VOL: XX1I-NO. 216. TWENTY-THIRD UAH S1W BISK, I. C, SATURDAI IIORIISQ, JANUARY: 14, 1905. - iiftmniiiiiltlll 1 1 ITim" X Ml IS WIJ-A i;ivJBi . MAINDEB at a great reduction-it's not a ques tion of pfice-tUey must go. We need the money and room for other goods. It you need a wrap see us and your shopping will be easy. I J. M. Mitchell & Co., PHONE j 43 Pollock St., Opposite' Post-office. HOUSEHOLD LACQUER MAKES OLD Furniture, Floors and Woodwork, look like NEW. ANV CHILD CAN APPLY IT! Removes, all scratches and other marks of wear and tear and gives new life and lustre to anything made of wood. For New or Old Floors Jt Is the best Finish on the market. Made in 8 colors and Clear to match all kinds of woods. FOR SALE BY Phone 99 33 R. I C KZ I CAROLINA BRICK CO., Planti at Clarka, Hjman's Siding, Kington and Robersonville. Annual Capacity 15,000,000. The large demand for our product justifies our claim, that we furnish the Heat Budding Brick on this market. We are now erecting Dry Kilns i hat will not only increase onr output, bat will alto ma terially nnprove the quality of our product. I1YBIAN rOJPPIsY COMPANY, New Bm, N C ' Selling Agento Notice! f , . Have just received fresh car load Ameri can Wire Fence; same will be sold at greatly reduced rate. -Come and see me before buying. r tlf OmnlltetAnrl c. if. oiiiaiiwuuu ALL BREAD and ROLLS made if Ute Waahlftftm City proeeaa of rraedmai vtf A . v ' m AN DOUGH mad by ra : chiiiry , m m BtrWtly sanitary. Bake htm tad Storage Room always open for nprlkm by palTwA ' . Tna Oaks Market will sell j!?atOuts of rcrh Baker,' oi l j jb mwmm OF OUB 288. Gunp, Pistols, Razors, Scissors and Pocket Cutlery. Shells and Cartridges. I radical Xmas Presents Make Happy Hearts. STOVES Range?, Cook and Heat ing. Economical in full, splendid in operation. Life time in durability. Sash, Doors and Blinds A SPECIALTY. 68 niddle St The Late BOOKS! Ennett's Book Store isoeeoooeooeeaoeeas3e 127 Middle HU Full line of Drtxes,lled lcines, Toilet Ar . . tides and Boap. 'Fresh Supply of Flower Seeds VhjUau Prrdcrip- long Anrrrjeltlty. P. TREtllVITI!, Blacklmllb. & WblrijoL M aaitactatw o( Darftta, Wsf Ma, Carls aai Dnya Always a gflod apply la toe. Kpalr1a awUy eowe M ka sotioa. I HAVE CART Wlir.r.IJI f ! at r'tm!.U fir'n-om Dcnry s Pharmacv KILLED HIMSELF. Dr A G Carr of Durham Commits Act With Revolver. Coming Reception to Governor Glenn. Col. Pearsall to- Return Here. Farmers Institutes. Raleigh, January 18 The friends here of Dr A G Carr of Durham were shock ed at the news that early this morning hs blew out his brains with a revolver. He had been in poor health some time, and had recently returned from a sanita rium. He was a brother of Gen. Julian 8 Carr and began his professional life at Raleigh. The Capitol Club will give a very elab orate reception to Gov. Glenn and the other State officirs and the Legislature on the evening of the 19th. Prepare t'ons will be nude for at least 1,000 per sons, as that number attended the recep tion the club gave Gov. Ayoock four years ago. Col P M Peart all, who was private secretary to Gov. Ay cock, Is yet at that post, and will probably be here until the end of the month, when he will return to New Bern to resume the practice of law. The f irmers institutes now In progress under the direction of the agricultural department. In the Northeastern coun ties, are being well attended. The pro grams are well prepared. Dr Talt Butler and Prof Hume are conducting them and will be aided by W F Hassey and Franklin Sherman. SHORT PASSING EVENTS. The steam beating apparatus In the Citizens Bank building was put In by John 0. Green, the plujnber, steam and gas fitter, of this city. The funeral services of Mrs, Margaret Havens, the wife of E. Havens, will I e held at St. Peters A. H. E Church on Sunday afternoon, at 8 o'clock. Rel atives and friends are invited to be pres ent. 1 be friends In this city of the late Dr. A. O. Carr, brother of Julian b. Carr of Durlum, will be grieved lo learn of his death which oocurred yesterday morn ing at Durham. A prominent feature before nearly every clothing and dry goods store, yesterday, was a stand of umbrellas and rubbers. Mr. E. 8. Street, Jr., who was formerly with C. 8. Hollister, wholesale grocer, haa accepted a position as traveling salesman wiihlhe Brown and William son firm of Winston. 7 he wind was from the northeast yesterday, and while no storm prevailed. there was a fine rain falling all day which made it very disagreeable ont doors. The forecaat for today is fair weather with a cold wave. Today between 10 e. m. and p. m. will be the last opportunity to see the one engravings un exhibition at the Graded School. Passenger coaoh No. 28 of the A. aad N. 0. road haa Just come out of the Company's shops, completely repainted and refaralahed inside and out. Engine No. IS of the A. and N. 0, road Is la the shops being flt'eloutai a ooal burner. 1 hs civil eighteen employed la ear eying the yards, tidings aad tracks be tween Ooldsboro and this elty of the A and N. C. road, have about oompltUd their work. The Boat thing Is tor the plaas aanoaaoed ia way of Improve- saeats to be made. Additional room has btea added to the station at Falling Creak, la the way of a new waraaooae which aew give two walling rooms for travelers. This work was dose by the Howlaad Iaprovsaesat Company ail will be appreciated by the propls at relltag Creak, VOICE OP THE PBOPLB Watch the Lobby on Lease, Editor Joaraeli la you valaable lae of the 1JU, last appeared a otnaiaalceUo signed by one Ct sto- Para) loo . w botver be stay be, te which ft Is asserted; With eoeae eapaetlt that the people mast be treated right. It to paesteg laieresUsg, Mr. Editor, to read each qaeist philosophy amidst the Mtrrleg eoaaes of this age aew at Ban! bea property worth three ssIUIom I frtali traeUcel aarposet sold foe a la haacU4 ihoaaaad aad the aale Uaaaaeted so hsr redly as le leave the payment of the Uses oa the property eld a (aaettled .aatloa betwaec the feeder aad veadee. WU doee Cravee-PamUeo, whoa ret be any be, awat whea be eays the pe pie mast be trwWd right! Dees be te taalta eoavry the Mea UUUeeeav oa wealth shoald aaake a hargata apoa batlieas prtaelplee ae aa erdlaary nt aee ma voald snake a aale la his ta dividual affaire? Might aot Cravea rlVno, whoever he saay be. ae eooa es.'ectpolUka prtftrtntat aad efflelai hnaofS mM eaAcgi aad aahf(d Wae the eenars of Iks A. aad ft, a It R. Co, wtst up at!ntt tke Ttnyt l-,a hf ht sfcoot a (rsarh thaarw tn t the '. f.HWi j-' : 'y as a r.4 '"'( w ' ! I i. " ' if rt " l'i ll. ('-"- ! , New Orleans Cotton Convention. Merchant Invited. The Waco Business Men's Club has In structed Its Secretary, Homer D. Wade, Esq., to aead out to the Secretary of every business men's organization In the cotton States and territories a copy of the resolutions recently passed by the Club inviting each organization to send one or more representatives to the New Orleans Cotton Convention. The mer chants attending the convention will be invited to attend a conference . of mer chants at the St. Charles Hotel on Wed nesday, January 25th 1905. being the second day of the convention, to appoint a committee of merchants to act with a like coMmlttee to be appointed by the cotton convention and also a like com mittee to be appointed by the conference of bankers now being called to meet at the St. Charlos Hotel, Wednesday, Jan. I5thl905,at the same hour the conference of mefohan ts w 111 meet. These three committees of cotton growerr, merchants and bankers will take up the subject of warehousing cot ton throughout the cotton Slates and Territories, and either devise some plan of their own, or possibly adopt what is so generally known as the "Waco Plan," The following Is the letter now being sent out, calling upon the secretaries of all business organizations to appoint representatives to New Orleans. .All secretaries will note that they are re quested to give this matter their prompt attention and write the Waco secretary. Thla Is a very Important work which should receive the heartiest concert of action on the part of all Secretaries of business men's organizations. Waco, Tex., Jan 6, 05. To the Secretaiy. Dear Blr: The following resolution adopted by the Waco Business Men's Club Is called to your attention: RESOLVED 1st, That as.a conference of merohants Is hereby called to meet at toe St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans, La , January 25, 1905, at 11 o'clock A. M., to act with a committee of cotton growers to be appointed by the Interstate Cotton Convention to be held in New Orleans January 14, 25, and 20, 1005, and a com mittee of bankers attending the Conven tion, to devise or adopt a plant for or ganizing a co '.ton warehouse system throughout the cotton States and Terri tories. Second: That the secretary of every business organization In these States and Territories favorable to this warehouse movement baj and Is beieby requested to have one or more merohants repre senfng bis organization attend this con ference, and In the meantime to write the Secretary of this Club, that there may be oonoert of action. Third: That all newspspers of the cotton growing States and Territories are requested to publish these resolu lions. Permit me to urge yon to take np this matter with your organisation at once and see to It that some merchant Is ap pointed who will attend this Naw Orleans convention. I trust that von will tally agree with me on the impor tanee of theoaferenoe s anted above and will aot with na In getting this particular Interest represented. Pleeae have this resolution bronght to the attention of your newspapers and assist la any way which may occur to yon as proper aad efficient. Hoping to hear from you aad trusting that these suggestions will meet with yoar approval, I am, Yours very truly, HO all ft D. WADE, rJecty New Bern Water AialyiU The following water analysis from the Biological Labrslory at Raleigh, shows the excel leal eoodlUoa of the water which Hew eralaat bare to drlakt Relolih. N. C, Jaa. 10, 1008, Laboratory Ho. 1531. Dear 8!ri The sample of water from a tan marked Deo. teal freaa New Beta, N. 0 by your aader date of Jaa. t, 1900, ahowt foilewlae eaaracterlettot Tsatperatare li C( TerbttllyOi Bed!- sseatOi Color 0 OdorOt Beeetloa alka lis CbJortdaa, pert pr atiUioai f7Jt RUrHee, parts pat aaUlioe, e HTUaue, parts pet ntiutoa, ft - - . , Voatatas Algae 0 per eabie Mtlatttet. " : lafeaorla " ' " , '.OrgaakiDetrtielO., " - Bettuie of Beprophytht groape Total bacteria per eabte ewatiaaeier (W snlansas) M. ..i Restart) Good Water. A War little. As iaterattlag reiki ef the Civil Wat wee hnretht te this efflae, yettarday, by J O Barker, a yoatg sua ef tela eliy, betifarlMe eaaen shot, aboet lr pouads wstiht, wkhh was pkked p by !'.at tm the breytti 8 Toft fetal, we iliae Nlow tat elty. , Te shot was tmni la a place nasally enatad by Iks wntaf, hat owing te U twstnl !(', lie f was Vtt low, li!t g the if l(a lo i'r. t',' :! . T '. t r'" .f I' trim ft tsif'rf . "f f t it In f t'r a- n tt. ktg it;-'-4i la THE LOST PARADISE THEORIES AS' TO 'THE. LOCATION OF THE GARDEN OF EDEN. Tka Comaeaana of Learsed Oplaloa Support! tke Belief That Adam aad Bva'a Orlarlaal Home Waa on the Great Bafcyloalaa Plain. Almost every spot of the globe has bad the claim made on Its behalf that It Is tbe site of vanished Eden. Most persons seem agreed on the fact that paradise has disappeared from our midst. The question Is, Where was.lt lltuated? To those who deny the Bib lical story of man's genesis the ques tion takes another form, and they per plex themselves as to the spot in which man first appeared on this earth. Some evade the difficulty by saying that man appeared In many different spots that he did not spring from one original. If we accept the doctrine of the Dar winians we are forced to confess that the place where man first evolved must have been anything but a garden of Eden. It must have been a haunt of mere animalism, and its food would certainly not hnve been fruit. Rough ly speaking, therefore, there are two schools those who believe that man came from a divine original, but fell away from his first estate, to which with infinite labor he may return, and those who believe that he evolved from Hhe beast and is still evolving to the greatness tnat ne may ultimately at tain. Setting aside these somewhat discordant theories, we may well ask, Where was Eden? The soundest scientists are agreed that mankind came from a single ori ginwhether a distinct creation or an evolution Is beside the mark and the original man must have had a local habitation. The geographical manuals and maps of the middle ages leave a good deal to be desired In the matter of accurate detail, but they have at least the merit of boldness, and If we go to them for an answer to our question wo may get something like a definite re ply. According to an old map of the thirteenth century, paradise is a cir cular Island lying near India. It is surrounded by a wall In which is a gateway opening to the west. The gate is closed and the wall quite In surmountable. Our Inter nUases do not locate this happy lalund. Other early maps would have us be lieve that Eden lay In central China. We can go with these ancient geog raphers so fflT ns to place the probable Bite of man's birthplace In Asia, but the consensus of learned opinion does not incline either to India or China. Eminent authority supports the Idea that Eden lay somewhere on the great Babylonian plain, watered by the Tigris and the Euphrates-the Tcrath and Illddckel of Genesis. Other authorities give their vote for Armenia, possibly Influenced by the tradition which saya that the Ark rested on Mount Ararat but this tradition would only point to Armenia as the probable first home of Qpstdllurlan man. Professor Delitasch and Professor gayce favor Babylon; Heidegger favors Paloatlne; Media. Arabia and the up per Nile have all their supporters. Qua trefagea. treating tbe subject solely from a scientific standpoint, concludes that linguistic and other human types point to central Asia, but does not de ckle on any precise locality. With the author of (Icnenls, ns Dr. Kallacb has remarked, "Eden Is ireo- rranmcallT neacrlbed In a manner which leave no doubt that distinct lo callty was before tho mind of the au thor." Even to thoac wbo think that this author was building on uncertain traditions It must yet be of lntereat to know what thla locality waa. Babylon was the most fertile land known to tbe ancient world; Its poorait fields repaid cultivation nftyfold, lt better a hun dredfold. Its luxuriance of fruit and grain waa so great aa to be actually tmbarraaalng. There Is no queatloo st sll tbst this district wss the scat of Asia's earliest civilisation and there fore why not aay of the wortd'a? Tbe idea of man created perfect and living in a garden of fruitful lorellneas haa alwaya bad a faednattoa for poor humanity, recognising Its present Im perfection and the frequent dts treas on- diamalDess of Its preaent surround Inge. Even tboae who knew nothing of tbe Bible story pictured sorb a spot tor tsemselvea. Every early mythology has Its fortunate tales. Its AtlanOa, Its Heapvrtdes, lis Arcadia and Its Ootdee An. Borne persona even ceajectnred that paradise had not ben on tbe earth st 111, but wss aa Inland floating to the ah, something tike tbe Wand vWted br OulUvar. Tbry did aot wise, to think that tbe eecrvd spot could be tatanergvd by tbe waters ef tbe det- aga, sad by this devtre tby rataei it above aay such calamity. Oat this h land dwelt the sacred pbaoti; tbe well ef life lowed there, the eltalr ef bBBftrtalltys haana never fell frets the treas; the sea a hoes always an a peso peinel esstssarv Men daclloed ta Iters that Kdeo bad be forever. , Tbey iiwfened ta tmeglae that Its rs ware tWd te tWm for s emwm. Te ttforo that ewra a spot tnefc! vtftUe ert-wwd eaortifJoae, Many as rty vrser end etpfbrsr had etrsufe drs of AkKvmint Some wrtl.ly tmri1t whew b f-t otrt fw ant now a abn-drna perhaps set tpeten, tmt seiratty wnrrtatwd sad ttfwisib'! by tuiqtfble forve of mujarme atrttttn that Bred ta tbe bMrt ef la etbr wire eo dark, Erm lb RlSMbfhaBS drnsnNd i,ts ef !! bvww wtjWWfot eesra try hs dtawiTwal, Ttxrlr Wis aad triif sd f M!Tre bad ever n re 4tr.'.nf flartwmf of rnatartre. Ts fhoos S the trtia paHrf (4 trSTot, 1 !. wis ai rt tu iwr4a, ms fc'.-'l'lefl f ta be Ke f twin '. Harveys Small Sugar Cured Hams JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A FKESII LOT OF g Roasted Lelurian Java Coffee which I am selling as a leader at 20 cents ii pnmtl A trial nf J this Coffee will convince you that it is far iihe td of code 3 sold elsewhere in the city at the same price. Florida Corned Mallets, a few very nice ones. jC Sugar Cured Pic Nic llama, only 10c 1!. 3c Standard quality Canned Corn only lOe can. C Fresh bbl. Big Hominy. Grits, Oat Flakes, Rice, Sun Dried Apples fr lb. Good Prunes 5c lb. Very fresh large rnmes 10c or three for 25o. Complete stock of everything in Grroceries at right Prices. 5 J. L. McDaniel I a WholeNale afe Our SecomdL Watch this Space for the Date. M BVB ITOR? SALE In now ong onreiiiciiiber, ir Ntock at a Micrulifc. Here You Are '25 pieces U-gt llleach. i ou know this brand. on can get as much as u from one yard to ft hundred at ?Jc. per yard Don't forget our Hamburg and Insertim sale in gum.; on. Jackets !I2 ldie' Bize Jackets with or without l:-ltr, wi dow 4-05. Skirts 90 Skirts, the - ."() and :i 50 quality, tins wn k I ::,") Clothing Our entire stock of Men's and Dov'h' Clothing to factory prices. Rubber Bhoe 0 eases Men's b.-st quality Storm Kul;! is will go at G5c. pair. Iridic' Storm Rubbers, lwt quality, !.'!( . 75 Mlddlf St. New, Befn Militafy Academy. (INCORPORATED.) NEW JIKItN, . V. "New Bern's Great Military School. " - ItaU-m h News ami nliwncr. A Tew Points of Excallence: 1. Superior Equiprnmta, BeautiM Grounds, IW" Water, aivl lur;', elegant ly furnlahid buildings, lighted throughout by electricity. t. Huperior Faculty. A Specialist at the head of ov ry ih-partmcnt A Cadet Barracks snd Gtrl's Dormitory locate! at diiren nt in(j eac under eorrrpeUrif dieciplinariana. 4. Lnweet ratas for tha advsnlagea. Write for Catalogue. Spring Torm llfyirui January 2nd. S. J. HOLLADAYA. b, ll. b, rrealdont. Carving Sets, Pocket Knives, ScksotSf GtinS 3 . .... f j ? and rarioos other thirvci we kaep will make nice Xmas preaenta, Cenoral line of Hardware, Buitdins; Materia), rainU and Saw Mil) ffcppb. Ga'sltill l!dv. & Mill Supply Co , iARDWAM It Mlddto la, i rbewa lT. ' LYorrs French PerioiliGalDrops f rt,4 .ttllt. rf f-i1y hrwl , aare to eramrt'H t ; .'iLlS. Ura(aat bawwa femals rmdy, i'fkoa,i-iO ptf IwtUa, ' . ...... .,.-t Af'S -j --ji -I, ft. r fcf lOV.W.fr HM l.tM4'0 T y , f fold by niAIiriACY " , ' ' Keluil Gromr. qualify Andro-Seogin .tr u want c T.to, it -J. 15. ed in ed MUX tOITUM 44 Ciavea It rboaaltd. litre z ft tr ' lor 12 1-r c:r.ti i" ;r round. r:!io t

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