i IJ RLZ.UCEI EtiiatilB!W,i:tt.Ct.i;!ffl ""ACRE4CE;' 5 pi Q Vf-r-. r . 1 ' I X f . 1 , t thm I the hig! 5 . ill 1 -,. som. mam.-' Get Premiums Your Baldng Powder Good Tack Bikini Powder an grt ths beautiful preauunu . wo an offering absolutely nrr. , Good Lock j nnqaesuonably the .. -purtst biking powder passible to manufacture, j Bread suede with it . ignt, white, wnoiesome ana nsavauas. - ii aseps mugcx mi w : - other baking powders and rami the better quickest and very tborongMY- , ack m only lUe poena, jjy gmng us dcr at ine wes coat uuuu now being (nipped in car load and tram load Iota to all parte of tho . It is the idea of getting these beautiful presents free, is addition to , .M ... ... . : -1 1 H.! 1 V.I.. i mm nftnr -.- qaaiiry ana low pnw, uu jupm lum uuwmwhuuww, Baking Powder Decked in 6 or. and 1 lb. cans. The coopoes necessary to get the osetni gins, are printed on int turn us covu wiu. vt wui coupons. Save them. A few of them will get yon a hand- ITtl premium, for aeouis reaa ine utile wok to oe raunu i every can. Don',1 forget to ask for Good Mick next time. ., Save worry, save money, and last but not feast save the couv pons and get the beautiful gifts. If your grocer doesn't sell it, send us Ms name ana weww winst yon are suppunh. cui oui mi. tH ano iv. ii. run wLn I OCOO KM VALUAtlC MTICLK. MI UT m H IK. CM., T. HMHIMNI 1' ... This is the coupon found on every can. f THE SOUTHERN MANUFACTURING CoC . RICHMONP. VA. " If M 7 aMP- Pursuant to call the farmert ind boslnsat men met together at Mayavllle .tan, 8 1 stat 2 o'clock and. organised by eleefng Cyras rosea CbalrmM and E. r. Foacue 8ecty , of the meeting. -v Br nnanlmous consent; tUj following refutation were adopted: --.r .. , ; Resolved lit. That we pledge on reel- vea to reduce the cotto acreage of ISO! Easolyed Sod. That we farther pledge ' oanelve to red ace tbe use of feitttUeri la the DtoDortHon to the redactlja in Beeolred 8id, Tha we pledge oursei- Teetovnltyln action and nnswerrlpg In pnrpoee, for the prjte ott - and bet terment Oi (he farmer, thereby helping 1 ooraelvei and enriching the world. On motion roll was ordered for all who would enlist In thla work for the Southern cotton grower A commttta consisting of Messrs. , 8 B Water, J tt Foscue, K B Hay, W B Humphrej. 8 0 Hawklna and James E Hatrlaon was appointed : to lollclt all men, Interested, to ol us In thle tffort t) stands a ' Gibralter" aealnst the ruin that now threatens ns. Motion -made , and, carried that we meet the Snd Saturday In February, and that these minutes be sent to the New Bern Journal with the request to pub lish. 8 8 Waters, B 0 Hawklnr, K B Hay, J E Harrison, D B Meadows, A L Collins, J B Dixon, G L Meadows, Bam'l L Gerock. P H Jlnklns, R V Jinklns, J A Bell, J O Irtln. , Oyrns Foscue, Chm. K F Foscue, Seety. ine . Effective Remedy - t . L' Wasamwvoa'low, April i, ins. Was troubled for arm a rear with ao acantr a Sow thai Tll tnalll BlllilimMlna A haavveolti aunnirindiifled thia- ; voir eiiecura remeoy I ever found waa wins- of uunai. n luiin nn weeu l (eii ue gxxa erjaou or ineawa . kineand after I had aae-a IS bottles in all I waa as healthy : V atater oeefl H white BmtiM - mother and found that It aude onlldbirth compara- ,) tlTelv eoar and after Ute ohild waabotn ah found U--- .1 llL-l t Bhiili to regain bar atrenata. yf v (J r . . : Saan Woasntt Associatm, Bom or Tavpaauroa, Wine of Cardni etiies ulna out of ererr ten Cases of the disorders of menstruation. These cures are permanent, whether the trouble is complicated or not. Wine of Cardui cures the sickness of vouns rrirls. relieves" the weakness of adults, banishes leuoorrhoea, headaches, backaches and nervousness and eases the crisis attendant on the change of life. Thousands of toothers besides Miss Root's sister have I found grateful relief from the pains of childbirth and hare had a quick and happy recovery from its use. You cannot " afford to suffer when 91.00 bottles are sold by all . druggists. WlC; R. R. ; nmt I ABLE arc. 2 Tri Take Effect HunMi,-,, km. 23, . " at 1019 K. M.. It M T. Going East Sohkdoui: i t.iu, , No. 8 Pasaeagur Trtur. .. da.il. IJT. p m STATIONS: A.I 880 Uoiasburo 8 69 IUrange 4 88 Kington 5 40 At iiew liern, !,.. 6 80 Ls. Ar... 7 80. . . . Ar. Morehead oity Lv.. tr, a nt i i (.'6 . 10 its ..1018 ..WO ..84 . 7 86 occcoonoDCCCocccioononcccDo g ,..it k Head of i A a Meadows GOLD LEAF g Tobacco Fertilizers.... g n ar TOBAGGO Use it and aou will be satisfied. It i8 ma e tor Brigh Tobtcco ami will make it. Special Cabbage, Potato and great Cotton Ouano. Oue of our moat pop lar brands is " - :: " :: ALLCEOP! ' It makes pvt-rjtblog grpw. If you ufe Fertiliner iDswt tbot j nr agent supply yott with MEsvlK)W6 BRAND- They, arpniu'e light. :: :: :: " o o o Russell House, BEAUFORT, N. 0, Centrally located. All the deli- cacies of the season. Well venti- Is Proverbial. Bern - Women Exception. New No Now much we owe to tbe sympathetic side of womankind. When others suf- t tltAw nltu.fn 11k ).nrl m li.lntnA 1. q n rl lated rooms, Good beds, Phone con toU J0U ,he meMt whloh brougnt veniences, Pol'te and attentive Ser- relief to them that you may profit by rants. Rates $1.60 per day. their experience. Read the testimony Special and liberal terms by week by a Hew Bern woman. nun 1UIWUI, WIUVW, llTIU i iw Oraten Bt sayt : "Doan's Kidney Pills have been yery or month. Q. A. RUSSELL, proprietor. R e. h. & j A. MEADOWS COMPANY, , MANUTACTtntEKS. y . Work-: Ncuse River. . fJW Beffl f5V. C. Office: Union Point. . lVtTW VCm, a . Kj. LONG DISTANCE PHORE 8 o a o a o s 2 OHOHOQOQ90O00CCC3D0nODOBOn in Hon saae ezeated by to ltaao Lewis and B J kfartla, the tald Mortgsge being recorded in the Custom Boat la the City of New Bern in Book IS raze 28, of the book of Mortgages. I will offer for sale, at public auction, at 18 o'clock noon on tbe 7th day of Febru ary 190Q. thi schooner James Raymond, her masts, bowsprit, boats, anchors, ca- ble. chains, rtgginir. tackle, apparel. furniture and all oihar neoeasarles there- nio apnrrtsioloc and belonging; Tbe said sale to be for cash, and to be held hoard the said SchnAoer If lea; near .the whsh KM;roei wast i. ; T. January 7 b, 190J B J MARTIN. ISAAC LB WIS. By 8. W Uncock, Atty T. A. T O N E S Livery, Feed, Sale and Exchanjrr STA'B Larftti sad 1K stork of Bore a4 V' o8ri for fit la lbia atjpar IOM OS rara iu i, aurv piw iw w-mtm m . llarnraa, Hohf s, Wklpa,Csn Waeela, It . . - ' 11 Gc. DANIEL'S IK 43' CraTen BU New 17iti- W f! .' riflfl lilkt received the finest lot - 01 v A ... -" ,. ' ' - .'. " t -w , . n 1 4 mm mm I m V. from Ct. LonI a that was over olforcd lor VVVs I a44t U V t W . Gates Greek Items. Jan 24. The people of dates Creek greatly appreciate the mall route as their mall Is delivered at their homes. Before they bad to go six or seven miles for It. There Is being a large (had. factory erected on Bogue Sound near here. Mr FIdIj Lewis of our neighborhood Is making some improvements on his place. A company of young men and boys were out deer hunting the otherday and when the deer was shot, a stray shot struck one of A T Garners cows and kill ed her. Mr and Mrs E F Ogleeby visited their parents at wildwood tnis alter noon. Hiss Nettie Ogleobv who has been at tending school at Newport under Miss Helen Bussell of Beaufort has returned o her borne on Bogue Bound. Mrs flora Willis and Mr Barber of Bogue, N 0.. were joined in the happy bonds of matrimony at Rev D B Oarnes last Tuesday. OT N. The Oyster Law. We see that Representative War ten of Jones has Introduced a bill In the House of Representatives to Increase the tax on all grades of oysters lie bushel and that the joint commltte on oyster interests have met and have ap- pointedJBenator lieasley ana rtepresen -tatlves Btheridge aud Woodard to visit the ovster grounds and to Investigate the necessity of raising this tax. we cannot see the need of Increasing t Lie I N0. 1 So. 6, Passenger Train LAiti Lv. a. m 8 00 818 I Wo. tt, BTvnorin- lu a-nirei I fralii Kxci il bum a Ar, p. m UoldHhoro a jj rat K ( o , . . . . LAiinnu 7 (,7 8 87 Falling Ureek 747 8 48 Klnsmu 7 a, 9 02 Oaaweil 7 26 9 18. , Dover 7 17 9 80 Core Greek 7 0" 960 Tuscarorh 6 60 9 64 Clarka 0 42 1010 Ar. New Kern, I,y. (J 80 A. at. p, m . Mixed Freight and Pass. Dally Ex. Hunday. No.1, Nn. 8, 12 80 Lv. New Bern Ar 8 05 ,112 Kiveroale 7 80 1 20..,. oroatan 7 18 140... Jblavelock 7 tiO 2 09 Newport, Lv 8 'Hi 2 20 Wildwood 6 07 2 28 Mansfield 5 68 2 55 . .Ar. Moreboau oity.Lv 5 20 8 00 . . .Ar. M. oity Depot, Lv 4 50 t. . A . H, tax. As a class of people the oyslermen are very poor and have no other means of livelihood than oysterlngand Sshing. They pay a privilege or license tsx and In addition they pay a tax of bo much per bushel on all the oysters tbey catch. 1 his is all in addition to the tax thoy pay on their personal and real property, If they happen to be fortunate enough to have any. The increase of this tax would be a very groat detriment to 1 lie oystermen, as it all comes out of their pockets. Aa a rule, the majority of them are Democrats and It does not seem right that the Democratic party should br the f arty to Impose such a hardship upon thom. We sincerely trust that the Legislature will not In- creas the tax. A. B. L'. 2d Clast. Lv. a in 612.... 5 45.... FREIGHT. DAILY EXCEPT No. t. SUNDAY 2d Class Ar, p m . . . (ioldsboro 2 50 .Hum's 8 18 benenicial to me. They certainly re-1 Ueved me of very disagreeable pains in I my back from .which I suffered for a I long time. I obtained them at Bradhams I jJ(wmisiod N OtiCS Of Sale. I oMilwd Um Bradhams I "1 ft f fT j rat aaia oy au oeaiera, arnce ov cents roster-MUbora Co, Buffalo, N T. No woman's Happi ness can be complete without children ; it is her nature to love and want them as much so as it is to lore the so'e agent for the United State. Ran ember the name Doan's and lake ao other. SO VEAItr CXPERIENCR TllADC Majws. Dcsuaara Oowviuomt Ac beautiful an pim. Th critical ordeal throtieh which the expectant mother mut pa, howerer, is ao fraught with dread, pain, suffering and danger, that th Tery thought of it fill bar with apprehension and horror. Thar is no nceity for tha reproduction of life to bo either painful ar dttgerooa; Tha cm of Mather' Friend so prepares the system for tha eomlaf event that it ia safely' passed without any danger. This great and wonderful Entry Notice. Bute of Norh Carolln Onslow Connty. J To M M.Capps Entry Taker for Onslow conoty. Tbetoderafansd B L KallimJr.of On slow county. North Oaiollaa. enters and lays claim to la following das orlbed pleo or parcel or land la Waiuuaa towaaaip Onslow county. But of MortavfarolUa, asm 01 ng vacaat aaa aaapproprusaa In la Horse rlwamp at Bea ParaslLs eoraf thraninalDi with hi 11a re to the Doeoal aboat 1-4 sail, ihaac ran Blcg westerly eoura boat a-t sail. tkaooe northerly eoarae back to the tw glnalsr, tbe abov described land Is near th bead of flon Bwaap lylag a t sum 01 ia tuoDia rearsoa ptac eoa ainlag aboat tog acntf mora it. SoUradUsleddar of - at " fopesklf mutUIii omt Ofrtnkm pm wbthm n tnvtwtUoM tojrrabirUntblx Ooanwiltav Mot mm. utamk m ey iot tMvrugjMawi. 1'iiwii Ukm Uroofti Mutt Auk tmr Scientific Jlcericait. a SMfauon tmatahN at MT imut fcmraAL SS a ar axKUAfcH. aotaefani atrsi. waaaiBiioa. ICE IH OI8CO0MT. Ing aatry Ho 4U. Book Coataialag ooopoes for 800 lbs of lo la 10 lb. aoapoa. M will be told to oastocoar at a dlsf of 10 par east.' UN will bey 14-00 worlkof IOS t orI book hi praeared, either from ta drlva. ;a 190&, be- ci frosa taaoffica 10 Orll"' S L EKIXUW, JB. Hew Entry Notice. btatk of toara cabolir,.' Orttwa Coeitjr. 1 r ToOeorteB WaUr Xatrj Tskar for Trir IV Btadasat Oral leleDilOne aaater aa4i Bern Ice Company.--, A Qood v v Sale of Valuable City Property. Blover Place Morth Carolina, ) Superior Court, Craven County. ) Before the Clerk. 0 E Slover, et al., to The Court. BALK FOR PABTinON. Pursuant to the Judgment rendered In aa above named Dioceedlnrs oa tha Nth day of December, 1904, the aider tgaed will sell at public aoctioa at th Voor nous ooor ia ine uiiy 01 biw Bera. Monday, at 18 m , tbe Bin day of rtjrni7,llW0.th following leads to-wtii A cwnalo lot or uaa situate in in uuy of Mew Bera, tylog oa th sooth side of Catoa stress and west Side of East Front stret.atlnataff at ta sou tk west later aectloai of said streets and ranninr taeaee I southwardly alneg Cast Front strsat two hundred feet to ta He of taa 10 lorwv erly awaed try Mr. Mr Bayard Okuka, aaw aatnptea ay sira. aiary u ssouiroan or tM r. . vsa coos 1 y. Morth CaeUe. lays el ales te th tQllowfns; oasartbai piece ar pareav af taoa la fin towaskla, Cravaa Coaaiy, ft at of Wort Oarollas lbs state Mln( vseaat a4 Bsapevo etlatsd laad, d tubleot ta eatry. vri: iotuet ta aa v tab T Bhel aa4 othave, eaaaa lylst mm lb wa !l f IWfcsior Crk sad boBdd a foliowa, V In oa th Bart a by Joka T. fthste kasd and oa Ua west br leads Blade br Co 0 U eoaih as taaCravta Jeas aoeaty Ua e4 aa las east By UtHniaJ las 4 ahn coe(aalag by esMatailo 1U6 arrva. kaierel this' 4ta dar of Jnnary 1PM, 4 1 ULll'Ut, tKBTlCB 11 A. BtTBlBXaS .. KxcxBemr, a. - bomb . .COJtTXmiSCAC L wit. BUiaO s ' CTonTrnlenee : 1 JAtxnrjl Otdat Vatil PlwMM at Oucat s nu f saeaf. fp.r at -aroaarM am. rardlv with lb Us to oa haadrra faM to the Una of taa lot owaed kr Mr. Osabath H Glerket laearaaonhwaidlt' with tbe 11b of tha lot af Mr. BUsabaU U Clarka all aickl I fast to tha sroribeaat aeraarof the lot awaed by taa said Klltabatb H Qara. I thaaaa wtatwardly aloai the II of ta lot owata kr th sM Biaaasaa u tars a aeralM la vnlsa street tony signs isai I to tksllBsof tk k awiedby Oeorg Bkrvat at tea Haae af at sti umbos eorthwsrdly with tha Uaa aftaaJot af lbs tald Uaorfs Blovst aa ksadrsd ad forty twesa to Dsloa atratt) Uaaoe astwtrdly alo laioa ttraat to Ik atal of sale a folUWi . Oil f earth Mh. Ulum aa soar saoatki Uaa. Title tssrved aatfl parch ataaey ta paid la fait, tataraat ta a pan oa oarer red atraMau T . at f w omr rtsojf. . ' - - OesAsslaatoaara, IssmoBS. A. 1). Ward VIMfiONS WARD, ATTORNEY aal COCNSELOU" a LAW. saw bsbis, m. c. Office Removed across Btreet 10 fec t Btory of No. 69 (above Telegrap j I fios) Houth Front Htreet, net . to Hotel Chattawks, PracUoe In the counties of Craven, Duplin .Joaee, Onslow, Carteret, Pamli co and Wake, la the Huprame and Feu era! Oocrta, and whsrever aervlce arf desired. 6 12 LaGranpi 2 08 6 27 Falling oreck 1 88 7 82 Kinston 12 18 7 40 Oaswrll 12 01 9 00 Dover 11 01 9 40 coreoreek 10 40 10 10 TuHCarora 10 10 10 8S ulark'B 9 54 r 00 Ar. Npw Ucrn.Lv 9 20 R 8 I10WLAN1). It P FOSTER, Prest Gen Man S L DILL, Supt CAROLINA DISPATCH AND 0 d Dominion Steamship Ck DAILY LINE Freight and Passenger for all points north EFFKCTIVK OUT. 'Jl, 1904. The Stamei' Nense is scluil- ulod to sail ut 0 p 111 Moiulity, Wed ncmlay and Friday for kli.aleth City, nittkiiij: litiulin.s at Oriental and Roanoke lsl.tml. 'I'he Kteanicr Oi racuki- i.-s:ad-nled to sail at ii 111 'I'iics day, Thursday and Saturday for Elizabeth I ily, making landings at Oriental and lUmnoku Inland. Freight received not later tin'' one hour prcuovs U) milling. F'or further infoniiation apply to OKO. UKNDKKSON, Agt. M K Kin.;, V.-I' and i.-n Mgr. II U IIidoins, Gen Ft t I'iiw Agt Norfolk. Va. W H Sl'mmkiiku., A.-at (i. 11 Ft am) IVus Al'L New Il:rn, N ti Kntr Claim. Ernest M. Qreen, Attaraey Ccasaeler at Law, BaxAB Bt KEW BKRN, . C Well equlpad to search titles by reason af anany yean aiperlaooe in Uie ofhee aod u Hef later of Dseda: Practices In tba Ooorta of Oraven, Joae. IWicc Oaiaarst, Oaelow. or whers-rsr Mrvks aiasseptratU ALFItKD CUKNKY Otvtl EsalBaaHs as CsstrssUas I hsM snada sjTBrmroecjt whersby I aa handle all work in nry line. Civil KnnM-riox, Land 8rvsylr, DTaught- arw. kUr Making. Contracting- and Title Abstracted. . Procopt bs-vk modrrmU rate r.ilo U3t ;. NOTICE. faltad Wataaof Aattrira, EssUrt Dla.1 trkt ( t Rortk Camllaa, la Th PMflrt Cnl at few Pt. ty ltU of Oi)f of fl Uo4 Ur,m tK II tlTH ( nsit ff Iks I'nltl P at, for tha f tttn 6'ittW-i rtt hank I n Int. M .tiela Cft1 .r.DS.rr W ". ir ' k"t' f tVal I .., 1 r'-s f"f a i i i -r, u..e ib'' a H (hi klHl k'i '-t f i( n f tt n 4.f t! i H )f 1 - t ! II e t H i ' 1 . i'm r cua av aa at t a Htw. U. rfTt SM tMipS S)ilkS- tttk, .'' tr1. ' ". rtoiM. S 4 H Stts tti. 1h I im. IS H It (tl p tU irpt Hs tutntllyt Administrators Notice f7. Iff amlottlsrsd npoa Us sstaU Of C W MrwB, dansass. all awrsoss b4I4 ta said as tat r tls4 to stake Isamsrilst BsyanMt. a4 ail ps. Ions k.ila!r. claims I4 a-its I era mMrf as fwl IM last o of bf(rs !TSi.tsf S. llruj Of ibis as- lirw will as f1i la baf af fsoervsty, IkW Le Urn. "". - AfllBlarais'. r.iccutor3 Notico. . Maria ine'.!)! d tfnXnt BsM t.lml I SaraS if.g '' iv. 1.1 ; I aa1 vrblch :: B. T f fij tf .1 V. ."t Ih . . 4 , To r rn ! -:r' . I 1 iii-i r ... II 1' 1 . in IN i " -r. 1 i 1 4 d-"d. Is "f traraa srs. 1: i IA S'.tl'f ail p"" ( .i.'i'Mt eiK'i1 rf tf. ..-t, tt i;'.r tt ta , 4 , 1 n I- ' rs t tsil da . . . , ; . ,. t r t : : a 1 - w 11 t ! , t t 1 1 '.'r '-- r. A , - i in ii i mu a; Stale M North (larnlina I J.mci tiounly. ) Kntry No. MO. To J K Dlion, Kutry laker for Junes County: Tbe onrlerilgnc.l J T ll.xl of Jonas county, orih ( trains cnturs and lays aim lo Ilia loliosing Iocs or parosl 01 laud Id Poll icIiiyIiIo townihlp, Jonas Obooty, Hiate nf North Carulloa. Tha aai e belOK vacant in I nnapproprlauwl land and subject to entry, viz: Joining tbe lands of ltla.lt Lumber Company. DeBrabl lands and others, aame 1tIo on tbe Wrat aids of llarhslnr Crsrk aod boundsrt at follow, lloun.tixl oa the North by tH CrtTfu and Jones eoanty line, oa tbs Wnt j tit lands or lliades Lumber Cnrcpany. on the Hoolh by Os Brubl laa.li. on thr East by DaBrakl aeds, cootalnlnf fifty arras mors or Crocst C. Aimtrne, Ostaapathlc Pbytadd. Offle otff former Famera Me , ' cbanlcn Bank. Hotra. 9 a. m to 4 p. m. Cofsnhatiasi ajsilnsfioo fra atOflVc SEKMOUR W. HANCOCK "r Attorney at Law. rv Will evacUca la. ni l ' rdarsJCatirU.., "Office 46tn4 Su . jUomaltu Jl, Ifann k ATTOIJlT AT LiW. r frsM los ta tha swtlM ef Ciasaa, IWMt rastltasv. ana OaaUow. sr4 to th Btasa u !- Bad rdfl gflr inlfi rmnt ItwaH, asat Tsta Kotered this tha 1BQ0. 1 day of Jsnoary J T HDOI), ClalntaaL J K DIXON, Reg. DsxUaarl l.i Officio Kalry for jobs oooBiy. takaf P. I. YOlIXD. v Attornsy t Law, H s. fr" t Pi, (ro. Hsl Chattasrat J. .T I-w. a. - . Entry Notice, t-tal of Hortfc Carollaa, Crave Co sty. T Oeaff 11. Walsrs, Beiry Taker tor Cravaa Caaatyr Tha aadartlaaad, I Bsel(bl, af Ciavaa craaty, Jionh Carollaa. ealet aad lay rtaiaa w tas loirowiBf ossons-. . 1 i 1 A M fV. ssj pwos irnnis sa isiih tm " InvraaMa, Cravs onaaty Jtsia at kf enh Carailaa, weaans awn vsrsav aaa VI si sanBBS( eta piaa esos ssosa said ws bet wasatwa ass piss asat isa t4t af aof savsash said ta ha tha a asraf IbaWaiMsrrt lead aaltsd ta lloslla astsat aad elea as rear Nil MofrW. lassos rasBlas; wllh ta satd astaai Ka elhvnlly ta aaotkar ao as tA st4 saamt assr U4 XiwMtyot Bsstrt n, s wua taa uaa wast wstdtyt l ). W Has, Ihssy vHfe Tripr I l aas Roach Mas, ' s Usa Use ta Uat f r. 0 rtstsr.. ostei se Has. tksas vltk std 1 svtaaad Mnrrts tins, tbjw st I thai lis to Ut It 1 Mnrrt Una. Sad ibasrs with hi Its et llsss I Use Wf'aaief U asi4 lasd ry law bs tss ' ltfl Craa sad rtvss, ositJals bj tltk ra! rjf.T a rmwrJ, f i f '-. -. t, (V.Vt. r I Vmst! Ut" l . af lantsry j iAP.n;r;::T,

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