THE JOURNAL. jtar Beta. M. (U December 1104 lowatiuaow.- WOQDKBJ Of THX WORLD meet tf lUenttee Hall Seml-XonthlT, tint Ma Tklrd Weaaeedey alghts at 7.50 o'elook. Yliltlog Woodwen art JaviS- CRAVES LODOB HO. 1 KNIGHTS OP HAKltOHT. KmU and end 4ti Wednesday Uhts la each meats, la SpnatnriHL Pollock street, at 7.80 efelook. rfcrnielB. Bell, rreeldenti J. pB. Bmlth. BeCy) B.& Hi3, jrinaacUl Index te Rev AtrertJseaeits. Ennett's Book Store Xmas presents. A. Block, Merchant Tailor. Goo, N. Ives & Bon Turkeys. Bayard H. Tvootten Trays. Broad 8t. Frail Co. Fruits. Calloway Orerooat taken. Business Locals. BURNT Wood Trayt 25 eta. Bayard M Wootttn, CO But Front St. TURKEYS 1 Turkeya We have ajfew fine Turkeys from oar Newport farm for ale at Market Wharf. Geo. N. Ivei A Son. WINTER OTereoat taken from Callo way'a Barber Shop yesterday, long gray, worn pairgloTea In pooket, also one un dreeied kid glove. Return to Calloway. TBB beet grape 20c. a lb., apples 85, SO and BO cts. a peck, Florida orangti 40 and SO ots. per dozen for the best, good bananas, grated cooacat, peanut brittle and all kinds of fresh tsffy, chocolates and bon bona today at the Broad Btreet Fruit Co. FOR BALE A small lot in good loca tion. X E Harper. GAME of Brlst, Boomerang, greatest little novelty on earth, for yoongaad old. CallatQasklns Cycle Co and pur chase them for your young friends. 26c each. LOST A key to a post office box and a desk key attached to a key ring. Find er please leave at Journal offloe. I Am prepared to do stenograph io work and typewriting for any who may desire It. neatly and accurately: Prices to suit customers. Mil Daisy Edwards, Breno graph r at A & N O depot. FOR BALE Pore Jersey Milk and Cream, any quantity, delivered. Phone Mrs Fnd L Briy, Pines Farm. FOR RtENT-On January Stb, 1905, hoose Ho 88 Craven St, now occupied by ChrliiUa Scientists. For terms, ap ply to X H Bowe 68 or 83 Craven St. CHRISTMAS Cards, Calendar and Toy Books at O G Dunn's. , GUKIdTMAtJ Corned tiuni and Tar keys at Oaks Market LET me print yon some cards for Christ mas. Pilose right. Printed each day at O G Dana's. HOW about a Waterman Ideal Foun tain Pen for Xatu. A nice present for any member of the family. Owen G Dunn. WANTED Insurance Bolicitoie, Salary or Commission. Apply at 69 South Front street WANTED A position as Bookkeeper aad Stenographer. Caa operate any machine, good reference furnished. P O Box 41B. A SAMPLE Line of Heir Brashes aad Tooth Brushes at New York oost price, for this week only. See oar window dleplsy. If you need a brush acw is the time to boy. T B Daffy. LEFT OVERS from last Christmas at eoet or lees than cost Brle-e-bree, Bas kets, Bows aad Arrows aad other Indlaa War It will pay you to see theee goods F 6 Daffy. 8 TORI Fixture for sale, Apply at either 114 Broad Street or the store of J B Parker, Jr.. Mrs J B Parker, Jr. FLO at IDA Oraafee by the doeea or crate. Bee me before baytag elsewhere aad save noser. O X Wktlcaed, St OeorgeBt PURSES, Pocket Books, Card aad Cigar Oeeea, Bo ted Paper, Baylor's aad Olbbe Oaadlaa, all price leep.FI Daffy's rWmeey. CBRIHTMA POOPS Samakt raaka ft of Extract at i regaler artea, SUM packages at BO t 01 package to 11.00, iM package ga OO. F 8 Daffy's TUt RaikCOAO MEAT MAXKCT Oar Qeeca aad Hsaooek Sta. Spiced Hgi Fert, Coraed flame, esaesgs, Chepa, Steaks e4 ertryiAlag teot ta alrst dees market. Bead aa order, II will be SUed pteatptty . FOB aUUir Uaae whk atgkt teem aad eaU, X in Pollock Sc Apply to A I TaeeaaM Vex It Failsafe M. OO TO RaOroad Market II Fastest Bt lev ale eats et reef a perk, eeeaafe. FTtaatrlgka, JaVgwarb Xnuu flaggfNtlonisv mCtvnXMW-MaiUryaruaa-aw 1 la tU. lock tale) avejrswd, trior Ursa (aaal) P to 17, oe bo as, ehav. InfsetstTM U fS, mar etrsa. M fUaa, pocket salves, ararf sens, sen tnfswta. ' FOR UDl3hftrre art It te "3l Writing axa fl S M, Mt a4 rKlna, rtrK M ta 17 feary (tote, fii and Om IhimU. ring. -1tM ffTTtnf free. j. o. , jr." SHORT f ASSHJG . EVENTS. . Much seeded repair to the roadway were being made yesterday on South front (treat between Craven and Middle street. . - ' ... The rod sapportiag the weather vane on the Court house h ao badly bant to the northeast tkat the van points moat of the time to the southwest. Can It not be straightened f C i The Daughters, after much aollclla lion, have consented to bars their play, Coder the Southern Croat, repeated and It will again be given at the theatre shortly after the holidays. J The contractor for the Pamlioo Ball- road stated yesterday that two mile of track are laid, and that the roadbed through the pocoslu near the Latham tract Is ready for ths ilea, , He aald also that only ona fifth of the Nona bride, la to be built, and that work Is being pushed ss rapidly as possible. On account of the inauguration of Governor Glenn on January 11th, the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad will sell reduced rate tickets from all point on Its line to Raleigh and return, tick ets will be on sale beginning January 8th, with final limit January 12th. The rate will be one first class fare plus 23 oents. for the round trip. For military organizations a rate of one cent a mile will be given. The Indication now are that a large number of people from the Eastern section of the State will attend the Inauguration. MURDERER ARRESTED. Officer Lupton Captures Colored Man at SlJllon. Claims Self-Defonte. As the Bboo Fly train stopped here yeeterdey morning, a colored mas got off and was quickly taken In charge by officer Lupton. The man was Charlie Bozeman and he Is charged with the murder, some thiee or four weoks sgo of bis brother-in-law John Bozemsn,the murder taking place in Lewiiton, Bertie County. Bozeman admitted the killing to of ficer Lupton, but claimed that his bro-l ther In law had come at him with a rail while they were quarreling and he shot him In self-defenso with a single barrel breech loadlog gun. Bozeman did not went to go to Jail and offered his csptor money to be released. Officer Lupton had been watching for this man for several weeke and picked him out by the description sent bore. He wts lodged In the county jail. Entertainment By The Cotton Ex change An ojsier roast wss given yesterday afternoon by the members cf the Ex change to their frlende and assocalaiee. In the ysrd st the rear of the building fu built a hot fire, surrounded by ta bles at which too guests stood while served with the savory blvalvea, and washed them down with copious droughts of nut-brown ala. Mr W H Oliver responded In hts us ual happy vela to the toast "Twelve cent Cotton," snd encouraged all who heard him by his optimistic views and prophecies. None of the cotten men preseat need ed to be "baled out," but all had a jolly tlmr, aad separated tn the b'essed hope of a lively mirket la 1B03. Christ Church. The Rev. Mr. George ha not been ao well for the last two or three days aad Is confined to his bed. The servloes at Christ Church on Christmas Dsy will be conducted by Mr. George il. Roberta, the lay reader, whoee reading is so diitiael. Intelligent and free from mannerisms ae to be "alway acceptable" to the ooegre gation Special moslc, suitable to the sea son, will be sung by the reeled ebolr, aader the direct toa of Mlas DaO, the OTgaatet II is hoped that the ooagre gatloa wID be araud by 11 o'clock, at which time the prooeeeloaal hymn wlD be bagna by the choir la the veeUbel. CsareM That IIwadacKw, OtaWtlM all klue ct tmkm. kUMr I Inabai MtMV iwhoI liwbln BMiai i nliilr lUralefSk ffVial eerie, saw at ki ii Pictures For Christmas! There it nothing nicer for a Present than a handsome Picture. We have the handsomest line on display at our store ever seen in New Bern, and you are cordially invited to call and look over our stock before mak ing your purchases. " Itcllablo Acru( Wantetlf . ';".', 4i roLtcK BTinrr. - SoIicJ Gold Ctjlf BattOns. . , Kevcr Ufor hav vt Wo of bran Uf ol rtaa'goi in GoM aWing a ftrj allrsrUva line of ie.!Jim r';;ht nol'gU wrgU Solid 1M Caff Hut lorn it VM a pair. Ko f'if rngTa1ri' ritn. EATON, the Lccdlr.j J:w:!:r. THET COMB AND GO. Mr W M Bays of Havelock was la th city yesterday. . ; t a - ., Mr Garriaon Farrow he coma home frost th University for the holidays. ;. Mist Mary L Jon, returned lest night from th State Norma at Greensboro. Ml Nelaoa George rcta rued last sight fromChocowialty to ependhe holiday here.i7.-,;.'v;.;i:-iv..'.'.:v'".' ''V; rv --,'i..; Mr aad Mrs O X Will! and children of Beaufort art visiting Mr TXMar- ahall. ' Mr Mar tin Brock left last sight for Klnston to spend a few dtya with rela tive.". Mis Fulford of th NBMA ha gone to Wilmington to spend th holi day. Mrs A D Gaakloe left yesterday for BurllBgtcn where she will visit Mn Geo A Nicholson. Mis AGarren who taught at the Mil itary Academy has gon to her home at Ashevllle. MrWLFoyof Asbltnd, Va., wu In th city yesterday an route for his home near this city. Mr and Mr W W Koch of Wllmlng toa, are her for the holiday with Mr Koch' parent . Mr and Mr R A Nunn, left yesterday for New Orleans to spend the holidays with Mrs Nunn parents. Mitt Annie Ferrate arrived here last night from Littleton Female College, on her way to Btonewa'l. Frof B C Granberryttlnclral of the Carolina Business Collage went to WU miogton yesterday. Miss L M Dewey director ot mnsto at the Military Academy left yesterday for Floi Ida to apend Chrtttmaa. - ' Mr Harvey Wadsworth of the M B M A lift yesterday for bis home at Pert no tion to spend the holtdays- MlaaMary Hughe aad Basil Manly came home yeeterdey from Cabaileto spend Christmas with their parents. Misses Florence and Una Csmpen of Bayborohsve returned from the Nor mal to spend the holidays with their par ents. Mr Alpheus W Disosway who ta study log medicine at the University of Mary land, at Baltimore has relumed home for Christmas. Messrs Wade Meadcwa ct the Unl varsity of Virginia add Ed Meadows of FIsbburn Military School have come home to apend Christmas. atlas Mamie Bays of the Normal acd Mlas Nellie Buy who baa bee.1 teaching school at Btokae went yesterday to tbelr home near Hivelcck to epend the boll dsys. "Mile Maud Monger returned yesttrJay from Randolph Maooa College to spend the holidays accompanied by her friend, atlas Mary O Ramsey of McMinasvtlle, Lena. Mr G.nevlve Bollemaa and children returned to Raleigh yesterday accompa nied by Mlaaea Lottie and Marlon Jor dan who will spend Christmas with her. Mr aad Mr J X Latham, Miss Msy Gordon, aad Muter Edwin, arrived from Greensboro tut sight to spend Christmas la this city with Mrs Lelhsn.'s parents. Another Murdered Brother-la-Ltw. Officer Con a or has arrested Alfred Wiggles, a colored maa, mooned of kill ing hie brotheriamw Is Greenville, PIU county. The ajnal plea of self defense waa aaade. The Greenville authorities were aoUOed aad Wiggle a will te held aalll paper are seek for his ret era to Pitt eonnty. K of f tUna Notice AU meeatera of the K of P. Band wlU meet promptly at 10 o'clock a. sa. Moo day for the parpoee-ol TieHleg the Elk anUvsl. W. B. PHILLIP. Manager. Ho akalv wosaea or weak seen will ever regret tafctag Balttstar Booty) oaaaaimTea. ua atoeeai Mppiaeea to thoasaada. n oeata, Tea vt lablata, aS Daffy. . - . . 11 hm ele ae W Ui enow aor.b tartef f Caff tttas. Tfaia jt w art 4.Wii.Ml I jsr-V .t I ; A Friehtenel Horse. ' " Running like mad down the street dumping tha occupants, or a hundred other accidents, are every day occur renoea. Jt behoovee everybody to have t reliable Salve heady, aad there's acne ae goooV aa Bucklee'e t Arnica Halve. Barns, Cola, Bores, Eczema aad Piles, dlsaoDear anlekl nn.i - effect .150 at I) Hradhani's Drug Newest Cards! Do not fail to see the New Post just printed. Negro Baptism. U. S. Postoffice. "Wat Down South." Watermelon Party. For sale by M. E. Whitehurst, G. E. Ennettand Owen G. Dunn, Leading Printer & Stationer. Cor. Pollock k Craves Sta. i Serviceable : t 8 m 8 mam il Hudnut's and 9? BilZ I fumes, Maillard'. 1 dies, Cigars, Pipe lis m Brushes, Cuff B I etc.fa ty ,1 Phone 56 X&aaastMMisniaanM TUE STORE IS THOROUGHLY STOCKED WITH SENSIBLE GIFTS AT SENSIBLE' PRICKS FOR SENSIBLE PEOPLE Beautiful line of Handkerchiefs cotton, linen and silk. Ladies Purses, Traveling Bags and Leather Goods." Umbrellas for gifts are very acceptable $1,00, $1.50, $2.00 up How about a nice Woolen Dress oi N. (J. Woolen Blankets Kid Gloves, the guaranteed kind, Special bargains in Ladies' Wraps, Ranntiful line of Idiea' Neckwear Special bargain in Xmas Handkerchiefs, linen and embroidered, 5 i 10c $ Silk and Woolen Shawls 75c to $2.50 each STORE OPEN EVENINGS TILL CHRISTMAS BARFOOT BROS. Emphasiziog Useful Thing- For - Holiday Gifts. The Christmas buying la now under full headway. There is a marked demand for 080111! things and we waot to imprer k ' upon you the fact that this itore) lain tha leut p.aa ble s ape to eopplj yonr want. The holiday linea of st pie merchan dise are noat oomplete and you'll flud them most Invitingly frioad. . . The Christmas Fur Stock. If jou have a fur thought 001 netted with your gift buying, yon should take a cartful note of these an I the 1 make a prompt lnrettlgatiiB while the assortments a-r un broken. Fine seleo kin of black and biOwa sable hare from the 48 Inch at W 50 to thi handsome long flat piece with guaranteed lining at 110. Stylish Coats for Gift. Our hoLday stock el women's and ohildrm's enter r irme t ie made op of Jnst the style you an looking for. Special ' Talnes la p'sln black aad colored ooaU la the sb rt a i tbree qoarier lengths; a flas thr.e-qatrtet Ui Covert ooaf. III t loe at $111 speotalthree-qaartet length ta castor only st $9; floe sclectlos of old drao long toaU frsa 13 TJ to 110, la ' brewn, blue nd tan. , . . . Fine Blankets and Comfortable s. ' Sothlng more Knalblej bothlng toore scorpUUs for a bU ; day gift to bousvwite lhaa a gxd pair of blanket 19-4 Forth Carolina, all woo), IHOj 11-4 It, , ; Some Holiday Specials. Kindly Note Thorn. . .... .v. : nre are some special pnrehaaes of a boJUliy Aatue; yoall prhpl find some of them to fit yosr waste, , tail tt end Oeo0omn'enandkercMsa,en prion f ert the plain while tl 8csmbri Ic tothi dainty beaotles at l; Osf Pial rrolrolirTSj oo st S' each are ths best raises r the matVel; Hi w Hsf those dainty mt at 1140 S box joat r cHved; 'VryatUamlre tine of Lvllas Kid Olovei in llark and colors at "Jo 1 1.$ I 8: OnsranUI WashalU Kid GtovV la whii anl cUu st t(H Kw lot of Girt Vi sod Dolls j-,at In; lI!jhc!ailWls from IMO to '.tOerhj n 41MB ROplA , . " ScleaUfi Palmist. Reads your life In your head Ilk a book, yonr peat, preseat and fntare. Come early and consult her on alt met- teis cf Interest, oa Basinets f raai actions Law Suits. Wills, Life Insurance, Dam age Fults. Deeds, Divorces, Bonds, Speca lations, Lore Affain and Mrrtg Crma early aad avoid the crowd. Com iod y don't wait for tomorrow, for she stays In this city a short time only. Offloe hours 10 a m to 10 p m. 60 Broad Street, New Bern, N. C. PILES I PILES 1 1 PILES!!. Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding, Ulcerated and Itching Pile. It absorbs the tumors, allays tha itching at once, cts aa a pool tice.givei Instant relief S ld by DAVIS' PHARMACY. 'pger & GJlet's Ter- and Roysters Can Card Cases,'Purses, oxes, Sachet tPoltoders, Davis' Pharmacy t kas Gilts ! ; M to $1.50 Pattern for wife or mother or a pai jik 9 all colors $1.00 appreciated gifts, too 2Tx. 50c and $1.00 FOR - it 1 s Neckwear, Kid Gloves, Silk Sus penders, Linen and Silk Handker chiefs, Half Hose, Bath Robes, Smoking Jackets, Bed Room Slippers, Full Dress Protectors, Mufflers, Suit Cases, Grips, Furs, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Suits, Overeoats, Raincoats, Cloaks, Underwear, Pyjamas, Night Shirts, Collars, Cuffs and Shirts. All suitable for Xmas Gifts. We are showing a big line of suitable goods for holiday Itoear. J. G. DUNN & CO., Phone 3i2. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 4 RIVERSIDE STORE. Phone 216 l Xmas Bargains ! Mixed Nuts, 15c lb., English Walnuts, 20c lb., two for 35c. ; Figs 15c. ; Dates 10c. ; Apples 30, 40 and 50 cts peck; Cocanuts 5 to 10 cts each; Eanannas 20c dozen; Brazil Nuts 15c lb. ; Raisins 15c lb., two for 25c.; best 3 Crown Peanuts 5c qt., Candies 10, 15 and 20c lb. ; Kvaporated Peaches 15c lb., 9 for 25c.; Chestnuts 15c lb. Wt have Nickle Plated Irons that are guaranteed not to rust, 7c lb. (ne pair is a good Xmas present for mother or sister. One )und of Kumford Powders 25c. We keepa General Merchandise Store. You can get most anything you are 1 Hiking for. J. O. LAND MANAOElt. 4 C hrlufniHi Drive in one of our npw bufirie will I rel nlcamire. There ' no Chrintmai Ifift for your family like one of our vehicle. Thry are well madr of the beet meteriak, with pneumatic Urea ana me isieet improvement in flniah. We eell the laUet etyle now at low prices. Cail and examine before buy ing elsewhere. we put rubber tiros on your old or new wheela. We ehrink your looee Uree In a machine without rutting thm, or without taking the tire from the ougfy you wait. Everybody ia invited to see the machine at work putting new bo Hi In old places, . H. Wafers fee, Baoreaaora aa O. H. We tan A toa, 1 Braai rH.' Ims. " The Oaks Market wiU ell iJestOuts of Pork Hereafter lor 12 1-2 centi per pound. Farmers Attention 1 ta eeresSsee tes raM (roes the sWa era Cotioei 0 rower e fraintlve sre HaUoa, a sjseeUa wat Beat la Ooert Bowse ta le tee peaartey, Dreaataer Hia. Iff Veesowa, i I . Vstftedee, D Uae, 0 I for. It Rertleeo, at D Use s4 J J Daa'ar wrre aasaiaied I eoaattiM U srt 'See e4 arfSetaa ttoe is Va aaaealMaa as e Oeemtf Haas Mai U. ta U M4 eatee Oawrt Oewes taKewRata tt4f, Jaaaery Ita el llaaioek. raraaers ta eary Seeaeats la Craw a Ooaaif araj mm1 le eleoeaeaeavaalrat a4ar aw Ulmtit Deell4,atle'e)oc'. ties taiKeOeaif Vms Metls. b b tsyeet emmt sat Isiais taicveH rsrawrt, foe evarf ee af yee ta Stkaal tale Trrwete'a aef Ooastf SMMtaf. P, HTK Clslree, , li I. R r : : !, 55-57 Pollock Sr. Coal AM) "Wood. A full tupplv (if lmnl coal ir all sizes Thi Celebrated Pocahontas Lump for grates, and the very beet steam coal WOOD: Oak, abb and pine; place uur order eaily and aroi i the iuhIi. Weight, measure, quali ty and Ki :i;e guaranteed. Ellis' Coal 2nd Wofl Yirl UNION POINT. 1 hone -17 After 6 O'clock evening drees ia easontial to the man of social distinction for lialla, dinner parties), rooeptioni and other social functions. No man th t wiabea lo lie Well drtaeed with ov erythlng thai ia swell and elegant would thick of having bia dress suit or overcoat made by any ooa in New Hern but an artistic tailor. We oan give yon the style of a Prlnoe with the dash of a swell American, at a reasonable price. F, M. Cliadwlck. CSfart tor presents le far father, bfOtUr, iwwHWar kesUaw M friend. awee)ee) Flo avssortmeat of FfaiU, Cka sllMlKsta,s4 : V . IMon as low as ea U, m aiateet wila Imflaos gnoi. e ana Vafove gating w Xmn Oft1rs lot OyiVra, Merry , Xaaae 1 asd I 1 5IT7 I I Kew I J Year tosJL A BLOCK, S5T

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