M1 VOL. XXII NO. 214. WW MM, 1. C, WIDHISD1T UOBIIIQ, DICIMBia 7, 1904 TWENTYTWKl) YEAR 1 t ,...... tjrO to J. M. MITCHELL & GO'S For Special Prices in Wool Suitings and Mohair. BO inch Ntvy Blue Mohair, worth 75c for only 50c. 44 Inch Nary Blue Cheviot, the Price Is 50c Wool Suitings, All Colors. 53 inch wide, 4i yards will make a coat suit, 8 yards will make a klrt, no lining required. Think of It's only 60c the yard. PHONE 43 Pollock St, Opposite Post-office, i NEW ERA PAINT Covering Capacity Unexcelled, Quality Undisputed BUCK'S STOVES SASH DOORS BLINDS Phone 99 Get Yotr AMERICAN STOCK COMPANY PIIILu IIOWAJtI. 12) CAROLINA BRICK CO., PlanU at Clarke, Hjman'i Siding, Kington and Roberaonvll'e. Annual Capacity 15,000,000. The large demand for our product jutUflea our claim, that we fomitlA the Beat Bu.lding Brick on this market. We are now erecting Dry Kilna that will not only increase our output. Vat will also ma terially improve the quality of onr product. II Y MAN SUlTIiY COJIPAJTi, New Rem, N C Helling Agent Henry's Pharmacy. 127 Illddle HU Full line of Drugs .Med icines, Toilet Ar ticles and Soap. Fresh Supply of Flower Seeds. FJijRlclAEia Prrscrip ton. A Specialty. Notice ! Keyoe U given that nllute Mo Ml lot altera of stock, la the A HO ft tOe, watte wm heeed so sm Mat list, 1M0 he tea lost, eal list I eaaU . aevly fat aaotWr eaftlflaM. De-Mbcr Jet, 1M1 i M BBMRY 8 iHYAaT, rta0rrt tedirit the Broad fa the small cost of tho entire cult. X 288. looks good spreads better wears best Icnmical Id Fuel Sjleiii in operatioa Li tins in dnrabililj 68 niddle St Fall Suit Our new stock haa arrived; we have the largest and best sele.tet! stock we have ever hail. Men's, Youth's and Boy's clothing Our Shoe department in complete witt the 1 test styles of aUaA.trd mik. We welcome our old pat rons and invite ttae public to in apect our stock lx-fore Imjing eltewliere. Christmas Cards Calendar! nit raoeired, the flneat line of ChriatmM Carda and Oalea dart ever teen in New Bern See Window Dis play. . Owcn.Q;l)unni Leediaf Mater Butlowet. Or. Pellech Cray U MjfeTeToTt? (XJR Holiday Stock ! ' it anora aUracUra l it ' t. year thai ' nr aod fet v I V p r- y AN IMPRESSIVE SERVICE The Annual Lodge of Sorrow Held By The Elks. Eloquent And Touching Address De llvered By Fred Harper, Eiq. Largs Audi ace la Al ter dance. (Continued from Tuesday's paper.) JUSTICE. But the Order of Elks Is not merely an organ'zttlon for the practice of charity toward all mankind. It has a high and noble purpose to subserve among; lta own members In the cultiva tion of those qualities of the mind and heart that elevate and refine, that en noble and exalt. Not the least of these Is Justice) But aa In our dally supplications that arise on high we do not seek for justice In the course of which none of ns should see salvation, but do pray for mercy. BROTHERLY LOVE. Perhaps the one peculiar feature of the Order which gives an Elk the great est pride and pleasure In his member ship Is the fact that wherever he may go In thla broad lsnl and wherever he may tind a man who responds to his ha'l he finds not only a man but a brother A broher wbese manner and bearing attest those qualities of mind and heart for the possession of which hla whole Lodge stands sponsor. A brother who wears upon his breast, in the badge of the Order, a t ken of the approbation of hit whole community. A brother who grasps hla band In cordial greeting; whose heart it warm with a brother's welcome. It has come to be a distinct ive feature of this Order. It Is known to be the most sociable as well at the most social of all the secret fraternities, and the records have yet to'sbow aa In stance when thla pledge of brotherhood has been unfulfilled. The readers of David Harum will re call that homely philosopher's humor ous statement that, 'there is as much human nature In one man as there is In another if not more ' This qnalnt re mark might well be paraphrased, with out less of truth, Into 'there Is as ranch good In one man as there Is In another If not mote." Indeed they amount much to the same thing to my mind, for I love to believe lo the general good of human nature. We are all very muco alike. We all have our good qualities as well at out evil. As one poet has ex preated it: "Vlrtuoui anl vicious evtiy man must le; "Few in the e itent, hut all In the degree. " Oor u another poet hat nnra sweetly sutg: " There's a space for good to liloom in "livery heart of man or woman, ' And bowsver wild or human, "Or however brimmed with gall. "Nevei heart mty beat without it; "Aid tbe darkest heart to dobbl It 'lias scmethlng good about It after all." And it U tht purpose cf the Order of Elks to enltlvtte in its members t deter mination to tetk thtt goo i In a brothers heart and when hi hat found It to atlm: olate and tn jjuragi It, aad that draw strength for the better growth of what (a good and true la one's owe heart. This It brotherly love la lu highest aad beet mom, It Is the brotherly love of Klkhood. P1D1LITY. Tbe aOectloa 1 1 1 the hosts atari are easily awaktaed, aad they grow aad ei- paad with remarkable rapidity whea onhlvited amidst prosperity .fad hippl aea. Bit laty ofttuaea yield all too readily lo the chilling Mails of edvor- ally aad wither aad die uadarJUas blight of mitfortaac Bat suoa affections are Ittperfeot aad worthy Lmatltalioas at those which have been la all agej reoog. nUed ts the Use! end lh perfect Nor eaa that Ideal be emulated or la lay degree approached tatil there llree with (a the heart a splilt of'eoaetiaey aad faith fulBMt that kaowe ao cbaagr, st w avert aot with every for. tale's h-retee Ust blows; bit ever ihlaee with steady glow, like the treaty beeooc light at eight that teadi tat daaoiag raye afar aeroat tea waters, whether the oalaa aod a-eaoafal heeveaa he at ad led wlUtUre or dark with the fofebodlaf ef eeetlag eteret. . ; ' - : - Sot far f rota ay owa hoate la vlrglaU la Iheedlolaief eoaityef Bedford, aad alaanat fa Ike very shadow ef the Mighty BealeefOUn, there flaaM today a tmataet ttrartare that vu reoeetly A Certain Qare Per Croop. Whet) a child' ikowt fyatptomi of a were to ae Hate to etperitaaet with e-w rtBteulae, ae at tet how high ly ikey Buy be reonaaaieaded. There la one etepiretloa Ual eta el at 71 be d peeded pl. It hat kta la tts for aaany years t4 hat smvt ba oa In n. kwiii t t win dv. VtUt lv,M-.i, f t'.rt. t, . 1 S 111 . I'. 1 I . ' tin dedicated by a most glorious Mrvloe, It it the National Home provided by the Order of Elks for those of Its members who nay be overtaken by adversity and whbte whitening heada miy hive be come bowed before the hostile winds of advene fortune. It li not an asylum to be filled with Inmitei at matter of charity or public policy. It It not in ordimry characta- Lhle Inttltutlon where thote who iro det- tltutt may receive merely food and abet ter. But it it a home, A home prepar ed bythe ttalwart and vlgorout members of i greet fimlly for the occupancy of their less fortunate brothers. And how tweet It it to know that whenever and wherever a member of our Order, with broken health end thittered fortunes. feels that heom no longer wlthstind tbe buffetlogt of the rough teat of life, he may know that even aa In hit iather't house are many mansions, to In hit brother! Home there It i room that it all hit own. And thongh he may come from the rocky ooast of Maine or from betide the bine waters of the far off Pa cific, he la no stringer. But like as a on it heir to hit father to he but comet to claim what la hla. A brother's wel come iwiltt hlmjgentle heartt tnrround him with loving care, and kindly handt lend willing service to his every comfort and hit every need. And to It It that today it tet apart tht we might meet In thtt Lodge of Borrow; that once again our brother' t namet miy be called on the roll is they were went to be called In the past, albeit we know there shall answer but the silence of the grave.tliat our hearts will be loin with anguish and our eyes will be dimmed with tears. Nor Is it only on such occatlona that faithful memory bring our brothets tack to ut for the fidelity to which we have pledged ourselves In a living quallty.and though the outward tokens of grief be laid aalde and tbe badge of mourning be no longer worn, yet the sorrow In our hearts which their death has c .used Is with us still and shall never fade. Charity. Justice, Brolharly Love, and Fidelity. Those are the cardltal prin ciples of Elkbood to the cultivation of which every Elk baa pledged his man hood and his tacied honor No theory of life, no plan of cooduot, can of itself produce the highest type of manhool. It depeni upon tbe man himself. In the gnat drama of life each muat play a pait but tbe character Is left for each to chooM, a vlllitn if we will, or man of honor holding high above all thlngt,hlgh tbove til thlngt, high as hopt t grttt throbbing ttar above the darkness and the dead, respect of virtue and love of of wife nd home and friend. It Is tbe purpose of the order to make itt mem ber! better butbaids tod fathers, better soot and brothers, better cltlzent, better men. The result depends upon the Individual; but he who hat lived a con sistent life In accordance with lta teaoh Ings hss lived it In accordance with the Injunction of that master mind who, In s single sentence, has summed up all essential elements of all moral teaching, and mapped out a coune that all the world might safely follow to Its salva tion. "So live," aald he, and thus does the Benevolent aad Protective Order ol Elks charge each of Itt membert: '-80 live that when thy summons comes to Jola "Tbe innumerable caravan that ' moves V 'To that mysterious realm, where each shall take "Bit chamber In tbe silent halls of death, "Thon go not like the quarry Slav at night, 'Vteoarged to hit dungeon; but, sus tained tad soot had "By in unfaltering trust, approach thy gnve "Like one who wraps tin drs pery of his couch "About htm, lad Has down to pleat ant dr tenia." Regular meeting of W O W this even ing at 7 80 will be a very Important one. They have quite a number of logs to roll end also will hold an election 'of offloen, A fall alteadanoe of membert la rtqneslad. ReTolotloi Imminent A tare tlga of approaching revolt and serlooe troahle la yonr lyitea b ner vontiest, alMpleetTiesi, or ttoetachnp- eeta, ueetrle Bitters will quickly dis member the troebteeotM oeaate. It eever fail to tone the etoeiech, rege late the Kldaeyt aad Bowtlt, itlmalau the Urn, aad e'arify the blood. Raa dowa tytiesae beeeM rartloalarly and all the atael ttttndlai aeeea via lta aa dtr the iMrcbleg gad thoeoegh ffeot tveneas,, Eleotrli Bitten It only K)cJ aad that le retimed If It doi't give per. feottsUtotoUoa. Qaaraateed by CD Bradhasa. enggist, .-" Aa dellcloaa go) i Tail .TV - 1 1 w 3urrtdei old-Uah toned Cod Uvef Oil and CmnltlotU GoamUl tDotafnall thesalioirrItWaatita,aTiialy takes T H from tannine fresh eoda liven, with Organ It iron end ether body-building InjrrsxllroU, bnt at) att er grease, aaaltlnf the fmtMt itmgtb aad JImb, emtnr I sown to wwdtclne. for cii people, puny tMldrns, tsk, rte worn, aartlflg mo"-T, I'lfotilt tot.t, Hi I leg to";! a, thrott end lung 1 1 ' ' 1 f - : . ,r '.!--t.;m! VlnoL FOB JUVLHiLES. Governor Aycock Education Lecture On Florida. Board of Agricultnre Beportt on A & M. College. Ho New Cues of Small Pox. New Carolina Code Completed. Italelgh, Dec C Director John P Kerr of tbe penitentiary board stye he intends to prett the matter of tho establishment of a Reformatory for young cilminals, of which project he yesterday spoke at the Board meeting. He fays that owing to the attitude of some of the members of the board he does not feel aa hopeful at he would wish to be, but he thinks this Is the one chance of establishing such a Reformatory and at the penitentiary has toe money available be desire to seize the present opportunity. In other words be desires that the present board shall be the originator and the founder, so to speak, of a Reformatory. Governoi Aycock will leave here for Florida on the afternoon ol Ohrlt'.mat Dty, takiog with him hit tons Connor and John, aud will visit hi brother at Melrose He will on the 30th addres-i the Southern Educational conference at Jacksonville, Ms subject lo be "The Education of Masses." It la the only engagement to speak which ho haa nude before tit . end of his term. The sptcial committees appointed by the Board of Agriculture to report upon .he needs of the A. it M. College here has prepared its report which will be laid before the board tomorrow at the semi-annual meeting. This lenorl will recommend tbe establishment of a cen trat light, beating and power plant lo cost about $80,000, the location to be along aide the 8 A L and Southern rail ways, in the valley southwest of the col lege, In order that coal can readily be delivered and also In order that water used In the different systems will return by gravity to the plant, The city physician sayt no new caset of small pox hive developed here in 1 week, and that there are only two caaea within the city limits and four In the tuburbs. Editor Caddell of the Evening Times, who Is sick at Wake Forest with tlilt dlsesss is almoat well. He had a mild case. The type Is not very severe In this vicinity. Vaccination is not compulsory bnt tbe city physician says many persons are being vaccinated. Senator Blmmona and hla private Secretary, A D Watts, left this morning for Washington. M r Watts baa been on doty at Democratic headquarters litre three months. John W. Thmpson of Raleigh, ex Secretary of the Democratic Btate Com mlttM frightened in Intending burglar 1 negro from the roof of a porch at hit homt here. Burglars have been very daring recently. Mention hat been made of the fact that tbe Code Commtaalon had finished tne nrat 01 tne two volumes or tbe new code. The price of thte book wlU be 18 while the second volume will sell for $8 and will be ready In about ten days. The work Is aot known m tbe Code, bat as the Revised Statutea Tin drat vqlnmeconlalasS,800 pages, containing an tne general statutes. tticellent ar- rangemeate have been made for keeping the type from whloh the work Is printed There are to be 8.B00 copies of the drat volu nt pad 1,000 of Ihd moodA out U. a C Notice. An Important called mMtlng of the DanghUrt will be held Thursday it 11 o'clock it tht rooms on Broad 8t All the membert are urgently requested to be there. Bring thimble, needle and thimble. Tbe Key Thtt Unlock The Door to Loot: LiTlnf . The nun of eighty Sve and ninety yean of age are not the rotound well fed, bnt thin, tpare men who live oa a aleadsr diet. Beat careful u he will however, a snaa ptt middle age, will oeoatMally l toe naach or of soeat art tola of food aot silted to hit 00 nail ae tic, aid will aeed a ttoee of Chamber, lala't Uotaack aad Liver Tablet! to cleatM aad Uvtgortie hla atostach aad rvgtlate hit liver and bewail. When thtt It doae there at ao reteoa why the avenge lata thoeld aot live to old age. for sale by en dreggtite. ., The New - V Body Builder Fresh Ontnct - FLORIDA New Lot Nice Malaga Grapes, KuUh Wa'nul-, IVlsuh, Brazil Nuts snd Almonds, all new Crop. Nice London Lnyer Raisins, lOcti. Seeded Raisins 10c pound package. Thoroughly Cloned Currents lOcls. Citron, finest quality, 20ete pound. Fresh Lemons, Sweet and Sour Pickles. Heinz Mince Meat, Atmore's Mince Meat. Fulton Market Corned Bei f. Cape Cod Cranberries. Brown Suguar, Pulverized Sugar. Baker's Chocolate 10 and 20cta Cake, Complete Slock of General Grocerler, all NICE and FRESH. 'Phone 91. Christmas Presents... ('hristmois is aliout hole and everybody will In- l.-ukinn fur something valuable to givo to their friend and tlioio is m better place to find juat what you want than at. our store. Helow is a partial list of things that would mal:.- a ood aa well as a valuable present : Ladies, mens and children's lied room slippers; :i beauti ful line of neckties to select from; a handsome line of silk mufflers; ladies and mens initial silk and linen handker chiefs; white and fancy vests; silk Mispeuilers; line silk umbrellas for ladies and men; clothing for men and chil dren; a fine pair pants; a pair nice shoes; an overcoat or a rain coat; suit case; rugs and art squares; a roller tray trunk; bath robes; pajamas; kid gloves, etc. Don't wait too late to buy. Now is the time. J. J. BAXTER. The People's store. Is a Fearless guardian at all the SALE this week Bargains in every line, a money saver for a!!. Head this advertisement carefully. Men's $9.00 Suite in Worsted and Cashmere, heavy weights U.'Ji. Just received Men's Brown Melton Suits for this week only $T.2j. Men'a $1500 Black Venetian aud Granite suits in militajy cult, special price $9.o0. Men's 7.50 Overcoats, well made this week -I .Hfi. Great Bargains in Overcoats, 23o37"s S-a.its, Glrirt Q-codc, 0-a.tirj.gr, Coann.fcrtS, 75 Middle Hi. J. A. JONES, Livery, Feed, Sale and Exchanjrp TABLE ' Sa, I t'gaat ts1 Bsaal ttork ef Borttt ted Mt'M evt eflered let tale la few bill A.e.rtr.i of it h (nr It. At a eeeinleie lle ef Deggltt, Watoaa, H H.mtas, Robea, Whl-Un WlMeie, tte. . ORANGES Wholesale & Retail U rower, 71 Brt,al Hi ml people all the time Tot if vHld Packs, Vtuftoa tad f:r l,;rtr Pat - to 10 Ira O.Vl! 1. 1 A i