&a To My Friends and Customers : I wish to announce that I how, have on hand a tew selected driving and farm horses, and will have within the next 30 days a full and varied stock of both Horses and Mules, which I will ell or trade on very close margin, promising to save you at least 15 per cent. My iather having sold his interests and business does in no manner restrict or affect me FERD. M. HAHN. UltblD JfAln, EXTRAORDINARY LOW HATJES October 4-6-11-1318-20-25 and 28, 1904 On above mentioned dates the Southern Railway announces very low round tiip coach excursion rates to St Louia These tickets will be good in all regular coaches, and on all trains on dates shown Tickets good 10 days Bate from Goldiboro 20 00 Belma ao 00 Raletgb , :8 50 Durham 17 00 Oreensboro 17 00 Banford 80 40 Salisbury . 17 00 Charlotte 18 80 Statesvllle (Tl Kaoxvlle) 17 00 Athevllle 15 40 Tickets sold at the above rates not good in Bleeping cars; for other rates see notices elsewhere For full information, World's Fair map?, literature, etc, call on or address any agent Southern Railway R. L. VERNON, Traveling Patsenger Agent, Charlotte, N. C. J. H. WOOD, Dltlrtot Putenger Agent, Athevllle, N. 0. 8. II. HARD WICK, Traffic Manager. W. IT. TAYLOE, Gen'i Passenger Agent WASHINGTON, D. C J esasssBs 111. or M banish "pain I J menstruation." They are "LLFE 8AVEBS" to girlsat J ft.- f womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No T Y 4 known remedy for women eqnals them. Cannot do harm life 1 becomes a pleasure. J1. 00 PER BOX BY MAIL Sold Sold In New Bern by Davis' Pharmacy. THE BINGHAM SCHOOL !2225 looted near AabcvUle. MILITARY. Highly eoaunendrd by ArmT on and Arary laipfctota, Rfaaln( rll b mi of Incresalsf accom mod uoq. fJJJ ptr tall Ufa. COI,. R BUfQIUII. 0 I. r. O. No. 4, Aibeilllc. H. C lyon's French Periodical Drops Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmlesa, snre to aceonmtlsll DB5IRED -RESULT. Greateat known female remedy. Pries, $LS0 per bwttte. "' toa Willi fMlnlU Urnuin om Me of IU boiu. ttw JUt Sex lot fMmiat t WUUAMS SUN. QU.Sau Asaaw, Clown 1jMi!j&3Z Sold by DAVIS AGood Telephone SIR 71 CI IS A. BUtUKISS HX0X88ITT, ' A - BOX1 oojminxNOx. a con- BIN CO ConTcnJenco Jduxnrjl '- Or Or ?mi PIsmm ! OocsJ Bamuloa A, ffnnn, ATT0KRIT AT Li If. .' rnetk ta in oaatiaa "ot Crare Oartsrst, Pamlkto. 'onss and Onslow, aad la tM Btaol BoprsM and f edsra) Ooorta, - . Oflost B01U1 free I f feet, ersff Tfl Cank oolee, Vrr "xra, M, 0. J. L. Hartsfleld, Contractor fM' Builder Offlcs'fil 1-2 MlddU 8t Phooa 238 COUCIiaABaOANCCK BiKnaJa, Btop Tlicra With i .... i . w . i y ' rp'fi'vrnon , . k t It all ' ' ' ' H'l ' - r u Lrrl1. ". i ) ; ) il i.muib, mu. PHARMACY. JfOTICE! Notice Is kereby glwn that Cerllflcate NottSSforlwosbiNt of stock of the 4 A K 0 Railroad Coapanr with say Basis itlscked has btes losu Appllca tloafot too relssno of sans will be X H MKAD0W8. Oct 18 1904 . ' HOUItTf ft I Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggett A luy KWWm a Bwy Wl . V, , Brlap ftaUi Baaak sat EostW fif. A rpfta rnrOnMUrvkUoo. Inrflrwtioo. Lht awl KMmt Trnalil, PMnpias, lam, Impme Utood. Itad BraaUk Hlnnlub Bownta. BwUria nd MMkarrM. It'sEorMoBatalaTHkiub. t form, K gnu a koi. OmlM mooS B Boiumi Dauo Oubtw, Wad I. Wla , 40LOEN lUGOrrt FOR tAIXOV fTOPU Notice Sale r of Land. Portnaal to the order of ths Saoerlor Ooert. ta Iks oooniy of Oram, ds la lk DrneeedlBs- ratttled O J MoOartk Aaav, or miib uryst, oeoMied.iralnil rofiiauiiiaaaBi aeq eutra. J be aa dartlferd, adatlnlit-ator and ossaslo loser will offar for alo at pvbllo tao- uos, n us Bigness Dtoasr, at tae onort koMedoof as New Beta oa Moada? Nof 7tbaUlo'eleV, M, ths following described lolls Do ffy Tows, No 11, os aplotoa laeisparb of Ne Bern oll d DeffyTovBor kfsreksalnsvlUs fall deaerIM Is lbs deed from II B Lmffy. reeorded ta booh 114, Mf U3 Is tks oi fioeof the fU later of Dardt ot Orarea eoastf. Terms of sals assh Spoa poa- roraisiios oy us coara, Tfcls lap! 10th, 1804. i, -' ' J 1 O.J.McCAKTar, . " AdarofEdltk Brysa, Daosastd Oors ailMlonsr. " ' " M I . , r Hit SPORTING WORLD , VeGlaaHr Qrt Warku J Oft- MeGlulty, ; the famous 'iron man" of the New, Xork Nationals, Is awarded most of the credit tor the victory of the New tork Nationals la the pennant ljte&fiT-0g.?ix J, MeGInnlty hag won more games this season than any other twlrler In the - 10S m'oMnity, thk "ibon mas." major leogues, and he says he Is able to win a few more before the cam paign closes. Early in the season Mcdlnnity pitch ed twelve games without a single de feat He invented the "raise" ball a year or two ago and now has a new curve which he calls the "cross llro." It Is a variation of the outshoot Tho Trotting Season. No matter how much the track own ers and the governors of the National American Trotting association may dispute the fact, it Is nevertheless ap parent to a casual observer that the In terest in professional harness racing Is not as great today as it was a year ago. There was a good deal of talk last winter and some little action taken to ward remedying certain evils, but nothing sufficient was done, and ns n consequence the questionable practices that characterized the big meetings of 1903 bid fair to be duplicated. Just why the various men who com prise the two governing associations cannot get together and revise certain rules and bylaws which now are either Insufficient or actually Inimical to the best Interest of the sport is hard to understand. Improvements in racing gear, In shoeing and in track building are welcomed on the harness racing turf, but any Innovation which means an Improvement on the antiquated form of deciding races is vigorously opposed. In other words, mechanical advancement Is all right, but moral ad vancement is all wrong. It Is to be hoped that the season of 1904 will show certain obstructionists in high places the error of tbelr ways. Bomparer Hnahcr MeClovsra. Joe Humphreys Is now a pugilistic manager. lie bas started nls string with Hnghey McQovern. Hugbey is In good bands. Sam liar ris finds that bis new theatrical ven tures will take up all his time and bas turned his pugilistic Interests over to Humphreys, who hss been his gen eral sporting representative for a long time. Humphreys celebrated his debut as manager by issuing a challenge ti Tommy Murphy, which will make the New Yorker sit up and take notice. T stand willing and ready," says Humphrey!, "to make a bona flde match With Tommy Murphy for the bantam championship of the east I consider Murphy a tough proposition tor any dot or ait class, ana as Da and Hughe have made snch a great show ing agalutt rrankle Neil I feel that a match botWeen Uarpby and Hugber would make the hottest kind of . bout." Mow Ilea ret Hew Tsrk Amerloaaa. The New Xork American club has purchased Third Baseman Joe T eager and Cltcher McManas from Montreal. Both hart had major league experi ence. Tea aw bas played with Brook lyn and Detroit, and McManoa was with Detroit awhile. Tester will be used aa utility man, but it Is not likely that either Will lota the New Tartu before next Season. , Wait "Tut Company" Papa. . "Had" Dontbua Is aa example of what association will do. This year be has a bitting average ef XH as against JW 1 tht shade la former sea sons, follow Larry and Wear ded mala, ? .s.;.: v- ' 'Tfc ieaa Batte "Ckamnfc" - In Bostok It la said that some of the world's champions have-failed to keep themselves la condition, la conse quence tbey have slowed op, while ather teams seam to go faster. ; - CtoNlaai Olaata, ' ;.V ' : There are sew seven giants on the Cleveland teem . Bernbsrd, Hoes, lose, Moors and Carr Ira all sir foot era, and Larry and Bradley are very near the all foot mark. v r -.'.- v. ' Stao o tMt fesoaatu Dick paddeo of the - at Loola Browne, who bat dons a lot of aeoot Ing among tba mlnoc leagues for play ers, torn not think Oeorga Stone will lasf ' - . V ; ConfasloM of a rrlest, ; Rev, John 8. Cox, of Wast, Ark writes, "Fof II yean X mlTtred trim Yellow Jaondloa. I eomulied a namher of phytlctim and tried tU tortt ct claoa, Lnt f t ao relief. Thea 1 brfta U,s St tit j::Ul Hitters in J fesl u,t I tm biw r iif 1 t d!m tl.al k1 m la lis f t r t j't Jf ." If yit Want a r ' f r ! .'t 1 r . r r an: UUUUUUCJUz& poro. The aritioal eixUalthroutrh which, tho expectant mother mi pejs, howwrer, is so truth with dread, pain, suffering and danger, thai the Terr thought f it fills her with apprehemioa and horror. Theasj is m aacottity for the reprodoctioa of life to be either painful M dnrwooa. The use of Mother' Friend so preparet thriyttem for the-sjoninf erent thai it Is safely passed without any danger. This gmt tad wonderfnl raw ejhr la arwaja' has carried tlteii taihTs f laetsea . threneh the Maw erfaU withotrt suffering. Ir We ssntstaiaa tntamaaia naaonyootaatawttian. - laaylAtktrla.Ba. One Bee and Onmur'i. Germany baring been for so many generations looked upon in every quar ter of the globe as the special realm of Gambrlnus, the drinkers of beer must be astonished to learn that in 1903 ths Tentonlo brewers made only 1,787,615, 000 gallons of malt beverages, or 183. 08930 less than the quantity produced in tho United States. Of course it Is not to be forgotten that the population of this republic is much larger than that of the dominions of Kaiser Wll helm, yet nevertheless It cannot be dis puted that those are suggestive figures. New York Tribune. Rabber Pavement. In 1881 an Incessantly and heavily traveled bit of street at the entrance to Euston station in London was ex perimentally paved with India rubber vulcanised for the purpose, A concrete foundation finished with cement to make It smooth was covered with two lnebes of this preparation, and when ready tho wheels of traffic were turned upon it They continued to roll over It without Interruption until May, 1909 a period of twenty-one years, and In all that time the rubber had not worn through at any spot A Qnoor Pet. The wife of the governor ot North Borneo has a pet which few women will envy ber. The governor's bouse Is near a Jungle, and from It strayed a baby rhinoceros. Captured as a curi osity, be at once became tame aud re fused to return to his native wilds. Ue consumes sixteen quarts of milk a day snd on this diet thrives and grows fat. He might be mistaken for n queer aort of bog were it not-for the born lu the middle ot his face. He la devoted to his mistress and follows ber about like a dog. CaaL "Darling, I love you." The marquis stood with bowed bend. "But," she protested shyly, "you have a noble name, while I havo only my health and $50,000,000." "Love levels all ranks," bo whis pered. Moreover, when tbey csme to discuss details It was discovered that her fam ily, freshly sprung from obscurity though It was, had Indubitable record of a scandal which In some respects laid over anything of which his long Una could boast eitber in direct descent or collateral branches. Detroit Trib une. Whr Bo Was Lata. "Ah," she cried, pointing an accusing finger at bun as be got borne shortly after 11 o'clock, "you forgot that this la the anniversary of our wedding. Don't tell me that you didn't. You wouldn't be getting home st this time of night If you btdn't let it paaa clean eat of your memory." "Ton Trong me, Margaret; bonesb yon do. Imembered It Juab well ss I sv'r remembersh anything In m' life. Honesh. Thash reason 'm late. I b'n, out try In' frget it Honesh H Chicago BtcosnSVsxaJdL. Some Seasonable All ce lt may bs a place of tnperfloui advice to argt people at this season of the rear as lay lit a sapply of Ohamberlala't Cough Beaedy, h 14 almost rare to be Beaded before wlatsr Is over, and mock mote prompt Bad aatltfaetory retelta are obtained when taken ' at soon as a cold la contrasted and before It bas be oome settled la ths system, which aaa oaly te doae by keeplBf tke remedy at Band. This ramtdy It so widely ktowa Bad so altogether good that bobs akoald kesltate aboet buying It la prsf arts otto aay other. It la for sale by all drug gists. . . . , " t. TV AJXD, - . Attoraey at Law, ': 74 bo. Trout Bi, Opp. Hotel ChaUawka Craven Ooanty AMorney. v C Iron It, Cwven, Jonas, Onslow, Cart erst, PaaaUee, Oriasa, Leoota, and tbt fMpresM and Ftderai Ooarta, - , I have Just received from Ct. Louis that was ever offered for, in Eastern North Carolina, and have also received aflnelot ot - ; I J which means, that there aro good harnains for those who want to purchase good heavy IIulc3 and nico IIoree3 at as low prices 3 they canla Eoldlnany eo everybody call and Noweaua't aappi. eat caq m eompiota without children ; it is her oature to love and want theaa as much to as it is to the beautiful an ;i , 9 Appointment of Speakers. The following candidates and other Democrats named below will tpeak at the following placet on the date men toned. All speakers will begin at 2 o'clock pm. J W BIDDLE, Jasper Saturday Oct 20th. E M GREEN, Cove baturday Oct 29ib. Vaaceboro Bctarday Nov 5th- S M BRINSON. Ft. Barnwell Saturday Cot 29th. 0 H GTJION, Dover Baturday Oct 20.b. Vaneeboro Batarday Nov &lh. M De W BTEVEN80N, Cove Baturday Nor Rth R A NUNN, Ft. Bardwell Baturday Nov Mb. W D MclVER, Vaneeboro Baturday Oct 20ih. Jtspsr Fatntday Nov. Sth. A Judicious Inquiry. A well known traveltcg man who vis its the drug trade says he hta often beard drogglata Inquire of euatnmert who asked for a cough medicine, wheth er It was wanted for a child or tn adult, and If for a child tbey almost invariably recommend Chamberlains Cough Reme dy. The reason for this li that tbey know that there It no danger Iromlt and that It alwayi cures. There It not the lesst dsnger tn giving it, and for coughs, colds and croup It Is uniurrast ed. For aale by all druggists. Brick Brick Enterprise Brick & Tile SLVg Co. We never claim to have better goods than another; we leave that to the buyer. Orders left at my offioe in the Farmers and Merchants bank building will receive prompt at tention. J. Y. Stewart Secretary and Treasurer JE1AHTEUN CiEOUNA DISPATCH M AND Old Dominion Steamship Co DAILY LINE Freight and Passenger 4for all points north EFFECTIVE OCT. 21, 1904. The Steamer Neuse ia sched uled to sail at 6 p m Monday, Wed nesday and Friday for Elizabeth City, making a landing at Oriental but does not stop at Eoanoks Island The Steamer Ocraooke iisokad nled -to sail at p ta Tues day, Thursday snd Saturday for BelhsTen, making a landing at Oriental only. Freight received not later than one boor prevbti to asiXng. For further information apply to OXO. HXNDXESOir, Agi. M K Kino, Gen Ifgr II O HpDoias, Geo Ft A Peas Aat Norfolk, V. W S 8tjmvkbiU, Aaat Gen Ft ad Paaa Ag New Bern, N 0 the finest lot of sale just marltot in this Etato, loolc for -youresll. s County and District Republican Ticket At a recent meeting of ibe H i..i I tan iecotUe C'oruiula vf Cruvm cnuutj , the fullowlog ilckoi Kka uonn'ni iu-Ij nominated. 0 B HILL, Chilrmsn. Fenatnra 8tb-fltrlct-J S Bnlglit Creo;.l M Me borne, Lenoir. KorUouhonf RfpiesDUtblves Ltt-J Tajlor.-Tresaurer- Cbaa B lll'l. Hegla'er of Dee("s J B Gnllen. Sheriff County CommlfsloDert It'.chrJ P Wllllamp, Jkmea H lln. ter, Jdin W Smallwood, OctavU McUloKhirn, EC Beard. Coroner dlw w4t Eovlaiu lmprovtfflent Co., lessee A. & N. C. R. R. TIMB TABLE NO. 2 To Take ESeot Sunday, Oct. 28, 1904 at 10:19 A. H., E. 8. T. Uclng East BOHBDCU: Going Wo No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lt. n m btatiONB: Ar. a m 8 80 Goldsboro U 06 8 59 LaGrange 10 82 4 28 Kington 10 li 6 40 At New Bern, Lv 9 00 5 50 Li. Ar 8 45 7 20. . . . Ar. Horehead city Lv 7 35 No. 6, I No. 0, Passenger I stations I Paajenger Train Train. DAlL) Except BonrJay Lv. a. n. Ar, p. s 8 00 Uoldsboro 8 51 8 18 Best'a 8 0b 8 20 LaGrange 7 61 8 87 Falling Greek 7 4? 8 48. Klnston. 9 02 Uaswell. 7 S' . 7 26 . 1'. . 7 Oti . 661 9 13 Dover 9 80 Core Creek 9 60 TuBcarora 9 64 Claris . 042 1010 Ar. New Bern, Lv.. a. M. P. a, Mixod Freight and Pats. Dally Ex. Sunday. No. 8, Mo. 12 80. .Lv . New Bern Ar. .. . Kiverdale . . oroatan . Uavelock 8 0S 7 CO 7 18 1 12.. 1 20., 140., 7 U0 2 09 Newport, Lv.. 2 20 Wildwood 9 28 Mansfield ti 2 , 807 5 5b 2 66 ..Ai.MoreheadOlty.Lv 6 20 8 00 . .Ar. M. city Depot, Lv 4bu r, a. a FREIGHT. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Ho. 1. 2d Cam. No. 2. 2d Claai Lt. am 511 Qoldtboro 5 45 Best's S 19 LaGrange 817 Falling oroek.... 7 82 Kinston 7 40 oatwell 9 00 Dover 9 40 oore creak 10 10 Tusoarors 10 89 Clark's 1100 Ax. New Bern.Lv. at, p m ....250 .... 2 IB .... 20D .... 188 .. .1218 ... 12 01 ... 11 01 ....10 40 ....10 10 .... 954 ... 920 R 8 HOWLAND, R P FOSTER Prest Oen Man fi L DILL, Supt ElUwoo., Undar Hots! ChatUwka, GENERAL HARDWARE. Screen Wire Doors and Windows. The Ice Saving Ola zier Refrigerators. Agent tot tba Fanner Olrl and Boy Cook Btovea. Farmers will bear la mlati that w carry a very oom plate llae of Americas Btael Wire Fenoa. PTEW DEM, N. iX Wireing For Electric Lights Ptrsoas wIsklBf tkalr balldlBn "Ir1 will pleas saak applleaUoa la wrl Uaf. Aay soaiplaUU (or dsfeetlvs llfbts, (aaltaalloa ot aaployttt, . U aaadt as wrlUaf, to tk Oottavlaaloa, srCl ra- r praspt MtaaMos. Adam au aawaaalaatioaa IA lb Beorstary. WATIR tiODT 0OKMUSI0R, ' i .':.' -i . UOrlflttsl h Chesapeake aiid Ohio Railway V-WOBiLib'fl FAlB B0JENI0 ROUTE AINT LOUIS, MO- 8O0RTE8T, QUICXMT sad EKbT BOtJrfc Vi lilted, KlMtrl-LI(kt Tralos vllk FiUaiaa fSatper aad Dlnln (Xr. . , v . ' . Tkrok ticket frost Carolina wltk dlct smateUos, sfFflAL RATI f ob mttOHirrT ? rirrxxn dat tickets. .,-.. i , rtrtMS da) ticket fro HW Beta, 9 0,13815. . , .... , Blaeptaf cat acaoauMMlttloai td apaa tpplleatir L srKCtAL OOACB JSXCUUajONb ' t ea autbmtsad dates, tloktU food for tea dsys at rata of tilli U t,rrsp 0410 J tow rait front otaer ttatloa. fractal oeoanodlloat attad fof parti t Btop overt rrmtttd wltboat limit at C A O, clebratd MoaaUla eorU.i,- ' V r. 1 UK O O ROUTE aad putrbaa your llrkst aooordlngly, -y y , , . ', t. ' a di'', fiTv'' : r 1 nilar Information, sddraat ' : v. ft. v.- a 1'Tr-rf, Dft, Rtcbautad, VV T A Green. Prts K H Mradowi, Vlcc-Prc Citizens' Bank, Do a General Banking Busln Surplus and I'ikIIvIiIpiI Trvftta 8ii,owi oi) We will i r pu.iiijtt An.) tiiiaful adfiition lo al liiu-iiu ss ciitmlnl ti- Wr iimtr vuur ai". xuiil. Try us. I'.OAIili (jV I'lKl i TOKS I A Mead. "', Narni V Ij li. I llll II Fuwla .) V (,;i aiii'MT, I . W ruallwiiod, (ico N lvtm. E H Meaiiow I l.a: I '.illy. i, Jas Rejniond Mafi Halm. 1 !..- A 1 .1 .-,-1 C K Fi.y, WFCrocUrll. Maili l-oav Who is your candidate Roosevelt -Oli- Parker ? Ths cimlng rami-ulgn promises to be chjoJ. JNen lit-r (ar.iliUio la curtain of success. KvenU nifty Imnncn which will charjge the wtinle Bitct of Ihe po litical situation No newspaper ii bet ter equlppcil to luindlc the news than The Washington Post It hfl a perfect. tU jrraobic eorvlca. Its spetial LOirefvrnnlents rank first In the newspaper profc-mlou, unit all the newt ia printeil ujihout fer or favor of either piriy. Tim l'ost Is thoroughly independent, acd cuch day will give the true sltiai'iu, lincolore'J by partisan zeal. No iinpcr i i more mldelv quoted. At great cn-t It obUiinH rable diapatchea from tho Londcii Times, giving ths news of the Huftalun Japanese war. Hufsetiplion for three months, $1.90; two months., $1.M: one month 70 centa. 8umrlo cojues fref. THE WAIIINOTON T03T CO., Washington, D C. TRENWITH, Blacksmith ,t Wheeln'ght. Manufacturer of liugglcs, Wagoni, Carls aud iruv.nlvi'ays it good sup ply In stock. Repairing neatly done on quick noll. e. Shop H South front lSnilroal Ht. IVoitr Administrators Notice llavlni; iirililk'l :n mlmialBtrator of James llm:ll, ileceuaecl, lalo of Craven rounty, N Clliis In to notify all persona having claims neatust the estate of laid dtoeei! to e x li 1 1 1 1 tbem to the under slgneil on or liufuro the 1st day of No vember lllifj, or tlu.i notice will ta pleaded In bar recovery. All persona In ilebt" d to salil eti me will please make Immediate ptnitn'. This lOih ilav ot on. 11)01 FIlANfi HARRELL. Ailmr of .lames llarrel, Deed. Snow Illll N t'. t. X. Simmons, A. D. Ward SIMIONS & WARD, ATTORNEY an1 COUNSELORS a LAW. HEW BKKHK, . V. Office Removed across Htroct to Rec ?ni Story of Ho. C9 (above Tclegrap-i of fice) Bouth Front Street, ne.', lo Uotel Challawki, Practice In tho counties of Graven, Duplin, Jones, Onblow, Carteret, Pamli co and Wake, In the ypreme and Fed eral UocrU, and wherever services ar deolred Ernest M. Qreen, Attorney & Connselor at Law, PboauBt., NKW HKRN, N. U Well equlp il s nreli titlna by reason of many yearn eiperienoe in the oflloe and an Kegistrr 1 1 Deeds i'ractloea in the Courts of Craven J ones, I'amllcc Carteret, Onsltw. era raqniraJ wherever service Russell House. BEAUFORT, N. C, Centrally locaUd. All the deli cacies of tho soaHon. Well venti lated rooms, Good led8, Phone cou vemences, I'ol'te and attentive Ser vants. Rates 1.50 per day. Special and lilxral tcims by week or month. G. A. RUSSELL proprietor, New Winter Stock I I have received my winter stock of leather and Qitlrjga ami am ready .to done work or reptlrln;. E. HAVENS, Boot A Bboe tUser. 94, Middle Ht. PILES I PILES 1 1 P1LISIU Dr. Williams' IndUn Til Ointment will ear Blind, (Heeding, Dloeratad and Itohlag Plies It absorbs the tumors, allaya tba Itobrnf at onoa, cts as a pool tle,1ves bMtaat relief Sold by DAVIrl' PBABMA0T. '

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