vowxxii-.ro. its, TWENTY TH1KD YEAR KIW BIHI, I. C. THURSDAY UORIIIfl, SOVIMBIR 8. 1901, r,?M"M,M,MM,M We have just received children's and i misses J1.50 value for $1.00. See window display. Send the little oiiea down and get a fit. Lades JminlA UVUUJl White and Navjr Blue, worth $2 25 for $1.50 J.Q.MBLUC8 NEW ERA PAINT Covering Capacity Unexcelled, Quality Undisputed BUCK'S STOVES SASH DOORS BLINDS Phone 99 Get Yom 1 AMERICAN STOCK COMPANY VIIIL. IIOWAItn. "o) fo) f b) lili I CAROLINA BRICK CO., PlanU at Clark, flyman' Biding, Klniton and Robersonville. Annual Capacity 16.000.000. The large demand for our produot we nmt xa.iawr unci on uui market. W are now erecting Dry Kiln I bat will not ily inoreaae onr output, but will also ma ( teriaD improve tbe quality of onr product HYMAN SUPPIsY COMPANY, new Bern, n v , - New Masonic Theatre ! .Friday Night Nov, 11. Joha 1G Hlokey PreeenU the iml nent Tragedian r John Oriflith, aided by brilliant company of ljWrl H mil. hl.VM In A Am ' production of , SkakespearV im mortal tjagedy . DtsaUof elect teal effect) BUrt ling' cUmioal llloalon; PeaaeUooal Uttl table, eta. A U'e of a- cheth chaolmwt' In ai acU, stirpiiasiDgiZ (wionniBoe itu city. ' ' '" 77- jnCOl-f, HAFCOCL Attorney at Law. t7" Will practice in State and I Jfm Court. ' C.'!ce 4H Hroid ft, liif iuvu looks good spreads better wears best EciEiical in Fuel Sjlsii in operatioa Life Uk i Hiirall! J 68 niddle St Fall Suit vjut new stoca nag arrived; we s ... . have the largest and beet ele:tcd stock we hare ever had. Men's, Youth's and Boy's clothing Oar Shoe department is complete with the Meat styles of standard makes. We welcome onr old pat rons and invite the public to i spect our stock before bujing elsewhere. Mi Justine our claim, that we forniah MUllg Agenti MmmTTrmmmm We are still setlina ICE; CREAM Broad St. ' Fruit Co usiiiaU4Us.ss H'heCastdvvay1 j I b b; all oddi Ihe beet thing i llui Blvee ha written. rana sic: mm Its Valuation In North Carolina. In 1903. State Chmers Granted. Notice To County Superintendents of Pub lic Instruction. Convicts Wanted at State Farms. To Jail Safety. Raleigh, Nov 2. Tile State Auditor today completed the statement showing the valuation of real estate In Horn Carolina for 1903, as it will appear in the report for the year ending Hov. 80th 1001. The total number of acres is 29, 804,883. and the valuation $144,299,819. This is (he valuation ot real estate in the country. There is 80,000 acres own ed by manufacturing establishments out side of town, the value of this being 1360,000, Tbe value of mineral, quarry, and timber interests is $1,287,681. The number of town lots is 108,988, the valuation ot these being $74,486,870. The total valuation of all real estate in North Carolina la $390,808,889. The previous year it was only $178,892,819. The increase during the year is over $32,000,000, which ii by far the greatest ever recorded in any one year. This shows the great prosperity of the State and the marked advance in the value of farm lands. It is a very practical proof of the prosperity of North Caro Una. The Mate charters tbe High Point Hosiery Hills with $20,000 paid up cap! tal, authority being given to Inorease to $100,000, J fl Mills and others being the stockholders. A charter ia also granted the Columbus County Trucker Reporter, of which H O Moffltt and others are the stockholdf r. A weekly paper la to be established. State Superintendent Joyner gives notice to the Cjunty Superintendent of Public Instruction thai the annual meet log of their State Association will be held here November 80th and December 1st. Attendance upon this Is compel sory and every Superintendent is expect ed to be present. Last year 98 attended. In a circular letter to the County Super tntendentf, Superintendent Joyner say the outlook for education In the Stale Is hopeful and that this ought- to be the inst successful year's work for educa lion In the history of the State. The success, however, depends very greatly upon the wisdom, enthusiasm and do votlon of the County Superintendents, A graded course ot study for the public schools bat been prepared and this is to be strictly enforced, as It will greatly promote public school work. Tbe Superintendents will discuss it, as also the business details of tbe public school work. Many things of importance will be submitted to them at the meeting. Gen Robert 7. Hoke, who Is so largely Interested In the Iron mines at Cranberry Is here for a dsy or two and says work is very sotlve there, over 800 men betag employed. The directors of the penitentiary were In session today. They are uked to send more convicts to the State farms, ia order to get out the cotton and other crops there, but say they have about all the available eoavlct now on the fans. To it have beea sent half ot those on the Raleigh and Pamlloo Sound Rail way and all the Outlford county road gang. Thus far about 800 bales have been ginned and there will be el least m more, yet the crop will not be a full one. There Is considerable Inorease in acreage. Last year's crop was 750 bales There are oaly about 70 State eoavlcts all told. The term of tbe present board will and with Governor Aycock's admin latratloa. Sidney Norrla and Wfliy Lucas jonag men charged with Bordering a earned Norrla ta Baraett eouaty last month have beea brought to Jail here for safe keeping. GIVES RELIEF QUICILT Regular Use of Hyomei Cures Meet Stubborn Osee of Catarrh. No other aaedlcla gives, such proas ot revcr as Hyoatei in the treatment of ca tarrh. The first breath' of this remedy soothes and neai Us Irritated and smartlni air passages, aad us regain use for a few days or weeks will ear the anostsvoV esse,1, lorn of the reports of those who tave keen cured of eateirk by Hyomei read Ilk aUraele. Joha I Gray ot Redmond Bill, Fa, Ism 82 year eld sal have beea a sufferer ef catarrh la the head for 18 or 80 jeers. I have deetored with assay specialist sac iney all told as that the disease we Iscurabie ea aocesatof my age, Afletaetag Hyeesel a abort time I was greatly 'benefitted end eeaaow V test I am entirely eared. It has beea all meaihs slice t stopped esiag ine remeay sa I alia remala eured." ThS complete tZyoasel outfit eoste but $1, eoaslstlog ef a lahabtr, dropper as a sumoteot Ujoi to !m aeverat week. This will effect a euro la ordL aery oases, bal for ebfoale ead deep eeatsd esse of ratarrh, lougar as may be aeeetsery, and then eilre bottles ot DyBmel can be obtained for SOo, rrohably llie strntit tjldsnee tbal eaa bS otTered as to rowers of fro- fuel I) ears rt Puff f ' I t t: f s JAPANESE CAPTURE BOATS At Port Arthur. Win-in Manchuria, Mobilisation ol English Fleet IsOver. Rome, Nov. 2 Word received here from Manchuria states thstthe Russians lost two thousand men and four guns In the flghtihg Monday last. The Japanese right and centre continue their taotlcs trying to surround the enemy. Dispatch esalso state the Japanese have cap tured forts fifteen and sixteen at Port Arthur. Gibraltar, Nov. 2. All the excitement caused by the mobilization of yesterday has abated. The crisis is believed to be over. The British cruiser Boomerang and torpedo flotilla have returned to the harbor. The battleship Illustrious and cruiser Leander have also arrived from Vigo and Malta respectively. The bat tleship Majestic, Magnificent and Han nibal have left, sailing east. THEY COMB AND GO. Mrs S Lachman returned last night from a visit to Wilson. Mr and Mrs D R Davis went to Beau fort last night. Dr R DnVsl Joccs has returned from a business visit to Philadelphia and New York. Mrs F S Duffy and Mrs T G Byman have returned from Fayetteville where they have been attending the State Con vention of the U D C. Mrs L A Btith of Suffolk, Va , Is visit ing her sister Mrs George H Roberts. Mrs Chas H Btlth and little daughter, Mary who will make their future home here, are the guests of Mrs George B Roberts, Mrs T M N George and daughter, Mies Elma have returned home. "" Mr Will Orowsoa left for his home at Wadesboro yesterday morning. Mr Edward Clark end bride, nee Brad ford Hyman, returned yesterday from their wedding trip to St Louis snd other western cities. They will be at home for the present at tbe residence of Mr and Mra T G Hyman on Pollock St. Mr John Bowden, Jr., went to Jack sonville yesterday to do a few days work In typewriting for Mr E M Eoonce. ! First Game of Football. There will be a game of football at the Blades Park grounds Frldsy after noon at three o'clock, between the New Bern and the Military Academy teems. The game Will be exciting and those who love to see a good isms of foot ball will hare tbe pleasure on that occa sion. Everybody go and witness the Initial gsme. It is between local teams ana wor thy of large patronage. Admission, men. IS ctt; lsdios and children nnder 12 years of sge 10 cts. When Ton Have a Bad Cold Ton want a remedy that will not only give yon quick relief but effect a per manent cure. Ton want a remedy that will relieve the lungs and keep expectoration taiy. Ton want a remedy that will counter act any tendency toward pneumonia. Ton want a remedy that Is pleasant aad safe to take. Chamber la n's Coutrh Remtdv meets all of these requirements snd for tbe speedy and permanent cur of bad colds stands without a peer, ror saie ey an druggists . Waterman's Ided Fountain Pens the fBest Pens made. For sal by Owen Q. Dunn Leading Printer Stationer. Car. rtslleck Oarn Sta, . ' 'have just received the finest lot of : LZv). from Ct. Louis that was ever olfarod for ' eaJa in Eastern North Carolina, and have also lust which means that thcro aro pood bargains for i , j v7uo T7ant to purchase good heavy " "5 end nlC3 IIcrr?3 ct ca low rrlcf 3 ca t'" r 1 1 1 1 1 ; .11 . A MATTER OF HEALTH IBS own POUDER Absolutely Pure HAS NO SUBSTITUTE A Game Warden on Business. Mr J R Upchurcb, Game Warden for North Carolina, Is In this section, snd in this city, Wednesday.golng to Morehead last night, to look after offenders of the game laws. Mr Upchurch is giving some special at tentlon to violations of Sund iy ahcot lng. which is against the btate law. A new game warden is to te appointed here, who will give attention to the pro tection of game. Each warden Is nnder oath to see that the State game laws are observed, as well ts to se; to offenders of the Audubon law. No Poison in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy From Napier New Zealand Herald: Two years ago the Pharmacy Board of New South Wales, Austrt.Ha, had an analysis made of a'l the cough medi cines that were sold In that market. Out of the entire list tbey found only one that they declared was entirely free from all poisons. This exception was Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, made by the Chamberlain Medicine Co. Dos Moines, Iowa USA. The abeeence of all narcotlea makes this remedy the saf est and best that can i e bad: and It ' with a feeling of security that any motb er can give u to ner nine ones, unani- berlsln a Uough Remedy Is especially recommended by its makera forconshi. colds, croup and whooplnir cough. mis remedy is lor sale by all Drug gist. NSURiHCE IND BRICK Like a Shipwrecked Sailor adrift, helpless and hopeless 'is the average man who suddenly finds himself bereft of wealth or a com petence by reason of fire loss whh- ont insurance indemnity. The in surance companies we. serve will come to your rerjeue if you get jour policy now. I also sell first class I rick. O. A. XI COLL, Phone 200 South Front and Hancock St. 7 s 127 Middle St Full line of Dru -Medicines, Toilet Ar ticles and Soap. Fresh Supply of Flower Seeds, Physicians Pretcrip tons A Specialty. :' (' t In V.ui Ct: .to, Henry Pnarmacv - . . t - ' I Fresh - A'l'. WicDANIEL' S. Nice new Prunes, Evaporated Teaches, Evaporated Ap ples, Sun Dried Apples, Cape Cod Cranberries, Malaga Grapes, Becker's Prepared Buckwheat, Old Fashion Plain Buckwheat, Freeh Oat Flakes, Grits, Rice, Shreded Cocoanut, Sweet, Mixed and Plain Cucumber Pickks, Fresh Celery, Cod Fish ami Ir ish Potatoes, Canned Goods of for a share of your trade and a. 'Phone 91. Mr.MNlH. wmiBuumimuta (Muif , Shoes, Underwear ! SHS2SH525HSHSH5aSHSaS2S252S2SaS2SHSHSH53Sii5B5a The coo! season is now 011 us and everybody will have to get out of their light weight wear :tnd the best place to supply yourself is at our etore. Never in our history have we canied as complete and up-to-date )iue as tnis season, and prices never so low. Below is a lit of what we carry : Kuppenheimer & Griefs Clothing, W. L. Douglas, Lewis A. Crossetts, Nettloton, Stacy Adams and Ralston Health Shoes for Me.i. Queen Quality and Iteed's Shoes for women. Wright's Health Underwear for men and a beauti ful line of Underwear for women and child i . n. II 5SE5H5iaS L J. J. BAXTER. rFuff ait we I We are daily'receiving our new JlinoCof Fall and Winter Housefuxiiiahing Goods. Our line of Oooklne and. Heating Stoves is complete. Don't fall to get our prices before you buy. , Arrivals all kinds. We will thank )ou guarantee satisfaction. Yours to please, Wholesale & ESetnll rower, 1 71 roal Ut Our Special Offerings this wee; watch price 50(1 sample suits for men and hoys worth from $5 to 1-J5n, will be offered this week $1 !N () $S 'Mt 90 heavy latest style overcoats t7 50 values now lj 1 'JM Buy your Jackets fiuni us and Hive money. You can get au upto date Jaekot worth J I M fr ti W and a ti Jacket for $ I Us 85V6yda heavy sheeting at 3 3-4c 103 yds .'Hi inch Flannelette worth 10c and li l-2c offered tliis week at i 1- le .'itj pieces assorted colors heavy Kkii t goods AS inches wide, requires - 1-yds to a skirt, will sell this week for 49o yd; unlv one pkirt jiattern to a customer. Many other things too numerous to niontion which we will offer at greatly r.duced price. S. COPLOX 75 Middle St. O t . ' ! i

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