. v. x t '- -v ?; ... . ; ;THE JOURNAL; New' Born,' N. C, February 3, J90SL WltonURN or rut WORLD at Kouaue Hall Bjs1-MobibIt, rlral and Third Wednesday algbu at 7.90 o'clock. TUuag Waodaaa ar lav le ad. v ' t ' ,t) RAVIN JJinGS'HO.'. tHIQHTS OF BARMC:;7. Meets tod and 41 Wednesday eights la each kaoata In Buoatrari Halt, Pollock street, at o'clock, hamtktti R. Ball, Freeldent; - J. il. Pmlth. eWy. & B. HlT, financial Bmrelarr. s Index t new AdTertltcmeatt. Notice of Summons. , Administrators Notice. Executrix Notice. - Simmons, & Hollowell Co. -Blanket. HlmmoQ' & Hollowell Co-We are not doted. THE CRQUN3 H03 FAILS" To Setf His .Shadow X CJouda; Obscure 'iU Face f Uia Sum l"'- :( :.; The ground fibg jot left yesterday tt he thought ha was going to hive to lie iif his hole for six weeks longer-Ha came out aa usual without a doubt, but net being able to see the picture of his form on the ground, ha wisely tecided that he could select his swimming hole business Leetlt. GRAPE FRUIT, Florida Oranges, Malaea Grapes and Bananas at the Broad Street Fruit Co. today. FOR SALE One set of Charles Dick ens Works, 82 volumns for $5.00. Ap ply at Journal office. FOUND A eold ring. Owner can ob tain same by calling at the National Bank, proving property and paying for this ad. REMEMBER 28 Photos for 25c. Just what you have been looking. Our work is the magnet that attracts the people. Gem Photo Co., Cor. Middle & Pollock Sts. Up Stairs. STENOGRAPHY and Typewriting neatlv done at 82 Broad street. Hours 10 a m to 4 p m. LOUIS WASHINGTON the wellknown and reliable house mover is in New Bern and will remain for ten days. Persons desiring his services can find him at Jackson's boarding house on South Front St. WANTED-Two or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Address F. H. G. Journal office. VOX h KM Tan 8 loom house No 188 Pollock 81. Enquire of A J Yeoman 84 Pollock St, CANDY Today we will hive on dla ply, the very flnesl line of Daffy's Dome Mute Candles you ever saw Id New Bern. To aee It, Is to bay It. We mike i regular customer of all who tiy It. .lamca B Diwson. 108 Middle street. Phone 209. FOR HALE The J 8 Blzzell house, on Avenue A, Rlteralde. Apply to J B Pope. KDK bAlK Cheap about a Ucieo iuiiim In good rondliimi. Apply to Supt City Schools. CALL it (t.iklos Cycle Co. for Tires for jour Bicycles tnd Baby carriages. I'ticnure proof Tires 3 50 each. Road velght it 11.00 to $3-00 etch. Bab; car riage lira pat on at 10a per foot. IMPORTANT CALL. To the Executive Committee of the Craven County Firmeri- Association: You are hereby notified to meet your Ex. Com. of the S. C. G. P. A., at the court house in the city of New Bern, Saturday Feb. 4th, at 12 o'clock m., sharp. Business of importance DANIEL LANE, Pres. G L. HARDISON, Sec. Notice of Summons. NORTH CAROLINA. I Supartor Court. Oivon County. I Boforo Um Clark. H. H. Plate Onnrr Stanly. Nanc; Stanly. Ma wtfa. Hlanlr. Bottia Htantr. KM wtla. Tha d f Ffxlartu abova aajaaa will taka aoUoa thai mortal I'mcaodlna aa abova anttOaa. koa l..m nnmmal bofora tha Oar af tna B porter t'flurt uf :ravan county, la aafl far otrtataa that rrrta'n uart of land in No t taaraaakp, aoatainlnar fifty tool arraa mora or Moa, ramaj aa br R. U Kuhank and wtfo u Jamoa Habbar. aUaa Jaaa Ktanly. dacaaafd. by Aaad aoarlaa data of Octobor Wtt. HOT and rarardod in Hook N SI. roMaSil ..f tha public raoorda h afnaa of IUatoraf Itaada if Cravon roanty, N. C and aaek of roa ara aa. iiutrad to appoar at my ofloo laj tha aaart kii ' "OP of t 'ravon eounty oa tha trd day of ktarck. ISaa. at t ha hmir af II o'rlork M.. aad aranaar ar Saaiar 0 tha potlttnn fltad In oaal pmaMdliai. or atkjorwlaa hnw nuM. If any rev hara, why o aaayat of tho pMHamor ariaJI nat ka (raatad. IKaoi a loo tna patittonar will apply to um aaart for ti ilmorinoel Thai tad day of 'okraary. IV. W. M. WATSOH. dork Bvparter Caarf. Wanted! An irtriiutrious farrnajr with expar irmre to take charge of farm in Pam lico county. Place healthy, pleasantly loritml on Trent crevk, one half mile from Merritt postoffica. Schools and criurcrwaj about salhe dbtanc. 8taala rr traruportstion. Large, eoovaniant ly airanirfd reakWrtce. Barns and other out buildings In good aondltkaB, Apply U B. B. Davenport, New Bam, N. C. Photographs Tbra Inre IWi Ufhi Photos of Yoor Parlor and Family fbr ". (INK DOLLAR. Cn Phoia Co. MattW AFoOtx Sta. , Yac-cino Virus. . FE'ESIt BUaPPlsY . s Hoth ln Tubci And Irory Points Jolt IU- ceivd lit - ' F. S. Duffy's i", ' far. MaVIU etwl UraitK Vt Ufa. i riLwi-fiLmi, fiLiaii. . Dr. VlVliakif Ia)l flh CHatajs.1 . ; will ftlM. Ikwdbn tltaia4 aad '' lkAliria. M akawaa 4U aara, t . atlart the tuhiitt at a an a a al ' ' . tW.fWe aka4 ralUat Iv.ld DAVIfl SHORT PASS1N3 EVENTS. ' . " V ' ; ' '. . .- ' ' For additional local news . see inside Mr. G. N. Ennett is Buffering a severe attack of lagripp,-; , 1J;v $ T' The , Woman't. Foreign Missionary Society of tr Centenary' church will meet this afternoon at three and a' half o'clock at the church parlora,. ". ' "'A steamship, name unknown, ' loaded with sugar bound from New York, went aground ' off. Cape, Lookout Thursday ' without any fear of being froaea. morning. ; It" was released ,ra a abort ? " The weather yesterdar was cloudy, time and suffered no damage, ;damp and chilly precluding any dress fe Smith was before Mayor Tmilv- ground hoga or any; other yesterday" for being drunk and pMttororvarrlvat -The eold wave signal swung ly. According to th evidence Intro- pver Hackburn'a atore; and itis duced Cherry must have had a 'load of probable tnat by tha time the Journal peaches." She was required to'pay $10 in the hands of its readers we will be or spend twenty days in jafl. '""v. . 'fa thethroesof another cold wave. Attention is called to the advertise ment of the Trent Furniture Oamjiany, which appears in another column. The Company is making preparations to open a furniture business in the : atore Mis8 01iva Mett of Norfolk, former adjoining Sam Lipmans dry goods store ft rodent of this city is the guest of on Middle street .Mra. G. N. Ives. The worst cold snap of the season is Mr, W, P, Betts of ' Raleigh, was in predicted for today. The forecast says New Bern yesterday. "Severe cold wave, temperature if ailing , Mr- of gnow Hi " to about 10 degrees Frrfay night, , bu8megs heM) yegterday - Mr. L. H. Ervin is preparing to open Mr. Joseph E. Bowen of Norfolk, Va a wholesale ana retau grocery on south well known electrical and steam ma- Front St. Mr. Ervin has bad several Winery salesman, was in the city yes- years experience in uit grocery uubi- erday. i u i ..j 1 ne .u . .u p,. Nosh Tayloe and D. M. Emans of among the country people and wjll no WaBWruTto, N, C, were visitors here doubt make a fine success m his new-!..... I Misses Daisy Edwards and Lillian hpautiful mural thblet. a memorial to i " " rom ray- Mrs. Susan Hanrahan, late of Grifton. faille where they have been attend- If ia marie nf American tAtuarv marhle l' ' THEY COME AND GO. For Sale : Cheap CnetawatlLl eotrp'ete with 80 knm power engine, $6 hot, pwir rlalle boiler, km only Ves run e noaihs. For partleulara call at 4t Craw t. New Bern, Kfi '::;-", : .?-ri'. Hee -t' Irli.it Folai' e v ' -' ' "'-'"'' '" " ' - " ; I-have. Irish Coblers, Bovee and White Bliss. My Irish CobWer to the best Potato I ever planted, they are ear lief ..largest producers and less Culls than any other. r Write for Potato circular. A. H, LINDSAY, Portsmouth, Va. Lumsden & Stlth We represent and. aak voor buaioeea in the following Companies, 1 I NORTHERN ASSURANCE CO.. of London.."- v ' I r GERMAN-AMERI CAN INSUR ANCECO.,of New York. i MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSUR ANCE CO., of Newark, NJ. Notice uf Meeting. The magistrates of (he 8tn Townsbtp are aotl8ed tt meet t the Coqrt Houae tba Orel Saturday In February 90S st 11 o'clock a m It being tbe'4h day, Tba overseer of tbe r.alawlil make tbtlr report on or before that date as requir ed bv law. January Slst, 1903. 8.R BTRERT. Chain. Supervision. venture. Mr. J. K. Willis has just completed and is in the shape of a maltose cross. The letters are cut into the stone and gilded, making a very pretty -effect The stone will be placed on the wall of the Episcopal church of that village. Simon Joe, a Syrian, furnished an ob ject leason to all who persist n getting on and off moving trains yesterday morning. Wishing to get off at Pollock street he leaped backward and met the inevitable result by a series of ungrace ful and involuntary evolutions, stopping too near the car wheels for comfort r ortunately, however, he sustained no very serious injury but was badly bruis ed about the head. A new arangemen for buggies has been seen around the city which ia a very convenient and comfortable fixture for those who have to drive in this in clement and unhealthy weather. It is a shield made to place over the front of the carriage to protect the occupants frjm the weather. It haa a large look out window and gives the carriage the appearance of a city cab. Mr, L. J.-Taylor has sold his grocery business at the corner of Queen and Burn streets. Mr. S. M. Tyson of Dur ham, being the purchaser. Mr. Tyson will conduct a general merchandise busi ness adding perhaps another line to the present stock. Mr. Taylor will continue his bottling works as heretofore until the new quarters on Craven street are completed, when they will be moved there. Tbe capacity of the plant will be hugely increased. A colored man arrived from New river yesterday with a load of mullets, but they did not sell very fast Ordi narily most any kind of fish or oysters from New river are in good demand, but the people here are tired out on mullets. They are about the only fish in any quantity that have been offered on this market for sometime. Once in a while a shad, trout or other Choice fiah Is seen but the price istoo tygh to permit ordinary people to eat them. A rumor was floating around yester day that the How land Improvement Company intended .to buy the water works and light system, that It would build a atreer railway, create park, start a jarwspapar and do a lot of other things. Whether tjwre la any truth fat tbe rumor or not is yet to transpire. However, there was a good deal of horn blowing and listening to the conversa tion of some of the Company's admirer one feh pained that Mr. How land had not shown up sereral years sooner. - Comforts the heart, strengthens the mind. , la good 01 or well Make the face bright aa the aummer mra. That's what Holllster'i Rocky Mountain) Tea will do. Caret when all else fails. ' K ernta. F. 8. Duffy. Miss Lida Adams and little Miss Mar garet Adams arrived from Fayetteville last night and are. stopping with Rev. G. T. Adams. Editor C. L. Stevens returned from a business errand l Raleigh, last night TRENTON. . Feby. 1 Miss. Minnie Tunstall of Greenvil'e has been visiting Miss; Birdie Taylor, come again Miss Minnie. Mrs: L. H. McDaniel and daughter. Lillie, of Olivers spent Wednesday with Mrs. R. L. McDaniel. ' There was a barge sale of horses and mules here Tuesday January Slst Nearly everybody within 25 and 30 miles attended. Mr. J. D. Heath of Olivers was here today. Mr. Basil Pollock and sister. Miss Fannie, visited at Mr. Turner Meadows Sunday. Messrs. Ed. and Harvey McDaniel visited Mr. Ed. Meadows. Mrs. Joe Pollard of Marines spent last week with friends and relatives here. Miss Birdie Taylor gave an entertain ment Monday night in honor of her guest Miss Minnie Tunstall. Every one seemed to enjoy it very much as Miss Birdie is such an excellent hoi teas. Mr. R. L. May ia having a nice dwell ing house built here, he expects to oc cupy it some time in March. Mr. Henry Pollock of Maple Cypress spent last night in our town. Mr. Sara Street of New Bern was in town yesterday. Mr. M. H. Parker of Olivers came to Trenton Tuesday on business. Mr. Benjamin Askew of Comfort was here yesterday. Business la very dull here now, but we bopej to see it better in a snort while. GRAY. EYES When you feel a sense of weight and oppression after meala It means indi gestion. Hoi lister's Rocky Mountain Tea positively cures Indigestion, con stipation and stomach troubles. 8S eenta. Tea or Tablet. F. S. Duffy, New Bern. N. C. Gen. Fitahuffh Lee, VirPrealdenU elect Fairbanks and other spoke at McXinWy aieraorial fathering at Canton Ohio. TO CURE A COLD IN ONX DAT. Take Lexatlvf Btocm Quinine Tab lets. Al druggiete refund the money If h falls to euro, ' K. W. Grove's signature oe. each box Be. ' . ' - ' I IT3 LIQUID. UKKS ALL IIEADACitia. Tha savfoa tinlf tnt Oaada- lndliaiHaa, NnaM ralm.Braia Fa,!, riwtraaia Trvia ao)Q aad t-k Maaaaaka. aaaa ttaa aarroa. II S Uarwlaajk Trtaf koula a. AaWrt.taaMonber Ike ftrtf Ht" - "f m ". '";,..,'-' We are exrw prvtairwl te eoTtact J1 1 ia rafrvtUe of the eye," In mtf dapartmanl we wiH tnaintaia !,e same ) ' tt(vUrl thai lantKra'taTfn4 orff JrmfWj fwatu- fur 't half ,tmrury. Py tke nee ef the im r.r ytiath'.ja sr.4 ,.'.ir kv stnrmaria, the h ri"a are i.i. L J - i 4 da. V ntnih4 tltt!tttttT fit Send Your Prescription to a li II II SI I Phone 56 Davis1 Pharmacy SHOES, -A .... SHOES, SHOES CUT PSICES ON All. Men's Patent Vice Shoes were $0.00, now $4.75. Potent Viee and Colt were $C.O0, now $4.0(1. $3.60 Shoes in Patent, Box Calf, Vici, Velour, and Cordovan, now $2.90. $2.50 Shoes in Patent, Box Calf and Vici, now $1.. Women's $3.50 Shoes in Patent, Kid, with Patent tip, all kid, now $2.98. $3.00 Shoes, all leathers, now $2.49. $2.50 Shoes, all leathers now $1.98. $2.00 Shoes now $1.59. Misses, Boy's, Children's and Infants Shoes in all stylos and sizes at a reduction of 20 per cent. Sale"starts Wednesday morning Feliruarr 1st, anil closes Satur day night February 4th. This is ix chance to get the best styles in good shoes at facto ry cost. No shoes charged, none sent out Ui trp on. J. G. DUNN & CO., Phone 313 55-57 bollock S jrMMmrtftiuMifliaNraa BARPOOT 3B3FL01S. Q-xeat - Clean. - Sweep - ISale Sale Now in Full Swing. BELOW WE QUOTE A FEW OK THK PRICES. DRY GOODS. 8c and 10c Dress Ginghams 5c yd Best Prints and Calicos 4 y Apron Ginghams e y Flannelette Waistings.. 8c y Heavy yard wide Homespun 4tc yd 80c quality 10x4 Sheeting 22c yd Canton Flannel lc vd DRESS GOODS. 15 pieces Waist Goods, plain and stripes. 8c yd 25 pieces Dress Goods, all wool, all colors worth np to 50c yd, at 20c yd Beautiful White Goods, ... 8c 12c, 14c and Up. re- .iitw Mnhair atiH Mixed Dress Goods-...42c I lv. iuauj . Beautiful Woolen Skut Goods 20c to 85c yd I 1.25 Broad Cloth, must go at 85c yd I Remnants of Woolen Dress Goods.. .at half price : 3 Handsome Zebeline Patterns worth $1.00 at 6t)c Fleece Lined Pk for Waists was 15c, now He 50 inch Black Gn ni'.e Cloth, value $1.00 at 70c yd 48 inch all wool Novelty Dress Good 75c, now 4(lc All Wool Flannel for waist or dress at 20c yd EMBROIDERIES. Miles of Hamburg Edging and Insertion at from 4c, 5c,8c,10c and up, at greatly reduced prices Fine Matched Sets of Swiss and Nansook. ' Embroideries also in this great clean sweep sale. ; SHOE BARGAINS. Greatest Bargains in Ladies and Childrrns Shoes we have ever shown. One lot Infants Shoes 19c pair Childrane large size Shoes 2Tic to 45' pair 165 pair Ladios Shoes that sulil up to $1.5u pair must go at 48c pair. One lot Men's Shoes worth up to ! :.ro close out $1.00 pair. Now comes the (Ireatest Bargain the Herrick High Gia le Shoes. Herrick $X 00 quality Ladies Patent I.ea Kid Shoes, all the new shape, now.. Herrick $a.50 snd $4.00 Ledies Shoes .... pair to of all in ther and $2.50 pi $2.75 pr EXTRA SPECIALrJlOcTure Cambric Finish Bleaching, yard wide, 5Jc. One thousand yar,U X and 10c- Dress Ginlihams. i-eaimful pat terns at 4Jc yaJd. arfoot Brothers 3N Pollock ft tree.. 0lit EilM-opnl 1 Iiiik Ii W mill Kafer's Bakery. ALL BREAD and ROLLS maile hy the Washington City process of Hreailiiiak- ing All DOL'GII made l.y mi r hinery S t r ic 1 1 y sanitary Hake hous snd Storage Roam slwAyi open for insMTtiiin hy patron Paints and Oils Qunp, Pistols. Razors, Scissors and Pocket Cutlery. Shells and Cartridges. After 6 O'clock evening dress is ifiaetitnl to I he man of Kpcial disti;irliin for balls, dinner psrtlea, rei piinni and olher aoTial lutKtioiiK No man th j wnnei in lie wen circeur! wiin f ervilnng thut li iw,-ll and r leg ant would think of having his dreaa suit or ove rnut mlr b any tane in New I e n but an srtntic Ullor. M't can give you the style of a Prince i h the rlnali of swell American, at s reajkiushie pnoe. F. .11. linlwlrk. n i C J ia . S 1 Cookiuand Heating Stoves K (nominal la fual-plmdid J Id ope rail on Life time In dar aWlily. BASH, D00KS AND BUNDS A bPKCIALTT. rbeMtA-MMlrMaK. Notice! 'Hive fast receives fresh cat load Ameri can Wirt'Ferxe; seme wiH Be sold at greatly reduced rate.; Come arJ y sec me ' before buying ' ' ,!. He Smn.II . . r . ! Just Received A rlif Lin nf KARA LINKS PAPER and FNVEUirEa. AUn mrriponiftv rnU with eavaloraM to MtrK. Owen 0. Dunn, lawkflat frlslaw BtataaMf. Xm reUsc Crtrea lla. Bookkeepers : Supplies. .- 1 s ' I!nncttiEookGtore - f eet