kJ: V V TtL XXII K3. 148 KIW 1123, I. CH SOS DAT K0SXIS8, SIPTIMB IB ilfciJIMA TW1HTTTII1I Tilt LOSS OP BARGB SCHUYLKILL ,0 ) v' WHY THE OFFICERS GO s - ft r- , . H lip v Have Deceived Their Fall Stbok of I For' CHILDREN, MISSES and LADIES See them for SCHOOL SHOES for hoys and girls.: They have the right kind " x and can supply your wants. A sic to see them. " - ' PHONE 288. 43 :PpUochS& Opposite Post-office. NEW ERA PAINT Covering Capacity Unexcelled, Quality Undisputed BUCKS STOVES SASH DOORS BLINDS Phone 99 HEATERS AND Complete line just received 1 Stores pat up and pol ished on short notice! General Hardware, foil line! Saih, Doori and Blind! ! f Heath & Milligau faint 1 None better I ear load Ellwood Wire Fenoe just reoelretl I Machinery and Mill Bapplie 1 Gaskill Hdw. & HARDWASS II Xldai8t ' PljoneH7.. ' . 1 j)' ..ISAflJEllarf,' CMIU?BISPlTCr The eUaaer HemetDl be withdrawn for her aaaoal tepelre.'' - Darlnf her ebtnee the iteemer Oera ,- r eoke le eehedoMI to aafl from Hew Bern , , , for Belharea,- (Initead ot BllMbeth tXty) at S p m oa Monder,' Wedaeeday ;:';'aad ttUtj. ' Vain farther notloe there will be ae ' ;TehmaMr eaUlaf ea Teeiday Thnreday v et BatardeTc. ;. 1 - I--..'-. . v. Miijpanaa t01St, Middle Ci:';. ; Full line of D rues .Med icines, Toilet Ar- ticJlssandCoap.t - .., : ftes ' Suppfy;; of ? Bower Seeds: , , IIiy!clab IVcscrip tons ARpeelalty. :." Only a few Him I mocks left zni tkz I prices ".with- sz't " ill f y r Tin d m & 1 loots good spreads better wears best Fconical io Fitl Spltol ii operatioa Lift fins in mralij 68 Middle St COOK STOVES Mill Supply Co., KUX 8UPFUX8 44 Cnkren St Phone US. EV7. Small wood . f Under Hotel Chattawka, GENERAL J UADnWADC iiniiukiniii.. . Screen 'Wire Doors and Wtadows , ' ' ThelceSavinglGla zier Eefrigerators. A(nt lot the renter Girl' tad Bo? Oeoktleree. ' i;f "? " '-, ' j''-.'A "'., . Teraera wul beu la aiiad thet wt earry a teryeomrkte llnef Aaterlcaa Steel Wire reaoe.;) r'"'1 ii' ,-. M er t a oaTinf a tremenaow i etoclt on band and In -order to make room fof pw, Jail" Stock ire will. offer lor 14 Days Only - Mens 8nlta worth $8 (0 f 7.80 now Bhoe worth 81,60 to tlOG now 81.25 Men'i r iv-j ' ITnl1arii (ki ii.Tl Tl'Uil J' 1 " -v niui, nuTidlngiU)mUopsedaily.Anereeor- tnr;iwD worm iuo ana lSl-t now 6 l-2o a jd. Apron goods worth 80 and lOo now 4 l-2e and to. Tenoy Clnghami worth 10c now 8 l-2o per ji; Ctiflli mere worth C5o yd now 19o. . Not having puough ff'ace wo cant tntuUon all prlci-, Pnn't 1 Chairman' Simmons Gtres Opinion 'v ' ' ' -v Corporation Xawi te he Amended. , Tonnj Via Atrestedla Horfolk." " North Carollal Hlitorlcal . Raleigh, Sept 17.1 Janice Seffln'i court tady Ber 1 Thoi - Thompeon, the negro flard Bbell Bapttirpreeeher wu bound Aver to court in a flOOi bond for obtaining goods under ftlte pretenM from Rer W A BlmpMne and lent to jU ten day for contempt of court la not presenting hlmielf for trial la eeoor denca with a inmmon. He .li v the pteicher who pleaded toaarneetlr to be let oat of JeiTI in time to keep an appoint ment. to admin Uter the ordinance of baptism.' ' ' Btate Auditor B F Dlzoa tart he will be obliged to recommend that .the next legislature amend the corporation -' law ao that there will be a fixed penalty for failure to make annual report! ton. atlon etc, to hie office, There ate feuRe a number that hay not repprd for this rear and repeated; lettere that he hu written them ire Ignored. Ex-Congreaimaa John Nlchola of title city U making the experiment of nelng uonkeyi on hit farm for picking cotton. tie n three and layi they ar aTera- glng about 300 poundi of eotonVper day. They pick the cotton , ontof. the bollaand put ll Jn aheeti apread aloag tte rowa for the purpoee. ; " ine reauer ox tne'ieieeiion on a mvtrcn for Rex Hoepilal t eioceed lira Lawrence, deceased, haa been referred by the directore to Dr Jet MeXte otthe 8taie BoipltaL If Ire Mary McClelland Ii" temporarily In charge gfTobacco breake In Raleigh the paat week hare been exeepttonauf good and the prices hare tanged high, la fact about double, what they were at thai season last year. Orer 60,000 pounds were sold at the two wanhonsesyeeter- day. It is estimated that. there Is about a bait prop a this section, A report f rem Norfolk It that a young man J J Edmnnds, a sou of ,a leading pastor In Raleigh la under, meet, there for lobbing his employer. The young man's father Is not a pastor here at all but 1 3 an evangelist who doee consider' able eTaneelieal work . amon v the country churches, being a Baptist. Els nsme is J J Edmoudaon and not Bd munds. He returned to his employers tore tt eight, having helped to close up and ontered through a door he had pur posely left open and took about 810 tram ths cash drawer, Dt Moment, peetot of the First Presby terlari church ol this city announces that tomorrow alght he will deliver a oa the subject "MaacharU"orwRuatta's purpose to close the. gates of the far east Again Protectant OhrlstUnltv." St oretary Poeof the North Carolina Ho tor leal Hod sty announces that mee Jng of the Society la called forTuss day or Btate Fair , week (Oct 18,) aad that features of the progTam will bean address by Prof Alpaeneo Smith of the University of North Carolina, subjeot, 'ThsArerue American" Prof D A HU1 A M College, "Books of the year t orth Carolinians", ,B F P Mty, CaTtl nanUtory, Prof Chat McNeni, Unhsnity of Worth Carollea, an prtf- Ibal' poem or estayi Chief Juatloe Walter Clark "A lypnopsis ot the teplv . - m iT or tie oommltsee of Ave to the charges madir by , Judge Christian of Virginia Impeaching the claims of North Oaro- llua that she w. ( "First , at Bethel' fartheteet to the front at Gettysburg aad u Cbrcksmegna) but at Appo- nuttox". ::'-? Chairman 8Ubnwae of the State Demo otailo Bseootlve committee la Noelvtsg maey inqulrlee as to how the tegUtra tioa books should be opeaed, eenfusloa growing out of the. phraseology "of the law. Be Isiuee an opinion oa the eub Ject from Attoraey General GDmet to the effect that the books must be kept opea tweety days exclusive of Sunders precsedlog the day fee closing the books which Is the second Saturday before the eleotlon under, tut constitution. The took should be opened October Sih and Close October 89 . h. -. Demoeralle Stats inairmae oimuioos is now la tort ipoedetioe with Repob ke dtsie Chair nan Rolllat regarding aaarguoKat on tbe ruling, y ; -j y--.t;..' : ' SecTices Tpflay, rirsf Church of Christ, Soisntlil. W Craven slrest, Bervloc Sunday 10:4S sm and S pmulbls Leon8ermou today Subject, "'BeaHty.' , Phillpptans 4 'oueiuy rjcnooisner morning service , , Teallmony eervlce Wednesday 8:18 pm. dlslly Invited to attend ABcmc'y -l:tont Peer, . "I And Clim!. rli,!ii's Cioma h a; Llet TaMrt mots bun ". . 'nl u n . oibr n mf !y I ttrr o i In trou'ile," says J P 1- ! .f I. ; For any il!or !i r of t' f 'i, ! Brii ottum', ,'!.., t' n " st iihnnl S 'T, Fr e c) ! ; i a ! ii !)! r Oeytaln of the Tug Cats , Hawser and '' teti Bargfr Go. IaJLait Wed- -' . -aeeday'a Btorm. , ' i The WgEscherlck arrivell here yes terday from Philadelphia, and her cap tain reports the following marine disas ter. . ,. jh -. - ; ,' . tut Wednesday, Bept 14th, the tug Cuitin, towing flhe bargee BchuylkUl Ospt v Bam v Irvln, for Soianton, NO and Zdwards, Cspt Bohler for new Bern, put out ot the . Puquotank rlverl aad encountered the gale which pre vailed In Albemarle dound. Itc In the afternoon, and struggling against the storm, the tugl captain becoming unesytcnt the hawser to the beiges, letting them Ihlft for themselves.' At about 7 0 clock p m the pchuylkm drag god -her anchor aad ' went ashore Inside the bar at the Puquotank light, going well up ; on,shore, so that the pergenow lies one anu mue that would float her, and,one end In the woods, where she la likely to atay. . Tbe barge was vaiuea at ana belonged toOhee Grlng, Philadelphia. b the tame etorm the tug .Curtiu waa damaged SOW, losing her ruauer ana Thursday the tug Xsoherick, towing theberee Jupiter for this port, oame along, and dropping her tow, took the Qnrtln t; Bllcabeth City for repairs, and returning brought the barges Jupiter aad the othtr bsrge Edwerd to - New Bern. All these boats belonged to the same owner. . Lyceum . Entertainment Coarse. The rtnngsrlen Orchestra will 'play here on Tussday alght, at 8.80 pmat the Court Bouee whlohhapeeB secured Instead of Stanly Hall, as before en aouaoed. Seats can be reserved tomor row at Waters? for this entertainment, holders of worse tickets can get their seats by paying 10 cents extra,these not having season tickets can gt seats for 11.00 each.' There will be only reserved seats for Tuesday's night entertainment and those who do not reserve their seat tat advance will have to stand. Those who have not' secured seuon tickets for the Lyceum Course, will have until tomorrow atcht to do so, by calling on Mr Frank Matthews. Those who have not taken ap their engaged tickets tor the Course, are requested to do so tomorrow. Almee, The one perform an ee yon cent afford to miss. Ladies see the beautiful ipeotacular creations, etc. Boys And Children Clothing Our stock of boys and child reus cloth lag fa larger than ever, snd will be sold very low, dont fall to see us lor school lulls aad shoes. J J BAXTER. Oysters Today at Dswson's, 108 Mid dle 6t Phone SOS. Deafness Cannot he Cured by local applications, aa they .eaaao reach the diseased portloa of the ear There M only ea way to ear deafness, aad that la by eonsUtational remedies. Deaf sees la caused by aa Inflamed eoadl tton of tbe mucous lining of the Bos techlaa Tribe. When this tube lsla- flsavd yoa have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when linen tlrely closed. Deafness le the result, and unleisthe udammatloB can be take out aad thU tube restored to Ite normal oonditioa, hearing will be deetroyed forever , nine easee out of tea are oanjed by Cstanh, which u nothing but aa In. flamed eoadl lion of the maooua eurfa- . W will give Oae Huadred Dollars for any cast of Deaf awa (censed by eatanh) that cannot be eared byHall'e Catarrh Cara.'- . Send for atrenlare free. ' - 4 ; . ; F. J. CHXNXY -Co, - - . Toledo, O, Bold by DruggUts, 7Bo. - ;r . Taks Ball's Funny Pills for ooaatlpa. Hon...- ' v . , . - .. Insurance ' and Brich 1-v ' J rTn i? t Q.D Q rjl i 1 1 CULLS IN TUB NIQHT ttrik terror to t" e Intrt of the man who Is sway from home, as be Aon' know but tlat bs n ay Sod b!a bon.e In ni!D on li'S retain. And (lis Bra UiO : M t hat strikes Mitt Sftr be kl f...ii4 his fMtilly sfe Is I ba'l.n't t of ntirn( cn itl le wle In i '. 1 t p .'i,uro you In one of rr , 1 r. j t 1 1- Net Enough Room Here. - The Move Said to be Only Tem pbrary. . In Conversation with Mr F h Merrftt, yeiterday, Mr Merrltt who Is teoretary to President R 8 Howland, said that the move of the offices of President, General Trafflo Manager, Auditor and Treuurer, to Goldsboro, Would only be temporary, and that the reason wae.tbat the Company had not. enough room In its present quarters", and that no inlta He quarters could be seenred here. - There la a complete overhauling end changing of the system of the A N X) which require office force and room, and the Company, Mr Merrltt, said, would go to Goldsboro,-pending the erec tionof new and suitable office quarters la New Bern. Prof Hardin; Hay Leave. Prof H P Harding Superintendent of the Graded schools of this olty hsa been elected by the Charlotte school commis sloners to succeed Jrof J A Bivtns former principal of the North Graded School, whole to go to Durham, to the head mastership of Trinity Park High School. Prof. Harding has not yet decided ee to the acceptance of this oner, and it ie to be hoped he may be luduoed to re main here. . Yarn Klppur Begins Today. Yom Klppur the most lmportent of the special days ot the Jewish calender begin today at six o'olock p m. It la the beginning of the Jewish newyeer sed the sect keep strict observanoeof the day by futing and attendance upon the special services. The holiday lute until 8pm Monday and the nevsrsl Jew hetoree will be closed on Monday. Rabbi Klapfish of Baltimore who le the aueet of B Yoffle will conduct the religious ceremonies appropriate for the dey. The servloes will be held in Roan tree hell. ' . Prince Bismack Near Death Berlin, Sept 17-Th physicians of Prince Herbert Blemaok at midnight declared that the death agony hu begun end that the illustrious patient would not survive the sunrise. The latest re port! received ar that only a feeble rey of life still fltekere. Japanese More on Mukden St Petersburg, Sept 17 It Is retorted here thst out outpost firing hu begun south of Mukden, also in the direction of Lleo river. Indicating that a general engagement between the Japanese ad Rusalans Is Imminent. Although tow ard ths eary the movements of Korokl ar still relied. The general staff doee not believe that Euro path In Intends to hold Mukden against the Jspsnese un ices the oourse of battle la unexpectedly favorable. Cause of Insomnia. Iadlgeetloa aearly always disturbs the sleep more or less and la often the cans ot Insomnia. Many eaeee have beea per meaeatly cured by Chamberlain's 8 torn ech and Liver Tablets. For sale by I S Dally and Davis Pharmacy. riHB Country Bams at Oaks Meet Mar keC. Queen Quality and Reeds Shoes We have Just received our fall lie of Queeu Quality and KJ? Beeds shoes for ladle. All la the lite styles end grades. J J Baxter hu jast returned from New York Where he purchased an ap to data stock Of drees goods, Ladlee Cloaks StlkSr Ribbons, Jaoes.'emhrotderUs, a bssuUfullIn df Ledlee Collars, stvlecetc Aal" early lnspectloa In vited. - ' " . - Ico Cream Now . Every Day, De livered Yot3$&& ; 35c. a quart ; at ; your? home., v Ice cream ' . 8oda,v phoa phate-3. and all other cool ; arid v refreshing drinks at" -r r.lcSORLEY'S. lfUESn nOilK-MADE a I :: 1 r Ftesh Car Load 1 I Voights Snow Drift, Whto Frost and g Admiral S F L OUR I Just received direct from the mill ! If you need a barrel o 3c strictly first quality Flour Wc can supply your needs at Sc the lowest possible price ! Fresh goods by everry freight Satisfaction guaranteed! 1. L McDiSIEL, .35?-1 'Phone 91. 71 Brva4 fit Delicious, freshing, M llikjiy All orders, either local or shipping promptly filled, ifrivate families Coca-Cola Bottling Works, C. A. KEIFERT, What's the ate waiting for cold weather before laying in your men's and boy's suits for the falL uy gtunf n nowyounave longer wear for vonr manet and t larorer assortment to pick from. . 85 boys suite, this week only, 88e "48 t .. vfi'vi v; ' $140 T8 ' boys snitsC Terr thins: for sohool wear, t'i 21 - ' - ; Large selection of yontoa suiu at $2.25 to $9 10J; ' Back"snlt,wool assortmenl f 8 $5 , buck cueriot luits 54 ' 1 f Fine melton soiU $8 00 lr 750 yds oatlng this week 41-49 600 yds canton flannel 8 l-2o i H60 yd shcetinj to yd o' ; Don't forgot our remnant counter S. COPLON, T8 MIDDLI STB SET, Psxt le Gash 111 Hardwar Co, Hew Bern, ' 'Expert lTatch He- pairing 't ; 'V'r' We hold our watch and jewelry r; ulring tjp to a high standard. V.'lalcvcr work is done is execut- 1 1 In a enrrfut painafakbg manna a:-1 wl 1 the qualify is conHidcrcd 0 ,:r ', ' if ') I ' i f ! '' t. J. S. Hudson & Cot, LIVERY STABLES. We have opened a Livery, Feed, 8ales and Exchange Stable ut No. 66 Broad St, Arnold's former stand. Prompt attention given to orders for turnout?, and horse carefully looked after. J S. HUDSON & CO. cDetightfultyJInvigorating supplied. Phone 28. Mgr.. C. Front St. Souvenir Postal Cards An assortment of Post Cards with views of the city on sale now Owen Q. Dunn Leading Printer & Stationer. Cor. Pollock & Ursrea Bta. We Make a Bpecialty in Tops From $10 to $15 made to year order, ead rait wheels aad sxw from $10 te SO made to you or der) a very reaeensb'.e price for trans. dials tales. We can 1 how yon a large and aloe aew stock of buggies aad' ear riagee, and eew damp farm eerie ecea pleke $35. Thie le quite sa opportunity for the farmer fa tee as at ease for thle le a very low nrloe. 1 . '-. G. S, XVtrsi ft tUm. Buceeeson te G. H. Waters 4k Boa, V'V-',"J fhew MS, 1 7S Broad M.' MaW Baa. rt D set Tour Watch Reed Repairs , Why aot have) tt given expert attsw . Hob by aa expert Jeweler f . Oosapetewt work at lowest prices is my awtta, i'-f 'T?.-. & sX'sUHQlST. .;" ". i -Watch soaker tad Jeweler. Cornet of Broed aad Middle Streets, 1. -'VVeS '..AtWCJ . ;.' " We ard agsnis for Ktfp eM nef, Clothing tor men. Jtveij . 'v made end gusranteed, aai w . eswa, Lewis A Orotsett, aad tint Sa shoes for en. Block all U. ... . f ; JJBAXTIRi . Try s bottle of Lrbonlxt Coc (Join It t"--" " won.'srfnl tonle r-flrrtlee . f '.iii 1' 'i f .-T n C'- I I'.f t ssd V -I V I

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