)'.:::P: im WBt IT ' - MAO KING LUDWIQ. mm- : V- ' A r V To furthef introduce Good Luck Baking Powder, we ire offering valuable I Dremiums ffee to all users. On the label of everv ran will k frmmi vtn.n Cut out these coupons and save them. "The little gift book inside the many articles and tell how to get-them free. Besides these you get a superiqr baking powder and it costs you but 10c per pound iiiiiisir mm i-ui-K uaning jrpHlALTH totality r S VntflMStWri!ftM tar Mrmm itmttitlnii m.rA sail rff nsf ik. i " 1 TV I ergensof elthor sex, inch as Nervous Prostration, Fallina-or Lost Mannood. J -J Impptenor, Nightly Emissions, Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, excessive osa of Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Consumption and Insanity. With ererv oi iooscco or upmm, wnicn lead AFTER DSIK81 ibomforSsJS!ooItM Vocure or T. A. TONES Livecy, Feed, Sale and Exchange ST A l,rgsl and Anert sto. k of Horses and Mo'ee eer offered for sale In New hern A car Irad of s h Jut In. Also a otenple'e Ha of Bufgiee, Wagons U.rns. Rob, Wblps,Crt Wal. Etc T- JONES, -Fxop. fOTT'8 PENNYROYAL J of nentmaUoo. Tbey are "JUFK 8AYEIW" to rlrUat ytj. womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No JT -K Jf Kl "nowii remedy for women equals them. Cannot do barm Ufa t" ,J bema a pleasure. IK I'KK BOX BY MAIL. Sold SoW In New Bern by Davis' Pharmacy. 1 1 m : 1 - . . - ta -. m W. , I - " P "... 'i.V.-tT,'. (-f'" ' i )U' ,.lfV ' . , V'." " Oorfn g. H. Boott kaa ju4 ntiirMg W tcstdl f jMrtWMOir aWct4 L Ik.. - - - aii.. 1 a .a a a a swan aaoroa, ana dj eompni )oUc, cJd to be aopartor u"Ttrk Wwaj hi te Ihia market (a t paat tlv raara. Sum nm from ; 14 I-t to 17 barda, wtigkinc fftm K) to . iK U s n fan, draft a ,wv7irara iiu ru 01 it Koe-a, ; f O.ugjlti and W UMahrr for M Very , rtar, U.fctiai tad taaan yw wy. 8. M Ufort Wrrln A Good Telephone IktRTTCl u A mt ' ttctmm, A ROM . aJCOHTWUHCl. A COM. " llSfO . . - . j4 , , , ' Conrrnlrnro Free? Premiums Mil possesses excellent leavening Qualities :. It is powerful in generating gas, -therefore makes exceedingly light bakings. -Its positive purity assures you of good baking results. Through then superior qualities Good Luck Baking powder has reached the largest sale of any baking powder in the world. Carloads an3 traiiUoadsare shipped to all lections of the country. This tremendous sale makes it possible for us to sell it at the little price of 10c per pound can. Insist upon having Good i-uwuer ana get a superior article at a moderate THE SOUTHERN MFG. CO. Richmond, V. so uonsumption and Insanity. With even rB,uod ,he mone- Sow ' M.00 per boZ 1 PILLS The overcome Weak ness, Irregularity and 1 omissions, louraaM rls mm Bl B ' JiOA. VU ' 7il 1 .'.u - tr;;,. fvj; , i-w- from Uw WosUm mtrkai. witk Um ... .. 1S poonda, U boik im and Mulai; W arVso Whlpt, Wafw r) Cart WU bln Auburn lVcon. i (lot Harg or Caah f (aosl arrj tct lltsuBl narcbci H.tui Win L a M. . TKw I t m BtntMV Ui Ittat "l wle4 valf s.i.al.1, !,, Us t s!lif (e Jt tsta lis L' tr.U ar r1r ati4 T Uwsa A Urtlat LAM 'ils ts a4 4Wt!f a-sl. r,f fr,t m f '?'. in f' f -ri t M si I ' -, r.. ,.,11,,,,,,, I,' - J ( ' 1 at t .1 t 1 t f t t , . f 5 1 ' - r 1 ' ' 1 t - t t I ' 1 , , ; 1 1 f . i .... . I HE SOUTHEKN MFC. CO. ' l fJ ' Richmond, V. ' i: A each can illustrate! valuable premiums, can. Baking Powder ODM price. Summons by Publica tion, NORTH CAROLINA, I Superior Court uraven uoaaty. Before Uler. I P Hatcb.AdmlnlsUator of Isaac Hatch deceased, va Matilda Hatrh and Simeon Hatch. Tbe defendants above named will take notice that a special proceedings aa above entitled baa been commenotd In the Superior Court of tbe said State and county to sell a certain lot of land in the City of New Bern. N U. to make ettett In ordr to pay ft end dlicbarte tbe In debudoes of the estate of the Said Isaac Hatch, and tbat the eaid defendant will furiber take notice that tbey ere requir ed to be and appear before the Clerk of ine Ho perior Court or Craven (Joanty on ih 2nd day of January, IMS, at the court house In ia!d county, In the City 01 new sern, n u, ana answer or oemur to the comnla'nt filed In aald proceed ings or tbe plaintiff will apply to the court for tbe relief demanded therein. W. K. WATt ON, Clerk Superior Court Tbii the 18lh day of Nov. 1904. Mortgage Sale oi the Steam Tug "Sue." By virtue of the powers conferred in a certain mortgage executed by Richard Barcllft 10 Jobn W Glover on tbe 8ka day of April 1904 and recorded at the Collector's office in tbe Custom's Honse at Ellaabeih City, N C, In Liber 6tl D, of Mortgagee, folio 78. Tbe nndersl ned will sell to the highest bidder for cash, in tbe City of New Bern, N C, at tbe wharf of the coal yard of Holllster and Cox on the 8th day of January 100 at 18 o'clock) m. The whole ot the steam Tag -Sue," together with all the boats, anchors, chains, rigging, tackle, apparel. larmiur ana an ower neoaaaailrs tbera to appertaining and belonging. Tula Jec lh, 1804. JOHN W GLOVIR, W J Smith, 4sslne, Entry Notice. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Oravea Coaatv. 1 To George B. Waters Entry Tskrr for uravtn county: The udaralgaed J I Warren of Cra ven eooaty. North Ca-ollaa.. eater aad lavs claim to the following deserved piece or panel of land la 8th lowaihln. Craven coaaly, Blate of NorVi Csrollaa tbesamo bsHag vaeaat aad aaaapro priated land, aad subject to entry, vis: JolaUg Ue laade of George riiatnui B I arte Lamber Co, Joha T. Shale awda, DsBrahllsMsdi aad others I be same rvta on tbe Weet side of Bachelor (Jntkjoos. lataing oy eauatauoa (loo) eae hudred aad tfiy acre. KaUred (hi tttb day of November ivus. J. S. WABUa Entry Notice. - Bute of Non h CaroUa I Cravta Conaty. ( To Oeorge D WataT, KaUy Taksrfot Craves Cownty. 0 Tbe ani(asd W A West of Craven ooenty. Varth Oatollasv smtan and lan alalm 10 the followta desorlbea plaeo ot paretl of lead la Bth towaakla, Ora va coaatf, Btau of North Cerailsa,tk same belac vacaat aad naaecroaUasal Uad, aed aabjeot to entry, vim JsUUf law leads of B aulas Lamber OoaUooy uata,uiWBMi aa etara,Uaaa rytac M th4 Seat Ma of Batb Crmk, aoeteialef by estlaMttoa (80) litf aorea. Zatvred this Mth day of 1804 W.S. WIsT, Entry Notice. . - ltU4BsvlhCaBaa, '. . Ctam Cbamty. -; , T8 Orwrg B. Water, lair Tskti ax ' Oravwa Ceealf 1 , TVsaadafslgwd WssWy & Morris ef sWafarl ftMaty. Kovth Carol I a, Mvw sad lay ela!m to the foDnvlag datrlb. e4 pWn mssJ ef taad t ) Oae swmip, l vavwa eoeatv Mim M Bonk OareUaa. tbeasave .1 aakrfrnprtis4 lead .sad suh)at entry vis- Boen44 as 4 ari'nislng thi f FMj J Ifl'as Uad. ike lsr1!g UsH. ike Us 4 n Jrha Ml.le, I mm;r u, u ,f r '-'is l Diaklat Usil atf lalasd t4 ! fltawa. mu:.!a . ast'iastlna M f nx v U Administrators Iictlco Ifsvlsr ttk' '1 a s' 1-Ui.it f . ''!'; S.l tr.-.. lr ' svs'a1 , . ,f 1 i t t 1 n to 1 a , . "'I'l'"" ' '!, .,r r I .. " ' '''' !( r ... A - v. llTHEtXIf tie Was a Farrast ef Wiu' aad a - : HsMl ef AU Wosasaw ; '"King Ludwlg II. of Bavaria,' the mad king," was a patraa ef Wagner and a hater of all women.'- Fitzgerald Molloy in his rRomanco of Boyalty tell aa amusing story ot Ludwig's pe coUarttiesy "At tintet tht king um moDed ' opera- singer to the palace. These It was bis pleasure to listen to a be glided aolseleetly over the lake to the -winter garden which he had constructed on the top ot the royal resi dence in Munich. This garden was so huge tnettt extended along the whole length Of the west wing ot the palace. Its splendor and its perfume made it went, an enchanted place. ' Countless rosea hong from Its high arched roof. Thousands of lights glowed softly from under the leaves of palms, plantains and other tropical trees. Front its blos soming shrubberies rose tbe slender minarets and guttering cupola of kiosks. Parrakeets flew from branch to branch; waterfalls splashed musically; on the walls views of the Himalaya mountains were painted so skillfully as to give an impression of space and distance. The waters of the lake were colored blue and scented with violets, while Its banks were covered with hya cinths and orchids. "Here, in a golden boat shaped like that in which Lohengrin appears and propelled by a mechanical swan, his majesty, clad in silver armor, like an enchanted knight, spent the hours when tbe world slept, listening to stringed instruments or to singers con cealed behind foliage. He was silent, solitary, dreaming, like the pale dwell ers in lotus land. Here Wagner was occasionally permitted to bear his maj esty company, a favor once extended to Frauleln Schefssky, an opera singer. whose superb voice had won his en thusiastic admiration. Unwilling that this should be limited to ber voice, tbe lady sent blm verses hinting of her ardent love and made him presents that he accepted on condition that be paid for thorn an arrangement that al lowed her to reap considerable profit. as she charged blm three times their cost, until nn exorbitant demand for some gift awoke bis secretary s sus picion and led to the discovery and tbe dismissal of tbe frauleln from royal fsvor. "One evenlug sbe was Invited to sit with him and Wagner in the boat It seemed to ber that she bad reached the highest place In his favor. Therefore, in a moment of silence succeeding her song, while tbe swan noiselessly drew them through tbe blue tinted perfumed water and his majesty, lost in reverie. stared into space, tbe lady leaned for ward and gently passed her fingers through his hair. Shocked and dis gusted by such familiarity, be pushed her away so roughly that the boat up set sod flung all three into the lake. The king cumbered op tbe bank and strode away without turning to see whst became of bis companions, snd the prims donna, drenched sod disll lusloned, was rescued by the composer wltb the assistance of a boatliook." A)BU Aeita. Tbe acids of tbe apple are of singu lar use for men of sedentary habits, whose livers are sluggish in action, those acids serving to eliminate from the body noxious matters which If re tained would make tbe brain beavy and dull or bring about Jaundice or akin eruptions snd other silled trou bles. Some such experience must have led to tbe custom of taking apple sane with roast pork, rich goose snd other like dlsbes. Tbe malic acid of ripe spples, either raw or cooked, will neutralise any excess of chalky mat- tar engendered by eating too much meat It t a lae the fact tbat such fruits as tbe apple, the pear and tbe plum, when taken "ripe and without sugar, diminish acidity In tbe stomach rather than provoka It Their vege table sauce and Juices sre coaverted lata albaUs carbon tea by tbe chem ical actio of tbe staeaach Juices, which trd to counteract srtdlty. kra la Caaejvttr. To see saoakeys kept la a cage Is to sae a plttal and ssddetvlag eialevUoa,' says aa English writer. The tittle cartes rare of haaanlry la say pos seal 1 a are let out e their aoaaes hi tbe atoralag sad allowed t play and gambol about tbe groaada darmg tbe daytime) to tbstr hsaita tea teat. Taea wbe have est saoakeys oaiy la cage caa form bat a falat Idea e tbe Joy 1 im of tb happy BtUe ereatara aa Jbsy bewad free tree to tree ,1a. tbe aMwt ef tbstr rraadeta. At taw time they all Mara to tbstr aritbewt glriag ssy rroabte. -Mockers. Us aaaat wild salmam, sre very sky before straagsra, tad It a visitor beppawa to arrive who la as, fcasvwa to tbeai tbey keep pevfectty still aad kid Utscsselrea aa well aawot tb reOage tbat tb atnagor could re Us tbat b was bets watrbed by oral pair ef the sharp est tittle eyas Vbo r asslsa est Ssaisa. . As talgbt beva bsw asperted, tb flwart rata at Koran 14 tba AUea has bswa trbswd to Ifrrnpe, aad fairly pwr type are Iwaad la Ppala, aa rtalty ta tba. ptovla f Owva. Tbsa people ar oaiy tars t4 ) lajrbaa ts thra fast Bin tvKvata) algb aad are afbrwiae Hswactarmed by ywUew abia, bras a. aspaar feco, Mosv poUea T tad rd btir of a weoty teitara. aprtssna ( tbswi a re rasiaaally ta ba aawa la tbe asarket ef sVaiataaara. d Uwr Is aakd to be a tn tb Cl a Teas cad tb valley af Rib, swveral bswrs by rail free Twites a It la bat iBirxvbakle Ibil ita Meagnllsa r wtikb ta ab arvs a nn pevist af t'ttsa IBd Eilak pni- M 4nrd hy ta- bsrttssx rmra itm Ibevtaa pffialaO af rawimaa asyoatry. Aa Ba. , "Te res t st a ro'Tf aniar tn aa tksa fi. Mb r' l t yr. It. I g-d b ,). iij J. I o lHrf O.a r-T! It s tir.m b f ,(. gr.e . 1.4 tt.m Jf ( . .Tfrsn- L' When JvVell - Known New i Bern People f elT it so Plainly. , Wiiin pi bile epdnrseeient is made by a represenlaiive clii.eo of New Hem s proof I positive. You must blie?e it. Bead Ih's testimony, fevery backichK sufferer, evry man, wonun or child with any kidney trouble will Sod pr ifli In the reading. A L Br) an, officer In the police de partment residing at 118 Bait Front ays: "M y back was so bad that when I got down on the bed 1 could scared? gat up. There was no strength in my lack and it ached aM nvr. I thought I htd rheu matism. The kidney secretions were dark colored and full of stdlment. 1 saw Doan's Kidney PilU advertised and procured a box at Brsdham'a Pharmacy and used It. The very first dose helped me and after finishing the first box I bought a second. The ptio In my Lack disappeared and 1 was stronger and bet ter in every way 1 am grateful for wbat this remedy did f or me and jou are welcome to use my name as an en dorser of Its claim. For sale by sll dealers. Price r.O cents FosteraJQlburo Co., Buffalo, N Y.. ao'd agents for the United Htates. Remember tbe name Doans and take no other. IHSUR1NCE IND BRICK Like a Shipwrecked Sailor adrift. helDleas and hopeless is the average man who suddenly rtada nimseii Bereft oi weaitn or a com petence by reason ot fire loss with out insurance indemnity. The in surance oomDaniea we serve will come to your rescue if you get your policy now. I also sell first class Brick. O. A. HICOlsL., Phose 200 8outb Front and Hancock SU. Griffith Street Meat Market We have opened a nice market at the corner of Grif fith and Attmore 8ts, in con iMrtUrsTi with rmr (rraoerv and are rjrrpared to lurnlah our J ; wtosnert with as One meats and-iassge as can be found I! inUuoity! HARRI5 ft tlOLTON, Proprietors ! sjtoim SiilrtWtiaw.ett Jw Writr7,st ivw km m pftr tksMaUrVtM aWMW mmmtmim .twi ll AtMfOM, IH. M. ViMH.I.BT, Pnl mi, IMftaV Tw iwvwS ev rmrw ssm ! I TH.SUa. tnfTMHTrCS4. v ... ln.a. a4 mm ,l, sstwssies. t"'r flu oiTriTt? ta MM ( aikJS I siii us 1 1 1 a wsl WaatHINOTOM.OX. ' Executor Notice. Ta wwWi(attt aHf ajaaltM as taae Eisoelof aTncwM Brraei etaaeaaext. katwbf l&asi all itsosis beW l slsisa acslast tb astate af 14 a. aaH iisi t ttea atalf Mtaeattea. asss, wtihl rssw rrosa tki tW et th aeOc will Wplsaits la barol rweawwrf. All prns Mebsesl to tbe itni Msetw iisnlrltl fim asa taadl fwysML, , BESItT fOWKLU tiecatof, YssWrO, K. C . fLomaln A IfnnBe .-; AtToiir at law, : ' tNwMk tM r satis l CwwS, SDsartOT. fsaaUlM 4sm aa4 I'm lew. la the teste 6wisn a4 FiSsral tiirea. 0?r tV-slb trrmk lesewA trrwr TW arravh offinsv Ktsr r'r. . V - : cotigei; Hr,rUhmj srlvsw that erftltc. tVej w!H -e k!i te is fl 'si Im'siMtts !- awemi'nr t ttif'if k'tf. wm rxus. J-::-', win till' wisiLBa I vininr Pill I 1 I I. MUlfA - "aVaw-- la msiti sun , enal wea, . t As - Xbs. I II. Taoaraoa, Director, BKKTBOVE.t SUSICIL SOClkTI. weekr uf of Cardu more ; woman. Wine of Cardui regulates the menstrual flow, baiiHiei headaches, backaches and bearing-down pains. Severe headaches, bearing-down pains, indigestion, loss of appetite ami nervousness ore symptoms of female weakness and should be given, prompt attention. If you are troubled witli menstrual irregularities will certainly grow into dangerous of Wine of Cardui and begin treatment at once. All druggists sell $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui. A Certain Cure For Croup. When a child shows Bymptomg of croup there la no time to experiment with new remedies, no matter bow high ly they may be recommended. There Is me preparation that can always he de pended upon. It lite teen In use for many jCsrs and has never been known to fail, viz: Chamberlain's (Joupli Ittme- dy. Mr M V Compt jn of Market, Texns says of It, "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy In tcverc e.aies of croup with my children, and can truthfully Mo lt always gives pnmi'l relief. Kor sale by all druggists. Sale of Land to Make Assets. ' G J McCarthy, Admlnlstrstor of W 1! Morris Deceased, vs Serisna Morris, widow el al 1 By virtue of an order of the Supe rior Court In the above entitled action, 1 will ell at the Court Huuse door tn New 3cm, N O , at 12 o'cloek M on Mrndsy inuary 2nd 1906 all tha following 'anas belonging to lbs estate of W 13 Morris deceased: In Craven County, N C . In No. 1 Townhlp to w,t: i Interest In the Bprlng Garden Beach property con fining X seres more or leas, the Fame conveyed to W B Morris by 1'tlrlck Morris by deed recorded In the ltelstvr jf Deeds office of Craven county In Book 103 pagelOS snd 110 Also another tract conveyed to Wm I! Morris by deed from tannic I hmlth recorded In said Reclster of Deeds of lice In Book 60 page tM containing 10 acres snore or less. Also another tract from mm iinnlor described In last mentioned di ed con taining 70 seres more or less. Also ancther tract containing ?ixt acre more or lets convevdl to Wm It Mortis by H C Clsve snd wife of deed eoordel In said Hecleier of I)ee.s of in Bcfle ook 116 pt( 313 and 22 Also anotker tract conveyed by Wm Morris to Wm B. Morris bv detd rr. ord d In aald Reclstsr of l)edt of!l -n In Book A3 page 472 containing 24 more or leas. Also saolber trsct coniainlnn Hi- act s lb beqoeatb loaald Wm b M ru. by Wm Mortu bv will rscordel in the ofllc of tb Clerk of the Superior Coort of Crsven coonly in will, H" "k f paste SOfl. Alaoanotner tract oeviseo snn nr qaealbed In ihe same will menilonrxl above at being a one half ondinJol laierset la tb lealdos ot lands of ssld Wa Morris after the foresrolne ex orpilons bsvs besa allowed. Ikii sal' is sad sob 1C I to th ailstlns dowrr lalareat of lb widow of Wm II. Moirn dsceaesd Tkls 1Mb dsyof Mov 1004 C J MCCARTHY, Adas ot Wss B. kiorrls, Ioevl EAHTJEllN C110LIKA DISPATCH UNI -AND- Old Dominion Steamship Co DAILY IsLIf E Freight and Passenger ' for all points north EFFfdlVX OCT. II, 1004. Tba SUaMr Nauaa la rll- nUd to tail at f p Moodav. Wed twavlir Md 7ridr far lllraUtb aiT, awaaktojf UaVliOfS at OrleoUl apq Eoaisoka laland. ' TU SUajsHw Ocraooka issoWI- aled to aail at I p Tsea. dav, Tbnraday am Balardaj far EllrtWb Lltv, makiof land top tX Oritfital ml Eoaaok Island. Fraint rtoalved aoi later that or Dour f mtovt to sJllp . tot tvrthtt Infomalloa afjJj to . a to. nESDxnsoN. Aft, MKKito, VP kvJ On Up. It 0 llvpeit,Qm Ft Pa-a ir Korfoll, Va. W S Er-sattte Asst G-a Ft and A ft. Nw fWrt, H 0 lkwJs f Attorney at Law. v;M rr I . In ;! an4 Don't Neglect Yourself. 1468 fltrou.l Street, Louiuvii t.lf, Kv , (.ril H, 1M3. I have been weak aud sickly for tlic pat four veart, Canned bj irregularity and fitdfnr n y afdluif tlie lawa of bealtb, but about live iu...iiis becamevery Berioun. I Lad Bewrt lai Li,, he uud anflered acoDflUDt dull pain in ujy head. 1 n, nl war paiuful days, aud miserable, restless uitiliU. Tbe liot-tor (uld m Ibavt I mutt hare patience. Ilia medicine aid not, however, give me even temporary relief and as I bad ben told of tbu curative uualuio. of Wine of Cardul I decidcl to try it. I found tbat it relieved ine f pain. As my genftral health improved my other trouble were gradually di- wi suu oucr uve y i use of the Wine A, S 5u 2 J. irdui I was once ?U . HI- r M a well aud bappy A. do not let them run on. They and chronic troubles. (Jet A PILL . i i MSiNG AFTER" Also ail Diseases ot the Stomach. Livtr, Kidneys and Bowels. Constipation, Bilious ness. Headache. Indigestion, Nervousness, Pimples, Blotches and All Skin Impurities. fOR SAI.C Br ALL DRUGGISTS, To Sires, 10 Cents and 25 Cents per Bei. Accept No SubstitQte. Doiiani ltf oTEnent Co., lessee A. & N. C. R. R. 1 1 M K TAHI.K NO. SICK HEADACHE PO'JlT:VtLY CURED Br roTakr- Kfleet Se.ii.luy, Oct. '.'-'I, 1904 at Kl.l'.l A. M., K. H. T. Ui.ipg Eriei riciiFDUi.R: doing Wes No. 3 I iinjo;.t)r 'rn:i!iM No. 4 DAILY. Lv. p in i-i 4TIONH. Ar. a m ii :io U'.i. iulii.ro 11 06 3 Till l-iiOrange 10 33 iim iton 10 IS t 40 At Nb Horn, 1,- V 00 5UI L Ar 8 45 7 20. . . Ar. Mort'liraul oily Lv 7 : No. No. 6, l'aasontft'r stations: l'asjenger Train TralD. 1L A Kin 1 1 Sunday Lv. A. u. Ar, p. m 8 00 i.i.l.lniM.ri, 8 80 B 11 li. l'i. 8 0B 8 1 LuUratiKU 7 67 8 .17 Kallmg Oreek 7 47 8 4H Kli:uton 7 3( ( Oaswell 7 W U 1.1 I.,vit 7 17 B (-'re Crock 7 00 B -VI TiMi aror 6 60 B M Clarke (U 10 10 Ar. .New IWi., I,v 6 SO a. u. r. u. M . v . 1 I n 'uLl airl I'aes. 1 'al: r l. rum!ey. No... No. 8, IS oO i.v. iiern Ar 8 06 1 1 Km.nleJe 7 80 1 80 croalan 7 IS 1 40. . HaTukx k 7 00 0B Newport, l.v 6 'HI 2 ii Wildwoo.1 6 07 S 28 Manili. l.l 6 iH KM . .Ar. Momhnad city, l.v 6 80 8 (XI . Ar. M. ntty Depot, l.v 4 60 r. m. a . u. KKKIUHT. No 1. DAILY hJU'KIT No. J. id (.but .! N DA V Id Claa Lv. a m Ar, p m 5 11 (iolilstxwo 1 60 6 4.1 heat's 1 18 t li IUraDire 1 0 6 17 Falling orusk 1 88 7 Si Kmston 1111 7 40 oaawell 1101 I 900 lkivM ii ei ' 940 oofs cresk 10 40 10 10 Tusrarora 10 10 I 10 8? c'.ark's ( 54 1 1: oo .Ar. New Hre. Lv 80 It H IIHVYi.AND, I'reet It I" FOSTER, (ien Man Supt .S 1, DIM.. Publication of Sum mons. KUllTII CAROLINA. In tbe ,, , . Htioerlor ( rarer, ( or-ntr , ( narX Teresa Cohen I is Wm II IV b's Tba ilafsndtnt ebove sanx.l wl.l Lake Sjotlx lhal an a.-tlon setllled as above be tee eoassaeace.1 ia tb rlspertar Coert ot Orateti Uoeaty to ebtaia e di vorce frews Iks bod of snstrissosy aad b Ml tWesxtaat villi fsrt tab so lie UA h m falr4 U sppaar at lb Mil leva el SepOTtof Uoart lov aatd Oneairtobs) belst o tbe lhh day ef rebrwari IMS. at tM't Hoes 04 MM Uowaty ta New tmm, H 0. aad aaewa Saaasv le tseentapUtet ta J4 mi tea r tbe sValatK wtu afatf w iM Oesnt lot rlM Sfwisass i sw cneaMeiav n as waiws, Ciwk at Ue asp Coert r.m.tii -, A.AV Warw , iiiinONei a ward, trt9klt aal COCKItMU uw. - , I , aisTsf MUs, ft. OaV rUwvtM arms tHrvas) V tv A (wry ef t, (aaovw TsJsyvwa Cf , ' a)aWUt rptmret,M ta , U-jies Ckaiuwra, tivASf I y a4 OrsveS, fhir inrmu, Kne'.nw, Ceriarwt, Fswtli I eke, I ts irmm a4 f aV '.' '-"s,s4 rTef srvVej r

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