6 lyoS French Periodical iiiojis ' Strictly regetable, perfectly harmless, attre toaccoarpliah DESJRCO "; ! RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy. Pric,$1.50 per but On. CS WT!" InrntiimMfMu ae teltatlam. Tbe eemliie Is v to eaur la rjeb 3 e AwllwA to wllh Tae-simtle turoat-are ua aiae ot tbe bum, ibut- 4rrV ' Sua OK Ch-aiiw to WILLIAMS AUii. COnSole Mm, Utim4,0i VS-TV y . . - Sold by DAVIS PHABMACY f ' HOTT r PENNYROYAL PILLS A. Tliej overcome Weak ness, irregularity and omissions inorease vig or and banish "paint of menstruation. Tbey are LIFE SAVKIiS " to rrirla at f V womanhood, aiding .development of organs and body; No ' i ' 1 . . - , ItAUFD ! W 1V MAIL, 11.S , unwui lucHiuvt : ea.-W A uu Mm iumut HUIV by SoW in New Bern by Davis Pharmacy. msmmism Tne Treat remedy for nervous pronratioo ana ell diseases f ueenerattve organs of either sex, such as Nervous Prostration, Failing or Lost Manhood, ImpotenOT, Nightly Emissions, Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, excessive nse of Tobaoco or OdIuib. which lead to ConaumDtioa and Insamtr. With, eranr 1FTFR H'vlNB f orde' we Kuaraotee to sure or raluau the money. Sold' at SI.OO par boJ ooxeaior.w. nccooononcccocccioooonccco o " D O Meadows GOLD LEAEJj y tobacco quano! o ,;0 O ( ) o a o o - Q Work : Kens River. gZ Office: . Union Point. a Use it and you will be satisfied. It is made for Bright Tobacco and wilLniake it. Special Cabbage, Potato, and great Cotton Ouano. One gt our most pop i lar brands Is :: " " It makes eTerjtbiog grow. II you Fertiliser insist tbat y nr agent supply you with MEADOWS BRAND- They are made light. :: :: :: :; :: : E. H. & J. A. MEADOWS COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS. NewBerti,&C. LONG DISTANCE PHONE o DosoooooDoaocoooaoaoaono 'Creailyia TeaanL Nnlblng le more, la d'maud than a se i Ini wbioh rao-ti miidera rrqalre- Bi.n Irs -ui bi fftvm ciews r, cii b a ti K g's hew Lite fill. Tuey are last what toa eeed lo ear stomaeb- sod liver troubles. Try tee At 0 O Brad ham's dm J roie. ISc goaraa teed. :: .'-j : vv eiaie ife Trwta. . ; "Mv rsoii." rrmnrked' the baldhead ei dentist. "Is so painless that ny pa tients 01 ten fit u asleep la the .chair while I' am' at workv "Hhv th;t's nothlngr rival, t My patients nearly nil insist on having tlieir pictures taken while I sin at work 111 order to catch the xpre slon of delight 00 their Jaees," Chica go News. SwvVVgti&' ; Aua aatetl Care rot Piles ;: - - Itching, Bllnd,BleedlDf or Ptotradlng , PUes. Druggists idfnnd money If fazu 0ISTMK8T bill to -core any cat bo matter of bow long itandlnft, la to 14 days. If your droggUt htin't 'It send 50o (a itampt aad It will be, forwarded post paid by Paris Medicine Co,- Wot lxal, Ua. Value of Underdntlitaae. ' Undei'dralunge requires nu erpendi- ture of no little time and money and to many farmers looks like buried cap ital, but the experience of those who have done most along this line goes to show that It is a profitable Investment. a. single crop from nnderdralned ground that was previously too wet to work baa been known to pay all the expenses incurred. Cor. American Ag riculturist. . . . Spotted Her Beauty. Harriett Howard, of 209 W. 82th St, mew York, at one time had her beauty spoiled with akin trouble.. She writes: "I had Salt Rheum or Eczema for years; but nothing would cure it, until I Used Bucklen's Arnica Salve." A quick and sure healer for cuts, burns and sores. 25c at C D Bradham's drug stose. . That Woald Help. , The infant began crying .as soon as the visitor arrived and continued . to wall for some time. At last its mamma said: "Please don't mind the baby." "If you would mind It," suggested the guest, "maybe I wouldn't mind It." Judge. . n a - -. . i Haw ta Kill W.T. . " Some butchers stun pigs before stick ing them. Whether the snlmal is stun ned or not It should be laid on Its back, where it to held until stuck, says Amer-. ' icaa Cultivator. Then one man stand- tnv Aati-lfla th Iwwlv with hla fifi r,wu I as-ainst its sides and hohUnar its fnt ' legs can easily control It while the oth-T Is inserted Into the hogs throe t. after ;y; : n r. VT" , . "i It .T t . r .. . . rror " V 1 tho Joy of the household, for wifliotrt . . . ka 1. I i . . . uuuippuicma u complete, how sweet the picture of mother and babe, ango; amtlo at ; and commend ,tba thoughts and aspirrkins of the mother - j bending ovt, the cradle T!e ordeal thiough which the expectant mother must pass, how -ever, is so full of danger and suffering that does me sucking, too. antre, nan, i ., j-.-f.it. A-nr.f m-tk.,wj ti. j :uI j , ; row. rtralgbt Waded, eight Inches long.' . E"-Z-TZZ7C Z'?? .V. into the hogs throat after ., .", ;: - . ."r"- .T TT" 7 Vf making an rncislon through the skin. . "- . ",X ,7 i . , .v "I . . w "luLucr "lena. Just t front of the breastbone.-. The ,!'f fl utoenl f ternal use only, which toughens and reodera m I nnlnf of Hut knife la dlrerted townnl . u ymm, miiu : : iviuiicu f -. t : . - . , j. W-Aaw 1 )V7If .If i . a 1. a ii the root of the taU and held exactly ; aasista nature in its sobiune In line with, the backbone, x When the wort ? By its aid thousands " knife bos been run into the throat six f women-have passed this ' or eight Inches, the depth depending , great Crisis in perfect safety " on the aise of the bog, it shodld be and without pain.'. ' Sold at given a quick turn to one side and withdrawn. The arteries tbat are to be cut ran close together, Just inside of th Dreastbone, and will, both be cut when the knife Is turned,, provided It la sharp on both sides of the point, A pig killed tn this way will die In a very few minutes and will bleed out thoroughly. " bottloby nggista. Our book of priceless Value to all woman sent free. Address iomcli ob )es; and ' Uob. - Cpnstipa- Ohamberlsln'i . Btomtch and Liver Tablets are the best thing for stomach troubles and constipation I have ever sold," says J B Cute an. a d uggist of Potteravllle, Mich. They are easy to take aed always live sausfsotlon. I tell lay eastomers to try them and If not satliftolory to come back acdgetihdr mosey, but save never had a complaint For f ale by all dragglsts. Apple Son Ae, Strain, one quart of apple snuce through a .sieve, sweeten to taste and add the Juice and gfcted rind of one lemon, the yolks of five eggs and, lastly, the whites of the eggs beaten to n stiff froth; put this into a tmtterea puaaing dish' and bake till it cracks on top. Sprinkle with sugar and serve hot without sauce. Entry Notice. Stste of Nori h Caroiin ) Ontlo County. . J To M M.Cappi Entry Taker ftr Ondow UouQty, Theunderalcned B L Kellum Jr.of On slow county, North Caollna eniersand laye claim to the fullowlngdeecrlbed piece or parcal of land In White Oak township Onalow county, State of North Carolina, asms being varaot and unapprnpriatcd land, ma subject to tn'ry, mi.: Ufglo ulni tn Horse Swamp st Ben F arnelU corner then runnioc with his line into the pocosin about 1 4 mile, ttence ran- ningweaie'ly course snout B-t mile, tbenoe northtrly cooroe back to the be ginning, the above described land is near the be d of Hone Swamp lying on 4 sldea of the Htnbln Pearson place con talnlng about 100 acres mire or lets. Entered the 2i,d day of Jan 1905. be ing entty No 413. D Li &KL.LUM, JH. Entry Notice. STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA, J. A. TONES Livery, Feed,, Sale and Exchanjrr L STAB Chamberlain' Cough Remedy Ab solutely ; Harmless. The fault 6f giving children scedldne containing Id jurloui substances, is some times more disastrous than the disease from which they are suffering. ' Ivery mother should know tbat Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is perfectly safe tv chil- ireu to Uka. It contains nothing ha m ful, and for coughs, eo ds sad ctonp Is ansurpatsed. Kor sale by all Druggists. a rfeaaosamaau "Tour husband ain't Very Industrtons, Is her said the woman who was slrdug In the sleigh In front of the vlllsge store. "Well," answered the woman In the spring wagon, "sometimes he Is ana sometimes be sln't. He'll travel for miles and miles with a shotgun on his shoulder, but be can't walk a hundred yards with sn armful of wood. Washington Star. Cured bis Mother of Rheumatism. "My mo' her has been a sufferer for many years from rheumatism," says W B Howard, of Husband, Pa. At times he waa unsble to move at all, while at til times walking was ralnful. I pre sented her wllh abotlleof Ghemberlaln'a Palo Balm and after a few applications hsdt dried It was the most wonderfal pain reliever she had ever tried, In fact, the Is never without It now aad Is at all times able to walk, Aa occasional sppli cation Of Pain Balm keeps awav the pain that she was f rmerly ttoubkd with," for sale by alt Druggists. Craven County. To George B Waters Entry Taker for Uiaven county: The undersigned JV Blades of Cra ven eoun'y. North fa1 olios,, enters snrt 'aye claim to th lollowini; descilbea piece or parcel of land !n 9ih township, Craven county, Sia'e of Nortl Oar 11ns the same being vscant and unaprro- rlated latd, and euhirct to entry, via: Jolting the lai.ds if Blades Lumber Co. Job j T Shule and othtrp, same lying on the west aide it Bacbelo Creek and bounded as follows, v li: on the north by John T. Shule land and on the wes' by lands of Blades Lnmbe- Co on the south hv the Craven and Jones onnnty line end on the east hy UeBruhi land and oihe'a containing by estimation 100 acres. Entered this 5th day of January 1905. J V BLADES. Early A Bertram Theatricals. The earliest attempt to Introduce theatrical performances in this coun try was made about 1086 In New Kng- land, but Increase Mather wrote and spoke so forcibly in opposition to the project that It wes speedily abandoned. The first theatrical performance in New lork city of which there is any clear record was given March B, 1750. Tbe theater was on Nassau street, between John street and Maiden lane, and tbe play was "Richard III.," Thomas Kenn the Junior manager of tbe company enacting the part of Blcbard. Iiraxl saa Bnest stork nf Horsse aad Xa'es aver offered for sale la Newborn A car lead of (fh Jus- la. Also a ocaaple'e Use of Baggies, Wagons, Harness,' Roots, Whips, Csrl Wksels, Kto. J. JOZIES, DEProp. L. G-. DANIEL'S A Gr.m Tragedy Is dally enacted, In Uwasaads of boas as, aa Death elaims, la each one, sa other vletlaarf Consumption or Pasoaionla. Bat when Coaghs and Colls art proper ly treated, the tragedy la averted, r 0 Hont'ey, of Oaklaadoa, lad, writes My wife bad the ooarumptlos, aad tree doctor gave her up. Fteelli she look Or King's Vtw Discovery for Oos ismpsioa, Cosgha aad Colds, which cured her, aad today she Is well aad strong." It kills tbe germs of aO 4U t esse. One dose rstleees. Caaraassed at &0e aad l by 0 D Bradaasa, drnggtst frlal bottle fne. THE SECRET OF SUCCESS. Forty ssDltoa bottles of August Flow er sold la the Calked States alone since Its latrodaotloa I Aad tbe demand for K Is sua growing. Irn't that a Das showing of anoosstf Don't It prove list August Flcwsr has had unfailing sanesss la the ours of Indigestion aad dyspepsia -the two greatest enemies of keaUh aad happiness T Does It aot af ford the evidence that August Flower ca a sere apealne far au stosaachaaa 43 Craven St. New Bern, N. 0, hat just received the finest lot of '. . Aaaee llfUl IM The uotormsa was saaklbg bis com- plaint. - Tbe fellow gave dm tbe signal," be said, "ami wbo I rrfeeed to stop he smashed cae of the car window a." "U'nir Mid tbe snperlntfodetit "Was tbe ear fulir e . '- 'Well, U Wsa fuD, hot I sntrpoae be 'could have aqunaed la aome way." "Thirty days' layoff, too' re Waa working long awougti to know the rale f tbe cotnpany. Detroit Tnbooa, - atasttael disorders T-tbat II has pi liMlf Ue best of all liver leaalators Aagaet Flower has a autlehiava record of over thirty-five years la earing the allies: sslihjoas ef these dtstreeeiag cosa Dlalais a is etnas toe aa ueooaeiai wider tm Its staoe every day, at bnsoe sad abroad, as the faaee ef Aagaet Flow sr spreads. Trial aositse aoei regntsi oas Too, rorsaieny auumgiiais. sDaffy. Watira trayar. Walter and Willie ware playmates The death one day of Willie's grand mother saade a deep Imprsssrtoo upon Watte. , He, too, bad a grand mot bar, whom be dearly leraL At bedtime tbat algbt Waller's pape was aot a Nt tie startled to bear bis little twy swe- plaroMt hka emlag petition with: 1 thank yea, Uod. that yew WilOe's gTaadnotiiev hastaed of jnlae," -UpptacoU's Magaslae. Chgmbfxlaia'i Cttt( temedj tit , ' - , Be4IUde. "la my pplaJoa ChaeiberWa's Ooegk iUsaedy to the bit aaeee let eetds, eats Mrs Cora Walker of PwvtrvTneJ tllfornla. Tears b) IS anajbt sboat BJ batag tbe beet If e ether will ear e anU art aaloklv. MatMaaar lass aaaa a I from 8t. IiOUlf that WaS fiver Offered lOr SalO- f-rtveallveolpeeemoeta. Re .o-twl , In Eastern North Carolina, and have alao 1 uat l r1- etajia. TVaear receivea a nne ioi ox which meant that thore are Rood bargains for tnoie wno want to purcuaae eood Heavy llulet and nice ITorBCt at at low prices as iaey can do boiq in any marxer, m tun utaie. -rd n. to rr a4w stx o avorvhanv coal and look for rouriirtlr; - mmMt -I -wi t. u A.V i ml.il ta tewWk a i.oo rjer rrnranpiBjat mmm F. M. Blaimoaa, A. D. Ward IMAONS ft, WARD, ATTOBNEl aa COUNSELORS a LAW. aw sasB, a. c Office Removed across Street to Sec Story of Ha 69 (above Telegrap , t flee) South Front Street, nex'. to Hotel Ohattawai, Practice tn the counties of OraveL, Duplin, Jones, Onalow, Carteret, Pamli co and Wake, in the Supreme and Feu enl OocrU, and wherever services art desired. Ernest "M. Green, Attorney & Counselor at Law, Bboad St., NEW BERN, N. C Well equiped to search titles by reason of many years experience tn tbe office and as Register of Deeds: Practices in the Courts of Craven, Jones, Pamiicc Carteret, Onslcw, or wherever service , am teyilred. M lspi m Ce., ten A. & N. C. R. R. TIMS tafci. sn,. 2 To Take Effect Pi.nij, tiCi. 3, at 10; 19 A. M., E. 8. T. Ooing Et j 80HEDC1.B. I Going Wea Ir94 No. 8 Lv, p m 8 30.... 8 69.... 4 to.... 5 40..., 6 50.... ... Paaaeagar 1 rains - DAILY. No. a BlanONH: , toiaaiHro , Lulirunge . KinoUA :i-jv Kru. I -, Ar, a a 11 06 -. . 10 b . . . 10 1a . , Ai :i.jv J(ru. I - v 11 Lt- Ar M Ar. V.orer.uaj aij , ij No. 6, Passenger Train I No. 6, statiobs; Paajenger Train. DAIH Exct pt Boncay Lt'-' Ar.r.w 8 00 Uoldaboro 8 80 8 18 826 8 87.. 8 48.. 903.. 818. 9 8C.. 8 60.. 9 64.. 10 10.. a. at. No.1, ia so 1 18.... ISO..,. 140..,. 809.... 8 80.A. 8 28 . Boat's . . . L&Grange .Failing Oreek ....Kins ton . . . . Caswell Dover , ...Core Creek . . .Tuscarora Clarke -r. New Bern, Lv.... . 808 7 67 . 7 47 . 7 8-1 . 786 . 7 17 . 700 . 66u . 6a . 680 r. a. 8 66 800 P, at. Mixed Freight and Pasa. Dally Ex. Sunday. No. 8. ....Lv. New Bern Ar 8 06 Kiverdaie 7 go . Oroatan 7 18 Uaveiock 7 00 Newport, Lv 6 86 Wildwood 6 07 ManeOeld 5 58 ..Ar.Morehead olty.Lv...,. Si ..at, ai. oity Uopot.Lv. ALFRED . CHENEY I have made arrangements whereby I j 2d fjiSt. Lv, a m 6 11... 646... 613 .. 6... 7 82 .. 7 40... 900 can handle all work in my line. Civil pniiieei iiig, ijanu surveying, Draugni inir. Mao Makinir. Contracting and Titles Abstracted. Prompt service moderate rates. FREIGHT. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Ernest C. Armstrong, Osteopathic Physlcin. Office overfoinier Farmers & Me chanics Bank. Hours. 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Consultation Examination free at Office SEX-MO UK W. HANCOCK Attorney at Law. BP Executors Notice. Having qualified as Kxrcotor of the latt will and letament of Anceltne Yoik ileceaa-id, late of Craven county. N ( this Is to no'lfy all pi none bavloa claime againet the (state of the eeid da ceased lo exhibit tbem ti the nnder Irned on or hi fire the S b day of Jany 1906 or thle notice will be pleaded In bar of recovery. All persons lndrbied to tbe saM ests s will make lmoedlsis payment. Jany o;h, lyuo. J. T. YORK, Executor. Will practice in itate Federal Courts. Office 46 Broad St. and Itomulus A, Nutm, ATTORNEY AT LAW., Practice In tbe conntiee oi Craven, Carteret, Pamlico, Jonei and Onslow, and In the Mate Supreme and Federal Courts. Offloe: Sonth Front Street, oyer Tele graph offloe. Nev "-rn. N. 0 . . Golds boro, . , Best's.... .... LaGrange. .. ..Falling Oroek.. Kinston.... oaawell ... DoVflT. 9 40 core nraek. . 10 10 Tuscarora... 10 8S olark'e .... I 00 Ar. New Bern, Lv 9 80 II S ROWLAND, K P FOSTER, Prest Gen M an S L DILL, S ipt 4b0 a. at, No. 8. 2d Clasa Ar. p m ... 350 ... 8 18 ... 808 188 18 18 18 01 11 01 ,10 40 10 10 9 64 Notice ol Sale. By virtue ol s power of sale contained in a HortgaKS exacted by Wm Hooker to liaae Ij-wla and B J startle, tbe said Mortgtge telng recorded 4a tbe Castom House In tbe City of New Hern Is Book 16 1 ate 3S, of tbs bk of MorWeiea. I will ofler for sale, at tmbllo aurtina. at 18 0 clock noon ra toe 7th day of rebru- aryl900, tbs ecbonaer James Ba)mosd, Her masts, bowsprit, boats, anchors, ca bles, chains, rigging, tackle, apparel, furniture aad all 01 bar seorsstrles there unto appertsiolng and beloogteg. Tha aald aals to be i.ir caah, sad to be hi Id SbosVd the ssld Bohr-near lying near tbs n It a n Hsiiroan Whan. Jaaeary 7ia, 1806. BJ MARTIN. ISAAC LEWIS. By & W Baneock, Ally Executors Notice' Having qnaltfisd as Iiaewtora Ssder sne last wlrl sad leetsaM ef ILaryH J, kasea, rtevsard, Uea of datea eoae tv. all fx rorme kavist clataas stslaal ieee" exl t "t de a aad are bare. by auta a leiiklbll taeaa tu taeaedet aisaad oa o before lbs elk dsyefjaa Livue iau avitiee win re pieaeee u bar ef reoovs rr. AU peraeae ladabtad te said eatxe will asks IsaattdJaat psy asrat. Jruaty ttk, lOV ' . Wsa. B. BUR '01, 01O. P. DUOllT, Iiacatos. 1). WAIll), Attorney at Law, 74 bo. Front Si, Opp. Hotel Chattawt NEW BERN, N. C. Craten County Attorney, Cironit, Craven, Jones, Onalow, Cart a ret, Pamlico, Greene, Lenoir, and th. Hnprame and Federal Coorts. nE3no3E.s: good reesOM wky tt sboakt be pre ferred le eay other. The bet k tbat tew people ara aa 1 114 with eay ether aftet keying ranee seed this rv anedy. For sale by sll rril-. a Staae Simlsa, ntmni." aaWl gray oar-eld Jtnu. . New Bern Military Academy. U Xt ,.--. I walling te be aarTl4r llirtmsk erbont what aVa wf.Ua I'm e4 the lit - . ' ' (INCf iRPOR ATEO.) "rfawfWa'.Crwt Vfillt.ry fVlrl"-ruWB Ns er4 01ii-rvar. A Frw Tafn'a f I'.arwIWweae I. fnfc? r"7uirfnle. l aolif il Grwnda, rnrw Wetor, nrxt Urg. e ert fy tmtmh4 twiV! Rf-a. tM1 lhrr.vkrt rf auvtrvily. g, fkitrvw karriity. A qr-"a H at (e K,H af ery tTrlm"r. A t44 liarrfc'Sa a4 t. ri s lnrrr. tTy rWalorl st 1 .flMaeit i.ir,t- tJr; SUtccirf Stlrcrlrr fl'. of 1 1; e an! iVi'n'i, l iln-MtlU-":! P'tt-i Ik', I. FHOEIIEUSICn At Zlany a . New Bern i Header Know Too '":,i-WelI..' Wkee lbs Weeyt are skk. Natere ValU fot all about K. 'V ' Tkea'taelsaaisre'soalaeaar. . Iafrt)0Bl or toe frtqwsel aosjo"! Any artaary tieabie te H ef k !tvy Die, Doses Kldeey FQls tare all kldeey tils. . Few fWra rTe testify to UH. . LAIm'ta, MyarlmaaAawt efCrXal UaCo II Orimtk fit, mMl.g Mil QrtSik - saye- laaadDoas't IMasy ni'a for I'daays sad but. Taa aeiattnas fr tbe tMaeyi waa all eat ef s te, at 4 loo frait I se;!-a. tx-salf K :d ef lr a t"r pad . My lit la kTr was t-f.' ' I '.'.h a k !!, Hka arx) J se a- rr.a f ' kkM,4' sw fr - O tXFgHIENCI mm ' illlll' a Tstan Maaat 0aewe Cns r.iuTa Ae. - - mm mwm Ml - ,m J-l- 4 mm raw) - -. iata Sale of Valuable City Property. Blover Place rforth Carolina, I Superior Court, Craven County. Before the Clerk. C E Blover, el el., to The Court. SALE FOR PARTITION Pursuant to tbe Judgment rendered In i ha above named pioceedluga on the th Cay of December, 1904, lbs under algaed will sell at public suction st tbe Court Hoeaedoor In lbs City of New Bare, Monday, at 19 m , tbe 6tb day of Fsbraaty.l9uo.tbe following leads to-wP: A certain lot of laad sltnata In ilia City nf New Bern, lying oa tbs south aide of Ualoa street sad wtet elds nf Cut Front elre,.bef Ibsu( at tbs sonth wei inter eertl oa of said streets sad running thanes southwardly al-ng Eat Front street two beedred feet to tbe lias of the lot for eriy ewaad bt Mrs Mary Bayard Clarke, wow oee spied by Mrs. si try D Moalms; tbeaos sreetwardly wlib 'Be lias of said lot owe hsadred feart to ihe Una of tba lot ewaed ay Mrs, Bitsabatk H Clarke; Ueara aorthwaidly whk aba Use of tka lot af Mrs etllsebetb H Clarke tfty elakt feel to tbe eon beset eoraav of the lot owaed by Us laid Kllssbstk H Clarke; theses wrstwartl) alneg iha use af ike lot owaed try the said gJleabeU U CUrke parailel le Calea etrrwt toitv tight feet lbs lies of lbs lot owaedby Uenrgs Slovwr at tbe Uene of bis death; Umbos eonhwaedly wlrk the Use of tbalnt of be said Oamge Benver eae baadred aed rforty lanMsajt to Caloa street) tbesce eastwsrdly aaoeg Ualoa street to tbe bee-aeisg. 7 erase ot tale as rotti t was row rib tab, bales aa a foe stoat , ilste. tula reserved aaeil ptrckaaa saawea la paM la felt. Is reel le be paid ea aVer rtdpyesW. -- ' .- ariwiiiiinnrjg, WfeLWCLlHg. i- Ooaasaleilnsera. CAROLINA DISPATCH AND OOomioDjteafflipCo DAIL.Y LINE Freight and Passenger for all points north EFFECTIVE OCT. 21, 1904. The Btearnur Neyne is sched uled to sail at tj in Monduy( Wed nesday and Friday for Elizabeth Cily, making liuidinga at OrienUl and Koanoke Island. '1 lie Steamer Oeracoke i sched uled trr .sail at :i p in Tues day, Thtirsdny and Suttirday for Kliz-tbelh i ity, niHkin laii'lings akOneiituI and Uuauoke Island. Freight received not later than one hour prewovs to suiling. F'or further information aiply to OEO, HENDKKHON, Agt. M K K N.i, V.-P and cn Mgr. II (J lit -ixiiNs, Uen Kt A l'asa Agt Norfolk. V. W S Hummkkki i, Asat Uen Ft and Pna Airu New Bi:m, N U Kntrj Claim. CrMt"!f! I'arlf eJVUt.tlli Ja-'Vl IVU. (.,, i --,. si. . aw iMk. aa r SU aav-K-.tfrrt w f aai aaj Wa, B.L i a a i f i la rhe -e'tfiftS wra 1,11 fef a-V I ' i a I t r ' ' n t ' t 9 ' t i t- l I te k k s ' f i -r I s I lit! t r.'.is ea it t - M ht it. t n r ICE i t-'Kturar. y ! f. ) TlnSS O.eUle'ng r-nri,r '" ' fe f -a la 10 IK tyHfe, va'ua 4 a'!t hat'4 14 rilntMti el I i'mtr 4 )4 tr im. 1a'ilillW) elk of ICt ' rV- k Is wir1, e'lket fiaea Iha 4rl , I at a M fr -X lteS' II Ui'ff" rilate nf North (larollne ) Jnnr-s t.'ounly. Knlry No. Mfl. To J K Dtiou, Eu.ry taker Tor Joaea Coontj: Tha undersigned J T Hood of Joaes county, N'or h CernMna enters and lays claim tu lh fi.l oalag lece or pirns) of lend In I'nll ch v 1 le lowoshp, Jonee ooenir. 8 a'e of Nurth Caril-ia. The a - e beloc vacant aid uoippr ourlstarl laad and subject lo eotry, via: Joining the lands of Hladee Lumber Cotnoenv. DeBrnbl lands and others, same lylaaoa tha Weat aide of bachelor Creek end hounded aa follows: Bounded oa tbe Bonh by tba Craven aad Jonas eosnty Use, oa tbe West by Vie leads of Blades Lumbal Ones pea y. on Ihe Sonth by De Urubl ktedt, na th East by DaBrnkl laode, coatalatng flfry scree more or ae. Ka tared this tbe ih day of Jantsry lX. J T HOOO, ClalaseaL J K DIXON. Rag. Denis aad El -Officio Entry for Joeesvoealy. Admixiiitratort Notice Batlsf saalaMerad anoa tba retats ef U W k iara, Sseesua. all saieaas taAatitad la red sail aie are ywqeaalwd le ake lm.ala pat aaaat, aad a aees- f aae bnld etalaas ataJiet aald estate ra nv'mA ta eraaeat kt raaae ea M bef we fVaa.fce 4. At this be or will be aada4 la be of reewvwr t. This I've te-. iu4 JLifJltT. nocari, .. 44nla!Hraio, ' 't. I 1 . Lxocutora Notice Mevitg qatl-rlad e Csailnf aadef WalaMt, aad S-'t.mMt el gweb J ilnine rbrwel take r. f. ltia rs- y , il" ta te BiHIfe a4 aarar rUVu,'it iviviiu af be 1 r' a d in eia h' im n Iha r.-6, e.d r r-t -r.,fa ik a Sa dey ijiirr, I ili'.,ie w it l r -ill 't tt U..! I-' rl, AH , ir . .1 n ,s 4 l.t h i Entry Notice. state of North CeroHaa, Craraa Cweaty. Te Oeorge P. Waters, Eair Taker tor Oravea loeatf i The aadafstgbad.' it Basalghl, ef Oraewa aowaty. II on k Carollaa, eaters aad leys etaiat le th i faihawtag oaaerts ed pttav at parcsi ef laad la Me Owe tew sable, Urn ewe eoeatv Jiaae af Monk (jarouae, aaae haiat vareat aad eaaepeoprlatad laadAad sableet to eatry vai aegiaatcgata pise seat aaow se away smwsww two aipaj aae tbe . fa of bow ea reset said i be tbe aoy. aey at tbe Wsa M me stsd aaileal tbe lloUtapatawttadalMaerie-aef ef 1 Meetta, tbawew raas'eg wHh bad said -yVeat I ae erelaweedly , aaeabar wa aaw rd asM yaaral aaaa aba tradlay or gaeatf hi l. Ihaaeta wHk IbaS Mae waa ward y la I14 T'lse II aa. ihe new wHb sale THr-t liaa in tba Jsaaas lloarab Use, '' ita i Hoarb Uae to Us af W, C P.i.a, lbs fat a Una. Ikaartaa WHb eald Hae ! lbs Knaaad Nnrrte line. lwr4 wlb thai See I. iee U J M arris Una, aad ih'nrw with his Mae 0 llaaa le ke hf(a.ir.f IveaM lawdt tle ha larf awar-y aiasit da, r, - it r ir a. 4 lavMt raiwv f - lra aTaMay WrMe fV (la-i. f tr.g larrrt J - j ra )r,nrj . 4. 5, J. HOLLA DAY, A. 15, LI. I), tTM s III awtfi rtaws aal New ' , m r - ' f rlt caieislg by att'.aeeilua M( r tk!s Ilk '1 of Jsntary 3 BA."I'I3T "