VOL. UU-NO. 21G. KIW BIBI, I. C, FRIDAY M0BKIK8, DECIMBER 9, 1904, TWENTY-THIKU HAH Wam Blankets FOE- COLD NIGHTS Nor h Carolina All Wool Blanket, size 10-4, at Vk 50; size 11-4 at $5.00; siz 1 12-4 at $5.50. Comforts at $1 00 to $4.00. Bed Spreads 75c to $3.00. Sh e i! 1-2 yds by 2 1-2 yds, made of the best material at 55c 60c, 05c and 70c each. Pillov Cases 36x45 inches wide at 12 l-2c, lc and 2ie each. See our stock and save time and money. J.H.tMffiUCO PHONE 288. 43 Pollock St., Opposite Post-office. F1H1HCES GOOD NEW ERA PAINT looks good spreads better wears best Covering Capacity Unexcelled, Quality Undisputed BUCK'S STOVES SASH DOORS BLINDS Ecnical in Fael Splendid in operate Life tint: in (orally o) Phone 99 ft 68 middle St We Hcnrv's Pharmacv CAROLINA BRICK CO., plants lit ('.lurks, Flyman's Siding, Kington and Kobersouvil'e. Annual Capacity 16,000,000. rv.. i .i,.,t,,i fr nnr moduct mstifies our claim, that we furnish the Best Bu.ldniK Brick on this market. We are now erecting Dry Kilns hat will not only increase our output, but will aW) ma terially improve the (Uiility of our product. II V Iff AN NITl-I'I.Y COMPANY, New Horn. N C Sl llil,K A8enU Notice I Have just received fresh car load Ameri can Wire Fence; same will be sold at greatly reduced rate. Come and see me before buying. E.W. Small wood For North Carolina As Per Official Reports local and 127 Middle HI. Full line of Drugs.Med icines, Toilet Ar ticles and Soap. Fresh Supply of Flower Seeds. Iliylclantf PreNcrip fontt A N?e"iiIfy. UR Holiday Stock is more attractive t is yr thin ever ami in fTaalnr variety. nnm boos stobi For Sale After 6 O'clock evening dreea la ranential to the man of social distinction for ball. dinner turtle, receptioni and other aocial functions. No man thit wisbce to t well dreued with ev erything that U swell and elegant would thick of having bis dress stilt or overcoat made y any one in New Bern bat an artistlo tailor. We can give you the etyle of Prince with the deh of a ewell American, at a reasonable prwe. Fa M. Chad wick. f Ike Me Mr B Water el llw stmt V s. MnOBfc. WATKM,"', I ' A4(lrlor. Notice M KelM la ilvaa that ertliet Ke tM fat cee share , la the AAMOi at R Oo. which tM leased t4 M Ws list, IH4aWe lost, ! tlutlttitll1- epp'y tot anotbet rtlfknt. Ft ft Will !)- pt 1st, ffr.'i.-r p- - v.r -"T n r ' v Back From Mexico. Cabbage Plant. ing Experiments, Governor To lienor Requliltion. Pardon Uranted. Test Frnlt Farm Needed. Raleigh, December 8. The atalement of North Carolina finances given out by Auditor Dixon Is a very gratifying one, showing a balance of the genera1 tund of almost exactly $340,000. The treas urer, however, will have very pressing demands upon him In the next tlxtj days, This month he will have to pay oat 200,000 for pensions, and in Janu ary will be called on for $300,000 for the public schools and !so for $70,000 Interest. lie says that before February 1st be will hsve to pay out at least $050,00(1. Today I)r r.nd Mrs D II Abbott and Messrs Henry ami James Lltchford re turned from Mexico. They were In the large parly of Corporation Comwisslon- ers ami their friends who made a tour of the Mexican rail way p . They we rj everywhere entertain ed royally, meeting President Diaz and the governora of the various states thiougli which their special train past- In i lie Federal court lure there is a case ngainal a woman who Is charged with sending obscene matter through the mails, In the shape of advertise ments of a medicine. The opinions seem to be that she will not be convict ed. William Dunn of the Board of Agri culture, who la miking the tests of the S70 varieties of cabbage, the seed of which were secured by Stats horticul turist Hume, says they are planted and are growing very well indeed. There are two acres In the plants. Speaking of the cabbage crop in the vlcinl'y of New Bern, Mr Dunn says it looks well and Is larger than usual. That ts one of the very finest truce growing sec tions In all the south, and can hardly be equalled anywhere for cabbage grow ing The Board of Agriculture send a com mlltee to St Louis In October to see the North Oarollni exhibits at the exposi tion. This committee reports to the full board, tpeclally cnmpllm intlng Com mlssloner Oenorel Herbert Brimley, T K Bruner and Stale Geologist Holmes for their work In connection with the North Carolina exhibits in the various aepanmentr. ine mining exblblt waa the beat the State has ever made. The total expense of the North Carolina ex hibits was about $20,000, of which the State gave half, private individuals and manufacturers contributing the other half. It wan a great ahow for the money. Governor Aycock Is notified that the Governor of Pennsylvania will honor bla requisition for Hugh Rltdon, who Is wanted In Itowen county, on the charge of perpetrating frauds on people there Klsdon waa not lonj ago In the penltsn tlary at Atlanta, and married there young woman from Ohio, who became acquainted with him by going to ttt prison to sing to convict'. State Auditor DIioq thla afternoon completed bla statement of the North Carolina Usances. For the year ended November 30th, 1004, tbe receipt from an aoorco. ror the general mad were a,U3,Mu, with the dlaburaemeat $!, 894.004, leaving a ret balance of $!, M5. The balance on band December 1st, 1(04, was $120,488, which added to tbe Delano above referred to gives a total of $389,68), which Is the Urges! on record. Ilia balance of th public acbool fond, derived froas th sale of what are known a th swamp laa la. Deombr 1, 1908, was $90,107. Th re- oalpla for th year inded November SO, 1904, w. re $31,890, th total betag $ WH. The dUbaressasaU were SJU0, laavlag a let talaaee of $7,414, The BtbUocof both fa ads It $S44JW7. Of lb dlabaisrmnu ohUd 10 th ed ucational faod was aut year $,!, and tela year $M,W0, last to vartoa eouallee for belldlaf and Inorovtaa public school boot, saealai the total that Joeaed $1190. AH the loaa at atsared by ooaaty aata. , Oov error Areeek . tedev nardoaad ladraw Wltooe, eOhnesiae whe tkv aad kUM aaothet la Oranvtll eoeaty and as asteaod I tad yeate Issprt t lot aardw la the eeeowA B had served ikiee aad a half years. jdg Utw tpeelelly aewdtd Uw rardaa. . AtlhesMeUafelthaAtaU Board Aarleeltire today B T Bseaaa t the taeura Carellae FraU aad Track UrowM Aatodatloa at ad m addraea, akl tae Ubllahaiat et a tt fana fef th frle f easel! fnit, berrie aad m4eble, at eease hotel la Ct to be selected by h board. Be ptwtd raaolutlo to (hi offset edof tad by th awoelttloa, aad spoke la ewpport of Uir. The eoer J will eoa tldte ihiatktwr. Seed ooltoD "old on the local market yesterday St cents. See second pag for additional news. Th forecast for today Is fair wanner. Dr C F Haddox, an expert, optician- representing th Hawks Optical Compa ny, of Atlanta, Ga, is In the city and will be at F 8 Daffy's Drag Store today and tomorrow, where those needing his professional services can find him. The monthly meeting of th Woman's Foreign Missionary Society which was postponed will be held this afternoon at 80 o'clock, in th Centenary Church parlors. G S Waters & Boo, the makers of good baggies, are distributing handsome cal endars to their friends. The next social meeting of the Junior Epworth Leagne will be held at the church parlors Friday December 16th. There were sales on the local cotton market yesterday at 7.23 to 7.30, A Costly Mistake Blunders are sometimes very expen sive. Occasionally life Itself Is the price of a mistake, but you'll never be rone if you take Dr King's New Life (Mils for Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Head- ache, Liver or Bowel troubles. They are gentle yet thorough. 2rc at C D Bradham'a diu& store No Show Last Nifht Cowan Brothers, lessees of the New Masonic Theatie, ttlegiaphei local man ager, Frank Matthews yesterday that on account of the Mendletsohn Quartette missing their connection at Florence, S C, they would be unable to appear at their conoert at New Bern which was to have been given laat night. The concert being on the Lyceum lec ture courae, Messrs Cowan stated that they would supply sr. entertainment to take th place of the Mendlesiohns and the sms would appear here at an early ate. Subscribers holding licksta on this course ntel have no fear that the fall number of engagements will not be given. THE EDITOR'S WIFE. SHORT PASSING EVENTS. BABY QUIRK'S QUICK CURE Of Torturing Eczema by Cuticura When AiTEIse Had Utterly Failed. ' My baby, Owen Herbert Quirk, was afflicted from the age of six week with a loathsome running eczema, almost covering his face. I took him to Drs. and of Victoria Boad, Aldershet, and be was treated by them for three months, bub got much worse, and. was a sickening sight to look at. I saw an advertisement of the Cuticura Remedies, and got the Soap, Ointment and Resolvent. "We noticed an Improvement at once, and within a fortnight the run nlng had ceased and the scale were nearly all dried off, and in a month his face was perfectly clear, not a spot left. I have en closed photograph of him when be waa thirteen months old. He 1 now two years and four months, and has never bad the slightest return of it. I am very grateful for the benefits de rived from your remedies, and shall feel It a pleasure to make their value known. For corroboration of this statement you may refer any one to Mrs. Williams, 45 Michaels Road, Alder shot, or Mr. Gunatane, 40 Victoria Road, Aldershot, to whom we recom mended the remedies for a akin humour, which they also cured. Tou are at liberty to do what you like with this statement, as I should like all to know of the value of Cuticura." WILLIAM HERBERT QUIRK, No. 1 West Knd Cottages, Ruywood Road, N. Southampton. Letter From an Illinois Newspaper Man That Is Well Worth Heeding. As a usual thing editors ssve the good things for the columns of their own newspapers, but the following letter from 8 H Duncan, editor of the rieaton, III., Independent, shows tint there Is at least one editor who wants to help oth ers. He writes as follows: To the Editor of the New Bern Jour nal: 1 wlah yon would print the following and thna help me to do a kindness to your readers. My wife ha been a great aufferer with stomach troubles for the put lour years, and the last two years practically an Invalid. Nothing seemed to help her until I procured a box of Ml-o-na, nature's cure for dyspepala. his care ber ao much relief that abe continued nalog th remedy until now sbctnloyshcr meals, is relieved from all pal in ber atomach and has Increas ed In Beth. 1 hop you will publish thla letter, for think there la no remedy for stomach trouble equal to Ml-o-na, and the more wide spread It ns beoomea, th more good will be don to humanity. 8 H DUNCAN, Editor of Independent. F 8 Duffy baa the local agency for Ml-o-et and hla faith ia Its mat It equals Editor Duncan'a. He In fact, offers to pay for M-lo-aa la aiy caa where It does not give satisfaction. No slroagtr adoracmaal of th marl la of th rams dy can b glva than this, that a local drag Arm Is willing to nail a madlcln oa hla owa guarantee to rata ad th aaoasr If It do not oar stomach trouble aad laer fieah. HAPS ! Peek lina Pocket and Vest t Mape of North Oaro- Juat Eeceived. Owen Q Dunn teedlag Friatef At lutlovef. Cat. relleck Crayea Ita. Sot) UtftKuboat tb world. Cnttovra Rwaolvent, 60s. n fbna of ChocoUU Coated Pllle, la. per oi u IntBant, SOe., Hoap, 16a. Dwpotat London, 27 Cbtutttrw ktouaan : Pa Ha, 6 Ku da la Paix i Boston, Iff Colambue) v TOor Drue: Chain. Corp., Bole Proprtaion. tTWl d tot " How to Cure Jmmim." A Card to the Public. Owing to the similarity In name' of The Great Barlow Mlnsttels nd another nuring the country, the management of the above company wishes to notify th minstrel loving people of this city that, Tbe Great Barlow Minstrels have toured lie country alsce the year of 1878 and bare never bad in any way shape or rm any connection whatever with an organization that la at the present time touring under t lie title of Barlow and Wilson. Uwlng to the similarity in names, the nubile are cautioned, thus snsbllng them to ludre for themselves as to the merits of the organization. The G rent Harlow Minstrels appear In this oily at the New Maaonlc Theatre next Tuesday, one night only, with J A Co- burn aa Manager and owner. Any com. pany appearing under almllar title with out Mr Colmrn or hla name on printed matter are Impostor. Florida oranges New Lot Nice Malaga Grape, hn hli V'nu!. 1'eceus. Brazil Nuts and Aim oniln, all new Crop. Nice London l,ijcr Ka'slne, lllci?. Seeded Huleina 10c pound packig. Thoroughly Cleaned Current? lOels Citron, duett quality, L'Octe pound. Kresh Lemons, Sweet urn! Sour l'!Me. llelnz Mince Meat, Atmore's Mlnco Men'. Fulton Market C( rued Bcrf. Cape Cod Cranberries. Brown Suguar, Pulverized Sugar. Baker's Chocolate 10 and 20ctB Cake, Complete Stock of General Groceries, all NICK and FRESH. J. L. I DAM WtusU'staifi sY,3 tr. r- St, 3 'Phone 91. 7t Ur.. i Christmas Presents... Christmas is about here and everybody will ! U.kin for something valuable to give to their friend and there is im better place to find just what you want than at our store. Below is a partial list of things that would nml: :i good as well as a valuable present : Ladies, mens and children's bod room Hlippvrx; :i lieauti fid line of neckties to select from; a handsome line of silk milliters; ladies and mens initial silk and lim n handker chiefs; white and fancy vesta; silk suspeuders; line sili. umbrellas for ladies and men; clothing for men and rhil dren; a line pair pants; a pair nice shoes, an oven-oat or a rain coat; suit case; rugs and art squares; a roller tray trunk; hath robes; pajamas; kid gloves, etc Don't wait too late to buy. Now is the time. J. J. BAXTER. The Peopled stoe Police Court News. There were 6rc cases In the court yes day of persons charged with failure to pay dog tax, two were discharged, they having proved that tbey had no dog the others arranged to pay the tai. Waller Sanders waa found guilty of disorderly conduct. He was let off with orsts. His accuer. John Henry Wil liams waa also charged with disorderly conduct and was required to pay th ooala. John Hsrget, a colored boy got Into a dlffloulty with a another negro boy named George Keed, Wedneeday night aad stabbed Reed in the back with a pocket knife. The wound is not serious but the boy waa held for trlsl In th criminal court under $S0 bond. HoWl This ? We offer On Hundred Dollars Re ward for any cas of Catarrh that oan- aot lie cured by RjJl's Catarrh Care. V J CUBNEY A CO, Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, hav kaowa F J Cheney for th laat 19 year, sad b- llers him perfectly hoaorabl In all bosl at traat actio a and flsanclally abas to carry out aay obligations maris by his Una. , Wsi.dixo, Ktaaan Maaviir, Whole! Drsgg'sU. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Car I lake ltm alty, acting directly apoa th blood aad aacos surfer of th system. Tll saoalals fraa. Price TV U par boulr Hold by ell Draggl" Take HalTs tally Bills for eoasUpa Uoe. - - Is a l-'earless guardian at all the people all the time. SALKthis week Bargains in every line, a money -.aver fm- .ill l'ead tine advertisement carefully. Men's $9.00 Suits in Worsted and Cushmrrc, heavv w.-ighls t Just received Men's Brown Melton SuiU for this week only $7.r. Men's $ir 00 Black Venetian and Oan.te. suit iu mihl.uy cuta. apecial price $9. SO. Men's i VI Overcoats, well made this wuck l i'.- Great Bargains in Overcoats , Sizirt O-cod-G, 75 Mlddh Ht. T. A. I ONES. Livery, Feed, Sale and Exchanjrr STABLE ' Var.' !1 !" a t'A - r- TXX 103 Of TBOt To th,CoOTalMoenti W hold out a holplng hand to tho iok who art lowly oroiplng hack to health. 4 vVlnol hasten roooverf after any : aevort lotoeaae. Attef typhoid, pneu- Boala or la grippe Vlnol qulokly restores "strength,' creates an appetite for nour , lehlng food, cakes rich, red hlood, and, unlike old-fashioned Cod Liver Oil and-. Ecralslona, doel not upset the stooaohe It tcsUs coed. Try it on our guaranteea , : --:-7tfuily, UtIMae4ltorkatTa4K4 eeeeffrd Ja r.-bs a ar load e( a h lae I. Ami a m etle e Sl WH HarnUa, Rob.S WHpCsn vTheata, KM. fiat Orturs frc'l U. lodsyet th Bread t rr A. r -I