.rZF ft. v.;i''.ii-."w-'? '.w"rf ';'?: !X --.- ,. - 1 ' Ar" r-A( AA ::7 L' j . ,V i P iYXY rl I ' - 1 1WI-H0. 174, IIW BIBS, I. C, FRIDAY UOSIIIB, OCTOBtS 21. 1904, TWENTY THKD YB4R !W MMMM IMMMMg V Ladie Lace Collars in Ecne or White at 75c, IP, $1.25, 11,50, 12, f 2 JSO and $3 Black Jet Collars at $1 50. $1 75 and $2 25, X Ladies Sweaters at $2 60, all sizes. Z Kid Gloves, black, white, gray, $1 00. X Ladies Linen Collars 15c each or J.Q.I37SLLM PHONE 288. 43 Pollock St., Opposite Post-office. TMOMOMMftft NEW ERA PAINT Covering Capacity Unexcelled, Quality Undisputed BUCK'S STOVES SASH DOORS BLINDS Phone 09 SPECIAL to the PUBLIC BARGAINS AT THE AMERICAN STOCK COMPANY 59-61 MIDDLE STREET lays just begun. W have jnst arrived from the northern markets with a complete line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hat, Ladies and Gents Furnishings which will be sold at rock bottom prices. .P. HOWARD, HVEgr. New Masooic Theatre I Tuesday Oct. 26 Tbe greatest oomio opera lucoess of the century. F. O. Whitney's 150,000 production. Dolly Vaiden j presented for rmr 800 perform ftnoes at the Herald Square Thea tre, New York. Cast chorus and production guaranteed better than ever 24 musical numbers ii - 16 ATJGMINTXD OB HE8TRA Seat can be reserrcd at Waters Friday morning. MMkMka4RMMnMMWaMW rlters rimy, rent, sell and n '' (Chang Typewriters. A , ; fW good rebuilt Kerning-., ton's just reostred to rent ' Call early, and get yonr ' tjck;.' - 'f- pweii Q. Dunn ' teadtaf Prtater 8Utlor," Cet. rellecli Crsrea ats. : , . s - r f- ttt Tour j WltcB need Repair ". Vhf ft4 We H gfreri etpnt au Mm Vf SS SpTl vWr t Consent ' work at lowtst prleM l rr mntto, - ' K. D.HAKr-r;T. Watch t rir.vr. tan, and brown at 75c and 2 for 2 Jo We looks good spreads better wears best conical in Fuel Splendid ii operatioa Life tin Id nil; to? 68 riMdte St ia Middle HU Pull line of Drugs,Hed- iclnes. Toilet Ar ticles and Soap. Fresh Supply of Flower Seeds, Pbjalclacii Trescrip- font A BpeeUlty. Bred In ' ' iThe Bone t Th book repreaoDta the ;:, iauL( as ft svory teller.' V tH mnTfTftfHfff?mTe ICE CREA'.l Erc-l'Si. 'FruU C Henry's Pharmacy 1TC0CK ATTB1CTS. Kalelfh Takes Holiday To Enjoy The Pair. Chiefs of Police of State Coaientloa. Inmatei Soldiers Home Slek. Dispensary Harlat; Bit; Bntl ness. Fire Underwriters la Session. Raleigh, Oct SO. Ooreraor Ajcock returned today from a campaign tour of 20 days, In the west, daring which he tpoke dally, frequently twice. He says that during that time be rode 850 miles and In Tarioua klnda ot Yehloles. Dur ing the last week and a half of the tour Oommleaioner Patterson waa with him. The latter returned today. Mr Patterson aaya he neyer saw such a drought, and expreaies the belief that It was eren drier in the mountain region than It Is In this part of the State. Iniuranoe Oommiailolier Young, who hat also been speaking la back here. Hesaya theGorernor bat drawn larger audi ences than he did during his famoua campaign of 1900, and that people of both political partlea have turned out to hear him and have given htm a welcome. The Governor finds upon his return here that his little son, John bat fever, which It teems la typhoid. The Governor has engagements to speak In two or three other States before the campaign is over. Today was the greit day at tbe State Fair, and business waa generally sus pended sod the publto buildings closed. Everybody took a holiday and went out to the grounds and the capacity of the railway train and of the atreet cars was well taied. There have been no acci dents daring the week and only one robbery has been reported, in this case the thief having been captured promptly Great numbers of Johnson county peo ple attended the Fair today. It was their day and they enjoyed It to the ut most. They greatly appreciated their display, which was extremely morltor lous. The chiefs of police of this State had a meeting here last night which lasted until a very late hour. J A Woodall of Durham waa re-elected president and F, II Jordan of AshevlUe Secretary. John W. Cotton ot Tarboro being vloe-presl dtnt and J H Mtlllos ot Raleigh, O H dkinner of Dunn and S M. Wheeler of Oxford composing the executive com- mlltee. Every chief In tht State is In vited to become a member. Ten miles of tbe Raleigh A Pamlico Sound Railway has been graded and track laying la now progressing, The flrat of the steel bridges has been com pleted. The worst of the grading In fl Disked There are severs! very sick Inmates at the Boldler't Home. The death rate It heavy now, as many ot the Teterans there are very feeble. Teaterday forty live of them went out to tht State Fair and enjoyed It very much. Tomorrow ten engines, which weigh 15,000 pounds mote than any others In ate on the Seeboert' ftix Line will pats here on their way Sosth for use on the new Birmlagaani division. Orders re quire that they shall not exoeedslz miles an hour speed In "pasting over bridges on this division and not over IB miles an hoar e the toed bed. The Raleigh dispensary Is one of the attractions of the city just now, and there was s street fell of thirsty eae's oa hand early tils mornlog, lined ep ready to get Is. The Fire Usdtrwritert cf this State Is session here elected ABDaagoraeld of Winston president, J Taa U. Statu of Wilmington, Secretary tad R W Mot- ray of Greensboro, CWJaoockt of Windsor, J B Patterson of Aeherille, JO Marshall of Wadesboro sad W W Smith of Raleigh tht ex tea lire so ittte. The ftasoetatloa favors tfceap peel ot the reftUetloae which forbids division of eotsauastoM with soa-rtel- dtnt sgenUftnd brokers. THE SECtET DP SUCCESS. Forty mlllkm VoUles of ltret Flow er sold la the Catted wtatot aloat since lis latroduetloa 1 And the destead for It Is ttlll growing. V, bit that a flat showing of nooses t t Doat It prove that August Flower has had nafaUlag sneeees la the osn of Indigestion and dyspepsia tht two greatest aotsnUs of health aad happiness f Does It sot af ford the evidence that Aagoat Flower Is a sate aped Be for alt stomach aad lalaetlsal disorders I Out It has proved Itself the beet of ftU liver regulators f August Flower has a saatehleta record of ever thirty-live years la earing the till at totUlott ot these distressing- corn platDle taneeea that la beoomtnt; wider la lis scope every day, at home and abroad, as the fsme ot An unit Flow er tpnoda. Trial bottlrt loot ngnlar siM 7 . - ror tele by all aregglata. B VHUJ. -f . v. Bpselal Apple salt Ratorday. A good apple, for !5 snd 80 esntsspeck,' The baet for 0 cents. Stlet Cash. Broad 8 FrettCo. (in to the (' li''t t T V t Vkft for tbe DEnOCRlCT EULTED Tbe Virtues of Democracy and Faults of Republicanism -Contrasted. Brilliant Speech Delivered By Hon B B Glenn at Court House Lsst Night. Large " Croud Attends. In spite of threatening weather and the counter attraction at the theatre, there wat a very large audience at the court house last night to hear Hon R B Glenn deliver a moat forceful address on the issues of the campaign. It was a brilliant effort, devoid of oratory lnsof tu ts that embraces flowery and meaning less platitudes but earnest, truthful and hard hitting statements on the con dition ot the country under Republl can rule. Mr Ernest Green presided and Mr C T Watton Introduced the speaker. All seats on the floor were taken and many In the gallery were occupied. There was also a good attendance of ladies showing that they were Interested In the question which Is now on the voters mind. Mr Glenn said he acknowledged the right of every man to vote aa he pleased just at he aocordel to every man to be Heve rellglontly just as his conscience dictated. There were many reasons why there should be difference of opin ions tnd he was glad these differences existed. If the Republican party is all right, If by the promotion and election of Ita principals and men the condition of this country is going .to be Improved eren In the least degree, th'sn it is our Christian duty to vote for tbe perpetua tion of that parly In power- If, on the other hand, we should find upon thor ough examination that the tarty, In power it a party ot thieves and spend thrifts than It is our bounden duly to turn the raaoals out whether we are of the tame political belief or not. He next paid hit attention to National politics taking Into conaideratlon at first the tariff question. He alluded to it with two or three humorous anecdotes and briefly but plainly and pointedly demonstrated the evil effects of a high protective tariff He said the citizens of Craven county paid for the support of their Bute and county tbe sum of 40,000 or 50,000 and they raised a great fust, but they let the Republican party filch them of a half million dollars directly and Indirectly and never ssy a word. He then explained the operatlont ot the tariff by the tlmple but compre hentlve illustration of the walled city and the monopollat. He then eloquently told how ana in what kind of protection he believed. It was the protection afforded by tbe God hi Heaven to the humblest and poorest man as well as the richest, The pro tectlon accorded the poor widow as well as the millionaire. Let the wealth and the enormous moneyed and menu lecturing Interests be protected but let those who helped to make those Interests possible alto share that protection. Me made tbe promise that when be ahould be elected governor of North Carolina he weald invite capital and labor to thlt Bute and have them de velop this State as only they can; he would open tbe eotton faotorlee and In. vlts all manufacturing enterprises and gtvs every possible opportunity for the elevation and progression of (he people, bat as fot the contests between clpltsl sad labor as produced by trusts and hlfh tariff he wonld do his utmost to defeat them. The extravtgtnee of President's ad ministration, Imperialism and labor difficulties were dealt powerful and log ical slows. State politics sad needs were discuss ed at tome length. He went thorough ly tato every detail of the polltloalora dittos, of tbe State and made the people know what to expect. His speech lasted shout aa hour aad was heartily applauded by a gratified aadlenee. HoWto Cire Corns and Bunion. First soak the eon or henlon hi warm water to soften It; then pare It down ts closely as poetrble without drawing oiooa ana snpiy unamDoruun-s rain Balm twice dally, tabbing vigorously for fire minute at aeon application. A eorn plaster should be worn s few days to protect It trots the thoe. - AS a cea- era! llalmeat for sprains, bruises, Uae eat sad rbaamallaam, Pais Balm Is on equaled. For sals by all druggist. . .- CAROLINA BRICK CO., . . ' ' ' . ; : . ' . :.-, ' , -. . Plants' at Clarks, Hyman's Biding, Kington and BoUraonrille. ,.. " Alinual Capacity 16,000,000. ,fl, The lnrjje dpmrid for our product Ilia t'"t lioildirtfr Unck on tnis market. Ws are now erecting Dry Kilns thftt wl. I nrt orily itfrorue onr output, but will also mv t-! "j ii ;r'j? tLa pu!,(j of our proiliHt, UVll The World's Greatest Skin Humour. Affects Every Age and Condition. The Only Sure Cure is Cuticura. f If there were not another external Skin disease known, eczema would be ft sufficient Infliction on mankind. It per. vades all classes, and descends Impar tially through generations. While soma are constantly enveloped In It, others have It confined to small patches In the ears, on the ecalp, on the breast, on tbe palms of the hands, on the limbs, etc., but everywhere Its distinctive feature la a small watery blister, which discharges an acrid fluid, causing heat, Inflamma tion, and Intense itching, scaling and crusting. t The Cuticura treatment Is at once agreeable, speedy, economical and com prehensive. Bathe the affected parts freely with hot water and Cuticura Soap, to cleanse the surface of crusts end scales, and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, without hard rubbing, and apply Cuticura Ointment to allay Itching, Irritation and inflammation, and soothe and heal, and, lastly, take Cuticura Resolvent, or PUls, to cool and cleanse the blood. Thlt treatment af fords Instant relief, permits rest and sleep In the severest forma of eczema and other Itching, burning and scaly humours, and points to. a speedy, per manent and economical cure of tor turing, disfiguring humours, eczema, rashes and Inflammations, from Infancy to age, when all other remedies and the best physicians fall. Sold thitrarhool th, world. Cntlcon Ramtrtnt Ctai 8n form of Cfaoeolit. Cottcd Pi)!., 20o. pr vltl of M), lntm.ni,0Q., Botp.tfo- Depot, I London. ST Chutor houMSq.i Pkrl,a Ra.dlkPniiiBo,ton.lS7ColuinlNl. AT.- Pomr Unit Cham. Corp.. Bol. rronrMon. w-nona lor - now v uan . Special Meeting; Tonliht. There will be a special meeting of the Chamber of Commerce at the City Hall tonight ot 8 o'olock. Matters affecting the business Interests of New Bern are to be discussed, a full meeting of the membership Is requested. It's like a "dip In the fon ntain of youth." Touchej the cheek to gently that "youth lingers on the face of old age." That's what Holllsler'a Rocky Modntoin Tea does. 35 cents, Tea or Teblets.-F 8 Duffy.1 Wedding Gilts Onr line of Sterling Silver is of the new designs, from the medium to the most expensive prices. Also our Cut Glass Hue is large, of the riohtst cut of American glass and can adorn a king's table We in vite a comparison of quality and prices. J. O. BAXTER. IHSURiRCE 1HD BRICK like a Shipwrecked Sailor adrift, holplesa and hopeless is the average nun who suddenly Muds himself bereft of wealth or a com petence by reason of Are losa with out lnsTiranoe Indemnity. The in auranoe companies wo serve will oome to your rescue if you get your policy now. i 1 also sell first ekes Brick. O. A. CTCOIjIi, v MPaeio.Sgg - ' . . ; South Front and Hancock 8U. . justifies our olaim, that we'laraisb Fresh - AT SkcDANIEL'S. Nico new Prunes, Evaporated IViielks, Evaporated Ap ples, Sun Dried Apples, Cape Cod Cranberries, Malaga Grapes, Becker's Prepared Buckwheat, Obi Fashion Plain Buckwheat, Fresh Oat Flakes, Grits, Rice, Shred. J Coeomnit, Sweet, Mixed aud Plain Cucnmber Pickles, Fresh Celery, I'M Fish and Ir ish Potatoes, Canued Goods of all kinde. We will thank you for a share of your trade and guarantee satiafjeiioa. mm. 3 'Phone fI mm Clothing, Shoes, Underwear ! The cool season U now on us uiid evuyb,,,!-.- will have to get out of their lijjlit weight v.c.o in,! the best place to supply yoursilf is at our .1 .i... ,'ev. r in our history have we cariird as niriipb-ii' and up. to-dato line as tiiia season, and price; nrvr ko low. Below is a list of what we carry : Kuppenheimer Griefs Clothing, V. I,. Moughis, Lewis A. Crossetts, Nettleton, .Stacy Adams and llalston Health Shoes for Me:i. Queen Quality and Reed's Sho. s for w, men. Wright's Health Underwear fur men and a beauti ful line of Underwear for women and children. J. J. BAXTE I BkJt'V'M"'ai SPECIAL SALE -OP MATTING AT- DISOSVAY'S lr00O y6JarsoMattmgatf'Wotol2aj)eryd redaction, also r 1 V 0!11 MatUngt at prJoet new heard of before. Arrivals Yours to plea3e, 7.1 2?ir,. -2 ?f Great Exhibit of Fashionable Shoes Season's Latest Styles We , it re. , i v. 1 h line nf T. It. ltrr)'H wc',1 kiMiw-i Shoes wliii-b we Imvo on i x lilt ili m at fc.i.'O snd ft :., Wc cm nlliilly Invl'o '''i 'i cull hat! tLls i;:i"C. ( xhlMl hi S. COPLON, 7t. MIDDIjK HTIIKKT, Next o OaskUl Flsnlwsr.) New Bern. CN. B.-Our Dry (loolt and Cloth Inn Dcpartmonts sro comiilote. & TAYLOR'S, 4 . : 'I R . I mm