it-. ;;65T .: w .... . : ' -ir m IXiK-NO. 164, 8IW BISH, 1. 6n SOIDAT MORIIHfl, OCTOBIR 9. 1904, TWINTYTHBD TEAR i ft ore You Are 7fo' housecleanmg ybt may nee soiit? of the following: Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Sheets, Pillow Casts, Bed Spreads, Comforts, Couch Covers, Dawn Pillows, Drape r ies of all kind, Rugs, Mattings, Oil Cloth, and Cusptdore?, Mats. All these are special for a few days. Ladies Wraps Just Received. I.U.l.lII'CSELL&CO PHONE 288. 43 PoUock St, Opposite Post-office. BaUBsssseasc NEW ERA PAINT looks good spreads better wears best Covering Capacity Unexcelled, Quality Undisputed taical in Fuel Spleil in Dperatioj Lire tm in malty BUCK'S STOVES SASH DOORS BLINDS Phone 9o 68 niddJe St HEATERS AND COOK STOVES Complete line just received ! Stoves put up and pol ished on short nctice ? General Hardware, full lint'! Sash, Doors and Blinds ! Hetth & Milligan Taint! None better ! New car load Ell wood Wire Fence just received I Machinery and Mill Supplies 1 Gaskill Hdw. & Mill Supply Co., HARDWARE 78 MiddlelSt, Phone 147. MUX SUPPLIES 44 Cra-en 81 I'bone 818. SPECIAL to the PUBLIC mm mm i AT THE AMERICAN STOCK COMPANY 60-61 MIDDLE STREET Dave jutt lgun. W bate jnst arrived from the with a complete line of northern market Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hat, Ladies and Gents Furnishings which will be sold at rock bottom prices. ifeSlfflffi School ; i m . m a m eva en kv m - . Pull lino of Drugs,Med .& ; icines, ' Toilet Af ;V : : . tides and Soap. . v Fresh Supply of ' ZFlowcf Seeds, 'J Vhjcaun Prescrip tion A Hpctlalfy. t or f !'i!ng r l i !' 1 ( ' I IV '1 (iron ISiipplies V1 ! OF ALL KINDS, : ram's COK STCBE Miss Fannie Heck ElectedPresident Of Woman's Clnb Schools Closed oa Aeeonat of Diph tkcrla. Commissioner Patter sob Unable te Take Any Part In -The Campaign. Parties Will Iaresti rate Their Title to A Illg Property In New York. Raleigh, Oot 8. Mfea Fannie Heck U elected president, Mrs 0 U Buttle, vice president and Mrs J YJoyner, secretary of tbe Woman's Club organized here last afternoon with oysr two hundred members. Departments of literature, music, ait, domestio science. Tillage Im provement and charities ate established with a chsiraan for each. It was point ed oat durlug the meeting that In Rich mond the art department secures a fine exhibit each year end insures the pic tures for $80,000 and an effort is to be made to have such an exhibit in Raleigh next year. It is announced that the Centenlal Graded School will reopen today after having beeniipeed yesterday until fur- thtr notice on account of diphtheria on the pi em 1368. The janitoi's wife fell 1)1 of tbe dreaded milady yesterday. Only two casos of diphtheria are now In Ralelgb, but theie has-been for some weeks a regular epidemic of it la Qolds boro and near by towns so that there Is considerable uneasiness felt here as to the situation. A charter Is issued today for the Wash Ington Gin Co , of Washington, Besa- foit county, the civilisl being $' 00,000 authorized n1 $8,000 subscribed b? William Bragaw, H B Kaho and otherj. Acdrew II Green and L M Green of this city have employed attorneys to In vestlgate a claim that tbetr great grand father, Andrew Hartsfleld In 1705 leased property on Manhattan Island to Jtbe city of Mew York for 100 years and that tbe heirs are now entitled to reposes- slon of the property which H now valued at over a million dollars. A H Green Is chairman of the Wake county commissioners. Commissioner Patterson Is not able by reason of 111 health to take any part In the campaign, his physicians Insist log that he must not do so. However he expects to join Governor Aycock at Winston Salem tomorrow and spend a week with him in the western part of tbe BUte, although he will not bs able to make any speeches. VOICfi OF THE PEOPLE. Intended for Ornamental Ordinance. HtBdltor. Will yon allow me the space lit your valuable paper to express the sentiments of tome ef our citizens In regard to the dog ordinance which was passed by the board of Aldermen at their meeting, but whloh hat been held from publication, because some of tbe sldermen claim that It was Irregularly pasaed. 1, as an interested party, have en quired as to the regularity of tie pas sage of the ordinance and And .that the passage was perfectly regular, A num ber of our citizens think that tne ordi nance as framed, is unconstitutional, but It Is not, iFromthe standpoint or Its constitutionality, the ordinance is pe-fectly valid. It has long been the comment of not only the citizens of our town, about the doga of the city being avowed to run at large, but also of the traveling public. It is true that It looks hard for the owner of a Pug or other dog of that size to keep them muzzled or at home, but It is no more than fair that they should be made to keep them home, if the owner of a bull or New foundland should have to keep his dog muszltd or in confinement. Some peo ple claim that there is no danger in a small dog, but for an example, I wish to call the attention of the public to the time when MrWPM Bryan's little boy was bitten by a small dog on East Front street. This dog was, as I have larger than a Pug. You can go to other Hies, and you will not see dogs running at large, It Is a nuisance' and one which has existed in this city a number of years, and a stop should be put to it. I think that I can truly say that the mejority of the citizens will agree with me, in asking tost the Board consider tbe dan ger of dogs running at large, and In ask ing them to pass an ordinance to pro hibit all dogs from running at large. 1 am informed that the city of Wllmlng ton has very strict and just laws about dogs and why can't our board adopt ome.'lf not all of their ordinances f Yours truly, A CITIZEN. Nothing Serious. Einston Free Press 8th. The report that diphtheria is preva lent in the city Is ' extggerated and a good many are needlessly alarmed While the situation is one to call for care and precaution It is certainly not alarming. The death of two ohlldren, Mr Ed Toil's and Mrs Laura Brewer's lut evening, are the cause of the alarm, but It is stated emphatically by tbe physi ans attending Mrs Brewer's child that tbe cause of death was not diphtheria. bat a mallcnant form of mtmbranoos croup Klruton Free Press Items Mr R P Foster, general manager of the A. fe N O Railroad, was a passenger on the wf st bound train this morning oa his way to Goldsboro. Bis chief oast nest there today, It is stated, is to ar range for a place to store coal for lbs engines on the road, which are being converted from wood burners Into ' coal burners. A coal chute will be establish ed at New Bern. ' The smellpos situation la Greenville bss reached quite a serious, stag sand the board ot. aldermen of that place hat pasted a compulsory vaccination ordla aooe, ooeopelllog every person In the elty who has not btea vaoolesUJ la the psst four years to be vaoclaated wltbia tbe next tea days. ; Ter are several cases la lb Iowa of Greenville aad oslis k Bsmbef of eases In Pitt county, bat the prompt sad proper steps or. tte health board aad officiate will go a great war tswarda stamping oat the ' die- Try S bottle of CatbonsWd CesOU It f'Hnv.fS wnndTfnl tnn'r rrnpir" a i. ' t'"m t'l f.i."in a jt- - i i ' Oolnf lor ChsmberlatnU Colic, V . Cholera ani ElarrliOM Kemedr. . Don't put yonmlf la this man's place, but keep a touie or mis remeay in run bome. There U nothing so srood fo Collo. Cholera Morhtia, VjtmXmrt an Marrhooa. It is eqnally valnable for Hnmmer Complaint and C1i"lra Infan te m and hue aavixt the 1 of mora Chll'!rn thn anynthar m-iii;lr In two. Yibtn f'tinvwl with '.t and swi t erf't It In i'tit to ,. 1 . -i. ii f - i ( f t -r f : "r, a" r-il.t r ' r r Cost otWar to Japan. Tokfo. Oot 8 la addressing the mem bers of the United Clearing House of Toklo today, Count Okuma, the leader of the progressive psrly, warned tbe people to prepare for a long war, the date of the termination of which it was now impose i'ole to foretell. He predict ed that the cost to Japan for a two years war. Including the loans which bad been already placed and the expenses conse quent upon the war at Its termination, would total one billion dollars, which would make the per capita share amount to twenty dollars. Despite her weaknesses, Couot Oku- a said Russia possessed lmmtnse re- rsources and had tremendous advtatsges in the size of her population and the greatness of her wealth and it would be necessary for the Japanese to make many sacrifices In order to attii i sue ceia. He predicted that the war would cost Russia from one and a half to two billion dollars and said that It woo Id be impossible to raise loans or to Increase taxes In Russia because the limit had been reached. 1 he count predloted that it would be necessary for the Japanese government to borrow $230,000,000 next year and added tha If $75,000,000 ware secured abroad, the country must face a depre elation In the value of its securities, Count Okuma urged the nation to carefully husband its strength and re sources and expressed the fullest confi deuce In the ultimate victory of Japan ese arms. J 0 C Club Entertained. Miss Myrtle Dlsosway was the charm ing hostess at a "Book Party" given at her home last Friday evening, tbe occa sion being the entertainment of ti.e J O Club. Ml a Fannlj Green won the prize, which was a paarl ttlck pin, for guess ing the greate-'t number of the titles of books represe' ted. Refreshments were torveil at the close of the evening. "For Her Children's Sake." Theo Kremer's play, "For Her Chll dren'a Sake" was presented at the new opera house here last night. The plot of the play was a good one, and al though the house was a frosted one the antlna- was well done throughout and the audience was well pleased. As Edna, Parson Klngley's daughter, Miss Helena Collier took the Reading nart and her acting was Just as natural life Itself. Nina, the rector's housekeeper, was all rhrht. but not unite German enough for the character she took. Bobby and Rosy, the children, were the great features of the play, and when Bobby shot his tyrant stepfather, defend lnr hla mother from the ruffian's vio lence, the scene was very Impressive. Both ohlldren did their parts well, aad altogether the play was a pretty good oae. Tbe cause of tbe slim house Is attrlbu ted to the failure of Happy Hooligan to come up to expectations, bat the most probable cause Is the high price of tbe seats. Tbe first two nights the new opera house as a novelty attracted a crowa. Since then the house has been growing smaller. Popular prices would draw a larger crowd and tbe management will bo doubt reduce tnem in the fntite. The Sunday Morning Train The Sunday morning train to More- head has not ben discontinued and will run this morning as usual. Due notice will be given when the service will be stopped. C 8 Nealy Omaha Rheumatism and kidney troubles have entirely left me. Holllater's Rooky Mountain Tea made me well and strong. 88 cents, Tea or Tablets. F 8 Duffy. Before tbe discovery of Inciter matches a large hoof shaped rungus growing on the trunks of trees wae need throughout northern Europe tor makma- amadou or tinder. The thick", brown, woody neeb of the aame run- gns, cut Into slices and beaten until It aaeumee the appearance of felt, la used at the present day W Germany for tbe manufacture of chest protectors, caps, parses, bedroom slippers and various other article. ' -; Oh Jsmawptiesb "Puna! la the hand that rocks the cradle the one that rules tbe world r rrbats what I've beard." , , "Well, I know on that don't," 1 , "Who la ltr - 1 "Nurse.. She wanted to g down town, and mamma told ber be'd Are. ber If she went and wouldn't give bet no ' recommendation." Indianapolis lentlBeL ' ; - . :-' : :, " c Pick headache to ceased by diaor. dared condition of tbe stomach and eutcklT eared by Chamberlala'S Btoro- ack and Liver Tablets, rot sal by all druggist,', ' ' ' : - ' COUCU3BDAfJGL:it Signals, Btop Tlicm With WOMEN CAN KEEP YOUNG Ohio Woman Tells Tbe Secret. May Explain Youthful Looks of Some In New Bern. The old saying that a woman is ss old as she looks, can scarcely be gain-sail There are many women of 60 who do not look over thirty and some of third who look fully fifty, the difference be ing ceased by sickness. The wrinkles, the drawn lines of suffering, the emacla tloc, nine times out of ten come from a weakened or disordered slomsoh. Mrs Anna Patton, 84 Charles Street, Xenls, Ohio; In a recent interview, tells the secret of bow to grow young, "Al though I am over sixty, I am tbe same womsa that I was a year ago. Then 1 suffered with my Lead all the time, had so much gas on my stomach (bat 1 could hardly endure it and was always troubled with a bad taste In my mouth and a coated lengue and wai so bloated that at times I could not fasten mj clothes, I was unable to do my work but now after taking one box of Ml-o- na, nature's cure for dyspepsls, I am a well woman and can do my work as well at ever." F 8 Duffy has the local agency for Ml-o-na and has sold a great deal of this remedy at 80j a box. He hears so many Words of praise for tbe prepara tion that Its use quite likely explains tbe yoathful looks of New Bern women. Begin its use today with F 8 Duffy's promise that he will pay for It If It does not cure you. tViViWsWrWtl Nice lot of Harvey's SMALL HAMS Not covered, just received at McDAMEL'S Just RccehMl, also nice lot CORNB iULLETS. J. Li. Mi Wtiolegale :- Belall is 'Phone SML $&vni Ht Mii'inf J. S. Hudson & Co, LIVERY STABLES. We have opened a Livery, Feed, Sales and Exchange Stable i.t No. 0(i Ilinad ISt, Arnold's former Btiiinl. Prompt attention given to I orders for turnouts, and horses can-fully looked uftor. J S. HUDSON & CO. ninf.h no Nhnfis Werw i ajlaUUUs EHSH5HSHSHHHSH5H't2SHSHSE5HSHSHSH5HSH5HSHSc;5HSH The cool season is now on us and everybody will have to get out of their light weight woar and the best place to supply yourself is sit our store. Never in our history hav'' we carried as complete and up-to-date line as tais season, and prices never so low. Below is a list of what we carry : Kuppenheimer & Griefs Clothing, W. L. Douglas, Lewis A. Crossetts, Nettleton, Stacy Adams anil Ralston Health Shoes for Men. Queen Quality und Heed's Shoes for women. Wright's Health Underwear for men and a beauti ful line of Underwear for woui- n and children. HS25E5HS2SHS25HSSS2!72SE5nSE5H5 25HSE5ESHS2SHSHS J. J. BAXTER. S3 Insurance . - "and Brick A Great Show I W-Smallwood, It is a great show to hi r on.- '' .ill and Winter Cloth'ng, Dry .ls and Shoes. PI Cr. llbi G ni! WPTI0M re r; Price : ti ro The uncertainty of Ufa and rich, es makes) it a matter of prirge im portance (0 every man who baa any oonsiderabl amount of real or per sonal property to hare it Insured agsliist Art) lost. We are insistent and pent is tent on this score, be oatiie w appreciate the Tslue of ready sash when everything goes np In imok. Don'l fail to com municate with us Uls hour. T hon cnnfctlon 200. Men's Suits Men's Black Qranltie Suits, line quality 19.75. Men's Heavy Melton Suits, this week 18.25 Men's Heavy All Wool Suits I Boy's School Suits Now is the chance for the boys to get baigains. in School Suits Woes 98c, II 29, II 88, 2 39 i'l W and op to f 5 00 Ladiis Jackets Ladle Jackets from t'i 98 to $9 Skirting 68 iooh assorted colors, repellant loodsy the QSo kind for 48o yd; l.a yds Skirt Pattern 11.18 Blankets and Comforts 100 pair 114 Blanket worth 88 pair extra heaty Comfort wbl go as wtjo eaon, . - Jost received a fuU line of np-lc- date Baby Bhoe ; - ; Under Howl Cbattawke, OERAL HARDWARE. Ccroen Wire Doors nd Windows. Tho Ice Saving Qla zior E.efrigerators. .tftil for the Farmer Olrl and Boy Cook Htovos. Karmor- all. l-i-ar l;i dlnu that we carry a vi iy coin; Icto ilnu f Amerlcaa Stnel Wire Konce. a ON, Typewriters I buy, rent, sell and ex change Typewriters. A few good rebuilt Reming ton's just received to rent Call early and get your : pick. Owen ,Q. Dunn 1 leadlog Printer r Sutloeer, Cr. rolleck A Oarea II. ! i Docj Tonr t i .-ii N cd Repair .Why aothsiM n expert attsa Uoa by as eif r . ' 1 1 Oeespeteat totk at loww p'l; V 1 m xottor ,;;.. : k.i. tjaJoMT, - -. , Walsh steker aad iewsVaT. ; Corner ef Broad aad Middle Streets, r ; Try s bottle of Carbonated Coca Cola ll jif, ..- wonderful Wnlo properties t - f m tin fumout Cof j tant and