it! I. -a.M MMHMMWMUMHMMMMMMMMMMMMtMM Umlt ft- JUST , JtEGEIVElK- ; " loctfes Gcfcns, Skirts, Wants, t Corset Covers in all the nejp styless - 1 1 1 rAnepti: supply , of J. f.ilTCHELL & CO., - PHONE 288. . 43 Po1lbck:St, Opposite fc Post-office. J i' . .' - i i f ."41 ! :.. '"..:' :'.ff- IMMMO is the Very Best Paint made. It surpasses all the'r paints as to Quality, Durability and Cov ering Capacity. ......... Leads, Oils And colors. . Pumps, Ptmp r Pipe and DfSving Points. 5aji Doori BHhds A Specialty. Ice Cream ? Frezers C3 Middle St. Hot Weather -makes you look, lor Ic0 dream lTce?ri and 1 water t ooiers. we J4.eep,mem. Alio Screen Door and "Wmdowi, Soreea Wire. Car load Doors and Sasb just received. Prioes Low. Heath & Mulligan Faint ii the best full weight, and Covers most f ..... - m r . . T.alJI . --4- 4-1 9 .11 WJ. nui ana juuinine cuppim. .punning wunin w uuvi. ' . Gaskill Hdw. & FIiom 147. 'A CUOUHi JISPM. TU MtMMr Hu will te wlOdnwa tMaponrOy froa Um ronU oa ttij 1SU foi fcr aiaaat ipln. v" ! v r Oulag bt abMaoa Um itnam Ova ok it toMalwi lo tn fraa KW Beta for BUTv(lt Ot Kl Iktbeta Old DomMon Steahsiib Co "-., . . ' OBt) at f t m m, Moa y,' TTeda wday Vaadfrt-y.-sA' Vita fortlutt oMovlff wOl ba ko MtM -tuug oa - IVOMJ, amnr .ft ; um hwii saoir. Art. , Photograph .'.. Cojm out to Blvfrs to tba tent and get a fine" pboto grapbif jooraelf and family, Work la of tr beat quality nj fuarantoed.V-' 'V jr. w. BinraiNS. -'. i -.' - i T .. ... i -nrp ,. Crta CoQBkr. ' T0oB WtUfi, Inity Tkr lot Chv Tk a)rtl(nl A fbMHpt of Cnma t.rTotlh troll, uir knd tUla U lb fullowlof dKrlbd pleo f tiuof lud la Ko 1 Tdwithlp, Qtm ootf , 8lU of Worth Croll tit m tslrj cn 1 r ' ; I I It m . " -, i t..uti4j E. .:.( . C'iMk"j( Oit lBf nf ('! 1 Vr Jr, 0. I ' n ( f ':r- t i . ' :j I- '-' - t j ,!,, ;. n I : , ' 'i i : ': c A. ? ALSO - iRickers Perfumes ; MMfflf aod Water Coolers. Phone 00. Mil! Supply Co:; KILL SUPPLIM U CtTn St rhoaalXC. : UmUr HatoiJatUvfc-W GEtlERAL v HARDWARE; Screen . .Wire Doors and windows. i . , ' The ice. Savisi . Ola zie Befrlgeratorsl Agtat Cor Ut rtrmot 61rl aadBoj Ooo-BtoTta,' .'rv. -v. -:,. ... ... --- ' ; f amort will btar la atUd Uwi wt carry a ttry eomploM lint of Aattrieaa Stoat .Wirt Ftaea. ' ' ' . , '' t V '. ztctv -xixiiixif. it. c A Harvest ,For Bicyclists p 1 Offer 75 pairs ' il'jid'i'.ii1) at greatly reduced prlott for fjxjt Cath dming tbt roocth cf AxignRt. ! birt them In all grtdei and tis It will f ty you to lnrentigte tel bny. ' fM n V t In f "th , Oi n -1, I -r.i, F " Seeking Laws to Restrict jbunlgr Mora OK Documents foaif. Antngt praocht Prevail Belt on . Ce-fnumen XljgMk aa4 , Tent- Districts. - - - v. Rtlllgi, Ang.; 86 Attorney Seaertl Gilmer retarned today from hit home at W tynetf Ola, where he tpeat r hit Taca- tlon. Be tyt th wetther wa charm tag lathe mouatalnt and that Waynet villa hada great many vliltori.. Ee It In retdlnett for $he ttrm 6f the Supreme eoort thlah beglaa, aesf .week, jThere are not mtny lnterettlnf uei o tht docket Thtn It one from the' ftrtt dtt trtet neat week, ta which .the charge agalntt certata men It obttraotlng with pile and ttakei 7etn Guide" Creek, which Man ana of Onrrltaek Bound. The people who placed the pbitiactioni there qlalm thai the. creek It private property bnt the State aayt thlt it not true and that It it a navigable itream and that it hat been to nisi lor a great maoyyearaiS.- ' ;, V ": ., . The teeratary of jtatt oontlnnet hit ditooverlet of lnteretting old doeumentt Today he found mtpi of llecklenborg and Cnmherlend ooaatiet aude In 1783, At that time Cumberland wet a. very large county ladeed. , i ' , The American, which It the offlolal or gan of the ; Janlor Order of American Meehanlct, and which ft pnbUihed here, the editor being Z P Smith, ktiklng the quwtloB and nrglog oeklcouacllt every where to teeure atatemanta - from eandl dttee for ooagrear already nominated and thote yet to be nominated written Ipromltei that they Will ute their utmoit euortt to teeure the enaction ot lawt rt atrfettng Immigration and rendering the nataralititlon lawt much more ttrtngent than they now are. Editor Smith laid in an Interviews "The congreitmaa have for yean been paying nt with nromlteaJ They have been lntrodnclng bUla to thlt end long enough bat they have gone no farther than the Introduction. . Borne thing mutt be done. We detirt a good olut ef immlgrantt, bat the riff raff matt be kept out of the country and our naturalisation lawe ought to be many timet atrleter than-they now are. "We have 800,00 membert Of our order In the country and wt are trowing rapidly We know, that we -exprett the true Amerloan lentlment in what we are an dertaktae to do." Iiaao Pettitold, Of tail county, It the let arrival In Jell here, the charge agalntt him being bigamy, He It from Baitoa'a Creek townahlp" and both of hit wlvtt appeared In evldeaoe agalntt him, a ha eihlbf it A B to to (peak. . It wat predicted tome . time ago that there would be an Augutt drought and that nothing would hurt cotton wont and (I waeetated that th elgni of inch a drought were a conttant wind, high tailing oloudt and and a glettj JU tky. Xxactly theee thlpgt : now prevail, and theeropt are' retrogadhig remarkably Veal Sunday" Bef B J Bate man, 'the paitot of tht rareUevint Street Baptlat Church here wOl tteign In order': to go to Mount Olive aaa take charge of the hapttet ehuroh there. ;v " A, lot of bcti tntj being made la regard lo the electtona Jot toagrtetmen la the eighth and aa littrkli, The Demo crtU appear to very wtUlng to bet thatlatheelgk Kewlaad will defeat Blaokburn, BpubUcan, by at lean 1,000 volet, bat at te the teath dUtrlot note tew of them appear to he pretty narvout In the Utter dlttrlct It la regarded at a fact that Codger hate hard eotutt agalntt Swart, BepabUoan. t Oamt v arose Upcharoh hte arretted a maa aamed Auremt tor telling mocking blrdt aad f or a atan who watahlpptng them oat of the Bute, the law agalntt thete offeaoet being tUiet :"- iWxle For Ifttlonal Aatlcm v.. .(,t.,i '.r" ' - t '-,. Oelller'a Weekly acegetU that "DlrU' rnlgh) he mad the atloeaI eathem If om poet wouid write tollable wordt to the mojlo. - There are reaeoot which may be tdranoed to enpport aaoh a tog- getUoo. "Plile' Jt the ooly truly Amerioaa pttiluUe totg that haa everbeea wriUea. tllaeaatar to ale g than "The Star Ppegtd Banner," aad tlmllar aolheeo: and tkea there It tome- thing about it that atlrt the blood, eronirat patiiotUm and bring forth th ready chMrt,- It popularity, too. coaatatlly leoreailng in all section ot th eotatry. - II le ettremely doubtful towerer, it touthtrtiert will willingly jIt p the eocg lust It to lnt!mali!y soclatsdwlth tholr history end about Which loot of lUelr sweetott memories tl aster. A Sweet Ercatn. Il a nTr fa'"' 7 nh, V l.on 1 I t c h ti out of O'li'T n ff a 1 . 'lis l-i ''hj tinm I Hi il (m re In ro reinr. In t'. troi ( for S 1 H ! ' S ( r.i, ' 1 I . v I :! I !t I t I I. '' Resumed Openttion Special to Journal, , -. ,i , "K- New York. Aflg 28. W Ti Wood end A) Co, ttook tpeoulttort Who ' mad an attlgnment In June and were arretted for frandalent Utnttctlont hare ad Jutted their deficleacitt . and have re turned butiaeta, ... .rCw,.j. tf . ' The company hat been reincorporated with a capital of 1400,000. The trtiolet provide for the tale of 4,000 tharet of took; 20,000 preferred.- The preferred ttook will be "entitled to accumulate yearly dlvldendt not exceeding tlx per cent. 'They, will dof bnslneea ott ilOO, 000 paid up atpltal. . r , T " W I Woodend't failure latt Jant wat attended ' by teveral 1 teaaatloaal tea turet. Hewu a phytlclan but paid more attention to hit etock jobbing but lneta.v,Wlld tpeomation aid hlghliv lag are charged at the reasont for tht failure.,: The amount of hit Indebted nettlt eaid to have reached 15,000,- 000. - . RUSSIANS HAKE STAND .-' '-'. V .n V - United Statet Too Trleaaiy With .. Japanese. . Chee Foo, Aug 26, Advice received here ttate that nghtfng it proceeding be tween the BuiSltnt aad Japanete forces touth tart of UaO'Tang. :1 The whole Bnttlan front from -TaL Tee river touth. ward It engaged. : The Battlant are de termined tj make a stand here if 'poial- Manchester, England, Aug 86.-The London corietpondent ot Guardian aayt a report It gaining ground In the Bngllah capltol that the RUMlan an- oatuaor to tut ymtea sutet nu ukea to be recalled from Washington. He givet the reuon that difficult relation are exlttlng between Count .Caeslnl and theofflcltlt of the ATmerloan govern- nunt. News In a Nutshell. The Galveston sea wall was completed Angus! 84. This wall whloh Is the greatest structure of its kind In the world is 17,598 feet long, 18 feet wide at the base, 8 feet wide at the top and stands 17 feet high at mean low tide, with a granite riprap apron extending 87 ftft out on the Gulf side. Dsn Emmett,the veteran minstrel and author of "Dixie," It to have h mono- ment built from fundi raited by Adelaide Thurston' The dainty little actress Is to give a matinee performance of "Polly Primrose" at Richmond, Vs., September 84th for the benefit of the monument fund, and It arranging with other attrao llont pitying Ave other Southern cities on that date to do the same. Chicago1 pneumatic- mail tub sys tem, nine miles in length, was formally aoeepted by the Government, ;-. : ' There are 8,608 negroes In tht employ of she Federal department in Washing ton, thlr annual talartea aggregating ,85J,787, ' . ' - - The Louisiana, the largest battleship that haa ever . been launched by Uncle Sam wlllbeputoierboerd at Newport Newt today at 10 a m.'Ji, .. THB YALUB OF SULPHUR Efflclcaey In He! leg Well Aiutned by - BaaCSckt Liquid Buipnur. : . Used on th face HiHcoex'i Liquid SoLPBTjarendert the oomplexiotv olarl- ted, beaullfled aad Strong. -y. After sulphur bathing, prepared With Hut coca's LiQtTiB BsLTBun, the akin it felt to gloW with renewed health and an Aene. catarrh, dlDlherla, Itch, fcerpee, plmplee, prickly heat and ringworm, with many moie.nia, are guaranteed a cure by Bahoook's Lipoid SuLrBtmn Matnre greatest germicide. Oanoker aaa outer sonnets oi seaip eyeuoa, mouth, note and throat yieta 10 lit pow ar. , . ' Letdlnt DhsrmaclsU sell It. - KeatieH Booklet from Hancock Liquid Bole Sulphur Oo., Baltimore, Md. Dissolution of Partner Th eo-partnershlp heretofoie exist- In UlwseaRL Thornton andChaaa Cat, under the firm name of Thornton and Case, la dissolved by mutual con sent, Cba E Cast retiring trom the busl nees. . ThebJslneMWlllbe eofitlnoed by R L Thornton who assume all r"poDI blllty for said Urm. ' . . . R LTUOZISTOS,' CIIA3 CASE, t August S8th, 130. JO" a On V ' ' ' r I'. ' - r c, 'ill rmliiy the It h (" ? of r 'J at nijr p la V Vmn i f 1 r I 1 f r r 'i el t ' ; t ' 1 ' ' ' r, ( Too i J .r t-, " s. It ! : I'.d FARMERS. ' Hon Charles B ' f homit Addretsee the :-., 7armert a( Their Annual Pleale .i ' at Hoore't Greek. 'The annua! pionlo of the farmer resi dent of Bladen, Vender, Ooptia and Sampson counties wit. held at Moore't Creek Thursday end wat attended by between 8,000 and 8.000 people. The oc casion wat widely advertised and it was greatly enjoyed by all. "The weather was ideal and the celebra tion wat well up to the ttandard of former yesrs. The prime feature of the day was the address of Bon Charles B Thomas Con gressman' from the third district, whose efforts in behalf of a government appro priation for the maintenance and preser vatlon ' of. ' the historto spot are well known.' ' Mr Thomas' was Intro duced "by Prealdellt James F Moore of Moore's Creek' Monumental Associa tion, and bis discourse was eloquent and pleasing.4 Competent judges who had beard him many times before, sid it was the'tpeech of his life. It abounded In historical research, eulogy ot the he roes of our colonial days, and a brilliant exposition of 1 the civic and economic problems with which the people are, con fronted today. He closed with a recita tion of Gaston's' immortal "Carolina," after whlah the ladles lookup the tune ful strains and sang with enthusiasm to the ' accompaniment of the band from Wilmington, which' furnished music daring the entire day. At one o'clock a sumptuous dinner Was spread fn the beautiful oak grove on the grounds by the good women of the county, After dinner until late In the afternoon the young people enjoyed adellghtfal dance In the large pavilion On the grounds. i ' A record breaking game of base ball Was played at Jackson; Miss., between the Jackaoa and- firookhaven teams ot the" Delta league Wednesday. Nineteen Innings were played' tad note score mad e. ' " ' Try a bottle of Carbonated Coca Cola It possesses wonderful tonic properties nude from the famous Coca plant and Kola nut. - FINE Country Hams at Oaks Meat Mar ket. Trv a bottle ot Carbonated Coca Cola It possesses wonderful tonio properties made from the famous ' Coea i lant and Cola nut. ; J J Baxter has just reopved a beautl fnl Hue of the Roantree Roller Tray Trunks. Also a nloe line of steamer trunks Suit Cases bsgs etc DeWitt is tne Name. When f on go to buy Wlteh Hasel Salve look -for the name D Witt on every box. The pure, unadulterated Witch Haul is used in making De Witt's -Witch Haul Salve, which it the best salve In the world for tuts, burns, braises, bolls, ec aema and pile. The popularity of De- Witt' Wltoh Hatel Salve, due to its maa ouret, hat canted aumcrout worth. tssi counterfeit to be plaoed on the market. "The genuine best the nave E. O.U witiBUo.,unicago, ooraoyr. 8, Dully, oruggiab ... LOST 1 Oil Siaday, the 14th of August 1904, between Now Bern and Morehead, first train down; one Travelling Bag or Grip Sack.:;' Wat taken oat of my seat in my absence by some ladles who got off at Teurmaa, which la between New Bern aad Biverdal. -.Plainly . marked with Lmy name aad address. Any imforma- tlon leading lo the recovery of th bag, o of tube part of the ooatenta not hav ing a money value, eueh a , maps, field notes of surveys, tei aad photographs of my children, also, names of parties getting Off at Tharaaaa, any or all win be gratefully recelrsd, and liberally re warded., .tetisii :fifwC X.--4- a$A WP.'. DELAMAtV; J i--' : v-fsv.!:m Orlantal 0 hsjsrmteZmirkk n n n nn B B "1 ' JMK i DCLL5 IN TUB NIQMT strlk terror to the hasrt of tbe man Is svsr from home, aa b don'l Svsy from home, inow tt tl.t lie mT find his bom In nlc on 1I rit'irn. Anl I lie first t'Hjnr'it i""t stritrs htm after e Jis fullDll 1. S f;.'l.!; !.,' 1 1 l'1.ll'l -t (f lr''.'U'-e on HI la w!e In 0. I.i ..(1 c 1 1 one of my . SPOKE TO For ' Cultivated - Ftgs . for preserving or ripe for eating leave ' . your orders at " McDAMEL' S I 71 BROAD STRBHT. Complete At Bight 'Phone 91. Ice Cream Now Eery Day, De- livered For 35c. a quart at your home. Ice cream soda, phos phates and. all other cool and refreshing drinks at McSORLEY'S. Expert Watch Re pairing ! We hold our watch and jewelry repairing up to a high standard. Whatever work is done is xecut ed in a careful painstaking manner and when the quality is considered our prices are alwaya the lowest. J. O. BAXTER. Only a few Ham mocks left and the prices will suit I you :: Snhhts boqk stobk ; : 8aM8iawy3 HeIloMCentral ! - T (Song in the well known tune.). Hello Central glva mnRoyatlu ' For IknW teVthert;:. Ton can find him with the lot , .',V'0'reaW:in,'1I'1, ' " j On the oounW near ' J r- He'll be glaiiU me whose speaking ,' Call him wont oiplea For 1 surely want some lo t Cream, ' llts so warm over hero. ' ' " "f. , " A' customer; ' Alt low thoet la Ment Ladle and Children, and all summer anderwetr vblteand Drnred Lawn.N and all other summer goods must be sl, In' order "to Bisk room for our great fV stock that will soon be coming In.- '!. - J J BAXTE11 Remember Kev.-.; ; I will glr trior stlrsotlou t n yonr - Vi'utt !l for lets iriOnry ll,n anyone In I'.e el'y. AH wo.k giirnt-ti, r. '. ! .-,';i.:;r, Fine Stow Of Prices Wholetiale a& lletall 71 ItrosMt Bt 7. S. Hudson & Co., LIVERY STABLES. We have opened a Livery, Feed, Sales and Exohange Stable at No. 66 Broad St., Arnold's former stand. Prompt attention given to orders for turnout?, and horeen carefully looked after. J S. HUDSON & CO. A Second Carrie Nation coco As Garrio Nation smashed th barrooms so did S, Coplon, 78 Mid dle St., smash the prioes on all summer goods. 2500 yds of Sheeting, special sale this week 4o. 2000 yds of Shteting. spioial sale this week 4 l-2t. 1900 yds of Remnants iu Dimity this week 5 l-2o. 39 Summer Corsets 60c, this week 33c. 3'00 yds of Hamburg for 4e to 22 l-2o. 1800 yds of Calico this week 4 l-4c 15 doa Ladies Gauzo this week 4c "00 yds Duck and Pique, at wholesale price. 18 pair Laoe Curtains, regular price 11.00; this week 49o. CLOTHING. One more chance in Men's Clothing in broken sliee only; 30, 37, 88; regular price $10, this week $3.90 1 8 Boys School Suits, broken size, to olose out for 69o on the dollar S3 pair men's working pants $1.25, this week 90o Large lot of Boys.Xnee Pants just received, aims, to 17. , sr COPLON, 75 MTJDDLI ITBJtJt; Ktj te OaahlU . HVrr Oo, ew Beam, tit rt ! I ywOtrndl xi ';uVan:iriB8t', n . forget toi(s4 loarcra ' ;ii fart to '.:,tf,4"!.A( '":".y ( rf'': '2. -V ?' r Owen u Dunn . Ldlag Printer 6ttear. Cot. Pelleek .CTa Ita. a. .yx-eemNMti- : e .T ToTEpi;!i!ic! v m ' 1 hsreliy glr aotl U h i will act t respveiiM for deb taftttrred ty Bf ns. Oils Lslnitai PuUHm eel AlatstS) irry Tn '. r, h?.i ass : w'.IOWt ft r r- -,....'' r?- j-"t i : , : t v : j L