THE JOURNli. hUliil Try b tiUpu.n optKoadty. tonal BaBdlag, W40 Oram St. iXo,l CHARLES Li STEVENS. DHOBAX9 mini HOB. TESTCRfiirS . M4RIBTSi : - Ctttoi, firala, mttattn aid Stack taiga la Meet. sUcetptad Tb following are th bum eoota- Mont, reotlved by prlvtt win from J Walter Labaree ft Co.. to Barm Co. Hew Ben, H. a SDBSCR1PTI0I RITES'. Oaajeer, Ik advano ft. On year, not U advaae Monthly, by carrier In tht orry, .... M Advertising Bate faralthad on carton. tppll Entered at th Pott Offloa, Hew Ben, It. (X, u wood elan matter. Oflolal Paper ef Mew Ben Craven Cematy. aad HEW BERN, N. C, August 81, 1904 GREATER RESIDENTIAL TER RITORY NEEDED. A local contractor, in noting the building that is taking plaae in New Bern, and the demand which exists for dwelling (or rental purposes, said he felt almost in despair oyer there was hardly a decent sized lot whloh could be found upon which to erect residences, while the houses now building, or proposed, were being con truoted In close quarters upon lots which were already partly occupied, all good sized lots being now divided up, whloh gaye but a few feet between real denees. A walk about this city will give the observer a very clear idea how almost every available building foot of land is now being covered with dwellings, until there la hardly passageways between bouses, instead of former spaces, fil ed with lawns, trees, flower or drive way. All this cJoainr up of lot and build tag on them how proflt forth own era, but hi making It Impossible for new people oomlng In to own their own homes, as the scarcity of lota, and the rental of honses, make prices too Ugh for the person of modern mean. The tame contractor who spoke of the ever narrowing np of the resldenoe por tion of this etty, said the Journal' sug gestion of subdivisions to New Bern was the only solution of the matter, and that such subdivisions, with electric system of ear lines, would not merely prove of neat value to those who engaged In the project, but Would give home to many people who do not now own them, besides inch tub divisions wosld bring In a great num bar of new white residents, who would be attracted her. It would have bee better if this sub division matter had received considera tion and action before this. The faet of the city struggling beyond It pre ent confines can b easily seen at River- ride, but a great subdivision, several of them, are needed, which shall afford large building leu to thoee desiring them, and to make the distance no ob stacle to reaching such onlslde property a well (quipped electric system of ear lines must place them within easy and cheap, connection with the eity. Bach sub-divisions, with an electric line communleatloD, will solve the quel lion of residences and homes for New Bernlans, besides being the real means of bringing a boat, the Greater New Bern. Oonoen Sept Oct Dec Maw You, Aug. 80. Open, High. Low. Close .. 10S UM 10.77 11.15 .. 10.87 11.16 10.61 11.04 .. 10.98 11.16 10.68 11.06 Jan 10.68 11.16 10.63 11.05 Chicago, Aug. 80. Chicago Grain. Open. Close Dec Wheat 109 107 Dec Corn 68 62t Dec Oats 88, 88 Oct Bibs 7i0 750 Oct Pork 1147 1142 Oct Lard 705 712 flew York, Aug. SO. Stocks, Open. Close Amr.Bugar 188i 181J Amr. Copper.... 58 67 Atchison 81 i 81 Southern By.... 29 28 Southern Ky pf.. 95 84 tf. a Steel 12 12 U. B.Btee) pf... 601 ' 60J Penn. It R 120 125 Brie 271 27 Louisvllle&Nash 1211 1U St. Paul 1651 15i N.T Central..... 1M 1M N. W 681 68, Va. O Chemical. 62 ?i ; WEEKLY CROP BCLUHH.:' s 1MB. LUVYCr ANIMAU9. - Xm s) Vmtmriln, km Ikir in in laaaaawMe -. Animal ;- keen t preeeptlona keener In many respects than our own "feu tbty.tarm so conception, have no power of comparing on thing with another. They live entirely la and through; their tense To all that in to, Inez world reneetlon, Imagination, comparison, reason, tney are strangers. They never return upon themaelves In thought They have senee memory, aenae 1 Intelligence, and they profit In many -ways by experience, but they have not soul memory or rational In telligence. All tbe fundamental emo- Cotton Iaged by IxoiT Btla ,CctilhMt Qofi. TobaccT . , " Crop Short, Bat' of Good, : Quality, ktlnfall. The weekly crop ballet la, for week ending Monday, August j, 1J04, follows: Want and sultry weather prtvalUd daring the first two days of the -week,; with teoperetarei ranging farabov tlx normal. This wa followed by cooUr and mora or ieis unsettled weather. On the 8j)rd and J4th, rain nil in the west-1 jjons and appetites men and the lower era and southwestern part of ta State, Bnrnis fc Co's Cotton Letter. New Bern, N. O., Aug 80, Responding to lower cables from abroad, our market opened easy at from 11 to 18 points decline. There was some buying for long account, and covering by abort In the late crop positions on the theory of too much rain In the east ern Bute, bat on the bulge, profilt tak ing and tin renewal of tggressiv bear selling carried prioes back to below the opening figure. The market, however, advanced sharply on the appernoof the government report which was quite bullish. Trading was very aetlve and the deUIng wholly professional. The condition In the cotton market an practically unchanged, and fluctuation continue to be dominated by the weather Fair and dear weather tending to de press the price ef cotton futures and fotter a large short interest, while any unseasonable weather tends to create a crop scare and a (tamped among tne short. The short interest In the maiket is now very urge therefore the technical condition of the market 1 stronger now than it has been for some time- A wire from Texas today states thst one third hs been damaged by the ravage of the boll weevil and If this continue It can not be Ignored in the market price of futures much longer. We still look for higher prioes. also at s setter ed places farther east, but tht week remained practically dry in the eastern section till the efthernoon of the 86th, when general rains act In, which continued with slight lntermt slont till Sunday morning. Excessive rain fell at a number of places in the central and eastrrn counties, and the heaviest 24 hourly amount sofsr known was 8,70 inches at Mononr. With the beginning of the hitter rainy period there came a decided change In the temperature, and during the entire Sat urday the thermometer ranged slightly above 60 degrees in all sections of the State. It is too early to astertaln wheth er any damage resulted from this cool spell; but it is believed that It was of too short a duration to affect any of the growing crops. The cotton bolls are beginning to open in the eastern half of the State; but the crop, as a whole, made no Im provement during the week, although the weather during the first hall was favorable; on the contrary, the orop seems to be declining, and the com plaint of damage by rust, shedding, and turning yellow ar Jsstas numerous from all parts of tht Stat as dating the week before. Corn continue good. peclally on upland; In low places and on light soil It Is damaged In few localities, It is maturing well and sn excepVonally fine orop Is assured. Fodder polling is nearly over In the eastern and oentral counties; the first half of the week was favorabUfor this work, bat. there wu not enough sunshln during the latter half, and large quantities of fodder be came dtnuged by the rain. Curing tobacco 1 nearly over In the (astern dis trict) bat 1 still in full progress in stokes, Surry, Rockingham and a num ber of other aorthoaatrel counties. The report la regard to the yield are aim Uar to those received heretofore, lnso maoh that the leaves ar 'curing sstis f act wily, although the crop I below the average. Peanut are fair, and with but few exception the vines ar grow ing writ. Pea vine hay I excellent, all minor crops are doing fairly well, fruit will be far below an average orop Rains (In inches) for the week ending 8 a.m. today: Raleigh, 101; Hattera 2.40; Charlotte, 8.40; Ashaville, 0.80; Wilmington, 180; Goldsboro, S.10-, Qreentboro, 0.46., Lumbtrton, 1.68; New Bern, 8.41, Weldon, 1.86. animals share in common, such as fear, anger, love, hunger, Jealousy, cunning, pride, curiosity, play, but the world of thought and thoujbt experience and the emotion that go with it belong to man alone. It la as if the psychic world were di vided into two planes, one above the other the plane of sense and the plane Of spirit. In the plane of sense live the lower animals, only now end then Just breaking for a moment into the higher plane. In the world of sense man is Immersed also: this is his start and foundation, but tie rises into the plane of spirit, and here lives his prop er life. Ue is emancipated from sense in a way that beasts are not John Purrouglia in Harper's Magazine. A PLAGUE RELIC. News In a NutshelL Police Court New. Tete Htnet, a old offender, wa up before the mayor for disorderly con duct, shs attacked Mary Battle who wu as good a her name and I ha two had a right lively fight. Mayor Bangert settled the costs and ten day in jail on them. Mr Marcus Dill wu assessed the costs for riding his wheel on the side walk. Thos Moore, colored was tried by Magistrate Street, after the adjourn. ment of the city court, for assault on BettleOarter. It wu supposed it would be a Btale case but it wu decided that the assault was of a nature that could be dliposed of by the lower oourt. He wu fined five dollars and oosls or thirty days on the rosd. lis took tht latter. Ohio, Because a man was known u an habitual drunkard Judge Miller refused a marriags license under the new cod. Pupil protestation hs mad the would-be bridegroom left the license bur without a permit to marry a woman who awaited him la the corridor. , The tttend snot t the World' Pair last week was store Una 116,008 la ax es of aay wck elnee the expoaltton opened. Hoe D B Bill aaaoaaosd that he -wonM retire (rot pollUo afui January Ut next, no matter how the election re sult. "7tje0l Wrkr Voted Aowa 4 leoolatlnsi wtiilsf tht anion to gMttlUffl, T Deeaoerat ar eirealellaf oakwrlt lag of Prerideat Bofll a eaarptlga Okwatar. gnat lUnM mm , The nsafl-at Home in the matte of beard ha chenged-eeyeral time ver. In the ninth century tue censors oi the Greek chureb -was '.passed -ea that -ft Bom because the priests there refused to shave. The exact contrary Is now the general rule in both cburche. When Pope Julius II. ascended the papal throne In 1503 he intimated that he would allow his beard to grow "in order to inspire greater respect among the faHhful."-St. James' Gazette. right," Oeamlae ImltatUm. "Well, I made the sale, all said the new' salesman. 'But you lied to her," protested th proprietor. "You told her they were genuine Irish laces" "No, I didn't. She simply said she didn't want any 'bogus imitations,' and I assured her ours were genuine." Philadelphia Press. Books (3e ABnaal Keetlfli:.- Notice ; hereby give that th Books of the ADeatIc North Carolina Betl road Company for the-transfer e Mock will be eloetd August tweet)- third, 1804. The Anneal 8u k-holden Mieilng will be held the L.uith Thurkday la September, being the twenty-second day of the Month. His Secret. Raphael was explaining his fame. "It was easy," be confessed. "I simply told every woman on the block that I had painted my Cherubs from hers." Bitterly he regretted he had wasted his talents on art, instead of shining In politics. Harper's Bazar. The London Cuttle Waa One Reanlt of (he Great Epidemic. A enrious relic of the great plague survives still iu the London Gazette. During the epidemic the autumn ses sion of parliament was held at Oxford from Oct. 0 to 81, 1605, and Charles II. apd his court went there to attend the session and to escape infection. i It wa essential that London should be kept Informed of the pro ceedings, the king started an official journal, entitled the Oxford Gazette, th first number of which appeared on Wednesday, Nov. 15, 10fi5. It con tained an account of what had been done in the way of appointments and gave some Items of court news. About two months later the publication was transferred to the metropolis as the London Gatette. The first Oxford issue does not ap pear to have reached London until Nov. 22, at least Pepys records under that date, very characteristically: "This day the first of the Oxford Ga cettes come out; very pretty, full of news, and no folly in it. Wrote by Williamson. It pleased me to have it demonstrated that a purser without professed cheating is a professed loser, twice as much as be get's." "Has your fri n ' i ifkins, the archi tect, put up anytlwi;,- lately?" "Yes; I tried to collect a bill from him yester iny, and ho put up a good bluff."- t 1 vcland l'laln Dealer. We like to give In the sunlight and to receive In the dark. Senn. Prompt treatment of a slight attack of Dla rhoea will often prevent a serlona sickness. The best known Remedy is Dr. Beth Arnold's Balsam. Tour pothecaries, Messrs F 8 DsSy and T A Henry, New Bern, N C, warrant It to give satisfaction. ANOTHER WONDER OF SCIENCE, Biology has Proved that DaalnsC is Caused by a derm. Science le donlg wonders these days In medicine as well as in mechanics. Blnca Adam lived, the human raoe has been troubled with dandruff, for which no hall preparation has heretofore proved a suc cessful cure until Newbro's Herplcide wu put on the market. It Is a scientific prep aration that kills the germ that makes dandruff or scurf by digging Into the Bcalp to get at the root of the hair, where It saps the vitality: causfaur ltchlnc ecalo. falling hair, and finally baldness. With out dandruff hair must grow tuxurlantly. It Is the only destroyer of dandruff. Bold by leading druggists. Bend 10c. in stamps for sample to The Hersl- ide Co.. Detroit. Mich. C. D. BRADHAM, fcpcclal Agt SHORT PASSING EVERTS. atta of th beet know jrirtWateB taUti 4vuXtf, H 4yUtf at a tesitt ef trok. a paitlrato at hit to ta Ode aftr. Be to brir able to entefteawJBdtjaaiMa ' ' lkie0tt7rJVW-wat MaraM re taatdOTWlrWStoatvwf gtbVft , 1 ti mop ta aaal 'a Load ukmeTitmi- aagat pleats tttin"' Mia vf t:gv.'.g th sBgef aw f thoMry, e , a to snie aeuea awiee kt lot th new prop. . Go to tU O U Seal Vrt la Ost at Us Cb4 -, GO TO ST. LOUIS via O. &. O. ROUTB. Mow Is the time to see the World's Fair at Bt Louis, Mo. Delightful weather and lb Bxposi lion complete lu all It's beauty. An opportunity not to be missed and nevat to be forgotten. Bee that your ticket read via the 0 O and Big Tour Rail way. Shortest qtickaot tad beet route Wtth fast Tll baled trala lento. Whil th wheat sharks are narrow log up th markets In th west for th cereal, oar North Carolina farmer art going right ahead enlarging their barn aad baUding aw oast to bold th enor mous eon orop of 1004. The Cxar of Russia It overjoyed ove the birth of a aoa and 'dec! area that hs It happier over th acquisition to bit family than be ha ever beta over any victory of hi troop. A hi troops hsve never gained any victory t apeak of It It suggested that th eminent po- tentate la shooting a llttlt wld of the mtrk himself. Dollar aad a quarter wheat and tight dollar a barrel Soar I striking terror to the soul of such Americans a hart re nted palate. Bat w Boaiuarn people can revel yet in the Johnny oak aad corn pons and keep healthy on that. Wc are not losing any sleep. The Woodman of the World will hold a special meeting at Roontree Ball this evening at B o'clock to make anal ar rangements for tht uaveillag ceremo nies of monument to J B Parker, it. The monument wilt be placed la posi tion Baturda) and unveiled Beadey evening of th4th Of Beptoabar at 4 o'clock with grand tad Impressive cer emonies as pertains to the Order of Woodmen of the World. A fall tlttad- tnoe at tbli meeting I reqassted. Oudr. "The talk about adulterated candles," said a manufacturer, "is nonsense. There Js a national organization of con fectionery manufacturers which makes a business of investigating all reports of Dolsonlna: from eating candy and has succeeded in exploding most of such rumors. When a child is hungry it will Oil up on almost anything It can get bold of green apples, for Instance, or even gravel or grass. It gets sick, and the mother, knowing it had eaten candy that day, spreads the report that the tweets were poisoned. Tbe organize tloa looks into every such rase it hears about and finds out the truth. Compe tition Is too strong for any concern to try to sell adulterated goods. Tbe arm's competitors would Immediately analyse tbe piece which Is Buhl sus plcioualy cheap, and it it contained In jurious Ingredients would not be slow In proclaiming tbe fact Good business principles demand honesty in the man ufacture of candles. 'Milwaukee Wls- RU WUh. A wicked story is told about two part ner who respected each other's busl- e ability, but who hated each other cordially. To one of them came r fairy saying that he could have any boon he toed and whatever be bad hit part atriboold have in double portion. Nat urally hi first wish was for a barrel of ney. "All right," said tbe fairy "but your partner will get two barrels on that wish." "Stop a little," said the first "Perhaps you'd better not give me a barrel of money. I'd rather you would make me totally blind in one eye." The Lord Archbishop ot Cauterbarf aad primal of all Xaglaad, who hs ssl arrived la this country. It Is stated th arc bishop approve ot Bishop Pat tar's subway eebem. J t Bastar a Jant rtvtd a beaitf. fal Hue af the Roaalrse BoUaf Tnry Traaktv Also a alo Baa af waUBOeg eta. TUB SECUT OP SUCCESS. . , Potty buHIm bottlt at Atgatt Plow, ef told la th United Btatat tloa tUc It tatsodactloa I Aad U dtsaaad for ft k still growing. Int. that a Baa showing of itnoeat f Doat II prove that Aagaat Plow had aafaUlaf lath f af Indigestion a dyspepsia tho tw greatest eatstlet of health aad hacptnas f r Doe It aot af ford tht evldeaot that Aiguat flower liB Mia apaetS for alt stoma tad latest! oil dteordcr tf-tbal U bat proved Itself the best ef all liver regulator Aagust rlmrer bat atateklea reeord of over thirty- v years la curing U tiling tatllloa of these dtstreetleg ooe plat u is a seeoae that le boonialBf Wider t Us scope ovary day, m hma aad thread, M Us faase of Attest Plow ertpdt.- Trial botll fx rogula ri7pi. rot sal by aUdxsggiit. P Slu2y. ; Vt - - - - A PURIFTWG fOWEK Inherent Qtalltiet ot HaaooCkt lilgald Salpbar Mak It a loaatkaM Aid. . This prepa ratio I NtDfl greatest! eermklds. Thultaaa lo Uefaos ptodoee that atott highly vlue4 teenltl a -nr-trj steatratf oplat- Added tela bark; aawtVi tl.M tttphO atlra dletaiH attU akin aad aobfai th btasM af kmtg beaUk. ' Tbe aBattat and toaay ate ntruoTedbyth a, eordlage taetloaa, af Haokt UquldBalpkan aeaa,ltoa. bo' a'tald, btMktj Itrt, tlpataam V atarra,eakf aad ereM0f eyatld, KHtk," tealp, tMt tW8oaVv-. : -"c -At prlaelpel drlggWbV " ead ' for booklet to Ha toeh. Ucjatd Nlphat Oa, Barjlstor Md. - Korean Cutnu. According to tbe Ilev. C. F. Oollyer, in English missionary, the Korean 'never cute his balr or beard. To do so Is considered a mark of dishonor to hi parents, whom be strongly revef- . Any hair that may happen to com eat and even the perlngs of hi Anger nails are carefully saved and put Into tbe coffin with him in order that be may go back to Mother Earth in tact" rerwotfmL fiicke-t Aa try to be polite, but east to be forever forgetting my mau- . Wlcka-Whf th matter new Kfcfc I loot gave a woman my seal !( at ear aad forgot to thank bar tat taking MV-roUadeapbla Lsdg- ' SVearmtate tr "U Cnele. IYnkflaDoa your watch keep reg ular ttateT flbaokltI should ty so; It gaa bt tba Ittfe of every month and pata awt tba afteenti-Chlcage Jour- Wnltil Utertov. tittle OirtPp, If reining. Pap fwhot tamper at somewhat ruffled) wttt, M It rata. Iittl Girl (Umtdlyy- Wgoluto,PP. ' The tajurle Wa do and tbo we tuf f er f Mee'-Wlgbd la tbe s mis -V r ' ' D. Ia. WARD. Attorney at Lw, 74 Ha Pront 81, Opp. Hotel Cbettewka NBW BERN, N. O. Craven County Attorney Ctrouit, Craven, Jonea, Unalow, Cart eret, Pamlico, Greene, Lenoit, and the ttapreme and Federal Courts hkttHatafor Toons VVouteAOt, Conserva tory of Music's; Beet, Place few Your Daughter Stockholders A & N C Meeting A wee ing f the stockholders of The Atlantic & Nurth Carolina Railroad for the purpose of t oatlderlng a proposltloa to leaie said lUiiroad, is hereby called in accords! enl hthe By Laws of the Company t be held at New Bern, N C,l Administrator's NOtiCO Thursday beplember 1st, 1904 JAMBS A BRYAN College Courses PEACE V RALKIOH I - FRXE N. C. Ailrnt. Jas.Dinwiadis m manly Secretary & Treasurer Piesldeut Who is your candidate Roosevelt -Ott- Parker ? The coming campaign promises to be cm.:. Neither candidate ia certain of success. Events may happen which will change tbe whole aspct of the po litical situation No newspaper it bet ter equipped to handle the news than The Washington Post It has a perfect telegraphic servict, it apet ill correipondenls rank first in tbe newspaper profession, and all tbe news i printed without fear or favor of riiber party. The Post Is thoroughly independent, and each day will give the true sltca'ion, ucoaloted by partisan zeal. No paper U mote midely quoted. At great cott It obtains eable dUpttches from tbe London Times, giving the news of tbe Russian Japanese war. Butserlplion for three months, $1 90; two months, 91.26; one month 0 cents. Sample copies free. THE WASHINGTON POST CO., Washington, D C. Having this day qualified as adminis trator of the estate of F Utrich de ceased all persons Indebted to said es tate are requested to cnase immeaiave payment And all persons holding claims against saUl estate are notified to ptesent the same duly verified on or be fore August lltn luoo or inis notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This August 11th 1904. JNO H WKDDKLL. Administrator. Wood'sSeeds. Twenty-five year practical ex perience, and the fact that we do the largest business in Seeds In the Southern States, enable u to supply every requirement In GARDEN AND FARM SEEDS to the very best advantage, both as regard quality and prion, Truckers and Farmers requiring large quae title of Seeds are requested to write for special prices, if you nave not received a coov of Wi for 190C, write for it. There boot roOD'8 SEED BOOK another publication aaywhere that approach It In tht sjaofal and practical Information that It rives to Southern fanners ad gardener. Weets Bosk wtn s SnSltei oa (snvHiL WrtU t eaji tenet Ma. T.W. Wood & Son., to ton, IIIM0II, - VllllttA JSotice Land Sale ! The underelsnrd, C. J. McCartht Administrator ot John A. Murtln de caed, pUiscant In the judgment and crdir ot tbe 8uneilor Court of Craven County, nude in ibe ip"dal proceeding,' wberetn, too under ignedis plaint iHanO Wi lliin Martin and other nelrs at lw of John A. Martin deceased, are defend ants. The unders'ened will offer for sale at public tuition, to the highest bidder, at tbe Court House door in new Bern, on Monday Sept, 5ih 1U04, at Vim Tbe following; described land lying on the waters of Mitchells Creek, In Ciavn County, bounded by the Unds ol E. M tin, Jaro1) Mania and Mi'cbel's ( r el Tbe me hi inn lLi pmtion of Ism formerly belonlnR to ihe father f Job A. Martin deceased, Mrl) deeci rded t the suld J ho a. Msnin ar.d wsse' apart and held bv him In levtthlty, con tsiniog ab.ul forty arr.-s Terms of tale: (me hilf ab a d bal snce on rredlt of ptx rooDtlis, title re tkined unt 1 pup lmec money i paid le, fuil. C.J. Met' KTH V, Administiator i f JOHN A MAHTIN, DtretM-rl, ('ommlarltir r. Hall rat IN nnrthfaie Ton invent or lnimow t also I CVET.T(fDE.HARK. COPYRIGHT or DESfl PROTECTION. Send model, sketch, or photo, for free examiiuttkm and advice. BOOK ON PATENTS m. Washington, d.c. to Pater Mortgage Sale ! Pursuant to power of tale contalntd In that certain mortgage deed executed on tbe 6th day of March ISOO.from Dan'l O Smaw to W J Lucas, rscordtd In the office of the Retlster of Deeds of Cravtn county. Book 141 page 1)79. The under signed will oRsr Tot sale ana sell to ue highest bidder for cash, tt the Court House ooor ot graven sour.iv, op mod dhv rteptem' er 12th, st lu o'clock M, the following described property lo-wlt: An uedivlded oni -fourth of the wholn (it beli g sll the remaining Interest of the party oi the firf I part In ilia property hereinafter described) of the lollowing de crlbid parrel of land lying and heiosr In the city of New Bern, N. C , a: d bounded is fol.ows: Brrinnlnv Htj ft, 0 inches from ihe junction cf East Piont and South Ptoni street!, on the North tide ol S uth Front kr eet, end running thence nonhwsrdly tarallel to EBt Front str et, 68 feet 71 incbea, thrt.uph the centre of (islttn, inchie weslwsnlly parallel to Houlh thtirs street, IS feet 21 Inches to a point Fron 7 fiom fast Front atrett, tlence SO ft.wardly, parallel to Esst Front St, ortht H inche. thence wistnarnly, -5 feeel to Hi U h Frort etreet 3 feet ata I, thence nor' h ar.lly, parallel to 'at Front str et 16 f et to Lewl lloe, hence westwsrdly. parl'tl Houth Front street to the eastern lit e of lot So. 10, thence Southwardly with mid line, to Honth From -t ttnt, theme eai-t-wardly, with Booth Front street, tb the hfglnnlrg, It btini? tl e Weatern part of lot No 0, according to the plan of ti e Olty of New Bern, being the oiie-fotinh Intenst In tbe lot of land conveyed In V. O. Rmsw by C. C. Clark cfimmluslor r by Ded recorded In Book 100, ppe 45") Records of C'-v'ii Cruntv. W .1. i.i-ca. Mi r'gagee VERY LOW RATES Announced, Via Southern Railway. Very low rates are announced via Southern Railway from points on Its lines for the following special occasions: Austin, Teiat National Baptist Con vention (Colored) September H 19. Baltimore, Md National Convention Fraternal Order of Bag1. Sept. 13 17. Chettanooca, Tenn International Association ol fire Engineers, Septem ber 1M7. Richmond. Va Grand Foaatata Uni ted Order True Reformers, Sept (-18. Lot Anrelea, 01 Triennial Conclave, Knight Templar, BepV S t. Stn Frenolsco.Cal Bovsrelga Wrsnd Lodg L. O. O. Bpt. lt-SS. St. Loul. Mo LouUlaaa Ptroba XxpotlUon, Mty-rtormbsr, 104. Ratet for tht above oooasioni tpea to IbepnbUc. New Bern Militaty Academy. NEW BERN, N. C. The Large8t and BeBt Equipped Boarding School in Eastern Caro lina. Specialists at the head o' every De; artment, Faculty of 19 mem bers (including lecture faculty, rep eeenting Univer ity of North (Ja- o lina, University of Virginia, A M of Miai ippi, Texa Normil t'ol lege ; haven Hospital, Medical College, New York; College Physician and 8nrcecDS, New Yoik; Peabody Normal College, New Yrrk Conse-- vato'y of Mueic, imeiicai Institute of Normal Methodp, Boston; Con- e vatory f Vusic of Pais, France; Leiisig CmBervatory of Music Germany; Harvard TJniversit , Trinity Coll-gi and o her promine it ir.-stitntiic. SEVfiRIL THOUSAND DOLLARS being expended 'or new buildings, barrac'. a and dormitories Lighted turjuhout by electricl y and supplied w th city water, at pu e as the S ate affords. Bath : ooms. Large and loy 1 student body last session. Apply at once for bcautilully illustrated Catalogue. Ticket will be aold to these points from 11 stst Ions on Southern Hallway. Detailed Informal loa oan be Baa boo annltoailon to aar tteket ft of lb Ssatkara BaUwry, ar agvata ef eoaaaev m llao. or oy addressing m aaaer tliaed: H L Vtraon, T r A, JHW0od,DFA charlotie, If O Atbtvuir, n u 8 H HtrtwIelt.P T aT, WH Tajlo,0 P A wasningtoa, u v Admliiiatratori Notice Haviag qaaHfled a tehlNrttewaf lsata Hatob, Ul hi ta aoUft aU peraoat kavlsg claiait against tb ettateof tbe said deceased to oihlblt thm to th aa drigcd, oa at before the tstk in of Aagat, IBM or a aoUee will b tJeaded tn ker 4 their rseovery. ABtsiteai ta debtsd to laid eat ate will phM laamedlst psymeat. - ; ThU Utatlar olAajg IpOi h ; , fr - s ; 1 1. BATCB, i . . -.i.. tC- . AdaMbl. Is j: - Ut rrct! I l!or-e fUoer ' ar.J I;h. rc s. r.i;::: rc-ij' bj a aavet ratlhaf tlga ef katltby ttoav eh, . Wheat tbe brteth b bed the svxa eoh I eet of order. There I remedy I the world equal to Rodol Dyspepsia Cart for curing lndllloa dyspeptic sai sil itotr.ri, oiKirrlert, Mrs. Mary R. Crick, of Whit rials, Ky, WHUt "I tve bea a dvTMiptU to yoarf, tried all k'.nrft o lemedlf but ftmtiauad to rrow vim. i y the se ef Kodnl 1 be i to tir riravt at onoa, aid aftet tsktn( a I w biHiioe am fully rMttred I whi i 4 trri h and e et w .'. t- f I l . ) '. .-s wDaltoti s 7' Dlfsolutlon of F&rtnar ..Tbopncvklp iMtwtofor tilet. leg between 8 U Taoratoa aa4 0aa 1 Cm, aaaer lb m f Thoratoa aad Obm, I rtleJveo) bf antaal aoa seal. Chat K Cats retlrlag fatal U bad Bete, i . . ta ' - -'J . Tb batiaett will ba aoatbtaei Vf K L Tberatoa wbo'aetraaia. tit retpxttl bllit for said Br- - y . RLTH0R5T0S, , Ac;!.,l'. t "--r Carolina Business College A Sep rate and Distinct In ltutioQ with a Facu ty of Sj- cl&lista Th beet an i most easily mattered mthoda if Boikketplng and System of Shorthand ertr developed are uied In this Co lege. De Kid for Bookkeeper and Stenographers greater than wc can npply Position iiiaranteed to tboaa taking ooubtnrd course. Railroad fare paid for those takiag full Shorthand and Bookkeeping cholarhip. Take on of t'.es ooore and let u help you to a goca payt pod tion. Apply at one fcr IlltutraUd caUUgue. Addfea, 5. J, H0LLADAY, a. B, LL. B. rresldent. WTTL1XO.V sVESIAUS COLLEGE .h. . oif Of aeof l8i 100 pplls (rota iva dllferaa Ma, overlag rof i00 atUa fa dltOMet, aettrM? silted UU, aomspoadetio with aajr roaag lady wVwihetogool'rMhooi. Aposulaardot letter win brteg afrdlat ra ply tad lateresUeg tefaraUai' ltibt aa4 aleotri ttgbtt, bath aad tola4 raoata, Wi boa aad aoM water, oa all to Ta IW aaai mloi wtU bagla M a4 ar. Vpt li, 1904, l i. 1. SHOOXS, PretUJeet, LfttWioa K 0. Drt.?"i ' Lvc:rs ;., Mrtly vogetabll, perfectly lOeestrntlab DESSSCO ' tjS,ULT5. bratrt kturira leaneiereatedy. ("ratcaXM pec bvtlso tt tVvjfaNb ftf aMWwwrrt gt ftfbd) tNa9jaJar9SlBV vitk fw a ' A t ( rut mra) tttg m ft )liJjwUaV. , is la h4 wtytl 1 Cold by D A.VI3 , rnAEtlACY

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