Y Cold Weather Offerings. All Comforts and Cotton Blankets at Cost. lAf'ATTr.l CF HEALTH hildren. Misses and Youths Over ahoes at a GREAT REDUCTION. Children size 7 to 10 1 2. Misses size 11 to 2. Youths size 3 to 5 1-2. 7AK r i i ! FOR WOMEN DOG TAX BILL FINALLY GETS PRESENTED. J. M. Mitchell & Co., PHONE 288. 43 Pollock St., Opposite Post-office. POVJOL-R Absolutely Pure. HAS HQ SUBSTITUTE REPUDIATE DELEGATES. ' WE OFFER SFECJIAjL I?AMftAiNS TWm WEEK. J HAMBERG AND INSERTION. For Hambcrg and insertion, com-; to us. We will sell you kind that you pay 2)c for elsewhere, for 10s yard. TAFFETTA SILK. Two nieces best quality, 36 inch. Black Taffetta Silk, guaranteed by the manufacturer. Sale price 9flc yard. Value $1.50. DRESS GOODS, EXTRA. Fine quality Skirting, 5C inches wide in Navy, lilack, Grey, Green, and Garnet, worth 75c, here only 49c. A good chance now to buy a good suit of Clothes for half price, as they are broken sizes and must be sold at once. S.COPLON, 75 Middle Street i t OODODODODODODOaODOOaoaDODP We Thank You All. Yea we want to thank all our friends for the magnificent suc cess of our Second Great Annual Clearance Sale just closed; it was the greatest trade event ever had in our progressive little city be yond auy doubt The 10 days were out yesterday, but we have deter mined to allow the cut prices to hold on all heavy winter stock until closed -no stock must be carried from one season to the next in this tore-we were heavily stocked on winter Shoes, Underwear, Cloth ing, Overcoats, Ladies Cloaks, and Dress Goods. The cut prices hold good on all these Stocks to Feb. 15th. During such rush and bustle incident to such an enormous bus tie Incident to such an enormous business, a great many remnant, and odd pieces must have accumulated. We shall go through the entire atoclt tomorrow and clean out every short piece and odd thing in the house and place them on the bargain counter at a price to clean them ut in a day. This weeks buyers will reap a harvest iJ. J. BAXTER.! Workmen at St. Petersburg Claim to be Misrepresented. St. Petersburg, Feb. 6.-The work men to the number of 4,000 in the car shops here have drawn up a manifesto disclaiming the delegates who were put forward as -representing them in the deputation which visited Emporor Nicholas at Tsarskoe Selo on Wednes day, February 1. They assert that these men were selected by the em ployers, and were not representatives of the workmen. The employes of one or two other factories may follow suit; but the workmen in general are inclined to stand by the deputation. There were a few slight collisions be tween Lessener's workmen and the po- ice guarding the factory yesterday. Poland, however, continues to be the 3torm center of the disturbance?. Though the strike has ceased in some e -.tab ishments, it has assumed a more mpoitant phase by its extension to the great coal mines and sugar factories; and three more governments have bean placed under martial law. Police and Cossacks have had to break up a num ber of demonstrations and quell dis orders; but as yet there has been no repetition of rioting on the scale of the first collision. Strikers in Tiflis and other parts of the caucaus are frequent and the present one does not attract much attention, except as bearing on the general situation in Russia. The rumor as to General Kuropat- kin's retirement is generally discredited. Cures dizzy spells, tired feeling, I s'-omach, kidney troubles. Makes you I well and keeps you well. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will I do. 35 cent, Tea or Tablets. F. S. Duffy. Senate Committee Report Unfavorably . on Corporation Commission Bill of Foushee. School Appropriation Bills. Applicants for 'At torneys License Three In c h e s Snow. Special to Journal. Raleigh, Feb. 6. Bills were intro duced in Senate to prohibit dealing in futures; to provide a short form cf .mn lien. A bill Dassed to allow Date county to levy a special tax. A lution was adopted urging Congress to make an appropriation for the improve ment of the upper Cape Fear River. Bills were introduced in the House to abolish the North Carolina geological survey; to require county surveyors to keep records of all surveys; to allow the Camden Ferrv company to build bridge across Pasquotank river, to es tablish the Eastern North Carolina Normal College for Women; to repeal the law taxin? acents who take labor ers from the State; to encourage sheep husbandry by taxing dogs. Regulating the fees of magistrates in Currituck county. A bill was tabled increasing the jury tax to $5 in civil and criminal Ehringhauss bill to AND IM E N ONLY Much That Every Woman Desires to Know About Sanative, Antiseptic Cleansing and the Care of the Skin, Scalp, Hair, and Hands. WHAT CUTICURA DOES FOR WOMEN Too much stress cannot be placed on the great value of Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Pills in the antisep tic cleansing of the mucous sur faces, and of the blood and circulating fluids, thus affording pure, sweet, and economical local and constitutional treatment for weakening ulcerations, inflammations, itchings, irritations, relaxations, displacements, pains, and irregularities peculiar to females. Hence the Cuticura remedies have a wonderful influence in restoring health, strength, and beauty to weary women, who have been prematurely aged and invalided by these distress ing ailments, as well as such sympa thetic afflictions as anaemia, chlorosis, hysteria, and nervousness. Women from the very first have fully appreciated the purity and sweet ness, the power to afford immediate relief, the certainty of speedy and permanent cure, the absolute safety and great economy which have made Cuticura the standard humour rem edy of the civilized world CHANGES IN REAL ESTATE. Two tracts cf city property were sot by auctioneer S. R. Street at the ccui i house yesterday. The first sale consist ed of some property up town situatei between George & Bern streets. It wa. a commissioners sale and was the resul of an order from court to sell the prop ty in order to affect a division. John K Fisher vs Samuel Bryant et al were thi parties to the sale. The land was sole to W. P. Metts for $305. The second transaction and one of the most important real estate deals that has taken place recently was the sale of the old Slover estate corner of East Front and Union streets. Quite a num ber assembled at the sale but the Hi ding was slow only a few participating. It started at $7500 and was run up to $10,000, the property being sold to S. W. Smallwood for that price. Codol Dyspepsia Cure jlgee' what rnu FUNERAL UNDER DIFFICUL TIES. The fol'uwing special taken from the Philadelphia Record and dated from Laurel, Delaware, shows that there vere other cold places on the map last veek and that the cold worked many lardshipd: "Undertaker W. I). Gravener arrived lere today with the body of Mrs. Re eeca McLane, af New Bern, N. C, af--er an arduous funeral procession from Jalestown, Md. , where the woman died Mrs. McLane weighed about ;!(M) pounds and as all roads are choked with inow, it was impossible to take it to Reed's Grove. Md., the nearest railroad station. Finally the undertaker thought of the frozen surface of the Nanticoke river, which is covered with smooth ice all the way from (ialestown to Laurel. The coffin was placed on skids and easily pushed up the river until near Laurel. It was then loaded on a wagon anil brought to th- railroad statio i here. This afternoon it was expressed to New Bern, N. C. WINTER KNOWS NO SECTION. I Charlotte Observer. Talk about wiping out sectional line. When a bliuard like that of the last three day extended to the Gulf of Mexico we feel indeed that the Lord intended ua to be one people. Mason land Dixon's line is ajiauredly not the I Tropic of Cancer Next summer we shall be reminded that it is not the Artie Circle, either. cases, fchrmgnauss dim io escauusn a Normal Woman's School for Eastern N. C. carried ten thousand dollars an nual appropriation for support, and $25,000 special appropriation for build ings. A bill of the A. & M. College calls for $35,000 annually for suppoit, $35,000 special for a laboratory and $20, 000 for a heat, light and power plant. After argument by railroad attorneys the Senate committee reported adverse ly on Foushee bill giving the Corpora tion Commission power to order rail ways to repair road beds, bridges or equipment, which investigation shows to be defective. Foushee was instruct ed to consult the Commission and pre pare another bill. Three inches snow here and heavy sleet Very heavy snow in west. 34 applicants for attorneys license before Supreme Court, 4 colored. Reports of Corporation Commission on banks, shows total to be 198, State, Savings and Private. Total resources thirty-two million dollars, a gain of four million! dollars in one year. TORTURING HUMOR Cured by Cuticura. "I suffered five years with a terrible itching eczema, my body and lace be- ine covered with sores. Never in my life did I experience such awful suffer ing, and I longed for death, which I felt was near. I had tried doctors and medicines without success, but my mother insisted that I try Cuticura. I felt better after the first application of Cuticura Ointment, and was soon entirely well. Mrs. A. l'tson, Belle vue, Mich. Culirnra Sonn, Oi; tmcul. md Pills jr. throughout lilt Dtl'l. I'niirr I ) r, ft rtii'Tn. Corp., Uu.luu, Sol Prop. JUST RECEIVED An Invoice of White House Coffee RKKINOL ART CALENDAR. The new Kesinol Art Calendar fi 1905 is one of the most beautiful calen dars ever issued. Six sheets of heavy enameled paper contain on one side six beautiful color designs of babies and children, while on the reverse sides are I drawings deuictine child life, with spaces for the notation of baby's "say ings and doings. " It is a work of art that will delight a mother's heart. Sent postpaid by the Resinol Chemical Co., of I Baltimore, Md., for two wrappers from Resinol Soan, or one wrapper and 15 cents; or for 40 cents a celendar and cake of Resinol Soap will be sent. When you feel a sense of weight and oppression after meals it means indi gestion. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea positively cures indigestion, con stipation and Btomaoh troubles. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. F. S. DufTy, ew Berni N. C. J. L. McDaniel Whol?iMnlc A Slrlnil Jm. . Tarker Store. ('mini liroml and Ilnninik Ms O COCO CCC00Q9OCOC3 cscoso WOODfo SAL XL OQO Tine Cord Wood, 75c per lol. Hint Wood, 90c per Lotd. E Elm City Lumber Co., Comer South Frorft and Eh Ruaet. WANTS OYSTER PROTECTION. I Fishing GaietU. Mr. J. N. Whitehumt write a fol regarding oyster condition m North Carolina: "If every Tom, Dick and Harry come down with their teasel after dredging la over in Virginia and Maryland and pay do tax, take charge of Um bed in North Carolina, I don't think H JuaC If one of oar vet) should go In the waUr of tM above named state and throw a dredge, b lea than 41 hour there would be locked to a wharf, and th captain woo Id look from behind prison bar. The) it other taLM protect thatr ciUtena, why North Carolina? W need a law that will allow our boats U drdg through th anorrth of April Ta tppw part of Pamlioo Sound and eompel wrtry to b owned by titliwworf the auu for o many yeare." WORST IN ATLANTA'S HISTORY. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 6. -Never before lnthhitory of Atlanta has the ice king held such a -grip on the city as he has tonight Traffic is completely at a standstill, the street car service closing down at nurht fall Th entire electric Ught service except that in the imme diate center of th city, la dead. It has been either sleeting or raining sine Friday afternoon, a heavy ram falling and f reeling at it fell this aftn- i. Tonight three inches of solid tc cover th street. Th telephone and tslarraph aanrie b badly crippled. Erarr wire between her and New OrtMM bdowa. EIwpocl MMc Fence HAVE iU8T BEOEIVEli A CAE LOAD. BEST FENCE ON. THE MARKET. Full line Building i!&ttriU, Paints and Oil a. SAW MILLS and MILL SUPPLIES; Gaskill Hdv. & : f.lill Supply Co . 1ARDWAMTIWWK rum UT aiu. itnruiu u o r ' fUm It', CAROLINA BRICK CO., plant at Owka, fitm'l Hiding, KWcm &4 r-.1rti , p Annuai Capacity 16,000,000. ' Th fcvr dmar! fo nr ft-AnA jmlif.ra wr eV.ra, tf.al f-r,Ub the B Minf Brirk S thU mrit, W are nnw r-i;nf hj ', ' gin that wlU Btilf f t rwi'r nt, Let wil : r.fr. - lHll Impw i' ! I '"!" :nv:iAn tvvrsx cx:;Mnv, l?.w rr, hc i - : COLD FOR nCXTlNO. With MooWaOo Weather jap W ill Adrmnc ) Manehuri. St, fe4TWf. Feb. t-Aewtnf to General KaropaikkV ktlawt Wwta, whVrli Mint in wwnioTftg r VMrt Ro gwL t ejwratlon it ftaa af and th llchUnf at fEhakb bar bee) siHvtrihf aKeedaV Th RaaalaMI aMaafiIlP fyuWed In tt tttarh f th Japiom ea HI wt'h ttMvy Imim. Th eoU UiJ IfitmH, Wir trg 14 tm froM. Thrtr kvftratinn lhl the ;rr. ar prrmf U break th bv eHivHy tW ifwi( a mm a tM wihar mVrU DIVORCE BILL JUST PASSED. Special I Journal tUWgh, N. C February U.-By vol of 4vca to Ua th ho Jdktry ComwItU reported favorably th dlvore MQ. Th abandonment ksM provide that MMapporUd Uwti- away of plaintiff ahall b InaufflciOTt to mrt diverc. ThabiBa agreed ea aantabwaevaneawisa. Th praaent law Km all for dtvarta. PUBLIC SALE? Th how and Wt at No. tl New 8U iwaideeteaaf thtlaU Mr. ' flanwel Waura, wfB b aold at th Court rtout W m TWwky, Ptbraary, lath U'ttnrk. CFA a WATERS, Admr. a R. STREET, Awrtton. Snowed in Whitehurst's Inventory .cale will lie Rasumed When Weather Permits. MRS. T. 1. CRAIG KNTERTAINS. Gastonian Gazette. Mrs. T. I.. Craig entertained the Tuesday Afternoon Club this week with an elegant violet dinner served in eight courses. The hostess recived in a beau tiful violet (town. The handsome home waa thrown open and lavishly decorated with Parma violeta and palm. The game of the evening was Trail, the score ird being han-l-peinted violeta. Tho dinimz room waa very attractive I ith its wealth of hand-painted china cut-glass and sitter under the soft glow of the electric light. On the table wer silver candelabra, violet and green candle and handsome violet centerpiece Th place card wer hand-painted vio-1 let, the favor wer uny green and violet basketa filled with chrystaJiaed violeta. Th color aehajn was carried out in the Icea and refreshment, chrya- taliaed violets being ttaed In praf uaion. The guest of th club wer Mrs. O. . Maaon, f Dalla and Mr. E. L Bain. Mrs. O. W. Kagan won th prise which wa th HtU proa poem oa vio Ma written bv Mr. I. E. Avery with hk portrait enclreVed la violet. H. E. Whitehumt & Co. 15 Pollfli k St n et. Ik Trent Furniture Co., NEW FIRM Will open a Irge and (Vimplct- StK-k of 1'uniitnrc :i! sl m Middle Street about the 1st or Hth of Krbnmry. Sale will be male for Ch or on Inittallmrnt Don't forget the place, 54s lvid.d.lo Street. Next to Sam Upman'a Ury (iorxl .Store anAAAAtaattaaia Vaccine .Yiras. FRE8II BUPriY noth in Tubei and Ivor Points Jmt K celvfd ut ' 1 : ' - F. S. Daffy's ' Cor, UMh and South f ront Sta. 1X7 IIlaldl Bt, I Full line of Drugri.Med- iclnet, ToUet Ar tides and Soap. Fresh Sappfy of Flower Seeds ritjulclaui rrecrii4 lonti A fjpetuny. r ' MAIL NOTICE. . ! Mail gix ' vk A. W. C K U'm K. 4. Vm pmm.fWf at I 4 a. a. tri Kiv f. at I as K at. Ui t'l Ft l A. N. C . t. fin ?'. I. :a fV I p. m, g .--.j a. C. I- li A Liquid Vegetable Compound that takes the place of Calomel itiii'if 1 1 lm'1,1 1 s1 f w"' ' I 0i, t ,.,.,.,!,. i..-! i.r,drfT,'an4 , ,.; ;ir,4 k.wirl. .t Ui,ttfiOJifi'l. r P. TREtlVITH; , BUckiaiilh WbttlrtgliL aakBMtam al Bagglta, Wr. Carta lall nri. Alr a ga4 lapft hi tek, trrtf aaetiyaoMaattkA aa la. I HAVE CART WHEEL for at rritIJ ptVea r.!oj on Eonth Fronl t, ; t r. r Hallrjitl : ' vTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT I RIVERSIDE STORE. h Phvne 3IO , r Maryland Country Ham. try one. if not aalifrtnrv fw fc aookwl aid refund ynor money. Tot Rivet Butter, fee lb. t Apple Oder atj rv qt pp m-r only Ut gal. aewt rffe la th cHy Vk lb. Taa beat Float in the Hty a KngHaw RhookW only In. r. C California ShoekW anly la kV, Matylaad CowMry Raaa only tat. 5 t Hn Canrmh rkalaa, Hwaat 4 t andftm Ifean, 3 r Katain wh fc j, Cora, rearhea, IB, U, M and Be. A th ra. . , a s - - - - J. 0 LAND! MAKAQKK, 'J only L A AAA AAAAAAa tttHtiUlU

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