THE JOURNAL. rabUdMd - Vu Tm..I W ilia. ft ft leoJraZ(o.l, "'' CHARLES U 5TBVENS. xoitob an nmttni ' - SUBSCRIPTIQ1 BATES UMNU. IB aaTaaoo..,.,., ...... On ysar, not ia edvaaoe... ...... Moetbly, by earriar ia tbe stfy.. ee M AdrertldBC BUt fumlthtd oa appll catloa. lteTedatthaFoet011oe,Hw Ban, N. 0t( e escond eles Batter. Oaclal raft af Sr Ben Crave Cauty aid NSW BERN, N. a. Dec. 84, IBM GERMANY'S IMPERIALISM. Baltimore Son. Hsrt Bebel finds in toe vast expense canted by the prolonged rebellion ot the native In Southwest Afrlcta text for Utter speeches aaelatt lie -'world-pow f ' Idea that has animated the German OoTeraiaeat (or tome time put. The colonlei ar costly in themtelTea, he hold, bat far more costly la that they ere made an exeute for Immense addi tion! to the nary. Warships are necet- aaiy, It Is said, to protect the colonies, but tha oolonles are not worth protecfc- tnf.only one ol them paying Its yearly exoenses out of Its own reTonue. The aery, la fact, Is being Increased for gen eral reasons, the Idea preTtlUng that a nation cannot be a "world power" nn less It is formidable la every sea.S.Berr Bebel haino sympathy with Imperial ism, finding It to be the cant of the growing deficits. Germany Is having an experience like oar own, her nary making it Impossible to balance expenditure with Income. Chancellor tob Baelow's answer to the Booklist leader Is that the expenite of the navy Is a trifle to a country like Ger many, where oyer twice at moch is spent for drink., Other countries are concerned only to the extent that Ger many's large Increase of battleships stems to compel them alio to expand their building program. It is to be re gretted that her program Is ralnUterp re ted ia some quarters as a sign of hostile intent The Key That Unlocks The Door to Lone LiTinf, The men of eighty fire and ninety years of age are not the rotoaad well fed. bat thin, tpare men who live on a lender diet. Be as careful as he will, however, a man past middle sge, will oocealoaallv eat too mueh or of some article of food not salted to his ooaeilt Ooa, aid will need a dote ot Chamber lala't Btomaeh and Liver Tablets so cleanse aad Invigorate his stomach and regulate his liver and bowel. Whea this Is doae there Is no reason why the average aua should not live to old sge For sale oy all druggists. Tha Limit. He I don't think your brother Job llkea roe. Bhe Ob, I'm ear he does. .Why, be told me today yea were a rag alar brick; be want further, In fact, aad said yon were a regular gold brick. -Philadelphia Ledger. He wbo commits Injustice Is erer made more wretched then be who' rzt rers It-Plato. Ai EmerrtocT MetUdie. For spralaa, braises, barns, scalds and similar lnrtee,tbr Is aoUlog so good as Chaaberlala's Pila Balm. It soot Ue wowed aad sot oaly glvee iaetaal rt Uaffrosa pela. bet eeaaea the parts to heal la ahoat aae third the Uate gained by the aaaal treat-neat. Sold by all draggtsta. Jaaala Jack. WUV do longboat al ways have botae U the mlddlsT Jack iwaterrV-l s'poaa 'easee If they taa4 'am era the eajtatda nobnddy'd knew they ware them. ClaetaaatJ Oesa)rrtaJ TrUroe. eaiaar. "the said 1 wss a regaler Venn da atOa" -Tea: ska told tee that yea bad Just ae anaa at sJL"-Hnoe Post. ACMUr Xlttakl Blander are eaasdsasa very sipea slva., Oceasiimelly, Ufa Haalf at ,lae arks el BatataAe, bat yaa'B aavetba wreag If yoa take Dr BUgs Hew life nil let PfipspsU, Plmlasesv BeesV aaaa, lire? et Baael troablaa, They OTgwatM yet eaaveaih. 8o at 0 0 . atraaatsaa erag store. - . A awtatiHy, i f lU-4t Vm Ve I rataud as break , year eaAgnt with ma why do yea iarer yweag Strkmaae ta eaake yoa . Aah valaeaee praaaataT aW-Mf fa ghaa SdrWd ate t earn tbaa. Il- Uedldl Whri hal a!4 ta It I I a Ihey oili kt ma la bandy. f Jccaa a aoJ if naa tAf fakeLataUrsTlrotaf QeialaaTt? all drfr1e rii4 Ifc any If B U''i ler?, T W, c-pti'i s'js'TU's vlVi, t'-w THE PEOPLE ALU Cried, tilr VJe HewWe 5"hla word of late baa beta la arerv- ene'a aaouth, aad manr are wonderuia what ta word alrnlflfa, thou-, no- on has yet been foond. wbo WW dray that NEWBBO-a HERPICID doaa tha won. Wad, Cor tha information ot thousands of paopla who like to know all about a good thlnff, W would ear that HERPICIEHB ataens, destroyer or kilter of "Herpes," Nov "Uerpe" u tha famtlr aaaa of a disease cauaed by various Teretable par jl similar micron caeaea dan. draft. ItohlBf acaln, and falHsc hair; this la too TMcrob that MEWBBO'S HJCRPI- CIDS promptly deatroy; attar which tha hair grows. Sold by leadln druggists. Sand Me. in atamps for simple to Tha Barpleld Co., petrolt. Mich, .r .: . - a D. BEA.DH1M, 8pwUI At. "; STOCKS, COTTON, GRAIN. Quotations of Yesterday' Markets For. niched By Barrel 4 Co, Cravea -Street, DawToaB.Deo.83. Open, Blgh.Low. Close .. 7.88 7.80 7.1 7.88 .. 7.40 7.48 7.88 7.87 ... 7.63 7.M 7.43 7.80 Cotton- Jan MarcU... May .... New York cpnts 7(0 Mew York, Dec 88 8TOCXS; Open. AmrSugar Ill Close Mil 8H 881 77, 84i 88 78, 85 84, Atchison 85 8p 62 R G y 76t Southern Ry pf.. 31 U.S. Steel 28 AG. 0 78 Va. 0 Chemical. 85 R 1 821 Krle T C I Cop Chicago, Dec 23. Chicago Grain. Open. nn 45 867 1285 710 Close 112 May Wheat May corn Ribs ,. 45, 867 May Pork May Lard 1287 718 We bay and sell all stocks tot actual delivery, requiring only a small guaran tee an ;ll stock can arrive and glvlag draft on Philadelphia for stock sold oa delivery. BURRU3 & CO., Gen. Brokers, HUMOR OF THE HOUR Au la-law nrlatlaa. There la a certain small lady ia Washington who has distinct and orig inal ideas of her own. Not long ego tho governess wbo presides over the nare ery destinies of tbls young lady and ber even younger sister Informed them that their parents were soon to cele brate tbelr tenth wedding eaalversary, and the tots accordingly began to "save up" for a present Wben the anepidoao morning arrived Mistress Margaret walked solemnly into the room where ber mother and father were sitting and laid first on one lap snd then oa tha ether the email packages that brought tbelr love and coogratulstiona. "This." said she to her father, "coat 73 cent, "and this," she added to ber mother, "cost s tlollsr." But." tho mother saked, "yon don't love mamma belter than papa, do youT "Well, muuilc. It's this way." ex plained Mnrjy. "Vou aae, papa's oar papa only lij marriage, while you're our ruunile by bornatloo." Llpplncotf S klagtxtue. A aatani. a Mr. Itng-Veav TUsf the great tUag rat lie was the Brat ta dleraver that rasart powiW la gaod la atNra Tavh Xvealag JoorasL . . . tMeUad rka bn ' , If yoa are aa esastaar pbssetrspbea tad have a aacstlve at aaeae ftieal arbom Voa waald- Hke ta are lor4 ap f or a long tavm, pvt.yaar anattag frama hat laatde a wire saoaqaito aae Uag Whea yet prist the Bast Birtwre treat the aeeatiTe, Tea rasatt will be artst eaawlag year frlaad bAUd h bare. The effort win be ataa tartllsg. ; , ' .f-,; , , - . A QbuUoi ti CflBrtg, rha evtdaaea btlag Ukea heroes "ro lal Msttaa Oaorge Oraaa la the A 4!rl. ty Fiecaedieg of Tb Board et Comat sliasre of Oravea eaatiy aolt V,m ttaaat Tsg nlaa," f lejtil tr fe Hire! brVia, was anc:iU1 y tarda), aadtbe Caa drl!5d loJ- I'sraeU for as apistna rs (be n - of J''trt1oa, Wklrk M '! l r W W (."Ink, eltnraey I f . nnn f the t-f !!' "'en.1l ifKrllwk ht f a t"s t4 ria I M ji.'i ' ' r- : e f I" ', as! I- r- r T . . ' 1 (' mil iii ii imw MV OLD KENTUCKY HOME" tha Stary as tha Oriel at Thia fa. . aaaa Old aae -Tbe eong ."Uy Old Kentocky Home" was written by Stephen ColOna Foater, a resident of PenneyiTanla, while be and bla sister: wara-oa aVtstt to J'odge John Bowaa,- a abort dletanee east ot Bardatown. Ex.. One' beautiful morn ing while the slaves TVare at -work in theora flald-aad-theaoa wss shining with a mighty saieador on the waving rraaa, flrtt aivUis it the color-of a light red, then changing It to a goldea hue, there were seated apod a bench la front, of the Rowan homestead two young people, a brother and a slstaa High op ia tha tree was a mocking bird warbling its sweet notes. Over In the hidden recess of a small brush the thrush's mellow song could be beard. A number of small negro children were playing not far away. When Foster had finished the Drat Terse of the song his sister took it. from hla hand nnd sang In a sweet, mellow voice: "The sun ahlnee hriaht la the old Ken. lucky home; "TU aummar, tha darUaa are gay: Tha corn top's rlaa. and tha meadow's In the bloom, While tha birds make musle all the day. "The young folks roll on the little cabin - floor,. - AH marry, all happy, all bright; By 'tf by hard Unas aomaS a-knockln' at the door Then, my old Kentucky home, food nlaht" , On bet finishing the first verse the mocking bird descended to a lower branch. , The feathery songster drew hie bead to one side and appeared to be completely enraptured at the wondeHwL , tT,y. .r.tJ.Z 21 ei .i.. . .. m I tooted through an expensive horn at a vwtvw v m jwaiigj as an, at. v v aacaa the but sweet note died away upon the air her fond brother sang In a deeru oasa voice: "Weep no mora, my lady; oh, weep no mora today: We'll sing one aong tor the old Ken tucky home, For our old Kentucky borne far away "A taw more dajra to tote the weary load. No matter, 'twill never be light, A tew more days till we totter on the ' road Then, my old Kentuoky home, good night." . The negroes had laid down their boes and rakea, the little tots had placed themselves, behind the large sheltering trees, while the old black women were peeping aconnd the comer of the bouse. Tha faithful old boose dog never took his eyes off the young singer. Every thing was still; not even the stirring of the leaves seemed to break the wonder ful alienee. Again the brother and sis ter took hold of the remaining notes and eang In sweet accents: . "They bant no mora tor tha poaeum and tha ooon On the meadow, tha hill and the shore: They sine no more by the glimmer of the noon, On tha bench by the old cabin door. The day goes by like a shadow o'er the heart With aorrow where all waa delight; The time baa com when the darkle have to part Tbaa. say old Kentuoky home, good irtrht. Tha bead must hew aad tha back will have to bend Wherever tha darky may go; A few mora daya and trouble all will end la tha BMa. where tha ugar oan grow." I as tae song was onianea tears nowea down the old people's cheeks, the chil dren crept from their biding place be hind the trees, their facee wreathed in smiles; the mocking bird and the thrash sought tbelr hemes In the thick et, while tha old dog otill lay basking la the sun. Bardatowa (KyJ Record II lauiel ta Use. A proteoses: et the heed of the da partment of moale la one of our col leges asked a young man not long ago at a rehearsal la which tha whole col lage took part wky be did not Join In tha singing. "I cannot alng," the young man an swered. "1 have aa voice." "ghaut, than," replied the professor. "Make a neese with the others, for ws need it" "I waa study lag aace la Berlia," he coatjaeed to the etadanta, "and we were drilled fat eease at the great era tarte therasos every aooa by Herr H eaa e the Saeot olreetota to Ue world. I had aever sang a nota la my life aad refrakeed treat teklag part beceese ill afraid at aattlag the ether eat at pi tea. "After three lease reals be came to ma, aaytsg, 'Xeaag saaa, why da yea no stagy '. Xra,' I rapllad, 1 caaatat stag a sate sad wvald eaiy pat tha ethers eat' " Bakr retaraad the great ate a la tha chares year vatca will be grand. I have talent M already aad shall leek far roe at the aett rehearsal' -; "8a, yea see.- be eaM, "that whea we werk aagetbe- every aaa coaata, aad tha saaa whe weaa aat.take part M aithet erarmadat,ev buy, both very bad faarta'-gaersa Magaataa. . twl wVCVw)eV RtPVawawgisW What l eaa tsaas feod hi maa's aessea. bat K ts esathed f er by aa aM awataaraar that the reUewtag resaedlea will bratgt earea eat ef Ue Far lrbM try baiiarsstlk. It WlB km eastr far Wataky. , Whay wta gvaatry tatWva dreeay. , . Cslemsl eppttog ta rata at ear t Bavra pain aad basin weusaa. Ket taa marb aad Wt gat wet. - ' ' Keraaaaa will rare eore threat Ca ewmpUrea eboald try at. Take (abte apaaarol st a fsa , 014 aaaa. atathlag bead la ckd water every maralsf will preraat aoa frwa tsa hag eatde aaallg. IWrtrev nimssrq ta tha eamaaa Oata. Ira railed biteeaa ebealden sad bark ef bead will stop bteadlag et tha B.Ums epttta sppaat ta sVf bite IH rarry retW. Ke) ret est ta 0 airkreaik Oa loae will tare ttah where aaataileat eleenn eelet ead gialnfart the A sraat4 Car Far 1114 li'Mrj, pHl,r3',a1ig e Frntrallsg fna. Drt;'i tvfsad ateaey If fiXO f I?7SJtT f'" rty tt aa ef . 1 r t t it ri. 1 I it H iiti If yj "--;'l rm'l It e-' " - ! i' i 1 e f i ' E-nt tf ft ' '" fo, ft';:'. 1 ', V a. Grip Quickly Rnockea OuLci "Some weeks wo ;Urlsg the severe winter weather both my wife aad my self contracted severe aokls a hick spaed fly developed law the wost kind of la grippe with all Its miserable anptomi" says Mr J 8 Egleston of Maple Landtag.. Iowa "Kstfs aad j data a-hlrg, moi oles sore. : head stopped up, eyes - sad aoee raanleg, with altereata apells f eh His andT fevtr. . We began i using Chamberlain's Stomach; and Liver Tab lets, and by Its liberal use soon com pletely knock d oat the grip.' , These Tablets promote a healthy action of the botrelsrlim and. kidneys which Is si wsya beeeQdel when the system la con gested by a old of' attack of the grip, rtt sale by F 8 Duff yi' - Paid ta XHaveauw atwale. J. S. Duss, the bandmaster, was dla torbed la his office by the entrance of a man who wished a position in the orchestra. Mr. Duss was In need of men, but when the surrounding air be came charged with the visitor's alco holic breath he declared'that there were no vacancies. The applicant insisted, however, that n date be fixed when it would be advisable for him to call again In regard to any prospective opening. He received no encouragement Next day a friend of the disappointed applicant Interceded and received tli! retort: "Men In rjny employ dispense music. When It Is desired to fill a hall with the aroma of e brewery It is cheaper to open a keg of beer than to have It arOsta' ratea." Brooklyn Eagle. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cared by Ball's Catarrh Care. F J CHENEY & CO. Toledo, 0, We, the nnderslgned.l have known P J Cheney for the last 15 jeara, and te- levt him perfectly honorable In all bail aess transections and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his Brm. IWALDING, KiNNIN 4 M ABVIN, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken intern ally, acting directly upou the b'ood and mucoua surfaces of the system. Testi monials free. Price 75 cts per bottle. The Japaae lllat. One ot the earliest western Institu tions established In Japan was the Im perial mint at Oxnkn, nnd It lias been one of the most successful nnd useful. In the convention which was signed at Yeddo In lxnil hctween the representa tive of the Jnpiinese gorernuient and thoee of tlie foreign power the estab llsbmeut of n mint wus stipulated. Tbe Japanene government purchased from the British Roverumcnt a mint which bad been estnWhbotl at Hongkong, but which tbe latter had resolved to dis continue. Tbe mint I now manage! entirely by Japanese. Fight Will Be Bitter Those who will persist in elosiog tbelr ears against the continual recommenda- Hon ot Dr King' New Discovery for Consumption, will have a long snd bit ter fight with their troubles, If not ended earlier by fatal termination. Read whalTB Brail ot Brail, Hiss, bu to ayt "Last fall my wife had every st mp tom of coasumpttoa. She took Dr Hag's Nsw Discovery after every .king else had failed. Improvement came at once aad four hotilei entirely cared her. Ouersrrteed by 0 D Bredhsat drag ttt Price ftOo, sad 1. Trial bottlee frta. The Meal Caaaa. "She seems to bare a very hnppy disposition. At sny rate, she's always amlllng." "That's not ber disposition, but ber tswth.''-Fhtladelpul Preaa teTolotjoi Immiaut A rare sign of approscklsg revolt sad serloas iroebi la yoar sytaam U aar vbsssiss, aleeplemnata, or slneassb ae tata. Seattle Blturt will caickly die. member the toeebrtaoeae raaare. It aever fella to tooo tae elosaaca, rrra- koe the Kldaeyt aad Bowels, stljaaleu the Urn, aad alartfy ta blood. Baa awwa system beaelt fartlealatly lad an lb aeaal ataradlag acau Vaabth aa ear the easrchlsg aad tbaroegh eCeat rvtaesa. BeoUU BlUera U t ! 50a, aad that Is raUraed If It ooat gtv at a feet sailer sctkev astrsatrad by CD Bradheas. grtggtsi - - Hoajsrrta Rocky l'oontala Tea Nircjett .; ihriUMaabsaeraaa nail Th eu ivaan re (aucv rt om r.'otlCO ! 1 X 04 lea I glrta thai ettie V ftBt Uf M fhar e stock, to Mm AeVMO I R 0. akh wea laao) teavs May Hat. l ks bea In, aa4 iktt I safl spr-lf lot taotaar eniiea4a. , ' lataibat let, l"l R BBTAV. Russell l!ous3, ' BSAUFtDRT, K. C, ' ' OrlrVly lofaU't, Allld.lU ra.-: of va.-a. Ve'l VtiU- U'.fid rrvr-s. l I'?.'-r.e rm TrT,iiTra, J' : :a 1 a,--r.V.v t"-y. ' '-, I tin j't f'v. .' ( ' J 1 l. -rU t. r-.t 1 r - (. A. rt Maa Beahh 4 liiml Tif. ' ' A J VwO'iaMrii a n,mttm. t 4 KW7 Ti allie Hr 1 mi, In ,'l M. ttad StoMK W"t- aM. jlmMtot uaaxf kVmwaTMaa. w tnr a mi a . (in ,m Ma br SumlMOiMtSWwiii ;the secret op success.4 Forty million bottle or Aegast Flow er sold ta the Catted States sleae since lis lairodoetion I Aad tfc demand for h Is ttiil growing.. - Ital that a ae Showing of success r Ooat ft prova thai Augast Flower hss had aafsillag aueeese ta the core of Indigestion, aad dyepepel -Ue two greateet aeemlee ot health aad happiness I - Poet it not af ford the evidence that August Flower 1 s an re specific for all stomach and lateetteal disorders f that tl has proved ttesU Ue beet of all liver r en la tore 7 August Flower has a : matchless record at over thirty J ve year ia caring the slllog aUillons of ttese diitresslDg com plaint a eaooess that Is broonlng wider ia Its scope every day, at home and abroad, as the fame of Aagosi flow er spreads. Trial battles SSct regalar tlta 75a For sale by ail druggists f 8 Dolly. CHBISTMAS HOLIDAY EXCQR SION RATES VIA southern mm Account CbrUtmas aol Ne Year Holidays, Southern Hallway will i ell tickets ft extremely low rates. Date. r eale of tickots to the general public 1 cember 2?, 24, 25, snd 81, 1904 and Jsnusry 1, 1905, with limit January 4,1904. Dates of sale ot ticket in atudmte and teachers, upon presentst ou of Ci r tiflcate signed by the Superintendent Prlocipalor President of Schools and Colleges, December 17 to 24, Inc mire, with final return limit January 0,1905. For information ss to Bates. Scbedn ea Sleeping Car AccommoiUtionn, e'e, ask Any Agent, or R. L. VERNON, T. P. A., Cbsilotlc, N C J. II. WOOD, D. P. A., Ashevllle. N. C. B. D. BARDWICK, Pass Trafflo Maont r, Wuhlngtun, D. C. W. H. TAYLOR, Oen'l lJas Atrn'. Waihlou'oD, D. O ICE 10 l)IS(Ul)T Books Containing conpors for 800 Ihr. of Ice In Kt Ih. ,couponi, vh u 4.00 Will be sold to cnslnmera at a rilwoutt of 10 per cent.' $3 00 will buy $4.00 worib of ICE It book Is procured, eltber from 'lie driver of Wagon or from Iberffloe lb (li I tilth street. New Bern Ice Company. T A Crewi, Prrt K H MtiJo.i T A Until, (' Citizens' Bank r, nr. Do Oaneral Banking Buslo Sarplas aad Undivided l'roni a.82,000 00 We will gtxc prompl end carrftil nllrnti, n ' bu,lnrl enlruited lo UM. Wr InOIr y.ur couxil. Try u,. nOABI) OK DIRKCTOKS J A Uaedowa. SamT W Ifok. ( h.. II 1 . iWGrtbirr, T. W Smmlhrood, Gmlllir, B H UmAn. Chu Uufr.Jr. J Ridn.o Merer Hehe. Tho. A Ore, C F. for. WrCrockrtl, MrtiDlK)iy CV H,'... Antual Meeting of (be Stick bolder of ibe fiill. Bil Bmk Tb annual meelieg of the iiockhn) dors of tbe Matlosal Bank if Nrw Beraala tbe electloa of lie l r.r -.ii aad tbe traeaaclloa of aneh olber aese as ssay coma before tliem, will be bald at tbelr baaklBf bna on tlie eeeoad Taeedsy of Jseiary, being the lOtk day of Jaaeary, 1006. Tha palU alU ope et 11 o'clock aooa aad ekes l I p m. O B ROBEnTS, Caabler Dect,l04 4 txtUIIKMCK :t"t"ii i . Taa Maaaxa Dee Seieeeei WM a lii a Mi JV ej In , tii"iaik $c!:::ui: Kz:rax wm f r m4 k-rL T. r- waHAdek aee XI. JU WAJIO, Aitoraay Kt Uv ? ; -ta Be ffaa H, Ope. leaal CkaMawk . miw tux a sfBmB tkJBasVsa A swakaanaawal VaWwsl UFanJ aaWlwaTf r (in Uo4 1 Brick Brick EntcrprJso Brick A Tilo IVVg Co. W bvrclsji V bav twUai fv-'i Ibin anoOirr, a Irate that Xn lU n;r. . fr '!" Irft si my eff-csj la the I'- s s-,.1 i.'re-,nl bank tr,!',r vi! tvraivl jrinijt ab r r t GFFE T0. ANY ONE PROVING THAT THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT IS NOT BASED ON ACTUAL FACTS. MORE REYNOLDS' SUN CURED WAS SOLD IN THE PAST YEAR, 1903, THE THIRD YEAR IT WAS OFFERED TO CHE.YVER5 THAN THE AMOUNT USED IN THE UNITED STATES OF ANY BRAND OF TOBACCO CLAIMED TO BE SUN CURED. L. G. DANIEL'S 42 Craven St. New Bern, N. C has just received the finest lot of Mules from St. Louis that was in Eastern North Carolina, and have also just received a tine lot 01 which means that there those who want to Mules and nice Horses at as low prices as they can be sold in any market in this State, so every ooay call and New Befn Militaty Academy, (INCORPORATED.) NEW BERN, N. V. "New Bern's Great Military School." Raleigh News and Observer. A Few PoinU of Excellence; 1. Superior Equipments, Heautiful Grounds, Pure Water, and large, e.egant ly furnished buildinps, lighted throughout by electricity. 2. Superior Faculty. A Specialist at the head of every department, 3. Cadet Barracks and Girl's Dormitory located at different points -each under competent disciplinan; ns. t. Lowest rates for the advantages. Write for Catalogue. Spring Term Begins January 2nd. S J. H0LLADAY, A. B. LL B. Fresident N EW BERN. N C A tboiougli, iracLu al nml progressive institution, fulljr abreast of the times iuvestlgate and know for jou -self that the Carolina Busl nem Co lege leads in practical result-v For Information addrosa S. J. HOLLADAY, Pres. Coll rife in session day and night. Cafving Sets, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Guns and various other thing! we keep will make nice Xma prraenU. General line of Hardware, Building Material, Painta and Saw Mill Hupplte Gaskill Hdw. & Mill Supply Co . BaRDWARI 11 KMdla K rbtae lT. Entry Notice TAT t Of NORTH CAROL. HI.) Caavaa Ooaatv ) Ta Oeeff i. Wslera fceuy Taker for Cravea eoasti i The aederetgead Wei K, HerrW of Or vea eaaaty, Kartk rareUaa ealere ead laysahUai U Ue foUawta; eWRed peaee ef paVeiaf lead I 1H tawaebla, Otavaa eaaatr. It of Kenh Cartib (he aaaa batef tswaa aad esSf-ere-ertaiad lead, aad eabH k. eatrr, V Lrlai bataeaa I in One aad Vat river baaaded ea U stortb by Tbe Beeolloa patael, a tha last . by fob last ead Levi Morris pease U, a lb Doetb by tMsklae Ilea Sad reea Jar lane pte ead West try tv1 Oe alee Ilea eaausalaay eaUeaeOea 10 Katared Uls tad lay el tar " . wm a. Mount, Ernest Qrccn, itlarsey i Cstr st taw, ParaatY MVf BE&X, X. 0 Wn r! u amrrb tttu Vt vMa ot iJe frt I ti a,1e : C -,.-!( l,V J a. 1 I K I w. rt rrf Bin .00 RED ever offered for sale are cood bargains for nurchase eood heaw loot for yourseli. MUX aCP-PUU 44 Caaea aH PbeaaSia. City Tax Notice Cllf rse era past dee, ead Iboea tbat be ant pa d Mm wtil lea' eel) settle et aeov, vary sk aaadart, Raapeetrally, J.i.TOUrOH. C Ti Oel Wood Turning! Colsmna. Dalulere, Ball, Ppla 4rt, tttalr Krarvla, lUsapa aad te at. IfaaUaa. Braekatav' Grill, Porch aad. Lawa Salef, f V. Denft MdSorarBd-aasvU to ordef chert sVUoa, RBaiSTtR VZZELL, f Mlary.Lbvrca A Oaf, KtaberaKO The Oaki llarkot will iU Cost Cuti of Pork 1 -rciitcrfor 12 l-3cU a- r, v a rt L "w ...- la 'miiiiiiaiiiiinnim mil iimiin iiim

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