.. -'jr.- 4 ' tt sister r? My Friends and Customers : I Wiflh tn .TlTimiTPA fViftt f -nnm hana r-n hand a lew Selected driving ATI d f Arm HnTMAai i and will have within the next 30 days a full and varied stock of both Horses and Mules, which I will s ell or trade on very close margin, promising to save you at least 15 per cent. My father having sold his interests and (business does in no manner restrict or affect me FERDi M. HAHN. f0ED'S FAIR, EXTBAORDINAJtY LOW RATES October 4-6-11-13 18-20-25 and 28, 1904 On above mentioned dates the Southern Railway announcts very low round tiip coach excursion rates to St Lools Theao tickets will be good in alt regular ooaohea, and on all trains on dates shown Tickets good 10 days Bate from Goldiboro 20 00 Selma : 80 00 Raleigh is 60 Durham , J7 00 Greensboro 17 00 Banford 20 40 Salisbury 17 00 Chariot' e 18 so . 8tstesvllle (via Kooxvlle) 17 00 Aahevllle 15 40 Tickets sold at the above rates not good in sleeping cars; for other rates see notices elsewhere For full information, World's Fair maps, literature, etc, call on or address any agent Sonlhem Railway B. L. VERNON, Traveling Passenger Agent, Charlotte, N. O. J. B. WOOD, District Passenger Agent, AaheTtlle, N. O. S. II. HARD WICK, Traffic Manager. W. U. TAYLOE, Gen'l Passenger Agent WASHINGTON, D. C. MOTT'8 B PEHHYROYAl PILLS of menstruation." They womannooo, aiding- development of organs and body. No known remedy for women eqnala them. Cannot do harm Ufa becomes a pleasure. $1.00 PER BOX BY MAIL. Sold by - Bold in New Bern by Z THE DINCH AM SCHOOL !22 Umltf catA Mar aakeHlle, MILITARY. nlthly eoanoudnl by Arm. Mean aa4 ArmT laspectota Rfsln Pmplls ktm of tacrtuiDc torammoiUTT 112J Pr haOlm. COU . BUIOHA1I, u. pt. a. P. O. Ho. i, Atknlllc, H C OR. French Periodical Drops Strictly referable, perfectly harmlesa,aare to accomplish DESIRE!) RB5ULT5. Greatest known female remedy. Price, St 50 par buttle. Malllwal torn wltt fM-ilBtl. thrsuu. oa tUtof Ik bouta. tw i, -Tf,-t, . Stsaiat Qawahw a WLLUAMS ltli.0tx.ef Mmmu, twnctiata. . MCJf. Sold by DA. VIS A Good telephone siRVici is k Bimurns WOI88ITT, : A ' HOaH .OONVXNUNOI. A COM. BIHXD . Neavlt7h . Convenience Iioxnryl ' OteVr Yaf Ptaoo t Oooal. .. I Bj the A. 4 N 0. Railroad Eowland ImproreiMnt Co, lessee) 10M00 tzPUiMM cross ties, 7x9 htohes and 81 feet loo, for. Imnt diU dellTsfy, : Apply to y, R: P. FOSTER, V ' f - "' General Ifanarar. f" ,r I-- New Bern, N. 0L " CiBanln lTnnn, ' TntAlci it the eoianUes of CraVea, Owiaree, ramlioo, loaas and Onslow, ; ad la the Btate Sapreme an4 Federal ';,0oBrte. .' ', Offlon toeth Troat tbrmk orer TtU ffcayh eaooa, D fera, N. 0. ., , Je U Hartsficld, wanted Ccntractor - f - 'a 13 1-2 J" f I '., ! -;4 c 3T. louis, mo. TUej oTeroome Weak. neaa. irreinilarity and Omiaslona. ina, increase viif or and baniah "naina are "LIFE SAVERS " to rls at Davis' Pharmacy. JPHABMACY. ClfiOLIKA DISPATCH UB . ; -ANI Old DoiDinioii Steamship Co Commencing. Fliday fiept 80th the steamer Nense will resnme her schedule between Nrwbern and Elisabeth dty, leaving Keiberiftt 0 p m on Monday, Wednesday tad Friday. . .She wOl make a landing at Oriental bnt will not Mop at Koanoke Island: la either -direction. Notice Sale of Land ' Parana! la th. tW l Cotirt, la the ooaaty of dravea, avade la the prooaedlDf entitled O J HeOarth "p " s"jai BBoraeeo, ajrtinsl dertlgntd. administrator aaoT eoaimle- l . IM -JV. ... 1 - 110a, so ue aigaeet Diooer, at the eoart hOJM ttur SS Nm ' Rav M Hot ?thatlSockek, M, the following daaorlbfd lot la Daffy Towa,Mosl, on a pint on the llpern of Mew Bern oall ed Dolly Tow or MrchanlrTlll,f0l. daaorlticd la the dnwl from H B Dnffy. rauuiuou ib ouis 10, pc on in toe 01 See ef Lha K.0lst i ii oirv.. eoeaty. Tarmt of sale eaak apoa eoa- . This Sept BOth, 1904. ; v. o.J. MoCinrnT, Admrot Edith Bryan, Deoeaerd Oom ntstlnnar. ' 4 ' WnW aa. ' ' 1 VI l.aaV Some of the It will oe well If the clttiena who ex pect to tote at the coming election would loTtrtifate to find oat whether they are properly registered or not. The registration books are toow opened. 11 yon are aoi properly regutarea yon can't rote, - Some Seasonable Alice. It may be a piece, of lapernoos ad rice to urge people at this eeesoa. of the year to lay -m a aapply of Ohambarlala's Coagh Reeaedy. It Is almost sure to bs needed before winter Is orer, and mock more prompt and satisfactory results are obaaiaed whea taken asaooa as a oold Is ooatraeted and before It baa be come settled la the system, which can only be done by keeping the remedy at nnav J an remedy ts so wiaeiy aaowa aad so eltosetbet rood that none ahoald hesitate about buying It la reference to any other. It ls,ror sals by aU drag guw. NIxm 4k Zimmsnnan Operas Co's Presents Their Elaborate Pnxjoctlee. ef WlUard 5poa ser Ceank Opera Sites "Bob With a maxniDoint ixA entire aoeak enrironment and their own nperb eveheatra : . - . tP-tEOPLlt-W Headed by tie faTOrit oomodlan FBABK DESII0N , Row la Its 'd fear f reword breaklns; - 0- An American Beanty Choral of 40 : ; 1. - Caerez Comedy . . ' ' Fair Ucirn!:: ! To those that hare aot paid their dog Us ensued by the Board tt AUermes regntatly. advertised. If aot paid at oner, WarranU will be mrti oa the no for aos-paymaal of saj'ua, adder City Charter as follow Bee, 48. Any psrn-,n hsTlnr or own'r S dg, wbosbaU fsll to rolare It fnr tti atlon or to pay tin tai afier pol"o o lloe Ibat sneh U hse Wq hryti, hall be guilty eft mtslomr,,.f, and upon eonvi iluh, foe ant to f 1 1,00 or Imi r'jfinnl, snd lurh C g (!e c'ired t a. .Itatst sr. 1 ( fbrr-jgX. Tsi A" ca ts i 'e (! . t!,r'. Whtte " " I R - i : - r,- Principals in "Miss Bob White." VJUUUU pectant o foil t&At amir Bouers metMserr lUpamctratiiiWawtfjfat: nrotwtiea).' 'aaVaS&Vt!: 1WWMI ad CSaVaS) CSlAatt CO. AtJasnSA, 6ss The lut of the Bunday exoanlona to Morehtal oyer the A an J NO railroad will be ran today, and after this the San day morning train will he discontinued beyond New Bern. Bat railroad tick ti will be ea tale each Saturday there after at one fare for the roaad trip.tiok ets good returning Monday. Passenger reaching New Bern oa Not 10:10 am on week days will transfer to a ooach oa Ho ? sailed tosla to Moreheed City aad Intermediate points. This ooach will be rua dally except Sunday. "TJCITHINA always soothes and ,:'thea'- -- It also cure the baby when All else hu failed; aad 'Us true ,i It often laves a life for foa. ' '.TKlTHWA'ctiree ckslera-lnfantam OTeroomei sad eoustaracti the effects of the simmers' heat aids dictation rava Utes the bowels aad ooata M osut at I dretrUts. ; ;. .. '.-:. ( wm Livery .31 , Feed, Sale and Exchange , ; A fo) m 1 ,- sV U an ! 1 a : 1 f .,-.'; rSaamWBBWwaWaWBww1aaVaWr, Is to lore children, etna tw homo can be completely hawpr withemt tbcatt. jej tkm oraeai tnrorjgh wiuch tzM ea mother most pass turasilw la of gtifferkr. dAntremasi fcar hrlook forward to tfea eritioai wffYi s 1 It seems a singular oversight by the railroad and water transportation peo ple, that no rates hare been offered New Bernlana who might wish to at tend the Horse Show In Norfolk, which Is to be held Ihla week. There are inter ested persons here who would like to go to see the Show at Norfolk. Sares Two From Death. ' "Our little daughter had an almost fa tal attack of wbooplag ooagh and bron chltli," wrltoaMn WK HariUad, of Armook.N. "bnt, when, all other remedies tailed, we tared her life with Dr. Slag's Nsw Discovery. Oar niece, who had Consumption In an advanoed stage, also used this wonderful medicine and today she ts perfectly Veil." ' Des perate throat sod luog dlseesee yield to Dr. King's Nsw Dli notary as to so other medicine on earth. Infallible for Coughs and Colds; 60e and ttOO bottles goar an teed by O D Bradaam. Trial bottle iree, . -v . t J M .rj., m a i 1 t t r ' . : Lf' . sf R?DCCE& 'RATES TO RAIEIGH.ta Nwlh Carolina Stats A4 1 liulu r 1 F.I', ' Ral"lb, N C. October 17th to i)7ih. 1904 The All oiUj North Caio inn It , ii road mO pUce on fal, ronod trip 1 1. k e'e to Ra'rijn, N on account of ilie Nr h Ca- lint Slate Airrlcallurd P.ir at the f 'II wing rs'.ei which incu l. admUl n to the fair (i rounds: Besis 1 2 35 Latirange 2 ,'0 Falling Creek . 2 70 K non 2 U ) ta well 3.05 Dover ;t uo Cove 3 40 Tutcarora 3 (15 Now Bern 3 r KtverJsU 4 2 Croaton 4 35 litvelock 4.15 Newport '4. M0 Morehead City 5 15 Tickets will be Bold Ojt 14ih to IMsl Inclusive, and for tralni arrlvlni; In Raleigh before noon of Oot 22nd, Html limit 84 h. Patsengcra taking the trains at non-agency ititlone will pur chase at the next sla'ion beyourl. The Atlantic & North Carolina Kill road will run special excursion trains on account of the Btate Fair a', Italelglion two days, namely, Oct lflih and 20th, od the following schedule: Leave Morehead C ity Pier No I t 10 a 111 " Morehead City, Up town A 00 " Mansfie'd 5.10 " Wildwood 5 15 " Newport 5.21 " Havelock . 5 3.5 " Croatan - 5 4:1 " Rlverdale 5 47 " New Bern o.an " Clarks 042 " Tuscarora B 50 " Cove 7 00 " Dover 7.17 " Caawoll 7.25 " KInaton 7.37 " Falling Creek 7 47 " LaOrnnge 7 57 " Beats 8.19 Arrive AtGoldsboro 8 37 Leave Goldaboro 9.00 Arrive at Lalelgh 11. (10 Returning .train will leave Raleigh 5.30 p m; Goldaboro 7 50 pm, arriving KInaton 8.48, New Bern 10.10, Mori head 11.30 p m. Passenger coaches will run through to Raleigh and return, making It un necessary for passengers to change care Ample accommodations will be prov ided for a large crowd, ED. A. NEIL, Traffic Manager. 8tte of Ohio, City of Toledo, ) Loose County. ( 81 Frank J Cheney makes oath that.be la senior partner of the firm of F J Cheney & Co, doing business In the city of Toledo, County and Btate aforesaid aorthat aame firm will pay tho sum of ONS HUNDRED DOLLARS for each, and every case of catarrh thyt cannot be cared by the use of UalPe Catarrh Cure. FRANK J CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my pretence, this 0th day of December, A 1) 1886; A. W. GLEA8HN, . (Seal Notary I'ublle. Hall's Catarrh Core la taken Internal ly and acta directly on the blood system and mocooa surfaces of the system. Bend for circulars free. F. J. CHENEY 4 Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pllla for constipa tion. D. Is. WARD, Attorney at Law, 74 bo. Front BL, Dpp. Hotel Chattawsa NEW BERN, N. a Graven County Attorney. Circuit, Craven, Jones, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico, Oreeoe, Lenoir, and she Buprnae and Federal Oonrte. Wireing For Electric Lights Persons wishing their baDdlngt wired wm please make applicatloa la wri ting. , Any oomplalats lor defective lights, Inattention ef employees, Ac. If madi la writing, to the Commissi, wtUre- ostve prompt-atteaOoa. Address all oommanloatloM to the 14001077. i t WATER eV LIGHT OOHUSSlON, r. ls.unmu t)t,v Ctiisa Railway '.f f oELD'ti rica'ioENio ROUTE yf -"'. ?''. I 'V'4t,'?.,Hr"Vv.''V. SHORTlrOT.QUIClCKWaadBKhTltOTrTlE.i ViifrW wlir ui.- Trains with Pollmaa Sleeps tad Diaiii Turooga tickets rroai Caroline With direct oonasfltfoaa:1 (tPECUL RATI 0R SltASORSlXTT or ITTIEN DAT tlCKETi, i i- e SothorId dates, ttckeU food for tea low rts from otbr stations. Fptcl t- nr- -u..i (im, r st c OT :r'l ' ; K H Mndom, Vlce-Pr. 1 A I ii.-ll, ashler Citizens' Bank, ojt njtw tiH;jsr, nr. a. Do a General Bunking Business Kiirplitx 11 nil l inliviilcd Profits S-'-'.OOH 00 v''' '.' I'! t't ' i' '1 . lol allention lo al lu l'-'!u ii W'c in lie ydur .1 1:1.1 'I us. I Vlil ' I I 1 1 I 1 IllkS: I AM. 3 .a . s.,, .'; u I,, ihasllFowla i Wi;tJj. ....... 1 .n,alhv..,.,l, UfiiNlM. Ell M..a. ' ' liv li. Jas Redmond M iv. 1 II..'.... 11.. a -...-... CKFoy, V l'l ' . I. '. ..i.u :. In . n.i,' Who is your candidate Roosevelt on Parker? Tin- r 'u:;h; :i in j.ulfjn promises to be fi. ...... N.Hi.-r :in.li.it Is certain of iiid-cH. I. iiiHy liuppen which will Iv.ni"' I.' !. .lc SHptct of the po litical MH11.C.11 Nr. tii'tvapaper is bet ter .'4iii pc I l'i.n-11,; Uiu nows than The Washington Post It li"-i it posfo.'t l" i i'Tnpliic service, Its .pei i 1! ( , p .mi. nis rank first In the newspup. 1 pr..:c-'l .n.wind all the news i p 'n'r.l t-i i ..ui fi,r cr favor of . iihrr pir'v. i'li.' I'ott Is thoroughly indi pi iiil.:i,i. :i .! cnrli day will give the mm ;.n.:r i 11, .in ilmo l by partisan .ial. N.ipipii i miiik' mldely quoted. At fin 11' t it "I.'aius cable dispatchea from U.i- I ..!, n rimes, giving the news of I hi K .s . ti'i Japanese war. 8ul.M-:ip-i . i,.r Hme monlhs, $1.90; two mrm'ha, I.V5. imc month 70 cents. 8annli ci'p Vh Ire.-. TIIK W.VlilNt; TON 1'03T CO., V;i'.'.:i..M,.n, I) C. p. TRENWITH, hi nek sin i tli iSi Whcelright. Manufariu:l:i i Unggles, Wagons, Curls and iiayn,ilwayB a gocd sup ply In Block. Repairing neatly done on (puck notl. c. Khoi " South Front St. IVs'tir ICailroal. Executor's Notice. Tim n mil .nlL'tTil liavliiL- out Ilfipil as lh K. i it ir ,," (,.,r ,,., w. de- ceased, n. icl.y r.otilies all persone hold ing hhh p aair.si me estate ot said de ceased in pr. aciit tln'm duly authentica ted wi'hln imowar from this date or thia noli ,e III In-1 b.aikd ia bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to the estate i.f said i.eceasoj will please make immoumi paj nienl. This Sept :?th 11)01. II V, VI AN W. TIIOMH80N, Executor. K. M. HiuiuKiiiH, A. 1). Ward SlJViriONS & WARD, ATTOKNKV ani COUNSELORS a LAW. r.i w ur.ujir;, . c. OHice Removed arrnes Street to 6ec nd blory or Tio. (ill (above Telegrapj 't flee) Ho nth I-'nmt Htreet, net', to lintel t'hatt&wki, Practice In the rnnntma nf CI Duplin, Jones, Oiir'.ow, Carteret, Pamli co and Wake, In th Hupreme and Fed eral (Jourta, and wberover services are desired. Eriest M. Qreen, Attorney Coiinselor at Law, Hkoaii f MEW liKRN, N. U Well en ii i i x (I I n m nreh titlna hv rMann of many i:im esicrience in the offloe and m KuRi.ster i f Deeds: Practices In tile Courts of ( ra en. Jones. 1'a.mllnr Carteret, Onsl .w. or wherever service are req-iirel Russell House. KKAUKOKT, N. C, Centrally locaU'l. All the deli cacies of tho ni:i.sou. Well venti lated rooms, Good hcxla, Phone oon venteiicee, 1'olito and attentive 8er vanta. Rates 1.50 per day. Spociul and liljeral tcrmH bv week or month. Q. A. RUSSELL proprietor, New Winter Stock ! t bavo received my winter stock of leather and fillings and am ready to do new work or repairing. E. HAVENS. Root A Shoe Maaer. 04J Middle St. PILES I PILES 1 1 PIUS! II Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will ours Blind, Dleedlng, Ulcerated and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tomors. allays ths Itehina; at oaoe, otsasaponl ttoe,s tut taut relief Sold by DA VIA' PH ARM ACT. ., Cara.V 1 Crccn, Tr.-e dyi at rats Ot S4i! itfc ArresposdIn(l , accom modallona'arraijej for partial f. rK. ';aid Moontata rteorts.) .'. t y. -.r ('.'-in S""orilIri(r!y, - . av '.'

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