V - VOU XXII-NO. 209, '' UW BIKS: I. C, THURSDAY H0MII8,'PICIHIH 1," 1804, r TWENTY-THIRD YEAR it -, ..'. . ... - ' f J. M. M1THELL & CO S For Special Prices in 'ool Suitings 50 inch Nary Blue Mohair, worth 75c for only 50c. 48 Inch Nary Blue CheTlot, the Price Is 50s. Wool Suitings, 58 Inch wide, 4 yards will make skirt, no lining required. Think of It's only 60c the yard. PHONE 288. 43 Pollock St, Opposite Post-office. NEW ERA PAINT Covering Capacity Unexcelled, Quality Undisputed BUCK'S STOVES SASH DOORS BLINDS Phone 99 Get Yoti AMERICAN STOCK COMPANY PIUL HOWARD. 13) 2) CAROLINA BRICK CO., Plants at Olarkj, Bjman'i Siding, Klniton and EobersonvU'e. Annual Capacity 15,000,000. The large demand foKour product justifies our claim, that we furnish ine nest tta.iaincr unok on UUs market, We are sow erecting Dry Ki)ns that will not only increase onr output, but will also ma terially improve the quality of onr product IlYMAJr BVJPFIsY COMPANY. New Bern, NO . 17 Middle St. Full line of Drun.lled Icints, Toilet Ar- . tides and Soap; '" Fresh s Supply; of i flovuet Seefc i PfaXnIelao Prr icrlp ' Ions A BpefUKy. , . Thero Are Others who wTJI offer to paint your roof for than wllL- We could, da ehsaiB ml n tine an etiMn aa tk! Hemy s Pharmacy. , cbeapesi of tbemand make monj an out we nave a repuuuoq fr dolr mni arlr and lltna rn ";, to our oontraote, for giving a dot. . ralnefoteTery two we got j we oan tanora to an cDean work. , ' bot de good pWntin, the klad that slajn. Jf you ooldr tne 'aoooomy you ran't get cb't , fainUng than we fan dn. 1 ,i. snas f urtiihej on ej-pllraj:.-n. and Mohair. All Colors. a coattult, '3 yardt Will make a the small cost of the entire suit. looks good spreads better wears best Icmital is Fuel Splsii ii itratii Lifs l i mraBy 66 middle St Fall Suit Our new stock has arrived; we have the largest and best eelested stock we have ever had. Men's, Youth's and Boy's clothing Our Shoe department is complete wifi the 1 test styles of standard makes. We welcome our old pat rons and invite the publio to in spect our stock before buying elsewhere. - , Belling Agents Box and: ' " . -f -Pound Taper. JaMBeoetved big let f Bsrlbert's flaf Poaad Paper Witt, ea vslopes to azalea. ' Asm a fMlt lot of Btghlaad aalTwo toaeUeea., C Owen. Q. Dunn '' Uadlal Prlaut Btetloeer. Cet. Pellect A Crayea ts. ,fsseee'eeesasesse Tumor's Almanac tat 1603 now on sals. . 2 RALEIGH. Small Pox Caws.-Junior Circle Colo- . nlal Pames. . PapIIs Slate Bchool for Blind, Largest Number on ' ; ; :. Record. Rslelgh, Kov. 80. Superintendent John E. Hay of the State Schoel for Uu blind returned here today with , the 850th pupil. The number now is larger by 7 than It ever was before during an entire session, though, only eight weeks have passed of the present term. Drs Richard H. Lewis and George D. Thomas of the State board of Heath are now In Intpeotlsg the nubile buildings, and from this will prepare their blennal report to the legislature. Miss May Jones of Raleigh la Organ izing a Junior Cirole of Colonial Dames, to be composed of young married women and young ladles. In the Supreme court today there was argument la notable ease involving the power of the corporation commis sion to require railways to make connec tion of passenger trains, this being the Selma case la which the AO Land Southern Railways are InrolTed. At 11 o'clock this mornlnt; the fourth annual convention pt county euperlnten dents of public instruction met In the State Chamber, Btate Superintendent Joyner presiding. The opening prayer was offered by President Vann-of the Baptist University for Women. Presi dent Joyner made some remarks but de -livered no formal address. It Is Issued that there Is much small-, pox in the southern part of this county, scattered among the farms. There are now 5 esses In Raleigh and Its suburbs. As yet compulsory vaccination Is not ordered. Snprem Court Decisions 8peclal to Journal.. kv Ra'elgh, Nov 80. The Supreme Court filed the following opinions to day: Brlttaiars West ill. frem Catawba, new trlil. Bmllh vs Johnson, from Alexander, eiror, Peoples vs, N O R R from Mecklen burg, no error. Erwln vs Mori Is, from Cabarrus, er ror. County Board of Education vs County Commissioners from Iredell; affirmed. Earnhardt vs Clement from Rowao.no error dmilh vi Brutnn, from .Montgomery; reversed. lintchlnsvs School Committee, from Darhsm; no error. Trozlervs Building Company, from Alamanoe, no error. Cannady ve Olty of Darham, no er ror. Staten vs Wsbb, from Edgecombe, af Armed. Btgmon vs Fox from Catawba, per curiam siSnaed. William vf DIHon, from Union, per cut lam aftrtaed. Williams vs Dillon, appeal by Rogers' heirs, per curiam affirmed. ' Norton va Bo Hallway, from McDowell petition of plalntlt for certiorari al lowed. Cameron Berkley Oo.'vs Power Co, from Catawba, SXIUoa for certiorari allowed. Onslaw Superior Court Abandoned. On aoeeuat of the eases of sm all-pox la Onslow county the fall tna of Se perlor court has been abandoned. DO NOT DOSE THE 8T0NACB. HyomsL (be Only Ouarsnieed Cure For ' Catirrb . " No one should sMrouud Breaiei with the paUel atedklees Oat are advertised to cure eeunb,. i Is as far Kperler to Uem all u the ffiansead is more valua ble ttae ekees) gkue. TVetr eempoei- tloa is seeret, but HjreeMt gives its for uuu to all reputable payttotaaa and h reaoflbed by them geseraUy. i; - its base b the valuable eneatyptus oQ, famous for ha aatieewtle euaUUse This Is eomMned With sroejktls and keelug gsma asd balaeeis mat I eg a pr Mould wblcu, Wbeu uad la the Hyosael pocket Inhaler, fill the atvtoe breathe With gena-kllllag,. dUa destroylsg and beallag powers that restore aealtkto every pert ef the aoee, throat and I (Tift. " . , j., ; The only way to cert eaterrh and aQ other aissases ef the resplrelory organs TbUlrMUneat hu been so roAeafal tu wring M per oeat t! all who htve died K, IU fjyoml U sow sold Duffy undsr aa aUolate guarantee li re fosd the moaey la eae tl due not beat fit Tee mi no rltk wbaurvv la boy lug Uyorodt If it did a oi poe ubo til pnTS to ar. It could not U Sold np') Kill f'n. I he riTj e i.rnmf t.ir. tntt$ f fir ' t tn Ii,- ' -, 1 RUMOR FALL.FDBT ARTHUR. Japanese Take More Forts. Russian J Prepare Line of Retreat, . London, Nor. U0. A rumor was enr rent on the stock exchange this morning that Port Arthur bad fallen, The rumor Is unconfirmed, but the French morning papers state that dominating .positions at the Stronghold have been taken by the Japanese. Chee Foo, Nov. SO.-;-Word reached here this morning of desperate fighting at Port Arthur 'yesterday ,l the Japanese making a determined ssiault on the east era defencet-lThe Japanese securing important positions, but are said to have lost fonr thousand men. Rome, Nov 80 A dispatch to the Qio- nale dl Roma from Toklo, says the fall of the forts 8unghan and Klkwan, Is ex pected today. All Is now ready for the retreat of the Russian combatants to LtaoTlsh and Tiger Tell forts The die patch adds for two days. fires have been raging- at various points In the town which have been like furnaces. Shepard's Moving Pictures. Archie L Shepard's high class Moving Pictures with new and complete program will be presented at the New Masonic Theatre on Wednesday, December 7th. The unbounded success with which It met on its-former appearance here, has encouraged .the .management to inaugu rate the second tour in the Booth in re sponse to the repealed demands for re turn dates everywhere. See ad. Superior ..Court Transactions. The Jury in the cate of Simmons vs Atlantic Coast Line returned a verdict yesterday morning of a judgment for lalntiff of $445. The amount being the prlnolpaland Interest due from 'March 1st, 1903. The original sum was $36168 The case was for a breach of contract on the part of defendant In building a sidetrack for the plaintiff, also for fail ore to ahlp material. The attorneys for the plaintiff were Messrs D L Ward and W D M elver; for the defense, Messrs Simmons and Ward, Two divorces were granted to the plaintiffs In the casesof Annie Klnnlon, vs Richard Klnnlon and Ida B Jordan vs W H Jordan. The ease of Mary Rlggs vs UsTrlson, was on trial last evening when the conn adjourned. Elks Memorial Services. The laws of the Elks Orand Lodgt require that the first Sunday In Decern ber of each year, aball be devoted to a memorial of the dead. In accordance with this law the Elks will hold '.heir memorial Mr vice on next Sunday, Dec 4lh, 1804, at the New Masonlo Theatre at S p m. A mostf leasing programme has been arranged for the occasion, which will oonalst of mnalo, orchesttal and vocal sold. The address will be delivered by the Hob Fred.Haiper, of Lynchburg, Va., Ledge Ho 121, while the eulogies will be by Ilk 8 W Hancock and Secretary Tom C Daniels. The members of the local lodge end an visiting brothers will meet at S.30 p m. The Theatre will be comfortably heated ad wiU be opened at S 80. The lodge has decided, to have Rlels Italian Orchestra play at the club; room on Saturday night, and will hold as la formal reception from a 11pm. The ladies are most cordially Invited ton! tend. ZORAH Norembtr S)th. Oar farmers ere about through hone lag crops. Two of our boys were sawing wood last Friday sad made a Are to warm their carers. After they got warn they took 08 their coals and went beck to sawing, when they came beok to the Are tketr eoats were kerned up, - Miss Mary Waltford's school stopped mat week la order that the bouse could be palsied,' , . . "J . Mr Joseph O'NeUl Is still thealok VrAlWhUford left last wtekfor Reletghto attend business eotlege there. ' . 1 . . ".. Miss Bloomte Wbttford of Pill Co, is rUltlag relatires bare, ; - . Mr Bob Pipkins of Reetaberr Spent Saturday sight at Mr D P Whltforuw bete. . i'.-w' , 'X',' Mrs W B Burgess ad ehlldrea ol Kia stoa tame dowa Sssdsy to see ber father Mr Harvey Arthur, who Is Mr and Mrs Joshua Sattot and aleae, Miss Xthet ButtoS, v4 Ls3ag tpeat last wk wlta. Mrt Bnttoa's par eats, , . ... . . Mr A P WkUford epest SeUrday aiM with hit daughter, . Mrs h U teott..- ';';. .;,...':r lllss Carrie Taettalt who is UachlBg near Street's Ferry esme bone aad petTnkglvlng, . MlisEUiebe Tastull is vUHIof le 5w prn O wmk. , Mr Ouy Vt httffird lnt lt Sanday I A UATTER OF HEALTH fTi PQUDUR . AbsolotelyPure IIAS KO SUBSTITUTE THEY COME AND GO. Mrs F B Irvln and little daughter Mary Sue returned to Salisbury yesterday af ter a few months residence here. Mr Irvln will retjn there In a few days Mrs Charles H Hall, ofJacksonville,U visiting relatives In the city. Mrs Edward Chadwlck of Klnston spent the day with her father, Mr Henry Hail jesterday. TABLE TIPPING. An Experience or Aadrew Lane; Thkt tm m Paesle to Ulm. 1 whs once luyiug my hands alone on n Utile table wbicb apun about the room. No I'.oubt I nioveU It, but I did so "automatically." I did not con sciously exert any force. 1 said, "Ask the table a question," and a lady re marked, "Where are the watches?" Tho table then tilted. The others used the alphabet in the ordinary way. I did not know what was tilted out, but they told me that the message was, "The watcheH are In Frank's pocket in the children's room." I asked, "What watches?" and the lady said, "I gave two to Frank to take to the watch maker, and he does not know what be came of them." No more do I," I said and thought no more about It. Frank was a boy, a nephew of the lady. I scarcely knew him by sight. Two months later when 1 was in France Frank's father, who bad been present at the table tilting, wrote to tell me that I "was the devil!" The watches had just been found in an old greatcoat of Frank's lu a drawer In the children's room, which was not a room In the bouse where the table was so well rnsplred. Noth ing else of the sort over happened to me. It uus ii n "automatism." 1 did not know whnt the table "said" till I was told, and of the watches I knew nothing at all. I simply do not under stand the eaite. But "spirits" did not even pretend to be mixed up in it The least Inconceivable psychic explanation ie that Frank, who was at school. "wired" on to me without knowing It a fact which he had forgotten and that I without knowing It msdo the table tilt out the answer. Frank at that time was a queer, vi sionary boy, "a sensitive " but to do all tills was rather out or hl line. The skeptical theory would le that Frank, having heard the story and accidental ly come upon the tost watches, put them In the piece where tbe table said they were, "and the same with Intent to deceive." But I did not even know tbat thero u'as a room In his father's bouse called "the children's room." Ajidrew I.sng In Harper's Msgaxlne. Maaes ! Berss. The practice of naming borne after eminent persons is common in Eng land nnd France, but In Russia It is considered disrespectful by some judges Of manners. A ItussUn sportsman has christened s promising filly Elenora pnae aa a mark of his esteem for tbe celebrated actress. lie la severely re buked In the Russian papers. ."!( this should be -tolerated,",, they aay, ww shall be jisvlng horses called after Tol stoi and other national worthies. Ney, Kuropatkln himself will be saddled or turned out to gnuav Tbe censor might to stop' tpe abuse of the name of Christiana. If the holy synod askeepr A Butelsn may call hie dog Caeaar or Poenpey, for they were pagans, and their memory la not revered by mem bora 'ef the Orthodox church. Bnt nun. pose some rerkioae Subject of the eear should rail bis boree PobUdonoetseir. What wit) the boty synod say thenr- uromcie. ' ..;,, , L- leUiaa'Aa-e.'::'. ."be Smtor Purtner-I sVsa't see bow yew can charge tbe money yetfve Spent ea that Impeconkrae young fellow up es bualMM npensee. Tbe zenng L4W' yer That's etntple enongb. He bee a rich uncle that U sick, aad there's 7-. . -...frt grtr kia will h ' ffM Wiu Bd Bluer vi' Those who win persist fa eloalaa their ears agatatt tbe eontlbual recommends ttouofDr Kleg's New Discovery tor Coanmptlna, will bars a long end bit tor fight with their troubles, If not ended earlier by fatal lamination. Heed whalTB IW11 of BealL BUS, ban to yi 'Last fall my wife had every symp- (nrri of cmiumptlon. Ebe took l h'.: g'l I'W f)!mvry after everything (- v 1 --.t ranr.e 7Ah Florida New Lot Nice Malaga GrapoB, Kujiish Walnuu, l'ccane, Brazil Nule and Almonds, all new Crop'. Nice London Layer Raisins, lOcU. Keeded Ralalna 10c pound package. Thoroughly Cleaned Current lOcU. Citron, finest quality, 20cte pound. Fresh Lemons, Sweet and Sour IMckicp. Heloz Mince Meat, Atmore'a Mince Men'. Fulton Market Corned Beef. Cape Cod CranberrteB. Brown Suguar, Pulverized Sug&r. Baker's Chocolate 10 and 20c In Cake, Complete Stock of General Grocerler, all NICE and FRESH. J. L Mt 3 'Phone 1. Overstocked DUE i"PT r, til4i J. J. BAXTER. Cold Weather Fll ii rapidly passing. Just a fow ban we mast grim winter face to face. better take advantage at the many ipecll for tbls week. 25c Pieces. Eitra good Woolen Shirt goods OH Inches u Me, $1 value, inlo Kmc a yard . SHOES VK) pair Ladies shoes, Handay wear, Itcgulsr price tl. 00 or long as they lut ssle 89c a pair. 100 men's snd boys' suits, job lot, WARM Bed Covering Is just what winter nights A splendid linn of Blankets Just received in good heavyweights at ll.Sl.t5. 1.50 and $1 Overcoats Men's Ovtr oils from (1.75 to $12 C O P L O N. I. A. TONES Livery, Feed, Sale and Exchanjrr STABLE ' LarMt anrt feesl stork of Boraee aad Maiae ever offered tor' Sal la' ffewbera ' ' " A car )n4 of esrb )nst l. Als a rwirplete line ot Regglee Wapaa, li.rnjas, I!ole, VMlr,('sn Wbwls, Kte., . . ' - - . ' oranges Wlioleitale A Retail CJ !? t 71 Broad Ht & on Clothing ! Our stock of boys and childreus cloth ing is simply im mense and must be sold. I have decid ed to sell it all at a reduction of 20 per cent. Call early and get your fit belore the stock is broken Specials At more t y e , tlmn cumoi cold Doccmbar If ynu aro not fully propsred you hal In cold weather nncU, wc will offer regular price "i laid, sale t'J.'Ji a nilt. It takes to keep you warm during the cold 30.