V W . 3 Oil qCc- ti C ca Lex. 23 ivo:iFricli Periodical Drops " Btrlctly vegetable, perfectly.harmle8, aire to accomplish DESIRED . - RESULTS? Greatest known female remedy. Price, .S0 per buttle, ? 1AM aawm of etantcrfelta an iialtatlom. TteMiiiiM.P" wijm uv ioiiM County St-cr!bW Sa, h stud Plant Cotton Becaut i Animal Dti'.roy Othar Crept. Mr. Editor: . " ' Please give space In your colomns fat which an old subscriber may protest against the new game law. I own'a two horse farm two and one half miles from Maysville, on ' the road leading to Stella. This farm is almost surrounded by swamp, being bounded on one side by the great whiteoak river swamp, which divides Jones and Ons low counties; 1 In this swamp thousands of squirrels, eoons and other animals that are distructiv to cultivated crops, har- .r. 0ls f hrme Cars Populr sWdiclns At IHiH-Prlca.. Davis pharmacy the popular druggist are makine an offer that is just like finding money, for they are selling regular 60 cent bottle of Dr. Howard's celebrated specific for the cure of con stipation and dyspepsia at half-price. In addition to this large discount' they J t kr "d Siren r ttaa m " booa caa be compleUljl ---4. O taFP7 without them, yd; th. ordeal tirongh which th ejej r "pectant mother mast pass usnaHy it' , so full of suffering, (Jaeger and fear 'sj that she) looks forward to the critical ' -Hoar witn arnreriminn nA AnmmA . ltir'a rrlcaJ, by Its peaetratin j and soothing properties, 1; allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and ' 1 .4 fifty-cent is what this offer really means, for it is only recently through the solicitation of Davis Pharmacy that this medicine could be bought tor less than fifty cents 3: CXJTIwl to wim fmo-.iniii. iinun on tin ot Si?'' akJhs 1 bor.;. Especially are they enemies toth t,MJT2...f1.ii ij.- . r. j . , . .. . ... rat,n.Mt ttnea for a lit. . l u.t J- 1 " " " r T . c Ok V Sold by D.VVIS PHARMACY. agree to return the money to ny pur- .j ptes throtlga p " T chaser whom the specific does not cure. f. mtM. ..r . ... . It U quite unusual t be awe vo Duy , - I . 11 - ftvHHmt pieces for a quarter, but that Sufferltlg, SS BUOlbart llUsJL-U V mt vescmea aua sua, il is , 5 wwti hs weight b fold." f 1.00 per rr I ! of drufists. Book eontsinug J,'r I valaabls informadoa mailed free. U 11 LL-i4U a. & n. c. r. r; Effective Sunday," February 5th, 190b at 00 a. m. "EasUrn Standard j '" . Time. EAST BOUND. STATIONS: Ma. 1 L. GoMaboro 146 R 1 , LaOraat .u KiaUan 4.49 - " Dover 6.08 Cam i M vuaxv t.26 " At. NEW BERN i.45 " 4 Tne mftt remedy lor nerroun prtmraiiuo au on uicikb ih wb kuciuuti organ of either sex, auch as Rorvoua Prostration, Failing or Lost MaaUooo f. t mmtA,u.ir Nitrhtiv' F.iniiinfl. VnuLhfHl Krron: Mental Worrv. exonsire v J ftinhu.AjTlnliim a7hlr.li tjt rWinaumntinn ATMl InfwniLV. - Wlth'STArk ICTCB IIOfi order we guarantee to cure or nfuap the money. Sola a I 81.00 per ool HOTT rPEIillYROYAL PILLS Thej overcomt Wesli (less, Irregularity ant omissions, increase vig or and banish "paini toenstroation." ; Thev are UFI3 SAVEllS'i to jrirls at womanhood, aluinp development oi. organs ana ooay. jNt lrnnurn rotnAdv for women ennals them.- Caunot do harm-. lift- becomes a pleasure. 1 00 PIUl BOX BV MAII Soli OF ' , Sold In New Bern by Davis' . Pharmacy. J. A, T O N E S Livery Feed, Sale and Exchangr being a fair estimate of the amount de- . .. , ln . Mrfoi stroyedby them bn my farm in one I has justified their season, - , , I , , j,f n- .v. ,ai hJUI kppn 1 ,1 m tl - 1 1 47VII4V fB II IK S VilHM ItHIWIIIt' proniDiiingineKimngiox wese animaisi !l; Am. t,,a Ah t....... -i. i .. 1 S a.l.-- t ajwv ST..W MW"V- !. T f--F Between marcu m fc wia ucimwr, jj j:.;i,fl r BA, ' uurmg, uu. penoa most aamage, espec- Mon or ,ivw tally uv the months oX July and August je, BhouW teke advantage of this l-telfulLrS,! opportunity, for Dr. Howard's specific farmers have to be continually on the i alert, shooting and trapping, to protect their crops, and this is difficult because of the trees being in leaf to get up with them. , lit October and later,, on when the leaves fall, the animals get shy and i aire hard to get up with, so yon see i their destruction is not very easily ac- 1 aomplished. i- - - , , I wonder what has . become of : our representative from Jones county. . He i is familiar with the conditions of this i section, and knows what trouble the farmers -are put to in protecting: the urups inrai ure ravages - u wuu m-i - : gat Voo fmai mate. i , rwt tou sometimes tlilnk we ate . i. . ... ;: - ... . T . I . ' l he only way out or It is lor us toi Urliur too fastT' olant all alomr this swamD in cottonl . "Jo.i I nsed to. but I soon which we will nrobabhr iret four cents I that impression. , I pound forj nd where will the expenses NOTICE!- We want every man and women In tbe United states Interested In the on re ot Opium, Whiskey or other drug bablts, either for themselves or friends, to have one of DrvWoolley's books on these dis eases, write lir.a.H. woolley, Atlanta, Oa., Box 28T,andone will be eentjou free, I will cure all these troubles, v but if. by I any chance it should not. Davis Phar- I macy will return your money. - Plr of Sitting Plneesv Clarai-Yon Jon't mean to say , yt have been out skating all the nftc noon! I should thluH yon'd be awfull. tired. ' I suppose there was no plac where you could sit down. i Kate-Ob, yes,- there were places a! I over tbe pond.: 1 nsed them all, I guest I -Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. . C..li.H " Lv. New Bern Riwrdale Hmvetock Newport Ar. Moreheed Cr. 8.5 6.18 34 6.60 7.12 WEST BOUND. S5PB;LE'; )f growing come, or let lands lie un-1 mltivated for two years until we can send another representative to the leg islature who will get a law passed al-l I towing the people along whiteoak river to Bhoot the squirrels that are destroy. ling their "bread. Chance For Journal Readers. . In order to test the Journal's great sirculation and its superior advertising value, we have made arrangements with Davis' ' Pharmacy, the popular iruggistr to offer one of his best selling cured moved, out to n suburb and rode In to wwk every dny on an -accommodation train.. change. OHE VOBD IN TIME Is Better Than Two Afterwards. A Chance to Profit By a New Bern Man's Experi ence. ' It is a strange thing . how people will medicines at half-price to anyone" who Pt away an opportunity until too late; rill cut out tbe following coupon ar.d aumV um' - 3. "KNOCKED THE STUFFING OUT OF IT,' and broke it into splinters, may have been the fate of your orruwe when 4t waa run into by something; but "there ie balm in Gilead," or there ia d leisure in knowinjr that in our ah op you can have It made good aa new. We do all kinds of carnage repairing ana Dlacusmitning in a annum and superior manner. U. H. Water Bonn, Successors to G. H. Waters & Son. Phone 185, 78 Broad St. New Bern, N. Q, Notice of Sale . of Land : By virtue of power of salecontained in a certain mortoage deed executed by Fred Elison and Smithy Elison, his wife to R. W. White and P. N. Hawkins, on the 6th day of March A. D. 1893, the said mortgage deed is recorded in the Register s office of Craven county, North Carolina in Book of Deeds No. 110, page 458, the undersigned will ex pose to sale at public auction at Dover North Carolina, on the 27th day of Feb ruary, 1905, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following described lands: That piece or parcefof land lying and being in the said county of Craven, ad joining the lands of James Jones. Walk er and Jones, Harry Rouse, and known as being a part of the Isaac Kent pa tent, bounded as follows: Beginning at a 8 take, James Jones corner and rum South 78 West 30 coles to the back line of the patent, then with that line North 15 West to a little ditch, then South 6T East 3b poles to a stake, then south 15 ISast to the beginning, containing hve acreB more or less. This 25th day of January 1905 ETTA HAWKINS, Administratrix of F. N. Hawkins deed. Loftin & Varser Attys. STATIONS: Lv. Morehead Cy. Newport Haveloek Riverdale Ar. NEW BERN 7.40 8 11 8.42 9.00 No. 4. A. M. J - .- v rwV iWMflllll ft I anything yon Invent or Improve alto j CllFaT TRanF.llaRK. COPVNIGHTOT DESl unTFCTiON. SendmodeL ketcB.orDaoto. for free examination and advice. BOOK ON PATENTS ft. be pat w$?C.A.SNOW&CO. p- . s. Washington, D.C. Entry Claim. NORTH CAROLINA, Jones County. To M. II. Capps, Entry Taker for Onslow County. The undersigned H. JU Kawls ox Unslow county, North Carolina, enters and lays claim to the fol lowinjr described piece or parcel oflland in Stump- sound Township, Onslow County, State of North Carolina, the same being vacant and unappropria ted land, and subject to entry, viz: Beeinninr at my eastward corner running along W. D. Sanders line to his corner, thence a southwardly course with Buck faster Bay to my own line, thence with rit line to the beffinniiur. containing 10 acres more or less. Entered the 30th. day of January, 1906. Entry No. 418. H. L. RAWLS. present it at his store. Good TrMat and flneal atork of Hortei sod Ha'es ever offered for nle la Neben. A'esr lead of 'arh jus in.- Alto a ot.mple'n lino of Bugcies, Wagons Htrnesi, Kobs, Whips, C.rt Wbeeli, Etc 1 42 Craven St. . New Bern, 0 Vbas Jju8t 'jr received the finest lotXf of.. - -v ' .: "' COUPON. . This coupon entitles the holder to one 60e. packar of Dr. How ards SDecific for the cure of con stipation and dyspepsia at half- price, a.- . .-. We will refund ths money to any dissatisfied purchaser. . DAVIS'. PHAKMACT. '.."!' ' r- - . ; TWENTY-nyB CENTS. ble is we don't pay sufficient attention I . . n . i i . . . V . w uwn nacaacna is a uiuv uimg. i v - I Sometimes it comes after a hard days' leieDIlOne I i -tiL& 1 J . h III ... -If I - . I wora or siiaxnt cuiu. it win yon say iff only the result of overtax' tag my back. It isn't the fault of your back but your kidneys. The exertion or straining has intrfered wkh their I delicate mechanism. You call it back If the kidneys are not relieved I chronic disorders set in and this U I where the "little thing" shall not be passes over. . A New Bern man' has learned to appreciate what delay means 8. B. Parker, whose sheet metal bus 8outa Front SERVICE IB A BCKlNESa NECE8BITT, A HOMK , CONVENIENCE. A. COM BINED . Neeeeslty. Convenience Luxury ! fdor lout Pbon t Onoal T A Urate. Prra K H Meaaum f T A Until, Can Mil . . . 1 - . W f ,m 1 Dr Howard specifo for th curt of ecmatipation and dyspeptl is not in rmlrnrnvii Mmsvltf . I ha a imas Minv 1 1.. l. . a. remarkable), cursi right her toNw gtrt, plaee of midenea'41 Craven St. PfnnC KSnU Bern and so positive ara druggists of I says: j . f lUlllaCullO U Oil IV Davis'Pbarmacy of iU great superiority 1 believe Doan's Kidney Pills to U in curing dyspil. constipation, sick I a iood remedy, to 'fact I know h. 1 headache and liver troubles that k have bean eulu a mfferer from back will, In addition to eelUng, it at half- Uche. - At times Jt was so bad I could price, refund the money .to aayone lsrcely endure H, but since using whom H does not ear. , . '' Doan's Kidney Pills which I sot at the - -VT. D a Qeoeral Btnklai BbiIb Barples as 4 TJeOvUea PrekU Itf.MrOM If you cannot tall at his store, cut out I Bradham Pharmaey. my Mck has not I w wtf sire pnmpt and rsrerd aaea w the coupon and mall It with eenta, I trouble at all. Should there ever be ind a 50 cent box of the specific will be I rrcrreevse, r shall certainly resort to lent you by mail, charge paid- Do lroan Kidney Pill and Intend tekeep not put on. , - -un tooay s worm i iIMai to ban ta eaee of need.'' two tomorrows. ,.; 1 t I v u w. .11 Pru. xi(. a box. . Foster-aiitburn Co.. - Buffalo, hulu o.,xiuuid mail w a a ci .uueiou iur-BH.it 1 House of Commoo. declaring be is liMleeea enernd la . WelcvHerow Miai Trraa. MARD Of DlRECTOKSt JAMaaeWt., 1W Ipock. Caee H rovrte IWOreteer. IWSeelM!, OeeVlrea. MavarMalM. ' TKatACt. Ctfey, trCniWL Mara DteMT C V McGeeke Lv. NEW BERN Tuacarora Cove Dover Kinston LaGranare Ar. GoldBboro 9.15 9.37 9.49 10.03 10.27 10.51 11.20 NO. 5. LOO A.M. S.!8 . " a m " an " a37 10.00 ' No. 7. (Aecom.) 12 30 P. If. 1.12 " 1.40 2.09 2.0& " No. . (Accom.) 5.30 A. M. 6.34 7.02 . 7.30 8.06 No. 6. 10 P. M. 7.20 7.42 H.MI A Trains 3. 4, 5. and 6 run dai ly. Trains 7 and 8 run daily except Sunday. CONNECTIONS At Goldsboro: With Southern Railway and lantic Coast Line. At Kinston and New Bern: With Atlantic Coast Line. 4 R. P. FOSTER. E. A- NEIL. General Manmrer. Traffic Manager. GOLDSBORO. N. C. Entry Claim. NORTH CAROLINA. I Onslow County. I To M. H. Capps, entry taker for Onslow County: The undersigned G. D. Davis, of Onslow county North Carolina, enters and lays claim to the follow ing described piece or parcel of land in Stump Sound Township, Onslow county! State of North Ulrouna. tne same being vacant and unappropri ated land, and subject to entry, viz: Beginning at the mill pond on Troublesome Hill at Sheparda Corner and running with Shepards line around back to the main road, and with the main road back to the mile post, the beginning: containing twenty acres more or less. Enered the 7th day of Nov. 1904. Entry No 418 G. D. DAVIS. Claimant. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, I Notice of Summons. NORTH CAROLINA, I Superior Court. Craven County. I Beforo the Clerk. H. H. Pender VH. George Stanly,, Nancy Stanly, his wife, Simon Stanly. Mettle Stanly, hie wife. The defendant above named will take notice that a Special Proceeding aa above entitled has been commenced before the Clerk of the Superior Court Of Craven county, to sell for division that certain tract of land in No, 8 township, containinr flrty W) acres more or teas, conveyed by K. V. Eubank and wife to James Hubbard alias James Stanly, deceased, by deed bearing date of October 26th, 1877, and recorded in Book No. 81, Folio 241 of the public records in office of Register of Deeds of Craven county, N. C, and each of you are re quired to appear at my office In the court house of Craven county on the 3rd day of March, 1906, at the hour of 12 o clock M., and answer or demur to the petition filed In said proceeding, or otherwise show cawse, if any you have, why the prayer of the petitioner shall not be granted, otherwise the petitioner will apply to the court for the relief demanded. This 2nd day of February. W. U, WATSON. Clerk Superior Court. Charles E. Physic vs. Lena Physic The defendant above named will take notice that an action as above entitled has been commen ced in the Superior Court of Craven county to ob tain a divorce a vinculo matrimonii from the said defendant, Lena Physic, and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to ap pear at the next term of the Superior Court of Haid county to be held on the fifth Monday after the first Monday of March. 1906. at the court house in New Bern, N. C. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the reliej demanded in said) complaint. This 31st day of January, 1905- W. M. WATSON. C. S. C. Entry Notice. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Craven County. To Geo. B. Waters. Entry Taker for Craven Coun ty. The undersigned Madison Rnarh and Fred G. Smith of Craven Oiunty. North C-arolina. enters and lays claim to the following described piece or parcel of land in No. 1 township, ('raven Cpunty, State of North Carolina, the name being vacant and unappropriated land, and iiubject to entry, via: On the North and East by J B Roach's land, on the South and Northwest by Kate Move's heirs land and abput three 3 mile from Neuse R!ver containing by estim'tlpn 60 acres more or less. Entered thin 30th day of January 1906. MADISON ROACH, FRED G. SMITH. Entry Notice. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Craven County, To Geo, B. Water. Entry Taker for Craven County: The undersiirned M D Lane of Crav en county. North Carolina, enters and laya claim to tne ioi lowing describee piece or parcel of land in Third town ship, Craven county. State of North Carolina, the aame being vacant and un subject to en- of C W Rua- o there tame lying on the South tide of Neuse river and bounded as follows: on the North and West bv the John B Wooten land f now owned by M D Lane the lanp owned bv the heirs of Wm White and Georre Richardson and others and on the South and East by the Loftin place and the Camp Oak lands, containing by estima tion five hundred acres, more or leas. Entered this 23rd day of Jany 1906. , U. D. LANE. Carolina, uie aame rang vi appro uria ted land, and aul try, vis: joining the lands sell, H D Lane and others fLamAmhsar the nam. Doan's and! a JiMi4n4Aa KTst4t.e. ii HLrii v Kist la. uiin xuii u A v .-.' ijt ' I . - " !. a a n...t. i a. m - t i .. wi - 1 1 ii voiton umwtrs Ann Dusinsis which means that there ate good bargains fol tnose who want to purchase good heavv Zlules and, nice Horses at as low prices a? they can be sold in any market in this : State, so everybody call ana loon for yourself. THE STOMACH IN WINTER ' 4- , ; . i Hrty food Put Extrs Stnla a This Important Orfsn. 'WlnUr is liuU mors OtM hslf ovsr BfaAa CamwamIIam ' Th totton frosrT snJ basins mtn of U 8UU wiU hold mnvtntSo t UUlfli TWiiy, Feb. ZL Tb object I of Um roMlinf t to promol lhir ov 1 tank,, vuM uwM tta fchr ,artl. Wa-UamlnaJU -uar l. w Uila ! MI a taaM nuv jmn atlamr. AS panana Mrtsl as aaM am. : jni fta Bawtstrf an laanla. naaaaw k aa. aaaslM fT-1 1 1 lit, Itlk Us faWj I OJ.kMMaKTHT. Ernest Al. Green, itlarMf A Clr at Law, HIW BXRS. N. I midi Mils by nasos igpwl o 1 tb oflo ofDMdat ' PnoUossi th Oonrta f Oraraa, Job, PsaUler Cattsc. Oitkw, r wmt rrlo MIqnaTa1 Executrix Notice. 3oeaaed, lata of Craven county. N. C, this is to notify all p.raons having claims against the eatala of said dacwuwd to prsaent them to th undersin- d on or be i or th 3rd day or r pbruary lwUa, or this notic will be pleaded in oar of their recovery. AM persons indebted to kutd estate will pleas make immediate payment. Thi" 3rd day of February 190&- MAKY E, F. HAY, Executrix. Publication Of mons. North Carolina. I Sum- Craven County. I Ifl the Superior Court. L- V Phillips. Mary Phillip The defendant above named will take notice that an action mUtled as aa above haa been romrnmeed in the Superior court of Craven county to obtain a divorce from the bonds of matrimony and the ead defendant will further take notice that she Is re- Juired Ui apper at the next term of Huperior court or aakd county to be held on the 10th day of April 1906 at court home of mm county in New Bern, N. C, and answer tw demur to tne complaint ia said action or the plain tiff will apply to the court for relief demanded In said complaint W M. WATBON. Ctora Superior Court Administrators Notice Rartnar Lhl. day qaallfUd as aftmfcrtratar t tk. UU 4 Masupnr P Hollar. Wd. all owns havinf fklms a-aint th aald ami, I. ara Waa aoUltad lolirnnl th. iaia& duty ,wtaW. u tlx iKkncnJ, J. t A H O'Hara. Atlar ara. ofi a, bafora Lha IM Ur of Fraarir 190a. ar Uia, aatlra will ba pUmOt h bar ot IMr wwar. AH tmwm IndaMaa to said Mala ara hsnfcr ra qaialad to rnaaa Iransadlala parmmL ind ths jwjIU of its baartjr food ar 1 biUmU snd to rl bcttT scrpisic a o n 1 1 it k'M of All TohccoferlilizrL.. ?, Meadows GOLD LEAF ll'l'OOAGGO QUiljO! O n o r ) ( 3 ( ) C) o r ' t . I -i Um It and TOO II Ih stiadfj. It U ! fot RrlKlitTottifro an-l ' mab It, Fjr'l Cat)hfe, Potst snj vrr-.il Cotton Gusno. On of our mt p"p Ur lirin! Is 2 z U S :: n :aijX.ci It ruaVl tun V,i-g pr. ten ft in. i 11 fit j jrmi 'uh MI,l;0V.H r' 1 'a ii.l.t. :: n n u o o 1 1 r : ( ) hown la U rariabl appcUta, aan, rnawing at th pit of th stomach heartburn, sallow skin, tumi tofiraa, hvUch, backach and lti)saaTiaa, Th stomach has Wn evenrorkad, th nirrvnus ) tm la anstninc, th blood Is In bad rocwiiUon, th digest rfan ar tirwl out. It I at this aoo of th ft that Mi-o-tia, th only renwft known thst tWa ilrng!) to th Stntnavh and di feati oreana. Is of fvparial lu. Vi-o-n Is not a hit-or-fniM ur, bill H n Onuaual ermitiiriatidfl of ratnakliaai lhat tnakoa II inf!li!l in rtntinf noa i to ins tx-.tnur t tr,1 l (., ,m. ll eorrr,rti any avid cirviit- litl rr ,a rr.enJ rana, K s ' '.i 2 1 t tKa aw,:r j 'r, r 1 i-.rs p. , .If,;..' ;;::-,. e r . r: i of ' : H a I tad with ca othr Sad to andenUnd aavch OthfT Baafda, TbTilrod wlU tWt a rata of n far pta twftiljf fl Mu to pamaans dawirirtg U attand this cooYatitloo, It will b an Important maoting and all ar argntl requested to ba prnt Erary tot Urn rrowtaif avxinty la th 3'U thnuid b reprwaantH by a larf T,f will aUa b s t'l Um to visit j P.alsljih during th sittir.g of th lefl Utur and alao sIT rrtlji an ofprrtnnity to I iit lntrting snd ruatnri plra. P. TRENWITH,. 7 Blackimlth a Wbeolrlgtl. yfalttiar of Bsff. Wsgo.Crt asd rryt always good mtpty ha )ock Fapstrtsg aUy doa ) sck ottn. I HAVE CART WHEELS , for mW at raaawiahla priraa H1ioioii 6011th Front t, S carllnllroad .ox . If OSI I! I I. KIN!). PUBLIC SHE. Untied Flat ' f Amartr. Fji'.t I'.ifirt of N.rrfl) Carolina. I ni y 3 wrat iort ol PrttiiUnt FoomI tn T I'.!rVt Court at 1 Wa.hirrlnn ft f It Pf ;r1u t)f fl rT 'c T r.f Frn. M I 1 I ' f t 1 . f t: l:.il 1 t ! f , "I I ff Vr.l h U 1 'l 1 r-t f F t. I D. Ii. WaJIO, - Attarar at Law, T4 St fras 81, Op. Botoi CbaMawt ' v. KXW BKSH, Xs 0 Ona Oowrty Ataotwcy. ; CtrtrnH CiaTaav Joaaa. Oaaalow, Okut sni, Paalloa, (iraana, Laawtt, ad tsn tVipnnv snd rdaJ Onajrto ' - LFIti;i CIIICNKY 1 hava mad anannnvanta whstvhf t caa hand) all work tn any Una. Oil tvngtnMrins:, Unij Samiy!nT, Draught' Ira; Map Making, Umtracttlag l.ux AUtraad. rrompt arrira tnodarat rata. Adminiatrators Netice nmmrn IKIa Sa riiaaWlpal aa adaatalatrataraf la awrfUaCaaaavan 1 lull 1 saralnat lta aaW aaaau at a I M 1 - "1 - " k saiaial r aaf nra taw SrM ar r a, iMaaaaasa an ba ahaW as bar aa All awaaaa lalial 1 1 aa aakl aslaaa an ban bt laana tit aa alias hmaaa'arta aaiiwaiil. C J!laCATBT. AaMan(ar. MAKUUTII, li TH At'anlW 4 N'-nh Carrjlir.a Rail r.4 ari'l ac!I rvir..! trip tWVrHto Vl'ah, jif?.!, P. C, arvl rr' ?m rffAini nf lK I -t ,ra: .n it ! f -.r g rs'oa : jr .-, f. r. ;i ' I .-,, ' It . II . 1 " r :', . " 11.'.' It P. II -', ITompi awrrlr mooarat rata. SE1M0UI1 W.llAKCOci. a m a T ' ry Will pnctlcaTla UmtM and 0 fflte nfraaal 5t. I.ornultii A. fiunn, ATTCHMT AT Uf, rHlr) tn t' amnaillaaj of Cra, 'a.., I'm.i.iA Jtmm and f rnalnw I In t.'. Hat (fflpnnna and FftanM ."rba. (, t. -vS ft, n atiwi wra Tlh I " " ATTC'tT I J. DO' f;o: Li'.v. ara AT Tbal lat r H tthmaj. D. BAKU 1. I 1KLI). AdrarnMntor. mm - iifter 6 O'clock mulnf trim U csaroUa in lb ir.n of Kicitl dUUacUoa far Wia, dlneer frtl, rforpltonit4oihr aoc'.al fonctloru, Ko oan thil vlabc (1 vU dr4 tih r. ryir.'ni thai U lw)l and Ire'1! w ' 1 tM&k.ftf hsT, t: dr'a t' t cr CTTrr,t Biarl bj any ens im ;' f nt bat an artfi r S'l r-m yon tl.a '! of (',: ai'h d:! r-f g w

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