VOL, XXII-HO. Mlv IIW BIM, I. C, THDESDAY UOSIIBO, NOYIMBIR 10, 1904, TWENTY-THIRD V EAH NORTH CAROLINA E3) anket I 70-4, aff wool, KMte or gray, $350 1 If -4 $4.75 Mercerized Down Comforts t2-4 $4.00 : PHONE 288. I 43 Pollock St, Opposite Post-office. NEW ERA PAINT Covering Capacity Unexcelled, Quality Undisputed BUCK'S STOVES SASH DOORS BLINDS Phone 9o Get Yotw AMERICAN STOCK COMPANY PHIL. nowAltn. o) io) r J2) UU I CAROLINA BRICK CO., Plants at Clark, Hymen's Siding, KLnston and Kobersonville. Annual Capacity 16.000.000. The large demand for our product rah duiiuujk onw on uus mnrsei. ws are now erecting Vtj Kilns that will not only inomaee our ontpnt, but will alto ma terially improve the quality of onr product IlTMAIf SUlTIsY COMPANY, Mew Bern, NO New Alasonic Theatre ! Friday tfijcht Nov. 11. John IL Illckey Presents the emL nent Tragedian - John Orlfllth, elded by. s brilliant company oif legitiinnie players in n itupendous production of Bkakespenre'l lm ; aortal taegedy ' , j. .-, ' UatallDg eleotrical effects; eUrt lingtbemiosj Uloslons; FeaaaUonal battle tableau, etc.. A Ule of en chaotmont la six acta, enrpMsIng My perform snoe ertf girtn la this , eity. i i r XOoor: ltd, , l end $1 60; ; gal lery It, SOo, 760, - Been on sale at Wetert , m&cheth. 12-4 $ '5.50 loots good spreads better wears best Inimical in Fuel Splaffl in operation Life lime io flnratililj 68 middle 5t Fafl Suit Our new itock has arrived; we have the largest and best selected stock we have ever bad. Men's, Youth's and Boy's clothing Oar Shoe department is complete wifi the 1 test styles of standard ma kg. We welcome our old pat rons and invite the public to in spect our stock before buying elsewhere. Justifies our olalra, that we f ornisb - , BdUng Agents mmtmmmmmmmmimmm Waterman's Uetl Fountain Pens the Best Pens made. '' -:' : "., ' , ; '.for sale by . Owehd. Dunn ' Uadleg rrtalet .Stationer, Cet. Pelleck Crarea Its. , eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee t The New Tfoik Journal end I Washington Tost for the ful JOST SO. After ElecUon Remark Expecting Roosevelt's Election KctMlcM Get 2,000 in Wilkes. Other Political Features of Elec tion and Prophecies Leave For Trip to Mexico. Pas tor Be IBM. Balelgh, Nov. 10-E?erybody took the election very quietly here. As one prom lnent man remarked there were no head aches or heartaches last night or this morning. Governor Aycock return ed from Goldsboro this morning. He said that while he expect ed Boosexelt to be eleoted he expected Parker to carry New York state and oer lalnly JIAjiot expect a slump like this one' 'When asked what he thought of North Carolina he replied: "She's all right. There Is nothing the matter with North Carolina You can always count on her to turn out all right" One prominent man said he expected the next president to ba a socialist, and a few minutes after this was said a tele gram came to yonr correspondent from a Chicago paper.ordering the vote given Eugene Debs, socialist, tor pres ident, in North Oarolina. One of the happiest men was deputy US Marshal Sharp of Wilson coonty who came in tbis morning, all smiles, and said: "My town. Elm City, gave It votes for Roosevelt, the first time such a thing ever happened. All were cast by white men. No. a negro attempted to register and not one was around the polls." Qlenn, nominee for Governor, win run away ahead of Parker in the voting, while Roosevelt will run away aiieaa or Harris, the Republican nominee for Governor. Some Democrats voted for Roosevelt, and he got a lot of the Inde pendent votes, mill operatives, eto. The Republicans were -quite Jubilant at the 2,000 majority tbey got In Wilkes, and at the hundred majority they got In 8tanly. Telegrams to State chairman Simmons I bts morning said Darehau elected Etherage Democrat, to the House by about 50 majority, but that the coun ty ticket was doubtful. The Republicans canted Sampson, of course sided oy their friends the Porullets by OOP major ity. They claim It by 800. Gatea conn- ty went Democratic by 800 ana uoium bus by MO to 750. Dr and Mn D H Abbott left today lot Mexico, to be absent a month, travel ing through that country with the rail way commissioners of the various States, who have left St Louis on a special train for this tour. None of the corporation commissioners of this State make this trip, straege to say. They miss a most delightful tour of a wonder ful country, It is a pity for theat to miss such an opportunity. The Bupreme court today took up the dockets of appeals from the 11th district Among the attorneys present are U B Watson .Clement Manly, R r Taylor, Ox ford, William B Rodman of Charlotte. Now that the election Is over people will utile down to business and there will be some atws at the Capitol. A lot of people don't want to talk much about politics. One mta was asked U Cleve land had been nominated would he have been eleo'.ed and said ye, with a whoop while another, s very prominent mas said to reply to the tame qnestUm that Cleveland would hart shared the' fate of Parker, and Intimated that Bryan was the only msa who could be a winner. One Dsn said the real tronbli was that the Demoerallo National managers were second class sssa, and that Gorman was the only first class man among there, while the RepahUeate ere putting in the very ablest atee they eaa possibly Mod. Rev M W Bauer, for Ire years eastot of the Christian church here has resign ed to become Sdltor of the Yoaag Peo ple's Worker, end Secretary of the 8na- dy School CrperUaeet of tke Boat hers Christies Cherc. j v. Hewi UeRoUbelL . i Corrected figoras show the ersaortj eralsor West Ylfla( exceeded her con tract speed tt Ml of a knot. ; , Tee witter settles ef the Cnbse Con gress opea4 suspiciously !a Havana eac 9 realeeat Talma's sitstajS was lead. . ' Dedolte returns from the Italian elee tions she a dnfnl for the Xitrsalsl. who lost to) itii, and the re-eleotlce of ell lbs CUot otois It U ttiu3 If sa eiplorcf that Irr eteese fortetts eaa be made C thi T- 'acd cf Gaaso where there are to!".. )f bird, A trlas vmel kse bwe fij'ilp 4 to carry Ibe fortune boaters to U place. THE STATE ELECTIONS Returns on.Congresmen And Majority Vote Conflicting. The Journal had specials from the western section of the State yesterday, mostly on the Congressional results. In the tenth district Gudger received a majority over Zwant of 1160,agalnst a ajorlty of 187 In ISOi. In the fifth, W W Kitchen's majority over Reynolds was given at 8,000 to 4,000, against 8 803 in 190i. In the ninth Webb's majority Is esti mated at over 8,000, In 1902 It was .SOO. In the eighth, the latest laC night from Charlotte was that democrats claimed Newland's election by 288 majority. Blackburn's friends claim that these figures are not correct, and that Blackburn is eleoted. The vote I s very close but official count is expected to give it to Newland. In 1902 the dis trict was democratic by 1,423. Chairman Simmons claims Democratic majority in North Carolina Is 50.000. AFTER THE CTCL0NE. The Post Mortem and Inquest of the Great Political Killing. Again the people have spoken and the Powers that were continue lo be the Powers that ate. In the words of the immortal Nelson, "we hive met the enemy and we are theirs." The election was quiet, but the effect it prodnoed was not conduotve to the most pleasurable thoughts among those who represented the minority party. It was a signal rout the like of which has not occurred since U S Grant defeated Horace Greeley over 80 years ago. Every Northern State gave Roosevelt an enormous msjority; even the States which were thought to be doubtful and consequently to have a Democratic lean ing came out bold and flatfooted for the opposing party. There was an Increase in the Republican Congressional rep re sentatlon in almost every Stite. The remit In New York was the most surprising. With many things lo favor Democracy In that State especially the election of the State tlcket.it was a rode jolt ts have It give Roosevelt the phenomenal majority of 185,000. It had been the fear among many leading politicians of the Republican party of that State that their candidate, Hlgglus would lose even If the State did cany for Roosevelt. And although he did run be hind his ticket he was elected by the msgnlfioent msjority of 85,000. Bo It was in other States wberelt seemed that Democracy had a cinch in view of dis sensions among the Republicans. Those States in every case either held their own or gave inoreascd majorities. Notable among those States were Michi gan, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana. Thty not only gave a very large vote to Roosevelt bat elected their State ticket by handsome majori ties. In North Carolina the result shows the apathy that has existed all through the campaign. In some districts the vote suffered very materially by the stay at home element In others the fairy tale of prosperity had considerable In fluence as was seen in Increased votes of the Republican party. The latter cause and the Watts bill Incident are attributed to be the causes of the defection In the usually large Democratic majorities given In this Statr. Coming down to the more Icoal part of the campaign, we must say that the Democratic patty did splendidly In the support of their ticket. The third con gressional district returned Hon. O. R. Thomas to the National Hones of Repre sense tires by the very substantial ma jority of 5000 voUs over his opponent, Judge W B O'B Robinson. Be Is to be congratulated for his remarkabl cam paign. Be ran ahead of his ticket In all the ooaatlea of the d Utiles. Messrs Ward and Anttdell, candidates for the Stats Beeats also made a brilliant oaavas aad receive! practically the tnanlatoas vote of their party i a Craven OartereV Jones, Oaslow, Lenoir, Duplla and Qreea counties. It was aa tltotloa that was e record breaker la aaaoanolng the resell at as early hour. . As early as S o'clock tele graeu began to com aad they occurred at frequent Intervals, It was pleta to see from the coalan's ef the dispatches that the nope el Par ker wtsnlag was a forlorn oaf... The local saeatbert of the party gathered at the Doart House to near tee return aad hope sgalsst hope aatll about 10 o'clock sad thea some waited aattl later to pee sow bad the rout would be.. '' "--The Journtl wee snabM to secure en tirely accurate figures oa the result (a this eoaaty aad district Thsoaavasslng board will meet at the Court Boeee to day at which mesi lag the ftpres wtllbe aorrerud sad snade ofBolnl. .We WiU pitMlth the rotnlt tomorrow ' Full Una of Dm rr3.l f e d v icir-3, Toilet Ar ' ticle3 and Coap., Frczh S:-!y of A WAITER OF HEALTH 8 toflsjG POUDER Absolutely Pure HAS NO SUBSTITUTE TWO GREATEST MENAGERIES UNITED. Rarest Wild .Beasts With Interesting Histories No one competent to expresB an oplu ion of the subject ever questioned the claim that AdamForepaugh's menagerie contained the biggest and rarest col lection of wild beasts evor moved ty read nr rail, with that of Soils Brothers such a close second In cost and magui tude as to make the rivalry between them highly Interesting. From Madiso Square Garden, New York, to Mel bourne, Australia, the surpassing result of combining these two travelling zoul oglcsl gardens is well known It mi be Incidentally mentioned that In l.w last named city value and Interest wer added to tbis living aggregation by Iho purchase there of the enormous tlgeri. forming a notable feature of its publir zoological girden. One of these terri ble creatureB was shot seven times with a Winchester, at close range, in Mays vllle, Ky, in the effort to rescue a fool hardy keeper from its massive jaws. Some idea of its strength and vitality may be gathered from the fact tbst it still liver, with four balls in Us body, three others having passed entirely through It. Among the recent addi tions are to be seen the extra ordinary and unprecedented number of fourteen Hying, full grown Polar Bears, a single specimen of which was heretofoie been regarded as sn exceptionally rare fea ture. Anothor ponderous amphibious attrac tlonisthe biggest known Hying Nil Htppopotamns, wuo, since the Sells Brothers bought him and his late mate, twenty fire years a.;o, has grown from a blessed baby of fire hundrsd weight to tip the scales at four tons, and strange to relate, though naturally a tende tropical creature, has become acclimated to live long and prosper In wster whose temperature would Just salt the fourteen Polar Bears. The double herds of biggest, littlest and brightest ele phantswhose united ages It has been computed wocH reach from the begin nlng of the first great pyramid to the completion of the lsst iky scraper the Sultan droves of gigantic and sacred camels and dromedaries, ths great double dens filled with an Intercontl nent congress of splendid specimens of everything worth eeelnh that roars, chatters, colls, crushes, ravages, rumi nates, runs or lies, will also be here on November 17th, and you will have a full hour In which to Inspect them aad enjoy the popular promliado concen by Prof Merrick's fine military and arenlc band, before the brilliant circus and hlppodromatlo perfoi minces are an nounoed. Reserved seats at Bradham's Phar macy. A specialist who has made It a study says three la aa alarming Increase it feeble minded people sad that their class Should be colonised In oader tj check ths growths. Bisk headache Is oauaed by a disor. dered condition of the stomach asd la quickly eared by Ohamberieln'a Stem aok and Liver Tablets. For talsbysJl drugglats. 3CI 11 BRICK Like a ShipwreckicL Bailor , adrift, holplres and bopeless is the avptss-e man who susdtnly finds. bimu'iif hfrofi Of wraith o e oow pftMice by reason of Are lose with out InruiiDoe ini!"mnity, The In aurnnra cornpnnin we serve will ri'inie to y yr t r.e If you f t your riollry nOw. l a' k'I r-1 ''-- : ' v. .fYlVrtrYsW. -ana - ' sysan ana ssna, asa-. JUS! RECEIVED 8our kraut, mince meat, seeded raisins, citron, uew jjiuuep, evaporated peaches and apples, new lot Harvey's small hams and breakfast strips, macaroni and clieesp, sw.et and eoui pickles, cranberries, banannas, nice Raldwin appl'.-s 30c pk, finest quality malaga grapes -Oc lb, self raising buckwheat old fashion buckwheat, new c.i'. ilakee, brown tugar 5c lb, chocolate 10c and 20c per cake, very bc6t quality; complete stock fresh canned goods. A big Ptock to select from. Qual ity the very highest Prices as low as possible. We will tbank you for your patronage and do our best to please you. . L. mm, 'Phone 91. Llnlko1 Nhnfis vrauuusiA SasasHSHsasHsasH-HSHsasEsacaEHsassHHSHSBs cisasa The cool season is now on ua and everybody will have to get out of their light weight wear and the best place to supply youiself is at our store. Never in our history have we cariied as complete and up-to-date line as tnia season, and prices never so low. Below is a list of what we carry : Kuppenheimer & Griefs Clothing, W L. I 'oughts, Lewis A. Orossetts, Nettleton, Stacy Adams and Ralston Health Shoes for Met. Queen Quality and Reed's Shoes for women. Wright's Health Underwear for men and a beauti ful line of Underwear for women and children. J. J. BAXTER. The pliable, is waging a war of his cfnm against high prices. Special bargains this T&eek 50 pieces fine woolen skirting in all the colors, brown, blue, green, black, gray and garnet, 58 inches wide, 7.rx- value, choice 49c yd. Fleece Vests! 6.r dozen extra heavy vests and pants, 35c quality now 22c Jackets! Best $4.50 jacket now $2.95. $7 kind $4.98. Any style, any color. 75 MIDDLE STREET, Furniture I We are dailyjrecelvinf Jour newJlineCof Fall and Winter Uouflefurniahiiig Goods. Our lint of Cooking -and Heating Stoves is complete. Don't fail to get our piicea belore you. buy. - aC Wholesale eft Retail Grocer, 71 Broad Hi JIi5E5H51SESESESHSH5H5H5 Pants! l'ant.' Mcn'i pants $2.L'5 now $1.2y. Heavy Sheeting, kie i ii'.'.v I, per yd. 5100 yds Flannektte, :;r, inches wide, this week at (e. NEW HKRN, N. O. v ;J if'; Dnderwoar lest end quietest returns, Attorney at Law; VrtJ ? V, ' I tT- Wltl pr$cfxt q rute r

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