9 V THE JOUIUJAL. New Bern, N, C, October 1, 1901, ,i LOfiGB NMOOAT.' OBAVIN XODGB K0.1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Meets lad and 4th Wndjinada- nhrhta In sac moaU U Souatiee's HalL Pollock street, at 7J v o'clock. tjemeel H. Bell, Preeldent; J. E. Smith. Berfn &B. Hill, ttnanetal .: MOMUU7. r'i"5,jt;!KS-i:"S!i;? index ttev ItTertJumtBte. 'itaTJroad MMh-tiLv '.'"XT American Stock Oo- Clotnuf. ' DitoroeHoUoe; i , ? ' , : : ABlock-TeUor. ' " Riverside Eton Cekee. . . J tHeDanlel Hams. 5 Bttsteea Ucals. STALL-FED eef, Veal, Pork Ohopt and Canned Goods this morning at the Railroad MeafcHatkeV g'- FINE ket. Sausages at Coast Line Mar is1 YOU haven't tried the Soup made by the' Broad 8treet Bonp Hones, order a quart for 10 oentf, delivered. Yov will bay more. Barbecae and Oysters alio. LOST Gold locket between Craven and Middle on Pollock, .Initials X S D en graven on back, finder will pleaie re turn to thii office. Suitable reward given. FOR BALE Rubber Tire Phaeton and Good Family Hone. Safe for any lady to drive, M L Hollowell. FOR SALE About 438 feet of good lumber can be bought chep by applying to H. H. Tooker at City Hall. HOUSE and Lot for lale. calf Street. Apply to J. den. No 48 J, Wolfen-1 WANTED To rent, home of eight or nine room with modern convenience! In good neighborhood. ' Address, B P Foster, AtNORK FAT Stall fed-Beef, Pork Chopsjf ntton thii morning at the Railroad Meat Mar ket, corner Queen and Hancock Street. Prompt delivery. WANTED Lady or gentleman of fair education to travel for a firm of $210,000 cspitil, Salary $1,072 per year and ex pensei; paid weekly. Addreei MPerol val, New Bern, NO. ANOTHER fine lot of Yenleon at Oaki Market. FOR BALI Houae and lot No 18 Change Bt, home new. Apply toLH Canon, No 64 Middle Bt PORK Steak and Mutton Railroad Meat Market. Chop at the FOR FINE Butter, call ket at Oak Mar. FINE Country Hans at Oaki Meat Mar ket. EOR BALE At great redaction Grind Piano, Concert, Square, IS double seated echool deaka, and 8 black board. Apply to Ml Bmallwood 116 Craven St. CHICKENS, Pork Chop, Bleaks, Sliced Ham and all kind! of Canned Good now at Ooaat Lin Market. SCHOOL BOYS Pressing olub WlU pre nlt and dretie neatly endity llshly. Work left at Callaway's, barber hop will be promptly and aatlaf aotorfly done. Give them a trial THE OAKS Meat Market la now open dally. , A FINE lot of North Carolina country ham and shoulder at th Oak Meat Market ' SHORT PASSING EVENTS. For additional local news' see eeooia pa-.. . Seed cotton sold on the local market yesterday at 8 enU. - - ; ' J Goodbye, straw hat . . f Nothing autumnal about th! weather wla mercury standing at eighty five de gree,-, , The beaeedofttiilf .becIng appar eat. The Fatal Waddtna tAaf-ht. . -. SIsao Lehman ot th Reformed Men . nonnlte church WIS preecb In th court : house, Monday night Oct Brd ' at usual ' ' hour. Public cordially Invited to at tend. '- . -v BerJ-f Bpenee wO preach nt the First Baptist church on Sunday mora' ; lag at 11 a m on the ubeot -The Prob lemi of Childhood,.''' Parent ere eepe. dally iBfHed. '.u; Owleg te dlphfkerU la hi family, Mr . Isaac Coha ask to tononno that 1 will not be at th Oak Market for ev oral day ': ' . . ' The harveet U whit but the laborer aie Indeed few la th cotton Held la this teotioa and a. tight bad condition eonfroaU many of ouf famere. ' The reporter was told by a suooeeefol tam er who live nee KInttoa,' that ha had ofteea acre la hi oolton field that had aot been touched and that twelve bale of eottoa wee aow open aad hanging la the bolls became he could aot get hands, Similar Condition confront a nnml nf of our farmer. Tk hot, dry spell has had a great effect oa opoln the staple. Fbiiton Fre Yrmt, Bsjii BOth,' . T! e' Kfl h A f "iclr. cm November 15th 1 being advertised by potter and banner. ' I ' A big easiness wa transacted on the cotton exchange yeiterday in thejale of 138 bale. The price were lower, how ever, into have been, paid , tun season; ranging from i to 8f cent, ' Five bale of long staple ottonsi sold for 10i - Thf while we are having la the amuse ment line atone very - well for the long dnlnesi that wehaye j endured for the Owing to the sudden illneee- of Engi neer W S Kelly of the Coast Line, engi neer Duncan of the A A N O . took the Wilmington mail train over yeiterday. Mr Kelly was reported some better last . ..The Fatal Wedding Is a play that no t only has an effect on ' the emotions but give a moral lesson which all will do well to heed. It I not without a fund of humor which makes it thoroughly enjoyable. Do not fall to see It to. night. ' After an experiment of a years duration the Western Union Tel graph Co has dispensed with the scrvl-1 cee of colored messenger boys in the city of Richmond finding in Impracticable to have them. . White boys have taken their place.' Speaking about the scarcity of cotton picker It might be mentioned in pass ing, that there are several dozens of idle persons of both - eexes drifting around town, that would adorn a'cotton patch, far better than they do the streets, and the earning of money might awaken a park of Industry in some of thorn, to their everlasting good. Make them go to work, leave town, or go somewheres and hide. Resurrect vagrancy law again Other cities and towns In the South are enforcing the law. It does the vagrant no harm, but on the coptrary, sometimes developei a good citizen. . The New Bern Lumber Co, which was recently Incorporate with $125,009 cap- Met-Jltal to operate saw mills, will is is said erect mill building 48x116. kiln, four room, 100 feet long, to mannfacture rough pin lumber; mill to be dcnble elroulsj, with about 70,009 feet daily capacity. It Is announced that the lessees of the A ft N O road will have the covered bridge across Stony Crok, near Golds boro, and Jacksmlth creek, near New Bern removed end steel bridges built in their places. This the last of the old time dark houses. Like other old land marks, they put away forever. Attention is called to the new ad of The American Stock Co, Mr Philip Howard, manager, from the North with a great big stock of clothing and dry good. The moralist! have decreed that in- Intoxicating beverages must go.for they kill both body and soul, it is claimed. Eminent physician say that American people are ruining their stomachs for ever with carbonated drlnks.Coffee now give ua coffee-heart. Tea Is a hurtful beverage. Well water It Is said Is con taminated with death ensuring baccUU. So the thirsty ones have no chance un lets they oan Indulge In a little persim mon beer, and It Is a blessed thought that It 1 nearly season for that once popular drink. For the present it oan be drank without doing anybody harm as no taboo ha been declared against it. An emmlnent Ohleagamlnd specialist rise to make the prediction that every body will be crety one of these days.tnd cite statistics thosylng that one perton in every one hundred - and - fifty lu Chicago 1 crety. Perhaps the doctor U Just a little off himself. We have known certain booze artist to labor un der the Impreedoa tbat every body they earn la contact-with' we drunk, but 00 aid not be punuaded that they them solve wet slightly Intoxicated. Broke Into Bis Hotue. D.ii4tuna or uaveaaisn, vt, was robbed ot bis customary health by low Ion of Chronle Constipation, Whan Dr. Klngl New Life Pill broke Into his house, hie tTouble wai arretted and aow ne' eaureiy cured. They're guar anteed te care, 85c at O D Brtdham' Drug Store. ; - - " v- VKS The furlodle mat lOUfTl NtQMft w B w . Jt Vr-M jnst novr.to relieve that l bly kepS spell ' of ; fl nn ii v wiiwn u 1 - -J V v. .ww will ' ' prescribe for you and then brief the preeoriptiott , to o to filU . V( wiU fiU it eiactly as he dlrecU Xi; and use only tli beat drugv We want yonr pr. u . sorlptlon trade at aH times. .; We give specla. at- '"i 4Al4ln 4lil Mrtkf f9 Ah ViH.lnAii . . - '.' - - r l;aB4va w I'AI V UUI 'nvvr(fffw vvuiciies til imniiTV s For Ladies and Men . ' Watchrt that wjllW credit to the wcuToi, , , riainor Wutif ally engraved casfs contain- ' - , tog reliuble voi l.d, When quality is con sidnred ouf price ore Invafl.-iUy Urn lowmit. lit m nATON, ih The State papers are giving a good deal of space to an artlcle'cllpped from e Btateaville paper, telling eta man who remarked that he had. "raised his child ren to be large enough to work In a cot ton mill and now they must take care of him." Certainly : an able-bodied man must be destitute of energy .and mean also to , make - such a remark, ' but we have known several families who made a better living for themselves in a cot ton mill then the maa of the family had ever been able to piovlde. : Right' here In New Bern there are: people, who If they could get rid of a little f alee pride aad goto work in,.-the .knlttteg mill, would make 4 better living ':thau they ever had before. iV'- Mr O P Halvereon, Raclne-Wa elck for five year; nothing hgreed with me. ; HoUUter Rocky ; Mountain Tea made me strong, healthy. : Gained 35 pound. 85 cent! Tea or Tablet, F 8 For Spring and Grown Chlokens go to the Oak Market. RESTAURANT. Freeh Ovsterff anil Barrwcun pt. ery day-at Nixon' old stand, No 1 28 Middle Street Other meals on abort notice. - I am making some imnrovementa and will endeavor to please yon. Pine Vegetable Soup Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's 10c "qt. Yonr orders filled promptly. Yonrs for" business, J. L. HORNE Elaborate Production of New York's Greatest Success, The FataL WeddinG The play which delighted au diences to the pitch of the almost forgotten cry: Come back I Come back! Prices 255. cOo. 75c 1. 00: sale oteats at Waters. Divorce Noti6e. North Caiollna, ) In Superior Court. j one uouniy. ) iterore, J 0 Uolllnt, Clerk. MaryBoyklns . vs Cyrus Boykius. Divorce. Seivlceby Publication. NOTICB. The defendant above named will take notloe that an action entitled at above hat been commenced in the Sanertor Court of Jonee Oonnty for purpose ot aieeoiving eonat or matrimony new ex letlnc between .Dlalntlff and defeedant In this action; and that the aald defend ant will further take notice that be Is re quired to appeer at the next term ot the Superior Court of Jonee County to be held on th 8th Monday after the 1st Moadey In September, It being the 81et of October 1904, at the Court House of eald County In Trenton, NO. and, en-ewer-or demur to the complaint In eald action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In eald complaint . r - - This 80th, Bept IBM. -. - i . J B COLLINS,' r Clerk of Superior Coirt of Jone Cone- ty. ; : r ALL HEADACHES. nrrfoot romndy tor Oolds, Indtnirtlnn. Palm, Hrmln Fa,U), Pnvtnui Trata 1 ftnd (4lok 2lMSMfa BrOM th netrrtki, UlTDinas, . - A aisas wVMII Iff, About:rc n fnnff! : tired feeling and proba-' ; sickjieM ?. V If , yog ' don't - J v tUIUCtM 1 Davis' Pharmacy 1 1 j , w tyfMt? -rfvfw , 4 I r.. A Stronc J'asclnatlnj Plan: ;r ; ) Tonight th patron of th New Jdv onlc Theatre will have a pleasant eur prise la stoVe for themselves, when 'The FaUI Wedding" wiU be played. . The plot is a powerful one, and deal lih the adventures of a echemlnj ' woman, who, assisted by a male accomplice, ' de sign the ruin of a happy family, and the separation of a wife frjm husband and children, In order that ah can eon tract a marriage with the .husband and thereby gain hie fortune, . She I pre? vented from doing this, however, by the ' timely inter fgreice of . two cheracter, 1 a. frenchman and. an -Irish lervant' woman, who, In their, respective part, create no.-end of amuaement'for the audience. An mutually strong cast, hdd by Mies A.lma Chester will inter-! the play...' ';" .;i;-;L-""' - . . Beats on' sale at Dawson's this morn 1 lag. -. -. - 60cu 7Se and ft 00. r Balcony 50c and ?5a I live end let my brethren live With all that's good with me Unto the poor some cath I give, t The balance I give Rocky Mountain Tea. F. S. Duffy. School Time. The time of the singing of children i come the sound of the tuner It heard i In our land. On account ot pressure ot woik, those desiring tuning done at this time are re quested to pleaee send wrltteq meessge by mall or otherwise, Impos lole to call at taoh bouse. JOHN O. BUSSEIX Patterson House. Ready towea? Hats We are now showing for the first time in thg city Burgessers 5th Avenue Styles in Ready to Wear Hats The most fashionable Ladies Tailored Hata on the market. Spe cial showing today. I NEW WRAPS 1 When We Bay New Jackets in all the neweet length and lhapvtfor ladles ami rtritaetr. Fine high claa tailor made gajmeota that too wHI adehtre, possesilDg all the newest fashion kinks at $9, $im and tl 5 ? " Borne partioularrj pretty Misses Coats at $9 Temjporarj Quarter! No 41 Pollock 8t . v 'II'' ? V1' uiinety cJYl f eady-towearhaEc I we ore showinf is oomplete line of . fin Retdj-to-wiar ,s Z I !Iat fur women and cbJldet For Collars and Girdles X of TatTctn Hihhon 6 inches satlcei'at 25 cthe yd! . Shi We are showing a handsome line of Rugs, Art Squares, , Tapestry Curtains and Table Covers. Matting in new designs. Table Cloth with Napkins to match. Cotton Spreads, Sheets, Pillow Cases and Comforts. Cotton and Wool Blankets. Sideboard Covers and Centre Pieces, and small table pie ce in linen. A big line of Window Shades, whit and colors, 25 and 50c All new goods and new styles. It will pay you to see these goods, for the prices are right. J. G. DUNN & CO,. Phono 219. Barfoot Brothers Wrap re mean & Coats j 'r ' - Hlplrldidalae, $2 and, Z we are offering a fine qualltr- 'i wide, In all the new jwpnlar Z , ' ' -' '; - '. Z qartment . 'K ' o) o) CAROLINA BRICK CO., THE BEST BUILDING BRICK offered on this market. For prices see M. M Marks, F. R. Hyman, (i. A. Nicoll. T. G. Hyman, the New Bern stockholders. Plants at Clarke, Hyman's Siding, EinBton and Robersonville. Annual Capacity 15,000,000. I Riverside Store, . . . 4 m crescent Street, This week we will sell a'l kiaus of National Biscuit Co's cakos and cracker 20o a lb at 15c lb. Lemon ( ling Yellow Peich es 20o can 3 for 55 c Cr. of Wheat 15o pkg Macaroni 10c Full Cream Cheese 15c lb Cabbage weighing from 6 to 14 bs 10c to l&o I J. O. LAND MANAGEK. j.aUittiiiaAaaaaais3 Notice to Teach ers. A I lesckers datlilDK lolienh srhool lu Mo 9 lowniblp artt rqiiKit ( b pnMnlel North Hirlnwe ketaool (hltr) on October 1st at V ass. for the par poea of rfOetrlof lofutmttlo In regard to the schooli end for the sIkoIb ol conlreeU lij order of the Oomsiiilee, O. O. BSU., Secretary. i Griffith Street Meat Market X- We hare opened a nice Z tnai ket at th turner of Gri& X nth and Attmore 6ts, in oon- T j . . . . . . ; necuon wun oar grocery ana ' are prepared to Inrnlsa oar ; customer with u floe meat ; ; and satiaage ean be found rlf. HARRIS A HOLTON, ;v-T Proprietor! T.': is: v lco Creams ; ;.;, .rr-.v; Now, Eery pay,v pt)- liyere d For . S5o. a quart tH;;-;' at . your home.- Ico crcim eoda; phos phates and all other cool end rcfrcshiir: i i i 545-57 Pollock St. Bees. Reliable Tailoring. 1 Cbai acter and style to ev ery garment at popular prices Ladies have jenr coat, su't and skirts cleaned and pressed before the cold weath er comes on. ' A BLOCK, Merchant Tailor, 96 Middle St SWWWl Dissolution of Co-Partnershlp. Thero-pertner thtp heretofore existing between H B Holland J E Willis, under the firm of Holland Willie, Utder ttker', Ii ibis day dlsoWed by mutual ennsDt. II B Hollund retlilnf from the Hoi Tl biifim s will be conducted here ' hi 1 , the firm nemo of J K Willis It Co, Mi Holland b lag retained as Llceniioil I nili liner of lb b islnese. Jo- K. Will. A (! .. noies all llabl- 1 1 1 ..' H e il tl'ii.. ! all bill, as due .11 i iMl rc til hi Ii in H Holland, J K in(. Br.t ;8rd IU04 Brick Brick Enterprise Brick & Tile JUT Co. We never claim to have better goods than another; we, lueve that to the buyer. Orders left at my office in the Fanners and MerwhinU bank building will reveire primpt at lentioo, J. W.'Hlcwitrt Secretary and TrOtanrer The big New York Success . . The fonnleat of all stag ohar '.' actert; th breetleet nnC moat tertalnlnf pTformanee gtrett fof f ; langhln pnrpcsefc- 3d ; . KOTICB. . , v . 'rjotloe la aertby glraa that eertlfleat ' No.', H, for one share of itock e( the A N O IUIlroafl Co., slandlof la toy aame hurlr- fea lo, arpll"lloas for t;.e i' pii ff the lime will be snide. Oct

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