvll avl4M. t ! ' itember of the local trade) onions, Including 'Mllford Bponn, t leading bricklayer and weoretary, of the onion of that trade, are strongly la favcz ot lanrialng the civil service rules so a to leave out per diem employee from-the jurisdiction of the civil eerrice comml It la stated that the beat 'mechanic do not appl to the cItU aerrtee conr mlsatoa tor -wort; for the ttuoo that Uiey will not waste the tUne required tar -vxaihlnatton nor tho-expena -at- tacbeel td the several affidavit required by the drU service eommlaskm. Then there la the tracertalntr of . getting work on a government, lob, even after they tare gone to thetrouble of mak Ing application. If ttey are-not em ployed by tbe Eovernraent within a rear after - the application " baa .-been made their names ana dropped from the dU service lists i and they nave to jnake new appUcationt in rder to be- tesue Oombs, Cntted' State mini- ter .,to Guatemala and Honduras, ffrho baa been on teate. of absence In this coantxy, baa returned to bis pott fter having conferred,' with the offldda of tba-'fetata dejartment respecting tialms of certain American eltlxeno and cor porations "which be la charged to press against the government tD'Wbkb: be i accredited.',, '-V - - Similar forth renortiof the District committee Am v wharfs (la the recom- mendattoafof Colonel A., M. Miller, offi ce at ebmrsetf the pottana river jnv Lprovemenna, In hla annnal, report made recently at the - war department, -that the government abonld acqolre mors land t the( Anaeoetla- river, near the navy; yard, fbc wharfage purposes. The growtag-tiW'bashMS tMr'Syafitv uanda lhat (tbero be a larger front for wharfa In the District tHf roc the coming necaliyeer tas offloer asks for ant appropriation of $300,000 to be expended largely, In a coatlnaa tton of recanmafton of f Potomac park and the Potomac jgat."-;-,;. ' ... n. The local supply of prime beef comes from the billa of Virginia,- Thia meat tar omaltttrree fed, an the cattle are allowed to toata ovor a considerable territory, of. hilly countryr. Tb result la that tbero la some,, muscle in the beef and not,eo;mcWfat Out of a herd td, ser, 100 aotive cattle-pezbaps Afteen or twos ty bollock will prove bf the very flnrdaa. Aa eight rib cat from one of itbeset choice native bn locks wm wwlgh 'perhaps thirty-!- pounds. Xhtat. beef sella for-several centa uoro rpewad tbaaKbo Chicago The navy , department proposal from db Mldsale and Beth lehem cornpardeo to formisb about a million doDaaa -worth of Backet steet forglag tor veateen ejetstof twelve 40 eallber, -and tweiv eett of eight loch. 40 caliber arana, ; Tb bid of the two companle 1 the sams) via, ' 80 cents a ponnd and tho- contract !will probably be divided between them. " ,-t Bat litbaWr BaMir. ' Iht CongTMHtBa! Ubcary baa pigeon la its gold donna, and tttelr blllng and cooing baa become an annoyance to patron- of fba rtmdtogjroom. ' A pair of tirda entered on on the ventilator of the rotnnda nm tfm ago. irvey- ed tb fresco work, tho lawiab prof ulon of gold paint endtoatnai7i and appar ently decided to settle f there perma- fiently. I v 'i-;f.-tX--''. -The llbraiTp ontbaflttearwere lnteresb edand the U;ht of a fpolr'of hond- sonie, iovtmaklng plgeoav l.J'lug from cornice to eornloa and btflldlng an er- eelaloraxt against. a beckaronnd of H000 worth ot goldleaf waa a novel' ty to 'WlsltorsT Bnt dh aeatlng opera tlonabav taken oru a snore serious aa pectislnce than, faraother ptgeona bar pre-empt d oln:,'.-KB the nook and coram of the loftyadwoe, and It looks aa thoogh' Uncle, Bam will soon have mammoth loft-in - TmnSa ' ; J - Tb "advsncw of tho woodman Into Lafaystte aannr. as planned, probably will not oceurti-f "J Boptember, nor are the other parSt (n the city likely to be molested t" - t t' ". A. (' " of heart bus tut! t- a t-ifi it-iK.-ed, Vut tb offictals Wtll'ksr Vy ba sbl to pita od Mectite thdr alta-k before t-p- TTibr. Jlqrh ( "V nlty bas brn I- perlraccd in tUi g toK,ll tb vtrl. antbrMfi nn lh rfrldnnt a 1 tj dm, . in rnn-i : , Iforter 11m lnH's 1 U na, and th end of th tromljli-a Is not yt Ya Hmi Ba lama. Aa f)'liATir will l. mii'le by tin Iromm'' r to pn. -( V n mrxci,n cf llliif: hull i i lw( a 1 ; Dit to J j of Br lrd to I i st-! t' ; 1 1 fll (" t- . t t i-l It i r a 1 i Is r t C . ills '"1 t A 1 t il -V ,Tlii3 great remedy hsk Godeni to women, carrying ' - C z:i tlrot:;!i tHdr most critical" ' or zzl gafaty and no paia.- . .. :ra I il I" need fear the suffering tr.l"---!- .1 f.itlOij for it r&TLg tie ordeal of its horror tzll:-.". t'.'jt3l'icf nother and child, and leaves her in A ccr H'ca1 -1 verbis to speedy recovery. The child ii J 1 . : i r Tt...r.s ' rT?ca cs..iitJ- - Uur touu , HcCcilood,'' la worth to nrf-It li rjTsld t every -a tzi VZ1 be ssnt free injplain c&vdspe by alirssshig erplicatxxi to Cri::. J J C:J-tif Co. AJir.t3, HlS, FRIEND BILL-', , What .' W Wuted, 1o lee the yoeieir- V rihe man who asked to tie1 6-' Clety editor didn't -.look jw if; society waa quite in his line, but he insisted that b bad a matter ot great Impor tance to be settled. , ' - J & Mr friend QWVbe einlataed to the" young .wom&neMVtsVaA gMu4' stleklec for etlcute. ' " vj! .:,- ''For Whatr asked ths-f ouug om- .- , j- . , '. t ? "EUcute-for doln' things the right . "It ain't .spelled th. fay; yon Wyit, bnt I s'pose yon ought to know." i-. "What doea Bin want 1o known aba asked, to cut off dispute on this pol&Li "Why,- BlU'a got . aa luvlte- to go somewhere, an be don't think be ought to go unless jfs writ out proper," -) ""That weald depend oaLth nature-Of th affair,'', she explained, "In gome case a verbal invitation" : "A.verbal mvltatloof-one that isn't written, yoa know." r- f VThafS 'th kind Bill's got, an they're all telUn' him he ought tp go without any mor fuss, but.Biin groat A: etiohte hiiwon't have 4t that way,' 80 be aay f er me to as yon aa And ott what" right which is what bo wants to do." . r -"Well, aa I aaMLbefore, explained tb eoclety edltor.'t depend oa th nafur of the entertainment If Ts s f fajy. If there ' are ' many formate He"- t-:J ' - t "Oh, there's tots of them. It's gbbV to be a big affair, with everything dene aoeordin to Hoyle,? ' , V-" -."Then your friend Is quite Tight, specially if ha i to be in any way an Imnortant meet" ! '7 fXM betbela.v'WhT. be go&V-fo hm th. main innaiu. ' ' ' . The whole thing, pretty near. Thay got to bat hint to have the show, & tThea be baa a right to expect,! formal Invitation, If be is so important as that It la almost aa insult to ask him to accept anything less.' .That settle lt .whea I ten BUI what yoa said b01 stick out for tb reqniattioa anro,?; ,,..t .r. -"Eh whatr i v . 4 "Th requisition.'? . . .; - ' ' The society editor looked troubled. "Who la out friend,", she asked, "and what is tb invitation b wants r ' "Why. they got him arrested bar for burglary ovor la th next (tat, an' they're tryto to get him to go bck wUbout any fusa, but in bold it ain't pollt to av oa Jest somebody's word, specially when they're relyln' on bun to be in th whole show. He wants It don right an printed paper-says it 1 makes him. look smau not, to cave tvarythlng accordln' to tlcmV-Cht- caao Inter Ocoaav . -a' !-iin t - 1 v . lua to BW Caarafal. 4 - - . r a. - Helen and Maids, wets at plar, wbea iuioa was ovemeara saying ;. i "My mamma doea not allow ane to nss a bit of slang.'? She. say tt. Is coar and vulgar."- t T , "Thar lost what my mamma sayi,' replied Hea.- "My,, bnt I'd (at tt right in th aerk if sbe heard an S- lng slang ilk s-n.p 1'"' gUUr Lto-1 plncott' lagasUie j J : V i - t It is ni y -"n aElon. ', your riches which posses yo- .-k kli eaarfla 1 ; .. Suicide PreTenteo, ii";, ; Th -tsrtlfi)g rncemeat that prvntallT of tuluue had been d!ixv sJ will Interest many. Arunidowa 1, 1, i r r!opondenoy lava 'ably r a ced ink lil and something hat 1 n found that will prevent thitoon" ..: o Which makes lulclda likely.' .'Alt: Brat thoiffhl Of silf dentr I m'take I " trio 1 .ltw. It belnf S ' t' nlr, - - I t rri-V x f' i 1 i ua t- .-d . sjriiorn. . alo a raat '"Tim h, Urar and t! -y rrrnla lur. C)n'jr6a. 6t'fa"tKn .(..'auleed by O D LraUhaia, JJrupInU . , , 1 'I:- ii i,.;d ra.:t molten till , Ca. U I La Wa m aI ua - horses and Norsemen. 'tSgoten, 2014, ha been a quarter in 10 seconds.''?''- - ' " " James Aalop nag a. big stable at the GrayvlUB Qil) track, - v ,r , - ' Scott Hudson ha shipped bis stable to the Grosse Point track. , : Sixty-nlne bead of horses are being worked ; over the . Montpeller (Ind.) track.. - ' v The fattest mile at the Dover (K. H.) tracC. to data 6. the pacer Delta is The California trotter George CS was worked d mile at Otereland recently la Al Thomas think that there Is a race or two left In Beflna, 2 :08V4. Jack Brown's old favorite. , . . The Indiana remsman, Curt Ooenell, Is having great success In the east with Fre.nk oeJmm and Fadny-BlMy. ' ' IsB'PefinwriSlifWbiob 1 winning regularly on the Mary hud drcoit, 4s conaiderad'a likely 2:10 performer. . tHarri Jones has, worked New- BUm mono. . ziuaVL. ., ana uousin axuaire. 20214, In 2:1414 tt thA Basbvllle (InaO track. - - ' y ' rttet Liquate iplcked-dp a nan early In the seaaonHafed later Injured her shooidavawiucb put her in annga, for whUe Jnmes T, Oatcomb thinks that be 1 lucky to be able to save her fen a.brood.Biaiik i GERMAN GLEANINGS. vTb3erUpolic.baT arrested res taurant-keepers for fraud lor navmg dummy musicians In tblr orchestras. German medical lournala are reoonv mendlng '-'rmedy for appendldtl walking bal-fotw .twenty minute four- time, a day. The exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles. tTtawtonlcliMlHy.bLDreded baa or dered plates. ba affixed at BOO. street cer xs talnlng .briefly ., the deri vatloa-vf, th name Of the atreetfor instance, "Oeorg place, after George, king of Saxony,- bora ISSi." . Eff orta are being madetn Germany to extract , the -alcohol from beer so as to obtain a. drink Wbicivwhiie tasting uae beer, te trnlte hamles. Temperance reformer are. also trying to popularise Axoertcan carbonated waters with fruit extract.- When Dlostrated post cards first earn into vogae the German authori ties' were inclined te discourage their because it waf eared that the postmen, would waste time looking at them, Today they are welcomed as a valuable source of Income, the annual sale reaching bundrada of million As many a Ketv Bern "Beadei Known too J When the kldseys are atok, - 'N atere tells yoa an about H :. :f Th Brio Is nature' eateaaatt.; Infronasa' or ftoo : frequent - ac tion. - - - j V.v V Any prlnary'troubl teU bl kldaey -Doan'a Kidney P1J1 oaiei Q kidney Ua t'i'W afc"-.' n T . . Hew Bam peopls.tesUfy tblsj: rL A Satlth, Bnptatadc' wt Crys tal It Uompairy, 19 GrlfflUt St, Ttsldug attSGriffllh Stsaysi .' ." 1 tsad Doaa Ktdny Fill for say j kidneys A beck. The swrstions frosa rtihak dnmwa auMtMsona,aaatoo 1 frsouent la aetloa, Doaa-s 'Xldaty Pills stopped this. .- Mr Uttl boy wa troubled with kldfley . weak aa and the MoreUon wm highly otoredaad fall of dlaat, "I gav blaa som of th pill and they elsared his seoretlona op to t'i-'r nalura1eolor.i loaaaoibui cr 'or Dnaa's Kidney Pilll aa XCL. ', 1 k! ' ' fire and dobOt bealtaMtO 710. I obtained that at BrUiB)'f i .'.aimacy,'' . t,"s-'- . V-rtf For sal by all dealers, Frio SO osat FW. r i::;t...m Cd, Ba'.To, R Tw.oI i""'t t th fnl'" Btat, ',-, ,.ber t na-ne Doans anij t" no other, . f-- .... 1AM TELIS .1011 Cliecapaake , arid 'WORLD'S PAIR BHOBTK8T. QUICKKPT and BE&T Trains with Pallman Sleeper and Dining Cars, , 4 " Throosh tickais from CaroiiBa with dUvot ecnaeotlons.' SPECIAL RATI FOR 8tA0SIXTtor FIFTEEN DAT TICKETS. - Ffieen.dsT tlokets from New Bern", S 0, 688 18.. -a Sleeping car aooommodatloai engaged upon application. -V. - J-S fSPEOIAtOOACfl BXCJIB8I0SS : . 00 aotbortoed dates, ticket good for lei 'aay at rate of 838.70.. t3orrepondlngly . low; ,rte from 'other -(tetlon. ' Spccll accommodations arranged for parti s Stop over permlttid without limit at C.4 0. celebrated MounUittmorU.i voj jnn v u nyu raj ana purchase your ticket axsoordlngly. For coach eicuralon dates, merratlons and other fnformaUdn, address O, WABTHBJf, Dp, Blchmond, Vs.. F, W. OUBD, Paa. Airt. O. ft O. By . Norfolk, Va.. " . - ROTICEt The. Annual Meeting of th stock holders of tb Atlantic A North Carolina Sail oad Company, wm b held at New Bern, If. C -Thursday . September 22nd 1904 at 18 o'clock noon. 1 . - The book for th transfer of stock Will ba closed August 23rd, 1904. JAKES A. BBTANf President. M. MANLY, - 8c'ty& Treasurer RussllHquse bbatjpoet7n. of, Centrally located. All the (Mir oacies of the Beason.' ' Well venti lated roorag, Good Jeda, Phono con vemences, rorte ana attentive e vanta. Rates v 41.50 - per?i day Special and liberal' terms by week for month. -"' ; f ! " a. a; RUSSELL T. A. Green, Prest. 1 B. IL Meadows, VUse-Prest. . 1 w Ti A. Csrell, Csshler, CitizensBarik, Be) a aaaaral Bttoklaf Buslaen ; flarplas and Undivi ded Prodts, S,00O.0a We will ctvo nromDt and careful attea lion so au ousinesa enirustea V n. We invite yonr account. Try us. ' ' BoajeT ot Pliactaa-a. tWOlsajl tTuiea - a. B. Meadows, J. a, ateaOows, " Oha&DeSy.JT. aunelW.Ipoek Jaaaea Bedmond, J. w. &rataffr, Thomas aCfreeav MO.at.lT, w.F.croeaett.; alark i-nsomar A .Departure from old methods of carriage building haa anahlad na to fnrnlaha vehicle that 1 at oaoevery cheap, handsome and errteMbte. Carriages, boggirs, light aann(. narfact iar eoastrnoiloB.dotisa aad flaish, at noubly low prices. Best of workmanship and material. Up-to- date In u. respect, uaoi oe mm. Gnarantae with ever one. We not Bobber Tire oa yonr old or new wheels. - We - sbtfhk yoar loos 1 Ires In a machine without cutting them. Everybody Is invited to see th maohla at work putting saw do us in 01a p Z Buceessor to 6: E. water Bojw t9,ftau 188, " 'v 78 Bsoad Wu.Hsw Bbbb. ' n 19d DI8COTJKT, , Books Coatalnlnit eouDOT for BOO lha of lot la 10 Jb-ooopona, talua H00 wIU be sold, to taMtoauts at 1 1 fsoonnt iirawt vtu V'4r, . an arin hn aiAd worth of 'ICE If book is proeurad, altbar from &i drirai oi wage oi.roa.Jb cfflcfV t i Street, Jt'Si i '. "l mr t i . 1 .. "OS. .0 'V.f Ki t , "--'f.. ;waUlnJ to U Many patrons -1 f ,r (1 n! lrM Suits ;t we wi.I V.e biiJuuT lftt r oa, ' wrV'.e f' '''":t f. o'ls The ftn.l 1 ." t r rii 1 draw V-4 c row J IGB PfoMBfillot . . ,v-..l Us ..' ..If,. . Ohio Railway SCtOTC'ROUTH ' ROTJTR'f Yesatboled.1 ElaotrteJJ.1.1- A,&'N"K R. XIKB TABLI SO. 88 To Take Effeot Sunday, ApL -10, . 1904 at ta:0i;A.M., R.8.T. OtiingXast I BOEKBtJUb I Going Ws No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 ' DAILY. . tV. p m STATIOMB: Ar. a aa 880 ...Goldsboro ..Ji ot tIS??t --o.w ... Kington. inia 40. ...ArNew Bern. Ir...... B 08 8W..,.,.liV. '. , At. 887 715....Ar. Moreheadettr T. aaa 'NOrB. I No. 8, .STosai I Fasaenger I Train. -DAII,!. Ar,:r-. a .Goldsboro., , 8 80 ...Best's....,...., 80S Fassenger i-rain Lv. a. at. 8 00... 8 18 886..... LaUrange., , 757 Bffj- w-inI tsz:i: m. 747 8.?....:.B;itiston. 8 fjy. . Oaewell, ;-. . . . 918. Dover;.. . :::::r:::T::;: 84 .....ifllaj. 787 786 ...i. 717 7 00 600 ... 641 ..... 680 10 10. , . . . .A,. New Ife.' V- a. at . r-3-r i. St. No. 7. ' Ugaaim ar. a liv. a. m. -bandays Only Ar. p. m oS-- LT-NewjBernAr.... 1040.., ..Biverdatei 614 647 648 68S 6 81 616 4 40 W ..i...Croataa..... Havelook II 15 Nflwnnr It SO.... WiMin'" 1140....Ar. MoToheari OltvT.i" FREIGHT. DAILY EXCEPT ODNDAY No. 1. 2d Claw. No. 8. XdOktaa Ar. p sn ... 960 .... 818 .... 9 08 .... 188 .. .1818 ... 19 01. ....1101 ....10 40 ....10 10 .... 984 .... 980 uv. am 6 It...., 646.,.,, 818.4;,, 6 87.. A, 788.... 740.... 9 00.... 9 40.... 1010.... 10 89.... 1100.... . . . Goldsboro ., ..Best's , . . , . . LaGrange , . . .Falling Creek Kins ton Caswell Dover , core oreek. . .., Tnscarora...... Clark's Ar, New Bern, Lv.. No. 7. N0.8. Mon, Wed, Tues, Thurs, Hat. or rrld. 18 80 Lv. New Bern Ar.. 8 06 780 718 708 688 607 686 680 460 iu Klverdale., e y iw, oroatan. 140... Havelook 8 00 Newport, Lv 8 20 WUdwood 8 88 Atlantlo 2 66 . JLr.Moreheadcity, Lv.... 8 00 ...Ar. M. city Depot. Lv.... r. . a. at. Supplement No 1, To take effeot Saturday, May 14th at 11,08, a m, 1904. East Bound. West Bound. No. 811. No 818, DAILY, EXCEPT FRIDAYS AND' SUNDAYS. Lv p. m. Statiohb. Ar p. m. 00 Goldsboro 8.00 4 20 Best's 8 86 89... iLaGrange. 214 440 Falling Creek. 1 61 4 63 Klnston. 188 Caswell.... is 88 618..... JOTsr it 88 -Cor Oreek-..,..a, m.11 68 , 1 48...,. Tuscaroca " 11 48 8 56.........,..J,.,..,OIarks " 11 aj 6 10...,..Ar. New Bern. Lv 1 1106 OT No f8 wIBrpM Kb 9, whsr over laksa and mt ahaad, dd to Golda boro ntess-'atbrnwlss other wl or. dsrad. t; v f f . ' ' a. j. nrr.L. LB.wA. NEWLAND, . r Goal Sapt. ; juuter Trniportat(oB. - J '"I F. BCLLEHAK, . Chief DUfiatahar. - - J ji'.' -if, ;J?'!,rWk.! " T 1 . a -r" - ATT0BMI, At UW. Practice la tho.oaatlt of Oravea, Carteret Pjunllooj Jones and Onalow, AdaaeUessto Saprams aad Fsdetal Conrea,!.-; . . '!Vif r,:A4 , . Gffloa: Soath Frontal, ever TU graph offloa, New Beta, N. 0- ).n'.i aw a 1 1 1 1 r , WtU caw BUad, Bleeding, Uloanated nod tchluf Pe,, J aboaba, jH Ibbmsb, allays th ItcbJng a ewoa, , ts as a poal 11'givesitant.reUefoUbjAVaBr .. - ".v ATTOBNZa .and rcrxiTLflfB ' MS 'tA't'lAWaaj f.A' 5)v,w asra,aT.av Offlo IUmoved arroaa BtH to Bet 3i ntory or MX e (abov 1 a.cgrana U6 , tm) Month Front Btreet, az to ; notw vaattswka, BPrnctlce in Uinnlte of Oravea,. t-i' Hn, Jobbh, Otialaw, Cartaret, p a. ..i.-,.. I 1 In th ritne and 1J- . ml I. KJ..4, and wK'HaevrloBI ajf I . ...to L . - V j .. 1 .' ;''A- .. Yo'i C n't k". 'rd t ; g'.t n'A ' ', t' - tf'l r ;w caa't oJwtd ; ' j '. It w:U I ".'J 1 r'th of OH , r , ; M r, Wfl V ':-k --! ! . " i" 0 1 ' ..i 1 - - 1 ! v ' .t Err.cct .l: Grc:n, it'orprj. a fonswlftrit law, I'moaoFt., , -( S'.Z'it I ",':.TT, IT. C ' f ' . 1 " Of i ' ft