v THE JOURNAL, 6snseW3BsnWsnssaWlBnBissssnisssw Haw Ban. H. Ch' OctokerT, ; ' '; MD6B MMCHOT. V U CRAVE UODGB HO. 1 KHIQHT8 Or HABXOKT. KMti lad aaa tk o'clock. BsiisaJILBs Presides H. Bsnrti. Bee-fl B.B. Eia, Financial Intez to Hew f tTcrtlseaati. Lost. Broad Street Fruit Oo Peers. J It Mitchell ft Oo Notions etc Simmons ft Hollowell Co HUHnery. Bulaeu Ucala. LOST A. small slsed gold bud ring with lane ametliTit setting. Keturn to Journal offlM and teoelv reward. BIOKLS Peart, Malaga Grapet.Oranget Annini and Bananas. Broad Bl Fruit ri Co. MBS J W WOOD, Beveml yeere exper Unce In dressmaking. Bklrta a specialty corner Broad and Middle Sts. FOR HALS House and Lot N6 18 nh&nira St home new. Apply to L H Cannon, 84 Middle St. LOST A Small Wine Colored Puree, containing two trunk keys on Middle, New or Banooek atreeta. Fleaee return to the Journal offloe and iecele re ward. FOB TENDER Steaks and Fine Roeets from Stall-fed beef, and Prime Pork Chona. trv the Railroad Heat Mar - - ket. FURNISHED room and shop room for rent. Enquire at 50 Broad St. FINE ket. Saussges at Coait Line Mar- WANTED Lady or gentleman of fair education to travel for firm of $360,000 capital. Salary $1,072 per year and ex peniei; paid weekly. Address M Percl val,New Bern, NO. BOB BALE At great reduction Grand Piano, Concert, Square, 18 double seated school desks, and 6 black boards. Apply to Miss -Bmallwood 116 Craven St. BCHOOL BOYB Pressing club will press suits and dresses neatly and sty llthly. Work left at Callaway's barber shop will be promptly and satisfactorily done. Give them a trial. A FINE lot of North Carolina country hams and shoulders at the Oaks Meat Market SHORT PASSING EVENTS. For additional local news see second page. In the aooount of the joint debate at the Oonrt House Wednesday night the Journal of yestei day said that Mr EM Green introduced Mr Owens, the Repub lican speaker. That was inoorrect Mr C B BUI, Chairman of the Executive Committee for the Third Congressional District introduced the speaker to the aadlenoo. There were sales la the local cotton market yesterday at 9.00 to 8 .62. Out of respect to the memory of the late Postmaster General Payne the flag on the Federal building was placed at half mast yesterday. President Boose- Telt Issued a special order as It to viola tion of the law to put a sign of mourn ing on any government building unless specially ordered by the president The Women's Foreign Missionary Bo- cletyof Centenary MX Church will hold Its regular meeting this afternoon at 8:80 In the church parlors. Rev D B Clayton, who for the pastSS years has been pastor of the UnlreraaUil church at Woodlngton, wfir preach bis farewell eeratoa to the church at that place the third Sunday la this month Klnstoa Free Preee, Oct 6th. The following clipping frose the Kins ton Free Prees telling of the Improve- naent of Kit Dawson's health wUl be read with pleasure by her many friends la this city. "Mm Jasaee B Dawson.whe , has been ander Dr Baker's treatment, at the Plttmaa hoe pi tat, Tarboro, X O, for aeveral months returned hosne yesterday moon Improved. The steamer Heaee to undergoing re pairs on eoeae broken mac hi aery at Elisabeth Oily and will not be here un til Bonday. The boat left New Ben Wednesday with the machinery broken and a naaor wae started that ahe Lad . blown tp but It was not a dangerous af- - A dry spell of two weeks 4 s ration was trots last alght by a wstoosM rain. Cooler teenperalars Is prevailing If ooaeequeaM of ttU, The Ira atom lystesn got oo e'rassrr agekat alght, Mlt tunafly does on talay, atomy algkt. The oeaae is said . U "haUtog ap of the wlrer" waatsrer . that aty bo, 1 he syetesa will neter be reliable ualQ the wires are pet Baser the grots d, )set where they ahoald have heea oat at tret The ally stakes afreet mistake la tettlag the etreeu be strong fell of Wires. Thalia eae reeeoa the at 1 1 en .gwssw8"ww!a I Ws trees are aJJ dying out. . The shower of rain ket night, al though the wind blew very strong, did a great deal of good. The air was cleared up and made a good deal cooler, the dust was laid on the streets, and late vegeta bles wUl he helped soma by ft,-.. .. Bhepards Moving Pictures win exhibit at Haw Masonic Theatre beginning with matinee Monday afternoon at 8 o'clock at popular prices. An enormous flock of sea birds passed over New Barn last night going south wardly:' There must have been minions of them from the noise they made. The migration of birds and fowls from north era latitudes to the Booth is a good Indi cation that cool weather Is close on hand. The John Robinson circus did not ap pear to have as good fortune in the mat ter of attendance at Wilmington thai it did here. There was no parade on ac count of a disagreement between the cir cus management and the loeal authori ties. The patronage was lighter than at New Bern. There is a better opening for a good sys tematlohaok service in New Bern, per haps than any other town in the State. As the transfers are run now they are of but little service to the public and of hardly any profit to the drivers. Start out to employ a hack, and if the driver finds out that you want to go mere than two or three blocks, he will say that he la already engaged to get rid of you. In the meantime he will hang up at some looting place long enough to make the trip and return. They Lave not the least enterprise, and would, most of them, rather ride around town and do nothing than to haul a quiet single pas senger, but will gladly take on four or five drunken noisy persons and drive them all over town for about five cents each. Of course this does not appiy to every transfer drlver.but it applies to far too many of them. , A Very Strong Drama. 'For Her Children's Sake" from the pen of Theodore Kremer, la the at'rac tlon at the New Masonic Theatre Batur day night, Oct 8, It is laid to be decidedly above the average melodrama, and the author re veals an ability to portray the mystery and magnitude of human love and pas sion that is startling. Sullivan, Harris & Woods are direct ing its fortunes, and announce it broad cast as the successor and companion play to their success, "The Fatal Wedding". It will be produced here with exactly the same cast and propuctton that created a resounding sensation at the Qrand Opeia House In New York City. Beats on sale at Wate-'s Friday morn ing. SOcts 75o and $1.00. Baloony 60c and 76c. FALL KaiKERT OPENING' Simmons and Hollowell Commence the Teaterday marked a gala-day at Sim mons and HollowelTs. The fait aallH nery was fully np to the high standard which has oreviously been maintain- ; The show room was tastefully decora ted with southern smllax, ferns and cat flowers. Amwlna's lulls Band 'of Washing ton was engaged for the day, end many were loth to . leave the delightful strain. ' S The souvenir habit has become a fix ture with this Arm oa these stm'-annual occasions, and each visitor was present ed with a beautiful, non-breakable hat pin, which was much. appreciated by the ladies. On account of the Illness of Nin Faulkner, Miss Bnelllng assumed charge assisted by Misses Neal end Hancock. Additional help from New York Is ex pected In a few days. The hats show many exclusive styles. Elaborateness for the dress, bat.severlty end trlmness for '.he tailor made suit. The ready-to-wear hats are marvels of beauty and utility and the name "Phlpps and Atchison," is a guarantee for the correct thing in hcaawear. The dry goods department is fully equipped to gratify our every want, and will be in shape in a few da) a. Hon. R. B. Glenn ' The next Governor of North Carolina win speak la New Ben on the night of WnuredajvOctSOtaW & , ' Let every cltlaen hear this brilliant orator and champion Of Democracy. 'i Ladies cordially Invited. ;" --- KM GREEN, ". - , , -: Chm'n Ex Com. 1 CT WATSON,. President Parker and Glenn Club. Mr J W Slnspklrb of New ' Bern and Miss Jennie CuthreU were happily uni ted la marriage Wedneeday tbo 6th day of October at the home ofG A 0as-klne. Blek headache to caused by a disor. dered condition of the stomach and Is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Bttrm- ach and Liver Tablets. For la'e by all druggists. ueen Quality and Reeds- Shoes We have just received our fall line of Queen Quality and EP Reods shoes for ladles. All la the kte ttyles sod grades. i i BAXTER. THEY COMB AND GO.. Mrs H H Pezues of Norfolk Is la the (city the guest of Mrs H B Duffy. Mrs J H Bell and Miss lmeda White of Pollocksvllle, returned home yester day, after spending a few days with friends In the city. Miss Jennie Whloole. of Newport, R 1, ls.the guest of Mrs W P Burrua. Mr Lionel Giles, editor of the Mes senier, of Jacksonville was In ths city yesterday. Maud Last night Jack told me that. he wouldn't marry the best girl living, unless what unless she took Ho lis ter's Rocky Mounlain Tea. Bright fol low. 85 cents. Tea or Tablets. F 8 Duf fy- DIED In this elty Wednesday Oct, 4th, 1004, Mrs J N Charlton.wlfe of Mr J N Charl ton, aged 87 years. The remains were taken to Cove for Interment, on A & N C train yesterday morning. The services were beld yes terday afternoon at the family burial plot, near Oove. Reception at Church Parlors The Home Mission Society of Cente nary church beld its annual reception at the church parlors Wednesday Oot 6th. The committee on decorations hsd beautified the room s with palms, ferns, and cut flowers, the prevailing colors being white and green. The soft delicate lights blended har moniously with the Interior surroundings. The gueets were received by the of ficers oi the Society, and delightfully entertained with music, both vocal snd Instrumental excellently rendered by Misses Dewey and Sadler. The round table constituted an Inter- estlnc feature of the occasion. Sevei si engaged in the contest, the prise con sisting of a copy of "The Life of Lucin da B Helm," being won by Mrs Virginia Harrison. Xlecant refreshments were serv ed. Post Office Closed Today Oa aooount of the funeral of the late Postmaster General Payne, the post of floe will be closed from 10 a m to p m. BBYMOUR W HANCOCK, Postmaster. Some Seasonable Advice. It may be a piece of superflous advice to urge people at tins seseon of the year to lav In a supply of Chamberlain's Coord Remedy. It is almost sure to te needed before winter Is over, and much more prompt and satisfactory results are obtained when taken as soon as a cold is contracted and before it has be nnma aattlad In the SVStem. which can only be done by keeping the remedy at hind. This remedy is so wiaeiy kduwu and so altogether cood that none should hesitate about buying It in preference to any other. It is for sale by all drog gists. Prompt treatment of a alight attack of Diarrhoea wiu often prevent a serious inknau. The beat known ltemedv is Dr. Sith Abmols's Balsam. Your itothacarlee. Messrs F B DnSv snd 1 & enrr. New Bern, N 0, warrant It to give satisfaction. Leading Filipinos at a banquet In Ma nila expressed a desire for national Inde pendence. Confessions of a priest. Rev. John 8. Cox, of Wake, Ark., writes, "For 18 years I aufft re 1 f r .m Yellow Jaundice. I consulted a number of physicians and tried all sorts o( medi cines, but got no rslief. Then I txgan the use of Electric Bitters and feel that I am now cuied of a d s ase that had me In Its giasp for twelve years " If jc want a reliable medicine for Llrtr nj Kidney troable, stoma; h disorder or general debility, get Electric Bitters. Its guaranteed by C D Bradham. Only 50 cents. H O W About is Cotton underwear in several weights in mens, wotnzns and chitdrens sizes, just the thing for this weather. Cotton and ttoool mixed underwear for ladies at 50c, 75c and $1.00. Mens sizes at $1.00. All wool underwear for children at 50c to 75c. La dies sizes 75c to $150. Mens sizes $I00 to $2.00. Our underwear stock is complete and me can fit aU sizes from the 1ery small est to the very largest in all the popular fab rics ' a tonic just now to relieve that lired feeling and proba bly keep off a spell of sickness f If you don't feel exactly well see y iur doctor and let him prescribe for jou and then bring the presrsription to us to fill. "We will fill it exactly as he directs and use only the "best drugs. We want yonr pre scription" trade at all timo. We give epecia. at tention to that part of our business. Phone 56 Davis' Pharmacy J. Q. Dunn & Co Phone 212 55-57 Pollock St MILLINERY A Congress of DISPLAY Swell Styles. There'll be a full display of fine Pat- tern Hats all this week. Hats for ev- ery possible occasion. Faithful copies of the richest and most artistic crea- tions ot the most capable designers v will be on exhibition. READY TRIMMED HATS The most recent conceits will be seen here in the aggregation of the ready to wear hats, the latest and most accep 4 table styles. We are also showing for the first time in this city Burgessers 5th Ave. styles in ready to wear hats. The display taken altogether is much larger and more varied than ev- 4 er .before. BARFOOT BROS. o) 0) fto en CAROLINA BRICK CO., THE BEST BUILDING BRICE offered on this market. For prices see M- M Marks, F. R.'Iiyman, O. A. Nicoll. T. G. Hyman, the New Bern stockholders. Plants at Olarks, Bjmau's Siding, Kinston and Robersonville. Annual Capacity 15,000,000. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTJ e Riverside Store. RESTAURANT. Fresh Ovsterti snd Barbecue ev ery day at Nixon's old stand, No. I'M Middle street, uiner meats on abort notice. I am making some improvements and will endeavor to please yon. Fine Vegetable .Soup Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's 10c qt Yonr orders filled promptly. Yours for bnsinee J. L. HORNE Ten Thousand Churches Painted With L it M. There Is not ssach money lost In but- tog one pint of reedy mixed paint, but wben a quantity is needed, tben its big loss to buy say toady nixed paint. The Longman A Martlnes L M Paint la sesni -mixed, sad quickly ssade reedy for ass as follows: to (out galloaa of the L, U at 148 pet gallon, add I gallons of UneeedOn ettOeUptr gallon, thus seeking 7 gallons of pains for $8 10 or Lit per galloa. Wears and sow like gold. .. .- .'- - 8614 by Hymen supply Co. ,li Bailee ass Just veturned, frost ffew York wbere ho Burebeeed an to daks stock of dreee goods, Ladles Cloaks Bilks,' Ribbons, laoee, eaebrolderVs, a beautiful Has of Ladles Collate,' new stvles.ete. Aa earlr Inspection In vited.' -'J - Going lor ChajiiiexUln'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea .. ' - . lemedr. ' Dont pat yourself la this man's ptaoe, but keep aJottle of thU remedy In rout homo. Tnero le nothing so good for Colin. Cholera Iforbus. DveentsiT and Diarrhoea. - It la equally valuable (or gmnmer Oomnlaint and Cholera Infan tum and baa saved the lives of more children tbaa any other mediolne In as When reduced with water and sweet seed It U Pleasant to take. sure to need this remedy sooner or later and when that time comes yon will ned ft badly yoQ will naed it quickly w n ant Imv it now and be orepared for end aaomergeocyr rrloe,ioo; large sl4,60o. tit v. ' .' -, . O.Watyt what t powerfal weapos I thoaait The bravset aaea fall at Uy feet He wonder women take notlliter's I Borky MoesUla Teats prolong thai loToss tvtU. 13 eeota. Tea or Tablets. 1 Do iY"ou iTeed ; . ;.: V"' ' ' 1 - . ' a Clook, Tatch, fongjJVatch Chain; 8et8ilver Kaives, Forks or Bpoo'ns; or ao Alarm Clock of anything tn the Jswelry line. Wben quality Is considi rod Our prion on these goods are io variably tli lowest. ' . . ' - EATON, the Lczdir.j Jeiv:!cr. When jou hava a Hat with this came in it you may be sure of having the correct thing. dill) ii FOR CASH Saturday Fox River But .er onlv 30c lb Macaion; 10c and 15o pk Full Cream C'hfuU' 15c ib. Boneless Ham Holl 15c lb. Corn 10c can, 3 for 25c Corn 15c (Jan, 2 for 26c Pouches 20c cun 3 for 55c. Peaches I V can, 8 for 40c. Oyster crackerc and cracker meal; Unoeda biscuit an I oysterettes; cabbage, oranges, lemons, applep, and bananas FLOUR 1 car load jimt re ceived. J. O. LAND MANAGER. Reliable Tailoring. EaAAAiiAeUiAiaiAaAAAAAAi.. Ci'Siracter and style to ev ery gjrment at popular prices I.adit4 have y ur coat, au t and ukirts cleaned and pressed before the cold weath er comes on. A. BLOCK, Merchant Tailor, 90 Middle 8t v '- in r Griffith Street Meat Market. We have opcDed a nie maiket at the corner of Grif fith and Attmore Sta, in con nection with our grocery and are prepared io 1 uruiah our enstomers with as fine meats and sausage as can be found in The Oity ! HARRIS & HOLTON, Proprietors ! Notice Sale of Land. Pursuant to lie oidtr of the Superior ('our I in tbo couuiy of Craven, made la the proceeding milled C J McCarthy Admr, of Kclllh Bryan, deceased, against Peggie Dlllahunt andoth irs. The nn d(T.lin.d, admlnlit amr and commla--lonrr III offtr f"r islfl al public aoo Uin t lie hi'l,c-l tilrtrer, t the court t- d r ht ('w Bern on Monday v. v 7t i -t 12 n'ci ck, M, the fnllowlng ti ibiil lo in Dully Town, No 21, on i i ' 'he Up irh of Ne Bern call oil IT. Pmnir Ve chnlcllle.fully . 1 1 c i i i i the df d from II B Duffy, r ! in ti..o mil pire IU3 In the of Hi-. i in- H. tnnr f D.K-dn of Craven c.u t b'iii of -nin ci ah upon con- -iu it ni ' o h y the colli t. Tn e.-l HOih, 1104. C. J. McCA ltrilY, Admr of Kdith llrjan, Iteceascd Com mls Inner. ONCE A YEAR Christmas, birthdays and the circus come but once a year. . unce a year is atao, si . e- r seldom enough to have' NOtlCe I BX lciy- your Brick Brick Enterprise Brick & Tile 51'f 'g Co. We ncer claim to haTe better goods than another; we leare that to the buyer. Orders left at my ofHoe in the Fanners aod MerohanU bank build inp will receive prompt at tention. J. AV. 4i4?wrt Sii-rt-Ury Hnd Treasurer Piano Tuned and put In order for the season's use. Are you waiting for a bet ter opportunity P Oth ers are improving the present one, . why not you P Only a few more days in this week. On ly a short time in which to avail yours elf of the services oi a tun er oi 20 years experi ence. V ; " " . -. lohn G. Rusccll rATTHTlF'ON' r.ovzz.. ers ! Tb T.I Lltl (or 1004, Is now la say ktedt. All persoae who are liable lor Usee la Greece oroaty are rtijoeeted to Bk ee eerly eetlemeatla eoosi'at possL kie. ' J W.BIDDLl. WOTICB. ' Hottee Is ken by glrea tkat oettifleala Ro,IM7,lot oasskareof stook of ike A AH JfUl)ron40as,etaadlsg ta say atsae ksvlag ate lost, . appl loot leas for tks taboos ef tk imsss jIU k saada, Sept IStk 1804. V. . . . JAM 1 0 A. BttTAJC . - ' fot K L CARKAWAY. 7 , Wt4 at Once. , : Tire iueabet grsden sad I Heea labor era to wotk In pleals esntlt, C0LD3B0RO LCMBtB CO., , t Dover, HO

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