C'J ELK . w . - j ( I I 1 - CETS AT, v T-l .r FROM THE INSIDE sons Ml" I i " f IIW' VIIm I - '..cCli iiuiT CURES ' CUALUH JJV wHFrJ II- TWTMCllKBl , ' ' ti- ia uintro tail .15; . i . 1 1 .i ' ri la the most powerful and efficient Mood purifier in the. worIdT-It sweeps out all the impurities and poisonous germs that cauw gHElfslATISM, LA -CIUPPE, CnTAftllH, LIVER and KIDNEY TROUBLES. BILIOUSNESS," C0NST1PA- f TION, CrtJKESTIOH and CONTAGIOUS BLOOD WISON. Improves the Stomach, builds -up the entire system, Al Field, the famous minstrel; Hon. J GibsonV the South Carolina legislator, and hundreds of others testify that it ABSOLUTELY CUBES. , -. - Sampjte Bottle "Fre H yon writ BOBBJTT CHEMICAL CO, Baltimore. " r - Ce"Foorr MHoT" Bwk tnm rr Draigtn. ",-. . PEUMYROYAL PILLS P - 1 , MOTT'8 . Jpiot menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVERS" to girls at s. f I fwomaaaooa, aiding development ot organs ana body, do V '; known remedy for women equals them. - Cannot do harm life r '.-Km. . u... tft (ik nm nnv a'ir Mitt anii TUej overcome Weak ness, Irregularity : and omissions, increase vig or and banish "pains beeomM a pleasure. by $1 DO PER BOX BY MAIL. Sold Soldln New Bern by Davis' Pharmacy. Our Mr. S. H. Scott has just returned from the Western markets with three car loads of personally selected HOESE3 a,:n.cL MULES ! the best the market affords, and by competent judges, conceded to be superior to any stock brought to this market in the past five years. Sizes range from 14 1-2 to 17 hands, weighing from 800 to 1,350 pounds, in both Horses and Mules; suitable to any use - farm, draft and exceptionally good roadsters. We are also carrying a full line of Buggies, Robes, Whips, Wagons and Cart Wheels, being sole agents for the renowned Ellin Buggiefl and Inburn Wagons. We offer the above for sale on very close margin for Cash or good secured Notes, guaranteeing satisfaction and to save you money. See us before buying. Scott fc Co. SledUiara, Cures i Omen cf . - Farmer Generations, -rA sure cor Jr the. usue. according to. an old time s; lie, -was to rab a live spluVi: la butter and .then eat It. Tie late Vincent 'Stuckey Lace, who died In England after spending much of his life In the collection of folk lore. give many other instances of the med icine oi former generations. Jo rub a dried mole, to powder and to swallow M much of It as would lie on a shilling for-nlne,day la succession was anoth er cure for uxue. . A hare's foot carried -on the person prevented colle, eels ap plied to the ears were a specific against deafness," and ; epilepsy yielded- to a gentle treatment of toads tools gathered lost as Ihey were . forcing "their way through the ground and swallowed la claret at midnight . There were many ways of curing fits,' but the simplest plan was to so Into a church At mid night and -walk Ihree times round tu communion table. A snake's akin worn round, the temples was good for . the headache, but tf that failed the sufferer might fry moss .grown on -ft human skull,' then powdered and taken as snuff, - " ""Whooping cough could "never be caught by a. child who had ridden a' bear, but if no bear was handy the child might" he' soundly thrashed or drawn backward through, a bramble bush. The: subject of signs and omens fills a number of pages of Air., lane's five yolumes. Under the" heading ''Good and 111 Lnckr In Marriage" he shows on ho trifimlc a matter the marital happiness or nnhapplness of our ances tors could turn. - It was unlucky, f or example, to receive a present of doves. to marry on the anniversary of birth, to tread on the tall of a cat, to put on one's' stockings wrong side out or to try the wedding ring on before mar riage. . .-. - "... -' f On the wedding day the happy cou ple had to redouble their vigilance, as a horse looking at them through a gateway, a pig running across their path on the way to church, a dog run ning between them or the clock strik ing during the ceremony might wreck their happiness. For the bride to look in the Rinds after she was attired in her wedding finery was Bure. to bring ill luck. On the other hand, it was lucky to be followed by a strange dog when going courting, to be touched by the wing of a bat or for the bride to hear a cat sneeze on the eve of her wedding. Ten Thousand Churches Painted Wittt L & M. There Is not much money lost in buy Ing one pint of ready mixed paint, but when a quantity is needed, then its big loss to bny any ready mixed paint. The Longman & Martinet L Si M Paint is semi -mixed, sod quickly made leady for use as follows: to four gallons of the L & M at $1:6? per gallon, add 8 gallons of Linseed Oil atSOetspn gallon, thus maklag 7 gallons of paint for $3 10 or 1 10 per gallon. Wears and covers like gold. Sold by Hymsn Supply Co. ill Crlernnee. S;:::day i-Kiool Teacher What is your lialKc. my hid? tm.ill Boy 8ulklly)-Zebedee Ellsha Join's. Toa ut-r And who gave you that name? Small Boy I'ap, doggone him, an' I'm a-ftoin' ter Inmbast the stuflin' out er him fer it when I get growed. New- York Times. Ttianalnc Freak A rt-!ven;ty cX I'wiunylvaala fresh man, iw-uWed ty a strapping sopho m.ors i a trolled Into the bullet of a Eroad street hotel the other day.- The reahmaa slowly walked to the bar and then turned to his companion who stood several feet behind. -"Tellth man what you need, commanded the sophomore imperatively. The freshman sheepishly said to the bartender, -"A glass of milk, please." . While a dozen meq looked oa the freshman;- drank about half the milk..K,TJrink the. mk malnder - said . the v sophomore, - The freshman gulped it down. . ?Now-,whnt1 should you do to show1 your respect andldnriratlon tor- the lords of, the sophomore ; class T? asked the - sopho more. "You know 'what you nave been told.? '; "Buy v the "grand man ji ;,very good 'eigar the.' freshman' .replied. ?And "Fhat should yotl amokell que--ried the sophomore "Ob, nothlngr was ": the hesitatlng reply.- - Smoking isn't good for the health of children.' It prevents .their mental and "physical growT3i,and then , they would never get to be big." The cigar was pur chased, and, turning to the amused, crowd,1 the freshman solemnry . said. "My, but the sophomores ore great!" Then he wheeled and marched away in front of th.8ophoniore to another ho telfTwhera the same scene :was re- nearged.--rhlladelphia Record. I. A. JONES Livery, Feed, Sale and Exchange T ASL i largest asd Baesl slork olf Horses sad Ma'es ser o(Tsr4 for aU la ftewbata Aearlrad of vh Jost la, -Aloaotrllic.l Hsgikos, Wagoaa Hirness, Robs, Whips, Csrt WbsaJa, Ita, - , 7:. -. TOiTBS, ,lbpi 1 42 Craven St, , New -J j. Bern, N. 0 has juat j Tecelved the finest lot( ; of mm u Revolution Imminent A in re sign of approaching revolt and serloas trouble la your syitm Is aer- vonsness, slMplesineia, or Stomach up sets. Electrio Bltttrs will quickly dhv member the trousbrsome oaasr.' - It never falls to tone tbs stomach, regu late the Kidneys aad Bowels, stlmnlaie the Llvsr, and C'artfy the blood,' Ron down tysUm beoeflt rartloalarly nd all tfaa usual atundtng aches ravish an dsr the searching and thorough affect Ivtneaa. Elect tlo filUsrs Is calyfiOo, and thai Is returned U It doa't give per feet satisfaction. Qairaateed by OD Brsdh'm. dnggiat. 111 CMBHl, Lncie - ell, ) ou' told me about whnt yon have done and what you ex pat t ilD.pml nil that Now, pleas stale what yon are doing 'Juat at pres ent? T Kcpbrw-Wby t-r -rr t'Dcls-flo f thought, Jt doeaa't takt any particular Marty to errPuck.- Bi;MWtaiicBittcrvr Those tkt sBl persist la clostig laatr tanairaJaMthseoatlaaal nooatssaoda tlo ot Dr King's 2lv tXaoovsr fot Ooaraapttoa, w!U hiTta lcwdblt tstflghl IU tbstr traubUc. K a4 asd aarUw by fatal Umlaatloa. fiaas) vbatTB Baafl at BsaUL Mlsa, las l sayl MUt fall my VU4 had Mary sfap tost of oasttsspilon."-- Bfca look- Dr KUg'Jsw Diaoovtry afur tTtrrtking rise Bad failed. " laiprorsat Uata at oar aad . loer Boulas eat Irmly oared Bar. . usarsne4 by U D tiradbasalrag lsW fttca OOo, and IL . Trial aotOa APTUArn4Cr. M OtWM MTIt Sig:': me.id.".c::e J from Ct. Loul3 that was over olferod ,or4r.ilo In Eastern North Carolina, and havo .alco junt rroceivcU a flno lot ot ; , which ricns tint ihcro nro rrcofl l;rr-tho-a who want to i urr!r" j ; ZIulcs r.nd nlco Her. ; 5 they can iDd told lnr-- r-::- t t-i f to e verybody call r ' ' ; : ' Alts S!l fi i at Iks ft,, s't- a an s's tot tut It Ml t'vo 'Tt, " ,:: Aotpt Me twbatltut. - A w W W athsf W A A THE SECRET OP SUCCESS. Forty million bottles of August Flow or sold In the United States alone since Its Introduction I Aad the demand for It Is still growing. I n't thst a fine showing : of success f Don't it prove that August Flower has bad unfailing success io the cure of indigestion and dyspepsl" -the two greatest enemies of health and happiness f - Does it not af ford the evldenoe that August flower is a sure speciflo for all stomach and Intestinal disorders f-that II has proved Itself the best of all liver regulators t August Flower has matchless record of over thirty-five years in curing the slllog millions if these distressing com plalnfs-rra success " that la becoming wider ta Its ar ope every day, at home and abroad, as the fame of August Flow er spreads. Trial bottles 85c; regular size 700. iror sale oy ait aruggtst. 8 Duffy. ' Potato of the Fuai i The nev pjtafi is purpllsli gi'een in color nnd is said tJ be so far superior to the common "Irish" tuber both in flavor nud In yield that it is destined to drive all competitors out of the mar ket. It comes from the banks of the Mercedes river. In Uruguay, and is probably Ihe result of a happy hortl cultural accident. Claim is made that it is immune to the diseases that ordl narlly nmict potatoes, but whether or not it eaii resist the operations of the predatory potato bng Is not stated. There Is no vegetable to tne improve ment of which more attention has been devoted than has been bestowed upon the potato. It has been mainly, how ever, for increasing the size of the tu ber and to augment the yield. Flavor has been almost wholly Ignored, and as a coiweonence the potatoes of today havf less flavor than thone which our grandfathers ate fifty years uro. Fur therruotT. nil of the market varieties taste pretly nmch alike, whereas for merly there were reo ("iilzaldc dlffcr- mh-oh. 1'hllndeliilila I'ost. Tbe Key That Unlocks The Door to Loot livlnf . The men ot eighty five aad ninety year of age ara not the rotoond wall fed, but this, spar man who . live on a slesdsr diet B as careful as be will, however, a man past middle age, will oocaaluaally t too much or of som article of food not ittud to his oonatltu Uoe, avl wtllaasd a do of Chamber- laia's Btomack and Liver TaWeUto elaaaa aad tavlgoraU his stotaaoh aad regubU hU Urst and bowel.1 When Ula la don ther if to rwasoa wky th avarag au should not 11 r to old ag . ror aai oy an druggist,. . J A ! Ttsaisr. - The world'a beat tlmkper I said to U tb lctrie clock is the base Btawjt of tb DerUa brvatoryf whkh was InatellMl -by PrnfassMt JTonrter In 1805.) It ta Inrloaed 14 en Air tight glaa crUrvVr and b frequently run tor periods of twoorthra monUis with as aversre dally deviation of flue thou andth tt 1 second.. Tt atronoaTS ar not s tin Bed -wvm with this, and ffort sr coaOflttslly ttng mads to cur MeJ coodltvm for a dock by kvinc it tot otily la an air tight case, tut In aa trndertrwnnd vault, where Mi ther chasfw af taeaperatttr nor of barometric. praTir shall rrtt iffmrt It - W nSeV On B tusdrwl 'aOoltars B. ward for uy H Of Galarta) Uu-can- vntr Weired ! -Vy-'HauV Cstafth Cwrv-v- ' - " 1 r -. ti cQtsrr. co..-.--- i . . . . , THado.O.' ' , W, llk s1rstirsed, hvkMWaf J Cbwsy foe Us Utl5jr. sad b Uv hlas fwfMtly koaoraU la all Baal aea traBaaotlons aad fBaaelsliy abl to carry q sy obl'gaUott tBAd by bU traa. " - ' . Wst.nrM, IfBBiaf BtsBvtp, . ' i - Vi 'bnUssls Drnrf't'. Toiodn, O, t I tl all's t .'alar i a t.i.t liliitl lclIB aV-ly. ar'Jct 1r'!,r r jti tka h:o1 Bad Srigeosa S'lrfsraa cf U aysllfls, Tll BWHlS,' f ra, - , : I'fto 7.1 BU t-Bt tVKtl. -, " . Krccutcr'n irct!cc. f r I' i i '. f t ft tc I - 1 ' 1 , ! ' 1 ' 1 f 11- t 1 S -a. n 'or r::y f a tJ.rt l"!TV) . -:..'i Tci V.rz'M at-' l- f; s ( v s-5 E-t V'r-e ( ; w ::::KE5ii(ipsiMii Modern Science Triumphs Chemists aAstonisHed ! Doctors Amazed ! vJEveryone remembers the sulphur and molasses of childhood. You hated the dose, hut it did you good. t. But you had to take a whole lot to get any benefit, because very little of it could get into your blood and System. Now, at last, a chemist has found a way to liquify sulphur to make it soluble so that it is in stantly absorbed by the skin and blood. This marvelous discovery is called CSSEI'S liquid Sulphur v-.-. Just think of it ! Chemists show us that every part of the Dody contains &v&hvtr-needs sulphur. Sulphur is Nature's greatest purifier. Where sulphurgoes -disease is destroyed. Hancock's Liquid Sulphur cures Eczema, Pimples and oil Blood and Skin Diseases. it BiLTIXORB, April 7, 190t. Hancoek Liquid Bnlphnr Co., " Baltimore, Md. Gentlemen: I wish to testify to the merits of your Liquid Sulphur and Liquid Sulphur Oihtmbht. I am a. polio officer stationed at Baltimore and Charles Htreem, and all my friends and many others know that I have lone bid re red with a bad case of Eczemaof the palms of my bands and have had to wear gloves all the time. I was under treatment by eminent physicians for a longtime without success. ' yonr Lrfaula Humour ana Ointment were recommended to me ana 1 began lta use. My hands Improved from the first application. After about a week's trial L went to the Johns Hopkins Hospital to have mV bands treated with X-Rays. A t ljiquia ouipnur anu uiuiuieub, aa tbe Hospital I was advised to continno the use of tbe 1 it nnnu to n noine mv.nanas muon ffooa. Undertbelr advloa I continued to use the Llauld Sulohnr and Otntmeut for six weeks or two months, and at tbe end of that time my hands were cured, and they are aa Mound aa anvhodT'a. I have used the Sulphur constantly in my family, and It is excellent, also, for tbs batb, for sore and tender feet and for any chafed or sore places. i cannot recommend your liiquia suipnur ana uinimem ioo nigmy. (Signed) fours very truly. JUtl 1. 1AttKUliU HANCOCK'S UQUID SULPHUR OINTMENT. Prepared especially for Burns, Scalds, 6pen Sores, Chafed parts, Raw Surfaces, Boils, Piles, Roughness of Face and Hands, Scaly Eczema, Blackheads and all Skin Diseases. Bold at all 'reliable drug stores. Write for free booklet containing grateful testimonials and giving valuable bints on the curative vaias and toilet use of Liquid .Sulphur. HANCOCK LIQUID SULPHUR CO., Baltimore, Md. iS-..-. MAKES YOU WELL ' ALL OVER. Remarkable Result Wrought by the Wonderful Bheumaoide. At last a remedy has been discovered that absolutely cures Rheumatism, Ca tarrh, Indigestion, Constlpstion, Liver and Kidney Jroublts and Contagious Blood Poison. It accomplishes this by cleansing the blood of all the germs that cause these diseases, toning up the stom ach and Liver and building up the en tire sjstem. Here 1s a typical letter taken from hundreds that bear similar testi mony: Baltimore, Md., Feb 1st-, 1904. Bobbltt Chemical Company, Proprietors Rheumaclde, Balto, Md. Gentlemen: "Three years igo I was stricken with Inflammatory rheumatism. During that time I suffered eicruciatlng pain, principally In my lower llmba. Hy jolau were stiff, swollen and Inflamed. 1 could not atralghteu my llmba. Your wonderful care. RHECMACIDE. was recommended to me and I bes;an to take It according to directions. In a short time I began to experience th graelent relief. Tn soreness and stiffness was boob gone aad I certainly feel thankful. Rheumaclde has done me mora good than all th other medicines and Doctors prescriptions which 1 tiled. I found that Rbaumactda acted well on th Kid neys and bowels, and . I believe It will oar any cae of rheum attain or blood dlsaaa. 1 now hv perfect use of my aslf. eao work and walk a well as ever, and I attribute my cur entirely to the as ct RHSUMACLDK. My trlends and neighbors marvel at th chaag in y condition. - I send von this testimonial of my own eoootd. without solicitation, sod will eheerfnlly raooanmend yonr toed id o a to all was ansv writ or cau oa m eon earning this Istur aad the baneflt I have iwoeivea.. latnn widow sua ratio at I ha address tlvea below." . - ' Toora tbaakfuUy, MARY BATB3 WEBB. ;;.s 407 W. Barttog Bu, Baltw Md. AFTER USING, HEALTH AND VITAUF Bslra iv 181 xzn. aioTa"S a mamm bb ssm as bb bb ivtih v in irg w xxTjX.aa Tbe great remedy for nervous prostration and all diseases of tne generative organs of eltber Bex, such as Nervous Prostration. Falling or Lost Manhood, Impotency, Nightly Emissions, Youthful Krrors, Mental Worry, excessive use of Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Consumption anil Insanity. With every 5 order we guarantee to cure or refun' tbo money. Sold at l.)0 per box. O boxes for $5.00. Administrator's Notice I Having outlined as administrator of Pheobe Waters deceased, late of Ciaven county, N C.this Is to notify all persoDR having clalma against the estate or sum deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before tbe 6th dsy of Dec ember 1005, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of recovery. All persons 1 n debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. .This 0th day of Dec. 1904 GEO B. WATERS, Admr. Entry Notice, State of North Carolina, Craven County. To George B. Waters, Entry Taker for Craven County: The undersigned Wesley B. Morris of Beaufort county. North Carolina, enters and lays claim to the following descrto ed piece or parcel ot land In No One township, Craven county, 8tate of North Carolina, the same being vacant and unappropriated land.and aubject tn eotrv vis: Bounded and adjoining ths Prod K Wiggins land, the Harding land, ibe land of John Mills, formerly the land of Joseph Wlgint,te Dlnklos land, Oaky Island snd Keedy Branch, containing by atlmatlon 80 aorrs mora or less. Entered this IStb day of Dm 1904 WEBLEY B. MOKK13. CABOLIKA dispatch -ANI- CEBISM HOIM-nCOR- ; -::-;-sioheitb Aeconst ' ChrUUna aad'Ks m .Yr Holiday' 6ouiarn ' Railway 'will sell llcktatsiraKlf lowfBU. . j - Dates of sals of tlcketa to ths gsaeral pahlle, DtraBbr S3, It, tZ, snd it, 10 and Jaaaary 1, 1804, wna ilrnH Jaassry ,1904, ' -- J :- tv.. ;t . Dates of stl of lick U. to BtBdaaU aad uacasra, apoa, praautioa af (Mr- uncatalrvd by-th napenetwadss. f rlBdpBl or rrMldest of School sad Oollnis, Decb l7lo4, too'uals, Mhg&al rwtura lia.lt Jsnsary 11,1909. for InforsBBtioa M t IUt,8chdo (laeplBg Ca Accommodatloas, wUv, as k Aay Ab. - . ' . - , It L. YEJlO, - T.f.A, .i t. a, ood. ;. - - . . - vtn.K. Ci MI. HiRDWlch:, . - . -Paa Trs arm, . . w.bletu.a,t.C.' -w.H.TTiir, ;'- ' , . Oan'l I'sns. Asnt. .. ' - , WssMngto-, . Oi . C!uiic3 " J?o!Ue is s'ta 0 at rn!SrsU ?o J'l f-Saalfcsrar-f s'.'kla ! A C !l P. O, ''' b l'nrd ti MS J' ST f :. 1 "i ( "n I' t. i1 ifettl s'iittl li Old Domiaioa Steamsbip Co DATXT I.INE Freight and Passenger . for all points north EPPBCT1VE OCT. 21, 1804. -lThg Btearnar" Neunt) ia clifl nled to Bail at 6 p m Monday, Wed nawday 4d ' Friday for Xliztbetb City, maktog landings at Oriental and Iioanoka Island.- , L.Tbd fibjauner Ocraoolta Is ach ti tled saU at p m Toe dav. ThtryndaT . and BaturdAT for EUxibclh Citv," nultlDg -landhiirt at OriePUl and Eoaaok Island g Hrreljjnt ttofll vod not UteJ that oca hour pravidVI to alllog. gTw further InformaUoo Ifpl)7 to : - - QZO. HEIfDKIEOlir. AI.V II K Kjxt. VP Md Gen Mtrr. II 0 ItUDoi, Oea Ft A Fa AjX W 8 BCMatanati, Ai Oeti Tt nod ' as Agt, Utt Bern, N 0- : Griffith Street MM Improvement Co., lessee A. & N. C. R. R. T1MK TA ILK NO, 'I To Take Effeot Sunday, Oct. i'i), 1904 at 10:19 A. M., K. 8. T. Doing Kiu-l bOQKDULB: tiolng Wcs No. i'assonger Trams No. 4 DAILY. Lv. p m stations: Ar, a m 8 80 Ooldsboro 11 05 8 69 LaOrange 10 88 4 22 Kinston 10 11 6 40 At New Hern, Lv 9 00 8 60 Lv. Ar 8 45 7 Ar. Morehead city Lv 7 35 No. r, I Paasengnr Train DAlbi Lv. a. M 8 00.... 8 IS.... 886.... 8 87.... 8 48 ... No. 8, 1'aajcngsr Train. Kxctpl Huni.'ay Ar 9 0.. 9 ID. 9 8t.. 960.. 9 (4.. 1010.. a. tt. No. U80, . 1 12.. 1).. 10.. .. aw.. t8.. IU 100 r. si. tloldsboro litxt's LaQraDge ...VkilinK Creek.... Klnstoo Oaswell Dover Core Croek . ...Tuaoarora Clark .Ar. New Mern, Lv.. r. m 8 80 U6 7 67 7 47 7 8"i 7 & 7 17 7 00 860 6 41 BM r. at. Miicl Freight snd Pass. Dally Ex. bgnday. No. S, .Lv. Ar. . New liom Kivsrdala oroatan Havelock ...... Newport, Lv.... Wild wood ktaaefleld . Ar . Morehaad oily, Lv. . Ar. M. city Depot, Lv.. 8 06 7 80 7H 7 00 tM 607 saa lie 40 a. at. ho. 1. adCkaat. UlBj It.... 540.... ii.... 17.... in ?o too PftElOHT. DAILY EXCEPT LNDAV ..Uoldaboro Beat's ,...LsUrspc ..FsJliag Orek.,.. KUJBtO ..CBswaU Dover. No. A Id Cbvm Ar. b bb ... IN .... I 18 .... 1 .... IN .. .1111 ... 1101 ....not ....109 ....JO It 64 40 .....oarwawsk.... 10 19. ,, Tttaoamra. , . . a aa ivw... .VIWi ... , .....a. w 9m r.(AV,.M.Ar, (w lWra,U IN ft b bowlawd. r p romit, ' ' Prest 0a Jfaa S L DILL, 8sp f , , 1 paibjl cm rr.'m' 'niiinn-:r. ! , W hv rrxtiel t hire n-.arkrl at the oorniT tt Orif f'h r 1 Attmore f U, la mn h'i t ' u b.Ui rot gfr'tf and a trTorl IO'IUTrr.;h mr -. : with M fin n"B a'. 1 as rn ' t UK' t' 'i It' LTUM. ,1 -st'liirHSlSr'' AND . ia. at. oi i.ai. - lu-ii7A! I V 1 1 .Ji.-.... . it I i il.ii. r VAt.ll"..T(,N,D C.

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