VOL. IXU-NO. 247, W SKI, I.C., SUIDAI MOma JAltm6,a905 TWtNlMfaHlBD ME4R WM MMMMMMMMMMMMMHtMMMMI ; XV1Z WIMi CLOSE OUT THIS BE- MAINDEIX OF OUR at a great reduction-it's not a ques tion of price-they must go. We need the money and room for other goods. ' If you need a wrap see us and your shopping will be easy. J. M. Mitchell &. Co., PHONE 288. I 43 Pollock St., Opposite Post-office; lUAi4liiiiAi AAA A AAA A . ' WJ www WWWW WWW TTTTTTITttttttf tlftlflAAj HOUSEHOLD LACQUER. MAKES OLD Furniture, Floors and Woodwork, look like NEW. ANY CHILD CAN APPLY ITl Removes all scratched and other marks of wear and tear and gives new life and lustre to anything made of wood. For New or Old Floors It Is the best Finish on the market. Made in 8 colors and Clear to match all kinds of woods. FOR EALE 8Y Gun?; Pistols, Razors, Scissors and Pocket Cutlery. Shells and Cartridges. r radical Xmaa Presents Make Happy Hearts. Phone 9o STOVES Ranges, Cook and Heat ing. Economical in full, splendid in operation. life time in durability. Sash, Doors and Blinds A SPECIALT?. 08 Hlddle St B R. I G JSL I CAROLINA BRICK CO., Plants at Clunks, Hjman's Siding, Kinston aud Kobersonvil'c. Annual Capacity 15,000,000. The large demand for our prodoot justifies our claim, that we farniih the Beat Bu.lding Brick On this market. We are now erecting Dry Kilns ibat will not only inornate our on (put, bnt will alao ma terially improve the quality of our product iiyjian nurpiiir company,. New Bern, N C Selling Agents Notice! Have just recehea . ate mmm a J A m2 can Wire Fence; same will be sold at greatly reduced rate Come and see me before Guying. . F I'QmrjIiWinr. B-a II VIIIUUIIUUU Kafer's Bakery, ALL BREAD and BOLLS " ; vU by the WaaMrytoa v V" ' Oil arocsas mt Bnmdmtk- ' rW ! m ' . V. ';' AB DOUGH snede by ma- . . . thine!..,. n m .. . 1 . -.. . ItrlctljraaalUry. flake . -Issuee etai HU-f Room . . always wi tot innc.Um - ;-' by paUw. ,. ,. .. ThaOalis Market will Bookkeepers'! Supplies. Ennetfa Bookstore ; w niddi lit-"-' Full line of Drugs.LIed- lclnes, Toilet Ar. - tides and Boap. Fresh: Supply of Flower Seeds, Plifulclans rrcscrip- loa A. nporltlty. P. TREtiniTIl, , Blackiwltri 4 Wbeelrigbt, Mualwrtrrrf IWri, Wttoss. Certs Sit Mrs ji. Alatrte frd mrtpt; ta tw. Iplf1g Mttl; doe (jil SOllOB. 1 HAVE CART W JtrT.IJ FIRE AT IFEI. Got. Glenn in. Office and Enjoys It. ' . ...... . . r j- ' - Interesting Belies for Hall of History 'Murder Trial-Variety of Moon' stone Discovered Presents for Ex-Governor Ayeoclc. ' . Raleigh, Jan. 14. -Another snow fell last night and the streets were quite glassy in some places. - Yesterday was one of the very worst days of the year and today's sunshine was greatly en joyed, having been quite a rarity lately. Two interesting relics have been re ceived at the Hall of History. One of these is a pair of gloves worn by Capt. Alexander, of Burke count, during the War of the Revolution. He was born in 1760 and was at the battles of King's Mountain and Cowpens. Hie gloves are sent by Mr. B. - P. Davis, of Burke. The other relic is a pistol carried during the Civil War by Charles E. Benson, of the Second.North Carolina Infantry of Grime's Divisions. It is' the heaviest pistol your correspondent has ever seen. This womiair about 4 o clock fire broke out at Apex, this county, and burned the postoffice, Apex News office, the stores of Hunt & Olive, A. G. Bell and J. W. Rogers. Two of the stores were new and were occupied this fall. All seven buildings were burned. In the Superior court here the trial of Will Adams, the murderer of a negro woman and her two -children, is in progress. It is the second trial. The evidence is overwhelming againstAdams, who has once been sentenced to hang. A report made by the gem expert of Tiffany, of New York, says a new and very remarkable variety of moonstone, with a red reflection, has been discov ered near BakersviUe, Mitchell county. The newspapers mention the appoint ment of W. A. Blair, of Winston, on the monetary commission. George B. Hahna, of Charlotte, has served many years on this commission, and Thomas K. Bruner, of the Agricultural Depart ment, has served one year. Governor Glenn looked very comfort able as he sat at his desk today. He certainly fills the executive welL It is a snug fit. He is a good dresser and a good looker, and withal a jolly good fellow. He has signed a lot of commissions, practically completing the military staff, one of these being that fine soldier, Joseph F. Armfleld, as Brigadier General, a re-appointment Others were Geo. L. Peterson, of Clin ton, as Paymaster General; W. L. Mc- Gehee, of Franklin ton. Inspector of Small Arms Practice; Geo. F. Hank ins, of Lexington, Assistant Paymaster General; Thomas Stringfield, of Waynes vllle, 'Assistant Inspector General; W. Masenbury, of Henderson, Assistant Adjutant General; Ivey Foreman, As sistant Quartermaster General. Governor Glenn was chatting with some prominent men and said his new position would really give him a sort of rest He has been a very hard worker between his law practice and politics. He makes it a rule to go to bed at 11 o'clock and in the winter time to eat only two meals a day but, as he re marked with a smile, he Jacked away a pretty good pair of meals in the cold weather. In summer he eats three. He rises from bed at 7 to 720 and takes great deal of exercise. H told the newspaper folks that be would not give out any news after 4 p. m. each day. He la very social and in order to meet the public will spend some time one day fa each week at the Capitol Club, of which he has been made an honorary member. This is a very nice arrange ment for the public. The Governor says be wants to know the people and to meet them. He la a very sociable man and ao doubt win make the Exeew tive Mansion a much rVeqnentad place. His mother, who Tilt as much pride in his election and Inauguration, will Uve with hha. -: - ;. . Ei-Goveroor Ayeoek eoaUnasa to rs- eeive honors. The gifts presented to him this week aggregata hi value more tbaa. twelve hundred dollars, aad some of then are niagnifleeat. There Is tHO sliver service from the teachers of the Bute and a t200 watea and charm from the State effteere, this being one of the finest watches ever, seen hem All aorta ef good things have come to Governor Ayoock and Ms more art earning to him all be has te do la wait " 4 Bemt Xtulei Wole.' '. u ;' - Bat'Wetee.j 0 '. We srjoarseta la ibis world for Warwere shorter lime tenlve Mih- fllr tsrioe! las Joerstf. , mar evseoaotlt of wsai waste. r ovi rtinn vktt w rr II we look epos It fart aide of ttlt, we ie la Ifcot yaa, t4 li eaiih tsd air ml ilr atlnnl IrMarrift el est tftitMtd 1, eor traehWd ftiu-1, oar htlUni ead ora PtttaUe fnr "(tit ikMlowf, '...! enllnttk tiM k?a nd pUiH! It la lid I, l.tli ef Vr( ir m, g !t fiflr votit, i1 H U err-'t k to . I.U ti. t..tT.rPt r f t a'r"B, t tnte It t !!' ! v , if o !! km -1, . : . i h .1 t' 'SOCIETT. rr. ; , tocal Kvenls of the Past Week. , V SOCIAL " .... . . -'. -Mrs PS Daffy entertained a number of friends at aa Informal reception last Week la honor of Mrs John D Gardner of Boeton,tMess. - Last week Mrs EM Powell gave a novel affair, complimentary to the vUlt- iog ladies in the city, In tho form of an Auction Party. Mrs F 8 Duffy proved to be a most charming auctioneer. Very pretty souvenir cards were given to each guest being appropriate and delightfully tmuslng, , At the close of the evening the guests were Invited to the dining room which wee tastefully arranged, the table being desorated la ferns and eandlarbrum and a delicious repast was served. OsS Of the enjoyable and elaborate af fairs of the' week was the card party, given by Miss Elisabeth Ellis to a num ber of frleads. ' There were four tables at which six hand Euchre was plaed, very pretty and handsome prizes being glfen. The first prise s go'd belt pin was won by Miss Edith Oettlnger of Einstonand Mrs David Oongdon received the con solation which was a bisque figure. The Color scheme was red aud green, the Idea being farther carried out In the refreshments which were in the form of American Beauty roses, making I lie decorations of the dining table an un usually beautiful one. Miss Bessie Hyman delightfully enter tained about fifteen other young frleads one evening list week, the occasion be ing her birthday. The time was pleas antly spent In making candy and playing games. TBBT COMB AND GO. Senator D L Ward is spending today at home with bis fsmlly Ms Cbas' Thomas of Beaafort spent the day In the cltryestsrdsy. Miss Mabel Bsrros spent yetterdsy with her parents at PollocksvlUe. Mr and Mrs O W Kegley have return ed to their home at Wilmington after a visit here. Mrs Busan V Richardson and Miss Bar tha Woolen have returned ty their home la this city. Miss Vers MoGnffln, of Blverdalr, speat yesterday In the city the guest of Miss Ettauaa. Mrs Thoa L Orifg of Gallon la who has been visiting her fsther.Mr Wat Watson returned home yesterday. Miss Mamie Oanset of Wilmington, N O, joined Mrs Will Mldyett, of Orients!, here yesterday and accompanied her home for s sheet visit. Mrs John D Gardner and son, Jsnk of Bcstoawho have been the guest at Jadge aad Mrs Henry R Bryan reluaed home yesterdsy. Instillation of Officers. At the mettles of Eureka Lodge No 7 I O O F, last Monday alght ths follcw lag officers were tntUUsd for the ensn lag torsi: J 0 Daleeaar-Hoble Oread, CF Marshall-Vice A I PUtateaTreaearer. fl MeUoa-rAK, LOToUoa Wardea. LMIdgerlos LO. LIHeara-aO. . L L Dssasroa-R IH(1. . J J Barper-L 0. , ...)- Iaasssska-)os4aetor.. i ' L Oraat Chsplala, . H 0 Amatrosg H ITS. . . W T Ha4der-L 8 V 0. OAKafstRSS. - D Laseastet t SI. i 0 M Deekhass 'AM Ulbbara. .' .,' Vlalttor- , .uroos, . J BDawtoa . OeoOreee, -. W F Vroeksti 't LLDtiaeroa; 0o Oreea - H B BoUaad . B M Orovee ) Coal (alttee Bf LEGISLATURE SATttkDAY . PeaaHy on Telegraph Companies. Liq uor Discussion and Hilt For State - j. - . . -' to Tsx all Baloons $1,000. Special to Journal. Raleigh, January 14 In the Senate, bills were Introduced to Impose penalty on telegraph companies for non-delivery of messsges. A bill pssied to prohibit the sslesnd manufacture of liquor in Richmond county. After a warm debate over this bill, but only three votes were cast la the negstlve. In the Bouse a bill wSi Introdured to regulate the sale of liquor In the State, requiring all saloons to psy one thout and dollars license and to close at eight p m, opening not earlier than Cam. SHORT PASSING EVENTS. OosMsUta Pis LoCafnsstrtCtl Jai There Is a aoatldereele hard fheltsf ever was was eelled the I nreeess 0of,slsoa7t wasgotteej ep aswl sob. sertptloas Ukea for It latt.raD The ptotpeoles wat od etravga to p locere a C Hit ef ulrr!br, who are 4dsy fwllogaalf lbyh4 twa badly takes In. Tb fw eBWrlalnawtts Wi h.n aot arr(d Bp to Ike pronUaa JUs wktlta'. rrt Ue is so lgteTf tare brtlnt. -. ' The tip T.it wtad a fw i'..!t rn la Hfl!llr rHU trtles !a l lnwr part of tht t' ..(ra, ar ' I mt li) U i.f4HL 1. r t tlt'ttl I nt r. fcrtft j , I frei nt.ra sA''t U tli'l f '".t. The Girls Friendly Society will meet Tuesdsy evening at 7:45 at tie residence of Mrs. W. 8. Simmon son Pollock street. It Is noticed that the truckera ate pushing their preparations slong for the spring crop. No hard freezes bare ln terferred with the Work thus far. The weather cleared up yesterday, bright and cool with no snow. The temperature was sbout freezing all day. The forecast is for cold today and Monday. Rev. G. V. TUley of Buntville, Mo., Is In the city, a guest of the Patterson House, and will conduct services today at the Tabernacle Baptist church at the usual hours. Some of the largest and finest oysiere of the season were on the market jester day. Tbey were a cultivated variety. 8lng!e, large and of excellent flavor, and sold resdlly for eighty cents the bushel. The funeral services of Mrs. Margaret Havens, the wife of . Harens, will br held at St 'Peters A. M. E Church on Sunday afternoon, at 8 o'clock. Rel atives and friends are tnvl'ed to be pres ent. Beautiful eyes and handsome face are eloquent commendations. Bright eyes are windows to a woman's heart. Hoi lister's Rocky Mountain Tea maket brVht eves. SS cents. Tea or Tab lets. FS Duffy. There will be a call meeting of the Daughters of the Confederacy Monday afternoon at 8:80 o'clock at the roomrl on Broad street. This is the time for the annasl payment of duet. M. L. HKNDREN, Rec, Sec, Much complaint has been heard lately about the high price of hor.es, but one teeing the sale yetterdsy at the corner of Middle aad 8outh Front streets would hsvs besn astonished at the low net of t horse's vslue. Aa animal was told for M OO, both seller and buyer bting satis fied. Strangers coming to New Bern are at tracted and much Interested in the hot beds In the suburbs of the olty. In these beds are grown lettuce., cucumber and such vegetables as need to be forced to meet aa early market Seyeral gard ensrs ase steam to promote the rapid growth ef their plants, and It Is claimed that the system Is a complete turcett. The merchants rspoit a oonaldersble falling off of trade since Christmas. Various reasons aie given to aocouat for h, bnt the low price of cotton seems lo he mostly blamed. Whatever the cans, the business of New Bera can poorly af erd the loss. Why'don't the Chamber ef Oemmcros wske ap aad snskeaatf fort as la create the batloeas tnilted of letting H fell off t 81s cent cottos kes had Its dlscours lag iff set of coarse on the f erasers of Eaeteta North Carollsa, bat I bay at la ao ways despoadeat The wrjter has talked with s great maay of lb tat la the past fear weeks aad hate foaad most of thesa generally dsleratlsed to hold their crop still the brlce Improves or gets to aftmaaerttlfTngtire. Akd is slight he well to remark that the farmers Is this J amkm are well prepared to abide by theis detetmlsatioa. Moas assst, bread sad other home tapplles hsvs baas pel tplkli yvtr Mas the wilier units tun STtr to hart sea provided btfore. There were stote people treat the ooaatry la Hew Beta ytttetdsy tkaa have beea hate say one day sites the srst of the leaf, aad sassy of thesa were thirsty seals, bet eon Id sot obtala that dtld for which laty ertvedV It has b gtvea 0l by osrula dlplosaalie batistes folks that the problbitoa law weald set be rigidly eeforetd, tha tbttt rare) frleads woald be supplied, aad SO Ca, kej H ata that there Is a fallare la the delivery of tbt gocds. ll traasplret that the aalone ttepert have aocapted the prrlilbltkiatsw ta all tlaoarlttaad ttoll!y itfaae to violate lu Tatt't Jttt at It thoold be, Sad Ibe protcrlhad onat ate tntdUd lo atiwe Or )ts eradtl. bnt aijiierlm, IUUia(ae pass out of f.tuin r'.'.t Uiatktfaveaeretofe( dc!l In ih di t(h dtallng drag. , Harveys Small Sugar Cured Ham? JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A FRE8II LOT OF Roasted Lelurian Java Coffee which I am selling as a leader at 20 cents a pcund A trial of this Coffee will convince you that it is far ahead of coffe sold elsewhere in the city at the same price. Florida Corned Mullets, a few very nice ones. Sugar (lured Pic Nic Hams, only 10c Hi. Standard quality Canned Corn only 10c can. Fresh bbl. Big Hominy. Grits, Oat Flakes, Rice, Sun Dried Apples 5c 11). Good Prunes 5c lb. Very fresh large j'runes 10c or three for 25c. Complete stock of everything in Grroceries' at right Prices. J. L. McDaniel Whotoaale eft Ketail Grocer. Watch this Space for the Date. J. Or. Baxter. THIS WEEK BARGAIN WEEK ! Ten pieces nico quality Woolen Skirt (IchhI.m, "iK im liri v.hI... brown and green. A 2J yards skirt puttmi fur $1.1'-. Apron Checks GOO .yards apron check, the kiml s.M f.i . n... Three thousand yards Hamburg ami Insertion. In ami J' . . Nino hundred yartlB Calico, thii week 4e. Bargains in BLANKETS ami COMKOKTS. Men's heavy Fleece Lined Underwear, this week :c.v. J. Shoes Buy your shoess from u.h. All our l."o shoe; m,n ;i , . m Just received An up-to-date line of Hoya' Knee rant.-, I . Conic in ami iiet Your Nliare Tliene Jreat HurguliiN. 1 . III. k. hllle, ,-k a.- of 75 Middle Nt. New Bern Military Academy. (INCORTORATFD.) NEW IIKIt, . V. "New Bern's Great Military SchooL "- Raloi((h Nrwi m. l t ilwrvrr. A Few, Point of Excellence: L Superior Equipments, Baautiful Cnjundn. I'ure Wai-r, n. larye, e-garrt ly furnished buildings, lighted throughout ty elwthnty. SL Superior Faculty. A Rpecialwt at th hosd of evnry ilepartmrnl t, -Cadet Barrack s and Girl's Dormitory loratnl at iMTiTPiit no(. c.r nnder competent dieeiplinariana. 4. Lowest rates for the advantace. Write for Catalogue. Spring Term Detrinji January 2ml. s. J holladay,;:a. b, ll. b, President. ElwccdWfye Fence - HAVE JUST EECEIVED A. OAR LOAD. t .BEST FENCE ON THE MARKET. Full line Building llaterial, Faints and Oils. SAW MILLS and MILL SUPPLIES. Gashill Hdw M Llill Supply .Co , BAIlD WAtlt 11 Middle Bi : ,IL1j IVTTUt Udnn rMif. .. ... i f s ....4 , rBeanv,; Thrf rcrchanH IfotlCI ' ' will t ir tl mUn of lJi 'I A I'm MonOay nnln Lfo:rs French Periploal Drops T T.gM.t.U, trfly Krwit, sure o SJ-wxefTtth lE.TBr.D I ' :LL : r f o( i j ? i:. ! ' t TT' i T ft 1 i .1 kn t - -? a t"a H-. J r' 4 W 1st I mm aasjsed) sj -'" tie a-f I -- A.I Here' r f r 12 l-" V - . i i. r ri. C - t-arem l--a.si4.l wa Ty' r ! I 1 v rilARTlA'CT fell i!-t Cuti cf rcrh