VOL. XXII NO. 224. MW BISS, I. C, SUNDAY MORKIXfi, DECEMBER 18, 1904. TWRNTY-TH1 K 1) lC WWSMoeess MOMMMM MMMIWMIHMMMMW A SAMPLE LINE OF IBS fill IflGM I Just received for the Holiday Tiadf. They will be closed out cheap. They are extremely " good values for a little money. If jou contemplate making a for any member of your family or some friend it will be worth your while to look at our new line. J. M. Mitchell & Co., PHONE 288. 42 Pollock St, Opposite Post-office. Gune, Pistols. Razors, Scissors and Pocket Cutlery. Shells and Cartridges. I Mcticiil Xmas Presents Make Happy Hearts. AIlXmaCFIISALTII (Miiiisirxs " JIOUSEHOLO.UCQISSr MAKES OLD Furniture, Floors and Woodwork, look like ' NEW. ANY CHILD CAN APPLY IT! V Removes all scratches and other narks of wear and tear and gives new life and lustre to anything made of wood. For New or Old Floors It Is the best Finish on the market. Mad in 8 colors and Clear to match all kinds of woods. . A FOR 8ALC BY 1 STOVKS- Rnngec, Cook and Heat ing. economical in lull, splendid in operation. Life time in durability Sash, Doors and Blinds SPECIALTY. Phone 09 'ante 68 niddle St $ I CXI 0) CAROLINA BRICK CO., Plants at Clark, Hyroan'i Biding, Kin it on and Robersonvil'c. Annual Capacity 16,000,000. The large demand for our product justifies our claim, that we farnUh the Best Ba.lding Brick on this market. We are now erecting Dry Kilns hat will not only increase onr ontpot, bnt will alio ma terially improve the quality of onr product. nYiriAJV HUXTI-Y COMPAHY, Mew Bern, N C BflUug Agents Notice! Have just received fresh car load Ameri can Wire Fence; same wilt be sold at greatly reduced rate. Come ind see me before buying. EAV. Smallvood 7Ak Raleigh Freed From this Horrible Disease. Absolutely Pure IAS 1.0 SUBSTITUTE Suprem: Court Opinions Special to Journal. " Raleigh, Dee 17. Supreme court this evening Hied following oplnloni. Hiram Grlfflu va S A L By from Hall- ifax, petition to rebar dismissed. State ts Huff, f on Wake, new tria': Fire Extinguisher Cu, vt Railroad, from Meckllnburg, new trial. C hb vs Hhe't, frm Bun(,om,,e, er rnr. Turner va Wilson, from Orange, re- veried. Turner vs McNi e, fr,)m Onng, versed. Jun e vs Macknlght, from Hoore; pe tition te re liear allowed; judgment be low affirmed. flatlerwhllo vs Qoodyear, from liar wood, mot: ntate vi IHvli Irom Uladen, new trial. Lance va Tan'or, from Madison, no er ror. Coward va Comntlione!i, Jackron, error. Stalup ti Utelup from Cherokre, error. Trotter ti Angel, from Macon, no er ror. f ranres ti Reves, from Haywood, af Armed- Htaie Ti Morris, from Heitford, per curiam, no ( rror, Ftate va Sptulll, from Martin, per curiam, do error. Btate Ta Gentry, from Cherokee, car curiam, bo error. When yon're broke ibe (trie are ihy Tbey tara eaJ fly ae joa ooet eljh B'ack p old maa show aoae plack. Take Rky Moaa'ele Teat t'wUl chacge our lack. FBDaffr. , E. Whltehurai'i Store li the Km to rlum of Pretty and Useful Things. What to glTC for a Chrlitmaa preeeal that will te pretty, useful and apprecia ted la a question that la bothering a goad many people joat now. It requires uot and judgment te get Joat hat on wanti and i mall tea area tboae axoel- lent onallflretiom will not fill the bill. When eeeklng a pretest for a frttad ae la gnlded by the aaefalnea of aa ar ticle aad thea by Ike artistic beauty. la he leleotloa of preaeau la tkla line, It will bi aa advantage to vlalt M I While bartta' s'eie. Tbey hire a Stock, of goods which challenge adalretkrVaad aaoretbea 'hat tbey carry taw doable quality at bt lag both aeefal aad oraa- P. TRENWITH, Blacksmith 4 Wbee'rigbL I HAVE CART WHEELS for aale at reasonable print Aliopon South Front Hi. Near Railroad gafegs Bakery. A1X BREAD antHOUJ i saute hf the Waa&lnartae . i - ' . City allien ef Brsedmeh- ,:j f' -',, f . . - las m v AB DOUGH laade try . ffkeVMvy bis tve a 4 Iirltl; tHil fkdtt- hmm M turn m ? - -" $ - i ' ' -,,"'-" . . ff JWllTlWI, t 9 a w t ' DcEDison'sChrislEas Lalcls and Eandkerr I ctief Boxes s " : toad ai laWo aad . - Iteea ike Inleklof . owe le a lf. , . mnrsiooi store Ilcnry's Pharmacy. isr ntM! r.t. ' Full lino of Dnirs.Ilf3d - Icines, Toilet Ar ticlcs and Lcap. JF"r czfi ,t'ppj) of GIVING USEFUL PRESENTS. mealal. They offer dinner acta of Linage ware. AbeMiUni etoot aaa ataaata the let-wi into The biTW wkat hi callad tM pea etook, wkloa glrea the eaicbaae the efportaaity to aaaasa anVDteee eMIred. Taeotd faahloaed btaeehlaa which la baaoatlag eopalar eaea aaore la aaothet attraoti bafvala. There are a'ao ao vary pretty Mails white and gold. A aloe laaip la a baadaoaae ankle ef raraltaie. A Has ef baaaUTal pawlll hafoaed at Ula atr aad I Ivga aaaiber ef awtgas te eel froav faaey ekla. kaad dfxeraied, fat baa- Uf at enter, Tats stock la Imported dl- teet froaa Otraaay r Mr Wkluharat aad roaalaaa of aalad WowU, sake platei aad otaot alagle aliaaa. Tkera wlllaJeo he toaed la Ubj aton a wlcoclltaeoee stock of toya,ataUoeery hkh are as large ad varied ae at aay store la Iba til! aai M low ftleL Saata CUes wUl torulaty IsdUeaty te anitaf kle f rteada wbe be gu kia ffaetl at Wbllekaret'i store. flonror Auto Traniit Company Charter. Snow Still on Ground. Books in State Library. Left-Wife and Bills Unpaid. Raleigh, December 17 City physician MoOehey reports that ha today dis charged the last of the email pox pa tient. At one time some perions feared there would be an outbreak here, but the disease waa admirably handled and never spread at all In fact It wai very quickly stamped ont. The-e are few eases in the southern and southeastern parts of the county, but only one death has been reported there. The State grants a Charter to the Wil son Auto Transit Company, capital stock 1100,000, to build all torts of ve hloler, and to operate these on highways In the State, as carriers both of pasien gen and freight, W D Toung and oth er local people are the stockholders. The purpose of the company Is understood to bs to operate automobiles In that section and to have a regular leivlce both In Wilson and a few other points. The Joint legislative committee ted ly concluded the annual examination of the offlcf s of the Treasurer and Auditor, finding everything extremely well kept and paid the officials compliments for the excellent clerlcaf work. The com mittee finished late in the afternoon and made up Its report to the legislature. Tae snow In this section seems to be about aa deep as It Is anywhere and prob ably It will remain aome days. There are two anow belta.ai they may be called In North Carolina, one extending from about Littleton oetond Raleigh and then into Cnatbam county.lhe other belt ylng along near ReldiTllle. Snow la generally deeper at these polnta than elsewhtri. J L C Bird of Marlon, who hare today, said only half an Inch of snow fell tn 'hat section, and added that when It snowed here It was generally too eold to anew there. State Librarian Sherrlll reporta 38,- 818 Tolumia, and Increase in fiTe jeora of OTer 14,000. There are now almr si 1900 copies of bound newspaper! In the newipaper roomi The library urgei that a tire proof building ba conitructsd The present one Is a verry shabby affair and was built by oonvicti, much wood being used In Its construction of torn of psper used for the publlo printing end tons more of public document, being In the big oellaar. It li certainly a very dangerous place, and a ipark would do Irreparable damage. The books hare filled all the space. The legislature certainly onght to provide a proper library, aad oognt also to prorlde a pro- par building for tbe historical collection the Btate aroelvea and for publlo document!. Alpheus Vaughn, whj for some oaths had been the local manager of tbe Singer Sewing Mrehlne Company bare has Sad from Balelfb, leering a aote to his young wife, whom he mar ried last year, tailing har to get along the best she could, a; she would igala sea him. Vaugha lefta Bomber of unpaid bUli and credi tors secured attachment papers again it some property he left Judge Poraell of the Fiderel ooort holds la the Qraeesboro lea aad Coal Company ease that Ike trefflo, that lathe snlpaaeat of eoal to Greensboro over the Boat bare Railway was later-state t raffle and that haste the Monk Carolina Oor aoralloa Ooaaalavloa eaaftot regulate ll It Is lor this reasoa thai he snakes aa lajsaetloa perpetual agslaat the Ooav mission Under The Southern Cross The lb ire drima In four sets was ad mirable rendered by borne talent at the New Masonie Theatre last Friday nig lit, there being a large audience to greet the players, the event being largely a loclal one, the combination making it a moat enjoyaSle occasion. Those taking part, gave an excellent presentation in their several characters, there being no noticeable pauses or hitches during the performance. The stage setting and costumes were appro priate and made the piece effectlTeln every detail. It waa the best amateur play given at the theatre in a long time. While each character wai so acceptably rendered, especial mention is due Mrs J W Duguid who so well portrayed the character of Marlon Warrington; Mlaa Isabella Bryan was delightful aa Kate Oonyers. The Mom. Elsie of Mrs S R Stret, provoked deterred applaut, Mra Dsmon's Mrs Warrington was dignified and well enacted. Mr Bedberry as Gor don Beverly was manly and courageous as a soldier and lover, Mi J W Smith's Jack Warrington showed to advantage as tbe impulsive lover Mr Brlnson si Gen Dering was dignified end martial in hit bearing. The disagreeable parts of the opposing army were taken by Messrs Willis and Crapon who made the most of their characters. Tho col ored boy, Ned as taken by Mr J 8 Simp son wss the most cleverly portrayed of the genus rlars.( y that has been seen here In many a day. A pleasurable feature of the onlertain ment wai the singing cf Mi,. Dewey and the selection! by the orchestra, con listing of Mrs Brick, MUs May Kulfoid andMeiara Hugh Wood, Wl 1 Duffy, and Roy Marshall. Tbe play waa glrdn uailei the aus pices of the Daug'uU n of the Con fed eracy and a fair sum wss rjalliil as a result of their effort!. CARD PARTY. Last arenlng at her home on Kast Front Btreet, Miss Adelaide i'eck enter tained a number of her friends at an en joyable card party from niie to half past eleven. ProgreialTe hearts waa tbe cam) of theeveniigat the close or which da llgntfol ref reihmeall were aerved. Mra Robert A Stlckrey wai the charming hostess at a or J party green at her reildence on Metcalf itrest lait Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The rooms In which tbe guests were received were very prettily decorated I" holly, bamboo, ferns and beantlful pink carnatloni. Euchre wai the game play ed. M si Margaret Bryan won the tint prize which wai a handsome pilr ol scissors. The consolation prlz which waa a pretty postal cam receiver wu won by Mlsi Kulalla Willis, and Mr, Thoa Carraway received the second prize which wai a allrer cream ladle. Glegint refreshment! were served i Florida oranges! Xsateklvwosssa or weak stea will ever turret taking BoUtae Rooky atoestela Tee, Its etoegat asppisess td thoaaaada. 18 oca la, Tea uf Tablets, MDsffy THEY COME AND GO. Mill Mary E Btddle retimed to her home la Ft Barnwell, yesterday after a few dayi vlalt with her aiater, Mra John Whltford. Master Leille Jacobs, who It tleel lag school at "page Institute, retnra ed home yeeterday to apend the boll. day. Mn Ella Loab of Baltimore It In tbe city Tialtlng liar I later, Mra M M Marki and wlU be here during the winter. Messrs Sperling Thorn a, aad Carl Daalola, whoaia studying at Chapel Bill, arrived last sight to Speat the hoi (days t tbalr homea. New Lot Nice Malaga Grap-s, Publish Wii'mit", IYeHn, Brazil Nun and Aim mils, all new Crop. Nice London Layer lUlalns, lOcti. Seeded Ualalns 10c pound packigo. Thoroughly Cleaned Currents lOetf. Citron, finctt quality, 20cts pound. Freih Lemon., Sweet and Sour l'lckles. tlclnz Mince Meat, Atmore's Mince Mfat. Fulton Market Corned Beef. Cape Cod Cranberries. ' Brown Suguar, Pulverized Sugar. Baker's Chocolate 10 and 20cts Cake, Complete Stock of General Groceries, all NICK and KUES1I. J. L. McDMIEl Wlioleftnle & Retail CJrocer, 'Phone 91. 71 Rr:4 ftt Christmas Presents. Christmas is about horo and cvcvvl"ly will n looking for something valuable to give to their friend and there is- mi better place to find just what you want than at our store Below is a partial list of things that would make ;i i'ood as well as a valuable present : I. tidies, mens and childrens bed ivmin shjipei .; ;i beautiful line of neck ties to select from ; a handsome line of silk mufflers; ladies and mens init lal silk and linen hamlkor chiefs; white and fancy vests; silk suspenders, line silk umbrellas for Indies and men; clothing for men and chil dren; a fine pair pants; a pair nice shoes, an overcoat or a rain coat; suit case; rugs and art squares; a roller tra trunk; bath robes; pajamas; kid I'loves, , i( Don't wait too late to buy. J. Now is the lime J. BAXTER THIS WEEK BARGAIN WEEK! Remember We Will Save You Mcney in Every Department. kind rj, tl 000 worth of Men'K, Youtli'n and Chid US Ladies' Jackets! tl CPnsffint ! M inrh wld" 'I"'11'"11- r'(l1 'VJ-svciisana Tar,l, worth $1.0". One hundred OmforU will bo clos.-il out at I cn It. A large assortment of Hhmketa to 1p elosod out at f 500 yards Outing tn close this week at II Irt.yatd i!,600 yards Homespun, this week i :i- le jxt y , r t A fine line of Indies' and Men's (ilovf". 00 Men' Bhirts, all sie, Tfle kind, tins wivk ; , e e 1 !100 pair Men'n, Women's and Children's hhrww, tl .'.O 96c a pair for ohoiee. i ' i a nd ( vcr--old for 7.'.)M i ei, I'.i prr ill l'I li'i s ,nd will go t BEAUtD PROPOSALS will be receive at the office of the Light House lagi eser, Balttatoro, std. satU It o'clock If, Jaaaarv 4. 1900. aad thaw OMoad Jor faraishiog saatswiais aad labor or all kinds aicisiiry for the araetloa aad da llTcryofa kaopat's dwalllig at Caps Lookout UghlbtaUoo, N O, ta aceord eaea wftk epedfioatloacooptee of whloh with Wane proposals and 04 bar Inter, aaattoa. m be sad soon spptlaalloe te Ooiosai W A Jones, Corps of Xagtaewra, use. angti 75 Mld.lh Hi. Ghana Special! Those who hare bnglit hro done yell. Those vrht Iibto not bonght have done belter for they rc In poiIiIon to falce adTantaffO t onr , a m - sa , 1 From Thurndo morning, Dreembtr 15th, O'clock, to pinuUy night clo!ng hour, for every To1Tar ipent for FANCY CIJINA the pnrcTirv' will recclrt In chitnge 23 elisor In oilier t.ortN our Tntiry CIi!ni dnrlog lh! 4 byu sae.u. f o-so- Jl9 CooiI ti 111 lio innrLiMi nliovc llio rrular 4 art sums spptnfHiita fori .aruta. i.,sMi, v...-.of'rrirri i:;cmi)i: i i:vi:i:y authxi. -tk wV.lt al tt-'s.f t: Mint , a, tiji iintt i.auu r i w ss TaeObta'rrteadlylaetaty will gtv aa esioyahia eatatialaaaest sad sale at the mldc of Mrs Ft Daffy eetka oraev ef ttmt aad East Fruit if ens Tuesday emalns, kg1s,Rl st TJO o'clock Tae ! !! I 19 cu, w lbs aaifttalnaMat which eoaat.ta of aaatav astaM sbadev plf tert s enadrt4 by the ladles ef ibe satiety, brief aklcb tbe fane's sals My sa Ckiw faacy odt. I vy ea r. tri a e'.r- i rt - s a V.l ft. -' :. In .t a'' ' I Oar Ifr, 8, R. Seott has Jcwt rwtarnad fmea th W.trm markka with thrw ear loads ef pawotamlly aWtd sondes arLca. lAxrxjJZS i -y . ' - r the fcaat the fnarket etTonk, and kf rpitit iiadgee, ie4 to baspefVir to jnyth kmgM te this smrket as tke pefle rear ise raaaja tirm rV4 1 1 to 11 Unda, wesgftsasT from W Is UA sewU. h bk Bavw sad Hubs; sulteUe U any swe-farw. draft snd fmmS) (H roadsters. We ere she ,arry!it s M toe of Buf fWa, UW, Whips, Wagiea ad Cert Wks-4a, Wing ante sgmts far le maiwwed , " - - ' 1 " - ' " . " , . ; . tlagf; k"d Anbnrn Vs-goBo. V e r "r.t K W f ' rm ry V.a fnartJiv t v Ck e f l aert . .-.,. ; tt' s'vl' . ("t ll tun f') IW?, f e rVrf h-3 o?.t Ilarkct t7lll I

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