THE JOURNAL. xtwBm. Xk cu ctsaerw, tui. lOBUMUCTttT. W00DME5 Of TH1 WORLD, at Bonn tree Hall Ssnu-Montkly, First and Third Wednesday at MO o'clock.' Visiting Woodmen are lavr. ed. OHAYXM LODQI HO. 1 KHIQHT8 OF HARMOHT. Moots lad ud dtfc Wednesday nights ta sack saeatb i ta Boontiee HaX Pollock street, at Mp o'clock, ttamaol & Ball, Presides J. B Baitk, 80071 Ei3, Financial Becretsry. ttidez tt Hew AlTotltmeits. Democratic J 8 Mliler Furniture. Ecnett Books. Amertcin Stock Co Clothing. 0 S Waters 4 Sons Vshlcles. R A N inn To Lead. Business Locals. U00 to lead on city Noun. AUy. real estate. BA FTJRNITURE-I wish to oall the atten lion of the pnbllo to my One selections of furniture and stoves at prions where comnetltlon outs no figure. Bee us be fore you buy. J S Miller. FOR BALK One piano, good as new, been used sbout a year, also for rent, two rooms, furnished or unfurnished, privilege of bath room, hot and oold water. Chas 0 Clark, Jr. CHESTNUTS and Broad St Fruit Co. Blckle Fears at the POMEGRANATES Largo and Ripe, 188 Pollock Bt FOR RENT Furnished Room Cheap. Apply at 110 Hancook Bt FOR BALE at a Bargain Horse and cart. Tennessee wheels. Apyly to JO Land, Riverside Store. STOLEN From the house of N P Wil lis, near Vanoeboro, last Saturday Oct 1, a gold hunting case watch, Waltham movement. Number of ease 279850. Flftv dollars reward for the arrest and conviction of thief. DoaWfUla, SKIFFS and Boats for sale. One sohoon er in good condition, capacity 40 000 feet of lumber. Cheap. Also agent to ell steamboats, H H Dowdy. THE HIGHLAND PARK SYNDI CATE of Norfolk offers a free round trip ticket to Norfolk on the occasion of the Hons Show, Oct Mth to 26th t til persons who purchssa two or mors lots from the syndicate. Mr J F Haaff , Middle 8t,U the sgent JUST RECEIVE.) Friday a large aid fall assortment of Tenney's package Ml loose candies. Ton are Invited to t -Deetssmeat James B. Dawson's, 108 Middle Bt, Phone S09. FRB8H Vienna and .Frankfort Saoasfs at Oaks Market. FINE Pork Sausage, Prime steaks, Roasts and other cuts of Stall-fed Beef this morning at the Railroad Meal Mar ket. FINE kat Sausages at Coast Line Msr- SCHOOL BOYS Pressing club will press suits sad drosses neatly and sty llihly. Work left at Callaway's barber shop will be promptly and satisfactorily dona. Give team a trial. A FINE lot of North Carolina ooaatry bams and shoulders at the Oaks Moot Market TEST COKE AKD GO. Mr 0 W Man gar and family hare re turned from Black Mowatela where they have been . speadlag the mer. Dr aad Mrs Francis Daffy want to Coldsboro yesterday. Dt Duffy is member of the State Board of Health aad with that body he made aa official laspeottoa of the hospital there. Mr W A Tniiag of Wstertowa, X T arrived hare yesterday to be at the bed side of his Bother. Mr Hugh Wood has rataraed from Rlckatond whore ha kasbeaa Nirs- It Mr W 8 Chad wick of Bcaafort was la the dry yesterday. Mr Staaiey 0 Btevea of Detroit, Kick s la the dty Oo gasst of all brother. Editor Bisreaa. Mrs J P Tayiotof Stella, Is la the cfty. Mr sad Mrs W R Baals of ft Bars, wen wars la Mew Ben yesterday. Xt sheriff J H BeO of PoOockfrllle was here yesterday. MlssBedJe Edwards marned te her la Ooldsbera yesterday eAera tautttoMmlOoem, eats eea be reserved for the great rasaa,Ir1a,U bap scented bare Bart Mewday Bight, this asoralag at Waterr. The ariose ea first floor art! bsTte flXO sad ItM, aad m gallery K, H sad toe. -.. - -'- ' ,1 -,--. feuom&U til iwUftttiM aurU . Lees year I bad a rer severe attacft wf aadlgasiioa. I eeald not alee at klgatsad aaffsrad most aroraelatlsg tela lot three boars after earh meal 1 ' wee troubled this way tot shoal thtee tnoata wfews I 1 CkemViWwlafi'f tttmrl ssd 3 aM',e N-tsd - tauMriUta r lot" srs iuUa Mios.Tot . Isawna, Ontario On aria. I"t S4 fcy &7J10iD'lUD Comressmu Thomas . DellTers Stirring Address. The Carter of the BepubUeia Presl- deuUal Candidate Laid Bare to the Eyes of the Voting Puklie A Bplea dld Effort and a flood Re. nit . There was a little dlsappoictment showa at the Court House last evening, when Judge WBO'B Robinson, who wu scheduled to engsgo la jolat debste with Eon OR Thomas was not and would not be present at the meeting to areak. It wu expected that he would surely be here, but late yestcrdty after noon Mr 0 BBill received a fclegram to the effect that on account of sickness the Judge wu unable to eome down. A good sized number, however, was gath ered to hear New Bern's brilliant son, Hon C R Thomas, pay his respects to the Republican party's candidate, Mr Ernest Green introduced the speak er and announced also the circumstance of the absenoe of Judge Robinson. Mr Thomas expressed the hope that he would be given the opportunity of meet lng Judge Robinson here. Hellkedthe idea pf having a Joint political discussion for the reason thst the two sides were given to contrast or compare the merits of the parties Invol red. Of the long list of places prepared where these debates were to be hold Judge Robinson had appeared at just four of them. More then a dozen ap polntments hsvlng been missed by the Republican candidate. There was a time In the history of the world, said the spesker, when the great army of Philistines gathered to defeat the army of Israel, when the giant oham plon defied the forces of the Lord and at that time there wu one man, a mere youth, whose well directed weapon caused the dlscomforture of the hosts of the enemy by the death of the champion la the Intrepid and valiant leader, Alton B Parser, the Democratic party Lave found a David who will harl to death the Qollah Roosevelt Hs paid a compliment to his political opponent by calling him clever but he represents the principles and Interest of the Republican party and being that ha can not be any better than they are. This la not a campaign of porsonall Ilea. Nor are the personal characteris tics of the candidates to be considered. The question ta tali oampalga Is the fair aad sqoare discussion of the princi ples that each party steads for. Mea make the party, the Batloa aad the is sues. Maa eoastltate the state and after the Tits! Interacts are eonaldertd the kind of Baca who have beea choeca as party standard bearers ought to be given a llttie Mteailoa. Speaking of the Democratic Ooaven tloa at Qrsseiboro , ke made a compart- soa between the great assembly of t, OOOmaaabars of the Democratic part) aad laa RepabUcaa ooaventloa which aa described as s crowd of federal office adders Interested la but oea thlag and that Mag to eoa,Uene their party la power. Be said be wss not criticising the Be pabUoaa party of yesterday, the party of McKlnley, bat we are flghtlag Rooe vettissa. Jadga W P Bream, a prominent Ba pablloaa of tkls 6 late esld otkle owe party la Vorth OaioUaai -If Federal OfBoe holders eoaUiee to eoatrot te this Bute, aa asU respectlaf asaaaa pertiapoUUoe. The two NaUoaal ooaveatloas than aoaspaied. The Ckleage tloa was tpokaa ef aa a eat aad dried affair Wklok bora the mark of Boose VaHiaaa ta every aot, Tky merely weal tarosga the form of aomiaaUoabowed la meek smbmlsaioa to the big potee tale's deeirea. At Bt Loals a few days later was gathered the braJss of I be aesloa fliot aaarlacba H aaaaed by a dlaor. dared aoadhloo of taa etomack aad Is qalokly oared by Caambarlsle'e Bteav atais Uvsr Tsbleea. - fat sate by sJI raggieia, - If You, Pay More ' Uiafl wt ehrf for rapelrinf yoa paj too tntioh. ' If you paj leu you aoal get jour work does riant. Ws do our vstoU, clock and jrwalry repairing at Veil m It can be ttotit, go4 when quality of woik is eou!derl our pAott ajnlnvanaLly Uislow.. . ' , .l OATON. if:: ci I determined upon methods to but the affairs of the country on a better hasla, . , . .'. . If was a time when mastsrf al minds like those of William J. Bryaa sad Orovar Cleveland united in the choioaof Alton B. Faiker to represent the princi ples, of Democracy., Parker was spokea of as a mas who hat united the factions of the party by his wise aad prudent conduct his Inspiring words aad sterling worth. He had secured the support of the Independent press of New York, which h) a powerful factor for any can- didate, and the best aad most conserve- tira business men . favor the Judicious and well balanosd character of Alton B. barker to the fisry and Impetuous per sonality of Theodore Roosevelt Roosevelt! attitude toward the Booth as dwelt on to soms extent; the fact that negro' delegates were allowed upon the floor and given equal privileges with the white delegates at the Chicago con vention. His conduct In the Minnie Cox matter at Indlanola and the Oram appointment at Charleston were given due attention. It has been Roosevelt's steady and determined purpose to shame and humiliate the south at every oppor tunity. The waving of the bloody shirt was a favorite pastime with htm. He said that had McKlnley been president these Insults would not have been made But the race question has been revived la Rooseveltlim. He discussed the tariff at considera ble length, showed the shallow nature of all the boasting talk of prosperity and how panics were instituted snd fed on the principles maintained by the tie publican party. The speech was attentively listened to for a space of nearly two hours. OYSTEE LAW VIOLATORS Virginia State Board Fisheries Will Pro tect Oyster Irdattry From Ruin, Virginia Pilot 87th. At the meeting yesterday of the state board of fisheries the oyster situation in its entirely wu gone over, there hsvlng been quite a discussion regsrdlng the depredations of the oyster lews which threaten to cripple it not eventually kill the Industry unless the legislature oorrects the abuses, Drastlo action will llkelrlbe recommended to eradicate the evil. From time to time there nave come reports of violations of the cull laws that Is, the taking of the oysters from the natural rocks out of season snd be fore the voting bivslves have had chance to mature. it has been alleged that cerlaln parties who lease rocks inside the Bsylor sur vey go out of their territory end take he young oysters, whioh are brought to Norfolk and other places and sold, and that when the police boats approach the violators scary bsck to the lease grounds 10 that It Is difficult for the offloers to secure oonvlotions. A number of local packers sppeared before the board and made complaint regarding the violations, stating that the supplies have been greatly redaoed sad that the quality of the oysters hss been greatly Impaired. Soms of the packers, It has beea stated, hsvs been naed by the inspectors for purchsilng the oysters under else. The meeting between the board and packers was entirely harmonious. Noth ing was givea out regarding the stepi to be taken by the board looking to stopping the violations, but It Is under stood that the atteatloa of the kglsla- tera will be called to the serious state of affairs. The board was frank In staling that It would like to see the cull laws enforced, and the packers arged legislation Iris fit Rev Xisonic Tbeatre. Retarding "Iris." Mr Plaero'i strong problem play, la which L J Rodrlguex preseats Jeaaae Towler for as easgs ateat Monday night at the New Masonic Theatre aa the star, a stsra reviewer of the drama has concluded thst nctiber maa at woman could beworse for seeing the pieoa, aa It Is a wars log agalast self. ladulgeace, tordidaees had luxnry, wkloh fairly boms itself Into one's memory. "Iris" has barn more talked about, probably, than any dramatic pro daetloa that has beea area la the Ualted (tales for aaeay years. It Is said to be aeltke Bay of Mr Macro's whir plays, ra that It Is probably too tree to Ufa tests oaa be reset vid at Waters, Frldsy mornleg. JUtOaV-rtWeTt, Mr David Msaoa of PamUoo eoaaty aad Mrs Maada X. Powers of Maryland, marrM at 741 last alght at the Prcsby tarlaa Maase by Rev H fl Bradskaw. ' p.ltjtaowdea, St. PsaW-rTlfs was sick lot years, aothlag did say good aa tU we esed Hamster's Rocky Moestala Tsa. Now skVs atroag aad bsalthy. tt cents, Tea r Tablets. JP I Daffy. Prompt treetmeat of a slight attack ef Die raoea will often p reveal a eerioas sictaeaa. Taa ban kaewa Remedy Is ur. Ban A snows jULaia. 7 oar spotbeoarlea, Messrs ff B Daily Sad T A Ueery. Hew Bora, M 0, warraat U te girsaaiu i actios. 0a ts laa Oaks Meat Market for the hast Ceased Meets. mteMMMf tciibj Jcwdcr. The 8tale fair for the colored people la progress thla week tn Raleigh la said to be very successful. : The attendance la good aad alt exhibits there srs of a high order of excellence. : ' "' ., Attention Is called to the advertise ments of local merchants In the oolumna of the Journal. ;. Remember the local merchant Is entitled to first considera tion by avery citizen who Intends buy. tng'goods of any kind. Everything seems to favor the Honor roller-The Raleigh dlspeniary bed a big run ox business daring Fair week, the weather being hot ard dry, and produo- tlve of an unsatisfying thirst for beer. If It had nut been hot. It would have been cold enough for whiskey. When once liberated within your sys tem, It produces a most woaderfnl effect It's worth one's last dollsr to feel the pleasure c t life that comos by taking Holllater's Rocky Mountain Tea. F S Duffy. Doctor's Prescriptions They are the beot medicine. You may be able to get a ready-made medic ne that will fit your case, but isn't it better to be examined by a d'K)tor and have him tell exactly what you r oed f Bring the prescription to us to fill for you. We will fill it just as the doctor directs and will use only the best drags. Filling prescriptions is our specialty. Phone 56 Davis Pharmacy LADIES SWEATERS We put on sale this morning som X special Values in Ladies Sweaters in J white, black, red and dark green; prices $2.25, $3 and $4. Also nefo Ladies t Sieckwear, Shawls and Children's 4 Toques Beautiful Shafts for even ing wear in hite, light blue and pink at $1.50, $2 and up, HERE IS THE "BEST VAL UE IN BROADCLOIH. Broadcloth Vue are the most wanted 4 Dro wn ana green; others ask BARFOOT BROS. The Honest Stuff It's the honest stuff that nine-tenths of the people are looking for; the honest stuff, honestly priced. There is little or no satis faction in buying the makeshift sort of merchandise, it may look as well at first but it hasn't got the staying qualities. You may think you have saved a dollar or a dime, but time proves the trick and you find that your supposed economy was no economy st atl. This store Is (tiled with honest stuff st honest prices. Suppose you try it that way. Special black Taffeta Silk 36 Inch Black Taffeta Silk, very heavy quality with guarantee woven in edge of every yd; $1.00 the yd. Black Dress Goods We have an unusual collection of high class black dress goods this season. Fine high class black oeae goods that hold their color and do not crack, atelroee, Peaa da Bote, Peao da Cygne, Vene tian and flue broad cloths at 7Sc snd fl the yard. Two Exceptional lots of j blankets Cool frosty nights mean extra Ud eoverings. Bare are soma 2 SDeciaDT low priced blankets for C blankets, Vary fins and nice, j Tarn o'Shantcrs and Toques ; fOr HttlO tOl!S ; ;: . ; " Most sensiliW, economical art dm are the Tama and Toques. Democratic Rally and Barbecue At VT 1 . I v tuiceuuro. oaiuraay, November 6th. HonC R Thomas, Hop Larry Moore, Hon James A Bryan and Hon O H Gulonand others will Speak. A band from New Bern will make music for the occasion , "If" a woman over gets so "homely" she isn't worth looking at, she'd better take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tes. Bring back the bloom of youth, 85 cts, Tea or Tablets. F 8 Duffy. v selling at $1 yd; all colors, including . arWbAS- yoa to choose from; AO wool N. U - 4 at 4; 10-4 at HM. comfortable heedweer ror bmV ' " , ' 1 ' ; "jf a Fashion Says WINTER SUITS issstwmtsta, (irTV SCtrLOSS BR0WC' rirfe,aolheMcer9' BALTIMORE WtW.YORK J. G. Dunn & Oo Phone 212 .tTf TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTi l Riverside Store. 3 Best Celery 10e, 3 for 25c Bauannas only 20c dos. Lemons only 20c doz. Best Evaporated Peaches 15c lb, 2 for 25c Sweet Cucumber Pickles 10c doz Sweet Mixed Pickles 25c qt our Cucumber Iicklea 10c doz Sliced Ham Roll 35c lb Samp and Grits, Oat Flakes, and Buckwheat; Friday from 12 until 3 o'clock for CASH: Butter, Fox Iiiver, 80c lb Granulated Sugar Gc lb J. O. LAND MANAQKU. Griffith Street Meat Market. We have opened a nice market at the corner of Grif fith and Attmore Kte, in con nection with our grocery and are prepared to furnish our customers with as fine meat and sausage as can be fonnd in the city ! HARRIS & HOLTON, Proprietors ! W .corns It Von Coma Alone Thrioe welcome If you bring your friends to inspect this stock of Au tumn and Winter fabrics for mens wear. Personally Selected in ths New York market, tbay represent the perfection of ths w saver's art in unfinished Worsteds, Cheviots, flay Worsteds and Overooatln ji in ail the newest powi tfomestia mi Imported. Thej'n awaiting vour order to nut. ths shears Iota at prioes thatll appeal to Tour eo nomloai Intttnotsj strongly ta the quality of the goods appeal to your good rtnse. 1 1 X, SI. diadwlck. , ' , ; :', oncv. ' .Mottee Is isrsby glvea that asnlioals Mo, t07( for oaa share ef stock of the A A H O Railroad Co., itaadlag la my aaats ksvlng atea lost, applloallaas for the ralsaos of ths issas will he audi ept ISlk 1804. ' . JiMM A. BBTAI , -" ' , for 1 L CARRAWAT. for Fprtng snd Orowa tl ths tail t'aritt, (tltViSS in either round or square cut coats must be cut long and roomy. The trousers full in hips and knee and fair ly small at the bottom. Our suits will be found to b cut exactly right, and the colors tbis season are very nobb . Full lines of black suits alpo. in both round and square cut toata from $10 to $22 50 Mixed suits in both cutu, 10 to 122 50 We enn save you money. If you are in the habit of having your clolhes tna'le a call will convince jon that no tailnr ciia put up bet ter fitting or m'ire suits than the onea we me slowing this feaso.i. 65-57 Pollock St . ..;'. a.:... . y". -! Style, durability.flnish mark all the turnouts we offer. No qnBtion about it trial proves our statement ao d we beg a trial. We have a practical knowledge of the carriage business, we have the pro per Tc'iifhs and all are at jour service. Look over our stock. We put Kubber Tires on your old or new wlieelj We shrink jour loose tires in a machine without cutting them. Everybody is invit td to see the mmliiuo at work jiut ting new bolta iu o'd placei. . H. WHtm & Monn, ui,w:wib w u. u. yvarers s pon, NOTICE. App'icailon will 1 e made lo OoTernor Chaa It. A) rock, (or the pardon ttt Ji ha Newby, ho run-red a pi. a ol nnlli c n lendre on a rlia'(r f rrijury an-t o enced m a nm I hIi s l bard labor In 1'nion rojrt. . Oci 1 li 19' 4 JOHN NEWBY". FOR SALE ! Several loU for sate. New Beru Investment Company, H A NUNN, P.c'r. Reliable Tailoring. CharucUr and style to ev ery garment at popular prioes Ladies have y ur coat, su t and skirts denied and prosed before the cold weath er comes on. A. BLOCK, Merohant Tailor, 96 Middle St RESTAURANT. Frosh Oysters snd Barbecue ev ery day at Nixon's old stand, No 128 Middle street Other meals on abort notloe. I am now prepared to serve my Sotrons with floe Vegetable Soup ally at lOo per quart Orders promptly filled. Yoari for business, J. L. HORNE They Havt5 Arrived ' AfaUlin of HeaUog ud Oook Stores; eall and look at then; I know yoa can bo suited. Also prepared Btove Polish pat P la oases fot family ass tt lOo Cr cans jsst the thing for. tolUtt your stores at bob without soy dirt or odor. . A fall line of Hardware: wsroo' sad Log Cart Material, ralnta, Oils, Glass; Lrather gad Shoe Fmd brs. ball snd tes OS for lowest prioesV SatisfartUaa guaranteed In til oases if. io. uraney uo - " 67 Boulh Frot)$ f$

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