VOL. -1X11-4(6. 156. SIW .BIBI, Mi ., EEIDAT MQRIIIfl, SSPTKMBSR 30, 1904, TWENTY-THIRD TEAR Success don't consist in not'mak ing mistakes, but in not making the same one over ftoice. . You can make do mistake if you go to I.DIHSLL&CO for up-to-date Dress Goods ad Trimmings, Silks and all fiio new novelties. This is a part of the lino : Shoes, Hosiery, Cotton and Woolen Underwear, Carpet, Matting, Rags. Oil Olothfor floors and table, Stair Oil Cloth Shelve Oil Cloth, Shetland and Mercerized Shawls in white and hiue, Blankets, Bed Spreads, Sheets, l'Ulow Cases and Lace Curtains and Window Shades. PHONE 288. 43 Pollock St., Opposite Post-office. NEW ERA PAINT looks good spreads better wears best Covering Capacity Unexcelled, Quality Undisputed BUCK'S STOVES ftnical is Fit Splendid in operalm Life lie in mralililj SASH DOORS BLINDS Phone 9o 68 Hlddle 5t HEATERS AND. COOK STOVES Complete line just received ! Stoves put up and pol ished on short notice ? General Hardware, full line! Bash, Doors and Blinds ! He'ith & Milligan Taint! None better ! New car load Ellwood Wire Fence just received! Machinery and Mill Supplies! Gaskill Hdw. & Mill Supply Co.,- HARDWARE 78 Middle St. Phone 147. MILL SUPPLIES 44 Craven St . Phone 216. A' Iflfippi RALEIGH. Colonial Dimes In Session. President Geo T. Winston Takes a Vacation Football Playing Begins. Raleigh, Sept 2ft. The Ncrth Carolina Colonial Dames In session here today, appointed a committee to confer with the City authorities regarding the re moval of the Andrew Johnson house to Pnllea Park, where It oan be the better preserved. It Is a tumble down aback now and as the birthplace of one of the presidents, lliey desire to make sure of the preservation. The removal seems assured. An urgent call will be issued within th next fow days for the business men of Raleigh to decorate elaborately this year for tha re-opening of the Slate Fair. The Hat of Marshall for the fair will be announced within the neit few days. The largest and most succeistcl fa'r in the history of the State Is assur ed. President Geo T. Winston left today for a few days rest and reoreatlon. His arduous work in connection with grap pling the senior class uprising, in addi tion to the regular duties In connection with the opening of the college have so overtaxed him that a rest Is absolytely necessary the physicians say. Hell re ceiving hundreds of letters congratula ting him on the stand he took In main aliilng tbe discipline of tie col leg.-. Governor Aycock will get Into the State campaign Oct lt, and to in tho thick of the fight from that time to tbe election. HU first speech will be at Smithfield. Mo3t of his speeches will be In the wostern part of the State. The A & M Football team will goto Lexington, Va., Saturday to play the M I. On the following Saturday they 111 oppose tbe Clems-n College team at Charlotte ann then on Oct. 15th they play the University of Virginia at Charlotteeulllo. The A & M team hat ade a roost excellent beginning of the season, having deflated Guilford Col lego by a score of 59 to nothing. The Latest Hold-up Attempt of MoBee-FInch Gang Failed. Special to Journal. Ralelgb, Sept. 28 Judge Purnell Ic Federal court made final order In noted Cnyler-Flnch receivership suit against the Atlantic and North Carolina Rail road Company which wai dismissed a few days ago except as to the issuing or der for the allowances to complainants and their counsel. The Judge declines to make any allowance at all, holding that there Is no force In the argument of the complainants' counsel. Allowances are governed by statute 1851, being held the same as the allow ances In equity being in discretion of court. Greenough and Pettus cases are cited, the one establishing the rule when fund Is administered and other when proper ty Is in custody of court and administer ed thereby. It Is then held that there being no decree except of dismissal and property of A & N C having been In cus tody of Court only temporarily there was no apeclal benefit to property hence in discretion of the court It Is not con sidered that It Is proper oause for allowance, As to the petition of K S Finch for allo wance, the court says that plaintiff being an Interpleader and his petition having no effect. He being only appoint ed co-receiver lie Is entitled t noth Opening: of The Graded School School will open f jr all the grides on Monday Oct 3, 1904 at 9 a m. Grados one and two will use the old building. Until the new building la completed grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 will use the "cen- :,l building,' from 9am until 13.45 m aua grades 7, 8, V and 10 will use lib building from 1pm until 4 45 m. . This arrangement will be discontinued nd regular time for classing will be sed as soon as the new building li nlsheil. All .now pupils and all conditioned pu plls below the 8th grade will report at he school building on Friday Sept 80th at 9 a m for examination. Conditioned pupils in the 8th 9ih and 10th grades will report for examination n Monday Oct 3rd. All teachers who have conditioned pu its will report on Friday, Sept 80, h at a m prepared to give the examina tions. There will be a meeting of the teachers on Saturday Oct lit at 10 a m. H. B. CRAVEN, Supt. Our representative, Mr.C. W, Swann, will be in New Bern from September 26th to October 1st, -at the store of our representatives, Messrs, L- C Whith B Co., ( and he will take pleasure In showing you the advantages in our Celebrated Majestic Cook .- lng Ranges. Call on Xlessr. Whltty & Co, dur lng the week and see this elegant range. ' '.' ;' -Yours truly . flajcstic ''Manufacturing' Company Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Aids nature. Medicines that aid nature are always most ellectual. Unamberlaln'i Cougl Remedy acts on this plan.- It allays thi cough, relieves the longs, aids ei pec tor allon, opens the secretions, and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthlv condition. Sold bv F. S. Dnffv ami i avu rnarmacy. ALLOWANCES DISALLOWED. the THOMAS EVANS. Well Known Young Poopl'3 Quietly Married at St George's Rectory. Schenctady Journal, Sept 21th. James V Thomas and Miss Sarah Evans, both of this city, were quietly married at the rectory of St George's church last evening by the Rev J Philip B Pendleton, D D. Henry C Salmond, Jr . was beat man and Mrs W B Osborne matron of honor. Mr Thomas Is a well known employe of the General Electric Co and his wife Is a prominent In the younger so cial set. Both are southerners. Mrs Thomas being of an old Buckingham county, Virginia, family, while Mr Thomas comes from North Carolina. The happy couple are living at No 205 Union Bt. SORE HANDS tching, Burning Palms, Painful Finger Ends, Shapeless Nails. SORE FEET nflamsd, Itching, Burning, Sore, Tender and Perspiring. ONE NIGHT TREATMENT. Soak the hands on retiring In a strong, hot, creamy lather of Cuticura Soap. Dry and anoint freely with Cuticura Ointment, the great skin cure and purest of emollients. Wear, during the night, old, loose kid gloves, or bandage lightly in old, soft cotton or linen. For red, rough and chapped hands, dry, Assured, Itching, feverish palms, with brittle, shapeless nails and painful finger ends, tMs treatment Is simply wonderful, fre quently curing in a single application. Complete local and constitutional treatment for every humour of the Skin, scalp and blood, with loss of hair. may now be had for one dollar. Bathe with hot water and Cuticura Soap, to cleanse the surface of crusts and scales, ana soften tno tmekened cuticle. Dry, without hard rubbing, and apply Cuti cura Ointment ireely, to allay Itching, Irritation and inflammation, and soothe and heal, and lastly, take the Cuticura Resolvent rills to cool and cleanse tno blood. This treatment affords instant relief, permits rest and sleep in the severest forms or Eczema ana otner itching, burning and scaly humours, and points to a speedy, permanent and economical enre of torturing, disfigur ing humours, from pimples to scrofula, from Infancy to age, when all other remedies and the best physicians fall. Sold Ihrovrhoat the 4orld. Cuttonn RMOtvral fiOe (In form of Choeoloto Cootod POk, life, pn rltl of 60). Oint ment. Mb., Soap, !6c. Depot! i London. 27 Chartorhouo Bq.i PftHi, aRoodtUPolxt Boaton. 1X1 Columbia Av. rww urn. uum. vorn-. ooi. rropmior. rwi lor - now to unn jiTorj uwnour. Ed Mr Thomas is the eldest son of Mrs A P Thomas of this city and an old New Bern boy who has made hli success in his new home, We entend coDgratu 1 Ulons. A Remedy without a Peer. "I find Chamberlain'! Stomach and Liver Tablet! more beneficial than any other remedy I ever used for stomach trouble," isyi J P Elote, of Edlno, Mo For any dtiorder of the stomach, bilious uess or constipation, these Tablets are wlthont a peer. For sale by F 8 Dully and Davis Pharmacy. Queen Quality and Reeds Shoes We have juit received our fall line of Queen Quality and E P Reeds shoe for ladles. All la the lite styles and grades. J J BAATiCH. Try a bottls of Carbonated Cora Cola It poitesioi wonderful tonic propertlei made from the f.moui Coca j Unt and Kola nut. Afency We ore igtnli for Kuppenhelmer Clothing for men. Every salt Tailor made and guaranteed, and W L Douglas, Le u Is A Orossett, and Niltlstou'i fine shoes for men. Block all in. J J BAXTER! All October Magazines Now .n Bale At. 1- EKNETI'S EOOK-.STOBSi t M M 1 1 M M I VnJ f Expert Watch Re ' pairing! ' Jft bo.d oor watch end jewelry repairing tip to a nigh standard WhaUTerw-orlr.il done if scout ed in careful painstaking manner and When tho quality j( connidfircd onrprlr'-s pie ''" (! li,-"t. T r ' r- - Go to J J Baxteri store on Tuesday and you will the piettlest line of dress goodi and lilk that can be found In the city. J J Baxter has a fine stock of Ladles and Children! Wool Underwear. Alio Bhoet of all grade! and for all ages. beautiful line of Hluei and Ladles Cloaka. For Spring and Growa tp the Oaki Market. Chlokens go it Baiter has "Just returned frjm Hew York where he purchased an op to date stock of dress goods, Ladles Cloaks Sllkl, - Ribbon,, htoee, embroideries, beaotifalllne of Ladles. Colluiy new styles, ttv 'An early fntpectlon Tlted. Try a bottle of Carbonated Coca Cola It poesiste wonderful tonlo propertlei made from the ffcawae Coca plant and Kola ant, " Vt;lS7 Middle fit. Full line of Drugs, lied icines, Toilet Ar ' tides and Boap. , Fresh . Supply of Flower Seeds Hecfcer s Prepared Buck wheat, and Fresh Lot fancy Elgin And Fox River Print butter Just Received, also nice lot CORNED MULLETS. J. L McDANIEL 'Phone 91. 71 Wholesale eSc Retail Orocor, ICr.l Ht Ladies Coats Our stook of Indies mid cliifdi ever shown in the city ;ind urn colors. Cldaltrf is the largest ii the newest styles and We also have a complete line of Changes in Ceerical Force. There has been some change In the operation force of the Howland Improve ment Co. The changes and removals are generally transfers. 1 J W Massey joint checking clerk of BCD Steamship Co, and A & N C Ry, takes a position In the Auditors office. He will be replaced by H B Moore whose former position in the freight office remains unfilled. C D Lane will go to Goldsboro where he Is to work In the office of E A Nlel, General Traffic Manager. ED Chad wick, Cashier of the Trent River ware house has accepted a posi tion with a lumber firm In Klnston. H H Grainger, agent at Klnston haa resigned and his position taken bp H C Wooten for aiilstmt agent at Klnston. Merchants Association. There will be a special meeting this evening at 7.30 o'clock of New Bern Retail Grocers and General Merchant! Association at their rooms In the Hughes Building. Every member Is requested to attend. Business of very vital im portance. Morchanti not members of the asso ciation invited. W. K. BAXTER, Becrotary. Queen Quality and E. P. Rcid Shoes in russet, plain kid and patent leather. Ladies X clasp Kid (Hove?, tlio iv-nilar dollar kind, for 50c a p:ir. J. J. BAXTER. J. S. Hudson & Co., LIVERY STABLES. Wc have opened a Livery, Feed, Pales and Hxchange Stable a,t No. Broad at, Arnold's former stand. 1'rotnpt attention given to orders for turnouts, and horses carefully looked after. ,1 ,S. HUDSON it CO. Cause of Insomnia. Indigestion nearly always disturb! the ileep more or loss end Is often the cause Of Insomnia. Many cases have been per manently cured by Chamberlain's Stom ach ind Liver Tablets. For sale by P S Duffy and Davli Pharmaoy. Prompt treatment of a alight attack of Diarrhoea will often prevent a serious lokneas. The best known Remedy Is Dr. 8rth Abnolo's Balsam. Your apothecaries, Mauri V 8 Daffy ind T A Henry, Kew Bern, N C, warrant It to give satisfaction. New Fall Goods AT VERY Insurance : . and Brick The uncertainty of life tad rich ei makes It a matter of prima im portance to every man who haa any considerable amount of real or per tonal property to hard it insured against fire loaa. . We are insistent and persistent on thil. score, be cause we appreciate tbe Tilue of ready cash when everything go tip in amoka. xDon' fall to ooTn- monioate with ns thi hour, 'f hone connection 200. attractice prices FOR THIS WEEK AT S. COPLON 20 pieces worsted, assorted col ore, double width, 1 and 20c Rrado 9 l-2o BkirtQIothl Our UK inch La dies Cloth, any color, one skirt pattern to a customer, $1 value at 48a yd 8KlttTS-New SklrU, Man Tailored, assorted - colon, prices from 98o to JACKETS Complete ' assort ment of ladies, miaees and onil- dreni Jacketi BUEETING-4000 vds Shcet- Inl ' regular 8 l-2o Koods, this 8,800 yds Flannelette yd wide, this week 6 1.2 i . S. COPLON, I Souvenir Postal I Cards An assortment of l'oat Cards with views of the city on sale now Owen Q. Dunn leading i'rlnter .t Stationer. Cor I'ollock A t raven 8ts. soiynfMoirwwiswifurwn t to OukiH E.WSrnallwool Under Hotel ChatUwka, GENERAL HARDWARE. Screen Wire Doors and Windows. The Ice Saving Ola zler .Refrigerators'. AgStat for the Farmer Girl and Boy Cook 8 to via. T artners will bear la mind thai we carry a very eotnplete line of AomtIom Steal Wire Feaoe. NEW BET: v, ct Does Your Wstch INoJ Repairs ; - ' .- Why notkev It given expert attest Don by aa expert Jeweto f Ootapetewt work at lowest prion Is my motto. ' X. P. BAKOERT, ." Wat(!haiaVT sndJiwiler. ffT' lrU"l"lf'''i