IUM0II OF THE HOUR it r. t' J " rJ . how easily you can .nam valuable premiums by saving the freight car coupons on Good Luck ' Baking Powder can labels. Get a can to-day and look over the little Premium Booklet yon find ., , Inside. It tella all about the most liberal premium system in the worlddescribes and picture . every one pi the 56 high-class, valuable article we offer. -. Good Lack coupon are worth dollar , and cents to you save them I See the cut below. r ' ' .. - has revolutionized baking. It 1 the baking powder of positive parity,. of absolute certainty. Healthful, wholesome baking of snowy white, ot feathery lightness, of delicious flavor invariably joOOO PON WLUAUMniCLU.SU " ll M Tattk M rT n. . DR. -if LYON'S 1! si ;H uin mi VMru: me, ot tmnrtneiT aioe French - , Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish DESIRED ' RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy. Price, $1.50 per buttle, sw rillTinH Oewaie of otnatarfetu ana Imitations. The genuine ! pot as onr ! KSte-borM tnj - , vMVIIUIS ton with faa-ilmlla signanira on side of me bottle, thm , , 7 . , castor Cinalar to WIUJAMS Jiru.oa.Sola Aseats, Cleveland, OHIO, . SSsSZS- t Sold by D A.VIS PHARMACY MOTT'S PENNYROYAL of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVEltS" to girls at womanhood, 'aiding development of organs and body. No known remedy .for women equals them. Cannot do harm 'life becomes a pleasure. 81 00 PER BOX BY MAIL. Sold by Sold In New Bern by C3EALTE3 am VITALIF Tb great remedy for nervous tfrostratloa and all diseases ot the generative wiHuuaws vivuci two, buuu u worvwus rrirsvratuurj, railing Or JLtOSC m&uQOOtl, miiwMjiKj, riiKatij cmiBsioiM, ilfcntty bmiBmorot. Of TobaOPOOrOnium. which lnfl1 I 1UU AFTER US I KG 9 order we jmarantoe to euro or ; " t uuiua iur a.w T. A. JONES Livery, Feed, Sale and Exchany S T A L E 5,- I argeit aid Basal tok of Horses snd Ma' eer offered for sale In Newbem Aosr Ua1 of isli Jus in. Attn a ont IM ot B iglea, Waioa Htm ., Hub s. Whips, C.n Wal. Ktc. T. j.. JOLTES, Erop. L. Gr. DANIEL'S 42 Craven St, New Barn, N. Cf, has Josr received, the finest lot Of r from St. Louis thut try ri n .v m Eastern North Carolina, and havo also fust AA .4VJhst Sk sAma 1e A 1 . - . . III (FJ1 . ' which moans that there are jjood bargains for those - who want tn nnrcti rmnrt v, - - Mulos and nice Horses . iuo7canrjoBOiainnymaritet In this Btate to eTorybody call and look for yourself. New Bzt a Iflllitafy Academy, 1 . . : - nvrnnr-oriATrn.) WawHml . j i rr,S'. 4. It r 1 Urn m :,f Write fr (UWnt. m 5. J, I.OLL.UUY, r.. V. U . Count It Up Von'll be surprised how cheaply, how quickly, . follows its use. On account 01 its superior leavening power 11 u ideal for quick baking.- It costs yon out 10 cents a pouna tmi f It goes farther in quantity than any other.;; The excellence of Good Luck is shown in the fact that i6,i4S.JI4 pounds have , ' been sold during the present year.' Insist upon getting Good , Luck. If vow grocer hasn't it, send us his name and we'll see thst you are supplied at once. r 1 THE SOVTHERN MFG. CO., PILLS Tliej overcome Weak ness, irregularity and omissl(na, increase vig or and rtaniah "minn Davis' Pharmacy. Youinnu Errom Hnntnl Wnrrv AroaaiB ouwiui urrore. Menial w . rVintimnttnn nnd Tnoavn, i' With . rvtu&l the money. Sold at 1.00 per box. at as low prices as ' " t J m,T ?.-f. Periodical Drops 3D LI? fsruort 1 1 'mirnu ! "n iiilf lUcaunond, Vat. Belmont's HerM. The second division of August Bel mont's racing stable, the string that will ' represent the chairman of the Jockey club at Bennlngs (Washington) nud the early meetings around the New York tracks, has been shipped to Gar net,. S. C for tlra winter. The string lucludeil about a dozen head and was shipped from Babylon, N. Y., In cur,' of John Wfcnlen. Spoiled Her Beauty. Harriett Howard, of 209 W. 32th St, New York, at one time had her beauty spoiled with skin trouble. She writes: "I had Salt Rheum or Eczema for yean, but nothing would cure it, until I used Bucklen's Arnica Salve." A quick and sure healer for cuts, burns and sores. 25c at C D Bradham's drug store. winter austst uirers. Winter eggs 1 believe to be the most profitable feature of the poultry busi ness, Bays o New York correspondent of American Agriculturist. The best way to secare them is by hatching win ter chkkeus from winter laid eggs. In no other way, can we breed from win ter layers and breed from them at their bertt Cured his Mother of Rheumatism. "My mother ha been a sufferer for many year from rheumatism," says W H Howard, of Hatband, Pa. " At limes lbs a nnabl to mov at all, while at all time walking was painful. I pre sented her wiia a bottle of OhemberlaJn's Ps In Balm and after a few application she dtclded It was the most wonderfsl pain reliefer sh hd ever tried, In 'set, she Is never without It now and I all I tine sble, to walk. An occasional appli cation of Patn Balsa keeps away the ptln that ah was f irmetly troubled lib." For sal by alt Druggist The Care at Haaer. A cdlnr Is one of the very worst place that can be found for storing honey. There sre few cellar In which the air not loioowliat damp, and, as boney readily attracts moisture, , toe drier ud winner the storehouse the) better. In a damp cellar extract honey becomes thin and will often ferment and with comb honey the esse Is still worse, for the sppearaaco ss weU an th quality la ebanged, writes A. Glen- wood In Epltomiat The beautiful wlilta surface becomes watery: and darkened; drop of witer gather on too capping and run over th sorfsc. la lead of keeping honey la a damp cel lar, keep ft dry nd warm la fact al most hot It will not bo too warm Ith the temperaturo nt 100 degree. IVliere salt will keep dry honey Is sere. If owe I fort trust enough to hire a dry, warm garret next the roof, no better plf for hooey can b foond. Chamhtrllai'a Caort kentljr. the V V Sat Ka4e.'--V;.;; lIn bt opt to Cbsajbeflahi't Congb Km soy Is Ut bnt U for eoki," tatiM'tOoTs Ws1kr of rotawvllla. 'niifotnlv Thro I o donbt abook h tag r Wt V OiW will cara a Ooldtoqatokly. So other las to prvsUfof peansftoata, , Ho tast to f Wtsast and bat to taka. TVs an good reasoa why It ihaold bo pra- forrad to s other. The fact Ik I few poovl tr sal is Sad with say 4ar ftr ksvlig oao seed UU woJy. for aio I y an Irrtkt- , , .. t " T raaas Wa4 lut. ' Juwt no tW Is a detoand for tins. br of aaariy all klad. ad assay fsrmarl r Mllng arvryming' Utey bar that tt marketaM. This I In vat mm a very "wla (volk-y. Tbe wood lot almnld be a (tart Of ov ary H ranlartrd farm sl. If prar nly trmtfl. Bif We m'laa Very prof- Itabt part. I nothing to be !, rM. Iiy hetng tfm sfta tbf bT mti4 tnsMirttr, a tl tl"TT r1! moon brgia to rt.l. lorit, bat It I Oarnllf p-wr pidk-y fi aurTlflra ma one off' rs gl pr f it it.m Tirntir vslun r Dot l.kiy to tlirliik, n4 tt frmT 1 tl, l"l "( erk! Will Imt luiiilKT snl tr fi1 Bioh tn or twwity ynr f mm tv.- ihi 6 InAtf si.il bxjt. r ' Static at Vrauilir, ' ' This is the conversation that took place between the girl with the two story pompadour and the girt with tb aeroplane bat, on the Wentwortb ave nue car; Y'r jSJCi1 t-f'it 'Beer, Jmrrjfiriy-. "Wstcha want mnK'&.. .tW.anta askeesumpln. Ooee cummla. nt choor house f moranlghtTr , ' V; Asytafoelin. XJosacummlnJ" ' ' Awka moff. " Alntnobodycummln' i 'Inobettern that? -. :..fi$ "Betchiidonar thaTnt C. " :4s Betchadollar this;? Vft;; v; Awfca moff r . . r; .:- ' i,''-. "Seer, Jen! joomee'ntellnie Imalyret "Srlte. Ooze blnastuffln yuht t -"NoboddUibinstutBnme. Ino wottlm- itawklnabont":v:i? vv " . "Awka moffr Sothlnlnnlt allsame." Bawl pvertown." ' "Wotsawlovertown?" ; -"Bouchooantomjackson." 00MeI,,;;(; -Kj;. -8'v f . Core sheo don't know."' Core st don't" Betchadoo." ; " Say I Juno Xllsimmons V Bettidoo, Clio! Ear sware Iga toff." "Well, g'byr ' "G'bynr-CWcago Tribune. Himui 1TBtaAswther Race. winiam HoKensen, ; the Chicago printer. Is anxious to get on a match race with Lawson Kooerraon. m tional hundred yard champion. Hogen a.n oinfma that he lost the title nt St. iahU last June on a "rant decision by one of, the finish Judges. . Chamberlain's Couch Remedy Ab solutely Harmless. Th fault of giving children medicine containing Injurious substances, 1 some time wor disastrous than the disease from which they are suffering. Every mother should know that Chamberlain's Cjogh Remedy Is perfectly fe fir chil dren to Uke. It contains nothing hai m fnl, and for coughs, eo'ds snd croup Is unsi rpatsed. Foe isle by U Drogglstc. Care af saecp. No surer cause of catarrh exists than crowding wet sheep Into close quar ter. Greatly in Demand. Nothing I more In demand than medicln which meet modem require ment for n blood ml system cleanser neh a Dr Kins' Naw LII Pill. Tbei are lust what iou need to euro itomaot nd liver trouble. Try tbem At 0 D Brsdham's drug stoie, 15c., guaran teed. Mar Traaafer !". Negotiations are under way for tbt transfer of the Wnablngtou frnnchlat In the American league to Baltlmoic A difference of $27,000 now stauils in the way of the coiisuiuinntloii of tin deal. The Haulon-Frnnk Interests, whlcl now own the Baltimore club In the Eastern league, hre offered $48,000 while President Ban Johnson deinand.- 75,000 for the Washington franchise. A Gr m Trafedy . I daily nactd, In tboaraod of homo a Death claims, ta onca one, tnothe vtcttaiot CoaanmpiloB or Pnmniooi Bat whon Ooogh and Oolds are proper I troatML th Iragtdy U avarUd. F 0 Btly, of Oaklandon, lad, wrlle:- ktywlf had th oonsumptlon, n tkra doctor gav hot dp. Flaall) shr took Or King's IUw DUeovary tor Co Mmptlon, Congh and Cold, ahlok oared nr, and todsy sh I wall anc Mroeg." It kills th gnn of all dU ks, Om do. Klltrts. Coarantaed l 60o sad l by 0 D Brad ha at, druggist Trial bolt) fn. Ta AOvaaarO Fa Hlam. In Chicago there I a principal of on of tit public arhoola who In hi collet dsrs was considered otathlna of bark'' at Latin nud at many other Studies besides. What b did not know about physiology was hardly worth knowing.- H was a grind' and acbolarshtp man, ' III Httl ctA a rd oil. U now pupa t th peflmettaJ arbooi at th nnlvsgaity, wharo h teamo . many rhlng net Of U order of politic orhool odnealioa. ' Roroally sh fU and hurt berMir. live father teMd bar trying "Whsf th suiter. Korocar.b -I fH tad bwnnod my ptll.M b frpUoo, ' Cemetsbar this wa hi Chk go, tad not ta Boston. " - 4 - Pap was ympithel. " Toor Utile glrir ho oatd, aod pforoodad with h bast latratlooa to nasal a har elbaw. ' ill m lntia a feM II at Uobr oh soon ad. ; "Uarta-i yon nvr laaread nytningf I laid any patella! That In t asy elbaw. My Or hoar fcf my groat aoaamotd." . Pp wrst for Latin dMUjtury, Is rroverblaj. Nsw Eern Tyomcn No' Exception. Itow ninck w la lh tyi-l)ttf tl'1 ef Wrtntsklsd. Wk ettft isf t i'. 'j t,nt!))f Ui kY' kssd, I t, jos lbs at MS kUkbro5M fVtl t Ifc.r tt yos mf ffflt y lklr irt fi- . id last imnp g' hf Ftw T-.T '. Vr li lli'nl, ' !..w, l!'rg ( 1 ' ,n I I. , ri i tf v t . 1 I 1 f , . WOMUniPiTp IT i njotber should b a.aourco of joy to all, but the suffering and dan jror tncfdcnl to tho ordeal makes ita anticipation one of misery. Mother' Friend I tho amlrjremedy which relieve women of tho great paw ana aaoirT,oi xnsnamiiv ; mis nour wmcn is areaaea as woman I Mverost (rial u not only msdo painless, but all tho danger i avoided by (U oso, Thooo whona thi .remedy are no longer despondent or gloomy i wenrousne, eauae and other distressing conditions are vercoma, the tystam is mtcU ready for tho coming event, ajad tho narioa accident o common to the critical ' '. botrt are obvlatod by th os of Mother's RA(k AttvA PrientL It i worth its weight in gold," fflililll P & ay many who. hove naod it.'- $1.00 per 111 rlllvl 4j kjottl t drag store. Book containing , . Talnsbk information of IntereSr to all women, will bo nt to any addr fro npon mMHWtOM RJEOtnATOm OOt ", The Winter CM. The winter coif, "nf tor weaning, should be given a variety or roauer, with oatmeal, eonimeal and flue feed and skimmllk. If there is any to spare. THB SECRET OP SUCCESS. Fo'ty million bottles of August Flow er sold Jn the United States alone since Its introduction I And the demand for It Is ttlll growing Un't that fine showing of success ? Don't It prove that August Flcwer has had unfailing ij success in iuu cure oi inaigesiion anu dyspepsia -the two greatest enemies ot health and happiness T Does It not af ford ibe evidence that August Flower . . .11 hi .m.IAi, all .In . . . t. . n .1 Intestinal disorders f that ll h nrnvrt , Itself the beat nf all lher regulators?- Anvust Flcwer hss a matchlees record of over thirty-live years in curing the illlog millions ot t'.ese digressing com I plaint a success that Is btcominc wider In Its scope every day, at hnme and abroad, as the fame of August flow r spreads. Trial bitllea 25c; regular ze 75c. For sale by all druggists, r S Duffy. PnnipKiKM -r Pouili'y. runipUliiH :ire not lo lie (lespls;Hl as poultry fiiod ivIumi lih'Us iue closely housetl In winter. A pumpkin halved and hung h gainst the nail will furnish green "llllin" 11111I lie eaten lu the rind In Bliort order wl-.en oilier more tempt ing green stuff In laoklnji. Sickening Shivering: Fits. f Ague an1 Malaria, can ba relieved -tod cured with Electric Bllters. 1 bis Is pore, tonic niedlc'no; of especial bene fit In o a'arla, for its exerts a Wje curs- Ire Influence on the disease, driving It O'lrcly out of the system. It i much n bs pre'erred to Ijnlniot, raring nom- t this drill's bid alter-erxects. ifi r Mundtv, of Henriet's, Tex., writes: ' My iroiher as vey low with mtlarlsl eier and Itundlce. till be look Electric Bitters, which saved hit llf. At C I) Smdhsm's drug ston; price 50c, guaran teed. A Onlrr Pointer. Framing Avill pn-aervc milk, but ut the same lime it locks up the butter fat. Extreme cold Is as detrimental us extreme heat to bultermakliiK- TO CURE A COLD IN ONE WAY Take Letetlve Bromo Quinine Tah iti s. All druggists tefund the money if t falls to on re. E W (J rove' I signature Is on each boi 15c. Skim Milk For ri.. Twelve quarts nf skimmed milk will make a pound of gnnvlli In 11 Miote II will. rc,iiln' four ihi.mhIh of corn t- make the Mime cr.iwlh. A Uuaanletd tare Pur Piles Itcbleg, Blind, Bleeding or Piotrudlog Plies. Urogilsts nland money If PAZO INTMBNT (el's to core asy raso,jo natter of how long standing. In 6 to 14 daja. If year druggist hi-n't It seed SOj In stamps and It will t Inrwardrd oost psld by Paris Medicine Co, Balot Uals, Mo. The BreeOIss Sw, A a rule a kow Imuld be allowed to farrow two or three time liefore It Is safe to conclude n to hrr eieelletu e aa a lirml - j cm O r-o '. ri UoBitlpa- ta. ' iiiaUiliii'i Hlcmsrh snd Liter Tshuti are Ike best thing for stosiaoa uoahles aad eoositpatlon I bats ever sold,? aa J R Cnlhsan. n dnglslof Potlorsvllh. Mien. Ihey are easy to tea ana! always giro reaf action. I toll my watoston lo try Uesi an4 If aM tatkfsotor) to aosM bock aad got tkelr sosy, bol sat srrse ad a ooaiplalol. ro t a s f M dtwiglsot. " KXPIIIHCt , - Tan Masat. . t tiwa 'lull' Cwrswn e mm, Fmtmmmt , "r. a, U4 rmw w4 sf . t t-sMo sstOV . .r .f ' - aJ, T o t . t ! a, t , a a1 w o -m as, iiv S f M Wimo. u. . 5TH l Dlaiuar. U,ke Cs'e'i'rl roepnr f"f I rf I. U 1 IN, fa;, va'.ie ' "l t 4 la rei' r si s sf M r' ' i ' j w II ,f II w-t'-h f Iff ! . t li i- ! W t'tm Ike r . a m li lkrff- II crrear ArA id - K nala I and danger attendant upon . .tho moat critical period opucation Athmtm. 0 F. M. SlnimoBS, i.D. Ware "MiYinONS ft WARD, ATTOBNEi aal COUNSELORS a LAV. W BKBHK, St. C. Office Removed across Street to bee t Story of No. 69 (above Telcgrap . f flce) South Front Street, neji', to Hotel Chattawsi, Practice la the counties of OravoL, Duplin, Jones, Onslow, Caneret, Pamli co and Wake, in the Supreme and Feu eral flocrta, and wharever services sr Ernest M. Green, Attorney At Counselor at Law, rBOA OT- NEW BERN, N. C Well equinrd to starch titles bv reason of manv veart emerience In the offlnn and a Register ol Deeds: Practices in the Courts of Craven, Jones, I'amlicc Cart9-et, Onslcw, or wherever service am reij'ureil. ALFRED CIIEIVKY Civil Eiislneerlng anil f niitnki-Mii I have made arrangements whereby I can handle all work in my line. Civil Engineering, Land Surveying, Draught ing, Map Making, Contracting and Titles Abstracted. Prompt service moderate rates. Ernest V, Ar ms irong, Osteopathic Physicln. Cflice over former Farrrers A Me chanics Bank. Hours. 9 a. ni. to 4 p. m. Consultation Examination free ntOflirc SEYMOUR W. HANCOCK Attorney at Law. cr wni practice in State and Federal Courts. Office 46 Broad St. llomuluM A, Nil 11 11, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Practice in the counties of Craven. Carteret, Pamlioo, Junes and On:, low, and In the btate rlupreme and Federal Courts. Office: 80-ith Front Street, over Tel graph office, Nev -m, N. C 1. I. U 4III, Attorney at Law, H ho. Front 8t, Opp. Hotel Chattawi NBW BERN, N. C. Cran County Attorney. Circuit, Crateo, Jones, Unsluw, Can tret, Pamlico, Oreena, Inolr, and th dnpieme and Federal Courta Sale of Valuable City Property. Blover Place Mnrth Carollns, Huperior Cmirt, Crsten County, f Hclore ihe Clerk. C K hioter, et a'., u The Court. BALK FOH PAKTI HON Pursoanl to Ibe Judgs.ect rradcrcd In the abot rsmad pioceedlngi en ihc Wlb fay cf December, 19C4. ibe under ilgasd will sell at public aorilon si ihr Coorl Hoodoor In the City of New Bees, Moodst, at 12 m . the flih dsy at Fabraary.lkxn.tha following ltidi-al: A oat lain i t of laarl all usie In I tin 1 li of New Bars, lying on tbe tontb side of Union street aad west side of Kttt Krm strtw,MlBSts al tbssonihvetl Inter sectioo o( aakl sweets aad ranolDg tbrnce aeatkwardly sl-et Et Front street two kasdrod feel to tbe Hoe of tbe im form erly owned by Mrs war? Hataid Clarke, oow oceapled bt Mrs. Msnr I) Mnoltoo: tkoneo weotwatdly wlih ihs line of said lot 000 ntsdrtd foot to Online of the UHowaeOny Mia. BHaabaib II Clrk., sMaeo notlhwaidlv wlih tka lloeof ika icHof M'a El stbotk ii Claris tft? el(b feat lo Ike son bee t oorarf of Ike lot owned Uo is'd Bl Isabel k H Clark raws stwarrllt nkion tbe Has of Ihe at owned y iko sold aUrsabetk U Clarke naraM 10 Ualen strewt lottf slikl feel 10 iho line of too lot owned by Ueerga Slave ot Iho tlwx of his diS; iheao sofifewordly wNk lbs line of tho lot of Iho sold OoOf iHoeef ooo kn0l4 and forty IWBwfeot lo C'eroavS'iewf; Ikaoee 1 werd'y aaog Volon otreet to Ma nx-tales. TsrssseifeaiO OS fallows 1 Uas f jarlk ab, baleaoa Sw faeje ssnetkl lias Title itMersd SaUl Mrckaas ssnnei l nl4 la fall, loterost lo oo nold on defer red peyeMO'. - - - ... Mnw iriTFnSOX, ; Wa1.WCL4Rrt. . Coesalaslooers. Administrators Notice ftetlnf a-1risleirred spos Isoeeiste of U W MIlweo,Oeeeoad, all pefM l4bv4 b) 4 OatOf0 rorisettad to ask laaa.ar'lvre ttttateol. oed sl free foes ferdd ar o'etuS atalaet I4 OWatO era reniere4 Ve pteet Hee it are ot Ot ktfiot IMMi'er I'd, 10 1 otlkl S itr will M p'Miled Is Oat of fooovsty, , TktelweUid, 1,4. - Iihukt. nocir, ' ' Adailetlor. 1 1 1 e 1 11 1 1 in Executors Notlco. l'ir-t let:l Ktratne Oedet -be ) i'l ') tMtuneat tl tltek if kr.-; QrrmmmA llU l-l (llni Ml) ir . 1H1 le tt '!' ail rvn !! !'.' ivnvtttts f ihe 1 . .i id i ti'k,t I beta l Ibe .1, rr H-m tk lib det I x - - 1 r , I . . . r 1 1- ' lrw r1)l He I!, t O t'..'r rwrer A 1 .... -t ir .-,.4 ! 4 eett oil . ...-.s -.'.f. rr-mrt 1 ' ' ' '"v" A. & N. C. R. R. TIMk TABLJ FO. 'I To Take Effect H n it- ? at 10:111 A. M K. B. T. OolngKatt Bohbjul: I (Joins Wea No. 8 Paasenger Trains No. 4 At, a m ....11 06 ....10 8s ...,101s .... 0 DAILY. Lv, p m STATIONS; 8 80 Qoldsboro. 8 08 LaOrange 28 Kinaton 5 40 At New Bern, Lv'.' ' 6 50 L. at... 7 20 . . .Ar. Uorehead oity Lv.! 84 7 35 So. 6, Passenger I No. 8, stations: Pasjeujser train DAli. I Train. Exci jt Buncay Lv. A. 8 00. 8 18. 8 28. Ar .GoldsDoro .... Btat's . . LaUrange ailing Greek . . KlDston . . . Uaswell rinvor P. M 880 808 7 67 7 47 7 8'i 725 7 17 7 0" 65u 01a 6 80 P. u, 8 87 818 I) I d 9 80 Core Creek! '.WW 00 TuBCarora.. . 64 Clarke " ' 10 1U... A. SI. .At. New BerL, Lv.. Mixl Freight mil lVs. Dally kx. Huuday. No. ...,Lv. New Bern Ar Kiveruaie oroatan Haveloch . ...... Newport, Lv WUdwood Mansfield . . Ar. Morehcau oity, Lv ..Ar, M. oity Dopot.Lv No. 12 30. 1 12.. 1 20., 1 41'. , 2 09.. 2 H0., a 28 . 2 65 300 P. B, 8 05 7 80 7 18 7 00 6 20 8D7 5 58 620 4 60 i, n, KliiUOIIT. DAILY EXCEPT i-U-NIMV No. 1. 2d Ctast,. Lv. a m 5 12.... 5 45.... 6 ia ... 6 ar.... No. 2. 2d Class Ar, p m ... 250 . . Guldsbore. Bent's . . 2 18 . . LaGrmifO a OH Falling creek im 7 32 Kmsion ia 18 7 40 caawell H 01 9 00 Dover H 01 9 40 o re oreek 10 40 10 10 Tuscarora 10 10 10 3S olaik's 9 54 1' 00 Ar. New liern. Lv 9 80 R 8 HOW LAM). i I' KOHTErL 1'itat Hon Man S L DUX, S Pt EASTEUJf CAROLINA DISPATCH iJE AMI) 0 d Dominion Steamship Co DAILY Freight and Passenger for all points north KI'FKO'I'I VK OwT. 'Jl, i:t01. The Stt-aiui'i' Nt-tisB is Bcht-il-nh-d in sail at ti j m .Mniuliiy, Weil ncHilay iind 1-rid.ty for Kli.nheth Cily, iiuik, n- ImiiliiiKt, at (Ji'iriital and HciitioKi- 1 'I he Steamer 11 led In sail dav, Thurtlny Kliibeth 1 itv ut Ori'-ntal ..ml Oi-r.iciike i.- ne'jid t p ni Tiies tind Saturday for Milking landiniri Uoam Ko I-ilaliil. Freight rn-i!Ucl not later th.i-: one hour ire 1 iva In sailing. For further information nply to OKU HKNDKK.MJN, Agt. M K K m., V.-P and (ii-n Mgr. II C Hi 1... ins, (it'll Ft A 1'asM Apt Not folk. 'a. W 8 SI'mmkiik I. AhBt (ieii Ft and I'a8 AlfU .New lii'OI, N U Ivntr.v Claim. Msm .f N.irlh ;mlln ( .lnni- (,'uiint) . Knlry No. rilfl. To .1 K IlUon, Kn.ry ikcr l-ir.lun'i County: Tl.. urnii r!(nl JTII.ind of Junei rounlr, N 1 r 1 li Carolina entere sndleje rlslm In Hi-, fol (imni tlece or prrel ,.f laud In I'i-.I clir1 le lowoth'p, Jonee counli.Ha-enf Ninth Carries The St--a belnic ternl snl unepproprlste.1 land and euhj.cl to eniry, t:r.: Jololng tbt Itadi nf ilUdti l.rjmlier CnmptBr DeHrnhl lands end ntbert, iiei I) Ins; on Ibe Wsi skU of Bschelor Crcr-k nod lounded as fol ow lloundel oa Iks Nonh h? tba CrTa and Junee ooonty Use, oa tbe W.l hj li Itudi of Iliadne Luajibet Cnicpsny on ihe Hi tub by ! Hr ibl laadt, oa lh Ki by IleOrukl lands, roalalelng nfiy acrea more or Entered this Ihe ill day of Jtnusry j t nooi). l0S. Clalasal. 1 K DIXON, Beg. Deeds and Et Officio F.alry laker for Joeet uogoty. Entry Notice. rUle of Mnrth Carollaa, Crsroa CMsty. To Oeorge B. Waters Kary Taker tor Oratva Coestyi The seder sie aL J tliMUihl. of Drtveo seootf, Jloeib C. ol lee, mere oad ley doloi 10 the fo h lsf ootcito- sd piece ot parcel of had In Mo Uso looMbla, tvaren total? ato of MorU Corolika, lnaaato ne varosl nod oaaf prwprUtsd Hta4ad haot to swtry rsi stegrsaiec sta praa tec na as dwe sHttes IwO o'to ese Ike dgo of bee? aavaaak sold 10 no the ooo e of libs Was M -wvks lead aal led ties Hotlm ewtaa4 also onrser of B i Monla,tkswoo reaaieg wltk IM oatd pt'eal (too anolhwaMly to aaotkeo Oor wmt nf kt ttrwt near the (Hdleyt Oetnlskt ilea, tb as-flat Iket Hao WON ward t lo ttttld TllpO No, iboaeo wlih els Trip )le la Ike )asre4 Rnetk) Una, thMro witk too ftck Mae) to Ika of t. C NeUfO, Iko Fnl no II e. tlraaeo wfih eelrl line (he Rntsad Monte line, ifceena w'lk Ut f lo Ike K 4 Until "ne, and ik.ew wit k kit line it Hoes to - Ivi'nnini ta m4 Itada ft lee fc ! ft r ttwift Orork kal Kho t t, oooiaJainc by taloitiVn M err. i i-.l this lib 4y of Jtatay IB ISA-'U'HTT