THE JOURNAL; UMtUOW. ClAVEI LODGI HO. 1 pTWHT HABMONT. Urna bad satf fck VeAaaeda sdgbts t sack eloek. BesMclB. Bell, lNcsttotrsj J. BeCyi K.K. ruu, kdcx to Rev AlreUeet. J B Watson Oysters. Mill Lacy Odell-Mnile. RlYenlde Store Oool drinks. Neil s McKeel Sawed Lumber. Eaton, the Jeweler Watch Repairing Business Locals. MI8B MJOY ODELL graduate of Nor folk Conservatory of Muilowlll begin teaching vocal aad Instrumental music In the roomi on Graven Street, near Pollock, formerly occupied by Dr John 8 Long on Monday, Sept 5th. Applica tion may be made at the studio at 60 Craven street from 9 until 18 Satur day. JUST a few cultivated Watson's, Market Dock, oysteri it J B LOST Ladlea open face gold watoh with fob, Initials on back M. H. E. on Pellock Bt between Hetcalf aad Post Office. Finder return to thli office. MISS Elllnor Taylor will re-open her music olaaa, Monday Sept 18th. Rates per tern I. MISS KATHBTH QSimX wIU open ker rsaslc classes, on Monday, Septem ber Uth. FLORIDA. Pineapples, Banana and Oranges at the Broad Street Fruit Com any. MISS Ola H Vsisbee wIU reopen her aula laM, first Monday In September, IBM. TO BJtXT A. la bulMM plaoe oi will answer for aa oSIm, Ho IN Middle Street Apply Ho lW Middle St. MtJBIO OLABS-MIm Apple Oaho will open her mA alass Bapt 8th, at Ho 7 Salt Froar Bt ran FORI CHOPS erery day now, and Tree Hssu at the Coast Liu Meat Market. A LADT Steuofripher and book-keep- er desires a poaltloa with a good fuss; operate! any maohiae; refersnoe furmlah ed on spplleailoa. M A, box S6B, Haw Barn HO. FOB SAUt Beautifully located lota, la the town ot Bwaniboro. Apply to Mrs S H Baratoa, Hew Bern, H C, or Mr JM Joacs, Bwaniboro. LXWIB WABHIMQTOH the well known house ntover will be la Hew Barn until September 1st, and will be glad to receive yomr order. Can be found at Jackson's boarding hoaae South Front street. F1MI lot of Horth Carolina country hams and shoulders at the Oaks Meat Market Notice ! The undersigned will receive bids for the entire business of the lata Ferdinand Ulrica. Stock of Goods and accounts may be examined dally it the store on Middle Bt. Bids may be mailed to undersigned or left at the store. Sept. lltb, 1904. JNO. H. WEDDKLL, , Administrator F. Ulrica. Deceased. NOTICE! On Wednesday the 14th dsy of Sep tember 1004 it my ahop In the town of Dover N C, I will sell for ciah at public auction to the highest bidder, One Two Horse Wagon for repairs, It being the property of B W Ives. August 20th, 1904. Very respectfully, L. fl. OUTLAW, Dover, H. a Whs Win Be QIC 1 1 The Charlotte Dally Observer has tea dared to the X ofF Band throe gaits representative here, J H Helton, Ike se of Us ooluaus to publish the pkoee sf the yomag lady who Is euscsssfal In tJseesssn eoatest The pktare wO be prodnesd In one of the Sunday society 4dttloaa of this great dally aad the part that this paper Is eagerly .eoeght by the soatetpeoplsisa featare Uatts weD wertkenatesrlsg fee. . TJmsJTjw1Us spaced a the hands oft HitststaHid issssjittsi aa4 Ilk aawntdsylke Prthmafl that but htrness wfl) gorexa the eoatest try S keetis of Osstaktted Ooss Cola II as cads properties Obea plant and Kstesnt , tv.'. ,raS0Mustr a Oaks Meat Mar AtttUe lhta sometimes results h J " ""death. Thasa raare scratch, taetgnl r ! goaat suU erpaiiy baas hT paid the '"'eUath penalty, ttlswlst tossmBvch. ,w4en AraJcatWre ever handy.1 lu the M best Salve on earth aad wW ttretesn f , wHen Bsrae, gorea. Liners aad Jy.t s t en. Only sou, a Bradhams sii.-" i - : ;.-, m . a !!- ! ,. .- v- . : V 1 TZ2TccajLinca MnAIBardtfon an Mdrm te taraed yesterday (rpaa a rlatt to rela tlrea at Barlow. Mr W F Craokett returned yesterday rroB Baton Spring where ha hat been tiyiag for aararal day. Messrs W B Chadwiek and Dartd Pierce of Beaufort were la the city on business yeaterdiy. Mayor C B Wallace of Morehead City wat here yesterday. Mlu Louise Line returned yeitarday iiom a visit to Morehead City. Mr George Oliver returned yesterday from a pleasant visit "In Connelly Springs. Mlsaes Leona aad Norms Cox return ed from a pleasant sojourn at Black Mountain. Mrs J T Fobs, retained from Balti more last night where she baa been spending a few weeka. Mrs Thomas, of the hotel Chattawka. sad daughter. Bertha returned from Ocean Grove, N J, last night. Mr F Brock of Trenton wis in town yesterday. Mr WL Kennedy of Filling Creek, tad Mr d W Canady of JuoBtos were here last night. Mrs Lena Culpepper who has been vleltlng her parents, Mr and Mrs J M Hinea returned to her home at Rich mond yeaterdiy. MiS Claypoole and Mies Addle Clay pooie have returned from a vialt up the State. Miss Msmle Patterson returned yes terday from a month's trip at Black Mountain. Mr 0 L Ives and family have retimed from Blaek Mountain. Mr and Mrs W R Sauls of Fort Barnwell, speat yesterday la the city. Mr 0 B Foy returned, yesterday from a visit to Lenoir HO. Miss Rebeeca Attmore returned from a few weaks sojourn at Seven Springs yesterday. Mr Xalph SsilU left yesterday mem lag returning to his studies at the A di M College, HeJelgh. Mr W P Marshall left for Slocumbs Creek, on a hunting aad fishing trip yea terday. Muter Roy Idgertoa is visiting friends and relatives la Goldsboro Miss Prudle Hew berry, of Hew port U U guest of the family f Mr WaT HUU Mrs MA Hill and children of fort are guests of Mr 0 T Watsoa. r SO Forrester of Horth WUkee- boro Is the guest of Mi L J Taylor. Miss Mamie Oaffray of Beaufort the guest of Miss minor Taylor. Mrs litis King who his barn visiting nor mother, Mrs Margaret I Parry re turned to her home at Horfolk yester day. ST0KBWALL. Aug. 80. I see so much about fine cotton crops In different sections, would like to ask If some one Is not somewhat mistaken In their estlmatlem. I find by dose exam initios that our up laud cotton Is shed ding terribly but cotton in the black soli is doing fairly well. Corn crops sre fair, fodder pulling is the order of the day now with big rains now and then. I notice that the Bsyboro Sentinel and the Journal says that the rail road Is an aiaured fact and will be built by November. But all is not gold that gilt tors as I know the progress Is slow. But for humanity's sake give us the railroad for that ferry road that leads from Mr Samuel Latham's to the foot of the bridge Is certainly a back breaker and a buggy breaker. County Oommlealoners, 1 wake up, attend to your public roads. W K Baxter, Esq., from your city paid us a short call Sunday and left Monday.' Mr S W Ferrebee has returned from the northern markets having purohaasd his fall and winter goods- Mr O C McOlees a highly respected citizen of our town died Sunday August SOth, after a lingering Ulneesof ssveial weeks and was burled by the Masons. Mr W J Swan of the firm of C H Fow ler A Co ,1a now in the northern markets buying goods tor their fill and winter trade. The Methodist of guars' all are cm d acting a rtvtral mssttsg at Ml Tamest ehurek.BevLB Bthrldge is la charge assisted by Rev FSBeotca sf Oriental circuit Ajactker stranger U town, it's s hoy alBBXubaaks. A turner CM. A sosusst soU Is Bo only snnojlsf bus if not raUered Pmsaoata win he the pishsbls ssjnn hf VsO. One Klnur Ooerh Oar slemrs sM phf, draws oat the taflenmatkM, heals, eooUas a4 ststSflhcM tho lunfs aa4 sjcwehlal tnhes. Oa lUswteComrt OumIsm or res us uiarea, u n tie tests ana perfsetlr hens less. A certain ease ret tonnvOes) ssOcM. oM hr F. &Dsfy,t 1 1 o i) ( ) Is KltUMOtutU and imtntbf ol ) II It has these or othsx silnesia i . I' a. it -mm ss se ) EATCri, Hi: j 'Ccl2t2;i4 123,' "v.; ssotrwssare stests. - For addttloaal local ne ws ace second TJie tobaoeo ' isles yesterday were large and good prices were atsintatnen throughout From five to twenty oeaU were paid. The farmers express them selves aa entirely pleased with the rat look for gcol prices for their tobacco. The Southern Express Go's wagon I baa come oat of the repair shop of OH Waters 4 Son. The wagon looks as good as new and reflects credit on the Messrs Waters. An effect of the dog muzzling ordi nance was In evidence yesterday when a young man who was arrested for allow lng his dog to go on the street unmus iled submitted and settled the case with out trial. This ordinance should be vig oroualy enforced as It Is the greatest protection against attacks from such animals. It baa been suggested that the ordinance should be amended so as to af fect mongrel blooded bull dogs is well as thoroughbreds and will not let the owncis escape punishment on a technl callty. Some of the new scenery for the opera house came yeaterday. The A & N 0 train from Morehead City was delayed for a few minutes by a log train which was trying to get out of the way by dropping some logs along the track, Just beyond James City. Mr Lon Bell, the popular clerk In Mr J B Dawson's store Is confined to the house with a painful wound which he received at the Simmons and Hollowell fire- Stole Clears. John Meon, colored, was arrested yesterday by officers Parker and Bryan for the larceny of two boxes of cigars from the home of Mr L ! Biinson. on Queen street Ho was taken before Magistrats Street where he plead guilty to the charge and was pat under a bond of $60 for appearance at Superior court. Being unable to secure bond he was sent to Jail. Bad of Bitter Ffehl ITWo peril clans had a kmr and stub born Bsrht with an abscess on mv rleht rung ' wrftes J T Hughes of DuPont.Ga 'tod gave me up. Everybody thought mv ttme sad oome. as a last resort i triad Dr Klac's Hew Discovery for Con- scMprtost. The benefit I received wis atrikina? and I was on mr feet In a tew days. Mow IVe entirely regained my health. It conquers all coughs, colds and throat and lung troubles. Guaran teed by C D Bradhua, druggist Price SUc and ft Trial bottles free. Soma years ago Missionaries returning from the Ccleatlal Kmplre, Imparted the Information that the favorite article of diet for the heathen Chinee waa "rats, rrmly re tha dlaguat of the American epicure. How we hear that the Bxposi tlon has on sxhlblta tribe of people whose favorlts meat la dog. If another tribe could be found who was partial to cat as a regular article of food what poa alblUtiea would open up tor Hew Bern. Puts An End To It AIL A griev ous wail orttmee comes is a recall of unbearable pain from over taxed organs, dlsslness, backache, liver complaint and constipation. But thanks to Dr King's New Life Pills they put an end to it all. They arc gentle but thor on irh. Try them. Only too Guaranteed by O D Bradham'a drug store. Sawed Lumber ! We will furnish the local trade with any kind of lumber, sawed to order, In lengths from 1Z to 10 feet. Tine, Poplar, Ash and other na tive hard woods. Orders promptly filled NKAL A McKKKL, Kellums, N C Wood Turning ! Columns, Balusters, Rails, Spindles, Stair Newels, Ramps and Sasers, Man tles, Brackets, -Grills, Porch and Lawn Swings, Basb, Doors snd Soreens made to order on abort notice. REQ1STER & UZZELL, Paetory, Church Alley, New Bars, N C Cotton Gin Insurance. I ess new snwperrd to pines Inso aaee oa t)M Sysasm Grnc. OaH or write NANNIE P. 5TREET, . New Bern, North Csmllss. Dog Tax! Any one ewatng er hsrrrnf it io traalam sot neid their, og su l possd hy the city slderesssi let 180s sre hereof notlneu that Kraess ths In jStas Set 1st, 104, wnmsrtsirUIhe sen tot nei paysaent of j.t.TOieoit, C v ' Cttf Tan OoOeotor. Afct.04, ? ? Is its mownank nnaertnln ( ) ttiu It Lsrw UI j,ut () t .r-:v - Ltdltj lewder. J - f ! ( I RHODESmiTARY INSTITUtE I1 ' ' i-lt'1'1 ' ;i:.3'.v' - j A 1 II , i The Finest Prescription is that which the doctor writes and the druggist compounds. It combines the skill of both pro fessions. We-invite yon to bring your prescrip tions to ns. You can rest assured . that they will be filled exactly as desired by the physician. We use only the purest drugs and chemicals that money can procure. IF' - IN LADIES' - Goods just received on account of $7.00 Lace Waists, lined with white china Bilk final reduction, $3.75. $a.ou wnite ana DiacK duced $1.00 and 75c white madras and voile waists, also voile waists, in blue, champagne and navy at 45c. Sept. Fashion Sheets Out New j Quarters a.Vv'Ja.Vv'JslV J Js J We open this morning in our tem porary quarter? in the Stanley Building, 43 Pollock Street, OPPOSITE POSTOFFIOE. We have gotten our stock only partially arranged, but will offer some few special bargains : Soma special values in White Goods. Some beautiful fancy Lawns at 8c. White Lawns, slightly damaged, at Bo yd. White Linens, heavy quality for winter waists, slightly damaged, greatly reduced. s- . v . Few W. Be Corsets, slightly did, i " . .. - .... r ' e agedf at greatly; reduced pricea. ' : v Oome dows; and see what , we hare ' tO OffflT.'' -i.'-VvV V T? r , ' If C-i'.:- '"',.;' rM'J k.--Jlt,--9 - v-n' Owen ZlilUnery Department at ttoi; 100 Xliddle Street, is open t or pujIc: mvmiu ecMvawiP And Kington Business College. Object: Give higher education; prspare men for sophomore sad innlor Classes; give full female col lege courses and good business pre paration. Ideal in location sad beautiful surroundings. 9 strong college and university equipped teachers. 160 student 80 boarders 1903-'04. Rates, board, tuition, laundry 1136 per school year. W H RHODE8, Sup', Kinston, N C ICWKKM 1 -W 1 1 7 1 9C m i n l Davis' Pharmacy mJBSk BUI "ESed-u-ction - VAiSlS! misunderstanding with manufacturer. china suit waists re to $1.75. and Patterns now in. arfpot Brothers - M tvmf-ii i 1 1 1 () o mm G. cDunn & Co,, 57 Pollock Siren. QOGOO CAROLINA G S BRICK offered on this market. For prioes see M. M Marks, F. R. Hyman, (i. A. Nicoll. T. G. Hyman, the New Bern stockholders. Plants at Olarks, Hymen's Siding, Klnitos and BobarsonTtlle. Annual Capacity 16,000,000. Delicious, freshing, 'Delightfully Invigorating BOTTLED All orders, either loeal or shipping promptly filled, Private families rpplied. Phone 28. Coca-Cola Bottling Works, C. A. NEIFEBT, Mgr.. K. Front Rt. heli) Stock I have just received a new stock of all kinds of leathers, fittings rubber heels and Boles for the fall and winter shoe work. E. HAVENS Boot and Shoe Maker 94 1-2 Middle St Dental Notice ! Dr K V Early is oM of town and hl offlcea will be closed unlll Sept 7ih or 8 lb. 127 Middle Mt. Full line of Drugs.Med icines, Toilet Ar ticles and Soap. Fresh Supply of Flower Seeds, Physjlciaiig Presc rip tons A Specialty. P. TRENWITH, Blacksmith h W he right. Maaeiactarer of Baggies, Wsgoss, Oerts aad rrays,always a good sap plj la stock. Bepsinag oeaily dose os qsiok solloe. Ahop on South Front St Near nallroad Kedmoni , High . School tOt boys aad girls. Faceitr ep. raeceUag Wake forest OoUep, The Uslrtrslti of flottk C arc baa, Calawba Uollege, Soatbera rsrssls OollHXttletoo resasle College aad Peace Isstltate, Pre pans UomgUy for college asd fee ties sell re dalles s( Ufe. Mow seeaailas. 0peclal adraalagcs is . MssUsaIlooeilosw' lUf oeat seesery. U toersl. wsserv , Xe Mai arte, epfcodld ocsssbbsI . Xf. Hoi sbar roost la Ue eons . ty. Board t setsal cost, test .) ear tie STarags coal of board. ; ' was I (.67 per strata. Tahloa. , UM 10 1100. Boos rcat lasr-' '. Mtstoata, Ceetloa eoea JtSf ' , - lU sad sloes April ilk. , , t 1 of Ulojtretod ealalogae, ,wrti 'v ' W. D, BT8K8, at. B, tU V"' ;-".. v u r, rrlaotpsi, Laws dale, K. (X ,1 ; Henry Pharmacy The torn up con dition of our store does not interfere with showing our new stock that if arriving daily. Our line of lothing, 8h g an I Hits are ab ut compleU- auil 'lie styles are simp;" will uit thr mostfaatiduous Pric-- to suit every one. Suit price range from 110 o $22.60 8hi e j rie&s from a popular to the best 5 shoe in the city. Phone 218 OOOO l BRICK CO., THE BEST BUILDING I Riverside Store, 1 20 Crescent Street, DUNNSFIELD. ODO0O0ODOD Just ric ire, all klcrfi of v Heinz Can and "Bottle Goods. 3 Qranulated Sugar lo lb 65c Cool Drlukt Bakery and Grocery oDononoon fj. 0. LAND Brick Brick Enterprise Brick Tile fl'f 'g Co. & We neer claim to hare be goods than another; wa lncve that to the buyer. Orders left at my ree in the Farmers and Merchants bank building will receirn prompt at tention, J. W. Stewart Secretary and Treasrseer On Oat lRth, 1004, a TalaaoU kens and lot will be toM Apply to K 8 CdiaxoTrt, 111 PolVwk St. Divorce Notice. HORTH CAROLINA I Superior JonS CoCnly I Court. Dcaasar Jones .re If asais Joaea. Tse defeedaal abore aamed will use sot sac lasl aa aetloa entitled ea ebcTC bsa sees coca race ced la tke awperlor Ooert of Jccm eoasty, Horin Uarolisa, for Us aaneee el dlseolrfka I be aoada ef statitsaeay sow esisUaf between elalaUfl aad defeadaafi sad tke tatd de fcedaat wUl farther take act lee that she Is repair sd . to appear at the seat srrat mi the So pet tor Ooert mi Joace eoaatr te be held oa us lib atoadar aAer the Bret Moedaf la Srptessber 1904 tthetsglbe lletdaf ef October 1904, at the eoert hoe so af a Id eeaatir, ta Treo tea, M O, sad answer at deatar te she eoesnlalat as said aetloa, at the paraM will acplr to ise eot tor the relief aw stsaded as said tsatolaiat. ' . 1 - OOtXIW, CWk snllar Owtrt Josh Co, For Sale