----- r" v- -v -t . I i- 1 . 1: VOL. IIH-HO. 223. MW BHU, I. C, SATURDAY llOSKIIS, DECEMBER 17, 1901. TWKNTY-THIIilJ KAtl j A SAMPLE LINE OF Just received for the Holiday Trad. They will be closed oat cheap. They are extremely good values for a little money. If jou contemplate making a for any member of your family or some friend it will be worth yonr while to look at our new line. J. M. Mitchell & Co., PHONE 288. 43 Pollock St., Opposite Post-office. sevw 'household.! MAKES OLD Furniture, Floors and Woodwork, look like NEW. ANY CHILD CAN APPLY IT! Removes all scratehes and other marks of wear and tear and jives new life and lustre to anything made of wood. For New or Old Floors ',' K is the best Finish on the market. Mad In 8 colors and Clear to match all kinds of woods. FOR SALE BY Phone Oo CAROLINA BRICK CO., Plant at Clark, flyman' Siding, Kineton and Itobersonville. Annual Capacity 15,000,000. The Wge demand for our pr.duct justifies our claim, that we furnish the Kest Do ldm(f Brick on thU market. We are now erecting Dry KiltiM lint will not only increase our output, but will also ma terially improve the quality of our product. I1Y914N N1JPPLY COMPANY, Kew Hem, N O Selling Agente Notice I tUv just rcca lUUfl uu iviiu ai(ibri can Wire Fence: same wSt be sold at greatly reduced rate. Come snd see me before Buying. EAY. Smallwood Ws Bakery. y - ALL BltAD and ROLLS ajaaee by the Weatdtsgtati ' . rCflypve ef Wih- i -. Iftf t -' ' Al fcOUCH mOt by , ttllft'eTy. a M e 'm - UrtellleseUry.-lUXe. , Vm ti Sierice m V rr- - . :: i o.s irarket will' IB eo4 Gunp, Pistols. Razors, Scissors and Pocket Cutlery. Shells and Cartridges. 1 radical Xinas Presents Make Happy Hearts STOVKS-RmigeP, Cook and Heat ing. Economical in full, splendid in op ration. Life time in durability. Sash, Doors and Blinds A SPKCIAI.TV. 68 niddle St I When you're broke the i Iris are ihjr Thty tora eal fly as joo coat tlj-h i Brack op old man show tosa pluck, I Take Ucky Moemala Tea: t'wtll j cbasg ) our lack. F 8 Daffy. p JRENWITH, nismith 4 wheev-ght. I HAVE CART WHEELS for sals at rvaaonable price ftbopou South Fro nl St. Near Hallroad DenDison'sChrislmas Labels aoi Ilandker chief , Ui -Heo a1 tteesj the IMahleg toeb le a gift. ; HIRTS EO0I STOEI - 127 Jllcltll HU FulUlnoof Dms.lted. lcincs, TollotAr. . tlclcaondGo.ip. resh Supply of Wc in A HATTER OF HEALTH II W gmti," '7hl BP' ' Absolutely Pure KASKOSOBSmUIE COLORED BRIKEHAN HURT Another Accident On The A & NO Railway At Ktnston. Klnston Frje Press 18th. John Ashley, a colored brakeman on the A us N C freight train, fell under thy wheels of the cars this morning about 11 o'clock and wa seiiously, probably fatal y, li.jureil. The right utm wis cot oil at the shoulder and time was also a fracture of the skull at the right temple Tim accident occurred at the stock pen of the station at McLewean 'street crossing, this cl'.y, and was probably oc aslon d by Ashley, who was hanging on a ladder cf the car, being dragged frm his perch by the fence of the stock pen. and thrown under the wheels This If presumed to be the way he fell under the wheels, fiom the statement made by other members cf the train crew who did not tee It but got to htm m a few sccc-nde. The ioj in-d man wa taken tmme dl&tily to a physician's offlce snd an operation performed, bat the client it tie Injury 1, so gtest 11 -.tie hope Is en lertulned of his recovery. Ashley wai a new man, commencing work for the company only yesterday. and very little could be learned from bis fellow workmen concerning blm. tie was apparently about US years old, The ml! real company, through their gent here and attorney, Is haying arery needful a tention rendered the In J i red man tnd every effort Is being made to save his life. THEY COME AND GO. Mis .lanle Htewert who has been at tending school at Washington, D 0, re turned yesterdsy to spend the bolldsys with her parents. Mrs J II M Giles and family were the ftiea's of friends In the elty yesterdsy. They were en route from Newport to their new home la Aboskl where Mr G'lei Is to bate charge of the Majhodlsl Church Mr Claud Taylor of Blade i was in lbs city j eUrc!sy Mr Alei Juillc la la the elty flailing nUllves. Mr M L Kellebrew a student at lb Military Academy loft latl eight to soeod the holidays at hit horn In Tar- buro. Mlas ffestic Jnivt, who has btea teaehlog In Alitabtth City paaetd through New Bera en route to her boo In Dean fort where she lll spend her holiday vacation. A Bvncn f Fires, The past week has beta a easy ooe for the Are departaoeau The Ire alara has kpt the dogs la a state of exelie- l aliaoet le lLo eiuat of aerrowe proairalioB. A greet at any people woald be glad to aa the aenroea preatratloa eoeaplete aad peresaaeat Oae reosat Ire was aoted la Thait dayl ioiraal. The eeeead eoeSagraikta oeeemd at 11:11 Tharaday alfht, A eg roe kcase ea teata eet tire), knaleel apposite the Ebat City saw ailU. The daaaage a allghLtbe tie Mae eaaaed by a dafaetlre ehiatsey, aad wj eelcklp pot osl. A vary eertoaa Ira Ooeutrtd yeaasr- eay afttfaooa. Aaoal half peai Ure rloek the eeok fee Mis 4. A. La dleeoemd aawke aa4 laaaet eesalag freej he side ef tta k n Me. lie Broel etreel, vhlea N oeeple4 Vy Mr. Uel Dray aad Mr. Klliaa Tiytef. Al the laataelef the Slaeorery the la eertt Ml aad the htaae was prsetlcaU; eoeaaM rraes the auv -t Kffetia le tmp the peogreH U the leeaee with beeiete of WaUr Were fa IH had whea the aeae wafeaeanlree be Ire eoald aet be eMtrolivs. The boese eti4 aad aaeet et the 'aralter atthat beraH at ntsad by eif. of the feraltare Uloatolo Mr klljah Taylor wheee apM M ha f h hoaa was sstmL ruawi 'i wai iiiaeo. IB tout UHW!f tUmf leaf repair are pr .!', lyes! o' ths nitia. The ao we ew4 ty Mr J W r0 ' 4 ' CABB1SE TESTS. State Horticulturist To Visit Here Next Week. Chlldrea's Home Society Werk. Joaes Pay Costs. McBee Agiln Up. Growth Iamraaee Btul ne;s la .State. Charters Granted, Raleigh, Deo 16. State Horticulturist Harold Hume will leave bare next Tues day for New Bern, to Inspect the cab bage growing tests which are la pro-' greet on the farm of Wm Dunn there. He will thence start out on a tour through the tracking district, leaving about the second or third of January probably, for the purpose of ascertaln- iog what lands can be obtained and all other necessary point In regard to the location of the very Important test farm recently authorlied b; the Board of Agriculture, the tests on this farm to he of small fruits, trucking, vegetable, ber ries, etc. Of course the East Carolica Trackers Association will co-operate to the fullest extent In this movement, which it has to successfally Inaugurated and In which It feels to much Interest. Mr. Hume Is a very practical man and so Is Mr. Dunn, who It the chairman of that committee cf the Board of Agri culture, A charter was granted today to the Bank of Smthport with paid up capital stcck $5,000 and power to Increase this to 120,000, RCHood and others are the incorporators. It was expected yesterdsy that there would be another considerable snow-fall laat night, but only about half an Inch fell, with some sleet, and this morning the weather was glorious. State 8npe rlntendeot Wm 13. Streelor uf the North Carolina Children' Home Boclety waa here today and talked very interestingly of the work vhlch this ex cellent organization has done In finding homes for children. No lees than 180 (amllles have aaked this society for chil dren. Fifty-three children have been given Christian homea and up to this time something over 13,000 has been contributed to the Society. It ii a bright and beautiful work that the Society Is dolnr, In having rescued chil dren cared for and properly brought up. Several children have been taken from Kaletgh and have literally been saved. It it found that toe actual coat of earing f r a dcstltutue child during his minor ity on the plan adopted by this soolety Is about 100, which is the price of rhal la known aa a benefactor's membership. This It one of the 28 State Societies and ll Is non sectarian, thoroughly Christian and brcadly charitable. Tbe Supreme court has concluded the hearing of appeals tet at the end of the docket. The court will adjourn In a few dry a. The Raleigh Electrlo Railway Com pany today made an offer to sell Its plant to the new Raleljh aid Durham Railway Company, which wu tonight granted a charter by the Aldermen here, Charles 0. Jones of Ooldibiro has paid the 1088 dne a costs In his case before the Federal court, this case having been dispsaad cf last June. V E MoBe baa been appointed by Judge Purotll a eo-recelver with V J Edwards of tb Carolina Northern Rail way, the headquarters of which Is at Lumbertoa, aad weat thera today the two taking charge of the road. Mlas Nora Fhlll'pe, a daughter of the lata Hoa. Saaaoal T. Phillip, of Wash tegtca, D O., Is choaea a Bupertateadeal of lb Rex Hospital here, to inceeed Mr Lawrence a ho died a few months ago. Tbs lasaraaee Coauaiasloaer has treated Heeitea during tbe year to 89 life, II aeseeeraeat. 104 Ire aad auiiae, II aeeidaat, aad tarety eeeapaalee, aad II beaevoleat order. There war eight laebat taow fall la eoee plaeas la We tar Oarollaa this Weak, Oaly a Utile "hoealay" la tela aaeyoa. China S pc c i al I Those who hare taught Iiayq done well Theie whe have net bought hare done better for the ure In poult Ion our ,. m , " , e . I t From Tharsdej morning, December 13 th, O'clock, to lalnrde night tWnlng hour, for ovrFj dollar uprnt for ptirchnxer will rttcUe o!irr word our Vnnoy China during till ale will he O W. FOl UTII OVV. PosUIrely no koo1 trill he nmrLed nbo?c the rrgnlar price. T!ii i:.(:u:ni:s i;vi:riY ai:ticii: fron n I Vic. Cup nml faiirrr to n CO Soliciting- Agent at New Bera For A & M C It ha been officially announced that Mr A J Cooke ha been appointed Solic iting Agent of tbe Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad at New Bern, NC, having In charge the soliciting of freight and passenger business at New Bern. The Atlantlo and North Carolina Rail road recognize the importance of New Bern as a commercial centre, and In or der that a Representative of tho Traffic Department may be easily accessible at all timet to the patrons of the line at New Bern, Mr Cooke has been appoint ed to fill the position, and it Is believed the appointment will give latlsf action, not only to the Railroad Compary, but to the merchants and shlppera as well. Mr Cooke has had many years exped ience in tbe capacity of Soliciting Agent at various points in Carolina territory, and hat lately been in charge of "Tbe Atlaatlc Bote." at Morehead City. Tne appointment Is made tfTectlve Desember 19th, 1904. . GIVING USEFUL PRESENTS. 11 , E. Wbltehursi's Store Is the Em o rlum of Pretty and Useful Things. What to give for a Christmas present that will be pretty, useful and apprecia ted Is a question that is bslhering a good many people Just now. Jt, requires tan and judgment to get just hat one wants and sometimes even those excel lent qualifications will not flu the bill. When set king a prts'nt for a friend one is guided by the ueofulneos of an ar ticle and then by the artistic beauty. In the selection of presents in this line. It will be an advantage to visit M White hursts' store. They have a Stock ot goods which challenge admiration and more than that they carry the double quality cf being both useful and orna mental. They offer dinner seta of Lln.oei ware. A beautiful stock and made in the latest style. They have what la called the "open" stock, which gives tbe purchaser tbe opportunity to match any pleee desired. Tbe oirt fashioned bine china which Is becoming popular once more U another attractive taratn There are a'eo some very pretty sets In white and gold. A nice lamp la a handsome article of furnltute. A line of beautiful wart lamps will be found at this store snd a large number of designs to select from. Fancy china, hand decorated, In beau tiful color. This stock Is Imported dl tect from Germany by Mr Whttehurit and consists of salad bowls, cake plates and other single pieces. There will also be found In ihli store a rrlscellaneous stock of toys, stationery which are as large and varied aa at any lore in the city and as low priced. Ssnta Clsus will certainly find it eaay to ratlsfy his friends when he gtts his presents at Whttehurst'e store. SHORT PASSING EVENTS. Seed cotton old on tTi .'oral matktt yesterday i cents. Cotton sold at ?i cents on the local market yetterday. Aldeiman Dawson Is able to be out again after a few days of lllneis. The weather foreca.t for today la (or rain and rlatsg temperature. Those Interested In the future of the cotton price should not fall to attend the meeting al tbe court bona today al U o'clock. The play Under Tbe Boutbern Crou wu presented to a fall house last atght aad waa greatly etjoyed. A detailed account of tbe entertainment will ap peer In tomorrow's Journal. The friend of (Jap t V I McBee, pro feealoeal receiver for railroads who fiiurtd so eoetpioaoatly la lb S A N 0 business hut spring, will be delighted to leer that be hat at last got a Job that 111 probably "stick." H hat beta ap polaled by Jadg Pur U at co-receiver with Mr TTJ Edwards, of tb Caroline Norther I R B Company, aad of eoara la eorretpoadlBfly happy. I tailoa Free Pre. te fake advantage of . " FANCY CHINA, the In rhn;e 2 tl,,Jer In i FLORIDA New Lot Nice Malaga Orap' , 1 njiisli Walnut". IVeHiiH, lirn.ll Nuts and Almonds, all new Crop. Nice London Lyer IUibIhb, 10cU Seeded Kalelns 10c pouod packn;. Thoroughly Cleaned Current? 10 ;ts. Citron, finett quality, 20ct poutt 1. Fresh Lemons, Sweet and Sour l lekien. Heinz Mince Meat, Atmoro's Mine, llcut. Fullon Market Corned llerf. Cape Cod Cranberries. Drown Suguar, Pulverized Suijar. Baker's Chocolate 10 and 20cls Citlio, Complete Stock of General (Irocerlee, all NICK and FKKAH. J. k 'Phone 91. ffitSM Christmas Presents. Christmas is about here and everybody will le looking f,,r something valuable to (five to their friend and there is ti" better place to find just what you want than at our store. Kelow is a partial list of things that would make a i".d as well as a valuable present: Ladies, mens and childrens bed room slippers; a line of neck ties to seleet from; a handsome In-,, mufflers; ladies and mens initial silk and linen chiefs; white and fancy vests; silk suspender;, umbrellas for ladies and men. i iothine; for men dren; a fine pair pants; a pair nice shoes, an over rain coat; suit case; rugs and art squat c.-.- a r. trunk; bath robes; pajamas; kid gloves. Mc. Don't wail too late to buy. Now is the time J. J. BAXTER I. Is near; bettor prepare before the rush by biking time bv the forelock. Yon have more time ami better ;inHoitment,s to ele, t from. The reasons are many. Come to see ub early ami often. We have no only the largest Ktock bn are in a povtuin to -.ave you money on every dollar's worth yon buy here. ,"i0 pieces n.s inc'i wide fine .skirtii.f, . . lea. ling hndes, ll'r yd. JACKETS. 1H0 ladies and niisseH .lar.kpU, qualily, iwle J t.l'.'J. Clothing. Men's l 50 worsted suits I men's $l Dne black granite suite, unit in broken ti.es, sien only 3f, boyi suits we are offering this week Don't miss tho chance. 75 Middle Hi. 'Oat Mr. It 1L tWt tuu JiaH rvtorned ear toada ef pwonally eebeted . Oh bart h anarV arTrmk, and by t tmaM tn thi. aulit U l-f U 17 hand. wrW trm SXrt wiUlO. I i In any -frm. draft and fun-Tins' I I a full hn of Bucii, Rob. sol ""' for U rennwrml i:illa Haggles and Anh urn Wagoaa, W fK a Wot for a hi on ry elea wmrft) fnf rb tt4 ewewred S'trt, fiarartMin; t Ufwllno and to er yv Bxay. R a befnr hvytrar. Rett A Co. .-'- " r, I ' r,t 1"' v. 7 I'T ' TV I r A M 1'' if' ' K.l wi pnl to . - j . , i , t . - ti r r' -'-l rP"-. rr !- -. I r I ORANGESl WtioleMulc fc IletRll af -il atfWDa en I 71 llrosff m leaiitifnl of silk silk ml rhli oat or a II.-.- lra "I 1 M'nUy, all the t.lb ami l-'ille S '(), men's 1 1 0 all u,l buiIh fii ?.") mi.iUry rut, I'.'rh, one lot men'- and ;i price M "', woitli double, at greatly r.-duer l pne from tb Western markka with thr- VS. wrmUrit 'a-a1 aaxdl te b eopariof ha th at It vaar. Blase rarer frara to LS0 snonde, fa both Botwaa and Male; ArVwIy r1 voWtva, w are ahn Vtbipw, Wagi awl Cart Whewaa, M r 12 l.Ucti'r:

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