t : THE JOURNAL. FnbUdMd mi day la Use yeei, ex- r apt Xoaday. Joeraal Solldlng, BMO CHARLES U aTBVENS. KUBSOiniOIKiTISr. Oaa year, ba adTenoe.. ...... .. One year, sot t advaaee.. - N Monthly, by carrier lathe city.... .' M AdvertliiitIUtfrBlsltdoa appll eatioa. altered the Port Ofiee, Hew Ben, B. ft, at teooad diss auttat. offleui rater ef He er toi Oram Cwutfy. NSW BERK, N. ft. October 7, MOt. THE NEGRO'S CRIMINAL RECORD. By Prof Kelly Miller In the Ootober December Forum, According to the census of 1890, the negro constituted only 12 per cent of the population of the United State and contributed 80 per cent of the criminal In Mississippi there were 1,426 colored and BIS . white prisoner oat of each, million of the reepeetlTe racee, while In Massachusetts the numbers were 6,864 colored and 2,862 whites. Buoh are the facta which, uninter preted, can be quoted In support of any damaging doctrine that might be ad vanced. Mo person of knowledge and candor will deny that the negro in the South U more readily apprehended and convicted of any chtrge than the white offender. The negro constitutes the lower stratum of society, 'where the, bulk of actionable crime Is committed the world over. Social degradation Is the great contributing factor to his high criminal record. If the lower ele ment of the white race should be segre gated and brought under the micro scope of soolaloglcal Investigation, the proscribed class would doubtless reveal like criminal weakness. The foreign element of our population shows a higher criminal average '.then the native whites, as they occupy a de cidedly lower social status. While the negro's criminal record ex oeedt that of the white, It does not ap pear that his presence la any commun ity increases Its criminal quality. In 1890 the Western division of Bute had l,S0O prisoners out of every million Inhabitants the North Atlantic IStetee 8881, and the South Atlantic States, with their heavy negro element, had only 881.7;' Mississippi had 1,177, against 8,827 for Massachusetts. If the negroes of the South were replaced by a white population there Is no statistical Indi cation that the moral character of that section would be improved by the later ehage. There it nowhere any traceable causal ConnscUoa between crime and race, the relation being between crime aad con dition. It should not ooeasloa suprlse that the free negro shows a higher erim- Icaa record than did alt tiara progeni tor. Under the aarveQlaaoe of slavery there was little opportunity to commit crime and punishment f or oBanoes wai peraoaally inflicted by the master with, out say public record. Slavery aap p rested wrong doing , but did not isv plaat the eorrecUve principle, to that when the phytloat restraint was rttaovd there wat no moral restraint to takt lti pi toe. The Increase la the criminal rate for the Ualted States from I860 to 1890 was 11.41 pet otat. The parallel growth of education and crime it a noticeable pbcaoeaeioa of .the America people at a whole, and oaaaot be justly tried to the dtoeradU of the negro alone. Bat, tayt the objector, U the North . Where legal fwioaasa are ackaowledgel to be fair, and where the negro has the faleat edaeatleaal opportoaltye thowt e criminal rata three to foar tin free at lit Igaonat aad eppressta Brother la the loath. Aid the eoaola- sloa Is hastily reached that edaoatloa autMfMaeftaarlmUal, ' . Beferriag i the above-crted ttalUtlet Mwfflswseeethat whnth negro la Mateaohaeettaieeauto be Ire timet m TOCURCrVtiEDISIMI, . n. Cm ttaf - - Kay, WM. PliatU, Kin Ike nm PW( aaattt Baaorert . . V atttat fcehr ea fialtiieea. ro will feate t atora tuttsr, ana yva ut : tw. losartaaOr. wW nerpMae - '-- not ealr.' tnataiaa tW aadrC gtrt i, i t . awtrorer, bat it Is alee a aaeat aUht l . M hakr drtertat; for reanlar taltti at. . are- otter USr prepeeeUea I om' thfc . r-entaMrae he at awnyfy Ue tendru if, twrta. 11 etepa aH trrttaUoa, shm tb . , W mm, pare eae araolesosae. fu- , . , ,. wm)r: that acMMthtaf eUlOMt t t . "J"t a rood," ut o m l pork of " j 'awulne IrpM4. tM ttf, U4lnt '.. intl','. P t la uim roe - . ... i" te te Tb JTrrWMe Ce tHtfotu aika.1 Criminal a the negro la KUaUs'.fpt, It appear at the tame Urn that the white u la atassechosetts I ; tea timet as criminal u the whit snaa In Mississippi Shall v dlaooant the superior; duo, tloa of the white man la the Bay State betMM he teenu to bo th' only on tenth aa tainly at hit lest enlightened white brother oa the banni of the Hiss lstlppl t Or shall -we ' fceter -the Mist of Iterance only when It te fonnd na der a blaek akin t Ordinarily ota would explain the Ugh erlmlnai ntet-bt the northern State on the gtoMd ro11 fatted populatioa and mora stringent entoreemant of law; but logical pro octets seen to be of no -f.Tall against sweeping assertions to the detriment of the discredited negro. ' Broke Into His House. S.LeQatnn of Cavendish, Vfc, wat robbed of hit customary health by Inva sion of Ohronlo Constipation. When Dr. Kiagt New Life PiUt broke Into hit house, hit trouble wat arrested and now he'a entirely cared. They're guar enteed to cure, 85o at 0 D Brad hain't Drugstore.. Harlowe and R. Harlowe. Octobers. ' Jat K Bell, Supt and teachert Mr and Mrs 3 B Taylor, Mitt Bessie Morton Mrs 3 0 Long and Mn Hannah Bell, af ter a pleasant attendance at the 8 8 Con ferenoe at Newport returned home last week. Br C M Mason made hit regular trip to Beaufort Monday to attend to the meeting of the board of education and to see his father who we are glad to say Is convalescing, , Miss Ada Becton who has been vialt- Ing at Newport returned Sunday even Ing. Mr Jno 8 Morton was In New Bern Monday to attend the board of educa tion. MB A J Barber wat In New Bern Mon day making purchases and other bual- i for the firm of Russell end Ber ber. Mr George Henderson, Jr., of New Bern wat dowa again Sunday, return Ing Monday after looking after his Inter sets. Mr Clyde Eby spent Sunday night at the Morton house, he came to view the mill situation after the Are and to ar range new plans. Quite a number of our people attended the elrout at New Bern on the 4th Inst. Many of them only went to attend to other butlnett and some to see the ani mals. Steamer Sarah Louise left the mill dock yesterday loaded with lumber for the Elm City Lumber Company at New Bern. Messrs Samuel Conner and William Chadwick went to Morehead to spend Sunday. Miss Edith Chadwick of Morehead City Is spending awhile with her brother, Mr WIU Chadwick. Mr Henry Elliott passed through to day to Bachelor with a pair of mules for Bev F S Becton whloh he he Just pur chased for hi farm. J as L Taylor, Supt of Oak Orov Sun day School aooompanled by Miss Imlly Whitehead patted through latt week re turning from the Sunday School Confer at Newport ' The Most Patient New Bern Citizen Must Show Annoy ance at Times. Nothlag tpoUs a good disposition. . Holhlsg taxes a man's patlenoe. like any Bohlaesa of the skin. . Itching Pllee almost drive you era- ay. AH day It makes you miserable, All abiht It keep you awake. Itch, Itch, itch, with f o relief. Jest the tunc with enema. . Can hardly keep from ecratcblog II Tea would do o bat yon know it makes It worse. Baeh mtteriet are daily dectese- People are laaialag that they eaa at Uanf)themeilt of.Doan't OtaU Plenty of proof that Doaa'i Olatsaeoi wfU cure Ptlea, Xcaema or any Itchlaeet Oftkeskla.' Beadtaa lastltioiy of a. Maw, Beta John F Hanif, proprietor of General MeiahaudlM store at 60 Middle Street, tayat ; - ,..". "I aeed! Doaa's Kidney P1U and they are all they are represented to be. -I eaa aUotaythat Doaa't Olatatent la the beet thing that I aver ated for Itching hemorrhoids, I suffered natold egoay with them, eoold aot rcet oea teomeat day or eight, aad I eoold aot And aay- thlngtt relieve the aafferin antlll use aorati Doaa's O'ttmeal aad pro ffered U at Bradhtm't Pharmacy. It lleredme ateeoe, and aotad eatlrery different from atythlog else I aver need. Ton could talk s'joat this reme dy for a taoaUi aad it woald aot be like one sppllostloa of the olataoaL ' Yos een nse my at me and I wlU be only too pleated to recommend Uilt remedy to anyone wbeneter opportunity trl." For slt by all dealer, I'lii-e 60 cent Fotter-fcHbura CO, Buffalo, NT, So'd SfiraU for the L'tlLed Btate. Rimeii.r the asme Doaa't anH m tarn YESTERDll'S MiRKEIS. : Cotton, firala, rrevUbmi aad Stocki : 'Kange la Mcea. .kecelpta aad -: The following are the market quota tion, recalvad by private wire from 3 Walter Labaree Oo.; to Surma ft Co. New Bam If, QifS: ? MS3 : Hiw Tom, Oct. Oonoa- Opto. High, ham, does Oot.,t.;'...... ft l0.0810.lf 9.88 i 0.88 ; Dec,;..,..... 10.18 102S 10.00 10,09 : Jin... ... ... 10i4 10.80 10.0S 10.08 ; Maro....h..'.. 10.83 10.88 10.18 10.18 Chloago, Oct 8. Chicago drain. Open. Close Deo Wheat . lllt 10S Dee Con .. Bli 49 Dee Oate 81 1 80 Oct Bibs 793 79S Oct Pork 1155 1155 Oct Lard 780 770 New fork, Oot. 6 Sxo6xai- Open; Close 1311 601 Amr,8ugar.:....l81 Aaur. Copper.... 604 Atchison.. 88i Southern By.... 824 Southern By pf.. V.B. Steel....... 18 U.S. Steel pf... 75i Penn.BB.. 1881 Brie... 881 LonlsvUleftNash 1274 17i 74J 182f 88) 1381 1851 128 71 34 8t Paul 107 N.T Central..... 180 N. A W. 71 Va. O Chemical. 84 TUSCARORA. Oct 6 Farmers are baring floe weather to house their crops, and while cotton la short, we have a fine com crop. Mr O K Wetherlneton and Miss Del ete Beffittet were married lut RnmUv Mr Jessie Atkins and wife of Perfec tion were the guests of Mr T A Dillon Sundty. Mr Wtllltm Mercer and ( wu ih guests of Mr J I Taylor Sunday. air Alonea Smith aad James Mercer of ner PollocksvIIle was In our midst Bun- day. Mrs S A Adam went to Klnston Tnei dsytoteeher father MrTE Outlaw, who It very tick. Mr Don Besnfeht and Mlm Eliza Wetherlnaton of Now Bern were In nar burg Sunday. Mr W A Adam went to Trenton Sat- urdey to visit hit sister, Mr David Mal lard. Quite a number of our dots went lo the olrcut on the 4th, and report a floe time. Mr Bettle Avery, of Tod Ball Sound it vititlag her father and mother of this piace. The protracted meelln It volar on this week at Quest Bemlnary church. KeviiUUarner of Newport Is conduct ing the meeting. GALILEE. Oot a. We are haTlrur fine weather now. It it too dry for potatoes bat the beet kind of weather for eottoa pickers. Borne of our farmers are am. log their eottoa to Vanoeboro to sell. Several of our people went to New Bern Tuesday. Mrs Julia Ivertnrtoa was one of the namber. She had not been to the cite la 80 yean, although haying many a cnance to oo to. Cutting hay la aow la progress. Bev O A Remolds will crunk at Gall lee Sunder avanlne. He will dadtmt our new enure tbat day. BAP HEAD, COSTS NOTHING IP IT FAILS P. a Duffy 8 Ires Guarantee Boad With Ml-o-aa, Nature's Remedy for . i Dyspepsia. Read the follow! ag plain aad posit I re guaraatee that P 8 Dotty glvet with every bea of Ml-o-aa that he aella. ... GUABARTXI - I hereby agree to refuad The moaey paid tor Ml-o-aa oa return . f the empty hot, If the perehataa taniaMthttlthae failed tjonre dyspepsia or atetaaeh troablae. Thl (uaraatee aovara two aOo boxes, ortmoatTt treatmtaL 0 (8Igad) JP 8 Daffy.' Ml 0-at hu made mora complete aid laattag aurea of dytpeptbt aad stomach troablae than any other remedy. It doea It work thoroaghly aad to ttraagh one the ttoiaack that the oaa who aet it eta eat tuyUlng ttaay time. It wUl open the door to a new and brighter oat look la life, for whea tk ttomach I ttreegthtntd, healthy good tplrltt aad cbetrralnees naturally follow. . - Ml-o-aa Is the only reatedy for dye- pepelt that Is told ea a plala aad obso lete guaraaue that U will aoet aolhlag uaiet it ear. " Begla In - asa today with the 'kaowlsdgemeat th 8 Duffy will refead the money It It falls.- V ' ' - This Is the strongest endorsement tbat he oaa give lo Ml o nt-thtt he bstUvet a It te thoroughly tail he will rnu-e the money It It dne aot euro." 'v. , . . . ' .Aftncjf . ' We kre - tgents for Koppenhflmer Clpthlng for mea, Ktery salt Tailor mails and jrtaranU1, "d W L PoiiR'ni, Lsals A Cinuntt, snd 'i'tt!i:'mn's C: bo for nicn. Blotk t'.l In. J J r t A NOBLB DEED T A Wounded Maa Appeals 4o Court for Lenlneney to Hit Atstflanfv A rare case of chtrity wst one of the features In the Superior court Wed nesday, :, It wat one Wstano "that for nlshea an example to (all met, a really practical application of the golden rule do aato.lb.em u you would hare them do to you. Theoate-Of the Btate re Cuddy Ser rice for uaault with deadly weapon wa on trial Thl wat for the affair Which occurred at the Atlantic Coast Llnedept Monday more ing In whloh MrJMJEane wat wounded ojBet vice, - While Mr Kane was on the stand as prosecuting witness, he made an appeal to the court to be lenient with the defea dent He stated himself thtt he had no 111 feeling toward Mr Service and tbat that there may have been a cause for the attack inasmuch as there had been another Cocountrt between them hi the ttate of Kentucky. He ttated to 'the court that he would be satisfied If tho defendant wat released from further punishment. Judge Council, however, fine! Service $50 and costs. O S Nealr Omaha Rhanmailam and kfdney troubles have, entirely left me. Hamster's Rocky Mountain Tea made me well and strone. 85 cents. Tea or Tab!ets. F 8 Duffy, SHORT PASSING EVENTS. Invitation cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Mary Helley of Jackson, NO, to Mr Leonidas Simpson Grant of this city. The wedding will take plaee on the 19lh of October at "WoodbarnHall," Jackson, NO, the home of the bride. The Tillage of Snow Hill had t narrow escape from e very serious fire Wednea day night The fireworks which had been left over from last Christmas In the store of J Exum & Co, exploded and set tho building on lire. Herd work on the part ot the bucket brigade ss7d the adjoining buildings from destruction The loss was slight. The Home Telephone and Telegraph Company's improvements are rapidly approaching completion and It Is expeot ed that they will be able to use the new phones next week. The new system which will be used Is the best In the world, and the mechanism at toe ex change by which the telephone Is opera ted la a magnificent piece of work. YOURS FOR A BRIGHT C0MP7 EX- ION. Htalth's Criterion Conferred by Han cocks Liquid Sulphur. Inactive glands of ihi face harboring minute dust particles, causes acne the mcst prevalent facial blemish among ladlee. An effective tonic for Ilia sklo, Han cock's Liquid Sulphur enlivens the facial glands to action and affords a bright complexion, thuaeLhinciog nat ural beauty. Being nature's greatest germlctde.Han cock's Liquid .Sulphur cures ecsema, acne, Itch, herpee, ringworm, pimples. prickly heat, diptherln, catarrh, canker and other ulcerated conditions ot the mouth, nose, throst, scalp snd eyelids. Burns and scalds have In It an effective remedy. Consult your druggist and write for booklet to Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co., Baltimore, Md. School Notice. The school Committee of No 8 town- ship will mtet at Trullt Oct 15th at 8 o'clock for the purpose of contracting teachert. All teachert of the District trt request ed to attend W A BARRINGTOS, W D WHITFORD, W H PRICE, Committee. THB SECRET OP SUCCESS. Forty million bottlee of Aegutt Flow er told la the Ualted Statee alone tine lti latrodtotlon I And the demand for it la itffl growing, bat that a fine showing ot success r . Doat it prove that August Flow hu hadaafalUag tuoeeet ia the earn ot Indigestion aad dyspepsia the two greatest enemies of health aad hspplnea f Doe It aot af ford the evldeae that August Flower la a tare ipeclflo for all atoasaea aad Intestinal disorders !-that U hat proved Itself the beet of all - liver 'regulator T August Flower baa a matchless record of over thlrty-five year la earieg the ailing mlllioas of tbaab dlttreeilagaom plaints e saoos that la becoming wider la It scop every day, at home and abroad, as the fame of Aagnat Flow er spread.. Trial bottle toot regular sit ido. rot sale try ji arufguis, , r p inuy. . . - ; . , - - ' Ico Cream : Now Every "Day, iDo Hvcred For 7; ' ; 35c." a quart r . t at yout home r Ico cream eoda, phos phates and all other cool and refreshing Crinra f.t ' i r:vo Appolntmeat of Sptakersr. The followlar ' candidate ; and other Democratt named below will speak at IM following placet oa the . date men toned. All speaker artil begin at 8 oMock pm. JWBIDDLB, Cove, Saturday Oct 8th. Vanoeboro Saturday Oct 15th PL Barnwell Saturday Oct 2tud . Jasper Saturday Oct 19th. Dover Saturday Nor Bh EM GREEN, Jasper Sa'urday Oot 8th. Ft. Btrm.aU Saturday Oct 15Ui Dover Saturday Oct S2nd. Core Saturday Oct 39th. Vanoeboro Baturdty Nov Stir J A BRYAN, Ft. Barnwell Saturday Oct 8ih. Jasper Saturday Oct 15ih. Vanoeboro Saturday Oct 22nd. 8 M BRINSON. Dover Saturday Oct 8ih. Vanceboro Saturday Oct 15ih. Jasper Saturday Oct 22nd. Ft. Barnwell Saturday Ojt !9th. O H GUION, Cove Haturday Oct 15th. Jasper Ba'Urd y Oct 22nd. Dover Saturday Oct 29ib. Vancebo Saturday Nov 5th. D L WARD, Vanceboro Saturday Oct 8ili. liavelock Saturday Oct 15 b. Cove Saturday Oct 22nd. Dover Saturday Oot 29h. Jasper Saturday Nov 5th M De W STEVENSON, Dover Saturday Oct 15th. Core Saturday Nov 5th. R A NDNN, Jasper Saturday Oct 8th. Havelock Saturday Oct 15th. Ft. Bardwell Saturday Nov 5th. W D MclVER, Cove Saturday Oct 15lh. Croatan Saturday Oot Sfnd. Vanceboro Saturday Oct 39 h. Jaspir Fata day Nov. 6th. A D WARD. Dover Saturday Oct 15th. Vanceboro Saturday Oct 25nd. Sasper Saturday Oct 89th. Ft Barnwell Saturday Nov 5tli. I J CUBE A COLD INqML 1 Y fake Laxative Bronx Quinine Tab.eU til druggists refund the msney 1 It tails to cure K. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 25c. Joint Discussion. Hon Charles R Thomas, Democratic candidate for Congress, and Hon W B O'B Robinson, Republican candidate for Congress, will have e joint discussion of the political Issues of the day at the following times and places;; Beaufort, Monday, Oot 17th. Newport, Tuesday, Oct 18th. Jacksonville, Wednesday, October 10th. Catharine Lake, Thursday, October 39th. Richland, Friday, Oct 31st. Pollocktville, Saturday, Oct 22nd. Bayboro, Monday, Oot 34th. Yandemere, Tuesoay, Oct 25ih, New Bern, Thursday, October 27th at night. Yaaceboro, Friday, Oct 38th. Trenton, Monday, Oot31st. Goldsboro, Tuesdsy, November Ut, at night. W L HILL, Chairman Domocratlo Congressional Committee, Third District. O B HILL. Chairman Republican Congressional Uommlltee, Third District. How to Core Corns md Bunions. first soik the corn or bunion In warm water to'soften I'; then pare it down as closely as possible withoel drawing blood', and apply Chamterrefn's Pain Palm twlca dally, tabbing vigorously for live minute at each application. A corn plaster should be worn a few days to protect it from the shoe. At a gen era! liniment for sr-ralns, bruises, lame ness and rheumatism, Pain Balm la on equaled. For tale by all dragi1"'- Joint Discussion I Hon Charles L Abernethy.Democratlo candidate for Presidential Elector, and Hoa Taoe B Owea, Bepabllcan candi date tor Preaideollsl Xleotor, will beve a joint dUeaasloj of the political Isiuee of the day at the followtac timet tnd placet! -Vaaoeboro, Friday, Oct 7th. Bayboro, Saturday, Oct 6th. Arapahoe, Saturds), October 8th at Bights - ALoti Letter. Woold aot Inurest yoa If you'r look tof for t (nsrtntaeil Balve tor sores, Berts or Piles Otto Dodd, of Tosder, at writs: ."1 tuffsrsd" with aa ugly tor for a year, hat a boi of, Baok lee's Artie Halve chrad ate, lie the h at Salve oa suit, 23e at O D Bradbsa's Drag Btortv'T'.: ' i 0 lillcal ; leetiat v. ' . The foOowtBi ateeUnt hate beta ap pealed by the Btau Cotasaitlea. floaa O L Ward tad W L Areaaellaadldatrt fo the Btoate will tddrett the people at these eseetiBfti '7;":.,;K,' tv . YtDceboro,8tttroty, Oel 81a, 'x', loaomnla an4 Iodifeatioi fared ' ' Lsn y (if t bad very severe attack of Indigestion. ; I ootild aot slsp at sight tnd soffared most eiersrblstlet; pates for three boors tfler, aarh BeL I was troal.lrJ Uilt way .for about three months when I end Cbanlilerlaln'e Btonn ij tnd Liver TsbVls.snJ lecetvtl lmr.irw'.'! rtsljcl" lays Joha PIloa.Tal- , -Tto, Cna''t, for t!t by Administrator's Notice Havlne anallfled aa administrator ml I B Beaton, I his is to notify all persons awing claims against thaeetate of the aald deaed to exhibit them to the undersigned, on Or before the SOih day nf September, 1905, rr a notice will be pleaded In bir of their ftCovtrv. All Piefn indebted lo aa d eaUt will ple ira e Immediate y .yment. i lis hu b day eept 1V04. T V KnOAKTHY, Administrator NOTICE OF SALE. Pursuant to the certain judgment renKr d at tbe May Term 1904 of Cra veo b'.p r.or Court in that certain act ioii li roln pending, entitled the Hecht a ' a li t-r Company vs J E Mlllrr, I will oU-- for fait, and sell to the highest bid ner for cssh at pabllo auction at the Hi' House itnor nf Craven Cou ity, on Mondy November 7lh 1904 at the hour of o'clock M , alt i he lolloping described realestate to w k Lyine and being ia Cravtn Onunty, North Carolina, 4n Mo. 1 Township, and adjoinlog the lands of G. Whltford and others, and more ful'y described s fol lows, beginning at lbs bead ot U. Whit ford's canal and most north western cor ner of said G. Wfaltford's land, running Nortbwaidly to the Uounty line, thence mnnlnir with said County line Una liuu dred and Twenty Seven Poles, ibtnoe runnlnir rJontberly to U. Whltford's third corner, thence with said G. Whli ford's line to the beginning, containing Three Hundred Acres n.ore or less. Sept 25th 1904. E M GREEN, Commls'or,er. CAROLINA DISPATCH l-lB AND Old Domioion Steamship Co Commencing Ftiday f-'ept 30th the steamer Neuse will resume her schedule between Newbern and Elisabeth city, leaving New bcrn at 6 p m on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. She will make a landing at Oriental but will not Btop at Roanoke Island in either direction. GEO, HENDERSON, Agv New Election Precinct By order of the County Board of Elections at a meeting held at Court House on 8ept 17, 1004 the following division was made of Tlsdale's Preclnot for which Twenty days notice Is hereby given In accordance with the law gov erning elections assed at sea, Ion of General Assembly 1(01. 'The precinct now known a Ti, dale's precinct Is hereby divided aa follows, to wit; Beginning at the mcuth of (loety Run running thence In a straight line to Thomas Eubank's place near darks, thence In a straight line to Bachelor Greek, thence in a straight line to Deep Golly, tin nee with Deep Oully to Trent River, thence with Trent Klver to the beginning at R cky Run. The fori g dog b undarles to embrace an election precinct lo be known aa Gum Itow Precinct. The bound arlra of whit la known at TbJale'a Precinct will lenialo as Tlsdale's Praclnci, except Ing the foregoing boundaries which Is taken then from to male an election precinct to be known as Gum Row pre cinct as aforesaid. L G. DANIELS, Chm Co Bd of KKctlona W- B. FLANNJCR, Secretary. aaythmt Ten Invent or tin pro f also ret CVETJinnf-NRK. COnilieMTor DCtIM PROTECTION. Brad modal, sketch, or photo, for free examination and adrioa. BOOK ON PATENTS Ub!!0pt writer a psiniv rri to n. WAtJHINOTON.D.C. liFifltt New Bern Militaty Academy. NlBW BEItX, N. C. The Largeat and Best Equipped Boarding School in Eastern Caro lina. Specialists at the head o'. every Department, Faculty of 19 mem bers (including lectnre faculty, repieJentlngUniyer ity of North Caio lint, University of Virginia, A A M of, Mlaei.eippi, Texas Normal Col lege; Bel haven Hospital, Medical Oollfge, New York; College Phyaioiani and 8ur(etns, New York; Peabody Normal College, New Ycrk Conser vatoty of Music, American Institute of Normal Method, Boston; Con seivatory f Mualc of Pa;ia, Kranoe; Leisig Crnservatory of Mntic Gtrmany; Earvard Univcreit', Trinity Colltg and o her promineit it etitutins. SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS being expeodtd for new bnildlngs, banaoit a d dormitories Lighted tl rju.hont by. electricity and toppllnd with city water, at pu e as the S ate affords. Bath rooms. Large and loysl student body last session. Apply at once for beautifully illustrated Catalogue. Carolina Business College A Sfp rata and Distinct Ins station with a Bt.ong faott'ty of Spe olalisU ;. :0 i . ' '.r Th ? best in 1 moat easily mastered mtthodi tf Bookketping and 8tteme of Bhorlhtnd tnr ateloped uw used la this Co lege. De acat,d tot Bookkeepers and BtenctTtpbers greater than ve oaa npply roeit ons susranteed to lhoae taking oombroed 'canie, Railroad tare paid for those takicg fall Shorthand and Bookkreptng loholarahlp. - Take one of these cosrstiend let i help you to fod payitg posiuon. r :;- --j-y a - . A iatr . a ' a "' . r. tppiy at ones tr uinnraua . Address," ,., wlivY S. J; HOLLADAY.gA. B, LL B, , The Man Who Knows how is the man who can do it well. We have the facilities and stock-, with 17 Years exnerience nnt.Mnir should hinder us from doing it gooa. iLvery bolt, spoke or what ever we use in repairing is careful ly examined and mus stand tin test; we enjoy a reputation for skill and reliability and endeavor to sustain it; carriage and wagon paiatiDg aone jo a most inorough manner at lowest prices. No one undersells ns on vehicli s; we are headquarters. Gt S. Water A Mon, Bucoessors to ti. U. Waters & Bon, Phone 185, 78 Broad Bt' Nuw Ban's. N " ICE H DISCOUNT. Books Containing coupors for 800 lbs. of Ice In 10 Jb. coupons, value $4.00 will be sold to customers at a discount of 10 per cent.' $3 60 will buy 4 00 worth of ICE If book is procured, either from the driver of wagon or from the office 19 Griffith street. New Bern Ice Company. Executrix Notice. The undersigned having qualified as the Executrix of William Caivlu Griffin deceased, hereby notifies all persons bold lng claims against the estate of aald de ceased to present them duly authentica. ted, within one year from this date or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH perer ns indebted to the estate of ld deceased will please make Immediate payment. FANNIE A. GRIFFIN, Eiecutrli. Sept. 17th, 1904. Magistrates and Road Supervisors. Are reminded that the next term of she Superior Court for Craven County will commence Oct. 3rd, 1904. File yonr report in due time. W M W4TBON, C. 8. C. HOLLI9TER S iocky Mountain Tea Nuggets k Bmy Hedioiii for Buy Fwplt. Brlngi (kld.n Health ud Bnered Vigor. A Kpeciflo for Oonstipntion, Indigestion, LIt i.l Kidney Troubles, nmplea, fcunua. Impure I'hmI. Bad Broath, 81ucfiih BoweU, Ueftdav?h (id Utvckache. It's Rocky Mountmin Tea In ub- form, 8K cents a box. Genuine made by tloLLiarEB Drug Cohpant, Madison, Wla. 10LDEN NUG8ET8 FOR SALLOW PEOPLE AGENTS I fiSfflai t AGENTS TDK OREATK0T BOOK OF TUB BAY CHRIST IN THE CAMP" Rt Dk. I WnxiAtf Jones (tliUNTw URlORTSi W- rlmd on- rtaiy, rrv ivi 10 irdrn. v-i t ,.. i,K l ,-ytH 7 bv nlp-ht.' P .S8'.flTai. . 1211101.1." ' Z: : :,f.i"h. a 1 V - a. " K' 1 oawcgve, . . ' ; ' 0. D. tr.ACSXH, Ppaolal Agt take bo c '

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