Trie JOURNAL: lb U,B- Uam , Junil In1 UM, CHARLES Ls MBVBNS nnoi in raannm i : SUBSCKIF.TI01 1TBS v nn W. la advaac. . . . . ..v. .'. nt Is advanC....."... Monthly, by carrier ta Dm efty.. ... 0 Advertising Rat fttralikad 0 W eJion. . Kntered t th Post 00, HW Bom, N.O.M second das mattor. Offlelal Paaar af MtW BOT M Crave Oaaty NEW BERN, N. 0.. Jan. 28. 1905. tl.wi ?8 TH CHAMPION OF LOCAL INTERESTS The citizen, and lie la umally In tome official position, or one of public truet, very often bas eome feeling against bia local paper, became of Jsome article ap peering In ita columni, which may touch ODon something in which he la personally concerned. This resentment Is strictly Individual for If the papertafl failed to note the same tbi g, affeotlng'someother citizen, there would have been theory raised that the newspaper had jhown favorlt Urn. The citizen who truly appreciates the local newspaper, one who bat . nothing to ask from It. bat who treat! it sb something Impersonal , yet haying personal Interest In every! htng"local, la the one who gets understand log the newapapet's actiul position in a community. Compare the tna'mont a newapapar gives a citizen, and that be may receive from any Individual or compenyof per sons. ' The citizen may not deserve descent treatment, yet he is shown the utmost consideration and falrnos, for perrbance there may be occupation publicly spoken on the atreetr, affecting his character or bustnesi reliability, yet the local pa.pi r la the friend which re- fneeatoglve expression t anything until the very last, and then with a rt- lucunoe that modifies and helpe the citizen's pcallion. Outalde lnlereat may prove hostile to a community's commercial Interacts, bat It Is the local piper which takes ap the gauntlet of tight, and savagely attack the hoattle Intruder, and holdi bin? at bay until the citizens are aroused to their own peril, and rash forward to r.-l the foe. it la the local newspaper which makes poialbla of saooees the promotion of local Induttrlal mitten, which keep promloeot. It eitlteoe. who would never otberwlee be heard of, aad keep perpetually before the outside world the Importanre (t in town. The local newapapar la also the one reoord by which I lie teople ot It local ity have to prove pat eveaU by. Ite cntomaa are ecanned to note lb truth nf some local happen lag, for It naver drottves or defraud It own home peo ple. Tkevaloeof lb locl tewspepatt! not on of do I tr and cents. If It was. then It proprietor would lad bis re ward In eome oe eveet in neck year, which would give hi eeeapetewa for life. It l lb om local iaeUlaliou which neve foeee iaureat iat nay eitiem aorrallelo eo to tb recutn people aad laeir labaretu. hk tb per petual ehtaptoa tor loeal lalereeu.taelt preean- icu a4 advaneeeieeiL "W want every ana aad wotnea la the Ooltm mtm latMd la tM nn al OpaiBj Wbiekey ae akv raf bmMta, e1UttMMselveaefrteaa,ea hv neef Dr. Woslln't bonk mm Dim aia aeaaa. wnta D. WeolVey. ttiwia, bob wr, aa oae wtu be aea t yaw tree. notice i Fiat Xtctlir tt Crtdw la th' Dhtrtal Court 4 tb tilled i But, ft th XealM DUertet f Hon CWiea, tpiw Beta, I O (MUai f " - . ' , WOTICE! ( T Ik rd1lnf of JokaT Ceopef, of , '., Barboro, I Ik Oneaty vf Paeillra . DtrW .rwi4, iWakrapt, Neiiee t( kera'y givte il the T; yf J.aaay, A. PH IM, Ik !! Mi T CVh via etaly S, iVuii ' fekrpi, 4 liat the int atwilxf ol kit ewd.anr will fce kU a Hw tura, R. C, I IV Vsle is Cert Bwa ft Ik ih dy ef rttxaaty. 1i, at 11 a'Hr imi, al IH t! U e'J er.'l r y aOx-l, f, r- tk.'r , . fnt e 0l., lln t!, k r 1 w4 latstM rk thv I- -, !., Jrjv,'If i, m b.' n ' 1 r ' . I W I E!. ' f I '!.''. . I '-'a ! : t 5a T a, V. C, : '. COMPETENT JUD&El , - Beaaty, Deetere sTaleiee Herlrlo. Womti he Beak a bualneaa af beau- tiffing other Woswa com pretty wt knowing "bat will ferine about th nest reeulta. Bar are lattara from two, con. eernrna; HerptcMe: 1 can recommend New-bra's "Hn)l- Ctde," aa It atoppea tot hair from falllnc eot! and, a a, draaiing It baa no awier or.-, v r-s: o - .-A-- (BisnedJ ..- Bertha A. Tralllnfer, . -ir '"Complexion Specie ljit 14 Harrison Bt. Portland, Ore." . 'After man ana bottle of "Haroldd my hair baa "topped falling out, and my ecatp la entirely, free from dandruff. BiBeii,) ;,i.w,-rf-.--r.raca uonce, " -r- "Beauty Doctor. 1 Sixth St. Portland. Ore." . Said by leadta drucaiata. Bead lie- la tampa for aampla to The Harplotda Ji, Detroit, men. - -u ; .v.". e-V, -. -.. . J,. . 0. D.BRADHAJl. '8pfe!al AU": - stocks, Cotton, grain. Quotation! of Yaslerday's Market! f Bf- nlfhtd By Barm! & Oo, CrTn f. Street. '" Hiw Tom, Jan. 87, Open, High. Low. Oloee OOTTOHI March ... May Oct July .. Spot .. 0.6 6.74 .3 M ... 6.70 6.81 u,70 W .. 6 88 7.07 . 1JS6 .. 6.79 0.90 6.79 - 6,89 7o ew Tork. Jan. 17 8tocia: Open. OlOM ajnrSugar...... 1411 Hit cop m ?f IN 87J 87f ci P 67 661 8oUtbern Ky pt.. 84 i Ml U.B. Steel 80 80f Brie 43 4! a. 0,0 84 . H V. 0 Chemical. 84 i S4i T 0 I 70 71, R I... J ...... .86 85 Chloago, Jan 97. Oblcago Grain. Open. Olo May Wheat 116 llSf May corn 45 40, May Pork- 1890 19OT May Urd 700 702 We buy and aell all stooks for actual delivery, requiring only a small gura tee u d:I1 stock can arrive aod giving draft on Philadelphia for ttook sold on delivery. ' 0UKKU3 UU., Oen. Erokers. T J CTJItK A COLD IM OMB LAT fake Laiatlva Bromt Quinine Tahatt all drugglate refund the money It It tail ocure J5. vv.urove s signature is oa acn doz. zoc Wood's Seeds. Extra Early Peas are usually on of th moat aa da factory and profitable crop to grow, both for hom market and hipping. 3 Wood's Lightning Excelsior, Wood's Ptengrei Extra Eartr are th earliest and moat prod as tir kind in tmlUratioa, and are la groat favor with tracker wherever they arWpUn led. 8 pedal prlna quoted in quantity. Write for price and W4' Utntrur veenary Aeael Baak. taUlnc all about tb beat QVwJ and Frada. MaUad free. T.W.Wooi&Soot StttaB, . ( tlM0ll. HIMIIIA. ; ' .luumiE-n.Lcra, 11a ! - WU lEMl.flSJl, 1181.' 'Al . Iltafc.Uit Cue What happened I Parker b a 04 Mtloa. which it being alghUf eoa aideradby )tryof twelve. Theft vea dlot Will h taadareel t th Now Maaoale Tkratr Wdday Febraary lOi. The eriase ot wkab rat tb eaaae of th trial aey b 91 being eaaafuDy guarded fro tb eurtoalty af the pb!kt hat-we are aea oied that the trial la being proeao tod with a tborougb that will la re t good vr4 lot aad aa ia fall aosMd Ilk tkaaaartt f I),. AHheagh th aea kai a taalrUr od kotsg tk at t prtaja pontic!, are Ufonead lau ike beet Of UW Skeick had aothlag a 0 with tk Dvmejreu aomlaetloa to IVA W are saa bawevar that Ik prpdse- llawof Uleaaaewtliraretah aaor fa( baa a doe prealdaailal aaapi(. ' Wah aad ae wkat . happaaed to r i tier. .... $109 cwira.t!00. Tb r4ar of thl fff will pUaaedt leer t a tbr ht t ImU a t rc4d dlixn tkat vlwnm k bee ati'i bi aaia lean Ita t,c-a . that I Calarrb. flall'a f a'arrb t at U tkety pmltlr rare hew ko, n U H!rl frr!ty. Ceitrrfc a fit!ll!nl llwut, r''.!r a o tlttlfl t'Kt. JlaU'S Car II take kte,!tf, n!r f-. t pn t. b'"4 n1 arnrnt, f - n af a1 t!''' I i- t elre'i'k r f 'i.g v -, r , ar,t '' ' r j r.' fe r' y 1 :.a f r 'a k t ,1 , j t'r .f 'r, f , y' ,t i , t 1 I a f , r t I ll'1 . I .' f , I r f I . A ' - f NORTH CAROLINA REMEMBERED Hy The Blver And Harbor UonmlUe II Corgieaa. Over Ha I a Mlllloa -Dollar Approprlaiion I- Made. - . . alelgk Poet 87th .,'-' " ' Worth Carolina fared exceedingly well tfaeefipiOprUtlona granted by Don green recommended by. the River and Harbor Commleaton. The total amount given to the atate will be ovt a half mtllioa dollar. . Congreaaman Th' ma bH succeeded tn getting epproprlatlon for (he Improvement of the Nenae ' and Trent rivers In (be an be a of 150,0.0 and 180,000 : reeiactlv ely. " A' rangemcnt have alto been mad for the dtepenlog of Beauf rtbaibor.: A compared with Nortb Carolina' hr of pork the allotment ,to the otber southern atttes U Interesting, ' VirglnM gett only 1800,000, South Carolina lUKV. yuu, uaorgia, wnicn naa a memoer oi me commtttee, get about the mi aa North Cgrollnt, and Mintulppl, whlcb also be I member oa lhe committee, get less ba North Caroltaa. ' : Repreeentetlve Patterson' district wlka away With the II n' sbara ot the statu't total appropriation, but that Is (Ural teault, llnce Wilmington 1 the only port cl any considerable comme eial Importance-In the Hale. Of-the (890,960 appropriation given North Caro Una, Wllmlagton' sharel$4oX),000. Aa was Indicated In this correspondence yatn!ay the commute give Wllmlog- tan the full amount recommended by ih hoard of ngtneen,.; What t espec ially pleaalng to Represen'atlv Patter son la the fart that Wilmington 1 now put on the list of cltUs glvta authorized continuing contract, end he will be able In the) future to devote more lime to th Upper Cape Fear project, which will ul iinately make Fayettevll e and vicinity aa Important commercial centre. An ap propriation for Uia pr J at wa out ol th question thl year as only the moat Important and practical scheme were provided for. The upper Cp 5 Fear p;o ject ha in available baianoe to It credit for purrhaae of ailea f r lock and dami, and tbi will be pot to practical tae as early date The scheme for deepening aid lav proving Beaufort harbor wee the nei' moat Important for the state, and Bep rentative Thomas scored in securing ubetantial reeogultlon for the pn joct Mr. Thomav kept hi plan quiet and he secured a 145,000 appropiiatlon which it I believed wilt girf a depth ol 90 feet at low water. It I pt ts'ble that tbi approprlalon will be tncieaied In th Senate, A Senatore Aldrlch of Rhode Island and Slmmone and Overman have had inch ea arrangement In mind. 1 they do not th appropriation cnred by It'. Thome will meet tbe n quite meats of th aitaatloa. Tb old, original GROV8' TaaU tea, ( bill Tonic You know what yon are taking. It i Iron and quinine In a Usteleaa form. No Care, no r ay, 6 Jo, REDUCE ONE FOURTH U Setltnen Of Th Xallr Inter State Oottoa Conaettloa Hew Ortoan. Jaay t6.-Wlth It vital work already perfoi mid, th Southarii Ulr-SaU Cotto Onvantloo mitt dy to rclv aad ait upon additions report of It eoaaait'ear, whlc have bee laboiallnr p!aa to solv the eot- toa probtosk. ForsMr Senator MoLairta of Sooth CareUa pritenled th rport ofthi oaaHite oa rraolsUoa, . heartily ap provlag the radncUo of acreage aad frVHaT aad trgieg "all owoar ul eotkoa hold it Batll th (rsii rapart o aeraag abowa to th world that lk SoU'haia ootloa. faratai Uad solidly logethar, thtl tkey kv oo pllai with their grai aaddaauai th Tlo Of laair prodec." Ooamlaaloaar R S Fo 1 of Abbaae, pldat of tb AsMdatlo .. of th 8owthfsi OoanaUaloaet af Agric kurtl, dlscaeead Mn galktrtag of oo. to sutistlos by aoatkaraeoaiailaaioaai of grleaJtar. ' . - r Tb following foiUo watssaal- ajoajly adoptad, aol optw war ordar d oat to Preakieai Rooaa all aad lb oolbar atori - . , W krby Mdore th avrvr aaMt oa foot to dw th lateral at VaeBavWto t:h fall $i tleta (oairoi vr allegasl lacriU tloo aad aba ky railroad, whh po- f to aaforo their gadlaga, aad rrut ail aoatberu aeaakora 4 laprtaaato U to sapport ad aid Ul lb paaaage of thl r." . Executors Notice. - Saving qoallBel a Kx.eaior of Ik lea will aad leatiMai el Aagetln 1 nt k daoul, let ol Cravet ont N C, lata at ta amlfy U awrana kal. e!lMeaiBt tka eataie of tk ! a aim ta etklHH Ibrat tt lb Vf t nod a or b fr Ike ttb da r4 Jaa I If or Ula antw will b pm.i4 la be f raa-wry. All rateoa Iadaktf4 la lb eeid au will tiaaaed at afMaL jaaytOstfiOS, . i. T. T"l r'.aeratof, Lxccutora I.'otlco Pulfi fitii!'f U Tim : t l "vi ! ' i..f i f htntt I I V. A l i r' nt k pf r!t!i ir it f f r: '1 11 1 fe 1 lr L, r r, ' I l f-i r.f U'.t'l .' k f'tf ff Ji i 'il if Tvnk J . 'wl is t nt ft f , A i f t ( !-'!- ' 1 wii-t If"..: j f i. i9 r 1 i . i ( ... J . Baa. t-K- faonraoa, j.-S c. blractar, . . . "' ' BESTHOTEH ' tuca aOCIBTT. bealtb fanproTed weeka' aa ot the of Oardat I w aaore a well aad Wine of Cardui regulates the menstrual flow banishes headache, backache! and bearing-down pain. Severe headaches, bearing-down pains; indigestion, loss ot appetite and nervousness are symptoms of female weakness and should be given prompt attention. If you are troubled with menstrual irregularities do not let them run on. They will oertainly grow into dangerous and chronic troubles. Qet a bottle of Wine of Cardui and begin treatment at once. - All druggists sell 11.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui. The SPORTING WORLD Jockey Rlldebrand'e Great Reoord. Eugeue Hlldebraud, the California rider, broke the world's record for win ning mounts during Inst season and will cotuuiund ills owu price for 1003. The record prior to 190i was 202 vic tories by C. Hclfr'nnd was made In 18:S. Hllilebrntul's total for this year Is 298 winning mounts. At the Oak lend truck Inst winter he rode fifty seven winners. Then lie went to the I.os Augflos track und rode forty-four winners. When lie traveled east he began riding at Aqueduct (New York) and followed in all tlio eastern tracks OUKKE Rn.DEBIUVI. AMEKiri LUDIXO HXTLMT. during the aenaou. AVlien he went to tbe I'at'lllo cont lu November he led the list with 1U3 winning mount. On tbe California track ful winter be rode two winners at Oakland and flu- I shed tbe yearby riding thirty two win ners at Loa Angeles, thus lirluglng bis total wlunlug mounts to 208. Thla amaalie all rerard ever attempted be fore by a jockey lu the United Httee, kaaeara Mar a A breed. A popular oraveaneiit 1 betug agitat ed among tbe ttodmrta of Cornell uni versity t promote an International croa country meat between Oafonl and Caai bridge and an American taw repreoestlng aHtbar in lutercolkrglat Croea Voanlrf aaeoclatlo or Conaell aloo. Tb former plan would be pref trtble, tb Aoiertcaa team would tbe be ripnatUv of all tb eastern universities and feot Just on col leg, bat ! either toeloxw, luaaascb a four Cornell runnar bar been la tb Siwt tr to labh st tb I ti tercel krfUt croa coeratry mH ta tbe keat two tears, tb tea selected would U eeottlly CorneU taaai. : -'.;' t Tb 'Englam diets no rtrtiner hav th reputatloa ot tetog tb beat is) tb warld. Od few year g It wutd ba beeu IrapoaaltJ Wrt ' a AmarVsa taaaa that would bot be t rtaaaad by them. Tb rspld adraor tnad la America A col lege, aanextally (tiruHt, during IbT laat Mr year la gkttaar and rroes toon try, ruanlag esuaea many npert ak bar follow ed rtaerly tb awai at reabt year ta predict that th AanarVraa teeol oat ertry roc Id kokl II ewB, hot waabj peo ably win If mil meat wen rTag4 now. . ' ,-.'.-.., a AWkaeaa 9r, ; Ha Jgliawa ta wrtoght ap baraaee live Xat'onal br ! foled I pUf lil ri lcln!'. wbl'Al Will aeree alui the Ae"ct n doing In asnt tli in a'tUouj.i lli Utter had prerlon lf der M fffl I, l rw. 1 w AinVVr i b !C- rHm rr tbM 1lirt VM'.I I lltn ft tb ri'W of tM snd U Ur rwitnirt ! '' I 1. t't t t iiiay a r',l an (!,ih!i'.hi1.!;i f.t'-e. toil We tb riiK-tr In Li "s I'end. in mni? aI'li Ti tt r, i!hI 1 1 srm n a It. awfu-liiia fif Iw. fe l.ik li--r r i)-n'a are !!...,;.. fe (. "t oaa-'y ti Wia.l a r-w;'t ! Ibry t- . m hi m t ir f f! t..f. mtt I I . f tt to tmr 1 o r1. ' f 1 's1 I. r:.' to ? V A Don't Neglect Yourself. - - v IMS tecoad Street, ' " . , v T lajsiilb KV,' AbHi M.aa. , 1 hav keen wea aad aiekly a the' paat Csor yean, eaaaa by Imcnleritr and aueleancaa ncvUIu the ' : law el heal lb, bat about Ire aioiith, ago aur toadltloa - beaaMTary anioBa. I bad aercr baekaek aad ared - aoouatant duU aeia la mj bead. I apcat awry, painful " ?T.l1"' .1ri) u,.','MU,a Btgbta. . Tb doctor told ate that 1 moat hare patlenoe. .- . . - . T . ' .HiaBlotaedldaKhoweverijrlTemeeveBtaaBoraiT1 relief apd aa I bad baea told ot the carat!, iuJiie of Wise of Oardat I decided to trr it. . . I fMind Uul It ralianU a, Am an otber troabue were gradtaSiy Wine , onom , happy . Commissioner's Sale. NORTH CAROLINA, I Superior Court Craven Oonnty. Before Clerk. John U. Fisher vs Samuel Bryant, J B Bryant, Thomas C. Biysnt, Tbe Mutnal Aid Banking Com pany and W B Flanner, Guar, ad Litem. By Virtue of an mder obUlned on the 3rd day ot Janury, 18U5, helote the Clerk of Superior Court of Craven county. N U , In the above entitled Spiclal Procecilog to ae!l land for divl loo, the undersigned aa Commlsaioner therein appointed, will offer for sale end sell to tbe highest btddi r for cub, at the court Home door in new twin uraven county, N 0.. on Monday the 6th dav ot rebroarv, lVUi at tbe boar ot 12 o'cl ck M., the fallowing deicrlbed n at estate to-it: All that oertain piece or parcel of land In the city or New rJein, Uraten county N U., adjoining I lie lands or U. Marks William Jones and other, lying snd be- ng situated on the Southern side of ti e alley running between George sad B ru streets, tald alley being Moitb Of Cedar atreet and tuns pirallrl thereto, twins' known as "Dryboro Alley", beginning at tne noun ifint corner of tue i t nere tofore convey id by Mary F. Emery to tbe New Bern Cc-operallve Land and Building Association (now oaned by O. Marks) and runs (aatwardly alone tbe toutbera Hoe of i aid allev 68 feet 0 notae, thence outbwdly od pa alle) with (it orge atreet 01 foet 8 lah a tn Wtltlam Jonee' line, thence wtalwardly along tald J nea' line 58 feel 9 inchea to the Int now owned by O- Mark., thence uonhwardly along tald Mstka line SI feet S Inches to tbe beglrning. Being the tame land conveyed to Tbnmaa Hry ant by deed bearing date of April 23rd 1877, recorded la the nob'le recude In race or Reenter or Deed, lor raid une ven eoutitv In Book No. s Folio 878, and Inbetlt-d b tbe laid defendan a Samnel Brrant, Joeeph B Bryant and TLomaa U. Bryant rbHunn nd kn.i- tl-law of aald Tho Bryant, dee'd. Thl ltd dav or Janoarv 19U0. RAPHAEL O'HARA, Com Notice of Sa!e of Land By virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by Fred Eltaon and Smithy Eltson, his wile to R. W. White and F. N. Hawkins, on the 5th day of March A. D. 1893, the a id mortgage deed is recorded in the Keglster onto or uraven county, North Carolina in Book of Deeds No. 110. mat 458. the undersigned will ex pose to sale at public auction at Dover North Carolina, on the 27th day of Feb ruary, 1306, lor cash, to the highest bidder, th following described lands: That piece or parcefof land lying and bains; in th said county of Craven, ad joining th band of James Jones. Walk er and Jones, Harry Rouse, snd known arry Kouse. snd known aa being a part or the Isaac Kent pa tent, bounced as follows: Beginning at a stak, Jam Jones corner and run South 78 West 80 pole to the back line of th patent. -then with that line North 15 Wrt to a littl dlteb, thea South 67 East K poles to a a take, than South 16 Eaat to th begthfllng, containing flv frea mora or (. Tbi 2&th day of January 1905 - - ETTA HAWKINS, AdmtitSstrabrtx of V. N. Hawkins deed. Loftin Varser, Atty. A G oo d Telephone ' .UBT10I 18 4 BTJ1UIKM . ' BICI88irr," 4 -KOstl ; aOoirriitizKOx. i oov . iOUD i 'e ea v."r S C.TeIeei: 0i4f Yttif Pktaax 4 0x' Entry Notice ; tTATI.OF K0RTM CAROLINA, 4 ' Crvl Caurrty, T Ceo, B. Water, Entry Taker for Craven Cwmty ! ..' ' ; $ Tb undenlgrtMl U D 'Lan of Crar n aounty. North Camlln. enter snd lara riaitrt to th folWranne; di'arrllxd pix-e or parrel of band ia Third lown iip, (an rnorty, Stale af North Carolina, h aame (wing verant d on a!,tol Und rd ul jrt in n try, : -ir,ing th latvl of C W Ptia '.1. M II I en r4 ftr-e m ryinp t.n ti Htth .le of fne nvr tvi titvM aa f. '.Kjwa: na ih KorlharKl V . I 1 f t ' i 'hn B V lend now fv M I I en") the lanp nvrwd I t 1 Y-i ',; ef V m V. hit fvi (;nr; 1. y al rm erl rw i JVoth t i s I y I U-J n I and t he t 5 .' I . if - r . f-rt ' : 7 I t -' ma t n t .' r f !. 1 I t . I .: t I ( Ja'V I .-V t: u 1 A' v.. Notica of Sale, By vlnnr or a power feaie eoata'ned i a Moriaezete(i oy wm riookei to le Lr-wi aad B J Martin, I be said Mortgage I eing reoonled I tb Ctoa Bon a theOity or New Bern ia Book 15 rage 98, cf tbe bok of Mo tagee, a win oner puoiie aarwna, at 19'eb(tkaooa en tu7vk day of Febtu- ary , ine acbooeter Jamea Kajmoad, her mull, boaaprl', boat, aneuore, ea blea, cbalna, rlgijinf, tackle, appa-el, fntnllut aait all other aeorSMtlrs i here unto apperulnioa; and belonging. Tbe aall sale to be for eab, and to be hrld aboard th taid 8chnnnr lying near the W N & N li.iruan Whaif. January 7 h, 1909 ' B J MARTIN. ISAAC LEWIS. By 8. W Hancock, Atty Entry Notice, State of Nor'h Camlln ) Onalow County. ) To M M.Capp Entry Taker f r Onal w Uouoty. TheuDderalind B L Kellnm On alow county. North Caiollna en-ets and lays claim to t be ful lowing detcrlbed piece or parcel of land in Wh'le Oak lowD-hlp onsiow i ounty, otaie ol Norm uaroitoa, stne being varant and unapproprUted land, and eunject to ntry, tlx: Begin ning In Horse dwamp at Ben Farnull.e corner then running with lila line into tbe pocosln about 1 4 mile, tbence run ning wes'eily couree about s-l utile, tbence nnrthtrly course back to th te ginning, the above described land 1 near the bead of Hone 8wmp lying on- 4 aidea or tne KtuDin I'earson place con ta'nlng about 100 acre more or lees. Entered the 2l1 day of Jan 1905, be ing entry No 413. B L KBLLUJI, JK. Entry Notice. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Craven County. To George B Waters Entry T.ker for Uiaven Uoun'y: The undersigned JV Bladeaof Cm ven county, Nutth ( a ollna., tntnra an 1 'aye claim to the following deacrlbed piece or parcel of land !n 9h towuahln Craven county, Btate ol Nort i Cur Hot tbe same bcln vacant and urapi r prlated laid, and anhject to entry, viz Jolting the In its i f Bladea Lumber O. Jolij T Shute and nth r, aame lying n the weat aide r.f Bachtio Creek and bounded aa followa. v iz: on the north by John T. Bhute lacd and on tbe wes by lands of Bladea Lnmbe- Co on the aouth bv the ( r. ven and Jonre county line ecd on tue eaat by DeBrwUl Knd n n he-s containing by estimation 100 acre,. Rntered this 5ilt day o' JsnnSr 1A05. J V BLADK3 NOTICE. United Stalee of Am-rlra, Eaati rn Dia- trlct i f North Carolina, in Th Diatrict Coutt st New Bern. By vlrtne ot an Order of 3lo ia.ned from tbe Diatrict Cooit of the Unltd 8' ate, for the Eaetrtn D'strlct or North Ca'olloa. on '.be lOih day if .1 t.un.rr 1005, Notice la herb given tin. I will expoae for sale anil aell al public au"'i -n to the blubeat bidder for rain on Men d-y tbe 80h day of Janti ny, 1905. at II c'C'fck M a1 Wedoi' I'ork nar Union r i In the Ol yof Ni-w Item the Steam Ttw "3n", her engin-a, boll era, machinery, bo He, tack el. apparel, appnrtennrt an 1 f r Ir u r. a at. n w Ilea at Meadow,' l. rk n a' Unl- n l- I t In the ta d City of Nrr "i-rn II, C. OO KEHV. I'. Mnlul By R. W. WARD. Deputy. Always Remember the Full Name I axative Rromo (Quinine Cures a Cold in One Day. Grip in Two. oc OOnODCOOOGOOOODODOOOOO o ....At lie lid (f A o a o Meadows GOLD LEAF g "TOBACCO QUlj0! O o a o o o o a o' n f . Um It aod too will be aatlsfird. It 1 baa a for Brlgh ToUoeo and all l uik IL 8oual Cobfeag, Potato and jreat Cttal aas). On of our moat pop ( lr Lrands tt " z t n s s " :: It Make ararjUilrif grow. If you w yvrtiliaar Innat tbai j or aVarwt apl; yoj vtuX UKKbOWB BRAND- Ttj or 4 tlat, s a s tf s v. r J E. n. & J. A. 1IEADOWB COMPANY, jj nacr4rrra. Work i' Ken Rivtr. ' - C He i UbUh rolai. LDHGC1STIRCI fHOHM n wococccscnccccczonononou , aw BtWH. N C AlK- loijh, fr t;t ! rrfTmaiT ltltilUoa, fall brMt of t ,a ttmr. nvrHi r,4 It 0fo jrl waif Utt MlO Iprollo CuU Very. Low Round Trip Ratei , "v -TO ' WASHIWGTON, D. C. ACOiCST BtpcrbCNTIlt "CSlUBniiAi. IN AUGUR 4TI0N, MARCH i, W, SOUTHffiH RAILWAY.. wHTsell tickets on March 2nd and 3rd, at extremely low rate to Washington, D. C, and return, with final return limit March 8th, 1905; however, an ex tension of Anal return limit may be pro cured to March 18th. 1905. bv deposit of ticket with Joint Validating Agent at Washington prior to eight o clock P. M . , March 8th, and payment of ONE DOL LAR. Special inducements to Military Com panies and Brass Bands in Uniform. For detailed information as to Rates, Schedules, Sleeping Car Accommoda tions, etc. ASK THE AGENT, or R. L. VERNON, T. P. A., J. H. WOOD. P. P.A. Charlotte, N. C. Asheville, N.C. H. HARDWICK, W. H. TAYLOE, Pass. Traffic Mgr, Gen'l Pass Agt, WASHINGTON, D. C. T A ('.inn, Prra K H Mrjd,i, V 1' A Uzrcll, ( a.n Citizens' Bank or ararw javstx;. at. Do a General Bunking Buslo Snrplns and Undivided PrenU $i,ooo oo We will give prompt and careful atlt-ntinn t.. bitsinrss entrusted to u. Wr Invltr your acv'ount. Try ua. BOAHll OF IIIRK TORS: ) A Meadows. San.'l W I, I, ( II F. w.. J W IJralnger, K W Smallwocd, liruNki. E H Moatl)W7, t hai lUifiy.Jr, Jac ReditKi,..!. Mayer Hahn. Tl.oa A Gteen, t." K pny, WFCncllHI, Mark Ulwnav ( V Mitirrh. Russell House BEAUFOHT, N. C, Centrally located. All thedeli cacies of iho season. Well venti lated rooms, Good beds, Phoue cou vr, Porte and nttentive Ser vants. Rates H 50 per (nj. Special and liberal terms ly week or month. Q. A. RUSSELL, proprle.or. A PILL AT MISHT. NO "M0RNIIM AFTER" SICK HEADACHE POSmVCLT CUMO BV Ala all Olaeaaae at tka tlaauca, Lhtr, Kldatri an Bowela. Coatllpatlea, llleui naa, Haadaclte, Indication, Ntnaeaaaaa. Platlta, Bloickta anil All Skin latperlllaa. fOII 4U It ALL OHUOUISrS. Tn lliaa. to Cata u4 It Caati ft S.l Aooapt No Substitutes. Ttbacco FertilizTS.... rasa. f - , q New Bern, t C. o . - - t u n 10 iei ta ft sat oej ru!a. ' ; . Tor Ir n s J J. irOTXADAY. Frc3.