VOL. JXII-KO. 192. IIW BUI, I. ft, TRiDJY MOBKIW, 30YEMBIR U. 1904, TWENTY-TEIRD YE&K fIMMMMMiMMMIM.MMMMMMMMMMMty NORTH CAROLINA I 10-4, all qjoo, tMe or gray, $350 11-4 $4.75 12-4 $5.50 Mercerized Down Comforts 12-4 $4.00 I.HQM PHONB 288, 43 Pollock St., Opposite Post-office. NEW ERA PAINT looks good spreads better wears best Covering; Capacity Unexcelled, Quality Undisputed Itnital in Fuel Splendid ii cperatioa Life Him is mraliliii BUCK'S STOVES SASH DOORS BLINDS Phone 99 68 middle St Tjie Result of the Labors of the Board of Canvaspers. The Canvassing Board of Elections oonvened at the Coart house at 11 o'clock yesterday and pasted In review on the remit of the election held Taetdey. The Bond fu eompoeed of -the clerks of election In the various townships and pre- clncu of the county. The national BepnUlcan' ticket, It will be observed, was voted quite good deal more than vu the Bute Repabllosn ticket. There was more "scratching" than has been done in any election for many years. In tome cases some of the candidates ran behind the rest of the candidates on their tloket folly ISO votes eeiow we give the result or the election in tne oity oy wants ana also or the townships and precinct of the eonnty.. Mr B S Street was chairman ana Mr Al fred Gssklns was secretary.; VdHUJlBUHU. Electoral vote: Parker 849; Roosevelt 68: State ticket. Glenn 808. Harris 15. The balance of the State ticket received a eorreerjondlns vote exoeot Grimes who sot 858. County ticket Waters 888, Griffin, repablloan 60, Fulcher 855, Jones 357, J W Blddle 256, Ernul 214. Wadsworth 858, Blohardson 268, Fo 251, Harvey 207, Bar rlngton 197. Electoral vote: Parker 56, Roosevelt 4, Glenn 57, Harris 7. State ticket was voted straight. The County ticket received 65 votes with no opposition. TKUi ri'S. - ' Electoral ticket: Parker 120. Roosevelt 81. Glenn 129. Harris 8: the Stole tick et was voted without alteration. DOVER. Parker 87, Roosevelt 18. Glenn 98. Harris 28. A few of the candidates were chan ied from the regular majorities. The counlv ticket was in the Drotiortlon of 99 Democratic and 17 Republican votes. cuv Hi. Parker 89, Roosevelt 87, Glenn 94, Harris 84. The State tloket was voted without any changes. Tne county ticket gave some evidence of splitting bot the ratio of 105 to 11 did not vary a great deal. If T. BAKHWJSLL. Parker 115. Roosevelt 6. Glenn 115. Harris 7. State and County tickets were votd straight. TAILWrta BTUKB. Parker 19, Roosevelt 6, Glenn 84, Harris 8. State and County tickets voted without Change. USE'S FAKU. Parker 58. Roosevelt 8, Glenn 68, Harris 8. State and County tickets werj vo ted straight. 1 UU KUAN. Parker 81. Roosevelt 11. Glenn 12. Harris 10. Stata and County tickets wers vo tad straight except that R P Williams received 23 votes and W R Barrlngton II for Commissioner. Get Yotri Fall Stilt Our new stock has arrived; we have the largest and beet selested stock we have ever had. Men's, Youth's and Boy's clothing Oar Shoe department is complete with the 1 test styles of standard makes. We welcome our uld pat rons and Invite the public to in spect our stock before buying elsewhere. AMERICAN STOCK COMPANY PIHI. HOWARD. o) fo) L2) LiU cn CAROLINA BRICK CO., Plants at Claries, Hvman's Siding, Klniton and Bobersonville. Annual Cananitv IK nnnnnn M The large demand for our produot Justifies our claim, that we furnish r . V I mL., TTT ,. w - " v m" wuint n are now erecting urj Kilns that will Bot only increase oar output, bnt will also ma terially improve, the quality of onr product. ITCH AN SITFPIsY COMPANY, New Bern, N O , . Belling Agents New Masonic Theatre ! Friday tfteht Nov. 11. John M. Hiokey Presents the' iml. . nent Tragedian ' John. Orlfllth, ..,.' , elded by " brilliant ooopany of legitimate players in s stupendous production of - Skakespease's im mortal taagedy ' ' - 'r-s Ma che'eh - Pasallnr electrical effects; Start ling chemical filosions; Fensetlonal battls tableau, etc A We of en eJutntmeot in six sets, surpassing ay perform nce ever given ia this eity ' ' - ' ... . - -, - floor 7lo, and $160;, gal lervJoo, eOe, 760, fjea:i a. sale i Waters..- . . Waterman's Idetl Fountain Pens the esiPaSm f" '. ' ei sale by V' Owen G. Dunn ' Leading Printer Stationer Cat relleck A Crayee Bis.'- - ooeoeeoeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeet The New ToteO Journal and Washington Toi tot the f ul- CRAVEN COUNTYS VOTE CITY. CANDIDATES. 'a - 1 S -5 -Ilsl's-S President Paiker. 124 197 139 112 20 10 Roosevelt 9 24 28 17 7 Governor- Glenn 128 202 144 118 10 10 Harris 5 19 17 16 4 Congresf. Thomas 128 203 144 120 23 16 Robinson 5 16 19 e 2 Legislative. D h Ward 128 208 144 118 28 16 W L Arendell i08 19 Hi 28 16 J S Baaolght 8 16 144 10 2 J M Mew born 16 19 10 2 O H Gnlon 124 210 144 120 23 16 L J Taylor 6 14 19 8 2 Sheriff. JasWB'ddle 128 208 144 118 23 18 John Blddle 5 16 19 10 2 Coroner. R D V Jones 128 208 144 118 23 IB Treasurer. PSfiraul 125 208 141 117 2! 16 OB Hill 8 16 22 11 2 Surveyor. Fulcher 188 208 144 HI 28 16 Register of Deeds. Geo B Waters 185 809 149 180 21 16 J B Griffin 8 15 20 10 8 16 County Commissioners. I Wadsworth 185 204 141 115 21 16 Richardson 125 804 1B8 116 20 16 Foy 125 08 187 118 80 15 Harvey 124 800 188 116 81 16 Barrlngton 01 180 128 82 ifl Williams, , 88 85 88 86 3 Hunter 10 91 84 11 8 Bmallwood 7 29 88 11 8 HcLawhorn 1 20 11 8 Beard. 7 16 f.0 11 8 GUM ROW. Parker 9, Roosevelt 0. State and County tickets were voted without any change. rUBABAAl HUjU. Parker 84, Roosevelt 6, Glenn M, Hards 1. Bute and County tickets voted straight JABPER, Parker 90, Roosevelt SO. Glens 98, Harris 17. State ticket voted straight; on the oounty tloket Barrlngton received 75 votes for oommisaloner, other candidates receiving rross su to vs vowa, ROOSEVELT 348 Some Tremendous Republican Plural. Ilea, Solid Booth Broken. Sew Tork, Mot S.-Tbe soHd South was brakes by the probable defsMtloa, of Mlssoari this aecttoa of the eooatry atoally harlsg II States la the Demo (ratio column. The figures toalgbt ahow bat U States, with Wretesfor Judge Perket ,: - ' President Rooeerelt carried ell the northern toie swept them, la fast -and tonight he had 148 eleotoral votes, - v r; - : . . i The keener tsaW Is Psansylyaala. Twenty foar beats after the polls eloeea the returas. fross. this state tadloaesd that Roosevelt's plurality wostld reaok mflCO. Hsxl mm Ullaola, where the President polled approximately 815,800 ore votes than did J edge Parker. Okie gave RooseeeU 100,000 end Hew Tork 174,000., . : ...r ;.. , A -7 : The female konet has a rapUl Ira armameart Wit a reeoverable proee tUe. jl oaee it tor both attack end de fease end with remarkable asns and CtlHenry, The 0rst stroke of e nbrnet Is as p.nrtlng as an elertrk ahork. At the tmae of He sharp Sling there Is a See coutnhilng polaoa wblrh. When injertMl Into the subsume of its ene my, mumi plTt, ewslllag and Slaronv trt, farla to which moat pris are slile to lir.tlfy by eiivrrlrtip. Blioutd th InliHkin l upoe th nil of tfc tliuiiiti of fif upoo lb t'ingu th-r le iliuu"f frtitit It. fltnmif iiniunnla sppllnt to lli. wound Is ih luxit mitk ARMISTICE AT PORT ARTHUR SOALPHUMOURS Itching, Scaly and Crusted With Loss of Hair Speedily, Cured by Guticura Soap; an Ointment When Every Other Remedy and Physicians Fail Warm shampoos with Cutlcura Soap and light dressings of Cuticora, the great akin cure, at once atop falling hair, remove crusts, scales and dan draff, soothe Irritated, Itching surfaces, destroy hair parasites, stimulate the hair follicles, loosen the ecalp skin, supply the roots with energy and nour ishment, and make the hair grow upon a sweet, healthy scalp when all else fails. Millions of the world's best people use Cutlcura Soap, assisted by Cutl cure Ointment, the great skin cure, for preserving, purifying and beautifying the akin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales and dandruff, and the stop ping of falling hair, for softening, whitening and soothing red, rough and sore hands, for baby rashes, Itchings and chaflngs, f or annoying irritations and inflammations, or too free or offen sive perspiration, for ulcerative weak neases-, and many antiseptic purposea which readily suggest themselves to women, as well as for all the purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery. Complete treatment for every hu mour, consisting of Cutlcura Soap, to cleanse the skin, Cutlcura Ointment, to heal the skin, and Cutlcura Resolvent PIUb, to cool and cleanse the blood, may now be had for one dollar. A single set Is often su (Helen t to core the most torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning and scaly humours, eczemas, raahe and Irritations, from infancy to age, when all else falls. Sold ttraurhMt th. world. Ctitleom RMol-iat. flOt, (In form ofChMoUto Cuu4 Pill., SM. pn . . pliitueat,ff)G.. Boap, ttc. Depot.! London,. Chartor-bouSq-i Pari., Ho. d. U Palxi Boston, 137 Columbia. A... Potter Drug Chm. Corp., Sol. Proortator. "HOI w to Cur. Br.rj Humour. 40,000 TO 45,000 Is Estimated Democratic Majority In State. Japanese SUadlly Assaulting Fortress ' Havoc From One Shell. Toklo, Hov 10. It la reported that Gea Btoeseel la eearcacd of the Basal aa troops, at Port Arthur, has asked for an srmlsUoe. The parpoee of Us request I sot suted. The Jspsaese are said to have been laBamed by the Russian abuse of the Japaaese wotadei, and it is therefore hoped Btoeeael will capita late to prevent the Japanese troops boat evenftng these reported ladlral- Ues. , . v . ? Rome. Xov dlipatch to the Glordale dl Roaa from Toklo says tie bomberdmenl of Port Arthur by the Japaaese ander Geseral Kogt Is pro ceedlag without tatefrnptloa. Prepa rations he adds are on foot for a fresh, floral ataanJt- -.f-i- , , :. Oaee Foo, Rov - 10-A shell oa Ko vers bar tth, decani bed a land mine at e of the Port Arthur torts eot bs tweeasisaad'sevea hosdred Basslaas kOled and Woondtd. ' ; la Klssourt Folk lanl Roosevelt 8l Louis, Mo.. Ifov 10 MUsoorl re turas show that Folk Was elected Gover sor by a majority of over forty then Sand and the Indications are that Rooee vll has carried the Bute by tour too. sand. Tie Exact ThSnj Reqoired- tor Con'";atton. ' , ' "As a c"!'') t ''-.! and tt'imarli Winston Not Scratched Very Much, Building for Wake Forest College Labor Burean 8tatUtlc8 of Interest. Raleigh. Nov 10, At Democratic headquarters here it Is said that Francis D. Winston will run very closely with the other nominee! on Democratic ticket and that he will nut be over a thousand behind it, notwithstanding some at tempts to scratch his name. Prof. J B Carlyle.wbo has been raising funds for the alumni building at Wake Forest College was here today, and said he had secured 110,000 this being at the rate of over a thousand dollars a reek. Tbe Republicans arc oon&dent of the election of Blackburn in the Slit dlstiiot. The Democrats were pretty blue about It yesterday and the figures looked very bad Indeed. Tbe Republicans ere now saying tbat the Democratic majority in tbe Bute will not go over 40,000. Cer tainly a conservative estimate is ' 45,000. The Republicans are boasting that Roosevelt got more votes In the South than MoElnley did. They add that he led their Bute ticket In all Eastern North Carolina. State Treasurer Lacy is expected to return here on the 20th Inst from Arixona. Today some Interesting Information was given oat by the State labor bureau regarding trades In this State, their averare wages, eto, 89 per cent of the persons reporting say their wsgsa have bean Increased, while 8 per cent show a decrease, 78 per eeat made fall lime sad 29 per eeat work overtime, , 88 per cent report coat Of living Increased, 68 per eeat favor a tew hoar, day, per cent a aloe hour day, per seat aa eleven hoar day aad II cer seat aa 0 hoar day, 89 per eeat lavor sxiug a cays worm: oy law aad It per cast oppose it, toper eeat report financial . conditions good, 44 per eeat fair, II per sent poor, aad 11 per eeat bed, .rrper seal report im provement la education, 87 per eeat favor ooevBlsory edjtoetloe sad II per eeat oppose It, 17 per sent work by the day, 11 per sent by Ue week, 14 per eeat by the lob, 7 .per osm by the month, 1 pr cent each by tbe pleoe, by tbe year, aad by the boor, 84 per teat are paid weekly, 18 per Cent monthly, 17 per eeet favor. weekly raraenta , Coventor Appoints Solicitor. . Special to Journal, ' . f .JUIctgb, Kov 10-Qovernor Ajoock has appointed Harlot Clarison of Char lotte Solicitor of the twelfth district to succeed James L. Webb, who received JUS! RECEIVED 8our kraut, mince meat, seeded raisins, citron, new prune?, evaporated peaches and apples, new lot Purvey 'a email hams and breakfast strips, macaroni and cheese, sw, et and Eour pickles, cranberries, banannas, nice Baldwin apples 30c pk, finest quality malaga grapes 20c lb, self raising buckwheat old fashion buckwheat, new ca' Hakes, brown sugar 5c ll, chocolate 10c and 20c, per cake, very best quality; complete stock fresh canned goods, A big stock to select from. Qual ity the very highest. Prices as low as possible. We will thank you for your patronage and do our beet to please, you. J.L. Mm. IIIIDUI IUSI Wholesale1) 'Phone 01. 71 ilr,A fttt Overstocked on Clothing ! J. J. Our stock of boys and childrena cloth ing is simply im mense and must be sold. I have decid f d to sell it all at a reduction of 20 per cent. Call early and get your fit before the stock is broken BAXTER. Tbe pliable, is waging a war of his olton against high prices. Special bargains this eek 50 pieces fine woolen skirting in all the colors, brown, blue, green, black, gray and garnet, 58 inches wide; Tm value, choice 49c yd. Fleece Vesta! 05 dozen extra heavy vests and pantu, 35c quulity now 22c Jackets! Best $4.50 jacket now $2.95. $7 kind R9K Any style, any color. I'nnu! Paula' Mun i pants $2.25 now J1.2!l. Heavy Shertiiij;. 5e kind now '. -io per yd. 5100 yds Flannelette, Wt inches wide, this week at 6c. 75 MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERN, N. C. O We are dallySrecelvln,? .our newpinenof -Pall and Winter Housefurnlflblng' Goods. Our lint of Cooking and Heating Stoves is complete. Don't fall Ho get our pi Ices before you, bay. - i , - " ; - '( ' w. nni.f-Hiicoci, Attorney at Law. t lent and quickest returns. ( : . 11 'a f' li .nd J a rl Ip. s , i I i i p f , i r 1 ) ? a !'" ' V.'in r--1 e H rture t IC. it.. I i ill

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