To ify Friends and Customers : I wish to announce that I now have on hand a lew selected driving and farm' horses. and will have within the ana variea siock or ootn Horses ana Mules, which I will sell or trade on very close margin, promising to save you at least 15 ner cent. My lather having ousiness aoes in no manner restrict or affect me FERD. M. HAHN. WIOTT'S PENNYROYAL of menstruation." They are "OFE SAVERS" to girls at womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life becomes a pleasure. $1. 00 PER BOX BY MAIL. Sold Sold in New Bern by !Z2 THE BINGHAM SCHOOL 122122 ideally located near Ashtville, MILITARY. Highly commended by Army Officers and Army Inapectoia, Refaalnc Pupils luteal of lncreiiig accomrnodaTioDT U0 Pr ''' term. COI.. B. BDIGHAII, ff:pt., B. P. D. No. i. AfhevUle, K C lyon's French Periodical Drops Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy. Price, $1.50 per bottle. ftBIITIfltJ Bawar of counterfeit and Imitations. The rennlne la mrl as onlyin calta-boa fd Can MRU I IVH ton with fao-slmlla ilrnatnre on aide of the bottle, lout! jtrtf Bend for CbciUr to WILLIAMS MHJ. CO., Sola Ageata. ClivaluuL OoMu jaXcy-W Sojd by DA.VIS I have just received frtvm St.. TjfMiifl that waa - T-t a -v a.t- - .u in riasieruixorivu uaroima, ana nave aiso jusi received a line lot ot HOR which means that there are good bargains for those who want to purchase good heavy Mules and nice Horses at as low prices as they can be sold in any market in this State, so everybody call and look for yourself. L. G. Daniels, 42 Craven St, New Bern, N. 0 A Good Telephone SERVICE IS A BUHIRES3 NECESSITY, A HOME CONVENIENCE A COM BIN ED NeeefMlty,; Convenience fjuxury ! Oder tevr Pbooe at Ofscal Ilomalnsi A, Ufann, ATT0KSEI AT LAW, - Preottoe In the eoantles of Craven, Oartefet, Pamlico, Jones and Onslow, and In the Stat gupfetse aad redtraJ Coorta. Offloa: aVrath froot "treei. over Tele graph offloa, He ara, . 0- J. L. Hartsfield, Contractor , & Builder OtTlc, 93 1-2 laldiU 8U rtotw J38 COUCH8" DANCER Signals, BkrpTliem With -, Dr. llin; How-Discovery TNI CUMt THAI! in I', I fornl J .,. t am of Thrrmtsni I.nngs or hiuwj t Beck. FREE '1 H1AK I BBBnBBBmns&SBOBSMiSiaw' next 30 days a full sold his interests and PILLS Thej overcome Weak ness, Irregularity and omissions, increase viff or and banish "pains Davis' Pharmacy. PHARMACY. the finest lot of ftvor nffArnri fnr nnla -1 i a i KOTK'E ! Notice la hereby glrtn that Certificate No 8828 for twdebaree of stock of the A it N 0 Railroad Coapaay with my name attacked has btea losU Appllca Uoa for the relsaoe f sssm will ba cade. X H MEADOWS, Oct 18. 1W4 Houirrtn Hocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A But Me4Ulaa far keay Pattla ' Brlaga Oaldae Haalta W ffm. A nnrlrle fnr Oneatlnatieai IaJllrrtiea. tMe Kidney TroebkM, H .Idne Traeblae. Flrrmiaa. Beaana. ImDeM looil. hti Braath. WorrWi Etmat. Baadaohe .Kd Uaokai-Wa. l Uaokai-fca. aVar MooaUta Ta hi tab- i form, m Mat a toi, Omnliis auata ay 10LOEW RU08ETS FOS taLLOW PEOPlt Notice Sale -of Land. Paraeaat to las order of the Saoerior Coen, Id ise eoaaiy of Cravea, sntde la lea proosediag entiueau t MoUertky near, or noun ttrysa, sanfsserj.tgajnet Petite Dlilahaat aed oi&m. The aa dralfad, adstlsbtratot aad eoaan le ft oaar iu oflaf for tale ai peblle ao Uo to the sljbeat Wdder, at tbe ooorl hejee ooor e Near Bera oa Monday Not 7ta at is 'ev ea, .w, lae rouowtag deaerlbrd loi la Iaffy Tows, Ne IL, oa a plot oa me iiparn ot US' Bern esi td Duffy Tow or aferekaateevtllafollf oetorltwd Is tee deed frost M B Uaffy reeorded la book 139, pare 681 la the it &ot ef the Hat Islet of Deeds of Cravea eogatf. Terra of aale Cue spot eoa- loraaauos ay ui eonrs, v- - . . Tab Sept lOta, 104. . ' O.ile0AKTnY,V AdstrofEdlta Brjaia, Deoaaetd Coav islailrmer, : - - " k. f- 71 - i i. r-" . y i". r- i. ami: HE WON'HISiBET "I'll bet jou 5 1 cm sweep every room In the boose and wash the break fast dishes, too, In en hour and a 'half, You .women, dawdle so t about ' your work and make to moch lot nnlmpoi tant tnlnfa." w 'V'.f:gfev "Ob, yes, that i about as much as a: mart knows about a woman's work. would like to give you a little lesson on the subject, however, so I'll tako your bet. I'U give yon, the Q If you'll Co the work In the time yon propose." ' It had been a hot week and Old Sol, seemed to have gathered himself for final effort that morning.' Mrs. Golf's systematic methods had been some what interfered with by unexpected company, and Friday had actually gone by without the usual weekly reno vation, much to her disgust, for like most orderly housewives she had cute little programme to which she rigidly adhered. Even though tired muscles quivered with pain and over wrought nerves protested against such a relentless system, she would -drag through the part laid out for each day, Instead of taking a good rest and then doubling the. work the next day when she felt equal to the exertion. Mrs. Golf didn't keep help, partly be cause she wanted her three children to learn to work and partly because, be ing a strong, healthy woman, it would interfere with her household economics to do so. There was a little more discussion on the subject, and then each one start ed out to give the other a beautiful lesson. It Isn't often that two persons plan to get such widely divergent Il lustrations from the same little per formance. She was just to keep out of the way until he was through and let him do things his own way and tell hlra when the time was up. Wouldn't she have a Jolly good Joke on him, though, for be never could accom plish It. lie decided to do the sweeping first no the kitchen might cool off a trifle, and armed with besom and dustpan lie mounted to the upper rooms. A small space was swept first and chairs, tables, etc., shoved together and cov ored with a nice, clean sheet to keep the dust off, while bric-a-brac of vari ous kinds was tumbled on to the beds with a charming disregard of immacu late counterpanes and dainty pillow covers. It was Inspiring to see how the carpet succumbed to each vigorous stroke of his brouni, which sent the dust curling in marvelous eddies high up to the ceiling, while his face grew more apoplectic in appearance as the work progressed. But he went on, and In flu incredibly short time be had swept the entire eight rooms and was ready to begin on the dishes Mrs. Golf heard the dishes rattle. She remembered her promise to keep out of the way. but her woman's cu riosity was strong. She must take a peep at John In all the majesty of his new vocation. She managed to pos sess her soul In patience until fifteen minutes of the specified time, and then she ventured into the kitchen. The gleaming piles of china were white and clean, but tbo waterl No need to Inquire what constituted the break fast menu. One glance was sufficient Bits of steak floated around on tiny rafts of toasted bread, eggshells play ed tag with melon rinds, and grapes careened complacently around the swirling mass as be rescued a few belated silver spoons from its shadowy depths. "Oh, John," exclaimed the bonified woman, "you never scraped the plates!" Well, I should say not! What's the use of fooling away so much time? I rinsed them In hot water. You couldn't get them any cleaner yourself. I tell you women waste too much time on trifles. Wblleou are getting ready to do a thing a man would have plunged Into It and had It done." The dignity of this remark was some what impaired by his ludicrous appear ance. Big white aprons are not usual ly very becoming to men, end, com bined with Mr. Golfs ample propor tions and the bnge polka dots of coal smoke, with tbe towel which bad served as a sweeping cap still perched on his head, be Was anything but an Impressive figure. Nothing daunted. however, be continued his little lee ture. "I tell yon,", aald he, "women don't know bow to economise time. Tbey don't know bow to simplify and systematise. Perhape the new woman. with aU ber floe theories, will learn to bring eome ef tbe order and method of office work Into the homes tod that the morning hours mostnt be devoted to neighbors aod newspapers and" He didn't finish his nomUy-nls wife waa convulsed with Isughtaf, two of his friends bed sneaked in the back way Just in time for tad finish, and al though be had won his bet with five minutes to spar be privately admitted to them that lf be got caught in such a trap agala kit nana Waa Dennis. lie said be would rathe snake estimates against a big p lift Una house on a two cent margin, correct the offloa boy's Srst proof ar area try to collect a bill for posters and programme from a traveling coecert company . thaa tbreagb such an experience again. It required h good deal of hard work en tbe part of Mrs. Oolf to-brlng order eet ef the eases effort wblck be bad created aad which bo stoutly insisted II was no part of hla province ta ra move. ;. Aad It made ber vary aad to Bad delicate vase shattered and the aose eft a favorite statuette) bat. take tt aU la alt, aba eonatdera the expert- tnent t grand stjcceaa, for Si ace that tine John bss grown remarkably retl eeat ea tbe snb)ct of Improved nwtb eds and rapid Multa, aad aba realises that aa anwoate conaideratloa grown oat of that Httte f eadar lufeptsoda. . . ) CflBfosttmi ot t mest ' Kev. Joba ft. Coi, ef Wale, Ark- wrtue, "Pot 11 years I nffrad fnira Tsllnw iaeadlce. I eonsulled a Bamber ot pbytklent end tr!r4 all sorts ot atedt c.!4, bnt n ne re'lff. Thea I befaa t' sae of E'ecltlc I'tilnrs a4 fe thai I am bow coil ef a tl'iraa lht had ana la Hi rap fut w' yri." If jnn want a ila' . r -r I.lff er' L i j i -J I uJXJJULJ BMt iftf always prepares in dooj io uw wmu py tWmtTim0ttjSuttrm. Motbor" .Tfrtead everwme ell An w of daOicth, a4 aarrios the axpactaat mother safolrtga fsjriical pW Vitteot ala. Mtafa woman's fUmttih iWrftrfy n of U baaafit an relief icrited from tfea M r tnia wondarm isnsdv. t 814 If all sli ulata a tLjoo tier tittk. Oar iittls UUi kook.aflin( afl afeoat vi'-xt ftUninimaate win W. fiv THE HALL OF FAME. Tamagno, the noted Italian tenor, is in politics. He wants to go to parlia ment Lemy Pflfley lives not In fancy, but in fact, and Fact, Clay county, Kan., at that President Francis of the 8t Louis fair was a newsboy. He saved his money and got a start Bobert McCurdy, a wealthy insur ance man of New York, Is having a sun parlor built on the root of his mansion. Senator Berry of Arkansas is a fruit grower on a large scale. His apple orchards are among the finest In his section of the country. The Duke ot Fife, son-in-law of King Edward, Is one of the few landowners In Great Britain who do not believe in the accumulation of vast estates. John D. Btrassburg began work In the Louisville postoffice In 1843 and Is the oldest postal employee m the Unit ed States. He never has been pro moted. General de Megrier, whose threat to retire recently caused a stir in France, was rusticated from St. Cyr and sent to serve as a soldier ot the line as pun ishment for fighting a duel with u fel low cadet. Captain Frank Parker of the United army has been permitted by tbe French army authorities to spend a month with tbe Fifteenth regiment ot mounted chasseurs to study their Lmethods and maneuvers Levi B. Davis of Mount Clemens Is the oldest traveling man in Michigan, hav ing been on the road for fifty-one years, principally In his own. state. He was just twenty-one when be began travel ing and has been on his rounds ever since. Alexander J. Cassatt finished bis edu cation at Heidelberg university at twenty years of age and joined a sur veying party In Georgia, Then he en tered tbe service of the Pennsylvania Railroad company as a rodsman, from which position he worked hla way, op. HORSES AND HORSEMEN. The mile In 2:05 by Gordon Prince at Readvllle Is a world's record for the first winning heat by a pacer. A three-year-old trotter by Earalll, 2:074, has been a bait In 1:06 over the Readvllle track for John Toung. Noretta, 2:1844. has been a mile In 1:10)4 at the Olenvllle track sod was shipped east with Ed Benyon's stable. A four-year-old green pacer by Dr. Hooker, dam by Sentinel Wilkes, stepped the Parkway track recently In 2:12. P. O. Rice of Sandusky, O . has pur chased Clio, Jr, 2:20t4, by Ellerslls Wilkes, snd will use him In the mati nees. The trustees of the Frank Jones es tate are said to have a 819,000 offer for the Granite State park track and grounds. George Starr has stepped Patches Maid a mile in 2dOH. She is going good snd could have gone faster than ber trial BRITISH BRIEFS. Scotsmen In London are generally at the bead of tbe bowllog clobe. aToar thousand pigeons la the heart at London have become a atjiaanos. tan English oooaty lodge recently re- snssked, "Not a ease cornea Into court boff (That there Is perjury on one aide or too otter." - The record of a roar's weddings la ka4ea abowat BstabUsbed church, 6C fall Romas Ctthelio, l,e&4 Noncon formist, 1,808; registrar's office, 14,068; Qaakara, 14; Jews, 1,671 The loadoa General Omnibus com- pacry 4ae over 18,000 bcoee. None of tbo stpetitoeots tried la relation to tbe snbetltntioa of motor for boras traction his pat prorod satisfactory.' Tbe British government has warned dealers against selling without a. Iltp or Urease candles fined with alcoholic nqnori; a mlechiev ens practice that ap neas t be very com moo la England... latviaVLal liaaet " 'LAtle Bobbl left his mother's Up and climbed up off bis father's knee. . , "Do yoa love papa mora thaa mam mar askew Aant Kate. ; i v ,L ' ' . "Ko," replied the yooageter. "Bat mamma and I are both gotng to heav en, and grandma aays papa wofft If be don't atop smoking la the parlor, so I'm going to sea all of him I can tow. -Cincinnati Coremerctal Tribune, i . , Some Seajooaole Alice. - - ' It mar be a piece of laperfloa advice to Urge people el this seasoa of the year selsy la a mnly of -Obambetlala't COngk Rjrraedy, It Is almost sera to be seeded before winter It ever, cod Binch more tirorririt end eiilafstrtory retulit a'l o' taincl whea lake aa anna tit Cola Is CKirarled ind before It hM ei; ! In tin ifitem, whli h rin t b bf krei.lin the Mmrrli 1. i , r- , i 1 la ! 'o'j knows Brery woman sWifij" r tie pair, pretty figare, sad '" nut of them dealer the low of their girlish forms - after nrarrisge. Ta bearing ; of children often destructive to the mother's shapeliness. . .Lt. 1 U J aaei ' Cirfl of i'ul'uiiise. Probably mi famous birj lias n small er habitat tliti it the bird of paradise, whose beautiful feathers are so highly prised in tbe millinery trade. No one knows why tbe varieties of tbl:t beau tiful bird nre contined to tbe Island of New Guinea and the neighboring coasts of Australia. There are many other Islands not far away where the conditions would seem to be equally favorable to their existence, but they are not found among them, and lf we should ever see a hunter of tbe bird of paradise we would kuow that he was a native of New Guinea or the neigh boring mainland of Australia or had visited those regions. Broke Into His House. 8. LeQnlnn of Cavendish, Vt., waa robbed of his customary health by In vv .ilonof Chronic Constipation. When Or. King's New Life Pills broke icto his house, his trouble waa arrested and now he's entirely cured. They're guar an teed to cure, 25c at O D Bradham's Drug Store. Jones County Speaking. Democratic nominees, Jones county will speak' at tbe following times and places, viz: Trenton, Batutdsy, October 29th at 2 p m. Hon Franklin McNeill will speak with County candidates at MaysvlDe, Pol- ocksvllle, Haskln's Chapel and laler'a utore. He will also speak at Trenton, on Thuraday night, Oct 20th. T O WHITAKER, Obm'n. Ex. Com. THOS D WARREN, Sec'y. Ex. Com. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, 1 Lucas County. 1 Frank J Cheney makes oath that be Is aenlor partner of the firm of F J Cheney & Co, doing business In the city of Toledo, County and State aforesaid and that same firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of catarrh thyt cannot be cured by tbe use oi uau s uaiarrn Cure. FRANK J CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my preaence, this Gth day of December, A D 1686; A. W. GLEA80N, (Seal Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure h taken Internal ly and acts directly on the blood ay a tern and mucous surfaces of the system. Bend for circulars free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Bold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. Brick Brick Enterprise Brick & Tile JTf 'g Co. We never claim to have better rmnds than another: we leave that o te the buyer. Orders left at my office in the Farnera and Mereh&ntu bank hnilrlino- will receive prompt at- o - tention. J. W. Stewart Secretary aad Tretgnrer EAJSTJSltW CAROLINA DISPATCH 'lJE Old Dominion Steanisliip Co Freight and Passenger for all points north IFf EQTIVB OCT 21, 1904, The Steamer Hens Is iched nUd to aall at 8 cm Monday. Wad- neadiy and Friday tot tiizabeth Uty, making a landing al OrleaUl bat does not atop at Boanokt Ialand The Steamer OcrMoka . it BCbAd- nlarl tn aail at V U Tia day, ,Thtirday and Batoiday te BrlhaTen. makioff A lanaing at Oriental only. , Treight reoeired ot later, thaa one Hour Jjrevlon to aauiof. , , Fot foHhw lrJormation apply to M K Kuta, Gen Mff ' II a llDDoiaa. Oan Ft A PaM Af -1 " - Norfolk, Vm, W 8 BvMunuttt, Aut Gen Ft and TnM Agt, New Bern, N O .. . Attorney at Law, 71 bo, front Ft., Ofp. IIoW Chaltawka ,T L:i it. a Cren (' ! C ' f'tr , J"'n , ' ln Lf VSaVUUUUsVfel 1 t County lands District ' S Republican Ticket . At s -recent mcet'eg of ihe H-ml.l can KxcoetUe Contnlit- f Craven county, tbe following ticket wm uDinlrunu.lf nominated. C II "'ILL, I h lrmsu. Senators 8th Dhtrlct-J 8 Btunlght. Cret; J M Me. borne, Lenoir. Tiit House nl hepieienulvci - Let- J Ta) lor. t Treasurer-Chaa B HI I. Iteglater or Deeds J B UriSeii. Sheriff-John Fiddle. CoQnty ComniHsli'nerr Rlchnid P William, Jamea 11 Ua ir, John W Bmallwood, Octavl McQlonhcrn, EC Beard. Coroner dlw w4t. talaii liimnt Co., lessee A.&I4. C.R. R. TIKI TABLB; HO. 2 To Take EHeot Sunday, Oct. 28, 1904 at 10:19 A. H E. S. T. Going East Bohedclb: Going Wt a No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv, p m stations: Ar, a m 8 80 Goldsboro 11 06 8 69 LaGrange 10 82 4 28 Klnston 10 li 6 40 Ar New Bern, Lv, 9 00 6 60 h. Ar 8 46 7 20. . . . Ar. Morehead city Lv 7 35 No. 6, I i No. 6, Passongor sTitioss: I Pa&mngei Train Train. DAlbi Except 8unday Lv. a. at. Ar, r, a, 8 00 Uoldsboro 8 8C 8 18 Beat 8 08 8 28 LaGrange 7 67 o oi ailing Ureek... 7 47 o 4o. Klnston 7 8'i 9 03 Oaswell 7 26 i 18 Dover 7 1 8t ...Core Creek 7 Ot 4 60 Tusoarora 0 6C i 64 Clarke 6 41 1010 Ar. New Bern, Lv 8 81' a. at. p. a Mix ad Freight and Pass. Daily fci. Bunday. No. 7, No. 8, 180. .....Lv. New Bern Ar 8 05 1 12 Kiverdaie 7 80 1 80. . oroatan 7 18 1 40 Havelock 7 00 8 0B Newport, Lv 8 2 2 20 ..WUdwood 6 07 28 Mansfield 5 5c 2 66 . . Ar. Morehead Olty, Lv 6 20 8 00 ..Ar. M. Olty Depot. Lv 4 M) it, a . at, FREIGHT. DAILY EXCEPT oUNDAV o. l. No. 2, 2d Clash. d Clasa Ar, p m Lv, a m 512,...-. ..Goldsboro 6 46 Best's. 8 12 LaGrange ....250 .... 2 18 6 17 Falling Creek 1 88 7 82 Kins ton 1218 7 40 oaswell 12 01 00 Dover 11 01 0 40 Core oreek 10 40 10 10 Tuecarora 10 10 10 88 dark's 9 54 11 00 Ar. New Bern. Lv 9 80 R 8 HOWLAND, R P FOBTER frest Uen Han S L DILL, Supt Notice! Have just received resh car load Ameri can Wire Fence; same will be sold at greatly reduced rate. Come snd see me before buying. E.W, Smallwood Wireing For Electric Lights Peraoas wlablag their tmOdlags wired 111 please make application la wrl Hag. Aat oonplalsU for defeotlve lights, laaUeaUoa of amproyees, aVo U mad ta wriUac, to the Oonualselaa, win re- oslra'Dromai altoatloa. Address ail eommaalcatioaa to the BeereUry. WATXB LIGHT OOKItlaoIQN, ' 'r'- ' ' '! Griffith 8U Chesapeake and : , WOELD'S FAIE i i '-BAINT-LOIJIS, HQ ..'- ' - ( ") inOOTKoX QUICttoi aad BXbT BODTH VmUbnled, XleotrtoXlibu Trains wltk Pnllmaa Sleeper ' aad Dtataf Oars, j ! . . . Tirrmfh tickets from CirollBt wtt 4lret soaseetlott. srtClAL HAT t oa ABoif;sixTT or rirrxxN DAT TICIKTS. ; ' " Fltsea da tickets from Hraj Bora, N 0, 3d 19. : ' Bleeptot acormamodatlons aafa4 apoa applloatloB. " ' - SKCUt COACH IXCCRWONS : --r " oa authorised dates, tlokeU food for tea dtya at rats of in. 70. IriW-yoBdlnil J low rates from other stations. Ppeelel aoeomsBOdtiloai arrtsid lor parties , Stop ovsrt permttttd wits rot limit at OUs O. aelebrsted Motaula reeerta, -. ' CHS Tilt 0 4 0 UOtfTI tad porcbtee four tlcketsaonordltilr. v ",. ' i For c h cnr!tiB f)te. rervllnrtt tnd other Inforssatioa, address -.. W, a WART3t(Drtaaeoad,Vtv r.' v ri. fg. c.o. r.,Fot' ...,va., . T'A 6eel K - "E H atesetotre, Vlce-Pr T A Oaetl, lawn Citizens' Bank, on uiiwaiiiB,H.(:. Oo a General Banking BusK SuriliiH and Undivided Preflts S-'2,000 00 We will give puimpt and carefal attention to ai business entrusted to ua. We iovtte your account, Try us. FOARD OK DIKEXTOUS- J A Meadow jt, Sam 'I W Ipocli, Chas II Fowl J W Grainger, E H Medn7, E W Jmallwood, Chas DufTy.Jr, Thoa A Green, Mark Disoway Geo N Ivei. Jas Kedmond C E Fuy, Mayer Halm. W F Crockett. Who is your candidate Roosevelt -OR- Parker ? The coming campaign promises to be ciuaC. Neither candidate Is certain of auccess. Events may happen which will change the whole aspect of the po litical situation. No newspaper i bet ter equipped to handle the news than The Washington Post It has a nerfect telegraphic service. Its epetinl correspondents rank first in the newspaper profession, and all the news is printed without lenr rr favor of either parly. The Post is thoroughly independent, and cscli day will give tbe true situation, no colore 1 by partisan zeal. No paper W more mldely quoted. At great coht It obtains cable dispatches from the London Times, giving the news of the Russian Japanese war. Subscription for three months, (1.00; two months, $1.20; one month 70 cents, itamnle copies fre. THE WA-HINGTON F09T CO., Washington, D C. TRENWITH, Blacksmith & Wheelright. Manufacturer of Buggies, Wagona, Carts and iirayo, always a gocd sup ply In stock. neatly done on quick notice. Pihop on South Front Nt. Near Railroad Administrators Notice Having qn illlled as administrator of James Harrell, deceased, late of Craven county, N C.tliis l in notify all person having claim u'l tts1 the e-ta'n of aald deceased to exhibit ihem to the under signed on or before t lie Is' day of No vember 1905, or this not'ee will be pleaded In bar recovery. All persona In debted to aald csuto will pleaso make Immediate, payment. This 10th day of Oct. 1901 FRANK HAHRELL. Admr of James Ilarrel, Deed. Snow Dill N 0. P. Jt. Simmons, A. P. Ward 5IMT10NS & WARD, ATTORNEY aai COUNSELORS a LAW. IIW BKIRI, . o. Office Removed sctobs Street to bee dtory of No. 69 (above Telegrap. . I lice) tionth Front Btrect, na, . to Hotel Chattawkt, Practice In the counties of Craven, Duplin, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamli co and Wake, in the Supreme and Fed eralOourU, and wherever lervtoes ar desired. Ernest M. Green, Attorney & Counselor at Law, Hbod 8t., NEW BERN, N. C Well equiped to search titles by reason of many yean eiperience In the office and as Register ot Deeds: Practices in the Courts of Craven, Jones, Pamllor Carteret, Onslcw, or wherever service tie required Russell House. BEAUFORT, N. C, Centrally located. All the doll caciee of tho season. Well venti lated rooms, Good beds, Phone oou vemences, Pol'te and attentive Ser vants, Rates 11.50 per day. Special and liberal terms by week or month. Q. A.. RUSSELL proprietor, New Winter Stock I I have received my winter alock of leather and fillings sod id ready to do new work or repairing. E. HAVENS, rVt & Shoe Miter 94, Middle Bt. PILES 1 PILES 1 1 PILES! I! Dr. Wmiams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, D leading, Ulcerated aad itohlnx Piles It absorbs the humors, alhtyt tbe Itoblnf at ones, eta as a pen I tk,rvt biaeani relief Sold by D AVIS' PHAHMACT. Ohio Railway B0ENI0 ROUTE 1 r

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