4t' ' -:,- - ' -. 4--'- V ;-:. , ' VOL. XXII NO. 205. BIW BXBH, . C.SATDRDAY UORKIIfl, S0YIMB1R 26, 1804, TWENTY-THIRD YEAR i m&m mat "Mil I We Have Just The .Newest Black and caster and tan. Beautiful line of Sample Furs, $3.00 to $15.00. PHONE 288. ' 43 Pollock St, Opposite Post-office, NEW ERA PAINT Covering Capacity Unexcelled, Quality Undisputed BUCK'S STOVES SASH DOORS BLINDS Phone 99 68 Hlddle St " iiiiiiiiiiiiiHBiHMBBBnBBnMaaiinnaMMaM Get Yottf AMERICAN STOCK COMPANY PIIIlu HOWARD. r r n CAROLINA BRICK CO., Plants at Clark, Hjman'i Siding, Klnston and Eobersonvillc. Annual OaDacity 15.000,000. Tbe large demand for our prodnot justifies our claim, that we famish t u n t n Au . L . t tn i r ujb ihxv ouiiuiug vriuk vu iiua uutrscw n o bid uvw ereouug urj Kilns that will not only increase onr output, bnt will also ma terially improve the quality of crar product , nmiir bujpi.y compajiy, New Bern, NO They Have Arrived A fall lln of Heatng and Cook 8tovesjcall and look at tliem; I know yon can be raited. Ala prepared 8tovn Polish pat p la cases for family, nse at lOo per eao; jast the thine for rolUh iDg your stoves at home without any dirt or odor. , . A full line of Hardware; Wagon and 'Log Cart Material, Paints, OUs, Ulasa; Leather and Blurt Find' ton. ' .- - - . Call and see tu for lowest prlcea BatUfafttion guaranteed In all P. li. Draney &. Cd1 7 BouUi ' Front :a!pl.:;w..;HiKCOCI;,-: . ' AttotToeyjat Law. t3T Win practlc In State 'and a . .. Federal Corti. ' Offlce 46 Broad 5t. IMMil Mg Got Them In. Things In looks good spreads better wears best Emiiical in Fuel Splendid in ojtraii Li lima in liraliililj Fall Suit uur new block has arrived; we have the largest and beat seleoted ntock we have ever had. Men's, Youth's and Boy's clothing Our Shoe department is complete wit l the 1 teat styles of standard makes. We welcome our old pat rons ana invite tne puDlic to in spect our stock before buying elsewhere. Selling Agent ... Waterman's Ueil Fountain Pens the Best Pens made. Owen Q. Dunn '. teadlag PrtaUr k Sutloetr. C. Pellsck A C'rarea 8U. . iaeaeseaeMeossaeeceoeeseat Turner's Almanac I ; For" 1005 now on Halt. RESULTS GOOD Of Governor Aycock's Visit To Maine. People From That State. Eepnb- 4ieaa Paper Will Continue. Din ner to Children. Several State Charters Granted. Pleas ures For All. Rilslgh, Nov 25. among the callers at the office of Governor Ajcock today Mr John H. Cutler, of Aihe- vllle, formerly of Maine, who wat just back from a viiit to that State. He told the Governor that the Ilalne people were delighted with the speeehes the Governor made there In September, and that as a result a number of them are coming to North Carolina. One family of eight arrived here yestefday and Mr. Caller aays a regiment Is ready to follow this leader. The Governor seems to have made a very fine impression there. Thanksgiving Day was wonderfully fine as to weather in sharp contrast to the dy of a year ago, when it was bitter cold and some snow fell. Now roses are in all their beauty of bloom. The day was greatly enjoyed here; by the poor who were bountifully fed; by the bootball cranks, who aaw the A. & M. team beat that of Clemaon College, 8. C, and by those of literary taste who heard Wake Kor(slollege debaters "down" those from Richmond College. In every way It was a great day here, and the A. ft M. cadets last night added to the fan by parading 500 strong and eheerlns; in honor of the vlotory. Editor Oaddell of the Times of this city has i well pronounced case of ima. pox at fait home at Wake Forest. H teems that he picked np the disease a Durham on a vlait. The State Republican Journal, which was published here during the campaign Is to be eontinaed as a permanent paper, Editor Dockery says. Among today's arrivals were David Bell Enfield, F M Moy Wilson, Marshall W.Bell Murphy, it A Morrow Mon roe. At the Methodist Orphanago yesterday the children had a great dinner, which was terved In tbe dining room In the new building; It being the first use1 of the latter. The ladles or the MsthodUt churches here farnlshel the dinner and were present In considerable numbers, there being also other visitor!. All the building Is entirely completed except a little work on the basement, some paint lag and the Installation of a permanent beating plant It Is learned at the office of the State treasurer that all the sheriffs have now made fall settlement of last year's taxes, A letter from State Treasurer Lacy says be left Arizona Wednesday greatly tm proved In health. He Is expected to ar rive Sunday. Tbe State grants charters to the fol lowing corporations: Central Hotel Compter, Charlotte, 1200,000 capital stock, W H Twitty, Geo H. B roc ken- borough and W B Rider stockholders; R D Godwin (Incorporated) Raleigh, to makt lambr,thtnflta, brick eta Blanche Moore Modma betas- the principal tlockholdar, the capital stock being $50, 000; the Kernertvllle Improvement Oom paey to deal la real estate, O C Bapp of Wlnstoa-Saletn being the principal stockholder. News la a Nutshell. Rear Admiral Converse, ehlsf of the Bureau of Navigation, recommends tbe oreatioq of a general board for the navy tbe appointment of two vloe Admirals and urges the need of more officers. - Consul WMlem Sots Davis, at Alex andre Syria, wlU probably be recalled oa account at his dlap lees are by eoase action of the astlvss, he lowered the anterlcasi lag at the consulate. Catted States Mlaltter Dswsoe re ports that the piotpeete for peace la Saalo Domingo are better than they have beei tor years. teotrtery Hay and Vlseoaat de Alls signed a treaty providing for arbitration between the uaitel buui aaaPorta- gaU- , -r-; ;w' Adeline Fetil will gtr a concert at St ftUribsrg oa Denetaber 11th tot the benefit of h3astlaa wounded. - She volunteered her servtese eat of gratitude for the fact that bet Brtt greet triumph oeeeired la ltoisla. . BUI BalTey has permeated the Called Kingdom la Greet Britain to tueh aa ei teal that BUI A kaUey Protection So etety hat beta foiaitd. Berk W Edwirdi Inlnrel Herb W Edwards of Dei Molnee.Iowt got a fall oa ea prstnlB? Ms ' Icy walk last winter, rrl.l Tt ' 1 7 1 ln4 rrtiU!r Mi T," b lJ, "I1 -r-y i I ' : I I TWBHTt FIVE TEARS IN FEN Jndge Council Sentences Bryan the Mnr derer Upon Submission to Murder In Second Degree. The attention of the court was taken up a large part of the day yesterday with the trial of the civil case of Mere dith vtthe Seaboard Air Line. The ease was for damages on account of the delay tn the shipment of freight on the put of the railway from Charlotte to this city. The damages asked for were $580. The plaintiff wat non sjlted and gave notice of appeal. Mr R A Nunn, attorney for John Hen ry Bryan, the fratricide, appeared before the judge and stated that the defendant desired to submit to the charge of mur der In the second degree Instead of hav ing a jury trial as he had formerly re quested. The Judge heard the argu ment by the lawyers for the defense and also gave Brysn a chance to make a statement. The prisoner relied largely upon self defense as an excuse for shoot lng bnt much of the evidence Introduced showed that the murder was premedita ted. Testimony of the mayor and police was that Bryan t obaracter waa bad. He had been arretted several times and was a mischief maker at all times. In sentencing the prisoner, Judge Council told him that he did well to submit to second degree murder which however unpleasant the consequences that were attendant upon a crime of that nature It was Immensely better than putting fate In hands of a jury that would almost certainly convict him of murder In the first degree for which the penalty Is death by hanging. He sentenced Bryan to twenty-five yean In the penitentiary and told htm that there wat one ray of hope. By good conduct and that alone he might be tble to cut (hort the full term of hit lm prlsonment; otherwise the sentence would be executed to Its full extent. Bryan was to have been given a Jury trial today. Football Notes. Richmond Tlmei-Dlspatch, 25lh. The Virginia team will leave for Char lottetvlUe today. The men were enter tained at the Bijou The atre last nl(,ht, snd afterwards at a germsn at the Ma sonic Temple, where Captain Council was tripping the light fantastic after midnight. The Carolina team left for home latt night, at did almost all of the Ohsptl Hill contingent The men were dlssp pointed, but accepted the remit philoso phically, and had no excuses to make. Some remarked on the unfortunate ac tion of Webber In touohtng the ball and deflecting It over the bar for the win nlng score, It waa a result that could not be foreseen, however. The most disappointed msn, without doubt, on either tesm wss Carpenter, Carolina's star halfback and punter. He has often played against tbe University' of Virginia while he was on the Virgin ia Polytechnic Institute team and has never been able to win from Virginia.' Carolina won last yea", but he was not with the team, Yesterday he played a brilliant game and desperate'y endeav ored to win. Twloe he tried for goals from placement without success and 0 aally by a brilliant ran outside of his own Hoe, he succeeded tn scoring what waa thought to be the winning touch down. Time and again be waa thrown hard and vu thought to be d)wn and out, and once an effort was made by hla own men to indice him to retire from the game, bat he braced np and finished the contest He was the maiaetey of hit teens, at Conncll was for Virginia, aad plaved the most spectacular and brilliant Individual gune tver seen here. Women as Journalists. The Ihaakirlvlag Issue of the Ral elgh News and Observer wsa placed In the hands of the ladles of that city aad very creditably did they show their abll It as journalists. They conducted each department In which a asodtra journal It divided with as tnsoh erudition self they were to theasaaeer born andao oaaeaa truthfully say that taeaewspe per woman Is a myth for she has toe often demonstrate her aMlity la this direction. The iatut eoatalntd 84 pages and the articles, biographical eolsailfle, social sal literary were of a high order of stertt. ' ' " ' , - .;rii At an tiecaUoa of practical newt aad literary merit the ThaakstiTlag Newt i Observer was a ' distinct . sua- No Polsoi li Chamberlain' Coock . " Remedy. -v.-. . Front Saplir New Ztalaad Herald.' Two years ago the Pharmacy Boari of Hew Borne Walee, Aoetralla, had as analysis made Of all tbe coagh medl class that were sold la that anarkat. Oat of tbe attire Hit , they found only oat that that declared waa entirely free from all polaoai. This exoeptloa was Chain hrlala's Cot) EH. Jtmntdy. made by the Chmrirltn Medlrtce Co, Ds Molars, Inwa USA. The etnee of all e""t!i mtkee this tT'ly the mf .t and lt thot rn e r.flj and It tt v i . ii a f( ' f-f 'i-' y i m any moth AUXTTER OF HEALTH U P0UDGR Absolutely Pure HAS HO SUBSTITUTE RHEMS. November 24. We have been having some very nice weather for work for the last few weeks. We think the farmers made good use of It too. Mrs Sudan DeBrubl visited her eon, Mr George DeBruhl at Cove last week. Mr W J DeBruhl, wife and taby visi ted his sister Mrs W B Banks near Tren ton last Sunday. Mrs C J DeBruhl end children return ed from a ytsit to her fathers. Mr Huff wis near Maple Cypress last week. Mr G R Simmons has had his dwelling house made larger. Mr J A DeBruhl is having a new dwel ling house built on hi place near Deep Gulley. The work Is being conducted by Mr Cam Roberson. Miss Mamie Henderson from near Maysvllle Is teaching school at Amity school house. All seem to like her very much. The mall train ran over and killed one of Mr J A DeBruhl's fatllng bog) the other day and also killed one 'of Mr J A Dixon's hogs In the same field. Mrs Laura Shut Is visiting relatives near Trenton this week. Our little station Is booming right much. We hsve two stores at this place now. We have heard some talk of the third one being put up. Mrs Cornle Wilcox of this place Is teaching school near New Bern now. SDN SHINE. The Exact Thing Required for Constipation. "As a certain purgative and stomach purifier Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets seem to be the exact thing reqnlred, strong enough for the most robust, yet mild enough and safe for children and without that terrible grip ing so common to most purgatives," say H- B Webster a. Co., Udora, Ontario, Canada, for aale by all Druggists. Fine Oysters today at the Broad Street Fruit Co. ... l , ,,, J For fine Wild Ducks, frankfurter Saussge, go Market. Venison and 10 Ibc Oalii 30 Head of Horses -AT We will tci at Soott fe Go's ata bls at New Bern, N. C, Saturday Dec. 3 80 head of well-bred nones from the west. They ran from 8 to 6 je&ri old, are well built and block and will make good drivers and draft horses. Some that mate well. Remember the data and at tend this sale it yon want a good horse cheap. They will tell for thahigu dollar. McOAUPBELL BEOS., OF KKOXYILtE, Tim 0, B. PATt:i, Anetlooear. - 127 EXIddie fit -v Pull line of Drags.XIed icinea, Toilet Ar-. , tide 3 andCoap.,' Fresh 7?' - S'jppfy of li i FLORIDA New Lot Nice Malaga Orapss, KnlUh Walnuts, I'tcaos, Iirazll Nuts and Almonds, all new Crop. Nice London Layer Kalsins, lOcts. Seeded Kuleins 10c pound packie. Thoroughly Cleaned Current lOcls. CltronJinest uallty, 2flcte pound. Frosh lemons. Sweet and Sour l'lcklus. lleln. Mince Meat, Atmore's Mlnco Meat. Fulton Market. Corned Beef. Cape Cod Cranberries. Brown Suguar, Pulverized Sugar. Baker's Chocolate 10 and 20cla Calio, Complete Stock of General Grocerler, all NICK and FHE3I1. J.L. 'Phone 91. Overstocked mm j. J. BAXTER. There's Something Doing At COPLON'S. J. A. JONES Livery, Feed, Sale and Exchange :-sTA'BI F f I tf U Xsss) Ban Esan Ltrfeit'tad Bneitstrx'ketBorsestndMuleeever offsrtd for tsle la Newberav. f m A far load of "b Just In. Al.o a r.mpliHa Itae of Bntllee, WafOat, II in. s, Itobn, V. I, 'j , ( rt Wheels, Etc , , ORANGES 9 Wholettale Ktetall CJroeer, 71 Kr..&A m on Clothing 1 Our stock of boys and childrens cloth ing is simply im mense and must be sold. I have decid ed to sell It all at a reduction of 20 per cent. Call early and get your fit before the stock is broken We ;m- liUMtlini; rv. -ry day to sell one nl our nuitB ami overcoats to every man, boy ami child in New Bent and -surrounding country. A look convince the customer who ii t he cheapest. Men's S!).lH) all wool union cashmere tuts $0.9S. Men's Jl.uKI hl.ui. Kiamt.- suits i'J.'M Men's .? l-'..r,i IiIhc-I: I'rench clay auiU .x.7.-,. Men's $:,.iM Miits m fancy colors Men's overcoats from to $12.50 In:--!, received a in-w lot of our GM inch heavy skirt. (;...hU hi all colon.'. Mack, lilue, jjreen, garnet, f'y a"1' native at I'.ic per yd; worth T.h- 1-VH) yds nf outing, all colors, this v.cck 1 l-li-. yds aheetinn n ;! ;l-le kt yd. SHOES -We cany in stock a full line of Harry J). 50 and $100 nhoes in siei, kill, put. colt and velour calf, fume in and take a look at them. S. COPLON. r - t ( "tip H's'i.

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