THE.JOUKNAL. PublliVed avery Cay la tb mr, M- ... u J Snf 41m. U-fiO Crave It. .fvC,, C ' ' x J' I??7 Hfc l.":..r--..f ; "---CHARLES La 5TEVENS.- . ; .SUBSCEIPIIOB hies 1 On year, aot to advntax. . I HAnthl. K eafrlar fas the efrW '; I "AdTw5d rUtea fnnUtad oa appH 6 toured at th Poet oao. Hew 3a, a I mmA alasM aatttM. . uncial w of HEW BERK, H. O. Jaa. 89, "THETCRT OPTHB ElST." , The statement of Mr Wlnborftethat : unless something wu done to dltorlm' nste eninst the negro rn the school question, the Democrat were tndangtr ot losiog extern aorta uarouna, even ' if accurate, t no reason why hii bill re pealing tbe leonstttullon , tnonia paet. Bv tbe wbt. what" becomes of the "or of tbe east", that we of thli tectioa have heeded so often f Is this a continuation of the same call lor help that ha prov- ed so burden ome to the Democratic party in North Carolina. Charlotte Ob server. So far as the voters and the people are. concerned in the East, there Is no Macs donlan cry going forth, for the West to make any political lacrldce for this seo- tlon. There is no deer) stated or an hind of hostile sentiment on the race question, or a desire for separate school funds for whites and blsoks. There Is ft healthy educational feeling which Is anaimatlng both raoef, and there is no 'conflict, or thought of one, or the talk that the. colored people should be rcstrlc ed In the school matter. On this subject of the "cry of tbe east," the Ashevllle Gazette News, says; ''The eastern democrats ot North Car otin are calling to the r brethren in the west "Bave us," Is the cry which comes np to the mountains from the sea. We had got. the Idea that tueeaitwaa to slay saved for a time at least, bat not so. It Is badly In need of Tlog again it seems, and the . west Is to be called npontobep in amend og the conultu tlon some more. This time an amend. ment is .wanted whereby tbe pobllo school fund shall be divided between tbe races in proportion to tbe amount 01 lazes paid by eich. This proposition Is now being considered by the general atsembly and Is Slid lobe very favora bly received by a ooslnderable number oi me memtera. If An. .itum .null im . b mSII substitute polltlclsn for democrat, there may be something In this "ory," for no doubt conditions are changing, and to the politician nothing Is more fatal that changes, for his continuance In power, or the pepetuatlon of himself In of. flr-e. The East li not crying to the West (or any political help, aor Is tt seeking to disturb educational conditions by talk, or seeking legislative aotloa which ball ehaoge tbe pobllo school fund. The colored citlsea la not la politics aor Is he seeking to be, butts striving to make a living and be at peace with his neighbors and community. But while the politicians exist there must be agitation, for without the easy sailonel, there is a dreary time for the office holder the seeker after political preferment. Let the West take oar of ttsslf, politi cally, aad aot agala think Itself oalled upoa to eaect the part of polltfosl life save for tbe last, la any matter which the politic! auy agitata, The reeden of this pper wllli pleased lo Ur that thera it at least oa jredd dlseeae that irteaea heeaableto etre la all lUsUgaa, sad thM U Oatanh. Ball's Catarrh Cure laeoaly positive em-Mt kewm to the aaeeieal frawralty. Oatanh betag a eoasUtaMoaal ueiv teqair MitnUoaal tresteiant. BaU's Cbaarrh Cora la tabs mlsrnalb;, totisf directly apoa tbe blood sd maoow fMadattoa -- asd atk lbs Miku atreagth by balMteg mp the eoasUtulo aad alUa aabars tat doing it work. Tad propilston aav to Back IsJth la lianraUvepowerttkat they oftWOae Headred Doile for aay ease that tt fJ to oar, tajad lot Ust at trsttasoey isis. AdSMia - . - ' . Talsda.0. tvi4WnMtTWrse. . Take Balfs raatUy FUU fee coestlpa- .itoUaaf-ectJ-r. Of (be au(fet.awe of th aitk tow eblparearHIBedtasaMt at frstts the rat rMerday It Febrasry V M 10 o'clock ft at, tt kolr g the ilk if Tie The evmeert f Ibe rodt will make tb(f report to tbs tepervWots teu day a rqulnd by lew. Tkl Jteatry tkenikim ciccrtoaisKiKi, , ,Cbsi of lb Board ft SpfxrvUor. Trtaaa cmj in usv ' TV letatlv Prom Qi'!rTih1 aJ) draff u rfed the a-t.f I' h tali " Jt. W. fcirtrre'S .i.ur Is a h Ix i. ,YCt HAT Kay atUUk oe, Bat It KUm Tiwbi. A man ou!ly buys a hat thf 1 tyta," but in modern bat (or sna n4 lots to answer for. BaldbMula are STwliur nor oumr- oua every oar. Mat ouuu excel lani braedlna' plaoee for the puulUe ctom which aap to tit rrom u raota or im hair. - . " - -. What your hair torn to tan rat and your scaly la full of Dandruff It la aura alsn that that counUea germa are busily at work. Thar Is but ea way te sTsreom tbe trouble aad kill th yema-tbat -way la to apply Newbro's Herptdde to the aealp-tt will ktu the rarm and healthy hair la aur to yasult. . - old tnt Isadina' dmnists. ' Bend Wo. tn stamps tor sample to lb Herploide Co., O. D. BBADHAX, Special Agk .: STOCKS, COnOW,'i5RiJR.: , QuoUtlans of Yesterday's llarket fa alihed By. Barms Oo, Cram ' ;"' Kiw Toas, Jaa. 90. , Oorvuq ... Open, Hlgh.Low. Clos March.w:M.C.; .8 M8 .8; ; .8l Uf...i. ........ fcOT 108 .&T -r)J Oct........ July 8.W J.U IM J. Spot - 7.10 ., Xlew fork, Jan. ,10 J; 8iooi:- Open. - . ojoee sutuBngar...... 1H Ull Cop 07J . OT AN... 87 87t Southern Bypf.. 84 84 (J. 8. Steal .780 . 801 Brio - 44 44 ' Aad ...... VaTO Chemical. 88 84, Tot.... Hi 7if SI 85J 86 . Chicago, Jan SO.. Oblcago Oralu. Open, - Close Hay Wheat UH lit Hay corn 4t . 44 May Pork......... 1838 ( 1886 MayUrdV 897 ' 700 We buy and sell all stocks for actasl delivery, requiring only a small iutraa.. teannill stock can arrive aad tgtvliii draft oa Philadelphia for stock aoh) 08 datlrery. tien. Croatia-'' A Chance of Composing Fetce. A change hu beta made la th Joar- aal composing rooms. . Mc Bolsad Bar ria who aaeeetded Mr, Frank B. lrrta. who retaraad to7 Salisbury Is fa tara snooseded by Mr. A. 8. Bardlaoa at fore man of the composing room. Ut. Balrdl son hat beea employed a typa-satttt for tht Journal for 17 yean an hat at tained the enviable reputation a a rapid compositor. Mr. Haary Renfrew, of Oretnvllle, teoeatly eonaected with the GreeavUle Reflector la new astaaber of th ata chaaical force to srhnhMeaari Ben Mel son and Bugh Land also belong.' Th old, original OROVW Tastahtes Chill Tonic. Tom know whtroar taking. It la bom aad qulnlad ni tasteless font. No pay, (kkj. The Rachel Broohllell fvni. , - - The Journal has raoetved coatrfbaUont tot tht Rachel Brookleld Moausssnt Fund from WPMtttt, Mlsa Haary Matta. List of Letter - Remaining la tht Poet Offlo ti Kw Bera, Oram county H.' C. Jam. 80 .'UOtJ. stay's Usr. n-inaiay waty. ; . , C-Cftrmls laost H H traraai X-8tphM Ed yards 'Boat Hy T-Pirseh Jaepsr M OBrytt Faschat Cranl NO.- " Q-J X Ovwa (IHBanry L Gray Oar- ks Ulhta, Barj 1 r Tucksv. . . HDrl4 Harria-Mr. Banaiom-l HDl 88 ft-Capt O V Hamah. M-Kirlok Vartahnrawar- M Marah. burs DaaW Moem 71 MUfcat 8tlwaV-t P 8UKalghL . - aWRIpee Drag Co, Dept. 478 v ' cV-Morrlt Bearers (Qw Dl)-Lw 1 Blraauta. Jasnar H nJtssi bfr a... aoa mttoaaWoeeph ammarvbl Q f, Seslta, " ..;-' 'T- '. - T-OPTarlor IM Mtoalf BLr h Ttylof Jean Taylor, - - W-Ckarll Wbyt ffjsft Dr)-I B Wlf 1m Ota W BUeley ai-AUea Wtb fea WbDkld. j . - ' . ,v woaajrt usr. BSadl Beeaaaa. ; ' . A-ru OoUai-Maggtd Cpb!! BPDt. r-ry luli(0 L) . . B - Btrt tram J Haana!'3 E Si-Mr BsiMsHolowsy 717 Ctwt 8t M-Kallor Kl.'or B-Hrs R K I(obtr Ets If C -MrtCoesrort HoimII. ffcilMlolh Shlrpof IfW ri.t W bu y Wfet.a.Crtxh (t ' . lis Wkll 11 Droad mAaW t. . Peroie!!!ri fnf tl a!'t 1 ' 1 pi" 7 4rn;J an4 g't :. ' e I!.U The rf!:!is r';'it x ,1 u .- t,i !,:! Ur-: t . 1 tn U. C J'k a-tfr-'i1 lf''. S. V 1 s , r. t Columb Ohio, May JO, 1903. 81x yeara aeo I had a sever attack fci Inflammatory Rbeumatiam. I was laid np In bed for six months, and the doctors I had did me no good. They changed med. Icine every week and nothing they pre scribed seemed to help me. Finally I be- Etbe aseof 8. S. 8. My knee andelbow ts were swollen terribly, and at one s my joints were ao swollen and pain ful that I could not close them when opened. I waa so bad that I could not mov knee or foot. I was-gettingdisccmr. aged, yon may beanie, when I began 8. S. 8., but as I saw it waa helping me I con tin ted it, and to-day I am a sound well man and have never had a return of the disease. $, 8. 8. purified ray blood and cored me of tht severe case ot Kneumaasm alter everything else had failed. I have rec eonunended it to others with good re sults. - - K. H. Chapuaw. 135s Mtyernon Ave. . . .r - ' animation and pain are absorbed into the blood and Rheumatism can never be con quered till these ar neutralized aad fil- terea out 01 me Diooa ana system, a. a, s. goes directly into the circulation and at. Ucks the disease Itself. It mirinea and re store the blood to m healthy, vigoront conaiuon. uoonuun no potash, autalloi other strong min erals, but is guar anteed entirely yegetabie. writs - us and eur physl' dans will advise without any charge whatever. Our book on Rheu- v matism sent free, Tht Swift Spttlfio Campany, Atlanta, 6a. ASK1N, . Jany27th We have had tome very cold weather the put few days. - Messrs W H and beetle Price and I A and Annie Arthur are going tb the Un ion meeting at Grantsboro Baturda and Sunday the 8888th. Mr Cicero and Sldnayan Gaakia went tr tea her father Mr Harvey Arthur last Wednesday. He Is sick. : Mr Arlngt n Pnrlfoy Is tick. Mr D P Whltford of Zorah Is putting op a steam mill. He will have a gin, grist ftndsaw.; MrLavenOaskln It sick. Wt have a good teacher at Askln thl teaton, Mitt laa Braer." Mr Wolar Prloa has road day todsy on hit road snd It Is badly needed. Mr Htrdv Oaskln Is working timber oyer in Beaufort county. Mr. Cicero Oaskln went to New Bern last Tuesday. 8enator Aldrlch's Ownership ol Rhode Island, "Rhode Ialsnd" It the most astoutib btg article w bave yet teen from Lla eoln Bteffsa't pea. It appears In the February McClure's, and la headed: Stata t or Sale-What Senator Aldrlcb Represent A Bnlnes Msn't Govern mteat Founded Upon the Corruption ol the People Tnsmsalve. Mr. Bteffeat hi lags oat tht Importaoos of a eonalderatloa of Rhode Islsad politics by calling ftlUntlra to tht promt aeno of Nalso W. Aid rich, ssnlot United BtaUt Beaator from Rhtfdels- laad. : Fataer-la-law of yenng Mr. Bock fallow, and th awppoMd rpNntatlv ot Wall Street at Waahlngtoai kaowa at tat power baklad tht powr behind the thrOBS" la tbs Sonata, Senator Al drlok Js a ftgara whoa ttnagth aad 00- volopsssat aoatalm a aaastaga for vtn oMofna, Am analyst of that atreagtk aad am ettoaadlng rsvslatloa of tbst d vaUpaMat, Mr. Buffeai gives la his fasol aatlng sad diasaatlc narrative of Rhode Ulead politics. A. , . Bhod Ittead oeght to be oa at most ooasr?atlrly governed nnm. The aaffrftgt b rtstrlowd by property qeallt saU oa) th balaaaa of power It tks fygaa tb ellls by a scboas of represen tation which pata Proidnee, with 88, 000 voter, oa aa equality wUhsUil Ooaptom, which b 78. natthallgis bi'ftr It toatroltod by tht melagate. of th good old Aatriioaastockoai la th eotBtry,'' who rly oegkt to be lrl worthy wlalden f dtlMatklp, : Bat to quota Mr. Buff, Hh 8yt- lata ef Rhod lalaad it troaadod o tht lowt ktyf or aotrapUoa that ,1 htvt foaad that far the bribery at voter wlUoashftt tb poll.-' - , Wood'! Sctdm. Extra Early Peas are asoatly on of tb axt aali. faHory and pro1 110 crop to rmw, both for bosna aiarkst and hlriint. V,'::i'i U:in!rzb::!:!cf V:::3'i F:Ei!it:i Sr l);e r;jrl arwi trutmi iwv Ut kiikls tn elurti.n, tn.1 am In fTM. fT(w aith trwtw Ujt srjiJntM. riv-il pri.T qtuAfl In J(Hil.t7. Y.r,l .,t t-'V snrl V4'S ; i.ner ct iury .. l.oow, 1. e ') ... I ti.S t-t (.nrj) n. t sint r ' t . Mil r I (. r. T V' I" " f ---. Ill,,),, j . v . , t, , . . J, f I CLOSES ITS SESSDN, ! Tb 8onthern Cotton. AstccUttoa It - Duly Crgsnlted: Next Meeting ' . :', Will Be In iifXIJ'ju.;. Th Southern Cotton . Assoclalloa which met tn New OrlesnsMtst week snd at which probably every county' in every Soctbern state ..ta repreaeoled hu adjourned ' Tbe orgolatloa com pleted Is an unusually strong one and U ti confldniy be'ieved that It wlll,bb e 10 control the eo.Wfl- kitcatkn at : all time,,-. ; " V ' S It wst hn harmonious and enthusiast e meeting throughout, 'Never beforehsv hs inter' ot tb Boutb beea, so well protected by those to whose hearts they lie the ntarett, . From b sgiealag to aad on purpose eemed to domtaata the convention and that parpoa became fixed. Every one It salitntd with the result. -r.j- At a meeting lif the.wecutlvscomml - lee decided to hold tot, next convention at Asbevllle Auguat loth. ,-. v.: 4- f s-- Dr. Woollens! SSNTTRStoalt umn sr moronis. PAINLESS oDlun. laodsauw. rtzlroteetaai.eo- !!1 1 ealneorwhlikev.a j large book o( par J tleuUnou hooMor it MDStorliim treat- AND - . I ment. Addreei.lir. B. at. WOOL1.BI, Whlskei Cure Utlsnta, Georgia. r.u.jjexwf. Educational Ifotes of Oriental. The educational Interest ti. our town continues to grow.- Every month brings new business to the- school, Miss Karl White of Polio ko111e wu tbe last ntme sdded bringing the roll up to 185 : Sev eral fsmtlies have recently -moved Tmu to shire the educational advantage. Our sversge for the last month Wat 7) adav. " The comm'ttee were very fortunate la sc8rtng Mrs Mary Bs 1 ot LaQrango to teach the fourth aid fifth grades dur ng tbe Spring term. - She Is aa enthoitastlc energetlu worker. In addltt n io her school duties she teaches a lara mnslo clasr, .. Our people manifest a spletdld Inter- ett In music now. There are eighteen muilo pupils studying unier the various mudo teachers. Besides several new pianos have been sjld hers In the ltst (ew montht, We are preparing to ct lebrste ffuh- Ington's birthday with an antartalnment it night. We bop to pleise all who fi.vor use with fitir presence. A an admission fee will be charged, the pYO oeeds of which will be used In placing more furnlablogi In the bolldlng. Thus we can get a double benefit from our money social amusement while support ng the grsndeit lottKulln for man's development. We have at fertile lection u there Is lo Eutern North Carollss. conven ient transport e'Jon faolltliee; a mild climate, . an enterprising little town commercislly, three gocd churches with regular service) by four denominations end no bsr rooms. Now If the people will It and 1 believe tbey do there nothing to prevent this school from be- oomiog mighty fatter la tb civil life uf Ibis section. United effort, work and money will brlog moctsi. Yours for educstlon R 0 BOLT 0N. SHORT PASSING ETBrtTS. Its lateresllng to wsloh tb growth of any aeterprli, and aipeclally wbea that ta ler prise start from a smtl begtanlag r0 or this yrs sgo Mr, C 1 Whit oomb, who keept k store at th eoraer of New and Oeorge trt. iseelvsd 601 or two orantet from brother llv. lag la Florida.' Familiar with tb ei oellsal quality of lb frail, Mr, Whit. eomb resolved that hi oastoaurt thomld help ojoy tbsa), tad aooordlagly otbrtd ssaa for il t a asodarata prior, of ooura th stomert wtr pis id with I beea, for who doai aot atjoy aattag fiaajotevoraag, aad thy doaieaoW or, From Use naill bow Kt, Whh octb ha batdled budrd of box tad tb dataiad I lUU growlag. Tb oranges tr of a paealur vatlsty aid art ealy growa ta oaa 'parttrular aoitai of florid aad era shipped dlraet ta Ut. Whliosh, ; '. ; - Mtta Ucy OdsQ who t ta Norfolk rnaiy wbat la leiorai bar asasla pa pi t that tb will b la th city M hoar br olu oa Moadsy. V The leg Bsltta which bat aitda fr. vottilpi t Raw Bora' wat )sd g'Owad la Paavlloa toaad FiMay. Bh end ill Ism bet loaded barge ta taw ad at latat report yu U1 m th grsaad. " " '". "-V. v TbrtutrlkrabllUdgr ku bM old to a ljrsdlU tad wUI be ktasd la soasaetloa wtib lb TI Brrald ( Newport Nss. lb sr dieat awa agtta Utter pet sr sw I. tOll tt A COLD IS 051 tf Tat Latflf B maws CJataiM Tab. Im. All rt'rl ild Ik asoawv If t( Ufa in nnx B n fiora t tlsettirt It aa h hot i- . A Good . Tclcplionc ",e;ivic t m a'.s K WT. " ITT, A l!mi ,l:'i:ivrs!t:.ri. A tx. ElSf.D 4 ,,,,, i ut (tut r; t ( or 1 tm XJOT tbe temporary impforerrtent resulting from dangeraus i," wrcuiy, opiates, alcohol, sr potuh ; not (be otomen - tar tfief mm ahara oain siveo hy linimeufi? but a . ' searching cleansing. oi r verv vesture ot the an XURES RHEUMATISM. We know that tt thould cure because it ! compounded in the own. Scientific manner, of purely vegetable drugs that. . rannot barm, but build uo'the entire wstem. We know that it does cure became hundreds of those cured hare written us that it hu CURED AFTER ALL OTHERS FAILED. rW samst bottlS ttoat OanlTT CHEMICAL CO, BALTIMORC. YOUR QP.UGCIST1 A1vcts Rciaieiabcr the Fufl Name II Mativc Rromo Auininc Cures a Cold in One . $. ffcdhnrt Resolutions of Respite. .. Resolutions on tbe death of .Henry L Ball by committee from New Bern Con federate Veteran Camp. Whereat, Comrade H L Hall, formerly of Company K, clecond North Caro ins Regiment, departel tbU life Jan :6 b, 1908. Comrade Hall participated In thesevjn days battles aro .nd Richmond and ai Malvern Hill on Jnly Is', 1861 was se verely wounded, and as sirstn wounded at Chancellotsviile Mty 8 d 1813. After the torrender of the srmy of Northern Virginia he rrtarned to this, his native tl.y, since wblch be has been as true to bis native State a he was ths bright morning In June 1861 when he donned the grey j.ckei and marched away to Co battle ,for Sontbern rights aad tkrathern honor. The esteem In which he wu beld wu evidenced by the large ooucourse which followed hu bat tle scarred body to its letting placo be nealh the trees in Cedar drove Cemt tery. Therefore,' be It resoived. That to tbe death of Comrade U L Hli, Nun Bern Camp Confederate Veterans! hat lost s faithful memter. Be It furthi r resolved, that copy of this bs spread upan the minutes of our Camp, aad request tbst It .be publlsbed la the New Bora Jooroal. And that tbe AdjuUnt of out Camp be rcqoeiteJ to transmit s copy to th family of oar late comrade L. P. WOOD, 0 F.HAKUKT J.Ky.AND, Comoilttee. MAKES YOU WELL ALL OVER Remarkable Result Wrought by the Wonderful Rheomaotde. At lut a remedy has been discovered that absolutely cure Rkomstlso, Cs tank, IsdtgeaUon, Constlp.t.os, Liver aad ltdsey trooblet ant Contagions Blood Poison. It accomplishes this by lnslBg tb blood of all lb germs that lb disease, toning up tb stom ach ad Liver aad building op th en lire stst. Her I a typical letter taken from kaadradl that bear slralar lesll aurayt Bell laser, Md., Feb 1st, 1904. Bob bill I baatical Ooapaay, Froprtatora ftaeemsotd, Balto, Md. 0aUeaMr "Tkr yrsCllwu stricken srltklsSaasaaatory ikeuasaiUm, Dating that tint 1 taff trad sientotstlrf pal, prlaet pally ta asy lowrr limbs My jolau wer rtlff, woUsi tad h flamed. lsotdc4lrihtaiTttJSbv Your Woadwfal aar. UHKUaTAtLDK, raaooBMadad la m aad 1 batea lo laa tt aoeardlBg to oirwotlo, la assort riav i prgaa u sptieoa lb (tares rUf. Ta tnwrasst and tuff was soaOMad tvutaiy fl tksakfab Kaclo hat dots sm anor tooi tbaa lltaetbvmdlelBatd Doctors preset lpUo which I tiled. If aad i at rUwMetd eid wall ea tbe Kid. ryt aad bows la, aad 1 Mkrv It will eat say mm or r nMatu lam cr blcxM dial a as. i M ksrs peffaci as oi my It oaa wotk aad wak M wtH at vt, sd lMrlbM say creatlrsiy to the M tt kHAUMACIDI My 1114 aad ai(hbO'a atasv si lb aag ta jvtntduioa. ' - , I snf yo this ttMlmratt of tsy OW eerrrd, wltboat toltcltattoa, 4 alll vexwhilly racomawat foJt aMdrata to I waassay wtitr rail oa as coa rl tbts ltlf sad ik beset 1 1 bav rvrwlvoil. I Ms a wllowsad fttM at ib tddrm five taxicw." - lr-kfs! f, MtRY BATKjI WtBR, tOT W fWieicfa fit. Pais Md, -tr-;- NOTICE. fsftaditaluof rif, Euttrt) Dl. ' tftntrl KerU Carolla. ta Ts Dtorkt Coatt l Faw - " rw. Bj etrtna af r,4f ef f)l txaad frnsa U D'sirW-t Cnait ol-tha t'nllsd M awa, tnt I h rui 6 at tmk (sinUa.n Vhs li s rlsfff J i.'t, hmlne t fca.sbf rlvsa lhj it' f" an-l a.l at r-1 anH loihsr '.V.; .f i-iiii, t M"tv t.v. I' - ' J''T, l'" 5, at !! i H at -"t" I if k i r is ! . r "f t:a. ,1 i :'-' , I bo1) r I'f-t's, ta ifc,. Sf'prsl,f ,--.,..Hin!ir"S asfcaar. ; ii , - B-at l.alf ffllet to I; n si I 't til f ' li, c. I."- rrar, I ft i ! a'.i ft P.. W. v: I ' " , t ,- 'r. ii "CORES TO STAY cured; th blood that clean the lysleai ot and absolutely SELLS RHEUMAC1DE. Day, Crip in Two on ho. 25c Entry Notice. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Craven County, To Geo. B. Waters, Entry Taker for Craven County: The undersitrned M D Lane of Crav en county. North Carolina, enters and lays claim to the following described Diece or parcel of land in Third town ship, uraven county, state ot wortn Carolina, the same being Vacant and un appropriated land, andawtlbject to en try, viz: joining the lands of C W Rus sell. M D Lane and others same lying on the South side of Neuse river and bounded as follows: on the North and West by the John B Wooten land now owned by M D Lane the lanp owned by the heirs of Wm White and George Richardson and others and on the South and East by the Loftin place and the Camp Oak lands, containing by estima tion five hundred acres, more or less. Entered this 23rd day of Jany 1905. M. D. LANE. Notice of Sale of Land By virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by Fred Elison and Smithy Eliaon, his wife to R. W. White and F. N. Hawkins, on the 5th day of March A. D. 1893, the said mortgage deed is recorded in the Register's office of Craven county, North Carolina in Book of Deeds No. 110, page 458, the undersigned will ex pose to sale at'public auction at Dover North Carolina, on the 27th day of Feb ruary, 1905, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following described lands: That piece or parcefof land lying and being in the said county of Craven, ad joining the lands of James Jones. Walk er and Jones, Harry Rouse, and known as being a part oi the Isaac Kent pa tent, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake, James Jones comer and runs South 78 West 30 ribles to the back line of the patent, then with that line North 15 West to a little ditch, then South 67 East 36 poles to a stake, then South 15 tAst to the heginntng, containing rive acres more or less. This 25th day of January 1905 ETTA HAWKINS, Administratrix of F. N. Hawkins deed. 1-oftin & Varser, Attys. Notice ol First Meetlnr of Credi tors. In the District Court of tbe United Stale, For lb Kuter District of North Carolina, t,N Bern, la tb matter of Jobs T Cooper. . . Baakrapt ( ,D B"kn"P,cT- To lbcrdl'.orso fob T Cooper, of Berboro, I th County of Panllco and District afore, aid, a Baakrapt, Rotto I baraty gtv a that oa lb Wtb day of Jaaaarr, A. D 1905, U sH Jok T Coorer wrt daly aaljuiloatad Baakrapt, aad tbst tbs first avttn of kls creCttors will b i told at Raw Bava, H. O, la taa Usl td Btat Co it o ta 7th day it Febraaty. tfOS, at 1 o'eioek tooa. t wkloh tlas . th aa'd rwdHot sa if atMtd, prove lair claim ppoiat a uatt, ttaaia th batkrwpt aad traaitat each athas bajtlMs at mf propwrly aosa b-fur said ! AMUKL W.SHaUVOOa ibtT la Baakraptey. Kaj Beta, K. 0, Jaaaary M, lJ, ffH a.1 t ym I r" ( i ir.cs . c urik.tvt f ktl".. Ik4 awM, at.), W 1H. f PI CITCiTv .ir IwwA 14 rAlt-HItsaa.t, mcrc,A.c::3V&co. WaeMinoTow.O.C. It awawaawssBaP i - Jab Ntw IIHN. A tbotouib, practicaj aad prcvrtwaiTt inttitoUoa, fall bft4 of IbelimM. iavvjtUnt bed kte ft Jofltalf Ual tbd Cafollad tad. Co Ug leadt ta pmtlok rvaaltt. v.'.-.v-v.-.' W- Tr loformaUtai adraaa i - ; "i . - - D. J. HOLLADAY, Prtl. - Ctfs;a la amnion day m4 a'gKt, ' very Uaw ; Kouad Trip K? 1 - - TO . WASHIKGTON, D. C. acOocrr PRESIDENTIAL IN AUGUR T101, MARCH 1, 1905, ..SOOTMI RAILWAY.. will sell tickets on March 2nd and 3rd, at extremely low rates to Washington, v. J., and return, witn nnai return limit March 8th, 1906; however, an ex tension of final return limit may be pro cured to March 18th, 1906, by deposit of ticket with Joint Validating Agent at Washington prior to eight o clock P. M. , March 8th; and payment of ONE DOL LAR. Special inducements to Military Com panies and Brass Bands in Uniform. For detailed information as to Rates, Schedules, Sleeping Car Accommoda tions, etc. ASK THE AGENT, or R. L. VERNON, T. P. A., J. H. WOOD, D. P.A, Charlotte, N. C. Asheville, N.C. H. HARD WICK, W. H. TAYLOB, Pass. Traffic Mgr, Gen'l Pass Agt, WASHINGTON, D. C. T A Green, Prta E H Mtidowa V TA Unell, Cm Citizens' Bank Do a Oeneral Banking Bualo Surplnt tnd Undivided Fronts lit, OOQ 00 We will give prompt and careful attrntlon to business entrusted to us. We invite yuur account. Try us. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: J A Meadows, Samt W Ipcck, t has H Fi.wia i W Grainger, E W Sniallwood, Geo N Ives. E It Meadow;, (. has Duffy. Jr, J as; Mayer Hafin, ThoB A Green, C E Foy, W t Crockett, Mark Disoway C V McGeehe Russell House. BEAUFORT, N. C, Centrally locaUd. All the deli cacies of the Beason. Well venti lated roome, Good beds, Phoue con veniences, Pol'te and attentive 8er vants. Hates $1.50 per day. Special and liberal terms by week or month. Q. A. RUSSELL, proprietor. tt ' Mwittaitait Art cm SICK HEADACHE NemvcLV cuhcd ar 9S6.4 Ala all DliaaMi ot the Stoat act, Llvsr, Kltfaeyi anS Bewail, Conitlaall. Bllloat naaa, Haadaoha, Indlteillsa, Narveaanaii. Platalsl, Blotckai aad All tkla laiaaritlsa. FOB SAU St ALL DfUSaiSTt. Ta tliaa. 10 Casts and 28 Casts aar Bsu Aoeept No Substitute. Commissioner's Sale. NOBTFl CAHOLIN A, I 8uperlor Court Craven County Before Clerk. John 11. Flaber va Hamuel Bryant, J B Bryant, Thomas C. Bijant, Tbe Mutual Aid Bauklne Con -p ny and W B Flannrr, Onar. ad Litem. By viitoe of an O'der obtained on th 3rd day c I Jasory, 1VUS, befor the Clnrk of Bupatlor Court c( Craven connty, X O, III the above entitled Jpclal Proceedlna; to s 1 land lor dlvl- I jd, th nndsnlanad ss ( ommlaaloaer ibeiela appointed, will offer for sale and sell to lb blgbral bldd. r for oaab, at lb oarl Houi door Id Niv Bon (Jrsven oonntr, ft O , on Moadsy tb Sth da l Petirnarv, KO'i si tb boar of IS o'cl ck st . tb f 'lowing deecilbsd nal Ut to-t: All that certain plee or parcel of 'aad I th city of N B'n, Lravsa couatf N C , lolnla the lands of O. Marks, WUilaaa June aad-otbera, lyla and be at aitastad oa tb'BothrB aid of lb allay raoalag btwra Oeotf ad B rn Sir, I aid alley (wis North of Oadar strH asd inns parallel tbrlo. bla( kaow M-Ortboro Allay ", btflnalnf t th North a t corner of tb tt bere tofor ovytd by Msry F. Eatery to th N Bsra Oc-opratlT Land aad Balldlaf tssoclttlo (aow ood by O. Marks) aad raas teat we dly aloti( tb soaUer lla of tald al;v M feat I 'ob, tbrae snalkwardly aad pare) 11 wtth Osrrtrrt t. fast I lath to WUilaaaJoo lla ibeBoa wtwsrdly aJo said Jt a' i U rx t lack to tb b t aw awd by U. Marks, ue orkwrdly slo ld Mark llsatl tt laches lo ta baajlanlaf. tWrsg tb ait tast Btwyid I The Bry by d4 bMria M of AprwtSrd, IRT7, rrti4 m 'ts pab'tt rvewa la ( alo at ft if later of Dee, for ta) Or v cow iv I book Mo. as Folto (Ta, sad taibd bv th M dfadaa rWaaat Bryaal, ioarph B Bryaat ad TUrata a Bryaat a ehlldna aad atn-t-r 1 1 M Tbn Bryaat, eWd.. Tht lid r)y 4 Jwrv laon. KAPHA LL O'HARA, Ocas. Fo Sale- ' Tha tract of laod cm Oooa Crtck kotrtra M tha Ualo tract, . , , D. C ltODOIT.