THE JOURNAL. fin in i tii an at i it sat i nil Hz n: I Zf4ii f i wii k e L - If; VT W W.SW saa JSVSj v m M w M r . i i V PnnntMa Rait JQ m(.lf All tH ViFftt and Third Wednesday aighla etf.80 o'clock. 1 YUittng Woodsrea ut Invit ed. - "... "- . OBAVX LUDGX HO. 1 KKIGHTB OF HARMONY. - Meet! tnd ud ttk Wednesday night la each feoath la Bountrers HalL Pollock street, a IM o'clock. tJamnel R. Bill, President; J. H. Bmlth. BeCy; B.B. Bl3 financial Secretary. Index to New AdTertfcemeits. . Loit Gold breast pin. " For Bale Valuable city proptrty. J. L. McDanlel -Groceries. OS Waters & Sons Happy New Year, Business Local. LOST Gold crescent ihtped breast pin on Middle between Broad and Pollock streets. Bailable reward for return to this office. WAN lED-Good amenta to handle an attractive line with good profit. For particulars write P O Box 604. LOST between No 61 Pollock St. and and P. O. or No. 63 Pollock St. and No CO Bern St., gentleman's scarf pin, set with an opal and three pearls. Pin in small bos. "T. V. Blake, Jeweler, Ral eigh, N. 0.," on top of box. Return to No 65 Pollock St, or No. GO Bern 8t. and get good reward. Thoi. D. Arnold. BURNT Wood Trays 25 cts. Bayard H Wootten, 0 East Front St. FOR RENT 1st of January, a new eight room modern residence; centrally located. E E Harper. THE best grapes 20c. a lb., apples 85, CO and 50 cts. a peck, Florida oranges 40 and 50 cts. per dozen for the best, good bananas, grated cncacut, peanut brittle and all kinds of fresh taffy, chocolate ami bon bona today at the Broad Street Fruit Co. FOR BA.LE A small lot In good loca tion. E E Harper. WANTED Insurance Solicitor, Salary or Commission. Apply at 65 South Front street. Railroad meat market Cor Queen and Hancock St. Spiced Pigs Feet, Corned Hams, Sausage, Chops, Steaks and everything kept In a first class market. Send an order, It will be filled promptly. FOK KENT House with eight rooms and batb, No 127 Pollock St. Apply to A J Yeoman No. 81 Pollock bt GO TO Railroad Market 18 Pasteur St for nice cuts of beef or pork, sausage. Piiws right. J A Swert. Xnios Suggestions. FOR GENTLEMEN Military brush es $3 to $12, lock fobs engraved, cigar boxes (seal) $3 to $7, soap boxes, shav ing sets $2.50 to $5, razor strap, bill files, pocket knives, scarf pins, smok ing sets. FOR LADIES- Manicure sets $1 to $38, writing sets $1 to $6, lockets and chains, watches $5 to $70, fancy clocks gold and silver thimbles, rings. Fine engraving free. J. O. BAXTER. JEWELER. City Tax Notice City Tiin are put due, and those that have not Da'd iimt will olesss call settle at oncs.very monh needed. Ketpeottully, J.J. T0L80N. City Tax Col. Notice ! Notlct It hereby given that appllo tlon will be made to the next General Aseeaoblv of North Carolina for a char ter for lb Atlmtlo aud Traos-Osrolln . Hallway Co. New IWrn, N C, December 28th, 1904 For Sale. ' My Entire Slock of Oeoeral Merehaa- v dU and Bslldleg. A Wo ay Rssldsao on National avian. WfU be old at reaaoaabl prices. Reaaoa of 8aW- . WUa to Bimove frost the State, Apply ' at once to J t TAYLOR, K ew Beta, H 0. AUCTION SALE vv Satniq, Dmta 31. Tt Ur aiock of W1nr,Llqoor iil OtM Oooda, at Ilaxalton Bar, at It sv a mJ qontltted at P jv, tn, ' ; 8. BTsyBEET, - X" . ' Audioes 1 Ul tU toi aUtirt slock at r )'.-.4 tkt$ t0,3$nuTj Sit. 1 1 ml li TAuXUrrj V 1M will io.MU railarllote' at 1100 N -,. Mm A Urge lot of ce i t ftlna4 pries. Come Kisses Minnie and Doro Cos sad Ethel Carroll of the Baptist University, uul John R. Carroll of Wake Forest College are at soma spending the , hott daya. v e VV&V'j Itr Aobert 8mlth haad Mi Matt! Mannisg vera kappDy married at the resldsace bt the brides father, Elder TN If analog Wednesday Deelst at S p m, Rev, Calllt Little performed, the cere mony. Prof j L Jackson, principal of BeV haven Giaded School and Hiss Allie Cobb were united In the holy "ionds of matrlmany at the residence Ci the brides father near Coneta, N O., Dee 21st. A reception wasgiven them at the resi dence of Mrs Susan Jackson mother of lie groom the tame evening. Their host of frleads wish them a happy and prosperous life. The will return to Bel baven Dec 81st. A most delightful Christmas tree was given at the Episcopal church under the auspices of the Episcopal and Bsptlst Sunday Schools Dec. 24th at 6 pm. Quite a large erowd was present and the hearts of the children were made glad by the many and oeautlful presents siren them. Quite an enjoyable entertainment was given the young pc j.!o by the Misses Chapman's at the residence of the father Mr R G Chapman Monday evening from 8 to 11 o'clock. Misses Olivia and Hnlda Cox enter tained to the great delight of all Tuesday evening at the residence ot their mother Mrs E S Cox. Rev T H Klnz filled his regular ar- pointment at the Baptist Church Sun day morning by a very appropriote ser mon. Rev. W L Bilbro of Fi. Barnwell preached a most excellent serman Sun day evening to a very large congrega tion. The new Methodist Church will soon be completed which adds considerably to our town. WInterville High School closed Frl. day Dec. 23rd for the holidays. Full work was done np to the very last. The Spring term opens Jan. 2nd 1905, and run work will bs resumed the first day. Nearly all the old students have ensur ed to return after the holidays and quite a number or new ones have engaged rooms and board for the spring term The past term has been one ot the most prosperous In the history of the icnool. We are glad to welcome Mr B F Man ning one of our former merchants back to Wintervllle. He will eniraire in the mercantile business again. He inert! Iat year in Greenville, N C. News in a Nutshell. That these Southern State!; of onrs will become the teat of a grand material development and a splendid civilization which will give them a political and material powtr like unto that which the South et joyed In the flnt fifty years of the Republic's exls'.enoe, will be bnt a mere shadow of greatneia, Is sure. But It must be borne in mind tbat wealth and power came not by supine Indolence and walling, but by selling every oppor tunity and utilizing every resource to the utmost. Then only will the Scnth realize the highest grandour of Its des tiny. New Orlrans Plctyone. Attornei -General Moodv besjtuasuil by petition or the United State District Court at St. Paul on behalf of the United States against the h neral Paper Com pasy and other companies ailing that they be enjoined from coailoilcg lh combination President Oompert and Secretary Morrison, of the American Federation cf Labor railed on Sscrstatf Ttft and urged the employment of Porto Rlcans, as far as possible, la ths conifioctlon of the Psetrns canal. It Is ansosncel that Oolirlt bai offered ths 110,000,000 Indemnity ptld by Brsrll to trtti the Acre dtspnte to Americas who will develop that cooairy. Foreign correspoadenu froa Port Ar ises declare that the fortress Is Ike sirosgtst which evsrvss attacked, sad ootapua It to sis Sevastopols all Situated oa kill errsaied Is stetaally snpporUsg groapa,. eoaaected by taawsys end tekpaoaee aad backed by a saaesef walls stattlnf the ssoveMs'l of the troop frost on asotetr. The Birssn el Yards aad Doek Nsvy Deaaitaasat, awarded the rsstrsct for the aossfttoUea f the drydock at the stare Itlsaa Nivy TsrJ to Us SoolM Ooeipasy, ef rhlUdslphla, Taesmetat o the eo trad 111,18100, aad the lyaoa Is U be akplte4 la tl isowiae This wil U the largtsi sVydeek tl tV fsfted Sut-e lisvy. . . MsfTled U .WflftllCtML' " W0saUlM)lsfstaa, tXi. ' ' v Mr R B Jar ssta It Jfrw lUrs saj st'M LCltea UJiatmh Jmss, war attr4 Is awitp Uls saoesisf at th CatWlts reiry The MIg au aarprtrt ( Ike rrtsad f rhlyeasf eoepla. Mr ttrm It a lea af Ut W Q Jarawi of JartaoavllW. it C asd a t ffntiHl feasg aaalasas ssaa af K fWra, The anne m see cMf ot asrsssss fUiseity. Mr eel Mrssrwsa hft UU avotnlp for rT trs skrt lhy til SMS hl h"W.. Tho Oaka XXarkct trill BClli3cstCut3 of Fork Ilcrcr.ftrr lor 12 1-2 SHORT PASSING fctENTS. A week at the New Huonle thest-a to begfca 1905, m give local Uea'.ra gears plenty of entertainment to. start tba year. . .. . : " -. . r ; i The members of the Shakespeare elnb had a delightful oyster roast yesterday afternoon, to which each member dlj full anapleasUoa . The propoaitios te increase the liquor license la Wibxdngtoa from $264 to l,00f per year, shows that, city to be still la the mix np on the .temperance reform. i-T'Y ", . . -., J L. McDanJeL the DOnular Broad street grocer, Is now. located loa the Parker Building, his ausrters belne com' modious,and he Is able to give greater satisfaction to his customers than ever before. . The Journal has received the first nnmocr or the usrouoa Business Jour nal, which la to be Issued quarterly. This Issue is attractively gotten np and presents the merits of the college in whose Interest It isj published. The cold wave was here yesterday, the low temperature being 25 degrees, the extreme fall from Tueoday being 45 de gress. Killing frosts-were reported yes terday morning at Jack;onvIlle and Tampa, Florida. It will continue-cold today, with probably rising temperature Saturday. A wretched looking prairie schooner, propelled by two skin and bone hones, stopped for repairs In Stroud last week, The old navigstor of the craft said they had been on the rosd the lsst five months. They left North Carolina last June and traveled ever since. He said tbat he and his family were out for their health. They ate nothing but meats ever since they started on their lone tour. Their health Is mending. Kansas uity journal. HEW SHORT STORIES A Uanaerons Conntrj-. "Ireland Is not so dangerous a coun tryto -travel In as It used to be," said Victor Herbert. "The Irish are not such fire eaters now as they once were, "Samuel Lover, the Irish novelist, was my grandfather, and be In middle life had In Ireland nn experience that illustrated well the perils of travel at tbat time. "My grandfather was on the way to Cork. He was traveling by coach, and on a certain day he stopped for lunch eon at a roadside Inn. "A servant led him to an upstairs room, took his order and retired. "My grandfather drew up his chair to the table, and soon tho servant, re appearing, set before him a plate that contnlnwl half a grilled chicken. My "ub's Sirs! be's srm!" grandfather was about to fall to upon ths rliU-k(n wbin r-rrark bis plate spilt rlrnn arrowi, Snd tb fowl knot np nmrly Into tb celling. At the asm time s witter, pale end tremu lous, ran into the room, crying: 'He's ssfel He's safer - "'WhVs asfef ssld my frandfstbw testily. " 'Mr. O'Muscrave,' aald the waiter. The raptaln fired la the air. "It was, you w. (be ballet nf s durlUt, and of an Indoor dncllst at that, which had rome op through the celling aad Interrupt! my (ratxlft- Bale of Valuable City Property. ttorlh Carollss, I rkpeilorCowrt, Cravsa Dosay. J Bsfsr tb Uetl. OKKover.stalH so '. Tea en. ' 8ALI FOR FASTI tlON. Farseeal so la Jodgas'st tvadsrad fa l be above atawd niocesdleg oa ih tUt tfsyrf DsoaUr, 1004,-the aadrt s'rssd wtu au at psbfie ctl oa at th Ovarl tloee Anov ta the City af rtew fra as Moadiy,taa Uk day af 't raaif, 100. the foliowtsg tsads so-Hi A eTUl lot of tad alioda ta thsOij erf Hew tVrs, lyltl oa the ol Veto sust sad wstt stds of Kant rraat ;W'f at the eos U west laur cation of ld atrsM see res ata g tkaace aosUiwafiflf atn Zn f mel str4 e htsdred fst Ut Iks rise ef Mks ( ion. vty ewsad by alt. Hrf IUytrd Clsrhs, SWW aarspM by Mrs. Utry ) ataaltnai theses wvar')!y W)M o, Da of td KXna ba4rd fH t Ihfjtntnf the totawsHtf Mr H CIirkt t hears aottls4dl si'h tba ( t( 1k tot of Mra tlltibtth II Uarts efty Sht t Is the aoflk rmi ( thM owasd by th t K lMbwkli C itV-, thm ritn!!) al"is l tls r1 the We4 kTikt('4 l, iiat(h 11 n.Tk. fr,:t fain sir-Mi fottr(Kt I It lh f nf lk lot of1 (, ,rt P, vf at US tlH S 4t ; inn atb4iy I'h 1ht! .f i. w,; cf iM i (ift-t fir tt.t kii'rtl 4 fiwtf t-M te rtria nr: tke '"! Sr'tg I S" tO t X- r't. I ' ' r . , 'lrr t II M f "'. I'h-'-i:1 rk, t:'- r fat nrrAki 7 !' ' f -'l -t'lj"'s tfirt I f i It '-, i. Is rM l-j tip 1 ' n t '.f .1 MfHV, . ' ? V f - ' ', :, V, :! V, t : :v,L :'l Never before taye we .teen : ehQwihg a Ter j attrictiw Jine : weigttj Solid Gold Cuff Buttorii --'"fiXW stntrseawtvift Vti aniMv ,' ''$''S't1i' WWs)S)SMilxwt jsl'.t'aw w a wsttsa laMnowiaiMMowi in w in w m (tiiiwsiiiieiwwiiiwwwiwiwiwwwwMiwwitiij r.1aillaird's and 7 Royster's Candies and Hudnut's Perfumes .on Phone 56 Davis' Pharmacy We Wish and Patrons mas. v Ml ITff(tt17ft-Jc New Beta Militaty Acadcaiy. (INCORrORATED.) NEW lsEBN, la. . "New fisnt'h Great MlITtsry ScLool "-Raleigh New and Observer. A Far ftalnt of EimHm . . T V. L Bopsvfae Fiipmflnts, Ifeeuttfnl Gronrxi. Pore Water, and targe, aiegant if fornlaU baiVhnjps Hgkid Urrwhout by elsctrWty; - . X. Ripwrioa Faculty.. A Ppeclahrt at 0a tsead of avarr dVpartimmt V Ca4et Barrack md Girl'a Dontiltovy boated at different potnta-eth nasTTnpssm aMnramansna. - . LJ .. t " -, 4. liswfst ratse for tba advantagsa, - Write tor Caiatortw. Spring Terra Befir January tnl . , 5. j, H0LLDAY,- a; B. LL. B, Df?, i LYOJI'S Franc r.trHty pl)l. rrfr.Uvbarmlts.anr to v th t TO KI-S44.T5. UratstkDewafnslrsaOr. I'r4,X0 rv bvttls, . ; : Boldly DLVI0 NEW BfRN, r.C An l!.e Jr,Ter,fU ar.l Vr.ow i t yVti't Cm U.e ri Co hi Ifi yrsft:-.l tfstiVa, Ft' i- rr: ; able to sLow'iradi i virietj 8 I ot -medium weight Tm Uiht at ti.60 pIr.r No cuafjft " "A T.-"" - "r" j g",w ont smisiMi Hfcwsaiy w i"MMiwwi A ws sale at. all our friends a Merry Christ !i Pcrioilicn! Prop's PltARUACY , . Csr.l'.r.k VvsU' o r v t A Happy Christ perous New ,We thank our many friends for their liberal patronage during the past year md hope for a continuance of same Yours sincerely, J. G. DUNN & CO., Phone 2ia. Farmers Attention ! In pursuance to a call from tbe Sou'h em Cotton Growers Protective As fl otation, a meeting 'wat held is Cnnrt Honse In New Bern Saturday, December 17th. EH Meadows, J J Wolfenden, D Lane, C B Foy, G L Hardison, M D Lane and J J Baxter were appointed e committee to suggest plans of organiza tion to be submitted to a County Mas Meeting to be held In tbe Conrt Home In New Bern Saturday, January 7ih at ill o'clock. Farmers in every township i In Craven Connty are requested to meet at anme convenient place on Ssturdsy Dec 31st, at S o'clock and elect five del egates to tbe County If ass Meeting. It le to your present and f atari Interests, 'srmt rj, for everv one of yoa to attend this Township and Oonntf meeting. D. LANE, Chairman. GLIUUD1SOH, Decretory. NewPost Cards! Do not fail to see the New Po9t just printed. Negro Baptism. U. S. Postoffice. "Way Down South." Watermelon Party. For sale by M. E. Whitehurat, G. E. Ennett and Owen Q. Dunn Leading Printer f 8t,tlonr. Cor Pollock Crarea RW 1 RIVERSIDE STORE. 1 Phono 2 10 Xmas Bargains ! Mixed Nuts, 15c lb., English Walnuts, 20c lb., two for 85c ; A t Fig 15c. ; Dates 10c. ; Apple 30, J 40 and 60 eta peck; Cocanuts to r 10 eta each; Banarmas 20c doxen; 5 t n it vt.... it. iv. . d -; 1L, lb., two for 25c.; best 8 Crown f ranuU 5c qt, Candies 10, IS and 20c lb.; Evaporated Peachea lSe lb., for 25c.; Chestnut 15c lb. We have Nlckle PUted Irons that W . & . . . n . ft t are guaranMea qm w mai, is to. M One pair is a food Xmas preasnt 2 for mother or slater. On pound ef Rumford Powders 28c' Wa keep a Ganeral Merchandise Store. P You can get roost anything yoa 4 r i s are iooBuiaj.ior. Ej. O. LAND M&VAOSU. mHelttalalllatlaAA3 7 -' Jf A-HAPPY Jtf W yj:au U in store for if yeo will have that old rarriag ef yours rnird a4 finiKl by n-tr-4 u mt!vifl. la It rVry of rvw ':r iM vrr-ih It will ' lt,V l,)ta tw erxi fwrn!H j it,.xi ituf-rtir. f: l:i-f d. The .rtAl'.o ft ar.l r, J k-rg Cm ri Vg a fcnurf. m as arid Pros- Year to All. 55-57 Pollock St. Coal AND- Wood. A full supply of hard rotl ir all sizes, Thf Celebrated Pocahentas Lump for grates, and the very be8t steam coal WOOD: Oak, aah and pine; place jour orders early and avoid the rush. WVijrbt, measure, quali ty and service guaranteed. Ellis' Goal ant Wo fl Yard, UNION POINT. I We 47 After 6 O'clock eveniDg dresn is essential to th man of social distinction for balls, dinner partiee, reception and other aoci;' fnnotionn. No msn th t sriabce to be well dreeied with er rything thai Is swell and elegant frookl think of having bis dreaa suit or overr ot mode bj sny one in New Bom bnt an artist !- i i 'r. We can give you the ntyle . f h Prince with the dash of a nwii American, et a teasouabie pr F, M. 1 Initio It U .A; BLOCK. riust riLtsn misn. Dt WUTiaaur ladUa Wa Otaisssai wtTJ eare IUa4, BWsdlng, Clofts4 aa4 Iwblag rilse II abaotie the assaera, aTJap tba ttehlng at a a aa a m tu,g1vs hariaat r4il tekl kf MVW Wood Turning ! Ceidrtne, Ilalstlprv Balls. ttn. dWEUir NrwrK lUmpa and JEa t't. WsbUm, lirsckpta," - Grills Porch nd lwa Balop, fh. Door t4rcrtrn vms to trw'et r,n ;,nti n- tl". a 7X' Merry Xwa . V and I I Harry I I Year to all V. r;. C J. I)