,? r . .. . . i .. :. 't' s 1? Ml Ad -. '-. m. iiua.Ro, 150, IIW BIBI, I. C, IRIDiT M01HIM, SEPTEMBER 23, 1904, TV TIHKD TtiR I '4 it ." . St, . . f Vie WhoU tfaniaiton Rich With . VALUES I It's a good thing to save money, but there are times when its a better thing to spend it. With a stole brim fall of bargains and good values. Some of them we tell yon about on this page and you can safely judge the whole by these few. Listen ! 42 inch Brown Mohair worth 85c for 60c. 80 inch Brown Stripe Mohair, worth $1.00 far 75c. 44 inch Silk Warp Brown Mohair wor;h tl 25 for $1.00. 62 inoh Broad Cloth, all colors, good values, at $1.25, your choice for 91c They were bought at a bargain, we sell thera accordingly. J.Q.QIWLUGO r PHONE 288. 43 Pollock St, Opposite Post-office, NEW ERA PAINT Covering Capacity Unexcelled, Quality Undisputed BUCK'S STOVES SASH DOORS BLINDS Phone HEATERS AND 99 Complete line just received ! Stoves put up and pol ished on short notice ? General Hardware, full line! Sash, Doors and Blinds 1 Ileith & Milligau Faint '. None better 1 New car load Ellwood Wire Fence just received! Maohinery and Mill Supplies I Gaskill Hdw. & Mill, Supply Co HARDWARE 7 Mlddlet, Plion 117. 17 Middle St. Full line of DrugsMed icines, Toilet Ar ticles and Soap. Fresh Supply of Flower Seeds. Physicians Prcscrip tona A Specialty. ; Only a few Ham : mocks left and the prices will suit tyou. I boots fiooi ran Ico Cream Now Every Day, iiyeredlriv 350. a quart De at your;: home; Ice cream fbda,5pno phates iind . all other cool and refreshing drinks at s '"'' Is : ,r.:cSORLEY'S. Henry s Pharmacy. looks good spreads better wears best Mimical in Fuel Spleii in operatioi Life ting in fluraHij i't i V 4 ;---r 1 68 Hlddle St COOK ST0V MILL SCPPLIK8 44 Cmer, t rhoDe 216. ElUlwof) i Under Hotel ChatUwka. GENERAL HARDWARE. Screen Wire Doors and Windows. The Ice Saving Gla zier Refrigerators. Agent for the Farmer Olrl 'and Bo; Cook Stove. Farmers will bear la mind that w earry a very complete line of Americas Steel Wire Fence. ffEW BERN, N.i, Haying a tremendous stock on nana and In order to make room for our Fall Stock wo will offer for 4 Days Only Henajuita worth $6 to $7.60 now $4.00. , Shoes worth $1.(0 to $2 00 now $1.36 Men's Balbriggaii Under a ear 89o a salt Whit ' and Faney tawns worth TOc and 13 1 -2c now l-2o a yd.;" 4pro& goods worth So and lOo now .4 l-2o and So Taney Ginghams' worth :10o . ' . now Jlt2c per yd; Cashmere woftb 860 yd BOW lio.'.:, '-v, ' t -i- r No harlof enough . epWe -w cant mention all "prices, 1 Don't forget XfKiv--: t 'I "-A a 7J Middle tt, liryan LIs A, & N. C MEETING. Vesidtnt Bryan's Annual Rep art. Can.mttte Btports. Board of Direc tors Enct JlW Grainger, Prest dent, D J Jlroadharst, Secretary aod Treat. Orer. 'ilia regular annnal meeting of the tockliuldeis of the Atlantic & North i-ol.na railroad company wi held In -bid city, Thursday noon at the coa iiu' cfflMs on Trent rive. There was a small attendance, the proceeding! f the meeting having been pretty well Irturmlned upon beforehand. Mr LQ Daniels, presided over the jiee iog. The Proxy commlttee'i re ort showed 17892 shares and 1470 votes p resent and by proxy. I'rest. James A. Bryan submitted the Vjth annual report of the road for year iudiug June 10th 1901, In tubttanoe t'rtst. Bryan said In his report bridges irestlie, raodway,. rolllogatock were kept In good order and at high stand trd. That needs of road as per his last report still existed, but would likely be jpplled by the Lessee. If recommends tions he had made had been made, the a. & N. C would today be on a profitable basis, and In position to pay an annual dividend equal to the rental which It would receive from the Lessee. The grove earnings were 381,83S.80 AU expenees 232,508.19 Set earnings 78,829.0t Ternament Improvements snd extra or Unary expenses were paid leaving balance on hand $98,950.03. An Intereitlns; part of the report wai iL aLowing pf the road from 1890 to lftli, Inclualve, under Chadwlck, Han cock and Fairiok, the road's netearniogs uauer these administrations were 9427, HoS.54, with a tsrplut at the end of ten y. are of $70,991.83. Under the Bryan administration from 1699 to 1904, five yctrs, the net earnings were$lt2,897. 30. President referred to the report of the investigating committee, which after an (jhauttlDg research found only correot- DiltS ill tt. k . R n rl rn Inl. r t IL. road . HtftrrlDg to the roads earnlne dorlnn 3 live lat years, the largest In Its hls- iy, wnicn tnowea an annual average ; crease ol f 18, 754.11. The fact 4ht ; .: board of directors to be appointed - ; lia Siute had been reappointed was n:, -!e vindication of the reputulon i : nunracier of old board. -: tcr glvh g reference to Ihe Lessee, . i i bo terms of the lease, the report FCJ. I li committee appointed to revise the . hwb reported through Mr Dempsey " i, uie revision being made to meet ie conditions, which places the id-nt's salary at $100, the Secretary i r. aaurer $300 per pear. The Minps to twice a year. The by-law ' '' log proxy committee 84, wu repeal i ringing it back tp the old number, ' btiugUB Bryan, Jr., K B Hack- .;,,, J 11 Potter, J J Baxter. Dr Henry I , -Imeon Woo ten, W L Arendell. ' Ju motion, the reading of the com' ::i to leporta were dispensed with, lame io In psmphlet form. Air L. Uarvey, in behalf of State i .ounced the following stockholders, I .V Bryan, J W Grainger, O M Bosbee, W H bsgluy, W a Bmlth, J 0 Parker, B V Taylor, D B Hooker. I be following directors on part of Mivnte locts.oUarawere elected, EO )uncn, Uemeesy Wocd, O X Foy, H i 'it following were eltCied members if tbe Finance committee, O H Roberta, ft l, Kennedy, i A Metdows. After the stockholders meeting ad' lourued, me directors met and eleoted I fir Oralngtr of JCtnston. President ind D J B oadhorsl, of Goldsboro, Sticrelary sad Treasurer forth ensuing ysar Miss DawMi Leads The following Is the standing of the queea contests np to 8 oVudek last OtgBt. Miss Daweom 919 Miss MoSorler 507 HuuGrjea 88 Mlsslpook 88 Hiss Row 11 Miss M om S The voting today will ell be done at Mr A Hlbbard's Jewelry a tote: The contest will close el $ p at Tae ring preeeataitoa will take place oa the midway toafgh at I p at.' . For Bprlag aad Grown Chlokens to the tMt Market. - v ' A Remedy wltnent t recr. -Had Ckamberlata's Btomack aad Liver TableU more beaefloial that any oiher rsmedy I mt need for stomach trouble," eeys I P Kioto, of Edlao, M6-, For any disorder ef lb stomach, bilious btsi tfr eoaitlpetloai. thee Tablets an wlibott a pr. .For sal by F 8 Daffy od Davis Pharmacy. t 'Aw.-. . Oyster Today at Dawsoe's, 10$ KJdV li latlf hM last retarned from dV lork where he purchased aa op to net atoca or areas goods, Ladles Cloaks ; U,. Ribbons, les, embroideries. iniirui nne or Ladios Uoilirs, new Hyln (ti VHe I, tn enr'y I j a In CAPTIVATING CARNIVAL The Third Day A Big Success. Oood Buslnots Dane At All The Shows. Fair skies favored 'the carnival yester day and as usual the crowds began to assemble on the pike at an early hour in the evening. Barkers began thelrpells squawkers set np their din in competi tion, the band batted In, the familiar tones of "Bedella" and "Blavatha" emulated from the merry-go-rouod nd the third day had commenced with il Its gale ly. Although the air ii cool the crowd does not seem to mind it very much but on the contrary enjoy It rath- r than the sultry weather which prev ailed on the first of the week. The crowd was larger than that of the day before a large contingent com ing up from Beaufort, Morehead Olty, Newport and the surrounding coutry. There were also large representations from Onslow, Jones and Pamlico coun ties who taking advantage of the low rales on the railways and the good con dition of tbe roads, visited New Bern with the one purpose of seeing the big how. The Fire and Flamd show Is a llvkg picture concern which Is attracting at tention and interest It prsents two series of pictures; one a fire scene taken lrom life involving the operations of a big city re department from the time the alarm is sent in until the fire is out. It Is an exciting scene snd well por trayed. The other series is suggested by the New T6rk Herald's funny sup plement her j, or vllllan whichever he may be, In the person of 'Buster Brown. It Is a ludlorous assembly of the pranks of the youngster and amuses all both young and old. OPENING NIGHT The IfsW Masonic Theatre Has Its First Entertainment. ' After many years of waiting the the atre going people have got a good play bouse and one which they will not be ashamed of for there Is scarcely an opera house In tbe State that is better Ppolnted with a Stage whioh will com pare favorably with any, for size or con venlenoe, A flood of 4lgLt which gives cheer and radiance; comfortable chalra and apartments for those who would seek a resting pUoe between acts, the new theatre presents all the accoutre ments that any city play house can boast of. No one can truthfully say that It la unsafe In case of fire as special attention has been paid to that mattei and there are five easy exits and even should there be a panic there would be no danger. One of the lessees Mr James Cowan, of Wilmington who was present at the mlertaiament Is highly pleased with he remodeled house and takes great iirlde In it To Mr Matthews, the local manager 1b !ue the credit for the practical oonveo snce of the place. He hae taken a per onsl interest In the construction and at been an able assistant to Mr Simp ion the architect whose Intimate knowl dge of the needs of a modern opera oase enabled him to use common sense deas In the building. Not one word too muoh of praise an be given the Ted Faust minstrels. rhey stand peerless In the reslm of en ertalnera. From the time tbe curtain rose oa an almost eaohanted scene to he last act the minstrels were thorough r enjoyed. As muslelans both vocal tud Instrumental they compare favOra bly .with the best. As oomedlsns they ire not only fnnny but original In their fun which faot adds test lo their how. The first part is spee taeular scene en titled "la Old Mexico" In this part the oostnaes are gorgeous la tbe extreme ind yet bleeding nicely with thesnr- -ouadlng.tb satin garments whloh they 41 wore, having a beaaUfal and harmon. ous effect. The songs were all new and war aaag with rare melody. The ijTchistia met every requirement of a first class body of musician a. Tbe burnt oork artist were lrrepret slbl from every point of view aad their part la the program wu highly enjoy ed. A feasor reserved till the last which d serve special atteatroa ' was th acrobatic perfotmaao of tbe Faust Family,, They cobs 1st of woaderfully lever aad agile athlete The smallest lad not over sis give evidence of great petlteee and. ndsraao, while the eattr family strike the spectator with secaent at the perfect exhibition of acfobatlo work. . , - Tear blood go through year body wlthjampssadboandieanytog warmth aad aetlv Uf to every part, U yoa take Honistr' Mountain Tea. 89 oefita, Tea OlTeWetS,' f SDaffyV, , ; ' Try bottle of Car boasted Coo Oola U possesses woaderfol tonlo properties made from the faaww Ooca plant aad -v. ... Queea Qoallty ind - Reedt Shoes . Wt have J oat received oat fall )la of Qaeeo Quality aad t P Keed shot for ladle ; Ail la la late style end grade. , ' 1 - ' ' ". ... , J I i BAXTEB. .' ' Go lo the OaVs t t C nr. 1 rt i'i, at Ifarknt for the A MATTER OF HEALTH tllsv POl'MR Absolutely Pure HAS MO SUBSTITUTE Police Court News. In the police court yesterday George Bragg was found guilty of being drunk and down. Bragg has been In court several times on this charge. The may or suspended judgment but required him to be put In jail to work out the costs. Will Bryaqt was found guilty of dis orderly conduct by be.ng a participant In a Sght on Broad street Wednesday night. He was let off with suspended Judgment on payment of costs. Davis Pharmacy Successful. Afier a great deal of effort and corres pondence, Davis Pharmacy the popu'ar druggist has succceeded In getting the Dr Howard Co. to make a special half price Introductory cnVr on the regular rjfty cent size ( f their celebrated specific for the cure of constipation and dyspep sia. This medicine la a recent discovery for tbe care of all diseases of the stom ach and bowels. It not only gives quick relief, but it makes permanent cures. Dr Howard's specific has been so re markably successful lo curing constipa tlon, dyspepsia and all liver troubles, that Davis Pharmacy is willing to retur the price paid In every case where It does not give relief. Tbe old fashlonel Idea of dosing with mineral waters, cathartic pills or harsh puagatlves will soon be a thing of the past. The best physicians are ptescrlb ing Dr Howard's speclllc because It real iy gives the desired results and on ac count of the small rind pleasant dose bat Ib neoded. Headaches, coated tongue, dizzlncse, ;as on stomach, apeckn Wore the eyes, constipation, and all f .rms of liver aad 'tomeuh trouble are so u cured by this cleutdo medicine. So great Is the de na id for this spec 1 6c, that Davis 1'barma :y bus been able o tecure only a limil d Mipply, and ivery ono who is trou! luil with djspep ia, constipation or liv;r iron!)! - should M upon him at once, or Sind 25 centa, ,nd get sixty doees of i ho bi'st medicine . ver made, on this spe ml hulf price of er.wlth bis personal p- nranioo to refund .he money it it does n t cur . Fresh Arrival Celery, Tomatoes, Pars, ah Kinds of Fruits, Broad Street Fruit Co PHONE 83. and Brick Ibe uncertainty of life and rich es make It A matter of prime im portance, to every man who hat any considerable amount of real or per sonal property to have) 'it insured against Are lose. We are insistent and persistent. on this soore, be cause w apprecrlaW the Taint of ready cash when everything goes m In Smoke.' Don't fail to com municate with us this honr. 'f hone oonneowon xw.- V-'- : G:o. A. tlicoll. Eonth Front and Hancock Ets.'- Irisu 1 Fcs Toights fnw Just received direct from the n. strictly first quality Flour V ijlowcat possible price ! Fret Satisfaction guaranteed! J. L. iDMil Phone 91. The Seeman-illican Madi Gras and Fall Festive Under auspii KniHs of I'viliian Ha, I, ;di t,i cent Amnseiiient (Jomiianv no v. txl):l n. Startling; I Sonicthiir New and Novi ! A out street fair and cmiival ;. r.idiu'u i.- un'il. i thousands v lio r.:rdy at!., ad 1 1. tbetl ' c. 10 Big Novel Sho,a ailoon '..;.; Free Shows and Co: Oper. 0 p. va Exvhv: "am L." oei What's the use waiting for cold weather before laying in your men-' and boy's suits for the fall. Uy getting it now you have longer wear for your money and a larger assortment to piok from. 86 boys suits, this week only, 98o 48 " " 11.60 76 boys suits, very thing for eohool wear, i 25 Large selection of youths suits at 12.25 to 19 50 Back suits, wool assortment $8 25 Black cheviot suits $5 Fine melton suits $6 9o 750-yds outing this week 4 l-4o ' 500 yds canton flannel 6 l-2o 1500 yds sheeting 4o yd Don't forget our remnant counter S. COPLON, ffi HTDDU 8TBXXT, Res to Gaaklll Hardware Oon New Bern. Expert Watch Re ' pairing! We hold our watch and jewelry repairing rjp to a high standard. Whatever work. is done is txeout- ed In a oaretul pafnstakiog manner an! When the quality is considered Our prices are always the lcrw st' ' J. 0. BAXTER. h. Load 1 Driti , ' . l-'rost and Adi t . x g L II R 1 .1! K . -i -i-l H li:il'i'"l f g ' '' , i' ) you'- iHi'-ls at 3c .1 guod.i liy eciry fi'eight g Wholesale & Be tall Broad Ht 7i . 5. Hudson & Co,, LIVERY STABLES. We have opened a Livery, Feed, Sales Mid Cxchange Stable at No. C!l liioad St, Arnold's former Soiind. I' ompt attention given to orders for turnouts, and horsen carefully looked after. J S. HUDSON & CO. omoanv S J week. This magnifi ll id city. Sometijing ; uriliko the old worn i hi as! Patronized by .Esational ' Feature. Acts Military Band 'i p. m. allroadu ! '.'.' Postal C -.rds ' 1 ! : n.it Cards 1 1 city on sale 2 0 Dunn 1' -i ' V Milloner. ( r.ivcn SIh. We Make a Specialty in Tops From $10 to $15 made to your order, and cart wheels and sxla from $10 t- 1 1 made to yonr or dr; a very reasonable prloe for Imme diate sales. We caa show you a large and nice new stock of baggies and oar rlsges, and new dump farm carta eom p ete 21. Thia Is quit an opportunity for the fir mere to see ns at onoe for this Is a very low prlo. G. H. Water fc Moos, Bocoeaaor to Q. EL Waters A Boa, P boo 18a, TS Broad M.' Stew Bbbb. " Do es Tour Watch Meed Repairs Why not have It given expert attea tloa by an expert Jeweler f Oompeteat work at lownsl prices is my motto. E. D. BAJHQRT, Watchmaker and Jeweler. Corner of Hroad and Middle Btreete. Agency We are tgtnts lo Olotbtug for men. -made and gnarinu , Lewi A CrosMtL ! K appeahelsMt w i f allot i. Doeglaa, K l.etoa'itae shot for men. Block a). In. 1 1 BAXTXBi Try a, bottle ot Carhoaated OoeaOoia Upoapis weaderfnJ tosio propertlee iuie friro the fsmoos Oooa laataad Kola nut, - " .

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