THE JOURNAL; Hew Beta. K. C Deoemhsr 80,1194 WttCBWlBCtOlT woosmui or tbx world at Beoatree Bill Ssml-MoaUily, Flist sad Third Wednesday sights at MO o'elock. Visiting Woods aa an tatis- CRAVtH LODOl ICO. 1 DtlQHTS O? HARMONT. MmU kid aad th Wednesday lights la each aaoata In Bount-ee-a Hall PoUook street, at 7J0 o'clock. (Samuel B. Boll, President J. ELBolth, Setf! &B. tt.1, Financial Becreterv. Index tt Hew AdTertJiemeata. W B Smith Cs Special Sale of Fane; China. J Q Dunn ft Co Handkerclefs. MUs Data; Edwards Typewriting. For Sate. For Sent. Business Locals. 1 Am prepared to do itenograpblc work and typewrltng for any who may deeire It. neatly and aocnratelyi Prices to salt customers. Hiss Daisy Edwsrds, Sreno graphcr at A ft N 0 depot. Testetdsy Wu a Record Breaker A taoag the MeieUntsi7'. December JO, 19C4 will go down la local history ae one of the banoorChrlat use tale days. It; U aot likely thtt many yean can exceed the record of fee erlay when It cornea to the question, of CnrktBas shopping. The day was ai fine a day tit trade as could be desired. Everybody took; ad vantage of .the delightful weather and ent out Interviewing Santa Class, The stores were crowded all the time dur- ng the afternoon and evening and the merchants had a splendil trade. Not only were the ladles of the city out In fall force hat people from the J country districts came to town in large numbers and their purchases In the ag gregate were more thin those of the city folk, If yesterday was a foreiunner of Ohrlatmts trade for the balance of the week the stores will be pretty well clesn d up and the merchants will hare resi tted one of the best holiday seasons for many years FOR BALE Pare Jersey Milk and Cream, any Quantity, delivered. Phone Mrs Fred L Bray, Pines Farm. FOR RKHT-Oa January 6th, 100S, house Ko 83 Craven St, now occupied by Christian Scientists. For terms, ap ply to K H Bowe 60 or 88 Craven St. FOR BALE One hall ma 8zlS feet made bv the New York Hoe Co. Call and see It at Eackburn'a. CHRISTMAS Cards, Calendar and Toy Books at O G Dunn's. CHRISTMAS Corned keys at Oaks Market. Hems andTur- LET me print you some caids tor Christ mas. Pilots right. Printed each flay at 0 0 Dunn's. HOW about a Waterman Ideal Foun tain Pen for Xmu. A nloe present for any member of the family. Owen G Dunn. QASKIN8 CYCLE CO., will St Rubber tires to your Bsby Carriage at 10c per foot LOST Lady's hand bag, with about ten dollars on Craven Bt near Mrs Delis Whtiford's. Reward for iia return to Journal office. CRANBIRRIKU lOo a qt; Grape Fruit, Florida Oranges, Pears, Celery, Dates, Raisins, Figs, Bananas, Coooanuts grat ed to customers, Pinespplee and all kind of fresh Chocolates made dally at the Broad St Fruit Co. WANTED Insurance Boildtois, Salary or Commission. Aprlv at 65 South Front ureal WANTED A position as Bookkeeper and Stenographer. Can operate scy machine, good reference forntahed. PO Boi 1. A SAMPLE Ltoeof Hair Brashes and Tooth Rrushes at New York cost piloe, for this wesk only. See oar window dlsoUv. If vou nerd a brush new is the tlms to buy. F B Duffy. FOR BALK-One nice wale at parlor suit, oat folding crib with etaei spriag attached, oae feather bed, oae Man mall oar, and two boa stoves. W R Barring- ton. LEFT OVERS from last Christmas st eost or fees than cost. Brlo-e-bree, Bas kets, Bows sad Arrows sad other Mian Ware It will pay yoa to aee thaee goods F S Daffy, STORE Flstaraa for sale, Apply at either 114 Broad Street or the store of J B Partet, Jr, Mrs J R Parker, Jr. FLORIDA Oraagea by the crate.' Bee aae before baying elsewhere aad save ssoeey. 0 E W aliased, 81 OaorfeBt FIBS OYSTER FOR CHRWTkU Doat forget that yoa east relyapoa Horse end HUoa for your alee Zsaas Onufu, Xo Is Middle tu Wskaveee eared esM of the best aad well keowa wears af tka city. 8 Vadah, AH er- oars atoaapUy Iliad. JLBorae. FURIES, Peek Backs, Card aad Cigar Oases, Bored Paper, Barker's aad dabs Oaadlea, all prkea te an, F Diffrs Pharmacy. CSEUTslAS OOODTJ Beasple Faaka gas ef Extrnes at regular prise, LM saaagMmMIMaskasrerLO, liaockageatlOo. WUDtWf Faar ReJLIOAO MEAT MARCCT - Car Qaaaa aad Hsasis Via. Bplced Figs Fata, Carted Haass, Isassge, Chops teaks sad vTsryiktag lac, la alrst ateaa starves. Bead aa avdaf. It will bs tiled efesastiy.- , , FOl BEIT Boaaa with eight tees aad lata, Ke in Peltoth BC Apply ia A I Teetaaaa Ka tl f ettaae: hi. W TO RaTUnad start IS Isatef Bt lor alee sets a M aw park, aseane. rrteea Hgka. 3 A wart , rraa rotam oett tile lii''r T-rr-sn C AImTiM AVORABLE CHPJSTMAS SEA- Cbrist Church Vested Choir One of the noticeable events In the recent history of Christ Church, New Bern, occurred last Sunday, where at the morning service, the choir appeared vested" In csssook and cotta of the mott correct ecclesiastical cut and pat era. Having robed In the gallery, the members fnimsd In the spacious vest! bule, where, with closed Inner doors, the first stanza of the processional hymn was sung. At the beginning of the second verse, the doors were opened, a id the choir, consisting of eighteen men and young women, moved up the center aisle, led by a cruclfer, to the stalls in front of the organ. A large congrrgsilcn had assembled to greet the rector of the parish, Rer T M N George, but recently returned from 8oston, where he bsd been confined to the hospital for eight weeks by serious illness It Is to be regretted that he was not well enough to be present, if only In the pews, as the services, con ducted by the Rev Mr Drsne, of Eden ton, were Interesting end impressive Bot the "vested choir" was the great attraction, and it la not too much to say thst both by their churchly eppt arance and excellent rendition of the music, they added Immeasurably to the services. Unstinted praise and commendation ere due to the organist, Mlaa Roaa Dall, un der whose able and conscientious train log and direction the chair of Christ church may be truly sld to have been plaoea In tns front rank cf similar cr ganlzatlons In New Bern. isBOtf TASSHG EVERTS, n .;4t. Sea 84 page for additional wwa, 3 C Tha forecast today It for aleer aadeold weather, ii; -e &isrV f-WA'. Gotten "eoldhere yesterday at 7 to 71-16. ' ?fevrV-. I B Blsdat b rsUbUshlag aa electric fight plant at hto- mill a arlffltt street.., ::'':;-::: :;-r Oae of the moat attractive Christmas decorations will be seen at Kaf era bakery The interior of the haadsoma new store It prettily hung with bamboo and dra peries of crepe paper, making a beauti ful effect Two blind musicians, : man and wife have been entertaining crowds oathe street this week. 1 he man plays the flageolet- and the woman the guitar. They are very good musicians and have earned quite a large sum of money here. Their condition excites sympathy but they art well dressed. Miss Odell gave a very enjoyable even lng to her music clsas at her studio on Isst Monday night. New and novel garnet were introduced to the delight of the pupils. Prizes were given to the sue cessful contsstanta. Refreshments were served and the evening wu paised most pleasantly, A family jar was Id evidence In the police court yesterday whan Silas and Julia Williams were before the Hsyor for drank and disorderly conduct The upshot of the whole matter waa that the man thoaght the woman was getting to bii too bossy and ha administered cor poral punishment with the result thst they were both in court. The Msyor as sessed Williams with the coals. An Emerf ency Medicine. For sprains, bruises, burns, scalds and similar injurles.there Is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It soothes the wound and not only gives instant re lief from psiu. but causae the psrts to hesl in about one third the time re quired by the usual treatment. Sold by all druggists, ij:; A TrifcThtened .Horse. : 1 -' Running like mad down the street damping the ocenpante. or a hundred other accideats, are every day occur rences. It behooves everybody to have a reliable Salve handy, aad there's none as good ae Bucklen's Amice Halve. Bams, Oats, Bores, . Eczema aad l'ltea. disappear quickly. under lta toothing effect. - SSoet C.D. Bredhem's Orog sTJawswimagHMaw A Novel S'ght. Gilbert Walden, the coabjj-, orator, musician and general entertainer will apptar at the New Masonic Theatre to l ight In a new and varied role end will (.Ivo some samples of his ability to I lease. He has given shows all over i he country ana everywhere the press ud publlo are loud In his prslae. Rev Bam Jones, the noted lecturer end preacher ssys of Gilbert Walden: Qllbrrt Walden is a whole circus, msnsg-rle, hippodrome tod orchestra In rns man. He Is an entertainer of high order, tie pleases, he belpe you over hard plaors. Ha drives sway the clouds and brings ths sunshtns snd flowsts." Mlaa Elms Laredo, who eulete Walden Is s clever slegsr, musician and rlfis Shot She aids vsrlcty and spice to the character of the esterlalonttni. FOR THE HOUSEWIFE Tb Pl.brtolb. The lot dlsbilulli In maili- of S cosrse cbMacclotli. umux or mreral thlckneaaMt, qulltnt with atout thread, either by haDd" or upon the machine. And tbe dishcloth should be cleansed after each proem of dlxbtrasblng with boiling wstrr and drlnl quickly. In the sun If poMlbli-. The same cere should be flveo tbe dish towel which Is site nsoslly a made orrr utility. The dlabclolh aboukl not le thrown lodtarrlmlnately Into tbe'lauodry bas ket with aoltrd clothing, bat, with tbe towel, should b kept apart and wean ed aeparately that Its absolute rleanU- nees msy be taiiiM, and wbo It be comes frayed snd unshapely It should be burned burned hot and forever. Many a family would find leas slcka with in lta nidat If these homely i atroctloa wvre observed. Littleton Female College has spent about 815,000 on Improvements since last June Including hot water heat and electrie lights snd Is now ons cf the best equipped schools in the S'ate. Xmas Snggvstlons. FOR GENTLEMEN Military brush es $3 to $12, lock fobs engraved, cigar boxes (seal) $3 to 17, soap boxes, shav ing seta J2.50 to S5, razor strap, bill files, pocket knives, scarf pins, amok ing acts. FOR LADIES Manicure sets $1 to 18, writing sets tl to $6, lockets and chains, watcbea S5to $70, fancy clocks, gold and silver thimbles, rings. Fine engraving free. J. O. BAXTER. JEWELER. eerftff r New Tost Cards! Do not fail to see the New Poet ' just printed. Negro Baptism. U. S. Eostofwcb. "Wat Down South." Watermelon Party. For sale by M. E. Whitehurst, G. f ti. unnett and Owen Q. Dunn, Leading Printer & Stationer. . Cor. Pollock ft Craven Sts. sBtwMfliaaBBBBs 1MB ROMA Scientific Palmist. . ; Reads your Ufa la your head like a; book, your past, present and future, j Coma early aad consult her on al . mst-1 taia cf Interest, oa Business Traaraetlons Law Suits. Wills, Life Insurance, Dam age Foils, Deeds, Divorces, Bonds, Speeu 1 batons, Love Affairs aad Marriage Come surly and avoid tbe crowd. Come tod y don't wait for tomorrow, for she stays In . this city a short time only. Office hours ID a m to 10 p m. 69 Brosd Street, New Bern, N. C. FILES! PILES 1 1 PILES! I. Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding, Ulcerated and Itching 'Files. It absorbs the tumors, allays ths itching at once, eta as a poul tioe,gives Instant relief S ld by DAVIS' PHARMACY. IN11ICE 1HD BBICK Like a Bhlpwrecktd Sailor adrift, belplns and bopeJeai U the avtrag man who goddcaly finds himself bereft of wealth or a com w teoot by reaaon of fire kwe with. out lnsuranoa IndecnnJty. Ths in- stnaos oompaues we serve will route to your rescue If yon get your policy now. I aUo aril first class Brick. CJ. Am IflOOLIs, . rise aot Sooth Front end tUaeook EU. Pictures For Christmas! . . , There it nothinff nicer for a Present thann handsome Picture. We have v the handsomest line on display at .our store ever eeen In Vsvr Hera, and vou are cordially invited to call , and look over our stock before mak ln&your purchases. Reliable Acou( tTantcd 1 - ' 1 POLLOCK STREET. l-ts4 1 1 1 1 etrwi t tmm Solid Gold Cull Buttons Ketrr br tm baTS ws bes a1.1 to show audieTvlHf of braaUTol dca'got ia Gold Cuff tit loss. This J far we art showing my attractive lint J cf rceJlora weight rioTi-Vt wtHgltJ kWid (iol4 Cuff EuUvM St 11.60 S K ctarja fcrr fpgravlrg rwm-gTim .f J HATON, Ifc Lcr!:-j Jczi r. raaaswawjftw Christmas Gifts at Davis' Pharmacy. For Ladies Perfumery, Ca -d Cases, BruBhes, Combs, Stationerr, etc. For Gentlemen Cigarc, Card Cases, Pip er, Brusbe?, Combs, etc Fine line of Candies Compl. te stock of Toilet Articles. Davis Pharmacy Phone 56 r444 4 4w44 6 : Serviceable lias Gifts ! : THE STORK IS THOROUGHLY STOCKED WITH SENSIBLE GIFTS AT SENSIBLE PRICKS FOR SENSIBLE PEOTLE Ladies bed room Slippers, some with fur tops CO to $1.50 Beautiful line of Handkerchiefs cotton, linen and silk. Ladies Purses, Traveling Bags and Leather Goods." Umbrellas for gifts are very acceptable $1,00, $1.50, $2.00 up How about a nice Woolen Dress Pattern for wife or mother or a pair tf N. C. Woolen Blankets Kid Gloves, the guaranteed kind, all colors $1 00 Special bargains in Ladies' Wraps, appreciated gifts, too Beautiful line of Ladies' Neckwear - 25c, GOc and $1.00 Special bargain in Xmas Handkerchiefs, linen and embroidered, 5 4 10c Silk and Woolen Shawls 75c to $2.50 each STORE OPEN EVENINGS TILL CHRISTMAS Handkerchiefs! Beautiful Line of Holi day Handkerchiefs for Men, Women, Children. Children's Handkerehiets, 5 10 & 15c. Ladies' Handkerehiets, 5c to $2.00 Men's Handkerchiefs. 7c to $1.25 Special values in Ladies' Hemstitched or Fancy Borders f.t 15c Special in Men'p Hemstitched Plain White Handkerchiefs at 7c each or 75 cents a dozen. A beautiful line of Kid Gloves at $1.00, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00 ior men and women. A quantity of all other servicable ap parel suitable for Holiday Gifts. J. G. DUNN & CO., Phone ai2. 55-57 Pollock St. mTYYYTYTTTYTYYYTTTYYTY.. VERSIDE STORE. 1 BARFOOT BROS. 1 Emphasiziog Useful Tings lor -FOR- Holiday Gifts. The Christmas baring ia now under full headway. There la a marked demand for useful tilings ud we want to impress upon yoa the fact that this store is ia the bast possible sbape to supply your want, The boliilay lines of at-pie mare hen -diss ars suosi Oomplete and you'll find them most Invitingly rrioeiJ. The Christmas Fur Stock. If you have a fur thought cosfcetted with your gift buyiof, you should take a careful note of those values and thea sake a prompt lore itlg-aUw while the assortment ate oo "breken. Fine Selro ion of black and brown aabls bare from the 48 inch at 12 SO to tin handsome totijc fiat ptars with guaranteed Unlet; at $10. Stylish Coats lor Gifts, ' Oar hoi day stock of women's aad children's enter rsroM:ti 'Is made op of just ths styles yoa are looking for. Special - values In p sla black and eolorsd ooate la the sbrt acd three quarter lengths; a floe thr.e-ootrte. taa Covert coat. 111 r-iue at $li4P; ipedal three-qiarter length, is oaaior only s f, floe ecMUos of oh! drso's long coeta froaa II 71 to 110, la brawn, blue and tan. - " ; - r : .. Ftao Blankets and Gomfortabltg, . Xothlnf more atnslble; Bothinj aoors aoorpUhle for a botl ' day jrjft to a bonsBwils than a fod pair of bt wkets; Korth CaroUaa, all wool, It 60 11-4 li. " Borne Holiday Specials. Kindly. Kote r - .- . 'Them. ,' . , IIrs ss some special purchaaea of a hoIUlty Baiave; yoall t perhaps find soms of them te fit yosr waste, v LsJ h snd OeolWrnrt's UaadkercljUfs, all prioM f om the plain white II S f amino to to thi daloty VsoUaa at $1; Oar special tmWdrrsd one St Sic Sacb are the beat vale o the market) Nw nt ef those dainty Cmw at 1110 a box Jnas re ccired; Very atUaClise line of Lidiae KU 0kri ta black tad colors at Tio 1,1J0; Oosranta4 TVaJiaMe Kid Gloves, lu whit sal colon st tUi Kew lot of Gift kVs and Dolls ' Josl to; lUgh claas Dolls fross IT JO U "t 60 serbi l'lione "216 Xmas Bargains ! Mixed NuU, 15c lb., Enulish Walnuts, 20c lb., two for 35c. ; Figs 15c.; Dates 10c.; Apples 30, 40 and 50 eta peclf; Cocanuts 5 to 10 ct.s each; Banannaa 20c dozen; Brazil Nuts 15c lb. ; Raisins 15c lb., two for 25c.; best 3 Crown Peanuts 5c qt.. Candies 10, 15 and 20c lb. ; Kvaporated Peaches 15c lb., 9 for 25c. ; Chestnuts 15c 11. We have Nickle Plated Irons that are guaranteed not to rust, 7c lb. One gair is a good Xmas present for mother or sister. One xiund of Rumford Powders 25c. We kecpa General MercliandiseSuire. You can get most anything you are looking for. J. O. LAN D MANAOKK. Coal Wood iAAaJLAAAAAAAAAA . A full supply df hard coal ir all -izw Thi Crlehratcd Pocahontas Lump for (jrMtes. ami tin- Very liest Hlemii ocnl M 'IV (Ink, uhh and pinf; I lace orders euly nd aroi i tile Mlsli. U e'ht, Illeailire, iplali ty and n i pu ii;mt(--d. Illis' Goal 2nd h i Y ri, I'NION POINT. I hum- (7 We are Builders of the GenuiDe Waters Buggy 1 f ' I mi J! and no one undrr ihi' huh cm until raell is in h t you get when Ui- quality is considered. We are first in hand in this line slid ran save jou more in ctrh bufrev than a nice ham, turkiy and a lug Cike for your Xmas dinner. !( r..emlr rive tlirM urenls rVl'''IMK dresa is essential to After 6 O'clock we give thrs with every buggy, end you can get; these presents If you buy your uew Inggy from ns. We have a few f irm carti complete, ready Ui use, 1 )r 125. Now Is the time for jou t place yonr ordrr for one with in, in time for the spring vork on tse farm. Wler A sn, Atuerican, st e irsaooable prioe Borssesors so O II Wiltn S hw, ; pknM F, .!. Clialslck th man o( social dinti:i lion for dinner parties, reception i and other sjcial functioiiv No nun tli t wishet lo he well drcaird with ev. srything lha is swell and elegant would think of having his dreas tui or ove rroit tnmle by any olio in New Pen but en artistu U lor. We can give you the atyle of a Prince aitli the dah of s swell he-e- Griffith Street Meat Market We have oproed a Dire raaiket at the oortier of Orif flth snd Attmorv fcu, lo coo aaetieo with oar gfooerv aad are pr pared to 'mulsh our cortomers with aa fine rotate aad eeoaae as cao he foasd in the eitj I HARBLS 4 MOLTON, v Proprietorel tee Brick Brick Enterprise Brick & 'TUe BlVg Co. , We fter elaJsa lo have Wetter foods Ihsji eaotber wa leave that to U tojer, ? . V y . Ordert If ft at tt CtRoe ia tat FensM--! v VerthaaU leak talMlsjwlU rKtiva pfwnpt at , J. Wa ntewprt , P-ecrsUrv ssi Trefa m The Oaks llarket will r-li j!"?tCuti of Tort : - r fcr 12 1-2 Reliable Tailoring. Chact.r aad style to ev ery fsrs-trot at popnlar prises ladies hivt y ur ritat, snit aad sklrU i leaned and pressed Wfore the cold veai ti er eomeaoa. A. BLOOK, Men-heat Tailor, M Middle 8t tes bis! Clfsra tor pnwent te J'wr (aUssr breiber, swe-tktart, kQhad at fricel. s fiae seeortmeat ef Frails, Oaa , dVrt.aTtta.ate. ; rrkre as to as aas U, ooiv sistebl witk flnt-elafi goods. (U m$ Wort Ws jeet Xmas or lTt forOyslars, ' '! f,r r - ' ; I- -T If tt U t r A. TTV sA.

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