;iIW BISK. Ii C, 8ATDBDAT JiOMIH8rlAJUABY:2lj 1805, TWIfiTY'THlBD l&R VOL. 1X1IH0. 207. I E WJOCIi CtOSE OUT TflE HE am ... MAINDEtt OF OUB at a great reductionit's not a ques tion of pricethey must go. We need the money and room for other goods. It you need a wrap see us and your shopping will he easy. J. M. Mitchell & Co., PHONE 288. 43 Pollock St., Opposite Post-office. AmrmcrumTit 14 , i Ah.. mm P017B2R Absolutely Pure IAS 10 SUBSTITUTE LIBRARY FLOOR SETTLED Our January Sale the "Greatest Yet." 'Begins This Morning Dont Miss It. (REPUBLICANS FOR PROHIBITION Batler Vim Applause lo House By So Decleriirg, Various Bill 8011 , Coming Forward. 1 Bpedsl to Journal. RUelgh.JmyJ0. Io the Senate bills I wers Introduced to proscribe the course for absolute' divorces, and to vitally smend thrflaw regarding descents, as to legitimate and Illegitimate - children. I Bills were passed to regulate pay of jurors on ' special venires In Craven county. To give snperlntendent of polios or chief officer of a city or town, full jurisdiction of magistrate In crimi nal actions; to prevent In Justloe by hasty restraining order and Injunctions with out notice; to giro justices of peace jurisdiction of offence of unlawfully riding en railways; to authorize removal I of actions where magistrate dieorbe- I come Incapacitated before final deter mination.' of action; to amend eleotlon I laws so as to make It unlawful to sell liquor or give It away on election day. Bill prohibiting places having less than 1800 qualified voters from authorizing I manufacture or sale of liquor was made 1G1INST ' REPEAL Of Anti-Jog Law by Whiskey Dis tiller. "W, IB. SMITH CO.. Causing Sensation Among Four Hun dred People. Governor Appointment Raleigh, Jany 20. There was a decid ed sensation jesterday afternoon at the State library. The hearing of the mat ter of driving liquor out of Richmond county was before the committee, the special order January 81st room being packed, at least 400 people. la Bouse petition was presented for ouoaeoiy mere was a crain, wnicn was no...,,.,, education In Oarttret coun- ,...! .11 .v. . it,. k...nt r thBflnn,..nk.Wlh,M lnohatth. BI1U were Ji"" endorsing center. Thh room was emptied like a mameaiowu axposiuon. ana urging flash, legislators and listeners fairly I an appropriation by Congress, to pro tumbling down the steps. No Sign of I tect landlords and tenants, employers ore. appear, ueiow oupremo oour, employeei. t0 ,ncwMa ,ppr0pri. I room being immediately underneath, I , . , ht S.. i , r t v tion of soldiers home to 118,000 annnal- ri SOUth Front St., 1 Door From JnO. Suter & Son lTenaw- Trouble has before occ lyformamtenace, and 15,000 this year ItTOU IU BUltJ UUliUtOJf, BUU 1UUF QV I lur 1UJ(IIUT0U10D kS. U 1UIU1U OellO Ul teel supports had to be put under Its uqao,, w,thiI1 nTe mnei of tn, TOling east wii In office of superintendent of lltMoneleo(Ioil ,0 provide fw Idiots and epileptics. t n tzt v CAROLINA BRICK CO., Plants at darks, Hjmin's Siding, Kington and Bobcreonvil'e. Annual Capacity 15,000,000. The large demand for our product justifies oar claim, that we furnish ine Beet JJn.iaing Brick on this marktt. We are now erecting Dry Kilns i bat will not only morease oar output, but will also ma terially improve the qualitj of our product. II Yin AN NUlTIiY COMPANY, New Bern, N C 8olling Agente t SPECIAL : SHE ! THTiaSDiY : F.W : AND : SA1U&BA! ! A WE ARE THE ONLY LEADERS OF LOW PRICES. publlo Instruction and attorney general, to support weight of newspaper rooms of State litrsry. I The feature of the day was a bill to Governor Olenn appoints L B Bristol I prohibit manufacture and ssle of liquor of assistant Inspector of small arms prso i Richmond county. It was amended tlce, rank lieutenant colonel m.k. it Jni. i.. ti. law nt Rimninii twnnhllcan ntfttrttA It will brlnir rich, red blood. Arm 111 ih r r Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Taken Murphy of Buncombe asked Batler If In ibis month; keeps you well all summer I amendment he represented bis party In socentsieaor iaDieis. rammy North Carolina. Bailer renlied he If taken this month, keeps your well '! ' county, wnicn is unaer a'l summer. It makes the little ones eat prohibition, but wis not making a mis- sleep and grow. A spring tonic for the uke la saying that ha repreeentcd the whole family. Holllster-s Rooky Moan- B,pnbllomo uklng thtt p0illon ta'nTea. 85 cento, Tes or Tablets. F8 . , , . jjUy I WIVAl VppiSlUW. mOXllOOD, onaiisngea me uepnwicam u snow a Personal Staff of Governor. Khaki Campaign sEirts.-Cspltol Club Reception. Appropria tion Asked For Colored Insane. Raleigh, Jan 20. Governor Glenn,! under the provisions of a bill wbleh pass ed yesterday, today appointed his per sonal staff, this now consisting of seven members, two being what are known as naval aides. The commissions were IS' sued today to the following, all having the rank of Colonel; F G Tames, Green vllle; Charles E. Johnson, Ralelgb; John S. Cunningham, Person county, Wescott Roberson, High Point; John L. Cobb, Lincoln ton; and naval aides W D Pol lock, Kinston and D L Ward, New Bern. Major W. Hopklnson Boilth of Golds boro is reappointed assistant chief of oidinance, Qaartermaeler General Macon today received khaki csmoaten shirts for the second and third regiments, and regula tlon blankets for the entire National Guard of the State. Some minor articles of eauloment were alto received at the arsenal. The House and Senate committee on liquor traffic were very n.uch surprised to receive from a whiskey dl-tliller, in the Piedmont Section a letter nrglcg that the Ami-Jug Law be not repealed, but that it.ettnl for the whole state. Upon Inquiry It was found ttat this dls tiller, who does a very great mill order Fresh Car Load Voight's Snow Drift, White Ft ost and Admiral Flout Just Received. If you need a Barrel of Strictly First Class Flour at the right Price give me a call. J. L. McDaniel Wholesale A Hetail Grocer. farker Store. Corner Broad ami Hancock Sts. WOOD iot SALE 1,000 'Pine Cord Wood, 75c. per Load. Hard Wood, 90c. per Load. tiller, wno aoes a very greai mm orutri ,- . , . i C t business, Is going ont of the manufacture I ClsTl wlty LUmDci LO., ofstralgni wnisaey Corner South Front and Kim Streets. ONLY 6c A YARD. -1.520 yards Hamberg Edging and Insertion, i be. pieces full yi ONLY TWENTY-TWO PIECES-best Standard Table Oil 10c. aualitv. vour choice 6c. a vard. SPECIAL. 10 pieces full yard wide srenuine Cannon Cloth, the 12c. kind, sale price 9c. yard. ninth ilJr ' your pica at i cts. a yara. BLEACHING. Remember at 8. Coplon'a is the only place where you can get full yard wide Artdro-Scoggin Bleaching for 7 cU. a yard. Only 10 yards to a customer. Think of It Your choice of any Suit or Overcoat in oui stock at less . . than value prices. We are giving a liberal reduction on all Winter Clothing, Overcoats, Underwear, etc. SHOES. Remember our Special Shoe Sale. Buy shoes from ua and save money. HERO SEARCH STILL VAIN Pittsburg , Jan 18. The Carnegie Hero Fund Commission held Its ansae) meeting here today, aad though It Was slogle lastanoe In which their party had aot stood up for the whlikey traffic. Butler replying, said the Rep ubl loan party would endorse his amendment and will make a drink known as "checker" which Is along on the line of Peruna. This very beverage hss lanjad a man in jail here for six months, and an evening or two ago your correspondent saw his wife snd two little sons standing outside the Jail, trying to call him and cry log. The reception which the Capitol Club gave the Biate officers and the legislature last evening was the most elaborate In all its history. Rather mora than 1200 persons were present, snd not only all of North Carolina, bat soreral towns In Virginia and Boutb Carolina were rapr seated. This morning the Commission appoint (d bv the Governor under the new law erect a memorial to the. North Caro Una troops at Appomattox me In the o Bee of the Secretary of Bute and organ New Bern Military Academy. (INCORPORATED.) SEW BEKX, N. . "New Bern'B Great Military School. " Rulen News and Observer. A Few Points of Excellence: 1. Superior Equipments, Beautiful Grounds, Pure Water, and large, elegant ly furnished buildings, lighted throughout by electricity. i. SUperiOr H aCUliy. n. OpeClUlim ai Uir mao ui .:vi:.j urn m. 3 Cadet Barracks and Girl's. Dormitory located at dilferenl points cue under competent disciplinarians. 4. 'Lowest rates lor me auvanuiKcu. Write for Catalogue. Spring Term liexins January 2nd. S. COPLON, 75 Middle Street. only those which Ike CoaaUsloa has SjSWVS?4sr, to be worthy of eoMldsralloa. I Am &mmaK1a , r mm ml rJ lit Ijinli without aay anplmeat effeot Is pto IIUverTabVsta, For by all d raggi sa. 9l fit fnlrSimmfri Q . .. aMWHM h mm expected Ust aomsthlng definite u to I u was defeated ares 9. noes 81. The swards would be announced sucn. was sot ths case. The Ooarmlsaloa, kew- ever, took a'forward steo la the matter ol searching for meaot real deeds of Tbe uemocraue caaoss will consider valor, wbea It appoint a special agent I next Taeedsy sight all mallets regard to make aa exhanstlve extalaatloa into (1( nqaor trafflo and bUl ngnUUsg sals ins claims oi ue peraoas aasiag reoogw linn II la IMnl A Cmm nmm.'m VMIS newspaper saaa. and he wlU report to 48 ' tbeCosamlsslosioaossmoatk. snssstom the blU So permit new Br Campsey will sot be expected to trial la erlsalael as laotvO eases, for took Into all of the 0,000 elalsas, bat L, altered tTid.os pdlsg ap peal, b srae made special order nut UU passed Its Bnal leading, only one adverse vole, Warbarloa of Richmond. I of oora meal, fixing staadard weight at There was tho Carolinit Kuai- Wha. Is kaowa as ths Lsglslstore Com Itlte of the State Frees Association met here today snd appointed aa ths Denial committee to look attar bills be tote Ue legislature Henry A. London. St Phillips snd Archibald Jobnsoa. A Mil U ia ha nnnarad alvtns the Corpor atioa CommissloB power to allow the! nens Co lege leads in practical results. raUways to pay for their newspaper ad I For inforln,tion ddrces rertuiag la passes. a J TTf.T,T,AT)AY Proa a..4.i..,i WHUinf Ika EuUnl " i Hosptul for the colored issane at Golds I Oollege in session day and mgnt. borolsksre. Two years sgothstagte , . THE GREATEST YET. JH ? " ' '5 daw Taeedsy. latura appropriated 90,000 for large! eeeeseeeeeeeseee saeat aad Improvements, bat M Uls only I " W told mora dollars worth of goods on Thursday thaa ve ever sold in any ooe dsj no such Urfnios have ever been offend bj an house la tbexUy this give away sals will coo Unas tot jast 10 daya if joti miss it yoa w 111 loss money. Meeting-ol Board Alderatt 2Uw Bsrs, II C, aay llth. . Board asat la special susaltfS, Itiyor gills preakfiag. AkWmaa prluat, Ba tett, Avery, Dawsea, MototWy, rail I Bollo Kew It rins Addsxl Kacli lay.-f r. J.0OQ yard. Otash.rwL UIkCKjI 3t Jkr,', Huiu. in the finest irya, etc., warta . j, and Se yd reode-we sure . ovaratocked la tlJ P1.. "tr. d these, It s snoiMy la your pocket, say, CHOICE, per yard , le Priosa aUndat VT.i UK0 yards Lawns, Calico eml If en's Shfrta, asserted from (Xhv rwremnta ow tabl,CHOICE the higher grsWs, Choice of per yard 4 lot Be. ..'..' . , a. . a ,. 500 Pairs Um't Psr,U-t prl- TO Men's Bults, worth K 00, eas are tot 1. 1, affoa caa't ttlO. and ., a Vrig vafes h have toe irJr, ar!rT-Ilkit" fsr thss sale , tS.W , prnp m today, - , . 1 j j. n axti:u, T j. nkXTEnT' klSrecfettoJoarsaL hi Bsletgk, Jaa 0.-Tks beard tf ofdeers Ufa, Wataoa, MoCartty k which laveeUaatsd Ua iaeoeastbaftr.lt I - SlutlOl JIDiilf artheTklrf Haarll ' Lt,R9.tKmsl0aard, tot Uekll ai,7 T1 01 I tag aa4 wosadlsg e eertala sovnets aa 1 fpoa saoUoa the foUowtag resolatioa blatnUammsglrwUmplsMiamssarlMsdopead. . - ktssoaaraiea kles. Oeveraer Olau at! iWved, to aW U ehssee lOsettoa si . . . .. . 1 1 proves Ueiedisg. . , ? L If toa eaawet aa. slesa or wort, feel 1 aMSaueroeasad ailr. take BollWtm's I to" aeythlag bat lea, aad laeeaaraats I Re stosatalt Tea this ssseta. A allowed to ell ases'e eaty Msadays. There H aoresaWyiaay pww mH xmm -- TaaatTss. risaauae aeestea aeusrs roreaca es- 1 lTTef s'ty evdlsaaaa, that It abaUbe aslswfal let say diag (tore to salt aa eadays aaythlag bat rga, tea bwases I toaie (of the akk. ' Thai I easltolt, ea sests, To j Daffy.', ' ' J. BAXTER, Executors Notlct. A eSNamealeatUe frees the thief ef Ira departaMSt ae read t the boere stMtaa Uat the Ire freer! meet was IlSVlag aiSllSaS M IlWIIOf f tM I tm mmmA ml tl Imm.. iwn win 1 m m mm , al r 1 b I - m... , HO, Ui Lie a Iff .11 MiKMiulii Inksaiv4 fMtef 14 Crow bfi i alslM afllat tie oi tke V4 S I Irs twe Of the Earths Tr Roe Com. HAVE JUST HECEIVED A OAU LOAD. BEST FENCE ON THE 2XAEKET. Tull lino Euildlng Ilaterlal, Taints una Oils. dav niLLa and hill nurrMi:n. ir4 oe or ktlore ih tik fluv f Jut m ibis eatf wiu ne cimaks i u of fmr rtrf. All lrms ttVbl4 to taei4 eatee till atake Maaedlie pjML J.aylslA i.T. Tontt, lMird4 to atl SrstS tmt slfS nal'MS Inf aae. twl loot re seVlvt 14 stl el stsyer. CVwk, i;tra fino lot ol drc cd turhcy nttho Oaka ITcatirarlirt. Extra f.r.o I-.t cTtlrr c It:' ; rtt';o C Stescb Tr't'cl t'i-a. ,' r . ! il - SS1 C9 k sl 1 1 , . 1 V.i S. J, HOLLADAY, A. B, LL. B, President. V y NEW BERN. N C A thoiougb, practical ami proKri sMve institution, fully ulireuit of the times. Investigate and know for you-stlf tlwl 7 15.000 was paid. 118,000 beviag horrowed. The hospital will astro? I tO .000 Uls year for s osw btlMlag. there balsg ow 75 sppUoattoas for ad Ink aow oa ale, sad there are ae tees tkaa UOpalWaU aow la Ustastl tatloa. tet.OOO aaaaaUy wCl be asked for saalatsaaae,- the assoaat aow aliew ed tor this bstaf 38,000i The Btsgar Sewlag Machine Oourpeay ftMlf ta Herts Care 1 The Aall-tlaloeei Laagae le deeply ItetlAsd at the very bwge attosdaacs at lu soevrsUoa last alikk aaica wasia sua isrtfl aeariy attd eight. Ulsfalt ikat there he s steady Ighl agalast llqsor. wtih aothlag takea far treated. rbeloegerUeysreoejtof busUees the harder the Besot asea IgK . Base Is tstheeetyaealUvesUtssarat atade by Msebere Of toe Leagae. . i Bookkeepers' Supplies. EnneU'8 Bookstore rM Mill Uenry s Pharmacy. Notice! Have just received fresh caf load Ameri can Wire Fence; same will be sold at greatly reduced rate. Come snd see me before buying. E.V.Smallwood ,Woort Secda.' Exf rar Early.- Peas era oBf rrt ttt Ux aviat sail tmHrwJ and pntM arnf SO r, UriSi fa boat SMiket and f-.lri.int. Y;::i'i L!;h::'::ti::::::i V::i'i F - tiDlralr'T If r'Umi . M TlvrS "l w I t k r. In ni UTHti. n, r. r f t ffo lf1 t It .(.! tr. . ! . t - M WMd'f ( ! . 1, ' i ( it lm) i J ;. l'i 'I f ! t , r ' T. 1S7 Middle Hi. Pull line of DniM.Med- lclnes, Toilet Ar tides ana Soap. Frcsh Supply of Flower SeedL IMijalcloti rrecrlp- fona A.f!p0cUIIy. Cabbage Plants Por Sale ! The largest, hardiwt, earbat and best known varieties, ftocrnkw and Urge Type WskefMd. tl.fO par 1.000. la loUef 1,000 or ever VIA, 10,000 or ever ILOO pet thuaaand. flpeclal prieee e large iota. Address, tf. H. BLITOH, : i Mcttt,ao. P; TREtlWlTH, e Pff, vTsfoaa Carts t.1 I r. ik !..) a f"4 irp'r h r '. I r' 'irg awiif dne es f. T K. I j'avj: rAr.T v. rrn.n . I t 0clrf afatotked ef StarV af ! fro ths boOdayf m M Vt'a tWaary 1st t all r eetiie Use ef ft e lisg S irar st CO IT. Ts s s' vta 1aH tot to f.rs saiy. X : a ti r