VT.'-'.' iTHE JOURNAL. New Sera. W. C Jaaaary JS 1J03. ; LODGB MMCTOsVT. arlrtUVK OF rai WORLD , M RunntTM Hell 8el.Montaly, First . a t.ii arinMiiM.. Blirhu mt7.80 o'clock. Visiting Wood en ere to1- CHAVIH LODGS HO. J KHIQHTB OF HARMOHY. Meets ana ena ur4.... nlarhta 111 tick Wmtl Hountree-s Hall, Pollock atreet, at M o'clock. Bamnel R. Bell, FwilMMi H. Smith. Bec'yj B.B. Ht Tuttadel Becreteiy. Index tt New A4rert)metts. J B Dawson Candy. For Sale Howe. Lot. Stryed or Stolen. . Simmons & Hollowell Co- Wool doves, etc. Business Locals. OA.NDY Today we will hare ondls play, the very finest line of Duffy's ITnm Mart Candles VOU CTCT SSW In New Bern. To lee H, la to buy It. We make a regular customer or all wno try it. James B Dawson. 103 Middle street Phone 209. LOST, Strayed or S'olen, StisII b'ack waier Spaniel, name Tip. Beward for iIor's return to It 0 Tolson, 9 Glares St. FOR SALE The J S Blizell house, on Avenue A, Rlvertlde. Apply to J B l'ope. WANTED TO KENT A small bouse or tome unfurnished rooms. "R" at Jour nal office. LOST OH STOLEN Hacycle No. 75141 Inform Journal office. WANTED Baleilady In our Millinery department. Simmons A Hollowell Co. 1 FOR RENT Houbs on Metca'f Bt , No. 29, Six rooms, bath-room and kitchen. App'y to F 0 Roberts, 109 Pollock 81. FOR8ALE Bargains In Rough Stone and old lumber. Call New Methodist Church, Mldd'e and Ntw streets, H A Tucker & Bro. FORBALE'Cheapabouladoren stoves In good rondiiion Apply to Supt City Schools. FOR SALE One Romus Ir n Safe, weight about 900 lbs. W. A. Wilson l)ner N C. CALL st Gstklns Cycle Co. for Tires for jour Bicycles and Baby carriages. 1'iiDciure proof Tires S3 50 each. Road weight at $1 00 to $3.00 each. Baby car riage Tire pit on at 10c. per foot, FRESU CANDIES I bare secured the services of Mr Bob Duffy, snd will have a fine line of bis goods on hand Satur day. Call and see us. We are sore lo please you. Theee goods will be made fresh every rlar In our newly equipped factory, No 103 Middle si reel. Phone 209. James B Dawson. HAlLnOAD MEAT MARKET Oor tjueen and Hancock Sis, Spiced Pigs Feet, Corned Hams, Sansafe, Chops, Bleaks end everything kept la first class market. Send sn order, It will be rilled promptly. Paints and Oils Ounr, Pistols, Razors, Scissors and Pocket Cutlery. Shells and Cartridges. Cooking and BeatiDg Stoves Rconomloal la fuel 8plttdld In operation Life time In dor aUlitj. SASH. DOORS AND BUNDS A 8PBCULTT. niilri Harttarj' Copy, PboesH-SSMWldleB. Brick Brick C4 viO took W- . fore iVy bey. . , - Enterprise ' tBrlck ' & " . Tile flTf Co. ; isJ. V, ntwm : l, - : BtonUrj aa4 TranartT "tt PoOeek Suwet : Lumsden & Stitii We i (up lit er4 aak pr ' ., M U MWwir Cowpel. KORTJirRM ASSURANCE CX)., , lainn, . ' , - '- r.rRMAN AMCTJCAH IKJUR. ' ' A?TE 10., Of Kw Turk, ' MtmrAL nr.'.r.nT urn AM'H CO., of H. J, SHORT PASSING EVENTS. ' See second and third psgea for ad ditional local news, .. tV;- .' - Mr I W Stewart to building a small tenant hoaae oa Pollock street between George and Metealf streets..?,. 'I The schooaer John R Ball, eoBtaloleg cargo of coal for the Meadows grist mill it fee boond In Croatia sound, j-: . A water pipe burst at Roberta A Hurst stors at the foot of Craven atreet yeaterday causing about $100 damage, . Mr X E Harper Is erecting a handsome seven room ietldence oa Oeorge atreet, near (La crossing of the. A N O rail way. '-C.- ?M;jJrj'&ii., Two residences on the property of the New Bern Cotton Oil and Fertlliier Mill on Grffllh street are nearly jsom- pletid. ' V:S'- The revenue cotter went aground off Pollock street Thursday night oa Its return from a trip down the Nensev She was easily gotten off yesterday. The Oyster business has been retard ed this week by the cold weather. Bat very few boat loads have been received and none are expected until next week, The yacht Lulu, Cap L B MIdyette, Is ice bound In Broad creek, three miles from the Reuse; She la well stocked with provisions and has a fine cargo of striped bsss. Mr A J Qssktns has purchased the R L Thornton property, corner of Met) and Hancock streets, and will make extensive Improvements on the fi t nj It np for tensnts. Bam Battle, the negro who attacked Captain Charles Hancock of the A N C railway one night last week was plac ed under $;00 bonds for trial in the criminal court at Ooldsboro. The name of Mrs Ella Hawks Browr, whose obituary was published in the Journal vesterdsy should have been Mrs El'a Hanks Brown. The lady had relatives here and was well known. Puts light In the eye, tints the cheek, with Nature's bloom, loosens the tension of life, brushes the cobwebs from the brain, that's whst H Ulster's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 88 cents, Tea Oi Tablets, FS Duffy. The cold, windy weather has knocked nut the fish mrket. For the past few lays scarcely anything but mullets have been offered Once In awhile one sere a shad or drum, but trout are, nit, and this is the finest season of the year for them. It la said that It is an 111 wind, that blowa no good. 'Whether prohibition has been any benefit to Mew Bern yet or ever wlU be, remains to be seen. But the small bo is happy over the present condition and as witness, his delight In collecting bottles off the street every morning, and there are many of theat n too. What the boys do with their fiadlois, Is not known. Perhaps they keep them as souvenirs. if there Is no ordinance to forbid nurses from blockadlog the stJewalka With their chsra-es, to ire should be Mid die street bet eeea Pollock and South Front,ls their favorite promenade. Two or more will get their vehicles aids b; s da and saunter along at a anall's psc across the en the block that they may eoatlnoe their goeslp as long ns pieelble while busy people ksve to accommodate themselves to the women's gait or get out In the street to pasa by. A rumor was abroad yesterday that a strange negro wan abroad la the city yet terday effl'cted with the smallpox. It well eaoagk for the poll w to keep a strict watch on all straagers appeal lag la towa, as there my ben aerljos oet- breek of the disease here, There are a number of eaees la Onslow ooeaty. south of Jacksonville. Several easts have been reported in the upper pan of thle ooeaty daring too tall end PI I eooatr has been srresilleg with an epidemic tor several month; aid a lev days ago aa ontoreak of Use dies onrred la a lombet eaaap la Lea sir ooeaty. Its oaly atorl that some are goiag to (y tram the pent and M la Ilka. tyUatOey will go to piece when they aaa most eaellj hide U oir tieetltf and opaosel the plaee from warns they eeaseC Waal hotter pUoe to da ihls than Iowa. . KGRB ABOUT THE. WEATflER. Cold Reaches a Stags of Caas-al Bsve- . ; rlty Bui to Followed by Quick '? " . Moderation.:'.;' -V;-, -. . The weather his caused a good many rtmartt la the columns of the Journal ad It would seem that It would require a continued atory to describe the cease less atmospheric fluctuations that have beea visited on 1 1 during the past two Of thro days.. The climax of the napless anlnoss occurred Friday morning when th mnrenry got down to 18 degrees the oldest weather fotKveral yeara. . The cold snap was expected and had the thermometer gone lower la the tubs it would have cauad no- surpriee. The trtexe -fas general throughout the ciuatry hnd a great deal of damage was done, especially to the fiult and vegeta tion of the Southern S tates. Abllrtud was In progress la the Northeth State while the wind was making It Interesting In the South. Yesterday morning the Trent river wal covered with too. from shore to shore. It varied !n thickness from one 'halt tack to four inches, and a large num bar of ask were found frozen In the toe. In the vicinity of the Trent bridge sever al nun wore teen in boats breaking through the ice and taking the imprison d flak. A pond of small dimensions near Big Bill's Store wea'frcien so that It would bearpeop'eanda few skated on It. Wher ever the water flowed out of hydrants or of tapt. Ice had formal to several Incites thicksets. It Is difficult to ascertain tie exact amount of damage done in this sect ion but It is fe rtd that the cabbage i lantl are mined. The lettuce plants are unharmed. The weather q tickly moderated y ester day and by noon the thermometer had rlien 28 to 36 degrees. Full line of Drurts.lled lcines, Toilet Ar- , tides and Boap. Fresh Supply of 'Flower Seeds. Plsfailcint.a FrTOri" tons) A. fl.tcrlilty. THET COME AND GO. Mr MM Marks rsturnsd last night from Bosti n. Miss Anna Hai if returned l,st night from C larks. Mr. Joeeph Green returned last night from Norfolk. Mlse S M Kelly left last night for a few days visit at Klnaton. Mra, 0 C Cobb of Norfolk la la the city the guest of the Misses Green. Mrs Albert Hommer of Goldsb ro Is the gueet of Mrs fatten on East Frtnt St Miss Orn Borden who hts been with the Journal for the past month, returned to Beaufort lattnlkht. Ml a Mty Moore returned last night from Norfolk where she has beea visit lag hr sister Mrs. Gardner. Mlse Lucy Odell entertained her frlet d MfaaKmmeP Davis, of Moieha1 City yesterday. They left oa the etesnxr Nsuae tor Norfolk where thiy will a - tsad the Paderwiskl eoaceit tonight. So Ne.w Bern Is Dry ? Wall, doa't tot that worry ,yoo a Httl bit, yea oaa bey all the fine wines and llqsore you waat Just l Be same etrea soaable prices, and hare every hot lis oovered with a gearealoe of absolute pur Hi. Ton eaa bay theee goods toorom louaataathM beta asiUsg the lead- leg famluVa of New Bora their wiaee and whbktoa oloea oa to tan years, A oaoeru loo, wno has aoret loot a single eaotoassr Uroegk bad faith, aadea aevaf saado yoa a promise they could sot rertssm. Tao-BroUsertiood Wiae Co,' of Mew Tort raqulM no latrodaiUoa to New Bam They prodeoe the good they1 sU nrom thetr owa flaeyarda anddU tUlettoB) aeU to the oo earner dlrtet koaoa ao kreepewalble middle aua ha oppottaalt? aa adalterata thorr ptedaote 0M PoOto, oae of their directors whi b weil kaawa la New Bto, w41 be her taaday ovlwetotoUcttlho valued or- dere treat all vtha oars to parchaae. f It OXJ Siatcxlbcrfl If yoa aa ot get yea r JowraaL taere era taeaa reseda for lu . . , , f Jet, ton an aet oat for It aed 1 owe tor It, rot thenars ao free paper from tkleoftoa, ' ..' ''. -'' leeewd, TaeearrW key to al faalt. and yea shea Id make aoetplefat to tkl efflte AT OKCX, aat van aeifl leetet row or aet weak, fort kit tCc saraaM yoa gat yvar Jeaaee ytgalaily aatom yoa say aometatag aaowl tt. t Tkw4 Tear ftskbor borrow year The In. ea4 third reeeeaS are year V anrroel, betnev, the eeeoed I kl effleer aad ft wtO be eovraeted tot a I ' ya aead word, ao by le rarrWt VT, awl by erae SsriMlhl ftwns. Carea 044 On Day, C ' C vs hos, iu e-a-t t- t t 1 1 1 r tTtaasasa. i tut 3w f - '- a 9 a.- 1 A la w!.t I r. p :.... n t,vt r.e !'V lu j - .-.! u1 Ti-a I t. Jt", u ' " ' ! f . ' - H f t ' a 11 f ' ' ' I ' " ' ! ' ' & r For Saloi-CIiw ' One sew mill complete' with 80 horse power engine, 85 horse piwer portable boiler, has oaly beea'run jthree'.montbs. For particular call at ti Crave! St, New Bern, N a -r- - " ,. ., -V Seed Irish Potatoen I" 7j -:'ir For Sle c I have Irish Coblera, . Bovee and White Blisa." My Irish Cobbler is the best Potato I ever planted, they are ear lier, largest producers and leas Culls than any other. " Write for Potato circular. A. H, LINDSAY, Portsmouth, Va. iiii Silver Sale -V B'8 frwwtocked oa SterU ..'' i lag Silver from the holiday .' v' i- we will begin Febrosry 1st tieell onr enthe tine nt " --. Bterllng Slrer at OOIT, V This sale will latt for 80 dsysooly. J. 0. Baiter"" Jeweler NoUce of Heetlnr. - The msglstraies of the 8th Township are notified to meet at the Court House the first Saturday la February 1903 at 11 o'clock a aa tt belnv the 4ih rla. Thn overseers of the roads will make tbelrt reports on or before that date a requir ed by law. January Slst, 1905. 8.R STREET. Chmn. Supervision. ' Co c c ONLY 25c On sale at Phone 56 Davis Pharmacy kaiMKaaraeraatM All Men's and Boys' Suits Overcoats Trousers Reduced 20 Per Cent. These Are NelPo Goods, Not Last Seasons. J. G. DUNN & CO., Phone 55-57 Pollock S. 1 BARFOOT BROS. Q-reat - Clean. - S-wesp - iSale Sale Wow in Full Swing. BELOW WE QUOTE A FEW OF THE PRICES. DRY GOODS. 8c and 10c Dress Ginghams 5c yd Best Prints and Calicos 4Jc yd Apron Ginghams yd Flannelette Waistings 8c yd Heavy yard wide Homespun 4Jc yd 30c quality 10x4 Sheeting 22c yd Canton Flannel 4C yd DRESS GOODS. 15 pieces Waist Goods, plain and stripes. 8c yd 25 pieces Dress Goods, all wool, all colors worth np to 50c yd, at 20c yd Beautiful White Goods, ... 8c. 12c, 14c and up. litv Mohair and Mixed Dress Goods . ..42c Beautiful Woolen Skut Goods 20c to 85c yd I 1.25 Broad Cloth, must go at 85c yd Remnants of Woolen Dress Goods... at half price 3 Handsome Zebeline Patterns worth $1.00 at 60c Fleece Lined Pk for Waists was 15c, now 11c i 50 inch Black Gr. ni.e Cloth, value$1.00 at70cyd 48 inch all wool Novelty Dress Good 75c, now 40c All Wool Flannel for waist or dress at 20c yd EMBROIDERIES. Miles of Hamburg Edging and Insertion at from ! 4c, 5c, 8c, 10c and up, at greatly reduced prices Fine Matched Sets of Swiss and Nansook. j Embroideries also in this great clean sweep sale. SIIOK BARGAINS. Greatest Bargains in I.mlies anil Children Shoes we have ever shown. One lot Infants Shoes 19c pair Children large size Shora 25o to 45.' pair 165 pair I.adios Shoes that sold up to $1.50 pair must go at 48c pair. One lot Men's Shoes worth up to $2.50 pair to close out $1.00 pair. Now comes the iGreat est Hargain of all in the Herrick High Grade Shoes. Herrick $3.00 quality Ladies Patent Leather and Kid Shoes, all the new shape, now.. $J..M) pr Herrick $3.50 snd $4.00 Ledies Shoes $2.75 pr EXTRA SPECIAL-8and 10c Fine Cambric Finish Bleaching, yard wide, 5c. One thousand yards 8 anil 10c Dress Ginfihanm. beautiful put- terns at 4Jc yaud. arfoot Brothers SiH Pollock Street. 0tile KpiM'opnl 4 Iiiim-Ii TP" SPECIAL ME OF 2), $3.50 North Carolina Blankets , . . - - ' ' LatgrGlQ Blankets $3.40 , " - - - These Prices Hold until Stock oh Hand is Cleaned up. ' . , COL! .'! i o. IKafer's Bakery. ALL HRK.AI) anil ROLLS made by the Washington City process of Hrcailmak- in(C All DOUGH made by ma chinery St rlc 1 1 y sanitary. Itake hfrtise anil Storage Room always open for inxption by petrona PILES I PIUS I! FILCMr: Dr. W interna1 ledUe Pile OMaMal 111 care Blind, nUwUnf. Vlcan4 awl allaya ib Isehlee; al am et as a eoe I ttaejtm SMSaai r4lt Id Wy lUVIb" I'DARWACT. After 6 O'clock evening dress I resent ml In the as an of social (listinrtion for Nails, dinner partlea, recrptinnt ami other social function. No msn th t wisbe to 1 well drtaaed with er rjthing that Is swell and rlrgaiit would think of having hi drese suit or OTercojt made by any one in New I'em bul an artistic tailor. We can give yon the style of a Prinoe al'h the dash of a swell American, at a teaaooable price. F, .11. Cliallck. .'Si- a"i Frtnert AUcnllont rcialiy If Jon want to kit lb nail oa t bead for farm work hi Wiling yor stuff tot ti Old ba ('rt yoa art want bt good bead m -U farm reri do x4 wait like h. rr a a bo wtot ftnl bireipg and nevrf lhonrrit lo rrv4 sir' 'I t' Md f'l f til gnn, f'. r 1 y Vt dntrn fartjt, I , ... i A FINK LINK OF TYPE WRITKR m.W just rereived. Owen G. Dunn, ? , Vmdi1 frlVf Suite. Cew. retleck f UayM IU. i Bookkeepers' Suppl ICS. an 1 114 for L: anl '. or' jrart r- ' ;'- f , f . J, . r'. - m r. ? V r - a. t rncctt'iroohCicro